#nolo has more medical training and helped all the kids with bumps and scrapes and broken bones when they were little
fuckingfinwions · 4 years
Scene in the Harem AU. Turgon had a bad time. Fingon helps, and then “helps”
Turgon was walking very carefully towards his bedroom, half leaning on the wall. If he fell over he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get up on his own, and he’d rather spend the night on a soft bed than on the floor.
“Here, let me help you,” Fingon said, lifting Turgon’s arm over his shoulder.
“I could hardly let you collapse. Who was it this time?”
“Curufin. He wants to find an oil that stings if you put it on cuts and welts, but not if it gets elsewhere. Apparently he had some discomfort last time he and Caranthir got elaborate.”
“Did he find one?” Fingon asked, propping his brother against the wall as he opened the door to Turgon’s bedroom.
“No. It stings on welts and cuts and on my cock and in my ass.”
“What does it taste like?”
“I don’t know. Curufin wanted to be get his cock sucked after his experiment, and he’s capable of thinking ahead ”
“Too bad, that would’ve been funny. Sit on the stool here for a moment.”
“I’d rather not.”
“I can’t hold you up and start the bath at the same time, and you’re too tall for me to lift you up from the bed by myself.”
“Fine, I’ll sit to accommodate my littlest brother.” Turgon sat down, letting out a hiss of pain at the pressure against the welts on his ass.
Fingon turned the water on, and began gathering soaps and salves from the various cabinets. “How deep in you did the oil go?”
“Pretty deep, he used that dildo with the emerald on the base.” Turgon began unbuttoning his robe, flinching as the cloth moved against his injuries.
“I’m not sticking my arm up your ass while it’s full of stinging oil, I’ll be right back.”
Turgon managed to get his robe fully off, except where he was sitting on it. He was naked, not having bothered to put on tights for the walk back across the palace.
Fingon walked in holding a dildo over a foot long but only an inch wide. “Found a good one in your cabinet, sometimes I wonder why we even have half this stuff - oh wow. Is your back as bad as your chest?”
“It shouldn’t be. Curufin wanted to see how the oil reacted with different types of injuries. My chest was cuts, back was with a whip, ass was with a crop.”
Fingon walked in a quick circle around Turgon. “There’s a welt on your shoulder that’s bleeding a bit, but you should be able to sleep on your back without opening anything else. Your chest really is a mess though, I don’t know if you’ve looked in a mirror.”
“I haven’t.”
“Well, there’s one next to the tub. You can take a look while we get the oil off you.”
With Fingon’s help, Turgon got into the bathtub. His chest really was a mess, dozens of shallow cuts and nicks, all less than an inch long except for a hair-thin line tracing his breastbone.
Fingon had to help him wash his back, but Turgon scrubbed down the rest of his body. The soap didn’t feel great in the cuts, but it was bliss in comparison to the stinging oil.
Between the two of them, they managed to get Turgon out of the tub and seated on the stool again, and even mostly dried off.
“I‘m going to put a salve on a the cuts first so they close up faster, then I’ll work on the welts.”
"Alright, but what about the oil still in my ass?”
“Same cooling cream as on the welts. I’ll use the dildo to make sure it gets everywhere.”
“Can we do that now? It hurts even worse now that the rest of me is clean.”
“Unless you can support yourself hands and knees for as long as it takes, we need to do your chest first,” Fingon said as he applied the salve. “Rubbing all these cuts against the floor or a towel will just make them take longer to heal.”
Turgon tried to sit up straighter, then sighed. “I don’t think I can, even for ten minutes. Not sure I have enough energy to hold ‘head down ass up’ either.”
“That’s fine. I’ll rub the cream on your cock, and then you can fall on your bed face first. You only have to be awake enough to roll onto your back when I’m done.”
“Hey, what’s family for?”
The cream had a slight minty scent, contrasting with the medical smell of the herbs. Fingon rubbed it on Turgon’s cock and balls, paying special attention to the sensitive head, which was irritated even more than the rest.
“Did I miss any spots that you can tell?”
“My thighs still sting a lot.”
“I’ll get your thighs after your ass, it’s good enough for now.”
Fingon left Turgon sitting on the stool long enough to fold back the covers. Then the two of them walked slowly together up to Turgon’s bed, where he quite literally fell onto the bed. He managed to get his head on the pillow and his feet not, so Fingon let him be.
Turgon’s asshole had closed a bit in the hour since it had been last used, but the dildo Fingon selected was narrow. He coated the whole thing with the cooling cream, and placed a large dollop on the end.
“Let me know when it’s in far enough,” Fingon said, and began to push the dildo into Turgon. He went slowly, and paused every inch to wiggle it so he could be sure to coat his brother’s walls thoroughly.
“Almost - stop, that’s as far as he went.” Turgon focused on keeping his body relaxed. “I really wish there was a better way to do this.”
“If you were less wrung out, I could pour water up there and rinse you out a couple times. I’m pretty sure you’d just make a mess of the bed with as flat as you’re lying now though.”
“It’s annoying how that works.”
“Yep. I’m going to take the dildo out for a minute while I rub the cream on the outside of your hole and between your thighs. It’ll go back in while I do your back though, you’re irritated enough that two rounds is better than one.”
The dildo came out just as smoothly as it went in. Fingon did as he said he would, until the scent of mint was practically overpowering.
Finally, Fingon said, “Alright. I’m going to wash my hands, then I’ll help you find a more comfortable position to sleep in.”
Turgon rolled onto his back, and Fingon helped him point his feet away from the edge of the bed and towards the foot.
“That good? You’re not putting pressure on anywhere sore?”
“No, nothing hurts like this.”
“Good. Then one last thing and I’ll let you sleep.” Fingon climbed into the bed until he was above Turgon and kissed him on the lips. Fingon began stroking his hands down his brother’s bare sides, avoiding the healing cuts.
“Fingon, I just want to sleep.”
“Not quite yet,” Fingon said as he caressed Turgon’s nipple.
Fingon stilled his hands, but didn’t let go. “You know that’s a bad idea. You just had a terrible time, so we need to show your body that sex can be good. Otherwise you’ll be terrified and flinching the next time one of the princes wants you. Then Celegorm will say you’re acting like a scared rabbit and decide to exhaust you so much you can’t flinch, or Caranthir will tie you up, or Maglor will blindfold you so you can’t be scared of things if you can’t see them coming. And we’ll end up right here again in two weeks.”
Turgon let out a shaky sigh. “You’ll be gentle?”
“As light as a feather.” Fingon kissed Turgon again. He resumed stroking Turgon’s chest, circling his nipples with a touch barely firm enough not to tickle. He ran his fingers down Turgon’s sides, drawing them inward when he got to the hips.
Turgon flinched when Fingon reached his cock.
“Hey, eyes open, it’s just me.” Fingon leaned back so Turgon could see his face, then planted a kiss on his brother’s cheek. “Does it hurt?” Fingon kept his hand in place.
“No, it just feels - odd. Your hands are really warm.”
“That’s just the cream on our cock making them feel so, but I’m glad.” Fingon kissed Turgon on the lips again, then began trailing kiss down his neck. When he got to Turgon’s chest he placed a kiss on one nipple, then the other.
Fingon kissed a meandering path down Turgon’s body, lifting one hand to continue petting Turgon’s nipples. He licked into Turgon’s navel, kissing the rim with loving attention. Turgon was too sore for any touch to his hole to be pleasurable, but Fingon made sure his brother could imagine in detail what he wished to do.
When Fingon kissed the tip of Turgon’s cock, which he had so carefully tended to not an hour before, Turgon let out a low moan. Fingon didn’t move to take it in his mouth though, instead placing kisses all along the shaft. The minty taste of the medicated cream was incongruous, but not unpleasant.
It took a while with such light touches, but Turgon eventually reached his peak. Fingon made sure to cover his brother’s cock with his hand, to keep any come from getting on the cuts and needing to be washed off.
Fingon kissed Turgon one more time, then went in the bathroom to wash his hands and take care of his own erection.
He pulled up the covers on Turgon’s bed when he was done. “Good night.”
“Good night. Oh, can you tell Dad not to worry if I miss breakfast?”
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