#noone spoil anything for me thanks xx
Absolutely obsessed with Flynn's prison break look, the red outfit??? The gas mask??? Perfect, keep him in that outfit for the rest of the series.
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judylicious · 3 years
And When He Smiles I Swear I Can’t Breathe
Alan Rubin x fem!Reader
Word count: 1,996
Fandom: Blues Brothers
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Blues Brothers characters or movies. This refers to Alan Rubin as a character in the movie, not the real Alan (although he obvsly played himself but you know what I mean)
I’d like to add that I made everyone of the band a few years younger (so the age gap between the reader and Alan isn’t that big), so he’s approx. in his early 30s.
Sophia & Lisa are two OCs created by two lovely people within the fandom.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, COs having some kind of breakdown
So the next two chapters are gonna be somewhat of a bumpy ride for Charlotte. Just please stay and bear with me until the end of chapter 4, when the magic starts happening. Xx
Chapter III
The next morning Charlotte was having breakfast with her family. “I didn’t hear you coming home last night.” Her dad gave her a harsh look. “Well, yes it got pretty late. I fell asleep during the last movie and the girls felt so sorry for me they didn’t wanna wake me up!” She laughed, trying to lighten up the mood but her father just starred at her emotionless. “I’m sorry, dad. I promise it won’t happen again.”, she added in a apologising tone, which seemed to soothe him. “What films did you watch?”, her sister asked curiously. Charlotte looked at her with big eyes. What the hell? She knew her sister asked that without any ulterior motive, it was just her way but still… “You know, those classic ones. Halloween and some romcom in the end to lift everyone’s spirits.” 
“Was it worth watching?” Oh for crying out loud! Thankfully the phone starting ringing, Charlotte’s mother picked it up. “Hello, Sylvia Ellington speaking.... Hun, it’s for you, it’s Lisa!” The girl quickly jumped to her feet. “May I take it in my room, please?” Her mother looked at her husband and gave her daughter a quick nod. In her room Charlotte took the phone to sit on her bed. “Lisa?” “Hiya!” “How was your evening with Lou? Did you…?” “Naah, we didn’t. But it was lovely seeing him again, I missed him so much. He’s just so shy sometimes. I mean I love that about him, I just wish he’d take the initiative more often.” “I’m sure he will eventually. It was your third date after all. Take it as a compliment that he ain’t rushing things and wants you both to be ready.” “I hope you’re right. Sooo…? You and Alan? I saw you two leave…?” “Yeah, yeah stop it right there. He took me home like a gentleman.” “BORING! Nah, I’m just kidding.” Charlotte sighed. “You know, I like him but I don’t know anything about him. Is he single or seeing anyone? Perhaps he was just trying to be friendly, taking the opportunity for a nice drink. No more, no less.” “Just ask him out on a date, pretty sure his reaction will tell.” “And what if he’s interested in a casual hook-up only? I don’t wanna make a fool out of myself.” “I’m afraid you won’t know if you don’t try.” “Hmm.. But I know someone who DOES know! Lou! I’m sure he knows what’s going on in Alan’s life, you always told me there were close.” “Yeah but.. I don’t know. It would feel strange asking Lou about Alan for you.” Both girls were silent for a moment. “Wait, I’ve got an idea.” Lisa said excitedly. “I’m meeting Lou in his lunch break at the cafe tomorrow noon. You could accidentally bump into us and join us.” Charlotte giggled. “Sounds perfect. I see you then!”
The next day Lisa opened the door to the small Soul Food Café on Maxwell Street and greeted the waitress with a warm smile. “Hi Mrs. Murphy!” “Hello sugar, nice to see you again.” Lisa sticked her head in the kitchen. “Hey Lou!” He looked up from the dishes and his face lighted up the moment he saw his girl. “Give me a minute, babe. Right with you.” Lisa smiled and chose a table at the window. She ordered Lou’s and her favourite dish and watched him as he left the kitchen. He quickly pulled off his hair net and gave her a kiss before sitting down. “Food’s already on it’s way.” He grabbed her hand and caressed it with his thumb. “I’m so happy to be back after our tour. I love performing with the boys but I felt sorry for leaving you so early in our relationship.” He softly brushed a strain out of her face when he got interrupted by someone banging against the window. Charlotte. She quickly walked inside. “Oh my God what are you two doing here?” “Well for starters, I work here.” “Would you like to join us, Charlie?” “Sure, why not, thanks. How are you two doing?” “Good thanks, we were about to have lunch.” The tall, handsome man said. The girls gave each other a look, without saying a word. Lou’s eyes wandered from one girl to the other and back again. “You two are terrible actors, you know that.” And he started to laugh. “Why are you here, Charlotte?” “I’m sorry, Lou. It’s because of Alan. I had a lovely time with him the other night and was wondering, is he dating anyone recently?” “Hard to tell, really. I mean with us touring in the last couple of months, it was difficult for all of us to meet anyone at all. I know that he used to see a woman named Lari. They also met a few times when we where on tour. Think she owns her own business, forcing her to travel quite a lot through the states.” “Are they… dating? I mean is it anything serious?” “I don’t even know if they still see each other.” “So nothing serious?” Charlotte kept pestering him. Lou sighed. “Listen, Alan’s one of my best mates but you should know that he’s quite popular with the ladies. Even I can see how good looking he is. Every concert he had some other woman showing up for him backstage and I can’t remember the last time he was in a serious commitment.” He could see the disappointment and sadness in Charlotte’s face and felt sorry for her. “But you’ll never know. Perhaps when the right one crosses his way.” “I heard you, Lou. but thanks for the effort to cheer me up.” She quickly got up from her seat “Really sorry for spoiling your little date.” And with that she left the cafe, Lisa running after her. “Charlie wait, please!” She finally had caught up with her. “I’m sorry Lou didn’t tell you what you’ve wanted to hear.” “It doesn’t matter okay? I don’t even know why I got my hopes up in the first place, we had a drink, that’s all.” Lisa looked at her friend with compassion in her eyes, grabbing on of Charlotte’s hands. “I guess, Alan’s been the first one who showed any interest in me for quite some time and it felt nice.” She looked down at her hands, fiddling around. “Honey I’m sure someone will come along eventually.” “Right, and as soon as the meet my dad they’ll keep running away.” “Don’t you think it’s time to move out? Sophia got her own place, too.” “I already told you, I can’t. It’s complicated. I don’t expect you to understand.” She freed herself from Lisa hand and started walking down the street. “Charlotte!” But she started to walk faster until she ran, disappearing in the crowd on the streets. Lisa went back inside the cafe and sat next to Lou, who softly put his arm around his girl. “I’m sorry for what I’ve said, I didn’t think she’d take it so hard.” She gave him a quick snog on his cheek, reassuring him that her friend would be okay, though she couldn’t stop thinking about her and how hurt she was.
Charlotte got home around dinner time and found her mother in the kitchen preparing food. “Mum?” She leaned against the worktop, resting on her elbows. “I’m thinking about moving out.” Her mother dropped the knife and looked at her concerned. “This again? Don’t let your father hear about your ideas.” “What ideas?” The two women were startled and turned their back to face Charlotte’s father, who had gotten back from work. “I still wanna get my own place, dad!” “I thought we’ve talked about this way too often, Charlotte.” “But I’m old enough, I could get a job and pay for the rent of a little room myself.” She watched him pouring a glass of whiskey and taking a sip. “Dad?!” He crashed the glass down onto the table. “This still ins’t open for discussion! As long as I’m paying for your education, you stay where I can keep an eye on you!” He said angry. “No one’s asking you to pay.”,  Charlotte mumbled away and was about to leave the room. “What did you just say?” “Nothing!… Right so perhaps I don’t wanna study law.” “Don’t you forget that your mother and I had to go through a lot of trouble to get you that college place, considering your poor grades.” He walked towards her with big steps, shaking his finger at her. “Well, would have been nice if you had asked me before.” “Do you even listen to what you’re saying?! Have we left our manners at the door once more?” He was furious and discounted his glass from the kitchen table in one motion. Charlotte hated seeing him like this and it was one of those moments when she had to decide whether to retreat, displaying her fear of him or stand her ground, and for the first time ever she decided for the letter. When her father got closer, she could feel her knees began to buckle, she was trembling. Suddenly he grabbed her throat, pushing her head up and forcing her to look at him. “Once in your poor, miserable life you got the chance to do something useful with it. And we’re sticking it up your erse. Show some fuckin gratitude. If it wasn’t for you mother you wouldn’t even be standing here!” He yelled at his daughter wrathful and she felt his spit on her face. She knew what he meant by that. She knew that her father didn’t want her, when her mom, his girlfriend at that time, told him she was pregnant with his kid. “And clean up this mess! Your mother doesn’t have to do everything around here.” He added before he left hold of her and stormed out.
As it got dark Charlotte checked on her parents in the living room, both had fallen asleep in their armchairs. She left the house for a walk, which would hopefully get her mind off her toxic parents. She wasn’t living far away form Chicago city, so eventually she bought herself a beer at some street shop and set down on the pavement between two parked cars, hugging her knees. I will be stuck with them until I’ve finished college. If I finish at all. If he doesn’t care for me why doesn’t he let me go. It wasn’t the first time that night when she thought about just leaving, running away from her family.
And then she heard it. His laugh. His warm and soft giggle. She looked up but couldn’t see no one. There it was again. And then she saw him. He was walking on the other side of the road. A lady at his side, one arm tugged into him. She was absolutely gorgeous, tall, long, straight blond hair, wearing heels, a mini skirt underlining her stunning long legs and as it seemed his jacket hang over her shoulders. They both were laughing and smiling at each other. And Charlotte felt a deep, sharp pain in her heart. She was purely crushed seeing him with another woman. And before she knew it they were out of her sight, disappearing behind some cars.
She laid her head on her arms, squinting her bleary eyes. She wasn’t angry with him. But with herself. Disappointed she had left him into her heart so early, without knowing so less of him. And she felt stupid, like a teenager for getting her hopes up only because she liked him, only because he was nice to her. She felt stupid for believing a man like him could be interested in someone like her, when he could be with an actor or a model, literally anyone.  And a single tear ran down her cheek before she started weeping into her arms, trying to wash away the entire day.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Because I hate you the most ~ pt. 6
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A/N: So, I have finally finished. I mean it was finished beofre but I am kind lazy at the moment and have to study sociology...which i really dont want and just want to go to sleep....should I? I’ll see. 
Anyways. Hope you like it<3<3
“I’m here.”
His eyes shed tears. His eyes; eyes once full of ambition and mischief, now full of sorrow and fear. One hand was pressed over his forearm, his breathing shallow and the traces his tears left behind were now drying out.
The silence was killing you both. Never, were you silent when together. Never have you wanted him to hear his voice as much as you did at this very moment. The moment that left a greater scar on both of you, than the Dark Mark ever did on his skin.
“ Why did you stay?” he asked all of a sudden, breaking the promise of the silence. “Why didn’t you leave when you had the chance? When you met Sirius Black? Why didn’t you go with him?” questions poured out of his chest; questions he was dying to ask.
It took you by surprise to see that he knew about the two of you. About everything that happened between you and Sirius.
“ You really think I’m that dense to not notice my own sister go through a period of her’s, hiding in her shell and avoiding me.” he scoffed and looked at you with his glistened eyes.
“ I wasn’t avoiding you.” you quickly denied.
“You always were the worst liar when it came to me.” he snorted, wiping away the traces of his tears and smiling up at you.
“I always was, yeah.” you returned as big a smile as he did. “I stayed because I knew that when every bone in my body was telling me to go with him, my heart was telling me to be with you and our family.” you stood up and started walking around the room. Your fingers drifted to the framed photo of the family portrait, where Draco was pulling your har and you shoved him on the ground in return. Lucius rolled his eyes as he always did while Narcissa took a hold of the two laughing children.
“It was never about the blood, Draco. Or paternity.” you turned around and glanced between the photo and his eyes. “ With us, with mum and dad...it was always about loyalty and what you did by getting the Dark Mark... you did it for them and I would do the same, however, the Dark Lord said it himself that my blood is blood of a traitor and that it is not ‘pure’ enough.”
“ So why did you say it was never about blood when it clearly is?”
“Because it might be about the blood for him but not for me. And I know you think the same.”
“You don’t know that!”
“I don’t?” you crossed your arms in front of your chest, snapping just as he did before you.”Are you about to tell me anything different?”
“Yes.” he stood up as well, determined in his next words.”It is about the blood! It has always BEEN ABOUT THE BLOOD! FOR HIM!”
“SO ARE YOU!” he shouted, walking closer to you.”The only difference is that he has proven himself worthy of his magic.” he sneered. “He’s more powerful than you’ll ever be.”
“He’s only powerful if you let yourself believe he is. And how dare you say that I am not worthy of magic! He was born the same as us! He was a student! Same as us!”
“Merlin, (Y/N)! Do you even hear yourself?!”
“Do you, Draco!?”
“Loud and clear, cousin!” he smirked while everything inside of you seemed to turn cold.
“Cousin?” you repeated with tears starting to gather in your eyes. “So, now I’m your cousin?”
“You always were.” he spoke before turning you his back and walking out of the room.
But this fight was far from being over. “Screw you, Draco!” you shouted and stormed after him. “Screw you and your filthy words! I can’t believe I have stayed for a spoiled prat like you!”
“Yes! Always have been and always will be!” you shouted and your parents walked out on the hall.
“What hell on earth is going on out here?”
“Always the favorite! Because he’s the pure one!” you turned to your father, tears falling down your cheeks.”Because he’s the son!” you turned to your mother with more hot tears burning your eyes. “The child! YOUR child! Not me! Not the filthy half-blood! Not the orphan who was thrown at your doorstep and been thankful for everything you have given her! But she was never enough! She was never your blood!” you sobbed and your mother tried to approach you.
“ (y/n). That is not-”
“ LAYLA!” you shouted at her. “That’s what he named me, didn’t he? You wanted so badly for me to be yours you changed my name! You kept saying and saying that I was your daughter but you both never believed it! ” you turned to him with your heart drowning in its own tears. “Did you father?!”
But he stood quiet. Like a linden God with skin as pale and heart as cold as ice. perfect as he was cut out by Michelangelo himself. Perfection; what he always presented.
“The nighttt-” your voice started to shake. “The night I found out...you-you told me that I was nothing than a spawn of a traitor and mud.” you kept looking at his eyes, eyes Draco so much likely inherited from him. And for some odd reason it felt like you were looking at both of them. “Did you mean it?”
“DID YOU MEAN IT!!”  you cried and watched his eyes carefully. Becasue there was something about his eyes, same as Draco’s, that only you knew about. They changed their colour...
...they always did when he lied.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this; barely holding your weight on your knees, with your chest barely taking any air, and the skin on your cheeks completely dried and red from all the rubbing.
You knocked on the door. Four times with space after two knocks. It’s the code the two of you used to use on your secret meetings.
Two gingers opened the door, both with the identical face.
As if they knew.
They opened with big, welcoming and warm smiles but at the sight of the guest, they both quickly vanished. Fred stepped in front of George, puffing out his chest and opening his mouth to speak.
“Before you say something please just let me-”
“You’ve lost your chances with him, Malfoy-or Black-whatever you are now.” Fred chided and was about to close the door.
“George!?” you begged, the despair in your tone hurting him like a knife to the heart.
He wanted. Merlin, he wanted to run to you; to kiss you, to hug you... He knew something was wrong. He knew that those eyes never showed so much fear and despair as they did in front of him right now. Their fire was gone, the flame you loved to walk around with...every sign of you in them was gone.
But he knew. He knew that you hurt him too many times. He knew he was the most forgiving when you were vulnerable. He knew that if he let you in...you’d hurt him.
But the truth was...he didn’t know that.
“Sorry, Malfoy. Go run back to your family.” he spoke before his hand reached for the door and slammed it in front of you.
You could feel the warmth of the wind from the inside. You could smell the home-cooked turkey and mashed potatoes.
“Who was it, boys?” a voice echoed from the inside.
“Noone.” they both replied in unison. “ Noone important at least.” you heard one of the voices, to which you could recognize as George’s; the voice that now tore your heart apart. The heart you thought wasn’t there anymore. The heart that was broken so much it left small pieces behind...waiting for you to pick them up... but you stepped on them instead and left them behind.
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This bit made me absolutely sob laughing, Mason really has NO spatial awareness, Agent Christopher is so fed up of being the mum of the group, Flynn's having to duck under the pipes in the background, it's got it all.
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