#non-specific reader
attackurheart88 · 11 months
hiii. Could I request some headcanons for Hisoka? Sfw/fluff. The reader is a child (killua and gon's age, and travels with them) and somehow got attached to him. Even though gon and killua find him super creepy and don't trust him, y/n doesn't find him off-putting at all and wants to hang out with him. Like at heavens arena, instead of being disgusted at his little show he put on, she was amazed he could do such things. Reader doesn't have a dad so he kind of takes that role in her eyes. She thinks he's really cool and follows him around when he's in the area. Reader is also training as an assassin (not quite as good as killua though) so she doesn't find his desire for killing scary. I just want some cute hc's between hisoka and his little admirer :)) it's okay if you don't feel comfortable writing this though. Thank you anyway!
“Are you a magician?”
Hisoka looked down in the direction from which the small voice came. It was a child who couldn't be more than thirteen years old. The same child who was staring at him for the last 2 hours.
Their eyes were wide and sparkled with anticipation.
“Not exactly, but I suppose I can do a bit of magic~” Hisoka smiled seeing your expression light up.
“Can you do a trick?!” You were bouncing up and down excitedly. You truly were a kid. Hisoka wondered how someone like you wound up taking the ex-
Someone bumped into Hisoka’s shoulder and kept moving. Interrupting his train of thought.
“Child you wanted to see a trick yes? As you wish~”
Within a few moments, the man who bumped into Hisoka, arms evaporated into flower petals. Immediately everyone backed away leaving just you Hisoka and the rude man on the floor.
Hisoka observed the look of fear and hatred on everyone’s face. Surely by now, even the child would stare at me the same way.
But he was wrong.
“That's so cool!” You were even more happy than before. Hisoka stared at you in disbelief but that look quickly turned to amusement. You were going to be a fun new toy for him to play with.
“I wanna do that too!” you whined tugging on his arm.
Hisoka bent down till he was able to make eye contact with you.
“You seem like a good kid. What's your name?”
“Y/n huh. You can call me Hisoka. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
- For the rest of the exam you were glued to Hisoka’s side
- While others were running like crazy to catch up with the examinator you were riding his back
- Getting lost in the forest? Not a problem when Hisoka knows the way
- Need help finding your target? Hisoka already killed them.
- It wasn't until the end of the exam when you and Gon had to go help Killua that you left his side.
- The dynamic between you two would slowly grow into a father-and-daughter relationship.
- Hisoka is the kind of guy who buys you ice cream after a long day of training
- Hisoka is the kind of guy to take pictures of everything you do
- Hisoka feels calmer going to sleep knowing you’re safe next to him
- Hisoka loves to make you laugh by doing tricks and tickling you
- Hisoka is the kind of guy to dress himself up in Princess outfits to make you smile
- When you are sad you have Hisoka wrapped around your finger.
- He does anything to make you feel better
- Becoming known as Hisoka’s child is both a blessing and a curse
- On one hand, everyone is afraid of you or wants to get on your good side
- On the other, those with a grudge against Hisoka would come to you
- Thankfully Hisoka is there to keep you out of harm
- Sometimes
- Despite his affection for you
- Hisoka won't hesitate to leave you stranded somewhere or beat you to a pulp to turn you into a “ripe fruit”
- When you do something wrong Hisoka would make you sit in a corner and eat your favorite dessert right in front of you
- Being Hisoka’s “child” means watching him do stupid things
- Like robbing a bank
- Killing sprees
- Singing off key
- Rizzing Illumi
- And giving weird looks to your friends. (gon and killua)
- When Hisoka has somewhere to be he likes to drop you off with Illumi or the Phantom troupe
- So they eventually become your aunts and uncles
- Your life with him is fun and chaotic
- You grow to depend on him for help, guidance, and attention
- And Hisoka learns to care for someone other than himself
-In the end, it's a win-win
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kratenz · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could maybe write some Harlan x gn!reader? Not forced of course!
ofcourse! thank you so much for requesting. this, in short, is the morning after with harlan.
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judging by the state of things, it had been a night, for sure.
you woke up groggy and dazed, slowly peeling your eyes open in pure exhaustion. you know you didnt drink anything— you were never the type to— but the sunlight cascading through the blinds still gave you a slight headache. actually, upon second thought, that would make sense. you hadnt woken up with the morning sun in ages.
you had a slight habit of staying up late, and therefor waking up late aswell. so it would make sense for you to feel groggy when, for the first time in a while, you woke up at— you check the clock— 7 am. dear god.
theres a blissful, peaceful silence in your head for a mere moment as the fog of sleep once again attempted its siege of your brain, calming and relaxing...
but then you remember. you have an alarm clock. this one has roman numerals. and you dont have these blinds either, your bedsheets are not this colour... and all of a sudden you see the clothes strewn across the floor. oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. for a second your brain and heart turn into overdrive, a sharp intake of breath as you wildly look around where you were, who you were with.
you get shaken out of your thoughts by an arm being lazily draped across your chest, a sleepy, comforting voice accompanying the gesture. "g'mornin, toots. god its so early..." and at that moment, a part of you feels safe. you roll over to see bright blue eyes staring at you, safe for the occasional sleepy just-woke-up blink. a slight smirk played on his face, boxy features looking so soft and squishy and nice...
"goodmorning." you utter out, bewitched. partially by the man in front of you— or, eh, well, laying beside you, but also because memories of last night started replaying in your head like an old videotape. "goodmorning, harlan." the 'you look so handsome' goes unsaid. you think he knows that you wanted to say it, anyway.
the frankly evil smile grows even wider, almost dopey, as harlan reaches out; a ruffle of sheets, a small shriek from you, and suddenly you were laying ontop of his chest. smiling. like an idiot.
"do you really think i was going to let you go after last night?" then, after a beat, "youre beautiful."
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falloutwithmegirlypop · 4 months
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Norm McLean x unenthusiastic reader
Fluff, nervous reader, no gender specified. Vault doesn’t open, Norm steals your private property (accidentally
Everyday was the same in the vault. Every morning, wake up, breakfast, exercise, study, chores, listen to weirdos spout about positivity all day, eat again, go to bed. It’s not even the people that really got on your nerves, they could be as happy as the want to be. It’s the fact that they wouldn’t stop talking about that made your blood boil. You even agreed with some of it, but did everyone really have to be so exhaustingly enthusiastic all. The. Time? No, and in a perfect world, you could live your boring life, mind your own Buisness, and be left alone. Truly, you simply didn’t see the reason for being so persistent about everything, we live in an underground vault in the apocalypse for gods sake.
You thought you would have to live your entire life surrounded by people you couldn’t stand. So, you never made an effort to meet people. It’s pretty easy to keep to yourself when you follow the exact same routine everyday. Just waiting out the day so you could have some time to yourself. Play on your Pip-Boy, read a book for the millionth time, maybe do some art or write in your diary. Which is why when some jerk in the hallways bumped into you on your way back home from your post, you were pretty miffed. The electricity overview papers you had in your hands, and the papers for your most recent job report, all ready to be dropped off in the overseers office were out of their neat pile, and now strewn across the floor. You REALLY did not have the energy for this.
As you turned your accusatory stare to the little punk who tripped you, you were surprised to see Norm, the overseers son. You had never talked to him, interacted with him, or even got a good look at him. You only knew who he was from the mandatory, positivity vault meetings. He was small, with a thin frame, prominent nose, nice hair and annoyingly pretty eyes- wait, what the hell were you thinking, you’d never even met the guy, surly he was just like his goody two shoes sister. But you were still staring, and he was starring back through tired, half lidded eyes. You saw that he had also lost some papers in the fall, now lying on the floor next to you.
You jump up and dust off you suit. You mumbled quickly
“sorry, excuse me”
Expecting nothing more than an annoying, long winded interaction, involving but a wide smile, cheery voice and obnoxious apology. Norm just stood up, dusted himself off as well, muttered a half hearted, brief apology, grabbed his papers, and walked in the other direction. You were shocked, you had never had a conversation so brief. Despite the bad terms, you were thankful not to be monaloged at for thirty minutes. You picked up your papers, reorginized them into a messy pile, dropped them off and headed back home.
You hardly slept that night, despite your great desire to do so. Your brief run in with Norm played over and over in your mind. Before you knew it, it was morning, and your moderately tolerable schedule had been thrown off completely, you got up, ate breakfast, showered, then exercised- then you went to answer your door, and- before you knew it, right in front of you, was Norm McLean. In your stunned silence, you were suddenly incredibly aware of your heavy purple eye bags, your ratty hair, and your unbrushed teeth, as well as that you had been staring at the man infront of you in complete silence for nearly fourty seconds. Norm was giving you a sceptial look. As your brain regained function, and your hands stopped fidgeting stupidly at your side, you saw a small set of papers in his hands. Before you could start to roil in the embarrassment of seemingly the only tolerable man in the vault seeing and reading your job reports, he spoke.
“You dropped these, picked them up on accident” Norm said flatly.
“Sorry, thanks for bringing them back I guess.” You yelped meekly, furiously trying to subdue the extremely non-characteristic butterflies in your stomach. In an attempt to deescalate your emotions, you began closing your door. That is, before he spoke up.
“Unenthusiastic performance in all areas, huh? Can’t say I haven’t been there. I think I’ve always been there, actually.” Norm spoke with great undetstanding, and if you thought about it, you could swear you heard gratitude in his voice.
“Yeah, no matter where they put me I always get the same report. Electricity isn’t as bad, less people bothering you.” Norm smiled at your reply, suddenly attentive to the conversation.
“Well, I thought there was nobody I could stand in this vault, guess I was wrong.” He gestured to the inside of your room, “mind if I come in?”
Suddenly, your world was on fire, everything collapsing around you. You nodded, probably too excitedly.
The two of you spent the entire rest of the day together, talking about annoying people in the vault, the McLean’s, your life, his. You played some video games together, and then read in a comfortable silence. For the first time in forever, you were enjoying the company of your peers. You completed your day together, both equally unenthusiastic. but, having each others company somehow made everything easier.
The next day, the two of you did the same thing, and then the next, and for the week, and a month, and before you knew it. You had spent a year together. Not before long did you admit to having feelings for one another. And after a couple years of dating, the two of you were set to be married. The two of you, alone in a vault of over 100. Unenthusiastic together.
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fun-k-boards · 11 months
People who just put reader when they actually mean curvy but also skinny, cishet, fem reader who has long hair, is white and American, has a wealthy family that's nuclear, likes to wear dresses and skirts, likes to wear makeup and nail polish, likes specific foods and wears high heels everywhere are my fucking enemy, especially if it's for a game WHERE THE PLAYER ISN'T LIMITED AND IS CUSTOMISABLE!!
If you do this I hope you get trapped in a ball pit full of legos, it takes approximately five seconds to put 'Oh btw the reader is basically just an oc but because I'm annoying I'm going to say it's a reader anyway to get more reach'
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Slasher: babe I hear the ice cream truck
Reader: *sighs* go get my wallet
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marz-barzz · 1 month
The joy of carnality
Sfw, potentially suggestive (no bits or tits), I was inspired by cannibalism as a metaphor for intimacy
°. •┈꒰ა🌹໒꒱┈• .°
I love the smell of your perfume. It was sweet and filled my nose like a deadly smoke, warning me of the danger ahead.
And yet I proceed, holding you as you kiss my neck. Your bites were harsh, but I loved them all the same, your lips soothing the damaged and tender skin. Relishing in the way you devoured me, my eyes shut as I inhale your captivating scent by the lungful.
Your lips stain red with blood as you rip through the tender meat of a lamb. Your pearly white teeth, neat as a military graveyard, blood tainting their pristine white, like a wolf biting into a fresh kill. I imagine it's my blood instead, indulging on my flesh with grace as you chew through each piece of meat, sipping my tears of bliss as if wine in your silver goblet.
I adore your smile. The fangs in your mouth are just a tease and a delightful rush for my poor soul and bring me down to my knees. Silently, I plead with my eyes to give into the sin of devouring my depraved skin.
The sound of your moans when you feast on me sends me to hell and burns my skin with the fires of passion. For the temptation of your hunger drives me mad in the best ways I've ever known. How you hum and giggle in delight as you taste me. Elegantly thin fingers hold me as you sigh with satisfaction, your gluttony satiated for now as I lay unfurled and a mess from your love.
°. •┈꒰ა🌹໒꒱┈• .°
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babbymochiiii · 8 months
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↪︎pairing: angel! johnny x ngs! reader
↪︎genre: mythical creature au
↪︎warnings: suggestive context about one-night stand and the memories reader remembers of the night they had together.
↪︎synopsis: you had a one-night stand with angel! Johnny, to which you try to leave without him noticing, but he ends up cornering you ;)
↪︎word count: 703 words
reqs are open! ⭐️
divider credit @saradika-graphics 🖤
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You woke up to the feeling of the sun’s rays hitting your face. Stirring in your sleep, you covered your face with your hands before sitting up. The cold air sends a shiver done your spine which causes you to cross your arms across your chest. The sudden sensation of your skin meeting your own skin, you looked down to see that your chest was exposed to the air.  
Sudden realization strikes you once you look around the room to see that you aren’t in your apartment. You looked down towards the bed and leaned towards the end to see your clothes scattered around along with someone else’s clothes.  
Knowing that you had a one-night stand, you grew confused as to why the man you slept with wasn’t in the room with you, until you heard the shower running down the hall. Slowly, you got off the bed and started to dress yourself. As you put on the last article of clothing, a sudden memory popped up.  
“Angel, are you sure you want to spend the night at my place?” A drunk Johnny says with his words slightly slurred.  
“Mmm, you know it baby.” You giggled as you ran your hand through his blonde hair.  
“Then to my place it is.” He smirked as he held you tightly in his hold before his white, lush, wings fluttered open and shot up to the sky in high speed towards his apartment.  
Shaking your head, you stood up straight and started to make your way towards the apartment door. As you touched the doorknob, another memory popped up that made you blush.  
“I’m going to make you my own songbird.” He said as he towered over you and left kisses down the navel of your chest.  
Upon seeing the memory, it caused you to quicken your pace unlocking the front door. Once you unlocked and opened the door, the feeling of the wind gushing towards you and your body being slammed against the now closed door, gave you some sort of whiplash.  
“Where do you think you’re going angel?” He says as he looked down at you with a cocked eyebrow.  
Not being able to make eye contact with him, your eyes trained towards his chest. To which you could tell that he had just gotten out of the shower by the small water droplets on his toned skin.  
“Leaving? W-who said anything about leaving?” You chuckled nervously.  
“My eyes are up here sweetheart.” He said as he took hold of your chin and made you look up at him.  
The fierce blush that took over your face once you made eye contact with the man had you feeling breathless. All the memories from last night all came piling up which caused you to moan.  
“Remember now?” He teased.  
“Johnny stop- “  
“That wasn’t what you were calling me last night.” He smirked as he leaned in towards your neck.  
“J-Johnny!” You gasped out as you looked at him with wide eyes.  
He laughed at your reaction causing some of his feathers to ruffle up slightly.  
Mesmerized at the sight of his beautiful white-ivory feathers ruffling up, you unconsciously reach towards them and place a gentle touch on the wings.  
This caused a shiver to run down Johnny’s spine causing him to quickly take hold of your hand and pin it towards your side.  
“Do you not remember the punishment I gave you last night when you tried to touch them?” Johnny said in a serious tone.  
“I- “you stopped yourself from talking as you looked down towards the floor as a blush covered your cheeks.  
“You look at me when I’m talking to you.” Johnny said in a deep voice as he took hold of your jaw and made you look back up at him. “Would I have to teach you a lesson again?” he said as he narrowed his eyes towards you.  
The way he used the tone with you caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. Though you couldn’t see it for yourself, your eyes glazed over as you looked at him with big doe-eyes, which caused him to smirk knowing that he had you under his grasp.  
“To the bedroom — now.”  
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embarrassingly enough…💀 when I first wrote this it was an Pro Hero Hawks but Johnny…I had a phase in 2021 what can I saaaaaay 💀
Anywhoooo! I hope you enjoyed the short drabble! 🖤 should I do more mythical creature x nct? Would love to get your guys suggestion!! 🥰✨
With so so so much love from me to you!! 🕷️ MWAH MWAH 😚❤️
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fairyboygenius · 20 days
ghost with a partner who also has a past with being SAed is so special to me. they learn together that sex can be about more than asserting power and causing pain and that you’re not inherently a bad person for desiring people because sex, when it’s consensual, can be incredibly satisfying and a great experience for both parties. i feel like he’d be gentle at first, afraid of hurting you like the person or people before him did.
i do also think he would be into CNC but only after a lot of therapy and many long discussions with his partner- you or johnny or whoever- to make sure that this is something you’re both okay with. all kink is prenegotiated with him and he doesn’t spring anything on you.
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lacnunga · 15 days
In the wake of the IA situation, I've seen a lot more posts circulating about using your local library and I just. Sigh
#i dont know whether these people are thinking of Big City libraries#or their local is the most well stocked most accommodating library known to man#but my library consists of mostly kids books and ww2 skinned romance lites and james patterson thrillers#if youre lucky theres some pop history books on the tiny shelf in the back#oh also the opening times? 0930 to 1700 of course. yknow. when most ppl are at work :)#oh except sunday. when were just closed ;)#trying to get the library to bring in a specific book? sorry that'll be nine months and we'll send it to the library#in booksbury-upon-tyne which will cost you a £30 round train ticket (if the trains are running ;)) and a three hour journey#(cause were swr and life is a fucking nightmare)#im not doing that for a book im not even sure will be relevant to what im looking for yknow#i guess what im saying is that while i love the concept of libraries#they havent really evolved with the times. theyve been what theyve been for a millenia#and the intellectual value they were built to provide hasnt kept up with the funds theyre actually allocated#now i will say these are kinda complaints specific to me cause im not the biggest fiction reader#and if i am theyre mainly classics so my gripe is more with the proviso of non fiction books#and the variety of them which is incredibly narrow#and i dont drive so the intersection of this with the hellscape that is south englands public transport network also sucks dick and balls#like i realise the library provides a lot of necessary resources for older people and kids and those without internet access etc.#but that does leave a large swathe of people with little to no reason or time to visit the library yknow.#i dont blame the library workers of course but i also dont think its the visitors (customers?) fault#that there isnt a great incentive for them to visit#especially since i have found most of my fave nonfiction books in second hand stores#which would have either cost £80 new or would have been locked ina university library out of reach of the common folk#whatever. ramble ramble yada yada. ev complains again whats new
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wolveria · 1 year
No hate to anyone who writes this way, but am I the only one who can’t relate to readers who’ve had lots of flings/sex/relationships/etc?
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gay4abby · 10 months
Can you write a Limoreau short fic where Jordan is arrested and sent to jail for using the female bathroom like the pervert he is and Marie is his cop who blows his dick off for wanting to assault women while they are peeing. Also can Rufus be the Maga judge who orders Jordan to face the firing squad.
i honestly envy every person you’ve never met. i don’t know who you are but your terf flat back having ass is someone i hope who will experience a fate worst than death because killing you is doing not only everyone else a favour but its setting up shaytaan (who i absolutely hate mind you) to deal with a waste of space like you.
i’m not above telling someone to off themselves bc people like you exist in the world so, consider the following: please fucking k!•• yourself, take a razor and just slice it through your achilles tendon while you’re at it. take a knife and run it through your eyeballs then eat them, take that same knife and stab yourself in the back of your brain where the pain centre is so you know you die of absolute morbid pain.
you want this fic so bad write it yourself and then send it to me so i can doxx you ‹𝟥
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roxy-bat-wolf-pack · 4 months
You find out Peter Parker is Spiderman🕸
Non gender specific reader/ Spiderman
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It was a complete accident when you found out Peter was Spiderman.
He doesn't see you just outside his room. It was supposed to be a surprise
He pulls the mask over his head and leaps from the window without a backward glance
You stand shocked and your instinct to run takes over
Aunt May ask what's wrong, but you can't even get words out.
How do you even explain that your best friend is Spiderman
Does she even know?
You can't sleep that night, your mind is racing
You pull out you phone with intentions to text him but after what feels like forever you give up
How do you even start that conversation
"Hey btw I was spying on you and saw you change into your spidersuit. Nbd, it's totally chill!" Yea right
At school the next day, you try to play it cool, but he definitely notices the way you are looking at him
How do you face him?
Your face turns red from remembering all the times you confessed your undying love for Spiderman to him
Your locker is decorated with magazine cutouts of the webslinger, your best friend!
You decide the best corse of action is a note, telling him you know and his secret is safe with you
He tries to talk to you but you're just too nervous
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The look on his face when you can't speak to him is like a punch to the heart
This will all be better when he reads the note
The ball is in his court now
That night, you sit by you phone waiting desperately for his call
Will he be ok with you knowing? Will he be upset?
It rings, and you're glad to find that he sounds happy on the other end, relieved even
"I'm so glad I don't have to keep this a secret from you anymore. Lying to you killed me, but I just wanted to keep you safe"
You're so relieved. Honesty in your relationships is so important to you
"You mind if I swing by? No pun intended!"
He always finds a way to make you laugh
"Yea tiger, swing on over. You know it's always been my dream to have Spiderman show up in the middle of the night."
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darylspissslit · 2 years
Heard you were looking for some Daryl inspiration??
Thank you for all your love on The Dog series and I’d love to return the favor!!
Request/Inspo/Idea: Daryl and wife!reader reunite on the highway after the barn/farm burns down ! He thinks she’s still out there but like emerges from the woods!!
Thank you 💕✨
Thank you so much I love this. The dog series is so cute thank you for bringing it to life 💗💗
So this isn't the greatest and it wasn't proofread so idk how it turned out. But I got something done so that's a plus 😅.
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The flames were bright. The sound of Walker teeth clacking and loud groaning quickly being drowned out by the pulse that seemed to beating like a drum in your ears.
The farm was overrun by the dead and soon the fire would finish the job. Spreading from the barn across the field to the farmhouse to devour what the walkers couldn’t.
You tried to find Daryl in the chaos. Fighting off the dead while looking for the living. For a second you thought you could hear Daryl’s bike over the moans of the herd. Trying to clear a path to the entrance of the farm you started running. Shouting for Daryl as you saw him drive off with Carol behind him but he couldn’t hear you over the rumble of the bike speeding down the dirt road, you were alone.
You ran through the woods just trying to get away from the walkers following you. You were up all night fighting and running. Not knowing where to go you decided to try and make it back to the highway where there was food still left for Sophia and hopefully someone else in the group would be there, hopefully Daryl would be there.
“I gotta go back an’ look” Daryl said walking back to his bike.He was arguing with Rick about leaving the group to search for you.
“The farms overrun. She probably ran” Rick said resting his hands on his hips “we’ll wait for a few more minutes” he said trying to compromise. He didn’t want to lose another person and going back to the farm so soon was a death sentence.
“Nah I ain’t waitin” Daryl said in a gruff tone turning back to us bike. Rustling in the trees startled the group. Swiftly lifting his crossbow and aiming at the trees, Daryl slowly started walking towards the sound.
You came tumbling out of the treeline falling to the ground. You were exhausted, covered in dirt and spider webs. There were still a few walkers behind you that weren’t able to put down loosing your knife in a scuffle with a walker at some point in the night. You tried standing up only for your legs to shake and give out.
“Y/N!” you heard Daryl shout as he started running down the side of the highway. Taking down a walker with his crossbow and bashing the heads of the other two with the end of the trusty weapon.
Daryl grabbed your arm helping you up and quickly pulling you into him for a hug. Wrapping your tired arms around his waist you buried your face in his chest and started crying.
“I… I thought I lost ya” Daryl’s warm breath caressed the top of your head as he cried. “I tried to find ya but I couldn’ see anythin but walkers and smoke” he squeezed you tighter
You cried harder remembering seeing him driving off the farm. You were right behind him. “I ran after you” you choked out looking up at him.
He looked down feeling ashamed for not looking harder but you weren’t upset with him for leaving you behind. “they were everywhere I’m so sorry” he said sadly resting his forehead against yours.
“Its okay. I’m alive. I did learn how to survive from the best” you said lighthearted and kissed him sweetly. “I love you” you said hugging him tightly again. “I love ya more” Daryl replied kissing the top of your head and holding you close for a moment.
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orgasming-caterpillar · 3 months
Wow I don't wish bad things on anyone but I hope this guy gets a fucking enlightenment or something dumb fucking hoe
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Question for the bg3 fic likers
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lovearne · 2 years
desperate measures - joel miller
Joel Miller x non gendered reader
My page is 18+ only. I don't tolerate minors here, this is my safe place to express myself, and I don't consent to minors viewing my works or my blog.
Warnings: death, gore, apocalyptic themes, age difference, found family, description of injury, flirtations, Joel being a softie, no relationship
Based on a prompt from this list
"Kiss me. Just once. For luck."
Word count: 6.7k
Support your fanfic writers by reblogging and commenting :)
You'd known of Joel for a long time, before you'd gotten together. He was always around the QZ, and he was a so called 'upstanding citizen'. You didn't agree, he was a trouble maker, but he always did all he could in order to help people. Take the weight off anybodies back, complete the tasks they couldn't bring themselves to do.
You'd had a crush on him for honestly a long time. You hadn't been very old when the cordyceps infections began, spending the most of your life in quarantine zones, hopping from one to another. It'd been 10 years you'd been seeing Joel in the Boston QZ. He was part of the adults you were told to stay away from, your parents were fireflies and Joel was an avid firefly hater.
You escorted Ellie with Tess and Joel after Marlene was shot, the four of you set off on the journey. Ellie was like family to you, and you'd taken the spot of a guardian in her eyes. You and Ellie would take turns annoying the shit out of Tess and Joel. But mainly Tess, she couldn’t handle you, let alone Ellie tagged ontop. She’d had a few discussions with you before you’d even met Ellie, you were stubborn and set in your beliefs, but didnt mind someone giving you a different perspective. You were raised right in her eyes. Your parents had done a good job. She’d told you that one night, as the two of you were pressing bullets for the fireflies, she’d needed a favour so they had her on bullet duty. The mood had changed when you laughed. 
“I’ll make sure to tell them that when I see them next.” Your tone was cheery, and enthusiastic, tess smiled, in her eyes you were the spark that the world hadn’t put out yet. Though you were alive when it happened, you’d not let the reality and cruelty of the world get to you.
“Where are they? I’d like to tell them that their child turned out well.” Tess said in conversation. You smiled back at her.
“Somewhere between Holyoke and Northampton.” Tess frowned.
“Do they normally go so far from the QZ?” You nod your head. “How long have they been gone?” You swallow.
“Going on 8 years next week.” You reply. Tess paled.
“Are they-” she was cut off by your firm nod. 
“Yeah.” you whisper. “Another firefly was with them. My moms died holding hands.”
Tess frowned as she thought about the situation at hand. She’d saved you and Ellie, but it’d come with a cost to herself. She was infected, she knew that. She knew what had to happen, what she’d wanted to happen. She just needed to ensure the three of you got to the fireflies. She needed to see the mission through, to the best of her abilities. 
She hadn't told anybody, she thought maybe they'd get to the fireflies in time that they'd be able to help her using Ellies blood. She knew it was impossible and there was no hope, but she had to make herself believe it. She had to keep going. For the man she loved, the friend she never appreciated enough, and the little girl she knew would change the world, one way or another. 
When the three of you, found out about Tess' condition, it was already way too late. The infection was spreading, and the runners were coming. She pushed the three of you out, you tried to get her to come with you, you tried the hardest to stay and help or drag her out screaming. Ellie tried to reason with Tess, but she was pushed by both you and Tess toward Joel. Tess and Joel had both agreed on an escape plan if you needed it. They'd say their goodbyes when they met each other again, maybe in another life, or the afterlife. 
You stayed long enough before Tess pulled a knife on you, telling you to get as far away as possible from her.
"You're a smart kid, now please be smart and listen to me. Get out of here, find Joel and get Ellie to the fireflies. He can't do it by himself." You left right after that, running as fast as you could back to Joel and Ellie. As you were reaching them, the building behind you three exploded in a big ball of fire. Tears had been rolling down your cheeks, the whole time you ran. You couldn't belive that a woman you'd known most of your life could just, just die like that. You were in shock, you'd seen people die, an endless amount. But this one? You knew her, you'd talked to her, you'd shared fond memories with her. Now she was gone. 
With one look at Joel, you wiped your eyes and grabbed Ellie's hand. He needed someone strong right now, not someone who was grieving. 
You were successful in pushing your feelings away. The three of you made it to a place Joel had called Bill and Frank's. The two had been dead a few weeks by the time you got there. Joel had a small moment, where he looked like he wasn't all that well, you could tell he was mourning the people he's known for almost a decade. Ellie plays with the piano as you watch Joel. He put his head down, his hands on his hips. He was trying to keep it together.
"Joel?" His head lifts to look at you. "I'm going to go check outside, are you ok in here?" He nods.
"Wait, stay here with Ellie, I'll check it out." He said, trying to appear as the strong old man everyone seen him as. You seen a different story, he was a broken man. 
"No sir. You check the house out. I'll just be spitting  distance away." He nods.
"Fucking fine." He spat and walked toward the den. You looked at Ellie and you both shrugged at the same time.
"What's up his ass?" Ellie asks.
"He just lost people he's known for a long time." You say to her softly. "He doesn't know how to address that when we are here watching him. Wants to be a strong man for us." She nods. 
"Can I come outside with you?" She asked. You nod. 
"Of course. C'mon we got some exploring to do miss." You say imitating a fancy voice. Ellie laughs at you, she takes your hand and the two of you go outside.
You and Ellie hadn't been outside very long when Joel storms out, yelling about how irresponsible you are.
"Shut up you grumpy old man!" You yell back at him, pulling Ellie behind you.
"You should have left her in fucking side!"
"She wanted to come out here with me! She's safer with one of us than alone!" You were now chest to  heat with the angry man.
"She's a little girl!" You push his chest as he yelled that on your face.
"Exactly! Which is why she's safer with one of us fuckass!" Joel grabs your wrists as you try and hit him. "Fuck you!" You kick him in the inner thigh, close enough to his crotch that he'd understand that you weren't playing around. He let go of you.
"No fuck you old man. If you don't want outside we'll go inside. C'mon Ellie." You said that bit softly to her. "Let's go see what Bill and Frank left." 
"Are you ok?" She asks. You nod stifly.
"I just wanna get away from that man. But he wants his guns." She nods with you. "He's not gonna let me take you myself." Ellie nods.
"He's just a grumpy old man." She reminds you. You laugh. 
"He is. But we should still treat him with respect, he's gone through a lot of hurt to help us." Ellie nods.
"I keep thinking about Tess." 
"It's not your fault Ellie." She holds up her hand.
"I know how it feels to lose someone to a bite." You nod at her. 
"Who'd you lose?" You ask as you examine the den area, seeing a entrance under a picked up furniture piece you don't know the name to.
"My best friend." You nod solemnly. "My first crush." 
"Oh, when did it happen?" You ask, putting your hand on her arm.
"They died when I got bit. We thought we'd die beside each other." She explained. "I didn't tell them I loved them." She say, her eyes filling with tears she desperately tried to keep at bay. You shush her pulling her into your chest, giving her a hug.
"It's ok love, I think they knew." You comfort her. "I think they understood. Most of the time, the people we pine over already know we like them." You whisper to her. She tilts her head. The two of you go down the stairs.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"Well, people we are close to know that we love them without us having to explicitly state that we do." You explain. "They might not know that you cared for them more than platonically, but they knew you cared. That's all that matters in my opinion." She nods.
"You sound like the wise wizard who told Arthur he could do it." You laugh.
"What you wanna call me Merlin then?" She nods.
"Yeah! It'll be our joke to keep!!" She exclaims. "We won't tell grumpy old Joel." You nod.
"OK, fine. I guess you can call me Merlin then." You agree. 
Not long after that conversation the three of you meet back up, guns and supplies packed in the back of the truck, a generator if you need it, and lots of canned goods. 
"Can Merlin drive Joel?" 
"Who the fuck is Merlin?" You wave at him. "I thought your name was-"
"It's Merlin now." You discretely nod to Ellie, trying to tell Joel to just let her have this. He nods. 
"Odd fuckin name. You're not a wizard." He scoffs. You smile. He was a softie at heart.
"So can they?" Ellie buts in.
"Can they what?"
"Fuck no." Ellie starts to protest but Joel talks over her. "They weren't even old enough to ride a scooter when the outbreak hit. There's no way." Ellie shrugs.
"You could teach them." Joel shakes his head. You nod. 
"It's OK Ellie we can sit in the back together and annoy the shit out of him." You say in exchange. She nods.
Ellie ended up sitting in the front for the first bit of the drive. She was so curious about the truck, she'd never been in a car before. And to be honest, you barely remember a time being in the car, you've always been on horseback or just walking while travelling. 
You went through the items you'd found at Bill and Frank's. A few being some skin magazines. You discretely put a comic book to cover the true book. You kept looking up at Joel as you looked through them, curiously peering at different parts of the bodies shown. 
He coughed and you jumped, throwing the magazine under the seat. 
"You ok back there Merlin? You look a bit sick." You nod. "You sure?" You nod again. 
"Just a little scared of the moving vehicle is all." He nods. 
"Try and put your head between your knees, even if you can't get it to touch your knees, the position still helps calm your stomach." You nod, doing as he told you. You'd already made the bit, might as well commit to it. "It's just motion sickness, it'll pass." You hum in understanding. His smooth accent was soothing to your ears, you wanted to hear more of it. 
"How long until we get there?" Ellie asked. Joel hummed. You decided you liked his hum.
"Maybe a few days." He mutters. "Used to be able to drive across the country in just 2 days. Might take a bit longer because of the infected and cars jammed in the roads." Ellie hums in answer. 
You slowly start to drift into sleep, being soothed by both the soft music playing, and Joel's voice softly humming to it. It was easy to find comfort in the man sat in the driver's seat, and you were glad he'd been the one chosen to take you and Ellie to the fireflies in the first place.
When you woke up, the car was stopping. It was dark outside. How long had you been asleep for?
"Mornin Merlin." Joel's voice softly spoke. "How was your sleep?" You nod.
"Alright I guess. Where are we?" 
"About 6 hours west of Boston." He says.
"Canada?" You ask with excitement.
"No, we went southwest. Can't chance crossing the border. There will be too many infected." You nod. 
"How long has she been asleep?" You nod to Ellie who'd fallen asleep in the passenger side. 
"Not long, maybe an hour, two?" He muses. You nod.
"Pull over." He pulls to the side of the road, efficiently parking the car. 
"What's goin' on?" He asked.
"I just gotta pee!" You say hurriedly as you open the car door and go into the bush a little. You quickly relieve yourself and walk back to the car. You watch as Joel carefully lifts Ellie, his body freezing for a second as he stares at her. You almost think he's gonna drop her, but he motions his head for you to open the back door. You move to help him, watching as his soft eyes don't leave where he was setting her down. He reached and buckled her body so she would slam into the seat when he drove.
After he was done, you could swear your heart melted. He was so sweet with her, almost as if he was her own father. You wondered if he had been a dad in his previous pre apocalyptic life.
When he set her down, he covered her up with the blanket you'd grabbed. He stared at her for a couple of minutes, unable to take his eyes away from her. You gathered that he'd indeed been a father before the apocalypse. He was a very closed book, and hard to read, yet there were little moments, like this one, that let you have a glimpse into what his mind held. You enjoyed these little glimpses. 
You watched as Joel then hopped into the passenger side. You furrowed your brows. Walking over to him before he closed the door. 
"What's going on? Are we stopping for the night?" He shakes his head. "I don't know what you want me to say." You admit.
"Get in the driver's seat idiot." He scoffs. Your face falls. 
"I'm gonna drive?" You were nervous. 
"Relax, I'm gonna be right beside you. But the truth is, we will last much longer if we switch off, yeah?" You nod.
"Yeah, ok that makes sense. Ok, let's do this." You pumped yourself up, walking to the driver's side and sitting in the seat, you quickly notice how uncomfortable it is. You have to understand comfortably grip the wheel. Joel laughs a little and reaches under you to move the bench. 
"You have to adjust it to be comfortable reach for your legs and arms." His arm was between you legs as he scooted the bench to where it needed to be. You looked a lot more comfortable at the wheel. "Good," he says, that one word making your blush deepen. "Now, take your foot and tap around as far as you can reach. Look at my hands." Joel moves his hands so hid left is sideways, and his right stays up the right way. "The one that feels like this one," he gestures his left hand "is the brake. You'll push that one when you want to slow down or stop." You nod. "And the one that feels like my right hand, that's the accelerator, or the gas. You hit that one to go. With both pedals you have to be careful as you don't want to scare yourself." You nod. Joel smiles at you, his face lightening up a little. "Are you ready?" You nod.
"Hells yeah!" He motions for you to drive. But you pause. Thinking fast. You kiss him on the cheek. His face goes confused. 
"It's a kiss. For luck." He nods, still a little shocked. He motions for you to drive. You slowly pull the shifter into drive, taking your foot off the brake, you start to move forward. You squeal as the car starts to veer to the side. Joel quickly pulls the steering wheel the proper position. You look at him with panic. 
"It's ok, the alignment is off, there's nothing we can do to fix that. You just have to trunk the wheel a little so the tyres stay straight." You nod, again taking off, adding some pressure onto the gas pedal, you smile as the car enters the road. Laughing as you drive. 
"I'm doing it!" You smile. He laughs softly, the car starts to move smoother, you just pressing on the peddle, making it go around 25mph.
"You can push it more Merlin, that's the magic of driving." You push the peddle more, going up to 60mph. "There you go! That's good!" Joel whoops quietly as you buzz in excitement. "You know what would make this better?"
"Hmm?" You answer.
"A nice cup of coffee." He admitted. You squeal. 
"Joel! There's some in the supplies!" He smiles wide at you. 
"I guess your goodluck kiss worked." He smiles at you, watching as you wiggle in your seat in embarrassment.
He leans over to give you a peek on the cheek, or so you thought. He actually reached across you for your seatbelt, clipping it in for you.  "Not gonna help you if we crash though." He informs you.
"Could've just kissed me. All the luck I need from you. You've survived 20 years of the apocalypse." He smiles.
"You have too. Look at us, two lucky ducks." You scoff.
"And a baby duck." You correct nodding your head to the back where Ellie was still sleeping. 
"Yeah, that's right. We'll drive all night, and tomorrow day. Then we'll camp out tomorrow night. Does that sound good?" You nod. "I'm gonna sleep then. When we stop. He says." You nod again.
About a half hour later, he was snoring beside you. You smile at his adorable sounds. You were infatuated with him. You loved how he treated you like an adult. The fireflies, especially Marlene saw you as a child. An accessory, a pawn. But Joel, he never knew you as a child. So bed never treat you like one. Although logically he was old enough to be your dad. You didn't want to think like that though.
You were startled out of your thoughts as the car began to sputter, jerking as it struggled. It scared you, you pulled to the side of the road like Joel had earlier and placed the shifter back into the P position. Your hands were shaking as you reached to wake Joel up.
"Joel!" You push his shoulder, he pushed you away. You pushed him again. "Joel get the fuck up I broke it!" You were terrified. Joel finally looks over at you and just stares at you. 
"What's goin on?" He said in his sleepy voice. You wanted to take his voice and play it over and over again on a loop in your brain. 
"I broke the truck!" Joel quickly looks at the dash and realizes what happened. He let's out a little laugh. You hit him again. "Don't laugh at me dick breath! This is serious." He frowns for a moment and laughs again. Stumbling out of the truck he gathers stuff from the bed, he places it on the ground and opened the door. 
"Watch your legs oh mystical one." He mocked, you frowned harder. His hand went below your leg and flipped a switch, he then pressed down on said switch and walked toward the back of the truck again. Within a few minutes he walked back to the front. "Alright Lucky, scoot over." He waved his hand, signalling you to move across the bench. You smile as you watch him restart the car and pull off the shoulder of the road. 
"You're pretty." You say. 
"You're stupid." You scoff, hitting his arm. 
"Thought I was lucky." You sass. He sighs, putting his hand up in defeat. You smiled at the victory.
"That sass'll get you into trouble." You smirked.
"Nah, that ass'll." You counter, he looks away. 
"OK, you got me. You win." He smiles at you. 
"Look at us, I got a great sass, and you got a beautiful ass." He sputters laughing hard as he registers what you'd said. 
"OK, you're done, you served me my ass on a silver platter." He said, ready to get this conversation over with, too flustered by you.
"Lemme just lick those fingers clean," you grab the hand that waved in your face as you started to talk. Your soft wet tongue filling the cracks between your fingers. Joel's eyes were dark, watching as the tip of your tounge peeked through his fingers. You looked at the road and panicked. "Joel! A deer!" He quickly swerved the car and avoided hitting the deer, the two of you very spooked. 
"Don't do that again." He warns, his voice deep as the two of you calmed down on the side of the road.
"Do what?" A small voice asked from the backseat. Ellie woke up from her sleep, startled awake from the erratic driving from just seconds prior. She stares at the two of you as Joel blankly blinks his eyes. 
"I poked his neck, and he glared at me and almost hit a deer." You lied smoothly. Joel nodded at you. "It was your fault anyways, you're the one that looked away from the road. You point out, double meaning laced in your words. Joel's eyes darken for a second. 
"Yeah, couldn't possibly be your fault for distracting me." He snaps back. 
"Oh stop being such a dick and suck it up." You huff, turning to the side and watching from the mirror, seeing Ellie roll her eyes and lay back down. 
 Joel also huffed and pulled the truck back to the road, driving steadily toward your destination. You lave your head against the window, watching as the dark forest zoomed past. Joel waited until he heard Ellies snore again before speaking. 
"What was that?" He whispered to you. You shrug.
"You're hot as hell, I'm a decent catch in the apocalypse. You want me? You got me." You say. He huffs.
"Never pegged you for a bed warmer." You scoff.
"Fuck off. Fucking dicknee!" You whisper shouted. 
"Dicknee?" He questions. You nod. "Did they not teach you proper insults at butterfly school?" He asks, genuinely curious.
"I didn't go to school." You answer. He nods. 
"Fucking explains it." He sighs. "Look, your insults are earaching." He starts, he lectures you most of the night on how insults are supposed to sound. You'd ended up falling asleep with your head resting on his shoulder due to sitting right close to him so you didn't disrupt Ellie.
The three of you had set up camp just outside the truck. Sleeping bags rolled out and ready. Though you didn't have one for yourself, you'd only had Bill and Frank's. Joel frowned as you just used a thin blanket. It was getting colder and colder at night.
"Hey Lucky," he grabs your attention. "Come here." He left no room for argument as he spread out his sleeping bag. When you came near him, he placed the blanket you had on the ground and pulled you down beside him. Laying on the blanket, with the sleeping bag pulled over the pair of you. You cuddled into him and surprisingly he allowed it. His arm wrapped around you, you swore you'd never felt safer. 
When you woke the next morning, your back was to his front, you could've stayed there for hours. You'd probably stay there for a bit longer, as the sun hasn't risen yet. You snuggle in closer to Joel, his arm was under your head, serving as your pillow. You pressed your nose into it, taking in his smell. It was so… woodsy. You imagine you don't smell great either.
The sun was just starting to rise as you felt Joel's arm tighten around you, you smile. Reaching up to touch his arm around your waist.
"Mornin old man." You whisper in your sleep groggy voice. 
"Morning wizard." His deadpanned reply makes you laugh. You feel him smile at you as he laughed as well.
"We should be getting up, yeah?" Joel nods. 
"You'll give me a hand?" Joel asked. You nodded.
Getting up, you pull Joel's own hand up with you. His other arm was asleep after being tucked under your head all night. 
"I'm gonna go take a leak, wanna grab that coffee you were telling me about?" You nod. 
You grabbed the coffee and the maker, and some food to warm on the small fire Joel was making. The two of you got busy making the coffee and warming the food. 
Soon Ellie woke up, and got in a small fight with Joel over the coffee smelling like burned shit. You smile warmly looking at the duo. Soon the three of you were on the road again. You sat in the front seat, Ellie in the back. You giggles as she disappeared into the floor. You felt Joel's hand rest on your knee as you were looking back at Ellie. Your head turned to meet Joel's eyes. He pointed out a very bad car wreck, the two of you silently agreed not to let Ellie know its there. You turn back to Ellie, encouraging her to get her book out of her bag, she instead found something interesting. It was the skin mag. Your eyes widen as she opens it. 
"Some interesting pictures." She says, that catches Joel's attention, as he looks back.
"Ellie, that ain't for kids." She ignored him, he looks to you. You shrug. 
"Woah!" She exclaims, you give in.
"Let me see." You say, you see Joel's exasperated face in your peripherals. "No, see. That's defiantly fake." Ellie looks at you. 
"How do you know?" She demands.
"Look there, that skinnis off a few shades. They put a different body on this one." She nods.
"Woah how's he walk around with that thing?!" She yelled as she unfolded the magazine. Joel looks at you again.
"Why are these pages sticking together." Joel just hums, unsure how to answer that. "Just joking, anyways by bo-" you grabbed the magazine from her before she could throw it out. They both look at you. 
"What? I heard these are hard to come by." They still look at you. "People have needs." You cross your arms.
Joel's hand had rested back on your knee. You bent to put the skin mag in the glove box, finding a few more in there. "Holy shit!" You gasped. Only you and Joel seen he laughed a little as you pushed it in the glovebox, clicking it shut.
The three of you came up on a car pile up. You sit up more, reaching your body to peck Joel on the cheek. His face darkens a bit more. "What?" 
"A kiss, for luck." Your eyes sparkle at him. Your intentions were pure. He smiles as he decides to go through the city. 
The peace didn't last long at all, as the three of you pass by the Quarantine zone a man stumbles in the middle of the road. You look to Joel. He shakes his head.
"Ellie, seatbelt." 
"Aren't we going t-" 
"Seatbelt, now." You cut her off, she nods. Joel presses the gas and takes off toward the supposed injured man, he jumps out of the way, but shots statt to ring out, bullets digging into the truck at all angles shattering the glass of windows and the windshield. 
"Oh fuck!" You yell as the truck swerved into a laundromat. 
The airbag failed, but surprizing because of the age of the car. Your head smashed against the dashboard, blood running down your forehead, your whole face practically dripping in it as you look around you rapidly.
"Joel! Ellie!" You heard Joel grunt. "Ellie!" Her head popped out from behind Joel's seat. 
"I'm ok!" She returned. Looking to Joel, you can see a superficial cut on his cheek, and a few patches of blood on his clothes. You hurry and pull them out of the truck, Joel grabbing the gun as he goes. He had the only gun. 
There were multiple shots fired as the three of you huddled behind the truck. You watched as Joel seen a hole in the wall, shooing Ellie to go through the hole. She shakes her head. 
"Ellie, go!" You urge her. She looks at the both of you before she takes off. Joel shooting the men as you distract them. 
You don't know how it happened, but Joel was pinned. He was under som 20 something kid, probably just younger or just older than you, he was choking the air out of Joel, you were sitting there, the blood loss making you dizzy as fuck, you tried to get up to help but couldn't. You looked away and heard a shot. Then the boy begging for his life. Joel shot him. The kid was dead.
The world faded out.
When you next woke up, Ellie was asleep on the floor of what looked like an untouched apartment. Your head stung like a bitch and when you looked around you seen Joel laying toward the door. You sigh, moving to check on Ellie, she was fine, she didn't feel cold. You moved to Joel, finding yourself being cold, you dropped yourself behind him, cuddling into his back. You drift back into sleep
"Joel!" You hear, "Joel!" You feel more than see the man get up. 
He sits up abruptly. Then freezes, you can just barely see his face. It was pulled in the most terrifying look you'd seen. You started to sit up with him, still a little dizzy. You miss most of the conversation, focused on holding Joel's arm for support. 
He lightly pushes you, probably not wanting you near him. You let go and reach to touch your face.
"Don't do that." An unfamiliar voice said. You look and see a young man standing with a gun to Ellies head.
"Hey what the fuckfly are you doing?" You demanded. Going to stand up, Joel holds your sleeve. "Whag the shit are you doing! Put your fucking gun down or you'll know the meaning of hurt." You threatened. Joel pulls your sleve more and you lean into him. It was then you realized that you were falling away from him.
You leaned agaisnt him still glaring at the man behind Ellie. You realized after a while he'd had a child with him. You didn't see children with the people attacking you.  
"Joel." You whisper, his chest moves a bit and you know he's answered you non-audibly. "He's got a kid. He's not one of the people trying to kill us." You whisper. You feel another non-audible answer. He knows. 
"You're gonna help us get out of the city. And we're gonna show you where to go." After a few close calls, of either getting caught by the usperpers or the runners.
You lean against Joel as you walk through the underground, finding a housing development with toys on the floors and rules on the walls. You smile as you sit on a chair much smaller than meant for someone your size. It was comfortable enough you muse.
You watch as Ellie and Sam play, Sam teaching Ellie some sign language. You'd learned some while in the Boston QZ, it was a good little pass time, and you could speak to the elderly better. Most lost their hearing and since the death of technology there haven't been working hearing aids in a decade. 
One of your favourite pastimes was to sit and talk to the elderly. You remember a conversation you'd had with a little old lady, the sound of her laugh, something she'd not heard herself in over 5 years, it was a beautiful laugh, you loved making people happy. Smiles and laughs were some of the most beautiful things you could fathom existing in this world. 
"You ok?" The man, Henry had asked you.
"Don't." Joel responded. The man looked at him almost with irritation.
"They can speak for themselves." He retorted. 
"M'fine." You butted in, trying to keep the peace. You look at the man now, his face is worried, you don't think for you, but maybe for the unsure future of Sam. He didn't want you to become even more deadweight. You couldn't take the man's inquisitive stare, moving your head to look up at Joel. You lean back against him. He faux groaned at the additional weight you'd leaned against him. "Oh fuck off old man, you carried me up stairs recently. Like 40 flights." His chest moved a little at your crass tone. 
"Yeah, and your ass was heavy when I did that too." You fake gasp.
"wow, étaient juste grossiers tout d'un coup." He looked at you for a second.
"Is that French?" You shrug.
"Is that a problem?" 
"I don't speak French." 
"What do you speak? Cowboy?" You teased.
"I spoke Spanish quite a bit before the outbreak." You nod.
"It's sister language is French. At least that's what the old ladies told me." You spoke.
"They taught you?" You nod.
"So Spanish eh?" He nods.
"Eres muy guapa." You tell him, tripping on the words. He hums.
"No, it's guapo. Hard 'o' at the end. Guapa is feminine." He informs. You nod.
"Eres muy guapo." He nods again.
"Muy bien, suerte." You smile.
"Danke." You reply. He smiles. 
"That's German." His smile is more slick. Like he's caught you red handed.
"You try and keep up with caring for the elderly at like 12." You retort. He laughs a little. Henry joins in. 
The five of you stayed in the settlement a few hours, waiting for it to get dark outside, you ended up cuddled into Joel, both his arms around you, holding you. One hand had found purchase on your mid thigh. You grinned as you pushed your face into his chest. 
"Should've grabbed one of those skin mags before leaving the truck behind." You joked, hearing Henry laugh. "Nah I should've grabbed all of them. You know how many playboys and playgirls, and men's magazines there were? Should've grabbed them all up." You exclaimed. Henry laughs again.
"Why would you want porn, when you have Mr. Grump." You sputter for a second, feeling Joels thumb lightly rub your thigh, trying to comfort you.
"Porn is a normal and completely valid thing to want." He nods. 
"Where'd you say that truck was?" 
The three of you laugh, more so you and Henry, but Joel's chest gave way a little. 
The five of you soon left the settlement, the sky being dark outside, you walked down a neighbourhood street, something you didn't see very often in the QZ, it was mostly city blocks. You held onto Joel's sleeve most of the walk, his hands resting on the long rifle he carried. He looked hot.
"Hey old man." You mumble, your worn out state still causing you to be groggy, you'd probably had a concussion.
"Yeah?" He replied. 
"You're warm." Your face pushed into his jacket, the warmth you felt from him unlike any other feeling. 
He laughs.
You barely follow along as Henry guides you through the neighborhood, turning onto a street just in time for a shot to ring out, hitting close to you. Joel throws you against the car, you were between he and Ellie, Henry and Sam right beside Joel.
"Alright, I'm gonna go around, you four distract them." Joel says. You grab his sleeve. 
"Kiss me." You said, he blinked at you. "Just once." He still didn't budge. "For luck." He gives you a peck on your forehead. You pout. "That doesn't give much luck." You pointed out. 
"Maybe not, but there's a guy shootin at us right now." And like that he's off.
"You'll owe me a proper one when you're done!" You yell after him, he waves you off. 
Not long after, the shooting stops, and you hear Joel yelling. It was too late. You seen the trucks, the hoards of people. You stiffen. You quickly tell Henry you have to move. You grab Ellie and he grabs Sam. The four of you hide behind a old van, taking cover where you could.
You listen as the leader of the KC revolt speaks, trying to get Henry to come give himself up. Eventually he stands and she points her gun at him. You stand too, motioning for Sam and Ellie to stay down.
"Don't!" You say, walking forward, her gun trains on you. 
"Who the fuck are you? Did you kill my son?" You put your hands up.
"No, but I wish I did." You say, her guns safety clicks off. 
"What the fuck did you just say?"
"You heard me. If he's any of the bitch you are, hunting down a man and his sick brother. And what fucking for huh?" You were standing directly in front of Henry now. "Because blood was spilled? Last I checked, you had a kid of your own, before my kid killed him." You said boldly. She stepped forward even more. 
"Go on, kill me." Her eyes narrowed, trying to figure out why you would sacrifice yourself for a child and a man you barely knew. "You kill me, but you let my guys go. You hear me?" She shakes her head.
"I can't d-" the ground started to rumble just as she pointed the gun back at Henry. 
You seen it happen, the explosion of runners. You grabbed Henry and ran back to Ellie and Sam. Shots were fired at runners and clickers that were close to you. You knew Joel had gotten the gist of what had happened. You trusted him, he'd get you out there safe. Or at least Ellie out of there safe. 
"OK Ellie! Climb in there, I'll take out as many as I can, you'll be safe in the van." You rushed your words, handing her a knife she didn't recognize. "Keep yourself safe." And with that you were gone and she was in the van. You ran into the mess of men women and dead. You run toward infected, stabbing one after another, with the long dagger like knife you had.
You fought your way over to where you last seen Sam and Henry, clearing the infected around the car they were trapped under and pulling them up. You look around and seen the large Bloater come out of the ground, ploughing into people and infected alike, tearing limbs from bodies. 
You pull Henry and Sam toward where you left Ellie, the three of you meet up with Joel and are almost out of the neighbourhood when they lady from earlier pulls a gun on the five of you. She wasn't long for the world as an infected launched at her and started to pull her apart.
Joel pulled you 5 out of the neighbourhood and out of the city. You all eventually settled in a motel room, the two children converging in the separated bedroom. You smile at the two adults, after you cooked the 4 of your people dinner, you were relaxing in the main room. 
Joel stayed his distance from you, but came close to you not much later. Moving your shirt and jacket various ways, you gather he was checking fir bites, the whole time you stared up at him in wonder. 
"Looks like your good luck kiss worked." You poke. He smiles, almost unconvincingly. "I'm glad it did. That bloater, everything could've gone from bad to worse fast." He nods.
"I'm glad you stayed safe," he acknowledges. "When you weren't with Ellie-" 
"Oh don't worry old man." You pat his chest. "I'd never do anything that put her at risk." He nods again.
"I was worried about you. I ca-" He cut himself off. 
"Don't worry Joel, you won't be alone taking care of a teenage girl anytime soon." He smiles.
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