#noir the umbrveon
darling-zorua · 1 year
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Hii! Happy Pride month! Been pretty busy with life a bit and yesterday went on a pride walk too! And today I decided to draw some of my lil guys ! Im doing a pride ych and wanted to draw examples so have them khkh,,, Feel free to ask for anyone else if you are curios !
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bluemorgrem · 2 years
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Pantoufle : It’s very scary in there and it’s growing mostly at night... I’ve seen pokemons turn grey instantly, it was terrifying !
[ @ecoxlar-maybe @darling-zorua ]
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Bulliera has offered a choice of berry - Oran, Pecha or Razz - as well as a cherry blossom, to Leilani, Jackie, Noir, M, Atzin and Safira!
( @leilani-and-kass | @occasional-wott-bros | @darling-zorua | @mimikyufan000 | @atxin1 | @askwornhearts )
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darling-zorua · 2 years
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“When you call me I'm fallin' To your warm arm Obscure future becomes Clear as I meet you”
-Seventeen, Falling Flower
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Haha look at you all liking the gay dads ! oh wait im there too...   Happy Valentines, I hope you all have a good one and remember to kiss your s/o on cheek and give them flowers c: And I also must say thank you for giving love to this blog too ! ^^
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darling-zorua · 2 years
Cyrus@Aster: A certain little eevee caught attention of what happened and wanted to cheer up everyone again. Cyrus also was very exited to see a little fellow vee like himself."Oh, hewwo there little one!" He wags his tail, while he approches him. He lowers his head and touches Asters little snoot with his own to make him laugh."He's so cute!"
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darling-zorua · 2 years
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He was the star of his eye
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darling-zorua · 2 years
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darling-zorua · 2 years
(@ask-diane) Diane: "Silvester, I've never seen a pokémon like you before. Are you a hybrid of the sort?"
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darling-zorua · 2 years
(Ask-North) Wisteria @ Darla: "Prettyyy Zorua!!" The ghost happily admired her, completely unable to resist laying on the floof "Your name is SOOOO pretty too! Where'd you get it! My friend named me! Did your friends name you too? Wait ... What's a Darla?" She gasped loudly, "Is it something cool!? A food? A plant? Or maybeeee... A food-plant?? GAH!! I need to know!"
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@ask-north @askpharos
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darling-zorua · 2 years
Not happy to be a full mightyena? So... does... that mean you're not entirely happy with how your son turned out? 😕
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Silvester seems super agitated, perhaps should stay away from him for a bit Noir seems annoyed should stay careful with your words now
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darling-zorua · 2 years
@sharded-umbreon) [Nocte]->[Noir] Opal is pretty cool!, it's a beautiful silicate mineraloid gem. It also is hydrated to a degree, and it's more commonly found in sandstone, limonite, rhyolite, Marl, and Basalt! Also if you want, I could construct matching jewelry for you and Silvester, considering I have some spare opal, May I know what Silvester's favorite mineral is?
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darling-zorua · 2 years
I've been meaning to ask, Noir. You're quite the interesting looking pokemon! How did you become like this and are their others like you in your family?
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darling-zorua · 2 years
Do you guys train as hard as this often?
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darling-zorua · 2 years
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New character unlocked !!!
Chester, Dines , Scooter closed for asks
Darla and ??? available for asks
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darling-zorua · 2 years
It looks like "Mister Snake Dog Daddy" has taught you a very valuable lesson. Mouth shut, eyes open. I hope you don't forget that in the future.
And y'know... Even though you clearly lost... You've proven yourself capable of holding your own, in my opinion... You know, to an extent...
 You show promise.
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darling-zorua · 2 years
5 weeks seems relatively recent to me. You are aware of what you are doing with this child, correct? I'm not questioning your ability to care for your child; I'm just curious if you're open to suggestions.
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