#nooo I'm not bias what do you mean
epickiya722 · 3 months
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Ah, women! ❤️‍🔥🐇🥰
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Aveline is one of those companions in Dragon Age that makes me say, "God, you're such a bitch... tell me more right now."
I don't hate Aveline; honestly, I don't hate any of the companions from any of the games, their flaws and negative aspects make them interesting... but oh my god, Aveline is infuriating and sometimes I just want to grab and shake her.
She's such a hypocrite. She believes she's so lawful good and would never fall to corruption but she absolutely does?? Just because it's not the same sort of corruption as Jeven doesn't mean it's not corruption??
The Magistrate's Orders quest where you go to find Kelder who has a history of kidnapping and killing elven children? Aveline strongly agrees with bringing down hard justice on Kelder. When one of the guards there says Kelder's father will have Hawke's head, she says, "Only if it's reported."
If you kill Kelder, Aveline gives you Friendship +5 because she understands that if you let Kelder go, he'll never face justice for his crimes because his father won't let him. If you let him go, she gives Rivalry +5. In this situation, Aveline is more approving of Hawke killing him because yeah, it's bad that Kelder is killing these elves and everyone is just covering it up.
Fast forward to the end of Act 2 where Aveline comes to Hawke like, "The qunari are harboring two fugitives, we can't let them do that, it'll be real bad if people think they can avoid punishment by hiding with the qunari, come help me."
But then you get there and the two fugitives are a pair of elves who admit they killed a guard who forced himself onto their sister because no one did anything when they reported it. So they took matters into their own hands... and Aveline has the balls to say, "That doesn't excuse murder."
What are you talking about??? And if Hawke asks her if it's true, she hesitates and says there were rumors and she'll investigate and I'm just.... what do you mean you'll investigate??? you heard rumors?? did you not investigate before??
Aveline "I don't coddle my men" Vallen, you KNEW someone reported this about that guard and what? You didn't investigate because?? Because nooo, not one of your men?? Aveline, just because you're in charge now doesn't mean ALL of the guard are as lawful and good as you supposedly are! There's always going to be corrupt guards and a good Guard-Captain would do everything in their power to seed out those guards for the betterment and safety of the people! They would take those accusations seriously! But the elves say no one did ANYTHING.
Then the part that really gets me, right? Is if Hawke says they would've done the same thing, Aveline gets pissed and says, "Hawke! That's not helping!"
But that's the thing- If it WAS one of Hawke's siblings in this exact situation instead of a nameless elf, Aveline would've taken it seriously. If the same guard forced himself onto Bethany or Carver and Hawke killed him for it, Aveline wouldn't be stomping around like, "That doesn't excuse murder, Hawke! How could you? You need to face justice!" No, she would've been all for killing the guard because it's Hawke and their sibling.
Aveline cares about Hawke and has a bias for them, so it's okay for them to do that but a couple of elves who, like Elren from the Magistrate's Orders quest, are sick of no one helping them when they need it do it.... Noooo, that doesn't excuse murder!
It's like Aveline can't ever admit she's in the wrong, either. She never takes accountability for this. Even if she just admitted that she should've investigated and she'll make an effort to be better for the sake of ALL people in Kirkwall [because Aveline believes "I stand for all of us!" so strongly that it's something she consistently says in battle] moving forward then I would be less what the fuck about it, but she just doesn't.
It's like with Emeric and the murders happening... she and her men supposedly investigate Emeric's claims that all these murders happening in Kirkwall are connected, but Aveline keeps dismissing him that there isn't enough evidence.... except there's SO MUCH EVIDENCE when Hawke goes to investigate DuPuis, funny enough.
It's takes Leandra going missing before Aveline takes the case seriously. Even Emeric dying is like.... "oh no, he's dead, he was right... let's not do anything about it." It's takes Leandra dying for Quinton to be caught and killed, and my Hawke always lashes out at her for this and she just.... stands there like "Okay. Nothing I can say will make it better. Sorry for your loss."
but actually, yes, you COULD say you'll learn from this and do what you can to be better.... but again, Aveline just doesn't want to hear it?? then the qunari shit happens after!
And I get it. Aveline is only one person. She's Guard-Captain but she can't be everywhere at once and sometimes there really isn't enough evidence to convict someone of a crime. I'm sure she has a lot of work and stress in her position... but god, it's her inability to face the fact that she isn't this great embodiment of lawful good and that she IS corrupt in a lot of ways.
Turning a blind eye to the corruption in your guard, coddling your men and getting pissy when Hawke comes to you like, "So, Cullen sent me a letter that there are complaints about you and he wants me to investigate because he's scared of you and really don't want your job so.... are you coddling your men?" and having your husband, someone completely biased in your favor, vouch for you like.... that's being a little corrupt, Aveline??? a little dishonest?? a little abuse of your power?? why are you so frustrating???
I have a lot of criticism of her [like don't even get me started on how she ruined Carver's opportunity with the guard when that absolutely was not in her right to do] but I still find her to be interesting in a complicated, frustrating way. I have theories about why she's Like This that stem from her father and upbringing, but that's an analysis for another day. I just needed to get these thoughts out because I'm replaying DA2 and Aveline always hits a nerve.
#aveline vallen#aveline critical#dragon age 2#da2#long post#i don't hate aveline because for me i get more enjoyment out of playing these games when i try to view companions from all angles#and understand why they are the way they are and let them be flawed#rather than being dismissive and saying 'i hate them' the second they do something i don't like#even if they do shit that reeeeally pisses me off like aveline tends to do#plus there's usually deeper reasons when characters hit a nerve with me apart from a simple 'that's wrong and i don't approve'#like this whole thing I have with aveline here totally stems from the fact that i play as a tabris in origins#my tabris goes through a parallel situation as the elves aveline's going after except rose was nearly the victim in the situation#but it did happen to shianni and rose didn't hesitate in killing vaughan for what he did#what vaughan's gotten away with for years and no one stopped him because he's an arl's son#but then rose kills him and here come the guards to arrest her for her crimes...#never mind that vaughan kidnapped her with sadistic intentions and it was justified self-defense on her part#and it really makes me wonder what aveline would say to my tabris if confronted in this situation because rose would've chewed her ass out#if not worse and wouldn't have accepted 'there's nothing i can say that will satisfy you' for an answer like my Hawke had to#like rose knows guard corruption when she sees it and she'd make sure aveline knew it too but y'know...#unfortunately that's an interaction that only exists in my head#in conclusion: aveline's a bitch and i would like to know more please sksksks
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antiterf · 2 years
Littman (author of the original Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria study) made another publication to argue that her methods are justified and I'm just going to write down random thoughts as I read through it and the original study again because... damn who's publishing these
“They are constantly putting down straight, white people for being privileged, dumb and boring." Said probably by a straight, privileged white person that's currently acting dumb.
"the development of the survey instrument was conducted with the feedback from four members of the target population for content and clarity" - so not even a psychologist went over this survey. Makes sense since it's treating gender dysphoria as meaning "identifies as transgender" yet doesn't. "My child didn't show signs of being gender dysphoric until they came out as transgender!" lucky for your teenager, they need 2 out of 6 symptoms with significant distress to fall under gender dysphoria. 5/6 can be kept secret as they are personal wants and feelings.
"Convenience samples are used all the time in research," yeah, but going to three websites that have obvious beliefs on the matter and all coming to the website for the same reason is a lot different than general social media. You could've looked for parents of trans people for your targeted population, but nooo, let's only get our samples from the same people who made the concept, your scale, with all having similar beliefs. That's just a convenience sample. God.
Ah, you're comparing your sampling to researchers looking for trans people in general. Like we all have the same belief system (not biased, guys, no prejudice here!)
"coming out" is frequently in quotes along with "cisgender" but not terms like straight or gay. Hinting that maybe this researcher is again, a bit biased. Just maybe.
"Parental report has been justified as a good method for monitoring child mental and physical health" Yeah it's too bad that you're asking questions like "what do their friends talk about" and other things about teenagers and some adults (oh look you sourced something where the age group was 0-17) where the parents are reportedly having trouble getting along with them (57%).
What kind of content someone looks at on the internet is not a good time to get parental reports.
"The issue with parental report is that it can carry biases" NO?! REALLY?!/s "I acknowledged this," but you still didn't act like there was bias in any of your examinations of the data. You can't go, "I acknowledge that this person has a bloody knife," before proceeding to ignore the bloody knife while making a threat analysis, and hell, why not get them another knife!
"More than a third (33.7%) of the AYAs asked for medical and/or surgical transition at the same time that they announced they were transgender-identified." Ah yes, .4% more than a third, to be exact.
Damn, there are barely any significant correlations in this - oh look, most of the tested ones for significance are about the relationship with their parents. There is not a single one about peer interactions or online use. The only reported for significance was "stopped hanging out with non transgender friends," and that didn't have significance.
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 1 year
NOOO LMAO I have been really sick and haven't opened tumblr a lot 😭😂 you Karen bias is fine I have seen it before
It's sad Koharu always kind of felt like an afterthought to me.. Some things were different in the game than in the show and since there were no plots, she never went away, somehow she became one of the biggest fan favorites amongst kids and this happened pretty early on so... I'm really surprised it took them so long to bring her back and then they didn't do much with her at all 😭
She even won a contest irl for popular characters to get a new PR in parade, she got a cute one from rainbow berry parfait and then they never gave her a song with it in Parade or anything 🫠
She's really cute but unfortunately kind of forgettable because how little she got to do
I forget if I already said this but, the unit Baby Pirates were equal with the other main characters in the Friends' game until the anime started, they became recurring characters in like 6 episofes and that's it, no songs or anything!! Marin was actually one of my favorites and I adore her brand so that was kind of sad to see. Not sure if it was a typical Friends budget issue, like if they couldn't afford to pay more main voice actors or something (there were high hopes during Parade that they'd get a face-off song with Elza or something because pirates)
I hope you’re feeling better! Don’t worry I just worry like that sometimes I knew there was a totally logical explanation for that my brain just likes to be mean
Yeah, couldn’t they have had a Koharu original song in Parade? I would have liked to see what idol she grew into in the anime! At least the kids have objectively correct opinions on her and see her as important lol
I barely know anything about Baby Pirates because I haven’t watched much of Friends at all, but I’m already feeling bad about not seeing them!! I have a bit of a pirate obsession, so I would always see pirate coords and the like and wish they had done more with them. Elza’s pirate gear is not realistic, but it has a flair that would make any actual pirate supremely jealous. I always found it funny that her coords were royal and pirate themed considering the two did not like each other, but she looks good in both! In addition, her whole Sun Dress and Star Wings plot and her obsession with the dress definitely give off pirate vibes despite her being the idol queen.
I really wish we could hear what an Aikatsu sea shanty would sound like! We already have a Renaissance Fair-esque song so I think there’s a lot of untapped potential with that theme!
I also feel like pirates in general don’t have a strict typing, which is nice because a lot of fantastical themes seem to be exclusive to a type. Cute types get princesses and fairies, cool types get vampires, steampunk, and the gothic type in general, pop gets literally any fantastical concept that’s bright enough from nursery rhymes to clowns, and sexy types get queens, goddesses, and other beautiful ladies. Pirates, with enough tweaking, can absolutely fall into all of those categories!
TLDR: Piratekatsu spinoff when
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wooahaes · 2 years
i have a friend who did the same, her mum and dad do not like tattoos so she got a very small one in a place they'd never see </3
thank u!!! i want some more :( and thank you so much, love 💝🥺🥺
omg yes 😭😭😭 i just watched that wine party clip and it's genuinely the funniest thing ever, just hoshi going WINE PARTY so confidently has me SCREAMING 😅
i watched a video of him get so offended with a carat when they said he wasn't their bias anymore 😭 i was like MY POOR BABY but honestly his reaction was so funny and cute :(( seen so many clips of him and fans on tiktok and HE'S JUST SUCH A CUTIE 💖 i biased jeonghan first and he's definitely still a big bias for me <///3
my disapproving ppl aren't ppl i live with/see super often, so i think as long as it isn't on like... an obvious part of my body, i should be good? if anything, i can probs get coverup for whenever i'm around them lol but i want like. a lil paopu fruit somewhere on me just bc kh is something deeply important to me. or maybe a lil sunflower? just a small thing that'll make me happy.
hoshi confidently being wrong is the energy i strive to have tbh... hoshi teach me ur ways thank u <3
omg... he can never find out tht i biased him when i was first getting into svt... esp because i left him for hoshi... and technically also woozi and vernon. i feel like one of those might be more forgivable based on how close he and vernon are but dsfkhsdf hes so cute tho!! i adore his reactions to things + he has like... the coziest vibes. i watched his vlive a few months ago when they were quarantining in japan and he had this whole lil moment of making a video message for asahi from treasure and it still warms my heart :( he's SO loving and supportive of other groups. i think he was the one who found out tht trsr was (lovingly, bc they're genuine fans of svt and gose) imitating the group a lil in a live once and started supporting them after he listened to their music. it was the same live he listened to jikjin during and im still like !!! over it. i need a treasure-seventeen interaction within the next year :(
i think for me it was genuinely seungkwan-joshua-vernon? bc i can't just pick one lmao. joshua bc he's the only man in the world who can understand sunday morning, seungkwan bc he's seungkwan who wouldn't love him, and vernon bc idk i just appreciate a lot of his down-to-earth, mature advice on things (like learning to not measure happiness and accept it as it is instead).
then hoshi horanghae'd his way into my heart and woozi went wooahae once and i was like oh NOOO my heart... and also wonwoo and vernon kind of fight for that top spot lmao men who love cats <3 (in all honesty tho: both of them are extremely hardworking people who are passionate about what they do. also they're both incredibly funny in their own ways. i've said it before, but having 3 biases in svt means that the rest of the group are bias wreckers lmao i love all of them a lot)
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awigglycultist · 2 years
Going back and rewatching what I missed from the npmd livestream from the end of the Jane Perkins Theory to a bit before the beginning of the Abstinence Camp rewatch
I love how Matt keeps having to finish what Nick is saying bc he keeps lagging and freezing
"who's good at math?" *Joey immediately starts talking*
Jon being in show choir makes sense
Ofc Jon started a barbershop quartet
All these high school choir and theatre stories are incredible
"and I swore that I would never be involved in theater again" "and how's that going?" djdjdb
"I left to do Sussical the Musical, we made our decisions"
Hey, I like statistics! Well so far at least
Curt swam competitively and was ranked 18th nationally?
Mariah 🤝 Curt
Troy Bolton
"Bill vs Ted" "this is easy!"
Also yeah Ted would absolutely die first he's a whimp
Yes Peter and the Obnoxious Teen are still separate characters!
Wait the Obnoxious Teen characters was also going to be Richie but now they're also separate characters!???!
Doggy Power!
The 8bit tunes!! (once again asking SK to please release these as an album)
Yeah Paul absolutely would apologise the whole time
Bs I think Emma totally would win against Grace
No way Duke would even hurt a kid
Becky 10000% wins over Linda
"Paul have you been paying attention? We're having thr most important conversation of the decade!"
NOOO also I love Curt is like "no he's lacking context but f i n e"
Oohh wow Barry vs Henry is a good one
Peter Spankoffski my beloved
The idea o's Spitfire just incinerating Linda is wonderful
I REALLY LOVE Becky Barnes Climbed A Tree it's such a good feeling fun song and it makes me wanna go outside and climb a tree and I would absolutely listen to it every day and I love that they put in the little bit of Becky being Irish since that where the joke started from
Spefically 43 mins and 37 secs
Xander was supposed to have psychic abilities!?
"I might be bias though" "I'm definitely bias"
"okay Xander wins" "NO- I- NO!"
"okay so Grace has the power of God"
Absolutely love James' ideas of faking Spitfire's and Xander's deaths
"she's 18" "oh well then I retract everything I just said she's dead"
Xander sweep!
Daddy Bracket
Wilbur vs MacNamara off the bat? Omg
Woo filmed version of the Jangle Ball tour!!
He's a sorcerer?
"let's not do this :("
Lex has worked all her life to protect Hannah and make sure she doesn't get hurt so Lex would 1000% just lie down and die instead of killing Hannah
"it's like a Romeo and Juliet situation" mmm not quite Angela
"Can the Android hold a gun?" "yeah the android can hold a gun" "okay then this split, idk" ndjddbdjdb
"does android Emma.. Like, what's the gun situation?" NDKDBDDN
Angela and Mariah are really mean to be BFFs
Android Jane!
"this one breaks your heart?"
Also would Lumberaxe even kill Holloway bc he only kills ppl who aren't abstinent and Holloway isn't dumb enough to go do the dirty in the middle of the woods so would Lumberaxe be able to tell if she's been abstinent or not?
"I wanna see Webby and Miss Holloway fight, that'll be interesting" "I wanna see them fall in love!" in with you Mariah
The immediate "Holloway wins"
So many of these are good vs evil
"remember the child murder?"
They had Nemo stand in for wiggly durning a rehearsal of Feast or Famine bdjdjd
Full blown fluff machine!
My god I love Valentine
Jane's cat knocking over the camera bfjdbss
"that's a weird looking porcelain cat" "where'd you get that porcelain cat Matt?"
Anyway this is where I got caught up with last night so that's the end of this post
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maiverie · 1 year
🧀 anon joining the CIA as in Central Intelligence Agency??? 😲
AND NO‼️here we do not apologize for prioritizing our mental health and other things in life !! actually when i pressed "sent" my internet was cut off so i was kinda scared my ask was deleted/ u didn't receive it 😵
i live in vietnam !! (also for the record i didn't know u live in australia until i scrolled a bit 😗) AND NOOO UR VIET IS FINE! (most of the media i watch/ read is in english + limited social interactions so my viet is just tragic... and i literally live in the country🧍‍♀️(the "i'm turning into a white woman" audio is literally me 😭) like can u believe i only know abt the new slangs and all after downloading tiktok (DAWG THIS IS EMBARRASSING 😭😭)
TYSM cuz some of the majors i might aim for has literature in it and well over the years i've considered literature my #1 enemy... (it's literally a joke/ univeral knowledge in my family (+extended) 🥲) UR ADVICE WASN'T IRRELEVANT ‼️‼️ IT'S ACTUALLY USEFUL FOR PART 1 IN THE TESTS (where they gave you part of a poem/ a paragraph and ask you to analyze the method and ur thoughts on the message)
mùa thu ở đây mát với trời mây mây, đỡ nắng còn mùa hè ở thành phố em thì nắng nóng ko chịu nỗi luôn, mùa đông mà tối đi á gió nhiều, có mấy bữa em bệnh chỉ vì thời tiết đó 🫠
enhypen. that's it. that's the thought cuz 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 (heeseung singing despacito got me 😳)
à chị cũng đừng cảm thức áp lực về việc inactive/ active trên đây hay viết truyện nha, để tránh bị burnout/ mất động lực á 💝 (im sorry if this sounds like im forcing u 😭😭 i don't know how to word it but i hope u get what i mean 🫶🫶🫶)
- em anon ☆
EXACTLYYYY im like ?? HUH??? CIA ???!!$&@
also yep i’m in australia rn 😭😭 which means i’m far away from everything 😟💔 also OMGGG whereabouts in vn do u live?? :0 my dad is from sóc trăng and my mum is from rạch giá !!! unfortunately i was born & raised here so my viet is like questionable at best (but thank u anyway for the encouragement hsjdjsjsj) and it doesn’t help that i don’t have many viet speaking friends 😭😭 i rlly gotta brush up on my viet tho (i’m actually visiting next yr hehehe) and ALSO DAWG WYS YOURE LITERALLY FLUENT ???? NOT U SAYING ALL THIS TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER I CANT 😭😭😭😭 AND HAJDJAA THATS SO FUNNY PLS EDUCATE ME ON ALL THE SLANG COS I LITERALLY DO NOT COMMUNICATE W ANYONE BUT MY PARENTS IN VIET SO IDK ANYTHING THATS LIKE YOUNG OR MODERN IF YK WHAT I MEAN 💀💀💀 i’ve tried to understand some but damn they’re complicated af like wth wdym gòy soq is supposed to be rồi xong idk if it’s just me cos i only ever speak viet to old ass people but like WHAT ??)&@$ it’s okay lucky i have u to guide me 😽🙏🙏
and omgggg no way??? so if not lit, what do u plan on studying for uni? :o ALSO AAAA IM GLAD !!! my exams for english were always the same 😭 they always gave us various texts and we just had to analyse + write essays on them so that’s what i rambled on abt devices and stuff BHSJDJJS
hahaha chị chỉ đi vn 1 lần (lâu quá r… chắc khoảng 10-12 năm? 😟). khi đó mùa hè, rồi chị kb đại sao mọi người mặc áo tay dài, nhưng sau 1-2 ngày chị mới hiểu đc mắy con muỗi ở vn là… idk … FUCKING RABID????? 😭😭💀 my GAWD chị ghét nhứt bị cắn con đó $@2@8;93&( đang nhớ lại chị bị ngứa 😭😭 aaaa thiết ha?? tội nghiệp em quá 😭😭 pls take care of urself 🥹💓💖🫶
ALSO OMG HAVE U SEEN THE NEW PICS FROM THEIR CONCERT IM SKFELFIEOIROEIRKDS (also IS HEESEUNG UR BIAS TOO??? idk if you’ve already told me or not 🫢 but it’s 2am here & my brain is half dead) also i’m not sure if you stan aespa or not but i believe they were recently in vn 🥹🥹💖
ALSO THANK U MY LOVE!!!!! aiya chị thương em quá nhiều so pls pls take care of urself and eat lots of healthy food MWAH MWAH 😽😽🫶🫶
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cakejerry · 1 year
Like you (maybe? You had put a question mark) I am jm biased as well. The reason I got into bts was because of his unique tone. I can admit that, yes, jimin has times and days where his vocals aren't up to par, but I believe that it started happening when Bh led him down that higher voice road. I am in love with jm's lower register, it's always been my favorite but the higher tone .....for some reason I don't think it's his actual voice, if it was, he would've started out with it.
I like jk as well, jk on a vocal level is good but his performances.....🥴. My time is the most cringe performance I have ever seen. I get second hand embarrassment everytime and I can't watch it fully through. The world cup performance was lack luster as well. Jk as a vocalist is good, he's stable and he has that pop boy voice but that's it. There's no flavor. There's nothing about his voice that makes me want to listen to a full album.
And I know it might seem like I'm hating...I'm really not. Like you, I voice my opinions, even if others disagree, which I know you might since it seems like you're jk biased as well. Though it seems like you're more jk biased than jm's 🤭.
Then I saw you talked about jm's stage presence.....I must say I disagree. I'm confused, honestly.
What makes you jm biased cause you don't like his stage presence, and it doesn't seem like you like his vocals......so what is it that you like about him? Is it the jikook ship or something? Maybe I'm missing something 😭
Anon you might as well dm me so we can talk 🤭 I'll try to answer every part of this
1. The lore is that I was a hardcore jimin biased army from i need u to dna, and then switched sides to become a bts hater due to an avalanche of reasons (not writing that essay here). But through that time I would occasionally check up on them or find myself thinking hmm.... Bts sure do suck, but Jungkook has done nothing wrong ever and he is the Best and most talented kpop boy in the world and I hate bts but I love him. In fact i can tell you the exact time and date this switch started happening. I was already one foot out the door at this point.
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Which I guess turned out to be true 🥴 I'm in my 2nd bts era rn, I plan to catch up with everything, and the second I started consuming content again it was apparent Jimin is my actual bias, not Jungkook. (i never resented jimin but liking him and the rest of bts was very cringe. I could write an essay on this.)
2. I think jimins voice does naturally fall in the higher range. Korean karaoke machines have tone settings, to switch songs by girls to a male register and vice versa, and in in the soop they made a point that Jimin switched to a higher range and Tae was like nooo. But just because that head voice comes natural doesn't mean it's usable anywhere besides heavily processed studio adlibs. He has never been able to sing any one of his 'high notes' live and im tired of pretending he did. I do love his lower register as well, as you might've seen in my posts about 'ma city' and 'danger'. I'd love if you sent me some more examples of your favourite of his vocal moments
6. I switched to jk because of his talent but I was jm biased because of his personality and that imo is way more important when it comes to idols. It's just that some people will act fake and be like "noo jimin totallyyy sung live!! No his voice didn't crack you're an anti!!" but im straight up about it. Idc about talent (i mean it doesn't hurt that hes the second best dancer but if he danced like jin i don't think it would change my mind). I first fell in love with his fat ass and thighs, his thick lips and chipped tooth and tiny pinky finger, then realized he's a fairy angel gangyangi baby boy, the self-proclaimed fake maknae, i think he's a person born to receive love and imo the only one who seems comfortable no matter who they're paired up with in the group? Maybe that's eering into delulu teritory but I'm a big 'soft cute jimin being doted on by everybody' truther. He's mochi to me. Jikook has nothing to do with it and I only started shipping it when they MADE me ship it, with adult ceremony and saying shit like 'i want him' in that one seasons greetings dvd
3. I watched my time just for you anon, and it's not that cringe!?? Maybe bc I opened a version with eng subs and immediately clicked out and found one without, so idk the subject matter but his vocals and stage presence are great? You'll have to tell me what you dislike about it. Dreamers is just.... The "of bts" is bigger than "jungkook" and that's obvious. He definitely wouldn't be able to make it without a group, but I don't think any of them would.
4. You're absolutely right that he's flavourless!! And posting your opinions is good, you should absolutely do it publicly!!! That's the problem with being a jack of all trades- he's a master of none. I get the appeal of any of the rest of the tannies vocal tones. And literally every time there's confusion about who is singing, jungkook the chameleon is at the crime scene. He's just a blank slate in life too, it's insane. He's the only idol who can genuinely go from cutie bunny to sexy sangnamja and pull off the edgy pierced tattoed look as well as the innocent flower boy vibe. And I'm saying that sincerely. There's a reason his stereotyping in fanfic ranges so wildly, from jock to nerd and from alpha to omega. I get what you mean about not desiring a full solo album from him but I'm in the majority boat of 'as long as the song is good idc who sings it' and that's why he has the potential to do well internationaly.
5. About stage presence.... I just watched 6 hours of fancams trying to formulate my point and ended up more confused than I was before 🫠. I'll try to sum it up.
Hoseok performs like he was born to do it. His facial expressions are an equal part of his dancing as his body, and he dances like he would die of he couldn't. He's an entertainer, a performer, he's energetic and electric on the stage, and in my mind's eye I cant even imagine him slacking off the way I'm about to describe for Jimin. I wouldn't say he owns the stage, but he definitely owns the largest part of it while still working in harmony with the rest of the team.
Jungkook is an idol group Center. And I specifically mean the jpop senbatsu model, where they all dance the same dance, no formations, but there is one fixed Center for every single. Jungkook is that. He's the one who will stand in the middle, represent the group while people dance and rap to the left and right of him. He's the one who will do the basic choreography so that the rest can add their flares to it, the one who will sing the whole song in the studio so that others can give their adlibs and harmonies. He will face the public head-on and he does it great
And here is the main difference between both of them vs jimin, and in my view the most important measure of stage presence: Eyes.
Specifically, where are your eyes when the camera isn't on you?
Everyone talks about Jimin's sexy gaze. Sure, fine. He has his killer parts. He has the moments in the songs tailor made for the camera to zoom in on him and capture his sexy expression. But... When that camera leaves and moves on to the next member... The audience is still there. And that's what Jimin seems to forget.
His default seems to be looking at the floor. He often seems like he's there just to dance, like he's counting the beats in his head, just waiting for His Part, or hyping himself up to Make A Facial Expression. His face doesn't dance like Hoseok's does, expressing the emotions of each song perfectly- he doesn't look straight on at the audience like Jungkook does, cocky and confident. He has two moods- serious and goofy. He's serious most of the time. Which means most of the time he looks and acts like a very good back up dancer, who is occasionally VERY GOOD at posing for the camera. And that's my other point- his face doesn't dance, it poses. There's a reason why in my time in the fandom I always saved fantakens of him but never watched any fancams. He's good at Posing. And making that face. And raising that eyebrow, or winking, or splaying out that tongue (something he does A Lot). He's good at being coquettish and flirty and inviting. For a few seconds before he gets... Embarrassed. It's all so scripted. It's all pre-planned, never spontaneous like H and Jk seem to be.
As I said, I watched fancams up to dna + fake love and boy with luv. Reflective on my opinion on him as a whole, I think he does marginally better in concepts like bwl, where he doesn't feel the pressure of being sexy- he can play around a bit and be goofy. Nothing is more emblematic of this than his war of hormone era fancams, which I watched and literally GASPED because.. That's what I want from him!!! Always!!!! That playfulness, that flirting with the audience, not just the camera!!! If you're still reading this, please go watch a woh era jimin fancam. It will change your life.
So I guess you can say I'm being too subjective and some people will find his blank expression and dead eyes very sexy. Sure. But I will forever prefer him SMILING to him doing any other expression (which all seem to blur into nothing) and I sincerely hope in my journey through the rest of their career I will find more instances of him owning the stage. I'll update. But having seen snippets of like crazy and some other songs... I doubt it 😔
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countdown-to-love · 2 years
You know what I love about Piwon? They’re real (not shading other groups tho I’m just sayin) especially Keeho he speaks up and he says things correctly (idk how to explain that my brain is still trying to work early in the morning TT)
I’m so glad you and me fell in love with Piwon. I just wish that they would get some attention! Also what’s your favorite song off of the new album? Personally I like Different Song for Me, I’m cheesy and I like ballad type songs (hence why Peacemaker and Before The Dawn) are my favorite songs haha! Oh and I might get a Piwon album for my birthday next week bc I can 😎
Sorry this is a lot TT
Nooo don't apologize!! I love it when people send me their thoughts^^ or just random asks in general hahaha
But yeah, you're right! I've been into kpop for a few years and I got into a lot of groups and p1h just have something that not a lot of groups have. I'm not sure how to describe it either, but from the start we've gotten a lot of insight in their creative process (the wonderwall interviews for example) and they were always very involved in the process of making their albums (with lyric writing and even participating in songwriting early on) or the directing of their covers. They don't feel like the typical industry-produced kpop group imo (not like that's a bad thing!!) because of how fnc is pushing them and allowing them to do their own thing to certain degrees.
And of course, as you said, they seem very free in what things they say compared to a lot of other groups. They make a great team and you can really feel that they understand each other well and know how to work together well - their chemistry is certainly something that sets them apart from many other groups (again, there's a lot of groups where the members are friends and get along well, but with p1h especially the focus seems to be on music as art and as a means to speak up about issues that are important to them, and I think you can really feel that in the way they work together if that makes sense?).
As for them getting attention... with fnc focusing on promoting them in the us a lot, they've already achieved great things. Especially between Scared and DILT, and then again with their tour, they were able to gain a bunch of overseas fans, plus their korean fanbase is continuously growing as well! And I think for the group being only a bit less than two years old they already have an impressive fanbase and they've done and achieved a lot! Of course I too want more people to get to know about them and to support them, but they're doing just fine in my eyes^^
Now to answer your actual question jdhdhdjdj at first I thought my fav would be Mirror Mirror, but the more I listen to the album the more I think Swagger is the nr 1^^ (overall my fav piwon song is of course still Before The Dawn!!!)
And yes get yourself an album!! I hope you have more luck with pulling your bias than me :')
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I'm just thinking about that legendary reddit post "Seonghwa is not a milf, he won't breastfeed you" he may not breastfeed us, but he's indeed a milfy milf, even without the long hair
I know lol, some people said it was Woo or Mingi in that photo, I remember my discord being in shambles. They were like OMG BOOBS IT CAN'T BE HWA HE'S FLAT while others argued WHAT BOOBS THERE ARE NONE 💀 yeah unfortunately I'm ill so it was clearly Seonghwa to me, should've make bets 😭
Miss Baek I only know like 8 TS songs maybe sjudjsgsjdgsjshhsj so I never heard those mentioned, because her lyrics just don't hit me at all I'm definitely not the target, but racer AU yeah. Ever since DV MV dropped I've been having racer thoughts. Zayn is hot, but I only like Harry's music and aesthetic
TB author is milking it soooo hard I know many people are upset, but some developed Stockholm syndrome I think. I scrolled through the thumbnails of the chapters and no Seojun in sight, so idc. I hoped they'd treat him better in the drama but they legit have some of his scenes to S*h*???
What would I do with your kidney though? 🤔 My brain can create stories but my fingers can't write them 💀 I used to write somehow, but I would probably cringe real hard at my old work rn...
So I've heard, JK has this bad boy look down while Taehyung is like a snobby rich guy vibes. Tbh I can't read for most people lol, maybe if there's no smut but interesting plot, but yeah I just don't feel this way about most idols. I think it's probably because many are a few years younger than me? Well Seonghwa is too but he's speshol 😻 even with Taemin who has been my ult bias for 8464838 years and I find him attractive I just don't see him in THAT way. I read some Hyunjin ff cause I have a friend who used to write for him, but it felt weird 😭 from Ateez I never read anything about Yunho, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho. Do you have members like that?
The lyrics to 🐺 are a bit concerning but the howling doesn't bother me anymore, I mean SKZ released Wolfgang and I actually like it I also love Shakira's She Wolf ksushajahhshsgdj still team vampires, but those wolf songs slap what can I say.
Sometimes I look at my red Hwa photocards or stuff I printed myself and die. I printed those Rhythm Ta and Wolf selfies because WOWOWOOOWOWOOOO BARK BARK
Nooo the fansign person is someone else don't worry, but she was a bit upset afterwards cause she didn't manage to tell them everything, she's also reluctant about speaking English, so it was a bit difficult but the boys were sweet. <3
Such a lovely loser https://twitter.com/thinkingabtpsh/status/1525200340634804224?t=vnwiAzxT4SFjLQIUuBt19g&s=19
Also interesting that I wore the same shoes today 👀 I was upset that my friend did too, he also wore a bucket hat and so did I, lol but twinning with Hwa would be cool 🥰 - DV 💖
I'm just thinking about that legendary reddit post "Seonghwa is not a milf, he won't breastfeed you" he may not breastfeed us, but he's indeed a milfy milf, even without the long hair
LMFAOOOO STOP IT STOP IT 😭😭😭🤚🏼 he can let us hold them,,, one chance just one 🤌🏼
I know lol, some people said it was Woo or Mingi in that photo, I remember my discord being in shambles. They were like OMG BOOBS IT CAN'T BE HWA HE'S FLAT while others argued WHAT BOOBS THERE ARE NONE 💀 yeah unfortunately I'm ill so it was clearly Seonghwa to me, should've make bets 😭
Miss Baek I only know like 8 TS songs maybe sjudjsgsjdgsjshhsj so I never heard those mentioned, because her lyrics just don't hit me at all I'm definitely not the target, but racer AU yeah. Ever since DV MV dropped I've been having racer thoughts. Zayn is hot, but I only like Harry's music and aesthetic
RHKWDHWK I JUST KNOW HER TITLE TRACKS 😭😭 racer au got it !!! YES HARRYS MUSIC is so like nostalgic?? almost whimsical in a nostalgic way <3 the aesthetic is so artistic even in the small parts of the videos
TB author is milking it soooo hard I know many people are upset, but some developed Stockholm syndrome I think. I scrolled through the thumbnails of the chapters and no Seojun in sight, so idc. I hoped they'd treat him better in the drama but they legit have some of his scenes to S*h*???
fRRRRR GIRLIE GETTING THE $$$$ stOCKHOLM LMFAOOO PLS THE CALL-OUT FBWKFHWK,,,, i hope they get him a nicer girlie than jugyeong tbh 😭😭😭 he deserves it after the intense heartbreak after heartbreak
What would I do with your kidney though? 🤔 My brain can create stories but my fingers can't write them 💀 I used to write somehow, but I would probably cringe real hard at my old work rn...
YOU USED TO WRITE??? 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼 i also immensely cringe at my old works 😭😭 what was going oN IN MY BRAINBFMSBD
So I've heard, JK has this bad boy look down while Taehyung is like a snobby rich guy vibes. Tbh I can't read for most people lol, maybe if there's no smut but interesting plot, but yeah I just don't feel this way about most idols. I think it's probably because many are a few years younger than me? Well Seonghwa is too but he's speshol 😻 even with Taemin who has been my ult bias for 8464838 years and I find him attractive I just don't see him in THAT way. I read some Hyunjin ff cause I have a friend who used to write for him, but it felt weird 😭 from Ateez I never read anything about Yunho, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho. Do you have members like that?
jk’s always a bad boy, tae’s the ceo, jimin’s in dance relayed or vampire fics rMS ALWAYS IN DILF ONES FHWKDHWK,,, SEONGHWA IS SO SPESHOL 😭😭😭 i truly never read (or if i HAVE TOO) for wooyoung jongho or yeosang or yunho or hongjoong,,,, basically most of them expect hwa,,, unless its like the only thing available i will but i don’t go out of my way to read abt them,, i also cannot read for any other group at all it feels a little weird,,, as in i cant imagine them in that sort of way— in smut especially
do u perhaps also get irritated at the fact that idols r too sexualized 😭😭 as in, someone who’s always talking about how “look at his thighs i just wanna sit and give him a show” or anything along the likes of that,,,, I GENUINELY DO NOT LIKE THAT 😭😭😭 bc sometimes that’s the only thing ppl talk about and i just 🔫🔫
The lyrics to 🐺 are a bit concerning but the howling doesn't bother me anymore, I mean SKZ released Wolfgang and I actually like it I also love Shakira's She Wolf ksushajahhshsgdj still team vampires, but those wolf songs slap what can I say.
Sometimes I look at my red Hwa photocards or stuff I printed myself and die. I printed those Rhythm Ta and Wolf selfies because WOWOWOOOWOWOOOO BARK BARK
SHE WOLF SUPREMACY???? ALWAYS,,, yeha the lyrics can be forgotten i think ive grown past the whole thing abt hating wolf, atp if anyone hates wolf with all their heart is just them being edgy 🔫🔫
Nooo the fansign person is someone else don't worry, but she was a bit upset afterwards cause she didn't manage to tell them everything, she's also reluctant about speaking English, so it was a bit difficult but the boys were sweet. <3
OH THANK GOD I WAS ABT TO THROW HANDS BFANBDKWB oH NAURRR 😭😭 hopefully next time bc ateez do he liking amsterdam quite a lot 😭😭😭
Such a lovely loser https://twitter.com/thinkingabtpsh/status/1525200340634804224?t=vnwiAzxT4SFjLQIUuBt19g&s=19 Also interesting that I wore the same shoes today 👀 I was upset that my friend did too, he also wore a bucket hat and so did I, lol but twinning with Hwa would be cool 🥰 - DV 💖
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woniehugs · 3 years
Omg I really did spam your inbox lmao I'm so impatient
Okay but like I did kinda okay in that social science exam. I ofc messed up the geography section but since I had internal choices I just skipped the hard questions lmao
Also about that guy, I kinda lost feelings (I'M SORRY LMAO PLS I LOSE FEELINGS SO EASILY) I mean I didn't completely lose feelings yk. We had kind of an argument, that too over text, and it was more like me giving him a lecture. So yeah, my bad. But we literally crashed over something like 'should we mention our pronouns in our bio'. Ik I'm stupid okay. Now that I look at it, he did try to chill and yk just talk normally but me being me just had to be rude. Istg I hate myself cuz I almost said "and what am I supposed to do" when he told me that he felt lonely. Aura the worst friend :((
He didn't attend school today so like my only chance to make up went into the drain lmao but it's fine. And he most probably likes someone else so it's better if we just keep it this way
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I might go batshit crazy over other members but bias is a bias okay. I love him wayyy too much
and yes i’m pretty sure that darn 17 year old wants us d worded bECAUSE OHMYGODNDKEIDJF HE’S REALLY NOT MAKING ME SWERVE LANES HELP
also, oh no :(( and it’s okay, it’s not ur fault u lose feelings easily, everyone’s different ig, actually i’m kinda jealous about that bc it takes me years to get over someone istg it sucks 😭 anyways enough about me, yeah i get why you got off as rude, maybe at least tell him that you guys are in good terms? or are you guys still not? it’d suck to lose a friend you know, and nooo ur not a bad friend, if u were i wouldn’t even be talking to u right now, maybe just apologize and start things from there. and oh, whatever works for the both of you, what’s more important is that you guys patch things up. also sorry that im reading this ask rn ndskdjfj i’m so late pls so im just gonna ask if things are well now for the both of u right now or still no?
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mizugucci · 3 years
I'm back to report... I did bias Hyojin 😭 I'm confused lol Based on my other biases Jaeyoung should have been my bias, rapper, good dancer, deep voice, sweet to his members and really good at the "silently judging you" face. But some how despite telling myself to focus on Jaeyoung or Changyoon, my eyes would not cooperate and were always looking for Hyojin. I know I mentioned I thought it might be Hyojin or Seungjun but Seungjun was out of the running once I saw them off stage. (Not in a mean way!) Off stage Seungjun and Changyoon have opposite personalities to what I expected. I should have paid more attention to their mbti types lol I also realized Hyojin seems to be the most popular member (maybe?) I feel guilty biasing the most popular member because I feel like I should give my love to a member who is less popular, or something? My brain makes no sense. But either way I can't deny the way I'm instantly 🥰🥰🥰 "he's so pretty" every time I see him. So here we are.
I watched the dance covers you linked. I have to admit the opening of Stay I was very much focused on Jaeyoung. But wow, your boy Yuto! He stole the show there in the middle. He's such a good dancer! He's so graceful and fluid. And he comes up with the choreo too! I found some eng sub episodes of On The Run. So I watched the changing video and yeah poor guy was not exactly happy with his hair lol But he was so cute in episode 9 with the claw machine! He was so proud of winning that pink stitch stuffy. It was adorable.
I also watched their weekly idol appearances and they did a btob cover that I loved Yuto's part in. But their most recent appearance, I don't even know them that well yet and I was so sad at the end 😭
So I know I said I prefer harder sounds but clearly ONF has me all backwards. I think I have listened to Beautiful Beautiful at least 30 times in the last few days. (Literally I'm listening to a compilation video while I write this and I think it's played like 4 times in a row and I'm only just now like, okay I should probably change it lmao) Popping is also up there on repeat. Maybe not quiet as much, but pretty close. The way they have like flute and violin and saxophone and clarinet in their songs. The word fresh is kinda over used in kpop but I think it applies here. It really gives the songs a sound that stands out.
Anyway, I think I've rambled in your inbox enough for one day so I'll stop here. Thank you again for being so nice and being my onf guide lol You're the tumblr fuse queen 💕💡💕
welcome back!! honestly its so funny bc in onf it doesnt matter who your normal type is, they ALL are potential biases. also you're right hyojins one of the more popular members but i dont think (?) theres a huge discrepancy (bc fuses have so much love for EVERY member) so feel free to have him as your bias! but i know what you mean about wanting to give others a chance lol
i love their dance covers! they always do such a great job. yeah i mean you can find some subbed videos (like fan channels sub them) but its not like consistently reliable. yes my poodle boy... he is cute. thats all there is to it also he just loves cute things too i love that about him
NOOO i know everything i watched recently they talked about leaving and its like bittersweet bc theres content to watch? but also... yknow
hahaha beautiful beautiful ascends all rational thought, as does onf in general i feel like. you're sooo right 'fresh' tends to be used but onf is definitely the epitome of fresh and unique, like you said i love their uses of uncommon instrumentals in kpop, as well as uncommon dance moves/styles too
no problem for rambling! im always happy to hear how its going lol and again no problem i try my best to be nice to everyone that i come in contact with! idk about being the tumblr fuse queen but i will gladly accept the onf guide title ^^
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choibyus · 3 years
It's been so busy now that christmas is in 4 days?! but here I am now ^^ how have you been? and yeah I mean we have a retail shop where we can buy cd's, vinyl records and band merch—just the lot—but it's out of stock there and online, but no kpop stores:(( she has a feeling it's an album, she just doesn't know which one, but it's gonna have to be extremely delayed because of the holiday season! OMGG YOU GOT HUENINGKAI!! he looked so cute with his braces from the concept photos and the mini photo book is so cute too, I just wanna squish his cheeks hehe
NOOO NOT MIROTIC 😭😭 I DON'T THINK I EVEN SURVIVED WATCHING THAT THE FIRST TIME, LEMME TELL YOU I JUST HAD TO REWATCH IT, AND HIS VOCALS WAS TRULY SOMETHING, IT'S SO DEEP AND IT JUST ITCHES MY BRAIN IN THE RIGHT SPOT AHAHAHA I'm just saying, beomgyu slayed it all. I'm just in awe with the difference between the beomgyu performing Candy and the beomgyu that perforMED THE OTHER SONG AND MIROTIC (idk the other song title in english aaa) BUT THE DUALITY HAS ME W E A K!! no because when hueningkai was part of the bang bang bang unit I was just watching like :0 HIS AURA IS REALLY SOMETHING ELSE I WONDER HOW THAT WENT FOR YOU HAHAHA
You know what? Don't even mention soobin to me PFFFF he caught my attention majority of the time when I rewatched it— idk what it is about that man, but I swear every single time his outfit is all black, that's when he plays up and I can't stop watching him?! Nah there's truly something about Hueningkai and Soobin's auras when they performed. They're like two of the sweetest members, though all of them are, but when they switch up?! That's their power move right there kfjngej
OH and their vogue
Ooo! Can you believe new years' eve is next friday?! Do you have any plans on how and who you'll be celebrating it with? I'm hoping this year's hybe/bighit family nye live will be as good as last years'!
— Secret MOA 🎁
hi secret moa 🎁 !!!!! :))
i've been really good so far! really enjoying my break rn :')) aww i hope the CDs come back in stock! i feel the same way LOL i hit up my local music store to see if i could get the new twice album for my brother but there was nothing </3 i'm sure your sister will appreciate the album nonetheless! :D I KNOWWW HUENING KAI IS SO CUTE!! 😭 I FEEL LIKE HE'S REALLY GROWN INTO HIS FEATURES FROM THE LATEST PHOTOSHOOT VIDEO TOO??? IS IT JUST ME?
BEOMGYU GOT ME FUCKED UP FOR LACK OF BETTER WORDS IN THE MIROTIC PERFORMANCE!! i genuinely had heart palpitations oh my god.... and when beomgyu did his lil noot noot in the beginning of candy CHEFS KISSSS HUENING KAI'S VOICE FIT BANG BANG BANG SO WELL TOO UGHHH
😭😭😭 soobin 😭😭😭 i can't w this man.. there is a reason why he is my bias wrecker... that's all i can say 😭😭
THEIR VOGUE SHOOT..................... they all looked so good.... like......... i'm genuinely baffled............ like wow..... actually all visuals...
the year has passed by so quickly!! i can't believe nye's is next friday like HUHH?????? HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?? i'll be celebrating with my boyfriend's family so i'm v excited! omg i wasn't present for the last year bighit/hybe family live so i will be looking forward to that!
how have you been secret moa?? <3 i hope thing's have been going well for you!!
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studioweus · 3 years
Yes it's so good to see him back 🥺 I mean, I'm trying yk XD sometimes I don't watch the mvs, I just put the song/album on and listen like that, I'll just go w whatever gifs I'll see here on tumblr x)
ahhhhh yes!! I don't really watch content for tv shows or interviews, etc.. but yeoreum is such a cutie!! ahh yes let me recommend some of the ones I really like then :') "dreams come true", "plop plop", "secret", "last dance", "unnatural", and the two songs by WJSN the black (it's a sub-uni w just 4 of them). I don't know their earlier albums as well as the more recent ones :/
that's him! :) both him and byeongkwan were in mixnine. donghun really has such an amazing voice, I'm not surprised you remembered that :') omg exactly, sometimes I'm just like, yk what?? no bias in this group, just vibing w the music will be enough u_u (like w onewe, i just. can't choose.) yeh, with dowoon I saw their debut mv and went "him, the drummer, he's the one" XD same with kangmin, though for half a second I considered dongheon
we're always better off staying inside, wise decision on our parts fhdhffjdh. smoothies!! I love fruits so smoothies are definitely good :') ngl, I had to google ice cream sandwich to make sure I knew what it is, I've never had any 😬 I'm not even sure you can find those here?? I usually go for fruits or vegan ice creams (lactose intolerance my enemy u_u), and I love cold beverages like iced tea or iced coffee :') and don't worry about answering late!!! take all the time you need, I'm not very fast either x)) (and I do talk a lot 😬)
haha don't worry i'm the same way sometimes re:mvs 😅 i just listen to the songs and/or the albums as i work or play a game, and then just admire the mv in gif format!
ooh 'secret' was the only song in that list that i recognized, but i ended up listening to the other ones you listed!
oh i'm glad i got him right! i just remembered him by name so i wasn't too sure 😅 haha vibing with the music is enough you're right!! who needs to choose a bias, give all of them the love! there's a lot of love to go around 💖 OMG HIM THE DRUMMER that's amazing LOL dowoon and kangmin, maknaes! icb dongheon nearly snatched you away but honestly when i saw that one verivery video with him walking in as elsa i was also about to question who my bias was
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yay fruit smoothie squad 💪 oh?? i would totally send you some ice cream sandwiches because they are delicious haha 🥰 (i will make sure to look for dairy-free ones for you!!) iced tea or iced coffee in this weather sounds nice too ;-; ahhh i want an iced coffee now LOL but it's a little late for caffeine 😅 speaking of iced tea, that reminds me of bubble tea too! altho i don't necessarily restrict bubble tea to summer 😁 if boba stores are open in winter, you best believe i will be stopping by LMAO do you like bubble tea 👀 i know there tend to be a lot of options (and i know some of them are actually milk tea, tho i think you can choose non-dairy milk in your orders for some flavours!)
and nooo don't worry, please talk as much as you want!! i am always all ears 😁 or.. all eyes? LOL
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inqua · 7 years
I don't mean to be a bother, and you don't have to do this if you don't feel up to it. But from what I've perceived you love Hector. So I ask of you, could you more or less provide me an analysis of Hector's character. I want to be represent Hector as accurately as possible. I'm researching the common traits between Hector and Holmes of Tear Ring Saga. Thank you for your time.
I love Hector? Nooo what could havepossibly given it away??? 😞
I gotchu fam dw, screaming about Hector is pretty muchmy default state of being. In fact, I’m flattered you asked me, though I’m not sure if I’m the best person to do this. I don’t think I’ve everwritten an elaborate character analysis before, but you know what, as a wise woman once said, I’ll… do mybest. 
Hope you like reading though. Like. A lot.
(Spoilers for FE7 & FE6 under the cut)
OK, so before I start I must say most of this is just me interpretingthis character based on what—relatively—little we know about him from thegames, given that he’s always a side protagonist of sorts in comparison toEliwood, even in his own story mode. It’s also been a while since I played theElibe games so forgive me if I’m missing anything. I tried to remain asobjective as possible, though some slight bias might slip through now and thenbecause I just love FE7 and its characters… a little too much. Which alsoexplains why it got so lengthy… again… woops.
Hector… You could very well argue he’s just another gentle giant archetypecharacter. And if I’m to judge from Hector’s popularity, this is precisely whatpeople love about him, including myself. But I do think that his character goesa little deeper than just that as well. What I personally think makes this particularcharacter stand out is his relationship with his best friend Eliwood, and Iwould even go as far as to say that the dynamic between these two carry thisgame’s plot for the most part. Eliwood, as well as his other friends and lovedones, are the driving force beyond pretty much anything Hector does, if youthink about it. This is shown immediately in an early encounter with Hector: whenhe finds out Elbert is missing, he doesn’t even hesitate for a second. He hasmade up his mind: he’s going to help his friend get his father back, because it’s essential to him that he spares hisbest friend the loss of a parent, a feeling he himself knows all too well.He quite literally goes out of his way to achieve this, defying his brother’sdirect orders even though he’s probably very well aware that Uther simplywishes to protect his younger brother and last remaining family member. Hector,however, just cannot afford to lose what’s at stake and has to ignore hisbrother’s wishes. Right now, Eliwood needs his aid more than anyone, and intheir supports, Eliwood points out that he already knew that this would beHector’s choice, because of their blood oath to always come to each other’s sidewhen in need.
I’m convinced Hector is actually a way more sympathetic and emotionalperson than he lets on. In his supports with Eliwood he’s casually checking inon him to see if he’s not overworking himself, and Eliwood picks up on this andappreciates his concern. He’s also very emotionally invested in what happens toEliwood’s family, as shown in the infamous “WOOOELIWOOD!!!” scene, where Hector almost seems more excited than Eliwoodhimself when finding out that Elbert is still alive. And then when lord Elbertultimately meets his fate when they were soclose, Hector’s feelings about this unfortunately never really get explored anyfurther as far as I can recall, which is a shame, because I’m willing to betHector is blaming himself at that moment for his own inability to save hisfriend from having to go through what he went through himself after being sodamn close to pulling it off. Most likely Hector does not want to show anyemotional weakness in fear of seeming vulnerable, as is very common in thistype of character. When finding out about his own brother’s death, Hector seemsto be more upset with Oswin—and to an extent Uther himself—for hiding Uther’sillness from him, rather than about the actual death itself, which perhaps hehad seen coming already. What’s more is that he has this scene afterwards withLyn where, if I recall correctly, he still acts very standoff-ish about the entiresituation and it is Lyn who is on to hisact, and cries in his stead, depending on where they are in their supportrelationship. Beside all of this, I also think Hector acknowledges his role asthe “pacemaker” of the bunch. He knows that even in times of despair, he haspeople relying on him, and he is always the one shown trying to keep the moraleup, though through actions rather than words, because as we all know, wordshave never been his… strongest asset. An excellent example of this is of coursethe scene with Nils in the desert, where their current situation is at anabsolute low, but Hector manages to cheer Nils, Ninian and Lyn up regardless.As well as in his supports with Lyn, something similar happens when he cheersher up after she lost to him, and againLyn takes notice of Hector’s genuine concern for his allies, but of courseHector, being Hector, plays it off.
I like to think Hector’s also got somekind of intelligence hidden underneath all that muscle. Note how he’s nevercompletely oblivious to the politicalsituation, but rather he emphasises that diplomacy simply isn’t his way of settlingthings, and he would rather let either Eliwood or his axe do the talking. Thisis probably because he’s still young and doesn’t quite have a grip on his own temperamentyet, but this is also something he has tolearn along his journey if he ever wants to grow into the role of marquess.In fact, he acknowledges this himself in his story mode’s epilogue, where headmits that, indeed, he may be ill suited for this position as he is right now,and even shows little interest in it. Funny is that although Hector himselfsays this, others do seem torecognise qualities of a ruler in Hector, as in his supports with Oswin of allpeople, he compliments Hector’s true and honest character. Even so, Hector doesacknowledge that it’s something he’s just going to have to grow into, because the throne represents everythingthat was ever important to Uther, and it was entrusted to him and him only.The only thing you could conclude from the little screen time Hector gets inFE6, is that he eventually did mature into the role and accepted the responsibilitiesthat come with it; yet at the same time, he also hasn’t changed a bit when youconsider he is directly partaking in battle regardless of his social or politicalstatus. After all, Hector’s still a warrior at heart.
Life and death is a common theme with Hector’s character. Honestly, longbefore picking up the Armads Hector probably already knew he would meet his endat the battlefield, as his death quote—regardless of what point he dies atmight I add—is always something along the lines of: “not here”, implying that he knows it was something inevitable andwas likely going to happen sooner or later anyway—Armads or no Armads. Buthonestly, did Hector ever give a damn, knowing that the price he pays for it isworth it? All of this he did for his friends and family, which at this pointhave probably become one and the same. And so, in his dying words, he asks Royto take care of his daughter Lilina, because “despite her strong exterior, shedoes need a friend to support her.” Huh… Sound familiar?
Even though I’m aware the whole “dying in order to protect your lovedones” shtick is a very common shounen trait that’s been beaten to death,and that the writers had plenty of room to play with this trait given his fatein FE6, the sheer nonchalance with which Hector treats his own sacrifice, as ifit was nothing, breaks my heart every damn time. In that regard I think it isbrilliant—if not completely sadistic—to make the player emotionally invested ina character that was doomed from the start.
TL;DR: Hector makes for such a legendary character because of hisundying loyalty for his loved ones, and how determined and stubborn he is inensuring their safety. His genuine concern for his allies and the charismaticrole he takes upon himself in the army are appreciated more than he would ever takecredit for, and his underlying selflessness does not go unnoticed to thoseclosest to him. And although he may dislike his role as marquess, his brutalhonesty and recklessness might prove surprisingly useful in this position, and areboth to be admired and feared. He probably always knew he was going to meet his end on the battlefield, but frankly never gave a damn because the sacrifice was alwaysworth it to him: his loved ones would get to live. To put it quite promptly:Hector is all you could every wish for in a best friend, and that’s exactly howhe was written.
That is how I interpret him and why I like him at least… I honestlydon’t think I’ve said anything new about his character that hasn’t been saidbefore, but I hope I did him justice regardless.
Anyway, thanks for putting up with the long read. This was like. 2+ pages lmao
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