#nobody in my family does it anymore but i remember always being told its impolite not to
nuclearnyx · 1 year
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clairecrive · 4 years
Let’s stay home| Quarantine AU
A/N: I know it’s been ages since I’ve updated this story, sorry guys. I don’t even know what this is but someone asked for Bronson so here it is. I’ve decided that I’m going to finish up and edit what I already have for this story, 4 or 5 chapters, and then end it. So, yeah. Anyways, hope you enjoy this!
Tag list: @evelynshelby​, @mollybegger-blog​, @br0ck-eddie​, @of-love-and-of-the-sea​, @deaflikehawkeye​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @fandom--0verdose​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @sopxhiea​, @fuseburner​
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Chapter 6 - “Bronson”
Emma was laying in her precious bathtub for some very much needed me time. Since lockdown started, she had found herself needed some kind of relief from dealing with this whole situation. Living together with the guys wasn’t proving to be too bad. She was actually happy that he had invited them over, if she had had to face this whole quarantine on her own she would have probably gone insane. Not that living with four men didn’t put her on edge but it was bearable. As long as she could carve out some time for herself, she would be fine. Sighing contently, she basked in being in the water while the comforting smell of lavender filled her nostrils. but of course, her peaceful moment was short-lived.
“Oi, have you drown in there or something?” Alfie’s voice and vigorous knock startled her and disrupted the moment.
 “This is my self-care bath, Alfie. What do you want?” But she won’t give it up easily if she could help it. 
“Yer what?”
“Stop shouting and get in Alfie. You’ll annoy the neighbours.” Keeping her eyes closed she tried her best to not get the vibe lost.
“Aren’t you naked?”
“I’m covered in bubbles, don’t worry. Not that you haven’t seen it already.” And as a matter of fact, she was covered in bubbles, her long hair covered her breasts and she gathered her knees close to her chest to prevent an embarrassing situation; but the truth was that Emma had always been comfortable with Alfie. Yes, even being half-naked in front of him when nothing sexual was happening didn't bother her. And since they had done this before, when Alfie sat on the toilet next to the tub, she didn’t feel embarrassed at all. He plopped down, groaning for his bad back and looked at her face.
“So what’s all this then?” His gruff tone made her smile lightly and even if she had her eyes closed she could imagine him gesturing at her questioningly.
“I told you, this is my self-care bath.” She repeated finally opening her eyes, finding him exactly as she foresaw.
“Didn’t know there were different kinds of baths.” He mumbled scratching his chin.
“This includes shaving and scrubs and other stuff that of course you wouldn’t know about.”
“Seems like you’re dolling up,” he pointed out looking at his feet but Emma could sense that there was something else he wanted to say so she waited, “is it ‘cause that guy is coming over?” and here it was. By now, Emma knew Alfie too well to not know when something was up. And yeah, the man was naturally grumpy but his behaviour these last few days was too much even for him. And knowing him, she should have known that he was going to eavesdrop her conversation with Bane.
“Did nobody tell you that it’s impolite to listen on to other people’s conversation?” She avoided his question and decided that it was better to make fun of him. His unruly beard could only cover so much of his face and luckily for her, it didn’t cover the redness of his cheeks.
“You were talking in the middle of the fucking sitting room, everyone heard you.” he scoffed.
“Well, that doesn’t explain why you’re so bothered by it though.” She promptly pointed out putting him on the spot.
“Who said I’m bothered?” He scoffed again but Emma could see right through him.
“You’ve been acting like a jealous boyfriend Alfie.” she pointed out even though she knew he’d never admit it.
“I ain’t.” He childishly muttered while crossing his arms on his chest.
“Sure you are. Now be a good boy and tell me why, will you?” She asked him patronizingly while adjusting her position in the tub so that she could better look at him.
“C’mon Alfie, you know that you can talk to me.” she insisted when he didn’t say anything.
“It’s just- I didn’t understand I was going to be stuck in a house with a bunch of your exes.” He complained
“None of you is my ex,” since Alfie gave her a look that called her on her bullshit so she continued, “Eddie is my best friend. He has an on-and-off relationship at the moment but there’s never been anything between us.”
“What about Tommy?”
“We’ve had sex but we were never together. Just like you and me.” Alfie flinched but Emma didn’t notice.
“So, yer supposed to spend a weekend of sex with him too?” He spat and Emma knew that he hadn’t liked her answer but couldn’t really understand why.
“We have never labelled our relationship as exclusive or official, Alfie.” Emma reckoned as a matter of factly.
“That’s not what I said, innit?”
“Well, then why I get the feeling that knowing about my sex life sets you off?”
“And Bane?”
“He’s one of my best buds too. Never seen him naked, unfortunately,” she mumbled the last part but Alfie did hear anyway and threw an ugly glare at her.
“Why are you so interested in my sex life anyway?” she asked raising an eyebrow
“I’m not. You can do whatever you want,” he said not taking into consideration how she could read him so easily. Dismissing her and their conversation, Alfie got up and went to get out of the bathroom.
“Wait, Alfie, what time is it?” her voice stopped him
“Almost 4, why?” He said checking the time on his watch.
“Shit, shit, shit, I’m late,” momentarily forgetting about the man’s presence, Emma pulled the drain of the bath and started to get up.
“What? Have somewhere to be?” Was Alfie’s attempt at being funny.
“I have an interview in half an hour. Guess who I’m interviewing?” Ignoring his cheeky tone, Emma kept drying herself. She didn’t have time to spare.
“Some beauty blogger?” Again, another jab.
“Charlie Bronson, Alfie. I’m so excited,” but Emma was too hyped about this opportunity she had been given.
“Why are you excited to speak with England’s most violent prisoner?”
“Exactly for that very reason. I mean, I know nothing of psychology but he ought to make an interesting subject, don’t you think?” Now wrapped in a warm towel, she was ready to leave the bathroom.
“Be careful, Em,” Alfie called out behind her.
“You can assist if you want to,” She offered, knowing that he could sit in the interview and she could get away with it.
“Oh, I also have an appointment but thanks.” Not thinking anything about it, she simply waved at him and rushed to her room to get ready. The interview was in ten minutes.
So far, it was going good. Sure there had been some problem with her wifi, then with his but it was all part of the job, wasn’t it? Despite his menacing look and intimidating physique, Charlie Bronson was very talkative and friendly. Or maybe he just liked talking about himself and being under the spotlight.
“So, with this current situation, everyday life has changed for everyone. Has life in prison changed too?” Was your final question, the one you were most excited to ask.
“Well, visitors can’t come anymore and also police officers can’t touch us, the cunts.” Flying over his colourful language, Emma reflected on his answer. It was a side effect that she hadn’t thought about but it made sense.
“It sounds like this virus has made life in prison easier, or am I going too far in saying that?” 
“Yeah well, for me, it has and also for those people who have nowhere to go. It also helps us with police brutality.”
“Does it?”
“Of course. They’re the only ones that go out, aren’t they? So if one of us results positive to Covid then it means that it’s their fault, isn’t it?” Bronson points out with a raise of his eyebrow.
“That makes sense. I hadn’t thought about that.”
“No one really thinks about us.” The statement could have been filled with resentment but from his tone, it came out nothing more than a fact. However, Emma still felt a little guilty about it.
“Well, actually, there has been an uproar in Italy for this very reason. Families of inmates asked for their relatives to be released because they were not safe in prison. Do you agree?” Remembering an article she saw a couple of days ago, she thought it worth mentioning.
“Sounds like a desperate tentative to get them out. We’re as safe here as anywhere, if not safer.”
“So if you could, you wouldn’t want to leave prison?” Disbelief evident in her voice. Wouldn’t any inmate go back home given the chance?
“Why would I? Where would I even go?” But Bronson presented a fair point. Most of the lives of those who ended up in prison had always difficult stories behind them and in most cases, they don’t have a safety net to fall into.
“Well, I don’t know. Isn’t any place better than a cell?” Still, Emma thought, however difficult it may be to start again, wouldn’t it be ten times better than being in a cell?
“I’ve never understood people's disregard for prison. There’s nothing out there for me anyway.” Apparently, Bronson wasn’t of the same idea.
“If you’re fine and safe I guess it doesn’t matter where you are.” Not really convinced, Emma trying to meet him halfway.
“As lovely as it is to talk to you, my time is up. Gotta go.” Time had flown apparently because the hour the interview was supposed to last had already come to an end. It had been a conversation far more interesting than Emma had anticipated. Who would have thought. One should never judge a book by its cover, indeed.
“Thank you for speaking with me, Charlie. Stay safe,” saying her goodbyes she closed the zoom call. Staring at her desktop, she processed the whole conversation in her mind, the piece she had to write about it already forming in her mind. In order to avoid forgetting the words or losing inspiration, she immediately got to it. Typing away on her keyboard, words had never come to her as easily, she bashed in this sensation remembering why she loved her job so much.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 6 years
Come Back - Jesse McCree x F!Reader
This is a commission for my fellow McCree lover @strawberrymigraines! She wanted some angst and I hope I delivered. It’s been a while since I wrote for him and I hope I still do him justice!
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It was almost over. All you had to do was get to the extraction point and the mission would end.
You shoved your medical kit back into your bag and began tracking your way to safety. This had been your first time working alongside Blackwatch and though they kept most of their operations a secret, you were glad to be a part of some of it.
A painful groan a few feet from where you were walking stopped you in your tracks. Against your better judgment, you followed the sound, walking as lightly as you could so you wouldn't alert anyone. That sound could be coming from the enemy but you were a medic after all and they had surrendered.
You walked a little more and found the source of the sounds you heard. The man...the cowboy...was dragging himself along the ground leaving a trail of blood behind him.
“That's not a good idea,” you said quietly and he immediately went for his gun. You put your hands up, “I'm on your side.” He lowered his gun slowly and holstered it all while wincing in pain.
“You tryin’ to get yourself killed, pumpkin?”
“No, but you will if you keep moving around while losing all that blood.” He stopped and you knelt beside him, taking your backpack off. “May I?” He nodded and watched every move you made.
“How bad is it, doc?” he asked.
“I won't know until...until we get your shirt open.” You had been a medic for years and had seen plenty of people with their shirts off so why were you acting so shy all the sudden? “If you don't mind,” you added quietly.
“Okay then.” He reached up but almost immediately cried out in pain which meant you had to do it. You looked him in the eye and he nodded before you began unbuttoning his shirt. You pulled it open and surveyed the wound. It definitely wasn't as bad as you were expecting but he still needed some patching up if he was going to make it till extraction. “Well? Can you fix me up?”
“I'm your huckleberry,” you teased and he smiled at you. To distract him while you cleaned and stitched him up, you asked him a few questions. “I recognize you…”
“Do you? Must be my good looks.” He winked at you then grimaced as you pushed against the wound. “I do...tend to look better than this, you know, when I'm not bleedin’ to death.” He grunted as you began the stitches.
“I'm sure.”
“So you gonna tell me your name or what? I mean, you have seen me with my shirt off,” he joked.
“I'm trying to concentrate.” You ignored the question as you finished your work then helped him button his shirt again.
“You sure are pretty, doc,” he said as you packed your bag again.
“Thank you, McCree,” you said, standing over him.
“So you know my name, huh? I think it's only fair that you tell me yours now.” Just then, your headset came to life and you heard your commander shouting at you about not being at the extraction point yet.
“I have to go,” you said. “Be careful with that wound.”
“Wait!” you heard him call behind you but you ran without even looking back. Maybe someday you two will meet again in a different situation.
“Where the hell were you?” your commander asked as you climb on board.
“I was...helping someone. They were injured and I couldn't just leave him there. What kind of medic would I be if I did?” You rolled your eyes as your commander just glared at you. You buckled yourself in and prepared yourself for a shouting match once you got back to headquarters.
Back at headquarters, you were briefed and asked to explain yourself. After that, you got yourself some well-needed rest or tried to at least. You couldn't stop thinking about McCree, the man you helped. You were sure his first name was Jesse but he typically went by McCree. And he was a cowboy or he thought he was.
He was one of the kindest men you had ever met even he was a little flirty. You actually liked it. You smiled to yourself remembering his face and then suddenly you realized that you may never see him again. The smile fell from your face and you sighed. You hoped wherever he was that he would be safe and happy and hopefully he would always remember you the way you remembered him.
You were surprised to find yourself working for Overwatch now. You were still a medic but you also had combat training and they found that they needed more people like you.
“Hey Rookie, over here!” someone shouted from behind you. When you turned to see who it was you were shocked to find the Strike Commander himself, Jack Morrison.
“Commander Morrison? Sir…” You stood at attention and he chuckled.
“Why does everyone do that?”
“At ease. Follow me. It's time to introduce you to everyone else.” He walked around you and you followed closely behind. He opened the last door in the hall and the room got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You couldn't see over him so you just waited to hear what he had to say. “I want you all to meet someone…”
The Commander moved from in front of you and you lifted your hand awkwardly. “Hi everyone.” You looked around the room and found that mostly everyone looked pretty friendly. They waved back or at least smiled at you. There was one person that your gaze landed on and just wouldn't leave. It couldn't be…
He squinted then stood up as he finally realized just who he was looking at. “Well, I'll be damned,” he whispered. “It's you. It's her, y'all.” He chuckled and made his way over to you. “You remember me? Jesse…”
“...McCree. Blackwatch operative.” He shifted awkwardly at those words. “You look…” You looked him up and down, noticing his torso and his arm. “What happened?”
“Nothin’ you need to worry about. Bet I'd still have this arm if you were there to help me.” He smiled that charming smile and you found yourself feeling shy all of the sudden.
The Commander cleared his throat behind you. “If you two are finished…”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” You looked away from McCree and smiled shyly.
“She saved my life,” McCree told the Commander.
“Did she now? Well, I guess we recruited the right person for the job.”
“Thank you, sir. Thank you so much.” He nodded and left you with the rest of the group. You were able to talk to almost everyone but your eyes kept going back to Jesse who stood there watching you. “You know, its impolite to stare,” you said as you walked over to him.
“I just can't believe it's you. I never thought I'd see you again, darlin’ but here you are...and I finally know your name.” He walked you over to a far corner of the room while everyone else mingled. “I know I'm forgettable but I want you to know that I thought ‘bout you a lot over the years.”
“I thought of you too, McCree.”
“My friends call me Jesse.”
“Are we friends?” you asked.
“I certainly hope we are.” He caught you looking down at his arm. “It's a long story, sugar. One I don't wanna bore you with right now. It bother you that much?”
“It doesn't bother me at all…” You reached for his arm. “May I?”
“‘Course.” He lifted his arm and you touched it gently, sliding your fingers along the metal. “State of the art stuff,” he boasted.
“Yeah, no kidding.” When you looked at him you realized he had been watching you. You studied his face for a bit. “You...haven't changed.”
“You mean I'm still devilishly handsome? Thank you.” He bowed slightly and you rolled your eyes.
“So...Overwatch, huh?”
He shrugged. “Pays the bills. Enough ‘bout me. Tell me what you been up to all these years.” He lead you outside so he could smoke.
“I don't have much of a story to tell. I'm still a medic but I guess Jack heard about my combat training as well and...here I am.”
“Beautiful as ever too,” he said before taking a drag of his cigar. “Tell me somethin’...do you-”
“Hey, Commander Morrison is looking for you, newbie,” a woman told you. You were sure she introduced herself as Tracer.
“Oh okay. Thanks. Be right there.” You turned to Jesse and shrugged. “Talk later?”
“Definitely,” he said quietly as you walked away.
The rest of your day was spent learning the ins and outs of HQ and getting yourself acquainted with your new team. By dinner time, your head was spinning and you found yourself lost in thought in the cafeteria.
“Hope you don't mind if I join ya,” a familiar voice said. McCree placed his tray on the table and sat across from you. You smiled at him absentmindedly as you played with your food. “I can go if you-”
“No,” you cut him off, “No...you're fine. I was just...daydreaming.” You laughed and he smirked. “As usual…”
“Ain't no need for you to daydream anymore. I'm right here, pumpkin,” he joked making you laugh some more. “That's better. Now, you wanna tell me what's on your mind?”
“I don't want to bore you,” you started.
“You could never do such a thing. Hell, you could read the dictionary to me and I'd gladly listen.” You had never seen a face as sincere as his. Well, except for… “You leavin’ me again?” he teased, noticing your faraway look.
“Right. Jesse...do you ever worry about not making it home when you go out on missions? I mean...you must have family--a girlfriend, a wife?” You looked at him intently but he only shook his head.
“A boyfriend?” you asked and he chuckled.
“I ain't got nobody, hon. That is...not anymore. Blackwatch was my family, but…” This time he drifted off, looking off then looking down at his tray.
“I'm sorry for touching on such a sensitive subject for you. I should have known better.”
“Don't go apologizin’ to me for wantin’ to talk. Yeah...it's a sore spot for me but I feel it's good to get stuff out in the open every now and again. Did you ask me that question ‘cause you're worried ‘bout leavin’ someone behind?” He looked uneasy all of a sudden as if he wanted to hear the answer but didn't at the same time.
“I have family...and…”
“McCree, we need you in the briefing room ASAP,” someone said over his comm and he sighed.
“Seems no one wants us to get reacquainted, hm?” He smiled sadly and stood up. “We will continue this at another time. There's so much more I wanna learn about the woman that saved me.”
“I didn't save you…”
“Oh, but you did.” He tipped his hat and walked away leaving you to smile and blush alone.
You and McCree rarely had time to speak what with missions and meetings and whatever else was going on. He always made sure to greet you in one way or another though and you liked that.
Something bothered you, though. Something that had been sitting at the back of your mind for awhile now. Something you should have told him…
“Hey, I was hopin’ to catch ya, sunshine. Where you off to?” Jesse asked as he sprinted up to you.
“I, uh, I'm meeting a friend for dinner.” You couldn't look him in the eye as you spoke the words.
“A friend? What kinda friend?”
You stopped walking and without turning to him you spoke. “My...my boyfriend. I'm meeting my boyfriend for dinner.”
“Oh, right, o’ course you are. Why wouldn't you?” He tried to laugh it off but you could hear how awkward it was.
Finally you turned to him. “Jesse, I…”
He held up his hand. “You ain't gotta explain nothin’ to me. I ain't dumb enough to think that you'd be walkin’ around as pretty as you are without someone on your arm.”
“I should have told you…” you began.
“Nah...we kept gettin’ interrupted. Ain't your fault.” He sighed and focused on something on the ground. “You have a great dinner, alright?”
“Jesse,” you said quietly but he was already walking away.
Your boyfriend talked but you weren't listening. You couldn't stop thinking about the look on McCree's face when you told him about having dinner with your boyfriend. Had you led him on? And if you did, did he understand that it was not intentional. You cursed yourself inwardly for not realizing that he had feelings for you. All the signs were right in your face.
“Are you listening to me?” your boyfriend asked and you smiled awkwardly, nodding your head. He went on and on and you tried your best to respond at the right times. You hardly ate your food and when he dropped you off at HQ you walked back to your room in a trance.
You couldn't wait to get out the stupid dress you decided to wear.
“Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes,” McCree said. You gasped and realized he had been standing off to the side, leaning against the wall and smoking a cigar.
“Jesse.” You sniffled then turned your head to wipe your tears away.
“Your boyfriend is one lucky man.”
“Stop it, McCree,” you cried.
“Shit...I didn't mean to make you cry. I-I'm sorry.” He pulled out a handkerchief (of course he had one) and handed it to you. “Did he do somethin’ to you?”
“No. I'm upset with myself. I'm upset with...a lot of things but certainly not you.” You wiped your tears and cursed at the smudged makeup on the handkerchief. “I'll wash it,” you said showing him.
“Keep it. You wanna talk about what's makin’ you so upset? I'm all ears.”
“How could you even want to talk to me after...what happened?” You walked over to a bench and sat down, pulling your shoes off.
“After what?” You looked at him until he figured it out. “Oh, right...well, I kinda expected it.”
“Did you?”
“I did but...I ain't expect it to hurt so much,” he confessed. “All those years...I never stopped thinkin’ about you. I thought maybe we were destined...like fate, you know?”
“I'm so sorry. How was I supposed to know that we would see each other again?” You shook your head and placed a hand on his prosthetic arm. “I'm glad we did though.”
“Yeah, well, you're way outta my league anyway. I'm an old washed up cowboy with one arm and I smoke to damn much…but you...you're somethin’ special.” He stood and began smoking again.
“You're special too, Jesse. You don't need me to feel that way. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” You walked over to him and you noticed his eyes shining in the moonlight. Were those tears?
“Maybe so but…” He took off his hat and exhaled before continuing, “You see, I don't want just anyone. I want you. Have since I laid eyes on you that day…”
“After all this time?”
“Yeah, after all this time. Even though I knew that the chances of you walkin’ back into my life were slim to none, I still wanted you...still thought about you. I ain't makin’ no damn sense but...there ain't no point anymore, I guess.” He shrugged and picked at something on his hat. “Guess I should say goodnight now.”
“We can always be friends,” you said as he walked away and he stopped.
“Friends. Course we can.” He put his hat back on and turned away again. His shoulders were slumped and he seemed to walking a little harder than he usually did. That's when you realized he wasn't only hurt, he was angry.
Sleep did not come easy. You tossed and turned all night thinking that this had been the first time you possibly broke someone's heart. Feelings and love and fate were all such funny things until they weren't and you felt horrible. You decided that tomorrow you would talk to Jesse again and try to make things a little less awkward.
You woke up the next morning after maybe four hours of sleep and put on your brave face. You showered and made yourself look presentable. There was no use in letting him see that you hardly slept.
You had rehearsed what you were going to say to him the whole way down to the cafeteria. You were going to make him smile at you again because your day just wasn't the same without that smile.
After half an hour, you began to think that he was probably avoiding you because of what happened and you didn't blame him but you needed to talk to him. You needed to make things better.
After an hour and a half, you dumped your tray and went around asking if anyone had seen McCree. When you finally got an answer, you wished you never did.
“He left early this morning on a mission. He'll be gone for a few months at least,” they had told you casually before walking away.
He was gone. Just like that. And it was all your fault. You hurt him. You pushed him away. What if he never came back?
You walked to your room in a daze not hearing the person who had been calling you. When they stopped in front of you and held a envelope out to you, you blinked a few times before taking it.
“What is this?” you asked, emotionless.
“Don't know. McCree told me to make sure you got it though.” They walked away and you looked down at the envelope in your hands before sprinting back to your room.
Once there, you sat on your bed and opened the letter with shaky hands and watery eyes.
Hey darlin’,
By now you have probably realized that I am gone and will be for quite a while but I want you to know that I ain't angry with you. I don't think I ever could be. I'm hurt but it ain't your fault. Its all on me.
I know you're sittin’ there blamin’ yourself for my leavin’ but please don't. I did it because I think it's the best thing for me right now. I'm a damn fool for thinkin’ my silly lil dream would ever play out but all I got left is dreams.
Now, don't you be sittin’ around wastin’ your time worryin’ about Jesse. I'll be just fine and when I get back I hope you'll be the first one to greet me. Until then, take care of yourself and I promise to take care of myself. You ain't around to save me this time so I gotta be extra careful.
See you when I see you, sugar.
Love...your friend,
You stared down at the letter until your tears began hitting the paper. You brought it to your lips and kissed it before dropping it and sobbing into your hands. He told you not to blame yourself but how could you not.
You laid down and sobbed into your pillow. “Please come back” had become your mantra and would be until you saw Jesse again.
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