#nocturnal poultry
firebluewood157 · 2 years
The way I’m rooting for GeminiFourth to kiss but not because I want to see it. I just want them to do it in Moonlight Chicken before My School President due to sheer irony.
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more mouse faunse cinder it cute
Ruby: Hey, Where's Your Leader? We rarely see her in our Leader Classes.
Emerald: ... She has a Condition?
Mice are generally nocturnal Creatures, keeping them awake during the day leads to sleep deprivation.
Mercury: Hey, Cinder, Could you stop stealing our blankets At some point!
Cinder: (Sitting in a nest of Blankets, Clothes, and other items) You can get more!
Mercury: But you'll just steal them!
Mice, like most Rodents, engage in nesting behaviors, especially in Urban areas.
Emerald: Anyone know what the cafeteria is serving today?
Cinder: (Sniffs) Instant Mashed Potatoes, and Frozen ... Poultry. I'm not sure what, But as Leader I say we head to vale for lunch today.
Mercury: ...
Almost One percent of a Mouse's DNA is dedicated to it's sense of smell! They also have over a Million Olfactory (Scent) Neurons!
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lpsotd · 6 months
you like community omg!!!!! do you have any fav episodes? that show is so funny
YES I LOVE COMMUNITY ... i was introduced to it in the middle(?) of 2023 and i am so in love with it <3<3<3 i re-binged it recently on netflix in honor of it leaving the service (which was today i think? TRAGIC)
my favorite episodes are messianic myths and ancient peoples, physical education, remedial chaos theory, contempoary american poultry, advanced documentary filmmaking, queer studies and advanced waxing, basic rv repair and palmistry, advanced gay, and foosball and nocturnal vigilantism ...
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handeaux · 11 months
In Old Cincinnati, Nights Before Halloween Were Packed With More Tricks Than Treats
These days, Halloween seems to kick off sometime just after Labor Day and drags on into the first week of November when the seasonal candy goes on sale and the fake spider webs sag under a load of soggy fallen leaves. In the old days, however, Halloween was restricted to two or three nights and the emphasis was on “trick” rather than “treat.” The Cincinnati Post [27 October 1922] carried the schedule for St. Marys, Ohio:
“Mayor W.H. Swift and Tony Johns, police chief, say the boys can have a good time on these nights if they don’t destroy property. Oct. 29 is to be ‘Cabbage Night;’ Oct. 30, ‘Corn Night;’ and Oct. 31, Hallowe’en.”
Let us, for the moment, leave aside the fact that this invitation was addressed only to boys, and focus on those additional nights. What was Cabbage Night? What was Corn Night? And, depending on where you lived in the United States, what was Gate Night, Goosey Night, Devil’s Night, Tick-Tack Night, Mischief Night, Beggars Night, Trick Night and Damage Night?
Donald E. Weaver, assistant city editor of the Cincinnati Post, explained Corn Night in a reminiscence published on Halloween 1930:
“Corn Night was the last night before Halloween. The kids threw shelled corn against the windows, rang doorbells and soaped a few windows.”
Weaver describes a ritual week of various mischief-breeding nights, beginning with Tick-Tack Night and ending with Halloween. A Tick-Tack (or Tic-Tac) had nothing to do with bad breath. It was a device built around one of Mom’s old sewing spools, screwed onto a long stick so that, when the miscreant pulled a string wrapped around the spool, it sounded like someone rapping on the window. It was the same principle as Corn Night, only louder.
Gate Night is somewhat self-explanatory when you picture the bygone neighborhoods of yesteryear, each little yard surrounded by a picket fence. As Weaver explained:
“The next morning was apt to find Squire Hickey’s gate hangin’ from the belfry of the Town Hall.”
Goosey Night wasn’t much celebrated in these parts, being almost entirely confined to the New York and New England region. The origin of the name is disputed, but most authorities believe it has nothing to do with poultry, and more to do with ghosts. It was a night devoted to scaring nocturnal pedestrians with noisemakers and eerie lanterns.
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Mischief Night and Trick Night pretty much define themselves. Nights carrying those formal names were mostly celebrated eastward from here, but the spirit spread throughout the Cincinnati area, as Editor Weaver recalled:
“Widow Green’s cow got so used to being put queer places on Halloween she didn’t seem to mind. But Widow Green, she took on somethin’ terrible, especially the time the boys crowded Flossie into Biddy Harmon’s henhouse, ‘cause Widow Green and Biddy hadn’t spoken for years.”
Cincinnati lies at the southern fringe of an area in which Devil’s Night is observed. The real hotbed of Devil’s Night activity is in Michigan, especially around Detroit where, in some years, the riot squad had to be called out to quell disturbances that fell just shy of urban warfare.
So, how did cabbages get mixed up in all this rowdy mischief? To explain, we must return to the question of gender discrimination and the nefarious suppression of women by the patriarchy. While their brothers and potential boyfriends were out soaping windows and stealing gates, in other words, “having fun,” proper young ladies observed Halloween by attempting to determine who would become their future husbands. One guaranteed method involved cabbages. Don Weaver, apparently ignorant of the matrimonial aspects of the family Brassicaceae, reports only on the mischievous aftereffects of the cabbage ritual:
“The next night after Tick-Tack Night was Cabbage Night, when they swiped what cabbages were left in the gardens, and tossed ‘em onto front porches.”
Not so fast, Donny Boy! Way back in 1875, a correspondent to the Cincinnati Times, who signed his article only with the penname “Nepenthe,” gave the real story:
“Imagine the young belles of our city arrayed in their most-tied-backest evening suit en traine, and the beaux in their lavenderest pants, spotless diamond decked shirt-fronts, and faultless swallow-tailed coats, tripping out into the nearest Mill Creek garden, groping about among the protecting fodder for a cabbage-stalk, which, upon being brought under the gaslight, will presage by its crookedness or straightness the character of their future life-partners.”
Having done its vegetative duty as a marriage predictor, of what use was the clairvoyant cabbage? Hence it was tossed upon the nearest porch, or the porch of one’s prospective father-in-law, perhaps.
Another scrying technique, employed by boys and girls involved three bowls. One was filled with clear water, another with either mud or ashes, and the third left empty. The three receptacles were laid out in a row on a table, the subject blindfolded and the bowls reordered repeatedly. The visually impaired supplicant then felt for a bowl and plunged his or her fingers into it. If they splashed clear water, they would marry a virginal spouse. If they touched the mud or ashes, they would marry a widow or widower. If they found the empty bowl, a lifetime of spinsterhood or bachelorhood awaited.
Why did these antique celebrations fade away? One reason is certainly the expansion of the Halloween season. It was rare, well into the 1950s, for adults to take any part in Halloween festivities. This was a spooky holiday for children only. The very idea of a “sexy nurse” costume was inconceivable. Pop-up Halloween stores that open shop before the Autumn Equinox are very much a modern development.
But the main reason these “mischief nights” are no longer commemorated has to do with active police suppression. During the 1930s, Cabbage Night destruction got completely out-of-hand. The Cincinnati Post [31 October 1940] reported incidents from the night before involving flaming barricades blocking streets and tying up traffic, tool sheds being set ablaze, gangs of ruffians driving around firing rifles at windows in occupied houses, all the windows of a school being broken, piles of garbage filling alleys, multiple cases of flat tires, and dozens of fist fights.
The 1960s brought escalated mayhem as “Mischief Night” evolved into “Damage Night.” The Enquirer reported several outrageous incidents the night before Halloween in 1963, including two serious grass fires in Indian Hill and a foot-deep crater blasted in the Kyles Lane entrance to I-75. In 1986, 59 automobiles had their tires punctured by Damage Night vandals in Brentwood. In other words, the stuff your parents described as “good, clean fun.”
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starscatteredsky · 1 year
could you please do a tips and tricks for a physically disabled genet therian :0
tips for disabled genets
genets are known to enjoy poultry, so find some fun chicken recipes (or places to buy it pre-made!)
wear any gear that you like to/ can!
if you can’t practice vocals, listen to them! hearing your kintype can be a nice connection to it
similarly, if listening isn’t a possibility, watching genets in documentaries or footage can be really nice!
wear/use furry blankets or coats!!
decorate any mobility/other disability aids you have! (stickers of genets, little doodles or messages, other stuff that connects you to genets!)
decorate your living space to reflect a sort of “den”! things like piled blankets and pillows, dim comforting lighting, lamps, pictures of genets or the outside, star lamps/ plastic stars on the ceiling, etc.
enjoy some time at night! genets are nocturnal! learning about the stars/space and appreciating the night are also good ideas
genets like trees and are exceptional climbers, so caring for a plant is a nice way to connect with that side of yourself!
i hope these tips can help!! we struggle to learn any form of quadrobics and other things due to our disability, so we get how isolating that can feel
enjoy these tips!
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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delivery-kitty · 7 months
kodkod facts because i’m pretty sure we all know they’re the smallest cat by now but literally nothing else XD
✩ kodkods are carnivores, and they eat small rodents, birds, insects, reptiles, and domestic poultry
✩ biologists have suggested kodkods may be a subspecies of the geoffrey’s cat!
✩ while big cats tend to stretch out to rest and sleep, smaller wild cats like kodkods actually loaf!
✩ they’re excellent climbers! their big ol feets are good for climbing trees to escape predators or scan for prey!
✩ primarily kodkods are nocturnal, but they hunt during the day as well.
✩ they live in heavy vegetation, usually bamboo!
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croctus · 2 years
omg now i have to know everything about cats from zero's world
zero's world is our world! just in the fuuuuture!
most cats are sweet and gentle and a little shy, but very curious and affectionate. they enjoy burrowing in warm sand/substrate, chewing on wooden furniture (expensive!!) and basking in beams of sunlight.
they're available in all sorts of colors and patterns, which affect their price p dramatically.
a happy healthy cat will have soft glossy fur and a soft leathery carapace that isn't too dry or hard with a texture not unlike a modern cat's toe beans, bright shiny eyes that are very reactive to light and mood, and perky springy antennae. their voices are clear and soft, and their paws are small, sleek, and incredibly nimble. they sometimes will rattle the two ends of their tails to make a faint buzzing purr.
they're carnivorous (favoring chunked poultry and insects with added minerals), nocturnal (although they require plenty of sunlight), and love to have burrowing tubs with fresh clean substrate of their individual taste.
they can live 50-75+ years!!!! with the oldest known cat being a little over 100. often, cats are passed down through generations as precious heirlooms. they form incredibly close bonds, theyre intelligent, and even good at basic puzzles. plus they're FAST.
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rosenongrata · 1 year
morning routine.
At 5 o'clock sharp, Zhongli rises for the day. Early to bed, early to rise, as he says. Although, partially to his dismay, Malachy can sleep in until well past 10…
Regardless, he loves to lie next to them for a while longer in those early morning hours and observe their peaceful features. Yet this often leads to him getting caught by them, one of their gem-blue eyes prying open to see him smiling so serenely. He flusters and clears his throat, excusing himself to go make breakfast.
After his breakfast—often containing Rice Buns with a side of meat and poultry—he'll head off to the washroom. He prefers to be spic and span for the day (nearly every day.) With his hair soft, silky, and clean, he brushes through it with delicate but thorough strokes of his bamboo brush.
Once dry, he brushes his teeth just as thoroughly as his hair. When he goes to dress up for the day in the bedroom, Malachy will finally rise to trudge over to him and wrap their arms around his lithe torso. They'll whine and whimper about him leaving for work yet again. And he's sweetly reminded of how needy they truly are underneath their usual cool composure.
He spins around in their hold, taking their soft face into his hands and whispering sweet promises to come to visit them for lunch later. They pout and accept his terms, much to their chagrin.
Craving all the more affection, they squeeze him and snuggle their face between his pecs. Intaking his sweet yet musky scent, their mind is put at ease. And that's when he can tuck them back into bed.
When he's ready to leave the house—after putting on a modest dose of cologne and triple-checking his attire—he approaches Malachy's side once more to pepper their face in kisses. Whispering a sweet goodbye, he heads out to work for the day.
Around 9 or 10 o'clock is when Malachy finally rises for the day—forcing your inborn nocturnal habits to be diurnal is quite difficult. With a big yawn and an even bigger stretch of their limbs, they decide to try to fall back asleep…only to fail. While still on the precipice of sleep, they finally force themself out of bed about thirty minutes later.
Moving around a little bit helps them adjust to the day-night cycle of this world. Not fully, but close enough for them. That's how their days always start—sluggishly walking around the house to wake themself up more.
Much slower than Zhongli, Malachy decides to read newspaper articles from Fontaine as they laze about on the living room sofa. Once they have that right amount of energy, they finally move themself to the washroom to get ready.
Attempting to brush their thick locks at first, they often end up resorting to shifting their hair to be neatly brushed instead. No one has to know. No one.
After finishing up in that room, they dread the worst part of their morning—figuring out what to wear and then having to put it on. They'd much rather lay around like a lazy cat in the sun in their sleep clothes instead of getting ready to go out and do tasks.
Much like any other day, they wear many of the same clothes.
…It's too much of a hassle to pick out anything else.
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celebelei · 2 years
Okay, Nocturnal Poultry is getting really good.
(Also, Earth looks absolutely divine in warm lighting.)
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I did the Community episode sorter. According to the sorter these are my top 10 episodes.
1. cooperative calligraphy (2.08) 2. mixology certification (2.10) 3. contemporary american poultry (1.21) 4. physical education (1.17) 5. emotional consequences of broadcast television (6.13) 6. virtual systems analysis (3.16) 7. origins of vampire mythology (3.15) 8. foosball and nocturnal vigilantism (3.09) 9. regional holiday music (3.10) 10. accounting for lawyers (2.02)
sounds about right.
Full ranking behind the cut - some rankings may shock you.
rankoptions 1 cooperative calligraphy (2.08) 2 mixology certification (2.10) 3 contemporary american poultry (1.21) 4 physical education (1.17) 5 emotional consequences of broadcast television (6.13) 6 virtual systems analysis (3.16) 7 origins of vampire mythology (3.15) 8 foosball and nocturnal vigilantism (3.09) 8 regional holiday music (3.10) 10 accounting for lawyers (2.02) 11 pillows and blankets (3.14) 12 studies in modern movement (3.07) 13 paradigms of human memory (2.21) 14 basic email security (6.06) 15 messianic myths and ancient peoples (2.05) 16 abed's uncontrollable christmas (2.11) 17 advanced dungeons and dragons (2.14) 18 critical film studies (2.19) 19 basic rocket science (2.04) 20 for a few paintballs more (2.24) 21 epidemiology (2.06) 22 early 21st century romanticism (2.15) 23 intermediate documentary filmmaking (2.16) 24 basic rv repair and palmistry (6.10) 25 social psychology (1.04) 26 anthropology 101 (2.01) 27 introduction to film (1.03) 28 romantic expressionism (1.15) 29 beginner pottery (1.19) 30 curriculum unavailable (3.19) 31 course listing unavailable (3.18) 32 urban matrimony and the sandwich arts (3.12) 33 applied anthropology and culinary arts (2.22) 34 basic crisis room decorum (6.03) 35 the science of illusion (1.20) 36 spanish 101 (1.02) 37 basic lupine urology (3.17) 38 home economics (1.08) 39 modern espionage (6.11) 40 bondage and beta male sexuality (5.07) 41 environmental science (1.10) 42 advanced advanced dungeons and dragons (5.10) 43 a fistful of paintballs (2.23) 44 aerodynamics of gender (2.07) 45 celebrity pharmacology (2.13) 46 communication studies (1.16) 47 intro to political science (2.17) 48 advanced criminal law (1.05) 49 vcr maintenance and educational publishing (5.09) 50 introduction to teaching (5.02) 51 asian population studies (2.12) 52 documentary filmmaking: redux (3.08) 53 digital exploration of interior design (3.13) 54 geothermal escapism (5.05) 55 advanced safety features (6.07) 56 modern warfare (1.23) 57 introduction to statistics (1.07) 58 analysis of cork-based networking (5.06) 59 cooperative polygraphy (5.04) 60 ladders (6.01) 61 competitive wine tasting (2.20) 62 biology 101 (3.01) 63 remedial chaos theory (3.03) 64 interpretative dance (1.14) 65 comparative religion (1.12) 66 investigative journalism (1.13) 67 intro to recycled cinema (6.08) 68 the psychology of letting go (2.03) 69 football, feminism, and you (1.06) 70 conspiracy theories and interior design (2.09) 71 custody law and eastern european diplomacy (2.18) 72 competitive ecology (3.04) 73 horror fiction in seven spooky steps (3.05) 74 geography of global conflict (3.02) 75 pilot (1.01) 76 contemporary impressionists (3.11) 77 cooperative escapism in familial relations (4.05) 78 herstory of dance (4.08) 79 advanced documentary filmmaking (4.06) 80 advanced gay (3.06) 81 basic human anatomy (4.11) 82 the art of discourse (1.22) 83 english as a second language (1.24) 84 the politics of human sexuality (1.11) 85 debate 109 (1.09) 86 app development and condiments (5.08) 87 basic intergluteal numismatics (5.03) 88 repilot (5.01) 89 grifting 101 (6.09) 90 basic genealogy (1.18) 91 digital estate planning (3.20) 92 intro to knots (4.10) 93 g.i. jeff (5.11) 94 paranormal parentage (4.02) 95 history 101 (4.01) 96 economics of marine biology (4.07) 97 introduction to finality (3.22) 98 the first chang dynasty (3.21) 99 advanced introduction to finality (4.13) 100 basic sandwich (5.13) 101 basic story (5.12) 102 wedding videography (6.12) 103 queer studies and advanced waxing (6.04) 104 pascal's triangle revisited (1.25) 105 lawnmower maintenance and postnatal care (6.02) 106 laws of robotics and party rights (6.05) 107 heroic origins (4.12) 108 conventions of space and time (4.03) 108 alternative history of the german invasion (4.04) 108 intro to felt surrogacy (4.09)
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evelynjohn001 · 2 months
How To Get Rid Of Foxes: Effective Strategies and Tips
Foxes, with their cunning nature and adaptability, can become a nuisance when they start frequenting residential areas. They might dig up gardens, raid poultry coops, or even pose a threat to small pets. If you're dealing with a fox problem, it's important to address it humanely and effectively. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of foxes.
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Understanding Fox Behavior
Before diving into removal strategies, it's helpful to understand why foxes are attracted to your property:
Food Sources: Foxes are opportunistic feeders. They might be drawn to pet food, garbage, compost, or bird feeders.
Shelter: Overgrown gardens, sheds, and other structures provide ideal hiding and denning spots.
Water Sources: Ponds, birdbaths, and other water sources can attract foxes.
Effective Strategies to Deter Foxes
1. Remove Food Sources
Secure Garbage Bins: Ensure that your trash bins have tight-fitting lids. Consider using bungee cords to keep them secure.
Clean Up After Pets: Don’t leave pet food outside overnight, and clean up any leftovers promptly.
Compost Management: Use fox-proof compost bins and avoid composting meat or fish scraps.
2. Eliminate Shelter
Tidy Up the Garden: Keep your garden well-maintained. Trim overgrown shrubs and remove any debris that could serve as a shelter.
Secure Sheds and Outbuildings: Ensure that sheds and other structures are properly sealed to prevent foxes from using them as dens.
Install Fencing: Erect a secure fence around your property. A fence that’s at least 6 feet high with an additional 12 inches buried underground can deter foxes.
3. Use Deterrents
Motion-Activated Lights: Foxes are nocturnal and tend to avoid well-lit areas. Motion-activated lights can startle them and discourage their presence.
Ultrasonic Repellents: These devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to foxes but inaudible to humans.
Scent Repellents: Use natural fox deterrents like predator urine (available at garden centers) or homemade solutions like a mixture of water and chili pepper.
4. Protect Livestock and Pets
Secure Chicken Coops: Ensure that poultry coops are fox-proof with sturdy wire mesh and secure locks.
Keep Pets Indoors: Supervise small pets when they’re outside, especially during dawn and dusk when foxes are most active.
5. Seek Professional Help
Wildlife Control Services: If foxes persist despite your efforts, consider contacting professional wildlife control services. They can provide humane removal and relocation options.
6. Legal Considerations
Know the Laws: Before taking any action, familiarize yourself with local wildlife regulations. Some areas have specific laws regarding the trapping and relocation of foxes.
Getting rid of foxes requires a combination of proactive measures and consistent maintenance. By eliminating food sources, removing potential shelters, and using deterrents, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of foxes frequenting your property. Always aim for humane solutions and consult professionals when necessary to ensure both your safety and the welfare of the foxes.
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firebluewood157 · 2 years
Let’s get something straight, Uncle Jim isn’t coming from a place of hypocrisy.
He’s spent his entire life living in a country liking men where being gay isn’t accepted. He’s had to hear his sister say to him he’ll never find love. He has experienced all of the hardships that come from being gay in Thailand and he knows it’s not a easy path to live. This entire series shows that he wants the best life for LiMing and he knows with him being gay like him, there’s no way in hell he’s going to be able to protect him and that is what’s scaring him. Parents will always try to protect their children from the cruelty of the world, whether the child likes it or not, and Jim reacting like this makes sense as someone who experienced it all just for being gay. If he was hypocritical, he would’ve had a different reaction from seeing them kiss and most likely one of anger. He’s coming from a place of protection. Once he left that room he didn’t look like a man that was mad about LiMings sexuality, he looked defeated.
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danihost-blog · 10 months
The Leopard Cat and Its Impact on Poultry Farming in Taiwan
The leopard cat (Felis bengalensis) is a small wild felid that can be found throughout Asia. It is about the size of a domestic cat and has long legs with well-defined webs between the toes. It is heavily marked with black spots and streaks. A distinctive feature is its short and wide head with two dark stripes running from the eyes to the ears. The Leopard Cat is a nocturnal hunter that preys on…
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todaysbug · 10 months
November 30th, 2023
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Red Mite (Dermanyssus gallinae)
Distribution: Found worldwide, but most common in western and central Europe.
Habitat: Found on or around its host species, usually in sheltered areas like cracks, crevices and litter.
Diet: Feeds on the blood of its host; most known for feeding on poultry, but also known to feed on other bird species, and mammals such as horses, rodents and humans.
Description: This tiny arachnid causes problems in hen houses worldwide, especially prevalent in breeding flocks due to their preference for young birds. In severe infestations, flocks can become anemic from blood loss. The mites are also vectors for different types of pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella types, Borrelia anserina and Erysipelothrix rhusiopathia.
Because these mites are tiny and nocturnal, they can be hard to catch when they're not feeding, and even harder to treat. Removing potential hosts from their habitat is not enough, as red mites can survive up to 10 months without feeding, and can survive in temperatures ranging from -20 to 45 °C.
(Images by Gilles San Martin and Luis Fernández García)
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A small recording
so as the fact that my lecture kept saying about people not knowing about the fishing cat I thought I could play audio once a person visits my artwork which automatically plays so after looking at the painting a small introduction about the fishing cat below is the script on the recorded audio by a member of the Small cat advocacy of Sri Lanka
a script by Anjalee
What is a fishing cat? A fishing cat is an incredibly small wild cat that is strongly associated with wetlands. It's about the size of a poodle and has a beautiful grey coat with black stripes and spots. This primarily nocturnal and solitary feline has a pescatarian diet, which means it eats a lot of fish! It is an excellent swimmer and well-equipped to get its fishy job done right. However, it will feed on birds, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and insects, too, when the opportunity presents itself.
Why is the fishing cat important? A fishing cat is a predator, and in Colombo it is the terrestrial apex predator in these wetland habitats, therefore it helps to keep animal populations that are lower in the food chain, under control and it also plays an important role in pest control by feeding on rodents.
Where is it found? Fishing cats are found in parts of South and South East Asia. The most known records of the species within its range are from lowlands. However, in Sri Lanka, fishing cats occur in wetlands in hilly areas as well.
Why is it threatened? Fishing cats are globally vulnerable and locally endangered. This is due to various threats it faces throughout its range; Human wildlife conflict (as people come into conflict with fishing cats when they kill poultry or livestock), poaching for meat and skins, fish and shrimp farming (as this further destroys their habitat and adds to human wildlife conflict). Road kill is another major threat as many roads cut through fishing cat habitats and when they cross these roads, especially at night, speeding cars often collide with them. Pet illnesses such as rabies and feline panleukopenia can spread to fishing cats as well, especially kittens and this often proves to be fatal to them. Kitten rescuing is another issue as people often rescue what they think is an abandoned kitten, but really it's mother is away hunting or nearby and too afraid to approach and this results in many kittens being orphaned by people who think they are doing a good deed.
How can we protect the fishing cat? We can protect the fishing by conducting scientific research with a conservation goal which in turn will help to conserve this species through habitat preservation, education and awareness and working with stakeholders to ensure a future for these species.
There are many ways that you can help too simply by slowing down, especially when driving at night to reduce the chances of a wild animal ending up as road kill
The spread of diseases can be reduced by vaccinating pets and stray animals, which will not only protect the fishing cat but other wildlife too.
If you see a fishing cat kitten, the best approach is to leave it alone and if you feel that it is abandoned or injured, please contact the relevant authorities which is the Department of Wildlife Conservation or even Small Cat Advocacy and Research so that appropriate action can be taken.
You can also be a part of our citizen science programme by visiting save.cat to report any sightings of small wild cats, alive or dead, to help us understand their distribution in Sri Lanka.
Together, we can work together
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hypergryph · 3 years
🌳How does your clan use the landscape of their territory to their benefit. Do they alter it?
The Talosian City was built inside of a great mountain. Talos had carved a great space down from the mountain's peak all the way to it's base, so that the city is walled in and hidden from all sides. The city itself is carved along the inner walls and the ground. There are miles and miles of deadly forest on all sides, while a ring of storms and clouds help steer any would be intruders away.
🏠What are the housing accommodations? Any architectural influences?
Each Subclan has it's own architectural style. Obsidians construct small, secretive homes within massive orchards and herb gardens at the inner base of the Mountain. They like to use poisonous plants and mushrooms, both to keep alive their ancestral arts as well as for decoration. It's within these dark forests that the Obsidians train in the ancient art of stealth.
Ceruleans live in the area along the rim of the Mountain peak, allowing them ease of access to the outside world. They are fond of wildlife, and so have converted their clan home into a vibrant ring of bright and sunny woodland. Ponds and Lakes are implemented to help the younger hunters learn to fish, along with wild game that they learn to identify. The scent of wildflowers is strong here.
Ivories prefer to live in a lair near the middle of the Mountain wall. Because of the abundance of quartz pillars within their lair, they use natural and artificial light to fill their home with dazzling color. They say the quartz contains properties that boosts focus, and many wear them around their necks for the purpose of study.
The Aurum subclan are generally scattered, but their main home is a small castle constructed of polished marble, jutting from one edge of the inner Mountain's base. Valuing beauty, they fill their home and the space around it with art that they've made, or else beautiful things they've collected...though much of it is simply expensive frivolities. Their ancestral values have started to manifest as an indulgence for the lavish lifestyle, rather than the poetic appreciation for the beauty of life.
The Orca subclan are a strange lot...They live entirely within a system of tunnels that wraps around the inside of the Mountain's walls. These tunnels are collectively referred to as 'The Temple', formed of polished black stone shot through with veins of blue glowing ore. Within the Temple the Orcas practice enhancing their spirituality through meditation, refine their medicinal arts, and offer medical and spiritual aid to the other clans.
🔑If your clan is land locked or lacks bodies of water how do you feed pescatarians? If its dry or frozen how do they feed herbivores? Does this area limit what dragons have joined your clan due to unstable dietary supplies?
Aaa so the Ceruleans are the main source of raw food and raw materials for the Clans(for lore reasons I won't get into yet) and venture out into the surrounding forests to hunt and fish. I assume there are rivers and streams within said forest, which is very important for the large amount of Coatls in my clan. Otherwise, there are plenty of orchards, herb gardens, and even a few poultry ranches available within the mountain.
🍽Any culinary inspirations or specialties?
MEAT...and roman rich people
I like meat irl, and the idea of dragons hunting and fishing, and using bones and marrow in broths is interesting. Fat drippings, crispy skins, raw gourmet Sushi, and the weird extravagance that comes with eating rare things(plant, animal, or otherwise) just kind of fits the indulgent, lavish, gourmet lifestyle I have going for the Clan.
Being mostly Wildclaws, Nocturnes, and Coatls, meat and fish are always what I need.
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