#nobody knows who he is or what he's doing he just made that one fulllength feature and that's it lmao
heartoferebor · 2 years
horror movie asks! 5 and 9 please~
5. list your top five horror films
Ok but this is like. So difficult 😭😭😭. I love so many. The Top 4 are usually pretty similar but no5 changes constantly lmao. My absolute favs at the moment would be-
The Descent Hereditary Lake Mungo His House
And for number 5 it's either be Kairo or Ringu, some classic J-horror!
I answered No. 9 yesterday but I am also a lazy blob so I will just copypaste my answer :P
9. Do you have any pet peeves for horror?
Get ready for some Opinions ™!
Jump scares are overused and bad and if your movie relies just on jump scares to be scary it’s a bad movie (best example: The Nun). You know what scares most people about jump scares? The SUDDEN LOUD MUSIC. You jump in your seat as a literal physical reaction and it’s like. Eugh. FIlmmarkers, stop using my body (and my autism-induced noise oversensitivity) against me and start using my brain and heart against me! And if you do that I’ll grant you your jump scares. Hereditary has, I think one or two? And they are INCREDIBLY effective because they are used to sparingly and because the movie earns them by creating a perfectly dreadful atmosphere without them first. My beloved Lake Mungo has one slightly cheap jump scare but it gets a pass because the rest of the movie is fucking incredible. Seeing a character going down a dark corridor and knowing something will jump with a loud violin screech is not scary. Seeing a character going down a dark corridor and seeing faint movement behind them, a shadowy face perhaps that slowly materialises on the ceiling above them, fingers that slowly creep closer - THAT is terrifying. I’ll take Samara crawling out of the TV in slo-mo any day over boogieman hopping out of the closet as the former is much scarier.
On a second, slightly more hilarious note, I am so tired of Lovecraft discourse. Is every dudebro trying to rip off Eldritch monsters and holding Lovecraft up as the end-all of horror boring and annoying as fuck? Heck yeah. Was Lovecraft a horrible racist antisemite whose personal philosophies found their way into his writing and influence our thinking about ‘The Other’ to this day? 100%. Do I think nobody should use Eldritch monsters in anything ever because of this and its this always boring and badly done? Nah! Take ‘em tentacle babies, be aware of the pitfalls, and have fun. Sheesh. (For Eldritch monsters being well done see: Bloodborne, The Void).
Ask me questions about horror! (still open)
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