firstinhuman · 4 years
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“Just because I forgave you, and we woke up together and other things, doesn’t  mean you can sneak into my room without knocking.”
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carnalxheroism · 4 years
>>> || @noflextogive​
         Stern finger taunted it with his reach. The spot. Thor’s soft spot. That though smooth and tender had finally succumbed just like the rest of the King’s own self; that in tightness and demanding tingle, Thor kept his finger pressed at the furl of his heat, rubbing in gently as the massive swell of his meaty breasts heaved on against their fullness for that deep coo that melted on into a deeper whimper that belied the might that was all his. Then again, hubris wasn’t new to Thor—nor is hunger. That even if he was alone with Steve in that aircraft that were supposed to bring them back to the headquarters, his own need for that chance had him indulge into this new low of lewdness. Steve would check on him soon, after all. And even that mere thought was enough for Thor to feel himself quiver against his finger as the delicate flush painted his rough and rugged features—and it was another goad to the rest of his body as he dug his heel against a backrest of a chair as he let himself be splayed on the emergency medical bed in the craft. With just his thigh high boots on, the tempting spread of his legs were faced towards the door as the thread thin strap of his thong was now entangled with his finger that he kept pressed against his muscle pucker. His cock was barely inside—the cockhead practically the only thing covered as it stubbornly pressed itself against the already strained skimpiness of his thong’s pouch.
“—h-hmmngh…” the restless King bit down on his lips, swallowing on another groan. Steve will check on him soon, that much is certain. And Thor would take what he could of the temptation that he is offering. That with the hiss of the pressurized doors, he immediately bucked, his body rippling in its massive heft in a squirm as he gasped. 
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         “S-t-teven… y-you have to help~”
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artebellica · 4 years
gif 26 [ from eggsy ]
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Cock wet, throbing, completely ready to be taken, to have been taken. And yet, the stituation had moved to a different focus. Evan laid by the table’s side, the hard surface weighted by Eggsy’s curvy figure, down on his four and completely exposed. Soft swollen lips met him up before his hands spread that ass open to see that ass as a whole. Oh, was it big... Yes. Was it good? For sure. But the god’s plans were entirely different.
His hands landed hard against the right rear, a mild strength hit that used magic to enhance the stinging feeling and let it become, rather sooner than later, into a pleasuring tingling. It repeated itself, over and over again, as he punished the man just for ... his own petition. Really. How would he deny him such a blessing if he wanted it?
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shieldsmechanic · 4 years
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The morning after, waking up next to Steve, Mack guided his legs spread open. “Don’t worry, I’m not fucking you again just yet.” He warned him, wetting  his lips as he guided cock and balls in his hands and cupped them all in them. Offering a soft massage, his thumbs pressed circular motions over his perineum aiming to release any possible bad tension still felt from the night before.
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kingbarrys-blog · 4 years
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fucksavengers · 4 years
   “Dude, dude–Dick, I swear on my own god damn grave…” Jason started up as he sputtered and brushed the damp, stark white strands of his hair back from his forehead. “If you don’t stop splashing me, right now, I will drown you in this bathhouse like an unwanted kitten and leave someone else to find the body.”
After all, accidents happened and Jason would have plenty of time to think of a believable story before the big bad caped furry dropped from the skies above, foaming at the mouth for answers. God, Jason hated that guy. And it was becoming increasingly clear, the adopted apple didn’t fall far from the damn tree.
Jason was suddenly shoved from his thoughts as another splash of water hit his face and had him fighting back, acting in kind, before he could think himself too far above it. When he had ran into the former boy wonder in the streets of his little overseas getaway, he hadn’t expected for a bathhouse splash fight to be the highlight of his week; but, here he was, with a grin so wide on his face that it hurt his cheeks, as he stalked through the shallow water and used his bulky frame to shove the other man against the wooden gate perimeter.
“Fuckin’ hell, what do you want from me, dickhead…? I’m here, aren’t I…” he huffed out, so little space between them that he was sure Dick could feel the weight of his breath.
Even as adults, Dick and Jason often found themselves squabbling like two rowdy teenagers. The young, spritely teens they used to be. They weren’t that old nowadays, but old enough to have nostalgia for their dalliances together, back in the day. The ones that sometimes went a little too far, as boys were wont to do when full of testosterone and lust...
They both agreed to never let Bruce know the kinds of things they got up to together, despite very well knowing that he had to have known on some level. He was Batman. World’s Greatest Detective. And they were both his Boy Wonders, once upon a time. Once upon a time long, long ago...
Dick hadn’t been following Jason or anything. Their paths just sort of converged in the weird, coincidental way that was common in their line of work. Also, Dick just loved a good bathhouse, allowing himself to put down the mask and just be himself in the company of gentlemen who, well... his assets were very apparent, which made him exceedingly popular no matter where he went. Having Jason with him was just a bonus.
“I wanna get kitty wet—” Dick responds, chuckling. Jason really did resemble a drenched cat right about now. But he didn’t seem to care. He never did. Their connection was a little more than brotherly but not quite romantic. It lived in a weird gray area between the two. Unspoken. That was always the key with them. The kind of unspokenness that drew their bodies together literally and figuratively, now standing in the water close enough to touch.
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“Don’t ask questions you aren’t willing to answer, Jay...” Dick purrs, reaching out to touch Jason’s toned chest, his fingers lingering at the other’s perky nipples, their shapely, voluptuous chests gliding against one another’s. “You been working out? I still got nicer tits than yours, but hey, maybe one day you’ll catch up to me, lil’ bro—” Even when flirting, Dick couldn’t help but do it in a taunting tone.
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firstbcxt · 4 years
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Land surrounded him, horses, dogs, sheep, and all that had his attention was the shadowing man that walked around. He was resting,  laying on one of the two hammocks set for the simple taskof enjoying life, blue and comforttable, his body laid flat over the surface before he leaned forward.  Legs spread and feet landing on grass and soil. Large arm stretched forward and took hold of the otthe’s waistband pulling the man to sit down between his legs. “Set your ass still. Work is done.” Alexander whispered, hands sliding below shirt, and clothes deciding to trap them in caresses. “Just, stop moving.”
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jenniferwallters · 4 years
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@noflextogive​   &&   meme
“Thanks for holding the door. These are heavy!” [ from Matty Murdock ]
     ‘No  problem.’  She  rolled  her  eyes  at  the  way  matt  carried  the  boxes  in,  hands  almost  literally  aching  to  just  carry  them  for  him.  But  he  was  stubborn,  so  he’d  have  to  suffer  with  his  own  problems.  ‘You  have  a  friend  who  just  so  happens  to  have  immeasurable  strength.  You  know  that,  right?  Just  a  tip.’  Closing  the  door  behind  him,  she  watched  him  put  the boxes  down.  ‘You  happy  with  the  new  office,  though?  It’s  pretty big.  You  might  get  lost.’
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thatbrightboy · 4 years
⌛ 💕 🌼
@noflextogive   ||   meme
send ⌛ for a sleep headcanon
robin actually sleeps better when he’s clinging to something. it’s why he has a preference for stuffed animals (he had one back home, but was convinced he was adult enough to sleep fine without it). pillows also work fine, though, but back at his shared apartment he has a rabbit plush named ‘berry’ who regularly gets snuggled to his chest.
send 💕 for a love headcanon
robin’s love language is physical touch. he doesn’t ask for a lot but touching in some way, even if it’s just a hand on his back or a kiss to his temple... that’s what’s most important to him. he is very affectionate and touchy himself, and he’d love to have that sentiment returned.
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
when robin feels happy and comfortable, he’ll be humming melodies and dancing through the house and smiling. it’s also mostly his main state of being -- he’s quite a simple boy. lots of things make him happy.
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comiiical · 4 years
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“Yes,that’s the area,” Trent moaned as gentle hands roughened his skin with presses and brushes of thumbs. It was undeniable for a man his status that needing a massage was, on itself, normal. Whether it came from a masseur or someone else, was different. He was laying down on a comfortable bed-like surface, covered simply by a little towel. Due to his frame, the man laid ontop of him, straddling his thighs while working his chest and shoulders.
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fucksavengers · 4 years
The merger between man and Hulk had required a lot of readjustment and problem solving for Bruce. Thankfully, he had Amadeus around to help him with the finer details, like constructing a living quarters suitable to his new size and designing a flexible fabric that wouldn't tear whenever Bruce so much as strained his bowling ball sized biceps. All things he could've done with Tony, sure, but the other man simply wouldn't be able to fully understand any future predicaments his new body might cause, like Amadeus could. And of course, with hard work and hours spent looking over designs together came the downtime, the shared meals and idle talks that had them falling asleep on each other in a big green heap, often enough.
It's a slow burning thing, the unexpected tension and fondness that was built between them as they helped Bruce build a new life. And yet still, he was hesitant and avoidant when it came to whatever was building between him and Amadeus. Even as they shared their first excited kiss over a difficult hiccup being solved in their design, or even after he had stripped out of the prototype jumpsuit and the younger man had planted himself in his near naked lap to whisper such sweet and promising things to him.
Despite the way his large hands held firm to Amadeus as he basked in their closeness, Bruce still couldn't kick the feeling that this was too good to be true; Amadeus was clearly already too good for him. And still, Bruce wrapped his arm around a tempered waist to keep the younger man flush against his chest. “How can you promise such a thing when you don't even know what I'll ask of you, love....?” Bruce wondered aloud, fingers combing through the other's hair before he dipped in for a fleeting kiss. “ —aren't you worried, at all?”
Bruce wasn’t just Amadeus’ mentor for a long time, if the kid were being honest with himself. Was it problematic that he fell into a relationship with Bruce? Maybe a little bit. There was definitely a power structure in place between them. But it never felt that way with Bruce. Amadeus didn’t feel like he was being taken advantage of. Ever.
Not that Amadeus ever felt insecure in his gamma persona —quite the contrary, actually— but there was something amazing about getting to be this intimate with Bruce, who fully understood and embraced his own radiated form. Their huge, green bodies close together, their incredible muscles rubbing against one another... sometimes Amadeus wondered if he would ever get to the point where he would just live like this, no switching back to his puny normal self. Just a gorgeous jade creature like the amazing lover beneath him.
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“You’re such a sap, y’know that?” Amadeus chuckles, making no effort to escape Bruce’s grasp as he returned the older man’s kiss, his gigantic bare ass rubbing against Bruce’s crotch. “You helped me become who I am today, Bruce... not just big and green, but confident... like I didn’t just have to be boring old Amadeus.” Then flexes both his arms, showing off the gorgeous musculature of his biceps and torso in the process. “Now I’m the Totally Awesome Brawn... and I have you to thank for it. And you know what they say,” he begins, offering another kiss, “once you go green...”
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comiiical · 4 years
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“Stop staring,I’m not returning to bed.” Franklin countered getting covered by the window side. Being left in only a pair of black briefs  and a sleeveless shirt, he leaned in forward through the balcony. “Seriously, quit the eye-eating. You’re too far convincing enough Id on’t need to feel the reminder.”
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