#noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic)
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After an accident izuku is put into a coma, leaving Bakugou to look back on his mistakes. however, even though izuku is in a coma, he can still move around like a spirt. and for some unknow reason bakugou is the only one who can see him. now they must work against the clock to try and get izuku back in his body... before they pull his plug
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter Twenty-nine: Promise kept (finale chapter)
Izuku then slowly sat up, slightly groaning as he did so. He rubbed his head slightly trying to process and piece together what happened “Kachan what- “Bakugou then swiftly hugged him slightly tearing up “Izuku!” he swiftly let out. Bakugou then continued to hug him tightly, Izuku then hugged back awkwardly as he looked around at the others “Deku!” eri smiled brightly jumping for joy. Todoroki walked up with Kirishima and Tokoyami “feeling okay midoriya?”
“a bit sore... tired to… but I think I’ll be okay”
Eri then pulled out a small bento and handed it to izuku “you were asleep for a LONG time, you must be hungry” Izuku smiled then ruffled eri’s hair “good to seen all of you” Izuku then turned to Bakugou who was looking at him intently. Bakugou then took Izuku’s hand and smiled
“Kachan are you feeling okay?”
Bakugou gave izuku a small kiss and traced his cheek, Izuku was then flustered “Kachan! Seriously are you okay?” Bakugou then back up a bit raising a brow “izuku..” Bakugou thought for a bit and then remembered the one thing that was mentioned in the book... both had completely forgotten about.
"Noctambulant spirts are spirits that aren't dead but not quite alive either, where somebody's half dead. they still have a connection to their body however if they wake up they are never the same …
Never the same? Bakugou then shook his head “Izuku... you do remember, don’t you...”?
“remember what?” izuku said slightly tiling his head
He couldn’t have forgotten… he couldn’t have. “the park... the festival... the rooftop talk… the date you went on that night.”
Izuku looked confused “... uh- I remember the date, but… never got to see who it was...”
Bakugou sighed then with a reassuring smile said “it’s nothing that important” Bakugou clenched his fist as he said that. “you okay... that’s the important thing” Bakugou was about to walk off but then was stopped by Aizawa “uh- where do you think your going?” aizawa then sighed “YOU all are gunna make me loose my mind one day. And your parents will hear about this.” Aizawa then picked up eri and gave her to mic “Can you take her home? I have to make a few calls”
Mic then nodded “let me know how everything goes” mic then turned his attention to eri as they walked off “and no more running off okay little listener”
And true to his word, Aizawa called Inko (who was more than over joyed) as well as the other’s parents. Rei was mildly upset but understood shoto’s heart was in the right place. Same with Tokoyami’s and Kiri’s Dad... Mitsuki on the other hand was fumed “My son! My son tried to steal a body! I- I can’t even-“
“Ms. Bakugou please- “
“I want to speak to him now!” Aizawa then handed the phone over Bakugou, he continued to watch as the two of them continued to yell and scream. Then mitsuki started laughing “oi, old hag what is it?”
“nothing just-“ she then proceeded to laugh it off a bit more “…that’s my boy. “
Bakugou smiled slightly
“But we will talk more when me and your father land.”
Bakugou then said by and handed the phone back to Aizawa. Bakugou and the others then apologized to the staff at the hospital as well as promised to pay for any damages. After that they all proceeded to walk home... it was quiet- not deafening. Kiri then broke the silence with a sigh “well… that’s that.”
“yeah...” Bakugou simply said
“… Midoriya’s okay” Tokoyami said
Todoroki then looked over at Bakugou “well... now things can be normal again... right?”
Bakugou sighed facepalming a bit “yeah… your right.”
Dark shadow chimed in “that’s not right! My ship! My glorious ship has to sail!”
Tokoyami sighed “calm yourself... nothing we can do...”
Kirishima sighed “I don’t get it, he seriously doesn’t remember anything that happened the past week.. also how was it he came back without the ritual”
Tokoyami turned to him and began to explain “well the ritual wasn’t really necessary, all I really needed was for Bakugou to find something that connected izuku to life-“
“like the all might figure we were gunna use?”
“exactly, only… turns out Bakugou had something better… however the thing is… to izuku, it was like sleep. And the whole experience was nothing more than a dream... and when you wake up from a good dream-“
“you don’t remember…”
Darkshadow huffed “So that’s it then! All of that was for NOTHING!”
Todoroki then chimed in “no. we at least remember. That’s not nothing...”
Bakugou look down at the ground thinking for a bit.. nothing more then a dream…?
Bakugou stopped ounce they reached his house and walked inside. He then went to his room and plopped himself on the bed laying back. He pulled out his phone looking through a few pictures. the ones he took when spent the night at tokoyami’s house, the spring festival… Izuku wasn’t pictured. Bakugou only saw himself and Tokoyami in one, and the other it was just him (even though there was supposed to be one other figure there. Bakugou began to tear up a bit as he continued to look, he then got to the most recent photo… Izuku (or at least Izuku who was supposed to be there) looking up at the fireworks. Bakugou took it when he wasn’t looking, he wanted to remember the genuine smile he had that night and how his face glowed in the lights… but there was nothing there. Only shadows of smoke and lights. Bakugou then tossed his phone away and hugged a pillow as he continued to cry until he couldn’t anymore. izuku, thank you... for giving me a dream so beautiful I can never forget…
A few months past and this continued the same as they were… almost. Izuku noticed Bakugou started to treat him differently. He’d leave him bento’s on his desk (though if Izuku asked him directly he’d deny it). He’d walk with him to school and stay with him till he got there safely. He’d also walk him home and the same thing... make sure he got home safely. He also would pair up with Todoroki and Him if there was ever a project for class. . little things yes. But he’d be the first to jump to Izuku’s defense if anybody tried to bring up what happened in middle school or that night of the crash. Izuku tried not to think to much on it but that mixed the feeling of déjà vu he’d get randomly was starting to get to him. Izuku would give dark shadow head pats and right when dark shadows about to say something Tokoyami would cut him off or shut it down entirely. Izuku had also seen Bakugou hand a book he barrowed from tokoyami back to him and that was the last straw. He just couldn’t shake it. there was something missing.
The lunch bell rang and Izuku handed a note to Bakugou, the paper was from the all might stationary he gave him and it said “meet me in the garden after school” (the action alone also felt familiar...)
The day went on and it was time to meet, izuku was slightly nervous... why, why do I feel so..? izuku then sat on a bench continuing to wait. As he looked at the flowers he thought to himself a bit, he felt like he had done something here that was important... he turned around when he heard a familiar blonde “hey nerd...” Izuku sighed as he got up and walked forward to the other. He looked up at him slightly trying to put together what he was thinking. just spit it out. “kachan, what’s changed?”
“excuse me?”
“See, that right there! I don’t know what it is but you changed- no, everything changed. And I don’t know what I’m missing but I feel-… I feel… “
“you feel?”
“i- it’s stupid, this was a waste of time-“ izuku was about to grab his thing but bakugou stopped him “…tell me”
Izuku sighed “kachan… I don’t know what it is but… even since I woke up things feel familiar and different at the same time. Like-“
“a dream… you felt you had before?”
“… yeah... it’s stupid I know ‘damn nerd’ “ izuku said laughing slightly saying with air quotes
“…that’s not the only thing though...”
“it’s not?”
“no... it’s more than that...” izuku slight slightly flustered looking away for a bit
Bakugou also turned away for a bit blushing slightly “what is it?”
“kachan… i- I don’t know what it is. But every time I’m with you now I want to hold your hand... ask how you been... and…” izuku was quiet for a bit then grabbed Bakugou’s hand and kissed his cheek and with a flustered face izuku said “i- I want us to be more than friends! I think your really cool and I know you think I’m a scrub but-“
“you missed”
Izuku rose a brow “what?”
“you missed” Bakugou kissed him softly puling him close. Izuku smiled softly kissing back. Izuku then felt a rush of a familiar feeling. They way his heart beat, the way his hand felt in his… all of it came back to him… when izuku pulled away he cupped Kachan’s face and smiled.
“yeah nerd?”
“Did I ever tell you I have a thing for loud blondes- “
Bakugou Hugged him tightly “you remember!”
“How can I forget...” he said hugging back “I love you”
Bakugou took his hand and they both began to walk home
“by the way, you never answered...”
“I said I wanted to be more than friends...”
“aren’t we already?” Bakugou said nudging him slightly
“yeah but... I mean officially, y’know”
Bakugou blushed slightly “i- I mean, if you wanted me to be your boyfriend then all you had to do was ask
Izuku smiled “okay then, Katsuki.. will you be my boyfriend?”
“…Of course.”
As they continued to walk, hand in hand izuku looked up “the moon is pretty tonight, isn’t it?”
“it is”
“remember when we were little and you gave me a paper ring… saying we were married then” izuku laughed slightly
“Yeah...” he smiled
“…That was a long time ago...”
Bakugou sighed “no. it was yesterday...” Bakugou kissed his hand with a small smile.
They say that timing is everything… but in that moment... everything was there. They had all they ever wanted. Each other.
-The end
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter Twenty four: If you knew it was me..
TW: brief moment of implied attempted suicided
Class went by pretty smoothly, although VERY awkward for everybody who was involved in the conversation that morning, Izuku was quiet the entire time... very quiet. "uh- did something happen?" Tokoyami asked slightly raising a brow. Bakugou sighed "well, shitty hair and icy hot aren't really responsible..."
"what do you mean?"
Just then, Dark shadow chimed in “The date Bakugou went on in the beginning was a thing by Karishma remember?  And it turns out that Izuku was the person he was supposed to meet up with and at first he didn’t want to go but dew to Kirishima’s convincing he was out on the road and… well y’know”
“uh- how’d you know that?”
Dark shadow shrugged “just a hunch” but really it was the auras of all four of them that helped put it together. He then leaned his head out for more of Izuku’s head pats. As Izuku patted him softly Bakugou explained how Todoroki wanted to talk with them more about what happened that night and it could possibly help in getting Izuku back in his body... "well, hopefully that goes better than this morning"
when class ended Todoroki passed by Bakugou’s desk. As he passed by he put a note on Bakugou’s desk. the note wasn't anything to write home about, it was just ripped corner of binder paper. the note said "Meet me on the roof during lunch"
as Bakugou and Izuku waited for Todoroki, Izuku was still quiet. Izuku was sitting on the railing on the edge of the roof staring down below. this was the second time izuku looked down at a building like this, though the air didn't feel as cold as it did that day. Bakugou glanced at the other and took note "no way i was gonna let you go like that.."
izuku looked over at him ".. you saved my life that day, and for that i owe you." izuku sighed looking up at the sky
"you dont owe me anything." Bakugou then turned his attention to the sky as well trying to see what the other was looking at. the wind was blowing a breeze, warm, soft and somewhat comforting. the type of weather perfect for a walk in a park or a day at the beach.. the type of weather best shared with someone. things got quiet again then Izuku jumped off the railing, back on the ground he let out with a small sigh. "kachan.. i know your disappointed to learn it was me.."
Bakugou swiftly turned slightly shocked "what?"
"your date. i know your disappointed to learn it was me.. look i know I'm not much to look at. plus I'm not exactly the first thing anybody really thinks of when they think of the perfect partner"
"Your kidding right?! anybody would be happy to have you!"
"okay then, answer me honestly.. if you knew it was me.. would you have gone?"
Bakugou was quiet for a moment, he knew what the answer was instantly but so many ways to say it.. just wouldn't do it justice.
"...i figured, you-"
just then Bakugou gave him a quick kiss. Izuku was flustered slightly and let of a soft sigh. Bakugou slightly flushed said "d-does that answer your question?"
Izuku pause for a moment, then he took his hand softly puling him into another kiss. humming softly wrapping his arms around him. Katsuki leaned against the other smiling softly pulling him closer. in that moment they both forgot about their problems, they wanted nothing else. all they wanted in that moment.. was each other.
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter twenty one: Midnight thoughts
The time was midnight, the night was still and soft, the sky was clear and the stars were out and bright, the only noise being from the light midnight breeze and whatever insects were up at this hour. It would be the perfect environment for one to be enclosed in their thoughts... the noise of the day gone and all others asleep. and that exactly what Izuku did. While everybody was asleep he made his way to the rooftop, laid back staring up at the sky, mind full of thoughts and heart full of conflict. The cold of the night didn’t bother him for every step he took in this state was cold, only warmth he carried was in his heart... the heart of a friend who he knew since childhood. Kachan... the thought remembers when we were little. We’d camp out in your backyard and we’d look up at the stars like this. Making our own constellations. Izuku sighed remembering. That was so long ago, you probably don’t remember... Izuku rested his eyes letting out a short exhale. Sometimes I wonder if you even remember anything we did at all... to be fair I wouldn’t blame you if you did. after all, you and him were way more compatible. He sighed again thinking back a bit more.  People were placing bets on who was gunna ask who out, Kirishima or you. He sighed again. Almost half the class was convinced you were already dating... what does he have that I don’t?
Then suddenly like lightning, he could see the memory clearly.
“uh- I don’t know kirishima- “Izuku said in an unsure “what if I mess up- “
“relax midoribro, it’s gunna be okay. I already talked with Todoroki, he agreed to help you get ready”
Izuku nodded “thanks by the way”
“it’s really no problem” Kirishima smiled softly reassuring him. he pat his back letting out a slight laugh.
help? help for what? He thought. It then began trying to piece what he could with the limited knowledge he had related to that night. It was then Izuku actually took a look at the clothes he was wearing (And has been wearing). His clothes were casual however the way it looked, it felt like there was extra effort put in... for something... the more he thought it occurred to him that Todoroki and Kirishima DEFINETLY had something to do with that night. Izuku got don’t from the roof and made his way inside. Izuku then looked over and saw Bakugou in his sleeping bag, however he remembered him being in tokoyami’s room he moved… to be closer to me? Izuku smiled softly at the thought laying back on the couch, Waiting for morning.
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter twenty: Spell bottles
Izuku was thinking some more, trying to remember what he could. But every time he tried his mind drew a blank. As one does when they think to hard, and even though it hurts for him to think now he had to if he were to piece together anything from his past life. just then he remembered something else... looking over at the sprinklers he remembered something else. Something with water. it was raining that night. Me and mom were going somewhere in the rain... somewhere not important but... I had to be there. Izuku looked over and saw Bakugou sitting himself down beside him “had a feeling you’d be here” Izuku rose a brow “really? How so?”
“you’d come here when you needed to think.”
Izuku looked around, it would make sense why he’d go there often. The courtyard was a nice place to hang out... even though he never really hung out with anyone there other than Iida and Todoroki a few times, and not really for fun mainly if there was a project or something that needed to be complete. Bakugou looked over at the other, he was thinking about a way to word what he wanted to say. But the more he was thinking the more his mind drifted off. Bakugou remembered hanging out in that same courtyard with Karishma and the rest of the “Baku squad” (as mina dubbed it) and he’d often see Izuku there. Under the same tree, alone against the sky. He had the idea to sit next to him and maybe talk... but never did. Missed opportunity. He thought. Izuku then looked over at him, just then Bakugou realized how long he’d been staring… and the dream he had in class… and how he wishes it were real. Bakugou then turned away a slightly red getting up “c-common bird brain is waiting”
“uh- yes, we should get going” Izuku said also slightly flushed. Izuku took his hand and the two of them walked off. Bakugou tried not to think to much on it but his mind kept going back to that dream. And the more he tried to ignore it the more he thought. And then suddenly another thought came he’s so perfect. Bakugou was frozen in his mind... just then he remembered every other time before the accident where he wanted to be by Izuku or just talk with him, or when Izuku would ramble and it was cute to him and then it hit him. Deku... I think ... i like you.
Izuku was looking at his aura and he saw it turn a rose pink like color, probably thinking about kiri he thought sighing slightly.  
They reached tokoyami’s house, it had a similar vibe as the crystal ball, charms around the outside and spell bottles on the porch. Izuku stepped back a bit when he saw the charms, learning from past experiences he knew that if he got to close ... it’d be bad. Tokoyami walked out and took down the obsidian and amethyst charm and gesturing them to come inside dark shadow also invited them in “we have snacks!” he called out. Tokoyami shook his head slightly sighing “he’s a bit excited”
“excited?! We hardly EVER have guest! Let alone one with a spirit friend!”
Izuku smiled, dark shadow was always sweet to them. “it’s nice to see you too buddy” Izuku pet him softly. As they walk in Bakugou saw many things that without this experience he’d never be familiar with. Certain herbs for spell bottles, certain candles for rituals and anything else he otherwise would have no interest in. as tokoyami opened the door to his room you could see posters for my chemical romance and a lot of books on the shelfs related to spirit and familiars. Izuku picked up one of the books “careful, that one’s vintage edition” tokoyami calmly spoke “don’t worry I’ll be careful” as Izuku flipped through the pages he was trying to see if there was something related to noctambulant spirits but nothing was found. “yeah, while I was doing my own research I apparently learned that this is a rare case and little is known about it.” tokoyami said pulling out a few more books. Bakugou sat down sighing “Fuck!” Bakugou grabbed a book and started skimming through “is there something else you learned at least?” tokoyami put on some music and thought for a bit “well now that I think about it, I think there is” Bakugou rose a brow as well as Izuku. “usually when somebody becomes a noctambulant spirit they are boned to somebody linked to them in life. Usually somebody close” Izuku thought for a bit “well I guess that’d explain why only kachan can see and hear me... we have been friends for a long time” Izuku muttered. Bakugou looked over when he heard that “you... still think of me as a friend”
Izuku nodded “yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
Tokoyami looked over as the two talked, although Bakugou and him didn’t talk a whole lot before he still felt bad for him when he separated himself from the rest of the class. It was nice seeing him talk again. Dark shadow was also really happy for him, but he knew something that the others didn’t. he (much like Izuku) could see other people’s auras. Izuku and Bakugou were a bright rose pink as the two were talking. Just as dark shadow was about to yell “just kiss already!” again, tokoyami closed his beak “don’t even think about it.” he said. Dark shadow nodded.
As time passed Bakugou took one look and saw it was late, ten PM to be exact. He sighed because he really didn’t want to go out this late, many crazy people and likely villains were out at this time. “you can stay the night if you want” tokoyami said “I just asked my mom and she said it was okay”
“thank you, I really do appreciate it” he said bowing slightly. Tokoyami also handed him some clothes, being Bakugou was still in his uniform. Bakugou went to get changed and got a call from his mom, she checked on him frequently whenever she left him home alone, making sure he was okay (and that he wasn’t up to anything). Bakugou answered “hello?”
“Hey Katsuki, how is everything?”
“.. I’m okay, watered your plants”
“you did put the right amount in each right? I don’t want to come back and find one with a mini lake in it’s pot”
“Relax okay. Your lily’s will live”
Mitsuki paused thinking for a bit “did you visit Izuku?”
“yeah... I’ll okay” because he’ll be back to normal soon he thought to himself
“that’s good... I can tell your better. Can’t believe I’m saying this but I kind of missed it when you called me old hag” she laughed slightly
Bakugou chuckled slightly smiling
“anyway, just making sure your okay. Let me know if you need anything okay.”
“don’t worry I will”
“bye, love you”
“love you too”
Both hang up. Bakugou quickly got changed and walked back where he saw Izuku playing with dark shadow. He smiled softly watching the two. Tokoyami handed Bakugou a sleeping bag. Bakugou took it softly “what about Izuku?”
“Izuku can sleep on the couch” he then turned to Izuku for his input “if you don’t mind”
Izuku nodded “I don’t mind”
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic)💕Chapter eighteen: Love songs💕
This was first posted valentines day so consider it a special chapter if you want and i hope you enjoy!
Bakugou and Izuku stood in silence for a bit, very flustered. after Tokoyami managed to calm him down dark shadow he looked around a bit "we should probably go.." Bakugou was confused, at first glance there was nobody else there.. nothing to be seen at least to him... Izuku took a look around however, and he saw shadows. silhouettes of people that were visible but faded, some wearing  clothes' from the 80's and 90's others from the Taisho era and different styles from many era's. he could tell they were people but their faces were shaded out and blank as if somebody took an eraser and erased them. . izuku took a look at his hands and they were fading again. no more stalling. "kachan.." Bakugou looked over and his eyes widened. faded again. Bakugou had that sinking feeling again like he did when he first heard the news, but this time it was stronger and sickening. this time he could loose him for real. i'm not gonna let that happen. not when i can actually save him. Bakugou then turned to Tokoyami "is there anything else you have that could help?" Tokoyami thought for a moment then came out with "how about you two come to my house later, we can research better there." Bakugou nodded then asked him "by the way, how are your parents okay with this? i mean it's been helpful yeah but feels random."
"My mom's Pegan"
the day went on as usual and Bakugou was in his dorm for the first time in a long time. he was doing a few assignments that he forgot and izuku was helping him. Bakugou was also listening to music, this was normal for him when ever he did school work but anytime a song related to love came on he skipped it. izuku caught onto this and rose a brow "why do you keep doing that?"
"doing what nerd?"
"you keep skipping songs"
"oh yeah, i been meaning to remove them off my playlist"
izuku wasn't convinced, bakugou's Aura was a lime green and gave off a feeling one would get trying to keep a secret or hide a lie. "Kachan.. you can tell me.."
Bakugou sighed "right the aura reading." he thought for a bit "it's dumb.."
"it's not if it's bothering you.."
Bakugou took a moment and took out his air pods and looked over at izuku. his eyes. a genuine spark in them to help people. that same spark he found annoying before.. but this time it made his chest feel different.  "if i tell you can we get back to work?"
izuku nodded "remember, i can tell when your lying."
Bakugou sighed "have you ever said things you think you mean but.. then you realize something that changes everything and now.. you realize you didn't mean any of it.. and you wish things could be the way they were."
izuku nodded "yes.."
Bakugou shed a tear a bit turning his head away, izuku paused and gave him a hug. Bakugou hugged him back softly exhaling. he then pulled away and their eyes locked. nothing was said.. nothing needed to be said. Izuku then had that same chest feeling. warm and soft. just as Bakugou was about to turn away he pulled him into a kiss. "Uh- I'm sorry! i dont know what i was thinking i-" Bakugou simply kissed him pulling him close. izuku was flustered but kissed back softly. and in that moment, nothing else mattered. and everything was perfect..
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter Seventeen: Dark shadow
Izuku was slightly panicking thinking to himself "How can i forget my own mom?!" Bakugou got a hold of him and calmly explained that she's okay and is unharmed. Tokoyami rose a brow watching the too discuss, thinking to himself for a bit. "by the way, i forgot to ask earlier but Bakugou. was my book helpful in anyway?" Bakugou nodded and the thought actually crossed his mind "wait- why DID you have that book?!"
"cant a guy have a hobby" Tokoyami shrugged nonchalantly. "also it's through that i was able understand dark shadow better"
Izuku thought for a bit "that makes sense, dark shadow is a entity of it's own right? i mean it would make sense you'd look into things like that since he's like a (literal) guardian spirt-" and then he just continued to go on about the history of spirits it origins (according to what he read) and other things that you wouldn't think are related. Bakugou sighed "nerd he cant hear or see you, remember?"
"oh yeah" he sighed rubbing the back of his neck. Bakugou had a small smirk, as 'annoying' as he was with the muttering he really did admire how he gets about a topic. Tokoyami noticed this and let out a small hum. he didn't get involved but he had a feeling about what was going on.. Dark shadow on the other had, being quiet was never their strong suit
"Just kiss already!!!"
"Dark shadow!"
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapters 1-15 on my page
After an accident izuku is put into a coma, leaving Bakugou to look back on his mistakes. however, even though izuku is in a coma, he can still move around like a spirt. and for some unknow reason bakugou is the only one who can see him. now they must work against the clock to try and get izuku back in his body... before they pull his plug
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter Fifteen: Not the same Person
TW-implies attempted suicide and past bullying
if either of these topics make you uncomfortable skip the part within the lines
"a little.. " izuku sighed "but I'm okay.." Bakugou rubbed the back of his neck letting out another sigh "kachan what is it?"
"what exactly do you remember from.. that day."
"..." izuku paused for a moment thinking for a bit about how to respond "to be honest it's a bit of a blur still, but I do remember it had to do with my notebook.."
Bakugou sighed "... i was a dick back then.. i really didn't deserve you."
izuku looked up at him. . he's only seen that expression one other time. "it's playing in your head.. like it's on loop?" Bakugou looked back at him "y-yeah.." Bakugou thought back a bit more "can I ask you something..?"
"why is it even after everything.. you were so nice to me. hell i think back at myself and I would have mercy!"
"i'm not sure.. i guess i just let it go most of the time" he said crossing his arms
"what do you mean?" he rose a brow
"how do you let go?.." Bakugou clenched his fist slightly tensing up "i'm- i just- you forgave me. and i have dont very little to earn that. . fuck. i didn't do shit-"
"Kachan. you aren't the same!" izuku grabbed his shoulders looking directly at him "the fact you feel this way now show's you've changed!.. we cant change the past, that's true.  but the only thing we can do is.. remember and carry that as we move forward.. i'm here if you need me.. okay?"
Bakugou nodded and noticed "wait- Deku! your not going through me! and.. your face isnt as pale as it was before!"
Izuku let go the looked at his own hands smiling. a nurse then walked in "sorry but visiting hours are over." Bakugou the nodded grabbing his things and walking out Izuku fallowing shortly behind. Izuku smiled the entire way back to UA, he was hopeful and so sure that soon thing would be they ways things were before.. even though he didn't really remember everything from before. but like i said before at least in that moment. both were blissfully unaware of what was waiting for them. Izuku thought back to a memory from when they were young... 'things were so easy back then, when did things have to get complicated'
Meanwhile, Kirishima was dealing with his own problems.. and his own version of guilt from the accident
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter Fourteen: Couldn't be that easy
Izuku took a step back slightly spooked. he took a look at his hands.. slightly singed and rough from hours of training. definitely bakugou's. Izuku began to panic again, taking a few breathes trying to calm down. but as he took a few more steps back he tripped on something causing him to fall to the ground and fly out of bakugou's body. Thud. "What the hell?!" Bakugou rubbed the back of his head getting up slightly. "that. never do that again." he said looking over at izuku.
"Kachan, I'm so sorry! I have no idea how I did that" Bakugou took a moment to catch his breathe "what was that..?"
"I'm not sure. I just wanted you to calm down and next thing i knew-"
"you took over my body?"
"possession, i think i read that in bird brains book" Bakugou was about to pull out his phone when he noticed izuku.. or rather izuku's body.  suddenly that heavy feeling in his chest came back. he took a few breathes trying not to think about middle school or the night of the accident. "i .. didn't think I'd ever come back here.." Bakugou sighed "okay, lets just get this over with.." the sooner we fix this the sooner we can leave.  
Izuku floated over himself and tried to use possession again.. but he just went strait through himself.  tried stepping back in his body.. that didn't work either. Bakugou sighed "the fuck was i expecting. it couldn't be that easy."
"maybe we could try my hypothesis?.."
"you mean the memory thing? how would we do that?" he rose a brow crossing his arms
Izuku got flustered "uh- well last night you fell asleep looking though the book and i found something" he then show'd him the Doodle search he made on bakugou's phone.
📱-Doodle: Noctambulant spirits and how to get rid of them
Noctambulant spirits aren't fully dead, therefore they are half alive. meaning they some things like memories and fragments of memories that still connect them to life.
Bakugou thought for a moment "okay.. what do you remember then?"
"well... " Izuku wasn't sure weather or not to bring up the all might figure or any of the stuff associated with the figure from middle school.  so he just said "i remember your birthday party from when we were kids and what i got you that year"
"...anything else?"
"uh- . . . no"
they both stared at each other for a bit then Bakugou just said "do you remember middle school..?"
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter 1-12 on my tumbler
After an accident izuku is put into a coma, leaving Bakugou to look back on his mistakes. however, even though izuku is in a coma, he can still move around like a spirt. and for some unknow reason bakugou is the only one who can see him. now they must work against the clock to try and get izuku back in his body... before they pull his plug
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter twelve: Aura (part 1)
izuku wasn't sure how to respond, how could anybody respond to that. izuku knelt down in front of him hugging him. and although Bakugou couldn't "feel" it per se.. he felt the feeling behind it though. "could you ever forgive me?" he said looking up at the other. izuku just sighed and smiled "i already have." both stared at each other for a bit slightly flushed afterward. both shaking the feeling and getting up Bakugou wiping away his tears. in that moment Kirishima happened to be turning the corner and saw running over to give Bakugou a hug.
"The hell?!"
Kirishima just hugged him tighter crying a bit himself. "it's okay bakubro.. I'm here for you"
Bakugou was surprised for a moment but hugged him back. Izuku smiled watching from a distance. Bakugou and Kirishima talked for a bit and then kiri went quiet for a minute. "oi.. you okay?" bakugou let out slightly
"i-i'm fine i just.. "
kiri took a breathe "never mind, I'll tell you later. you said you were gonna go vist izuku so i wont keep you"
"okay then... talk to you later.."
Bakugou then walked off with izuku fallowing closely behind. "was it just me or did he act.." izuku though for a bit "he feels guilty about something."
"how do you know?" Bakugou said raising a brow
"i could see his aura.. at least i think that's what i saw, it was mix of blue and green and it gave off the feeling of self hate and guilt. like he did something unforgivable. as if his soul was crying.."
Bakugou thought for a bit remembering something "he's been like that since the accident. Icyhot too."
"you think they might be connected in some way?"
"not sure. maybe ounce we get to the hospital we can see if there's any truth to your theory and if there's anything else we could be missing"
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter Eleven: Why?
-TW: mentions of attempted suicided
Bakugou was silent for a bit. "Kachan please, if I'm reason for why your acting weird just come out and say it!" izuku tried to take his hand but just went right through. Bakugou wasn't sure how to respond, he knew what he wanted to say but wasn't sure how to say it. things were just to complicated to him now. something overall changed inside him, and yet it felt like he cant come to to grips with that. Bakugou took a breathe "No. it's not you.."
"then what is it?"
"..." he stayed quiet for a bit
"..kachan, i want to help but.. i cant if you wont let me"
"there you go again, i dont need sympathy from you.. " he mutter softly to himself "not after every i did."
Bakugou then got up and started walking away. izuku made many attempts to stop him but every time he just walked through him. "nerd. your wasting your time. I'm not talking."
izuku then looked directly at him with a expression of genuine worry "Kachan please!.. tell me."
"why not!"
at this point they were getting louder and louder until..
"Oh my god, cant you think of anybody besides yourself-"
"Well that's i can think about when all you ever were was nice to me and i treated you like dirt to the point where you almost killed yourself because i was so stupid!" he yelled stopping ounce he realized what he said then started breaking down "why are you doing this to me. i have been nothing but terrible to you.. and yet.. your still here.. why?"
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic)🍱Chapter Eight: Bento box🍱
*back in chapter three
The fallowing day Bakugou was putting on his uniform and getting ready softly so he wouldn't disturb the other. thinking for a bit about everything that's happened over the weekend.. spirits.  he didn't believe in stuff like that before but after everything he wasn't sure what to think. as he fixed his hair slightly something crossed his mind.. 'why do i feel so-' quickly shaking it off ounce he heard the other call him. walking down the stairs he looked over and saw the plate of food. "you made breakfast?"
"yeah" izuku admitted slightly rubbing the back of his neck "i also made you a bento for lunch, i- i mean it's not as good as the one's you make but i hope you enjoy" he let out with a slightly flustered expression (although what he was thinking in the back of his mind was 'why did i think i could do this?! on my god izuku have a filter' )
Bakugou took the bento "I'm surprised you didn't set off the smoke alarms" he joked letting out a slight chuckle
"Hey, that was one time!" he let out slightly flustered
"Please, you burnt more Yakitori than i can count" he smirked
as Katsuki put the box in his bag he had slight blush on his face. 'cute' he thought to himself for a second.. however that didn't last long cuz' he quickly shook it off. "uh- if you need anything just call me on the land line"
"you mean I'm not going with you?"
"remember what happened back when i was getting instant ramen*, if they saw that they'd contact my parents and think I'm insane"  
izuku nodded. "okay.. but be careful"
Bakugou picked up his bag and walked out. as he walked to UA he thought more. not much to do when your walking alone, just think. as he thought more about the other he smiled.. first time in a long time.
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