#nobody does it like you do nico di angelo
doalkaynaksuyu · 17 days
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revisiting old favorites
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Let's Break Up (I)
summary : you try to do the break up prank on your boyfriend.
word count : 0.5k
type : headcanons
pairing/s : Jason Grace / Percy Jackson / Nico Di Angelo x Reader
warning/s : none
here is my masterlist! Part II is composed of Leo, Frank, and Will.
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Jason Grace
"Let's break up."
Jason is formally trained to remain calm and level-headed in the most drastic of situations ever since he was young.
So if you're expecting him to look surprised or upset, he won't.
Don't be fooled though, he may look like he's listening as you explain but deep inside this electric boy is panicking! 😂
"Okay, Jason. What in Jupiter's name have you done to make (Y/N) upset? Think! THINK!"
It might take a while for Jason to respond because he is torn between asking you what he can do to fix it, what he did wrong, or just be desperate and beg you to stay with him.
So he does what any Roman would do in his place. Accept his fate.
He fixes his composure and coughs a little to avoid his voice from cracking.
"If that's what you think is best, I understand-"
"It's just a prank, love."
"Thank the gods."
You never knew your boyfriend could sigh that hard.
Jason laughs in relief and hugs you tightly, like he wasn't thinking of crying his heart out and eating ice cream alone in the Zeus cabin later.
He'll never tell you that though.
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Percy Jackson
"I want to break up."
Percy just can't see the two of you breaking up. No matter how much he tries, he knows it's literally imposible.
He already has a list of plans; when he will propose, where to get married, where you'll spend the rest of your lives together, how many children you two will have, and their names. Even the number of pets allowed in your future home.
But you don't give up easily.
"What do you mean, no? Isn't that my decision?"
"OUR decision, (Y/N). And I say no."
"No buts, baby. If you're tired of this relationship then rest. We'll try again in the morning."
You just pout in defeat, taking a bite of the blue chocolate chips cookies his mother made for him before he left for Camp Half-Blood.
He smirks like the handsome devil he is, pulling you into his arms and lays his head on your shoulder.
"There's no getting rid of me, (Y/N). You're stuck with me forever."
He doesn't notice the small smile on your face, preferring not to have it any other way.
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Nico Di Angelo
"I was thinking of breaking up."
He would shadow travel even before you could say another word.
Good luck trying to find him because he would be nowhere to be found. You already asked everyone yet nobody knows where he is.
Hours passed, no sign of him. You got truly worried that you can't even fall asleep.
You were just laying on your bed, staring into nothing when you hear a knock on your window.
It's Jules-Albert, holding a bag of McDonalds with your favorite foods and drink. It also has a note.
"Just think about what you said with a full stomach. You do stupid shit when you're hungry."
You don't know if you should be offended or laugh.
Still in your pajamas, you run to the Hades cabin and knock on his door. No one answers.
You do feel a pair of arms around your waist and cold nose nuzzling your neck.
You turn your head to kiss Nico's cheek as he leans more into you. He then whispers in your ear-
"I love you, tesoro mio. Don't scare me like that again."
Gods, you didn't have the heart to tell him it was a prank.
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
fic rec friday 13
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
I Need A Hero by @theroyalsavage
The "Nico is a superhero, Will is a med student" AU nobody asked for or wanted.
OBSESSED WITH THIS AU OBSESSED WITH THIS AU OBSESSED WITH THIS AU. I AM LOSING MY MIND AND HAVE READ IT SO MANY DOZENS OF TIMES. genuinely one of my top faces like its so fucking GOOD!!! the romcom romance of it all!! makes me lose it!!! the angst of loving someone who is constantly putting himself on the front lines!! the fear of not knowing if he's coming home!! being his healer, holding his life in your hands because he doesn't trust it with anyone else!!!! what if i rioted!!! what if i chewed clean through my ceiling!!!!! what if i swallowed my phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if i clawed my way out of the pit of despair!!!! i am!! gonna!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!
2. As If His Hands Were Enough (to Hold an Avalanche Off) by @theroyalsavage
Nico di Angelo has been through enough to know life doesn't always work out the way you plan. But fate is a funny thing, and, in Nico's junior year of college, it hands him salvation in the form of freckled cheeks and a smile like the sun.
OH dude this author is actually everything to me. prepare for an onslaught of their stuff bc i am OBSESSED, but this one especially....oh it's special man. this had me LOSING MY MIND. seph’s acceptance made its way into my devotion scrapbook. never be ashamed of loving anybody….what a fucking thesis. i also ADORED how a) story didn’t end with them getting together, went thru them learning each other too and b) nico didn’t get fixed by dating will. he got fixed by loving himself, something he learned to do by loving will. crying.
3. Of Gods and Men by @theroyalsavage
There is something profoundly strange about the forest behind Will Solace’s new house. The trees, it seems, breathe magic. The truth is this: there are things that the forest hides that humans cannot understand. Nico di Angelo is one of them.
I LOVE PARTICULAR AUS!!!!!! AND I LOVE YOU ROYAL SAVAGE!!!!! dude god nico and mortal will is always gonna knock me flat bc its so canon, you know? will is going to be a consort of a god one day. and to read it in fic has me HOWLING but this one in particular....OH the ending is gonna knock yall flat fr!!! if you like percy refusing immortality for annabeth youre gonna LOVE this!!
4. Kitchen Nightmares by @theroyalsavage
Nico is the owner and head chef of an upscale restaurant in Hell's Kitchen, New York City. There's nothing easy about running a business, especially when you have to juggle an overprotective father, a college-age sister, and a staff about as under control as a stampede. The last thing Nico needs is a rival in the form of the ugliest food truck on the face of the planet. And yet, that's exactly what he gets. Of food fights, fledgling friendships, and Nico di Angelo's stupid little soft spot for Will Solace.
i know ive literally said it like five times now but NO ONE does an au like theroyalsavage idc. dude romeo & juliet but food truck and fancy restaurant?? hello!!!! omg!! i literally sat my ass down and devoured this i could not stop myself. and then i hit the end and started it right back up again. the love without having the space to establish anything….inherent homoeroticism of rivalry…..my heart!!
5. don't wanna be lonely, just wanna be yours by @theroyalsavage
Will Solace, café manager extraordinaire, just wants to coast through their monthly open mic night in peace. He definitely is not banking on meeting a handsome stranger with the voice of the gods and the death glare of a high-ranking member of the KGB. And yet, that's exactly what he gets.
telling someone you’re not even dating you’re in love with them after like five months is insane behaviour will solace i get you 😭😭 he is so real in every scenario all the time like he is genuinely perfect for nico who is equally as insane and deserves someone who is fully obsessed with him. god.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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tagthescullion · 2 months
I feel like Hades/Pluto only falls in love rarely, so even before the oath he always had less demigod children than the others (and even now that the oath is gone he won't have any more for a good long while) but when he does, he loves deeply.
Hades stayed with Maria long enough to have two kids with her, and he didn't leave in between like Zeus did with Beryl after Thalia was born. I read somewhere that he stayed with the di Angelos until Nico was a toddler; I don't remember if it's canon or not but if it is I think it fits. I assume he helped them get to America because travel overseas, especially to an enemy country, was, well, difficult to put it mildly (especially considering Bianca and Nico presumably couldn't go by either sky or sea). He personally warned Maria, and from the sound of it that was not the first time they were having a similar conversation. He offered to shelter her and their children in the Underworld, to build her an entire palace. He was so devastated by her death that he cursed the Oracle. More than fifty years later he was still grieving her so much that he sent armies of monsters to get Thalia in revenge for Zeus killing Maria. He had Bianca and Nico dipped in the Lethe, sent to the Lotus Hotel, sent Alecto to get them out of the hotel, got them into school with presumably all the Mist and paperwork forgery that entailed (although then left them to their own devices, instead of sending them to camp or something). Any other god would have stopped caring so much about their welfare once they were in the Lotus Hotel, and possibly before that.
As for Pluto, Hazel never met him until she was thirteen, but it seems that Marie didn't want him around anyway (in fairness, she might not have wanted him around BECAUSE he'd left her and Hazel, I don't know which came first). But when Hazel was born he was "so pleased and proud" that he offered Marie literally any wish it was within his power to grant, and even though he knew what she asked for would only bring trouble he gave it to her anyway. He had apparently had the Levesques under his protection all this time, which I think is why Hazel never mentions ever seeing a monster during her childhood, even though you'd think a child of one of the Big Three would be a major target. He personally came to ask Marie not to go to Alaska, instead of sending a minion, but did not force her not to go. He gave Hazel a birthday present of pencils and drawing paper - which means he already knew she liked drawing, so he'd clearly been keeping an eye on her. He intentionally turns a blind eye to Hazel's resurrection, despite it literally going against his entire domain and everything he stands for as the Lord of the Dead.
the thing about hades/pluto is that (always speaking of the pjo version ofc) he does love his children. hazel, bianca, nico. he has shitty ways of expressing things, undoubtedly, but he seems to be much more into what they do, where they are, and if they're okay! he protects them even unknown to them
did hades love maria di angelo? 100%, nobody would doubt that. when he's talking to her about taking them to the underworld or the casino, she's very comfortable, they're both very mushy, the kids are not paying attention (they would be if hades being there was such an uncommon event), clearly he's been around --if not as a family, then enough that the novelty of his presence has long worn off--
did pluto love marie levesque? idk. she summoned him somehow, not really looking for him in particular, but eh, you get what you get. he clearly has been following hazel's life, but his relationship with marie doesn't look as if it was ever loving. it's even implied marie only wanted him bc he looked "fancy" and she wanted to be rich, and a "queen", did pluto love her anyway in return?
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bagerfluff · 6 months
The Ghost and The One Who Can See Him
Nico di Angelo x Ghost Male Reader
Prompt - Modern/Ghost AU
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“How come you're the only one that can see me?”
You asked Nico as he did his homework. Nico glanced up at you as you floated next to him. You were looking at Nico’s homework with a confused face. Nico was doing the same just a second ago. Nico had no idea how many times you’ve asked this.
But he was a little sick of it. It was a good question, but Nico didn’t know the answer. He never did. Are you confused? Well the thing is, you're a ghost. Died a couple decades ago. Since you didn’t want to die, you didn’t go to the afterlife.
You stayed a ghost, on earth.
Nobody was able to see you, but Nico was. From the first time you tried to hide something of Nico’s to the last. Nico was able to see you, hear you, and talk to you. Once you realized that Nico didn’t have many friends you decided that you were going to become his.
So you spent all of your time with Nico.
You watched him eat, Nico was a bit weird out by that. You followed him to class, you were really confused when you went to your first class since you died. Things have changed since you died. You watched him hang out with his friends.
They were nice.
You watched him go on dates. You weren’t shocked when Nico told you he was gay. You were gay too. Though you didn’t tell anyone when you were alive. Your parents wanted you to marry a nice girl. But you liked guys. Any time a date was rude to Nico you slashed his tires.
It was fun.
You became close to Nico and Nico became close to you. Nico liked your presence. He always knew you were there. But both of you were confused by how Nico was able to hear or see you.
No one else can.
Nico thought other people could so he told his friends about you. They thought Nico needed more sleep. Now Nico kept you to himself. Nico shook his head. “I don’t know Y/n”, Nico went back to his paper. But Nico didn’t do anything.
He hasn't been doing anything.
He was too busy thinking. About his crush on you. Nico got a crush on you about a few months into you and Nico hanging out. You were kind, funny, caring, and snarky. Nico liked that. Though he had no idea how you looked.
You were a transparent light blue, really light, almost white. You only wore a t-shirt and shorts saying, ‘ghosts don’t get cold’. Nico had no idea if that was true. But Nico couldn’t have a crush on you, you were a ghost.
Nico was a human.
You hummed and Nico looked back at you. “Maybe it’s because you love me”, you teased. Nico blushed and looked away. That was another thing, you loved to tease Nico. It was never mean or insensitive.
But Nico didn’t like it.
Maybe Nico could see you because he did like you. Nico sighed and laid his head on the desk. You looked over and frowned. “Are you okay? Have you been getting enough sleep?” Nico didn’t look up and you. He didn’t feel like talking to you right now.
“I’m going to bed. Please don’t bother me”, Nico got up and walked over to the bedroom. You furrowed your brows and looked at the clock. “But it’s three?” Nico didn’t answer your question. He just shut the door and locked it. You heard the lock, not like it would do much.
You can phase through walls. But you got the message. You wondered if Nico was upset. You wondered if what you said made him upset. The truth was that you liked Nico. But how do you tell a human that you like him when you're a ghost?
Not the easiest thing to do. You have been teasing him about loving you a lot lately. Maybe that’s why he’s been annoyed recently. He doesn’t like you. But he blushes every time you tease him. Maybe he’s embarrassed? Or maybe he does like you?
You groaned.
Why does romance have to be so hard?
You thought that after decades that it would get easier. Well, this is the first time you’ve liked someone since your death. The last person you liked, you didn’t get to tell him before you died. You watched him though.
You watched him throughout all of his life. Until he died. You really wished that you could have gone with him, but you couldn’t. Tears started to run down your face.
That was not going to happen again.
You knew what could happen if you didn’t confess. You were going to confess. History was not going to repeat itself. Though you didn’t know how it could. Not like you could die again. You shook your head.
Got to focus.
You floated to the door of Nico’s bedroom and started talking. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable with my teasing. The truth is that I like you. I like you a lot. I understand if you don’t like me back. I just thought I should tell you”.
You didn’t hear anything when you were done but you didn’t expect to. You waited. But nothing happened. At least you confessed. You were going to leave but you heard the door open. When you looked Nico stood there with a small smile on his face.
“I like you too Ghost Boy”, you rolled your eyes, “Don’t call me that”. Nico shrugged but you looked a little scared. “How are we going to make this work?” Nico asked and you didn’t know.
But what you did was that you just have to go with the flow. “I don’t know”, you reached your hand out and phased it though a piece of Nico’s hair, “but we can do it”. Nico smiled and you smiled back at him.
“I’m happy that I can see you”
“I’m happy that you can see me too”
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riordanness · 5 months
when i was drowning - [p.jackson]
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wordcount: 0.7K
warnings: almost drowning
requested: yes!! @thegirlwhosimpstoomuch6190
I should have known going swimming on my own would become a disaster. But technically, it was also the best day of my life.
Being a daughter of Hades is hard. Being the sister of Nico di Angelo is hard. Being a demigod is hard. But being in love with Perseus Jackson? That is the opposite of hard.
His sea green eyes that sparkle when he laughs. How he runs his hands through his scruffy black hair, making it even messier. How he fights with his shiny sword like nobody's watching. How he cares for the new campers, jokes with his friends, and always eats blue food if he can manage it.
I think it’s impossible not to fall for Percy Jackson. It’s the easiest? most natural feeling in the world.
Anyways, I’m a bit of a loner. Most campers don’t tend to want to hang out with the creepy death twins, so both Nico and I decide to be alone most of the time. Over the years here at camp, Nico has been in and out a lot, shadow travelling all over the world and even into hell once.
I’ve stayed here at camp all this time. I spend my time alone. I’ve tried to redecorate the Hades cabin (Nico made some terrible decisions as a young child and I am desperate to fix it). I do classes alone or sometimes with the Apollo kids (Will Solace is dating my brother, and he is like a brother to me).
Sorry, I’m getting off topic. Solangelo does that to people.
So on that shiny summer morning, Im walking down the dirt path to the lake. I’m glad I’m alone. I’d never dare to swim with someone else. No that anyone would want to do that with a Hades kid. We’re “creepy and dark and mysterious” or whatever. Which isn’t true. Yeah, I’m a introvert, but so are a lot of other people.
I have the weirdest feeling someone is watching me. I whirl around, but see nothing. Huh. I decide to ignore the strange feeling and just relax a little.
I wander down to the canoe lake, strip down to my sports bra and bike shorts, and dive off the end of the pier.
Unfortunately, I misjudged my dive. I landed wrong, felt my leg bend weirdly, and plummeted into the water. My head hits something hard, and everything goes black.
The next time I open my eyes, they see the somewhat blurry ceiling of the infirmary. Yellow light fills the room, warm and sunshiny and very Apollo cabin themed. I’m not sure I like this aesthetic so much.
It’s Nico. He rushes over and sits down on a stool beside me. “Damn, are you okay?”
I groan, my head suddenly spiked with pain. “Um. I think so? What the hell happened?”
Nico raises an eyebrow. “Y/n, you almost freakin drowned. What were you thinking? Going to swim alone?”
“I’m sorry,” I say, wincing. “So… what happened?”
Nico gives me a look. “You hit your head, we think. You would’ve drowned, you know. Except for Percy…”
I’m immediately paying attention. “Percy?” I ask curiously.
Nico looks slightly amused, and also annoyed. “Yeah, Percy Jackson. You were gonna drown, but he saved you. Lucky he happened to be walking past, which is weird, cause he was supposed to be at archery practice then.”
I flush slightly. “He… he saved me?”
Nico nods. “Gods, you’re hopeless. Stop getting all flustered over him.”
“Hey!” I complain. “Says you, whenever Will walks in the door.”
“Shut up.”
I smirk, and even though my head hurts something awful, Percy Freaking Jackson saved me in a canoe lake today. And that’s enough to make this my best day ever.
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relatableblorbopoll · 9 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 15
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracketPropaganda under the cut
Wen Kexing (Tian Ya Ke / Faraway Wanderers)
"Author: so theres this OP cannibal murderer who's a huge homosexual and has a dissociative disorder... Me, completely ignoring the OP cannibal murderer part: wow a huge homosexual with a dissociative disorder, hes just like me fr!!!!"
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
No Propaganda
Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson Series)
"gay (canon), trans (not canon but very popular headcanon), autistic (implied), depressed (canon), emo, and separated and left out by all his peers"
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
"I too believe I am a threat but am a minor inconvenience at best."
Reki Kyan (Sk8 the Infinity)
"Sighs dramatically. Everything about him is just like me Fr I just. He’s an artist who gets excited over his art but nobody is as excited as him so he gets shut down a lot. He gets worried that his friends are gonna leave him behind because he’s not as good as them at skating. He self isolates after a fight and avoids his friends like the plague despite them only wanting to help. It takes him talking sense into SOMEONE ELSE for him to realize he doesn’t need to be good at what he does, he just needs to have fun doing what he’s passionate about."
q!Quackity (QSMP)
"No bitches. Just so bitchless it's sad. He fumbles every single bad bitch he's tried to bag. His good buddy that he clearly had some romantic feelings for? Sure he flirts with him, but he flirts with everyone and is lowkey not interested because he likes somebody else. Doesn't matter, he has two other guys he's into, and it looks like they might be into him! They both fuck off out of existence, one to become an entire different entity even. OK WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? There's this NEW guy who is interesting and good looki- Oh, the best friend from the beginning? Already dating him. And they're planning on getting MARRIED, how wonderful!!! good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well one of the guys that left just MIGHT come back!!!! So he sticks to that hope and becomes obsessed. So much so that when the guy comes back your friends tell him how obsessed with him you are and he's like 'uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'. He just takes Ls left and right, not only in love, but on EVERYTHING. He has so many issues and is so tragic and his way of understanding relationships is so bad and is such a loser, just like me!!"
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pls-let-me-out · 1 year
They meet in the fifteen hundreds off in a foreign land, and Nico is forced to marry another man. They run away and leave it all behind.
It happens in a rather simple manner. Nico is the son of Duke di Angelo, and Will is nobody’s son, just a healer that happens to work in the di Angelo Estate. Nico sees him once, when his father introduces them, and promptly falls in love. It’s a feeling that comes from his whole body, all at once, he sees Mr Solace and thinks to himself This is it for me. But of course it can’t be.
Because he’s Nicolò Mauro di Angelo, and he should know better than to think his father would settle for a healer. But Nico can’t help finding more and more reasons to go to the doctor’s quarters, most of the time feigning illnesses.
“Please, your grace, we can’t do this,” Mr Solace finally says, breaking down.
Nico looks at him sharply. “Why not? Do you not want it? Do you not want me?”
Mr Solace puts his hands in his hair, pacing up and down the room. “Of course, dear God, so much it’s driving me mad! But I work for your father, and - and you are everything to him.”
Nico stops Mr Solace’s pacing by grabbing his wrist. The point of contact burns.
“Am I not everything to you?” He asks.
“Your grace…”
“Sometimes there’s no proof, you just know.” Nico shakes his head. “That’s what a great writer once said. And it’s true. I don’t need any proof, I just know you burn for me the same way I burn for you.”
“But we can’t! Can’t you see it?”
Nico shakes his head, but this time in defiance. “If you wish so.”
“I don’t. I wish with all of myself that I could have you. I wish I could marry you, that we could be happy together as God has made us to be. Because I know there’s the Almighty’s work behind all of this, every touch is sacred, every look, every time we speak to one another. Yet it’s impossible. Your father would never give his permission.”
“Then let’s not ask,” Nico replies.
Mr Solace chuckles lowly. The sound sends shivers up Nico’s back. “You must be crazy, my love.”
The use of the pet name makes Nico melt. “So I am. What about it?”
Mr Solace shakes his head. “You are perfect as you are, all craziness included. You have to be crazy to settle for someone like me when you could have anybody.”
Nico shakes his head. “I’m not crazy. I’m just in love.”
It’s three weeks later that Hades announces it to Nico.
“You’ll marry the Vulcan boy,” he says. “In two weeks.”
Nico cries himself to sleep for two nights in a row, refusing to eat during the day, but his father doesn’t change his mind. Because Nico is a di Angelo, and di Angelos do as they are told. But something in Nico says to stop, so he does, and he thinks about it. He visits the infirmary again that day.
Mr Solace’s eyes are red. He looks like he hasn’t been sleeping properly, just like Nico. As soon as the door closes, Nico is in his arms.
“I’m so sorry,” Mr Solace whispers in Nico’s hair. “My love, I’m so sorry our time has been cut so short.”
Nico shakes his head. “No. Absolutely no. I won’t do it, I’m ready to sacrifice everything to be with you.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Show me the real world, Mr Solace,” Nico replies. “Show me what it means to live outside this palace walls. You would have turned my head even if we’d met a hundred years ago, even if I was a King’s son and you my knight. Even if I was nobody at all.”
Mr Solace swallows, his Adam apple bops up and down. “Then what do you suggest?”
“That we runaway together.”
“Running away? Are you - yes, you are, I know that already.”
“I’m ready to do everything to have you. Will you do the same for me?”
Mr Solace takes Nico’s face in his hands, forcing their eyes to meet. “Of course I am. I will love you when our hair is turning grey, we’ll have a box filled with memories. And our children will know what true love looks like.”
“So you will runaway with me?”
“My love, you don’t even have to ask.”
It takes Duke Hades di Angelo approximately six weeks to find them, two to forgive Nico for scaring him so much, and ten days to accept his only son and heir is in love with a man coming from nothing.
“We are timeless, father,” Nico tells him. “You can try keeping us apart, but you won’t succeed.”
Hades shakes his head, but there’s the beginning of a smile on his face. “I can’t believe this happened right under my nose.”
“I will always love your son,” Will promises, taking Nico’s hand in his, and squeezing tightly. “Even when time breaks down our minds and bodies, we will still be together, that I can promise you. I never intend to part from him, and I find each day spent without him to be wasted. I love your son, truly.”
Hades sighs. “I see I cannot do anything to part the two of you. I can only accept your love.”
And so he does, and Will and Nico go back to what feels like a normal life. Will works in the infirmary, and Nico does whatever it is the heir of a Duke such as him does. But at night, when they are left alone together, they can finally love each other, with no fear of being discovered.
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phoenix--flying · 1 year
can you elaborate on that ta percabeth x kronos!percy au?
ehehehehhehehe yes, yes i can
So, to preface, this is a percathabaster au, not just percabeth SNUJEHG so if ur a hardcore percabeth stan and dont like other ships this aint for you, if not; carry on <3
So, while the broken trio are on their way to Camp, Annabeth runs into one Alabaster Torrington who was stealing food while on a quick trip out of the Labyrinth! He gets dragged back to Thalia and Luke and continues on with them!
From then on, the basic events of canon is basically the same until TLT; Thalia dies, Luke goes on his quest, Percy shows up.
Instead of just Annabeth in the room when Percy wakes up, Alabaster is also with her. Again, basically the same canon esc idea but Alabaster is usually with Annabeth through each event, showing him around camp, the bathroom incident, during Capture the Flag
Little scrap from the capture the flag scene :D
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The quest goes on, but there are minor changes, its subtle, but Annabeth is almost trying to slow them down, telling Percy about the Olympians faults, what happened to Thalia and why, telling him how long Alabaster had been at camp, unclaimed, how long she spent in the Hermes cabin, also unclaimed despite knowing her mother was Athena.
Sowing seeds of doubt in the Olympians.
When they get back, instead of the scorpion, Luke propositions Percy; offers him a place in the army, to help get rid of the Olympians, to bring the minor gods respect and eradicate the whole unclaimed thing.
Percy, recalling everything Annabeth told him, agrees. This is when he discovers Luke is the one who stole the lightning bolt. Also, when he learns that he didn't do it alone. He had the help of Callie Wells(@blackcat2907 hi <33) and Lee Fletcher. But also, and more shockingly, Annabeth and Alabaster.
Annabeth apologizes for the whole helping you on the quest while being the one who committed the crime thing and Percy agrees.
The army grows!! Ethan is, also, a member of the army prior to BoTL, he was swayed by all his friends :D
SoM is where it gets tricky. Kronos has a child of the big three on his side, and with Percys friends also on his side, he doesn't need another one. So....Thalias tree is never poisoned. Instead, the quest, Clarisse is convinced to bring Lee and Silena, is solely to save Grover.
TTC, enter the di Angelo kids! The group sent to Westover Hall is Clarisse, Beckendorf and Lee. They were sent to extract the di Angelos. Though, a group from Kronos was also sent to do this. Lee is aware of this. He stalls the other two as best he can to allow the other group to get the di Angelos first, but when he spots Dr. Thorn leading them out he drops it.
The di Angelos are separated, Alabaster gets Nico away from Dr. Thorn before the Campers get into the hallway, but it's too late for him to get Bianca. So he leaves it.
The fight with Thorn ends with Clarisse falling off the cliff and getting kidnapped. Instead of Luke, Chris is the one used to lure Clarisse under the sky which later brings Artemis. Bianca! Does not join the hunters :)
The quest group consists of Zoë, Silena, Grover and two hunters, one of which is a victim to the Stolls prank and is subsequently incapacitated. Lee is the one who joins the quest!
BoTL is also a little wonky because the campers never find the entrance :)
The Labyrinth quest group consists of Bianca, Grover, Lee and Clarisse since she doesn't go down during TTC in this au. The arena fight is between Nico and Bianca instead of Ethan and Percy :) also!! Kronos manipulates Percy into being the host, completely unbeknownst to anyone else :)
Finally, bc im a sucker for alive aus; Lee doesnt die! Chris is found after the battle since he got lost in the Labyrinth leaving Camp!! and was later found by a camper.
For TLO, nobody attacks the PA, because nobody has that much of a death wish as to attack a boat with a son of Poseidon on board! So Beckendorf also lives!
On Olympus in TLO is Luke, Percy and Annabeth for the Titans and Bianca, Lee and Silena for campers !! (Lee and Silena both betray Kronos prior to the battle LMAO) Percy does, technically, die, but Bianca does some freaky magic and saves him!
Luke and Annabeth don't know this :D they leave Olympus before the Olympians return under the impression that Percy has died. Them and Ethan and Al leave Manhattan, leaving the Olympians under the impression that they're dead.
The Olympians also have!! no mercy!! on the TA demis because their oath was made later then it was in canon!
Very few people know that Lee and Silena are spies <3 Like three people LMFAO
Also the list of surviving TA is very small !! Chris, Lee, Silena, Percy and Lou* who are at camp and Nico, Luke, Annabeth, Ethan and Alabaster for people who aren't!
*Chris caught Lou just after the battle ended before he went up to Olympus to talk to her, and unintentionally saved her life!
and this is !! just pjo !! i have more for HoO but thats a LOT less planned LMFAO but i have written smth about MoA in this au
AND I DID SMTH FOR ANNABASTER FOR RAREPAIR WEEK ON MY AO3!! <- before i decided to let ethan live
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
riptide wonders that encase my head (and a theory on how MAYBE we get chibo back)
okay, the title in itself is a spoiler, but i just gotta be dramatic okay? its honestly just me pointing out shit in riptide i noticed (which i miss shit so if i got smth wrong pls tell me)
this all started from a convo about nico de angelo with my non jrwi friend btw so yeah
so, by actual account, chip is dead right? well, my non jrwi friend (@arcadianxanadus) brings up a fun idea: magically hes considered alive.
we know jack shit on how captain widows revival magic works, so lemme give you my theory notes now
captain widows magic seems to only take that full effect (murder i mean) when the victim is unconscious, im doubting it even works on someone awake as i dont recall any needed checks for those (could have to do a rewatch of jrwi oh well)
once the heart is removed from captain widow by any means, the person it belonged to dies, meaning something inside captain widow keeps that shit thumping yet also allows a connection to remain between the owner and the heart
captain widows body allows the hearts to move arround, and i dont think she has her own
grizzly mentioned in one ep that he was translating some monsters over to enemies
(mentioned by non jrwi friend!) captain widow seems to be opposite magically of the black sea. widows victims end up dead yet magically the brain is tricked into believing the body is alive so they "come back" from the dead, while those affected by corruption have the mindset of a zombie or undead but are very much alive
now for a couple questions which relate to captain widow:
(mentioned by non jrwi friend!) can captain widows magic be reversed with the opposite process? would the same process work?
can chip even be revived if captain widows magic is the only reason he is alive? what happens if he is (somehow gets a new heart), then they remove chips old heart, would chip die too?
can captain widows process even be reversed at all?
does captain widow have any connection to victims of the black sea or the corruption?
what is this womans biology like? how is any of her feats done?
(mentioned by non jrwi friend!) could captain widow give chip back his heart?
with this came questions about the black sea and mana, so accompanied by roses world map, heres my questions and notes on this shit:
Tumblr media
the only known sorcerer onboard the midnight rose that we know of (one whos been shown to have very strong magic) that could have helped rose with what he wanted is finn
adding to the last note, yes nk is an option, but why wouldnt rose go for his loyal crew member, one who swore an oath to help him and shit?
the tidestriders have been shown to be very resistant to corruption (only reason finn struggling cause he old)
the black sea has 2 crescent shaped islands, and the viridis sea has 1 creacent shaped landmass (apon closer inspection, the royale blue ocean also has 2 crescent shaped islands, one of which being jays home land and the other being desire island)
considering how liquidus is located in a hole in the northern sea (dont wanna struggle to spell viridis), the holes can naturally occur (why else does nobody fucking question it), so the irregular part must be how it corrupted the sea
could there have been undersea people in the sakura ocean? did they get corrupted by the sea?
what actually happens if you get all corruption points?
would goobleck be affected by the goop of the sea? could he just absorb it?
is niklaus's deal actually active with chip still? would any of their deals stay active if they got corrupted?
theres a g mart in every sea. how the fuck did the black sea one get there the map literally says its the black sea already
(i forgot who mentioned it, ill go hunting after i post this) if chips dead, does the memory he lost come back? or since by magical rule hes alive it doesnt work like that?
there are ways out of the black sea! its not just cause "black rose built different", GRYFFON CANONICALLY IS FROM THE BLACK SEA.
we actually dont know much on the undersea. gillion isnt a reliable source because he didnt get to see it much, finn isnt a good source either cause his age and magic are affecting his memory, leaving edyn whod be the best source...except for the fact that shes nowhere to be found and would probably run before any questions could be asked.
any additional questions and notes are encouraged to be addedon, but now for my theory on this all...
chip can be revived by maybe a couple of 3 ways:
chip is brought to zero hp again and captain widow gives back his heart
chip is brought to max hp and captain widow gives back his heart
(for me the most likely thought) chip gets fully corrupted and (maybe needed) fails the check to remember shit
i have the most trust in the first part of theory 3. since each magic has opposite effects, maybe itll force chip back to life, thus reviving him? im hoping chip doesnt try it though, aster forbid im fucking wrong and we just lose chibo
the second part of theory 3 is there cahse (cause) maybe chip has to be fall to rise again? the only way to get up is to fall til you cant no more type shit. maybe if chip loses himself to the sea, all the magic going on will fucking return him to normal? look, im trying to be positive, and in the bleek dark trauma hole its fuckin hard
so yeah maybe grizzly plays will have mercy and even take my ideas to consideration but please. i cant handle my boy being haunted for so long
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magnorious · 9 months
A Titan’s Curse Retrospective, 16 Years Later
Lightning Thief and Sea of Monsters **Spoiler Alert**
When I first got my hands on this book, I looked at how thin it was and worried that each consecutive book would be shorter than the last. Titan’s Curse is the off-beat middle episode of the five, occurring around the winter solstice instead of during summer break.
It was never my favorite, but I remembered liking it because it felt darker. I remembered that, for the first time, characters we were supposed to care about were dying on the page. The gods were up close and personal now, at the heart of the quest. There were guns in this book, destiny-challenging decisions to forestall the Great Prophecy for a little while longer.
And, of course, Blackjack, the Dam Snack Bar, Fred, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, and the arrival of the di Angelos.
Maybe that’s just nostalgia talking, ‘cause I’m pretty sure that when it came out, before HOO, Titan’s Curse was dead last on everyone’s tier list for one reason: Annabeth is absent for most of the plot, and Zoë is kind of irritating.
The Titan’s Curse
We open immediately to a much more serious tone than before, and a timeskip unlike before. The growth of Percy and Thalia’s relationship happens entirely offscreen between books, which is a bit disappointing. During the gap between TlT and SoM, the time in between books was filled with school, details unimportant to the plot. Here, though, we’ve missed some potentially juicy plot beats like Thalia’s reaction to the passage of time, her meeting Percy, another illegal demigod, her reunion with Annabeth and discovery that Luke turned traitor.
Maybe, if the Disney show makes it that far, we’ll get to see those missed opportunities on screen. But you do start the book feeling like there was a chapter left on the cutting room floor.
Doubly so, they spent at least a couple months together before chapter one, enough to build a rapport and make a confident team together, and yet Percy somehow has never seen Thalia manipulate the Mist before.
Sixteen years later and it is buckwild even seeing Nico’s name dropped for the first time nine pages in. He’s not even in the book for more than the first couple chapters and right at the end for the big reveal. He was nobody’s favorite leading all the way up to House of Hades four whole ass books from now, just an eager little kid, then a bratty little goth wannabe, then an angsty goth wannabe.
Getting flung back to lil’ wide-eyed and bushy tailed 10-year old Nico is sobering. He was such a little nerd with his Mythomagic figurines and cards and dumb, dorky 10-year-old questions.
**Side note - in my SoM I falsely recalled that the Grover empathy link never made a reappearance and I am pleasantly surprised that it does get mentions here, even if it doesn’t do much.**
The opening fight, while thrilling, is held back a little by Percy’s continued ignorance. He’s fourteen, he’s been at this for two years now, and he’s still the last to find things out (for the benefit of the audience). Before, it made sense, he was young and inexperienced, but if he’s out here leading raids and rescue parties, he’s got no excuses to not be doing his homework and I wish Riordan had come up with a different method of getting exposition to the audience this time around.
Immediately after, enter the Hunters’ blatant sexism and I’m left scratching my head on why I remember liking this book so much. It’s off to a rather rocky start.
It’s not so much that Artemis leads a club of eternal tweenage virgins. The Hunters are a sanctuary alternative to Camp Half-Blood and it has its pros and cons. My problem, especially as I’m older reading this, is that Artemis gets Bianca murdered promising her a break from her horrible, no good, very bad baby brother, and there’s no reckoning for that.
There’s no alternative to her statement of only being patron to girls “before they go astray” like the moment puberty hits Artemis kicks these hedonistic sinners to the curb. Thalia sure hates them and calls it stupid (before joining them in the end) and Percy makes his opinions on Bianca’s selfishness clear, but beyond a reluctant approval of Percy after he almost dies holding up the sky, there is no “yeah our club isn’t actually as awesome as us snooty girls think it is”. Artemis is still a good guy, so are the hunters, and their ideology is never challenged.
Bianca dies! She’d still be alive if Artemis hadn’t been a predatory patron, snatching her up in a moment of weakness and ripping her little brother’s only family away because, by nature of being a boy, he sucks.
In other words, she doesn’t get to be painted as a decent goddess when she’s no better than Hera and Zeus with her strawmanning. Especially when Apollo and, heck, Dionysus, show so much more humanity in this book.
Artemis is just so hard on the poor kid and thank the gods Percy didn’t die before he could save Nico from himself. Nico would have absolutely joined Luke and burned Olympus to the ground without Percy’s intervention, and it would have been Artemis’ fault. “Yes, boy. You see, Bianca di Angelo is not the only one with an annoying brother.” My good bitch, who do you think you are? He’s 10!
It is abundantly clear why the Nico di Angelo Protection Squad found such strong footing. The whole nexus of this series is the gods’ neglect and the first 70 pages of this book are a stellar example of what Luke’s been yammering about this whole time.
As always, the foreshadowing and subtle reminders are solid. Tyson’s throwaway line about the Princess Andromeda heading toward the Panama Canal so it can eventually reach the West Coast, the reminder of the dragon that scarred Luke’s face via souvenir claw in the Big House attic. The reminder that Percy’s sword Riptide has a tragic past and all the hints that Bianca and Nico are children out of time as they suddenly remember forgotten details from their past and Bianca’s lucky strike on the skeletons.
Oh, and this poignant little nugget from the souvenir pile in the attic, a tag attached to a broken sword hilt: “This broke and Leroy got killed, 1999.” I can picture Leroy’s surviving friends staring at that broken weapon and having nothing more to say than that, and abandoning it to collect dust in the attic.
Percy is still rife with realistic, humanizing flaws. He’s jealous of Thalia and suffering an inferiority complex, mucking up the di Angelo rescue mission thinking he can do it on his own, and then the capture the flag game, and then going off on his own during the second quest that’s not about him. His rivalry with Thalia, the only demigod that can go toe-to-toe with him in terms of abilities, is something fresh for this book. Thalia’s like a less obnoxious Annabeth because she doesn’t suffer that Athenian hubris making her a know-it-all.
Bianca fits right in with the Hunters, not missing her little brother one bit (stone cold, girl. Stone. Cold.) Acting like a sudden expert at the Ping Pong table counselor meeting. I know she’s been groomed by a selfish misandrist but she’s not long for this book and it has done nothing to endear audiences to her.
She gets worse when she has her first minute alone with Percy and he reassures her that abandoning her baby brother is perfectly fine so long as she’s happy when… no? Percy took like, two weeks to come to terms with being a demigod and an entire quest. Bianca takes two days and she’s rearing up to go on a quest to save her cult leader.
She explains that she’s raised Nico all her life and wanted to experience something outside of caring for him, even though she knows it’s selfish of her to just up and abandon him, his feelings be damned. Thing is, it is selfish. I feel zero sympathy for this girl and I doubt she fully understands what she signed up for. She will be twelve forever and Nico will, theoretically, grow up, grow old, and see her only a handful of times in their lives before he’s dead. All because he’s a bit irritating at his age and she wants a vacation.
When she dies not long after, the point of her character even existing beyond being Nico’s motivation gets a bit muddied. Artemis and the Hunters aren’t punished by the narrative for getting her killed, she doesn’t die doing anything spectacular and she wakes the very monster that kills her trying to get a trinket for Nico, then she’s dead.
Trying to be independent set her on the path to dying young, feeling guilty about abandoning the only family she had left is what sealed the deal.
The original cover art! The ‘07 American version with Percy and Blackjack in indigo. TLT’s art didn’t pull from any one specific scene and SoM was more inspired by the rope bridge with Polyphemus on the sheep island, but TTC’s art is ripped straight from the page and I love how it has both nothing to do with the title of the book and is totally out of left field concerning Dionysus (and I think the best moment of the book).
The scene in question is Dionysus interrupting Percy and Blackjack’s pursuit of the questers in Manhattan, showing more agency in that moment than he had in the past two books. He tells Percy about Ariadne and why he hates heroes (because they’re selfish) alluding to why Zoë hates heroes. Percy has been quite self-important in this book, but he's no Theseus, not even close.
The settings in this book aren’t nearly as colorful as the previous two, and the same goes for the monsters along the way. It’s winter and it feels like it, in more ways than one. There’s human mercenaries, the grey skeletal soldiers, the Nemean lion that doesn’t talk, Talos that doesn’t talk, and a few other oddballs.
The junkyard of the gods where they fight Talos has wonderfully creepy and foreboding vibes. Things that get thrown away there are abandoned for a reason.
All the quirky sense of adventure that existed before is gone this time around and while I enjoy the tonal shift personally, I don’t know that it was the best choice to make for the series as a whole. The lack of “color” is made worse by all the other irritating and frustrating elements.
The best elements remain the most off-beat ones, like Apollo in incognito mode, the Dam snack bar, everything I remembered from reading this as a kid, along with Dionysus’ moments and Dr. Chase.
TTC’s prophecy is solid, and since we get it at the beginning this time, we get to wrack our brains trying to solve it along with the cast. It’s not as ambiguous as TLT’s prophecy, but I like the cadence, how long it is, and how ominous it is – right off the bat, you know two people are dead this book.
Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,
One shall be lost in the land without rain,
The bane of Olympus shows the trail,
Campers and Hunters combined prevail,
The Titan’s Curse must one withstand,
And one shall perish by a parent’s hand.
Zoë is… frustrating. I hate to go all “not all men” but jeez, girl, not all men. She even says those exact words herself as she’s dying. So much bitterness and resentment in her long life. Why couldn’t Artemis be a good patron of immortal tweenagers and find them a decent therapist? I’m lumping her in with Artemis for their antiquated and frankly ridiculous pontificating. I get that’s Artemis’ schtick; doesn’t make it fun or interesting to read.
Zoë is a victim of godly propaganda and her death is as tragic as Bianca’s, the fate of heroes little more than divine chess pieces tossed aside at a whim. Her memorial as the new constellation is poignant, it just unfortunately was given to a character more frustrating than endearing. Her whole arc in this book is appreciating that not all heroes are awful thanks to Percy, but she struts around like her sh*t doesn’t smell.
Zoë hates heroes because Hercules did her dirty, Thalia hinted that Annabeh considered joining the Hunters because of Percy, and Dionysus told Percy he’d never stop being selfish and self-centered and the thing is he’s… not?
Yes he messes up at the start of this book but they’re kind of strawmanning him, like by nature of being a boy and being a Greek demigod he’s doomed to be exactly like his predecessors when he’s shown no indication so far of using and abusing people. His fatal flaw is loyalty. Annabeth was never going to be his Ariadne.
The villains plan here is solid, Riordan has a good track record of walking the line between complex and contrived. They needed Artemis to hold the sky to get her away from the Solstice meeting so the gods wouldn’t be productive. To get Artemis, they made do with using Annabeth as bait. Then they needed Bessie and an illegal prophecy child (Thalia, the oldest) to trigger the prophecy two books early. It almost works, until Thalia dips out of turning 16 by becoming an immortal fifteen-year-old at the last possible second.
The villains also use mortals this time, and mortal weaponry – guns and helicopters and mortal mercenaries. They don’t do much, none of them even get named, but they exist and they help make this book a little grittier.
Despite all the above complaints, the book doesn’t fall to middle-chapter syndrome. The story is fast paced and gritter than the two before it, the battles are all well written and unique. It’s not a bad story by any means, it just has some frustrating elements that dampen the enjoyment. The slower beats aren’t between Percy and Annabeth this time and Grover spends a lot of the book mooney-eyed over the moon goddess so he and Percy don’t get a lot of solid moments either. Thalia is too prickly to let her guard down long enough for a deep conversation but she almost gets there.
Major characters die this time and the approaching war feels that much closer, delayed for now but still looming ever over our heroes. I do like the characterization of the gods this time around being much more involved in the story. When Percy and Annabeth do finally reunite, matching grey streaks in their hair, it's cute and fluffy and a great way to wrap up the story before the Nico reveal, and what a reveal it is. It's not Thalia, unambiguously older, it's Nico, definitively younger leaving you antsy that, still, Percy might not be the prophecy kid after all.
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Random PJO OC stuff cuz I’m super bored :P
I know most people won’t read this but uhhh I need to ramble so!
Aurelia Luther:
⚡️ Daughter of Zeus, and currently the only occupant of Cabin 1.
⚡️ Trans woman, lesbian, uses she/they pronouns.
⚡️ Arrived at Camp when she was twelve, just a couple months after Thalia was “revived”. Currently fifteen years old.
⚡️ Immediately clung to Thalia. She was and still is her biggest role model.
⚡️ Also alternative like Thalia, but not punk! She’s more so cybergoth.
⚡️ She has blonde hair with dyed bright blue bangs, a septum piercing, an eyebrow piercing, and a vertical labret. All of which she did herself. Just for fun.
⚡️ Used to have a fat crush on Rachel; was extremely disappointed when she found out that Rachel is not allowed to date.
⚡️ Got along pretty well with Jason when he was alive lol. Aurelia may be chaotic and a bit immature, but she’s also a leader and can step up when needed, which is something that Jason admires.
⚡️ Flip with a caregiver lean! When she does regress, she’s even more hyper and chaotic, and her little ages are around 4-6 years old. When she’s a caregiver, she’s more of a big sister or a cool aunt!
Indra Pruitt:
🌊 Son of Poseidon, and also currently the only occupant of Cabin 3, as Percy has left for college in New Rome.
🌊 Trans man, bisexual, uses he/they pronouns.
🌊 Arrived at Camp at eleven years old. Is currently fourteen years old.
🌊 Gets along relatively well with Percy, although he wishes they were closer. Percy just hasn’t had time to really get to know Indra because of how busy he always is.
🌊 He likes grunge music and grunge fashion, but is often too lazy to actually put any effort into his outfits.
🌊 Has dark brown, short, straight hair, tan skin, sea green eyes, a septum piercing, and has a seashell necklace that his dad (mortal dad— mpreg is canon in this universe LOL) gave him.
🌊 Is currently crushing on BOTH Nico di Angelo and Will Solace and feels REALLY bad about it. Has told nobody this information except Piper, who he often Iris calls.
🌊 He gets really lonely, being an only child and all, so he clings to Connor Stoll when he can. Connor’s like a brother to him.
🌊 Flip, with a little lean! When he regresses, he’s very quiet, reserved, shy, and just wants to watch ocean documentaries. He clings to Connor, who’s his main caregiver, even more. When he himself is a caregiver, he’s very cautious and overprotective.
Floraline Sampson:
🌷 Daughter of Demeter, camp counselor of Cabin 4. Although she’ll stay at Camp Jupiter for weeks at a time occasionally, so someone else takes over for her often.
🌷 Nicknamed “Flora” or “Florie”.
🌷 Cisgender woman, pansexual, uses she/her pronouns.
🌷 Got to Camp Half-blood just two years ago, but she’s a year round camper and really likes it there. She’s sixteen years old.
🌷 Loves gardening, as you can imagine.
🌷 She’s also a huge stoner, and she grows her own weed. Chiron and Mr. D have definitely caught on but, to be honest, they have better things to do than to worry about a teenager doing average teenage bullshit.
🌷 Gets along great with her siblings! She acts more like a mom to them than an older sister. They come to her for advice a lot.
🌷 Dresses kinda indie, but not too overboard. She’ll wear like. A green crop top, overalls, a headband, and some Kandi bracelets or something.
🌷 Had a really big crush on Leo, but was way too scared to confess. And she felt silly about it. She’s still really close to him, and often Iris calls him. Also might still have that crush on him.
🌷 Has long, dark brown, afro textured hair that she usually keeps in bohemian braids. She has light brown skin and hazel-green eyes.
🌷 Best friends with Hazel Levesque! First met her right after the war with Gaia, when the seven were all at CHB (minus Leo for obvious reasons 💀) and they immediately clicked. She confessed to her about her crush on Leo, because Leo’s “death” really broke her heart and she needed to get it out to someone.
🌷 Whenever Hazel visits or she visits Hazel, she does Hazel’s hair. Just because she likes to. Also does the hair of the other black girls at camp.
🌷 Little!! Biggest baby ever. Her age range varies, but it’s always somewhere between 0-4. She regresses harder the more stressed she is, but she’s almost always in at least the toddler stage.
🌷 Hazel and Frank are her main caregivers. She calls them “mama” and “dada” and both Hazel and Frank think it’s super adorable.
🌷 There was this one time, Frank and Hazel were talking to Leo when Leo was visiting Camp Jupiter, and Floraline was SUPER regressed. She just shyly waddled up to Leo, handed him a little pink flower, and then waddled away as quickly as she possibly could.
🌷 Hazel and Frank started laughing. Leo was mildly confused but flattered!
Petra Hansley:
🩸 Daughter of Ares, camp counselor of Cabin 5.
🩸 Demigirl, bisexual, uses she/they pronouns.
🩸 Arrived at Camp Half-Blood four years ago. Is really close to Clarisse. Or at least she was.
🩸 Petra has bad BPD, and Clarisse was the only person she had for a while, so Petra became super attached to Clarisse. But when Clarisse went off to college, Petra saw that as Clarisse abandoning her. So Petra became distant and closed off and stopped Iris messaging her.
🩸 Gets along fairly well with her siblings. She actually likes them, even though they are kind of assholes.
🩸 Instructs the sword fighting and Pegasus riding lessons. Whenever there’s a newcomer, she’s use them as a “demonstration” during sword fighting. Just to embarrass them. She’s mean like that.
🩸 Dating a Hephaestus girl, another one of my OCs.
🩸 Likes punk fashion a lot. Her and Thalia bond over this sometimes. Her and Thalia have a love-hate relationship. One moment, they’re each others biggest supports and hyping each other up. The next, they’re each others biggest haters and are shitting on each other LOL.
🩸 She’s a big sister caregiver. She also gives off a “tough love” vibe, but not in an abusive way. In like a…
🩸 Oh, you scraped your knee? That’s not that big of a deal, c’mon kid. Thug it out, you’ll be alright.
🩸 Takes care of Floraline whenever Hazel or Frank can’t. Also takes care of Indra sometimes.
Theodosia Collymor:
🦉 Daughter of Athena, camp counselor of Cabin 6.
🦉 Cisgender woman, bisexual, uses she/her pronouns.
🦉 Arrived at Camp Half-blood when she was thirteen. She’s now sixteen. She’s a summer camper only.
🦉 When the summer’s over, she goes back to her dad, who’s a renowned psychologist.
🦉 LOVES her siblings, especially Annabeth. Annabeth is her biggest role model and inspiration. Thinks Annabeth is like one of the coolest people ever.
🦉 Immediately bursts into tears whenever she even sees a spider. Someone else has to kill it for her.
🦉 Wants to be a politician so she can make a change in the world. Idiots are running the government right now and the country could use someone smart.
🦉 Had a crush on Jason for the LONGEST time but felt super bad about it because Jason and Piper were dating. She tried to distance herself from Jason when she realized; she still regrets that to this day, knowing that the love Jason and Piper had was all a lie anyway, and that now she will never ever have a chance to tell him how she feels, because he’s gone.
🦉 Usually wears some sort of light academia clothing. She likes the sophisticated look and aesthetic it gives her.
🦉 Likes classical literature a lot. Regularly reads The Iliad.
🦉 A flip with no lean! When she’s regressed, she usually regresses to about 2-3, and it’s usually involuntary. When she’s a caregiver, she’s a LOT like an overprotective mom.
🦉 Helps take care of Aurelia when she’s little, and in turn, Aurelia helps take care of Theodosia when she’s little.
Sterling Shelton:
☀️ Son of Apollo, camp counselor of Cabin 7.
☀️ Demiboy, gay, uses he/they pronouns.
☀️ Arrived at Camp Half-Blood when he was thirteen. He’s now sixteen years old.
☀️ He’s a summer only camper, and when the summer is over, he goes back to his mom, who’s the lead singer of a metal band.
☀️ Best friends with his brother, Will Solace. They bond over their moms being famous artists.
☀️ Sterling is very skilled with music, like his mom. He LOVES the electric guitar.
☀️ Dresses heavy metal and listens to heavy metal. It’s what he grew up with and what he loves.
☀️ He wants to start a band himself when he grows up, just like his mom.
☀️ He’s a caregiver. He’s a very laid back caregiver, but he’s not lazy or inattentive or anything; he just knows how to have fun!
☀️ He’s like the universal babysitter. Anybody can go to him to ask him to help take care of their little and he’ll usually accept. He likes helping people, and he’s good at it.
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sickly-sapphic · 1 year
1-35your evil:)
First of all *you're Second of all maybe this was my plan all along
What is your nickname? Willa IS a nickname - it's derived from my last name. Apart from that I have 7 nicknames.
When is your birthday? 6th of August!! Just had it - and it ended up being a weeklong event :D
What was your longest relationship? My current one, which is almost a year and a half.
What is your favorite book? Loveless by Alice Oseman
What is something you're insecure about? Hmmm, my weight/size. Been bullied for it since I was like 4 😭
5 Male celebrity crushes I don't get crushes, I tried to answer but everytime I was just listing guys I know
5 Female celebrity crushes Again I dont get crushes but I will never turn down a movie with Florence Pugh
What is your dream job? I simply don't dream of labour. I would like to run a queer cafe that doubles with free sex ed info. I also wouldnt mind doing ASMR as a career I just don't have the tools really.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? Uhmm, being happy.
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe? There was a few years where I was somewhere on the goth/emo spectrum. I don't think it's particularly shocking but I've very quickly gotten a reputation for being a pink princess so...
What were your highs and lows for this last month? Highs - I got a huge plushie the size of my body, heartstopper s2, shopping spree, the Barbie movie Lows - a whole heap of medical shit relating to me and ppl im close with, depressive episodes, burying my cat
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit? I'm honestly not a travel person, I guess I wouldn't mind diving somewhere though.
How do you de-stress? Yoga, sunbathing, baking, crochet, gay things, making art, and reading.
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr? Gratitude Journal, PocketLove and MyPossibleSelf. Social media wise I don't mind Pinterest and Insta but there are almost always things I don't wanna see showing up on my dash.
Describe yourself in one sentence. Hot<3
What do you think makes you attractive? Stomach, thighs and shoulders. I've also been told my worldview is v attractive.
What is something you're really good at? Self love babey.
What is something you're really bad at? Baking red velvet cake.
A time that you told a lie. I lie when asked if there's anything that could prevent me from doing xyz.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know? Nico Di Angelo smells like stone after rain.
Who knows you the best? My boyfriend.
What is your most prized possession? My phone - it has hundreds of photos I wouldnt be able to replace, poetry, songwriting, journalling and its how I stay in contact with long-distance friends and old school/work friends.
What is your longest friendship? Man idk. Friendships often dip, almost all of my friends have had a few years where we weren't friend inbetween things.
When did you first feel like an adult? I felt like an adult before I was ever allowed to feel like a kid so like. always.
Do you/ Have you played any sports? So many! Soccer, touch football, dance (various types), figure skating, I tried boxing once, karate. Currently I don't play sports, I'm more of a yoga, pilates and skateboarding kinda guy.
How are you feeling right now? Kinda in-between. Don't feel completely zoned in-
Are you an early bird or a night owl? Early bird.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, because there's about a thousand kinds of love.
Favorite song lyrics right now? "sexy girl come and lay with meeee, im frustrated and its sexually" from Sexy Drug - Falling in Reverse. It's such a good song to scream the lyrics to
What does self care look like for you? It entirely depends on the day - it can be watching a film, going on a walk, buying a little treat, dressing up fancy or some form of working out.
Describe yourself with 3 singers. Taylor Swift, Melanie Martinez, Doja Cat.
What makes you nervous? Pretty people.
What’s a pet peeve you have? People that are mean to be funny.
What will always make you cry? Show Me Going from Brooklyn Nine Nine, also Grimace being sad and never wanting to have a birthday again bc of the grimace shake trend :[ Tearing up rn thinking about it.
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people? It's literally never the same impression. I feel like shy and quiet is probably the main one but sometimes it'll be loud and chaotic, charmismatic and funny, I've also gotten told I'm confident a lot which is wild.
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ladynicte · 1 year
Never read TSATS or anything related to it(it’s part of Percy Jackson right?) but I still wouldn’t mind hearing your opinion on it if you have any to share. From what I’ve seen, the new book doesn’t sit well with most folks it seems. :x
Oh Anonnie, if you know me you know I love to talk non-stop about everything and anything so here I go
Putting this whole rant under read more so nobody who doesn't wanna see it has to
That makes two of us I haven't read the full book either and I don't really want to, but yes, it is a sorta side story I suppose that belongs in the Percy Jackson saga
If you are only seeing the opinions from my blog and my adjacents then I will confess a bit of bias because I don't like Will Solace or Solangelo as a whole, so yeah, maybe it sits well with actual Solangelo shippers (?) Who knows I don't go there
But yeah I have seen from the people I interact with that it wasn't exactly stellar writing
Take it with a grain of salt that I already didn't like the premise of the book and I'm not planning on ever reading it full but my opinion is that from everything I have seen it is so bland
Like Solangelo to me have always had the issue that their relationship feels like so sanitized, the whole time they speak to each other like they are trying to get a good grade on couples therapy and it's so grating
Second I don't like Will because he almost had no character whatsoever before the book and a bit on Trails of Apollo, and then now that he does have a character he just gets on my nerves, like for a kid dating the literal prince of the underworld he sure loves to complain about it. I think I dislike how much Will doesn't seem to actually like Nico as much as he seems to only like the potential of what Nico could be
Plus calling him a liar who just didn't try to be liked enough before they got together isn't exactly the best move in my opinion but I digress
Beyond that I have such an issue with all the continuity errors, like that's always an issue with me, even with the original author making mistakes and then proudly exclaiming that he just didn't care and didn't remember, but at least with Riordan I can confidently say that he cares about the world and stories he's built over the years.
With this new author I just don't think they really care all that much about the Riordanverse as a general, and specifically I don't think they care much for Nico either.
He's super ooc basically the whole way through, coming out in front of everybody like he didn't hella struggle with his sexuality and the fact that everybody openly hated him a few months prior.
On that note I feel like all the pop culture references and weird jokes were just stretched so unnecessarily long and missing the charm of the original sagas.
Just as well I do know the author said he re read all the books before finishing the first draft but like honestly with how he just didn't care at all about any of Nico's prior relationships didn't touch on anything beyond what was happening on the book itself and didn't even mention his other most important people by more than name.
Yeah it's bad.
My issue is that besides all the corny writing that feels like it's purposely trying to teach you something all the out of time and context jokes and the characters and whatever I don't like
I really just feel like the person who wrote it doesn't care about Nico Di Angelo and his story on the Riordanverse and that really upsets me.
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solitairesys · 11 months
here's some highlights from my thoughts journal from the years 1942, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
for context, i got this journal after my mother passed.
for more context, i am a nico di angelo fictive.
tw, possibly.
my parents have no clue who i even am. i hope you’re proud of me, dad. afraid to go out. afraid to talk to people. it's difficult to make friends. i'd rather be at home, alone. scared to be in a big crowd of people. panicking about going to this event. nervous about meeting someone new. scared to ask a question, staying quiet instead. feel like everyone is watching me. if i disappeared, would you even know? i wish you knew how much it destroyed me when you left. a piece of me died. i dont know where to go. i dont know what to feel. i dont know what to do. i dont know who i am. ”but it made you stronger” i didn’t need to be stronger, i needed to be safe. life isn’t about living, anymore. it’s about surviving. im afraid to die. im afraid to live. i need a hug, but all they gave me was a box of matches and a knife. i was the good kid and i got nothing. was i raised without love? or was i born unloveable? i have a father, but ive never had a dad. fuck you to every person who ever took advantage of my kindness. nobody is going to save you. get up. please don't leave. everybody leaves.
why is my family so fucked up? my feelings? oh, don't worry about those, no one does. can someone be proud of me? like im fucking trying. "why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked me. no one asked. maybe i wasn’t made for anyone. i don’t know why i’m still hoping. there’s a reason i keep everything inside. i want to be loved but i don’t deserve it. i want to feel loved without feeling like i was begging for it. if i told you my secrets, you wouldn't look at me the same. maybe i deserve all of this. sleep isnt sleep anymore, it's an escape. a listening ear is also a running mouth. i've become so damaged that when someone gives me what i deserve, i don't know how to respond. i need to cry. i need to talk. i need to vent everything. i try so hard to help other people because i have no idea how to help myself. you will never understand the hell i feel inside my brain. its hard to forget your past when it's written all over your body i stopped being me a long time ago. i don’t even remember who i was. i want my life back. i want myself back. i miss the old me. the happy me. that young energy, that smile, that glow. i'll never be that me again.
i’ll never be good enough for you. stupid me thinking i was good enough. i don’t care if you’re proud of me, dad. its pretty fucked up how okay you were after hurting me. you realize that one day im just gonna snap, right? i shouldn’t be this kind of tired at this age. if i can still breathe, im fine. im forever going to say “i got this” with tears in my eyes. i’ll survive. i somehow always do. i have more scars than friends. it’s hard when you feel so constantly unwanted. i want to live, not just survive. i cant remember the last time i wasn’t tired.
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I still can’t believe that people accepted Rick writing that Nico’s touch was poison. Nico. The only queer kid in the entire fucking series. Has a touch that makes living things wither and die. He was violently outed, almost no one and nothing likes him, he hates himself as much as everyone else hates him if not more so, and his touch is poison. Just being around him is “dangerous” because he “just can’t help himself.”
I know I’ve written about this before but everything about Nico di Angelo was written to be incredibly homophobic. Nothing that Rick writes is good representation or normalization. Do not give Rick credit because you desperately want a canon queer character. This is bottom of the barrel homophobic shit that he gets away with because people have loved Nico from the beginning and desperately want canon queers.
And don’t get me fucking started on Will Solace and Dionysus.
No. Nope. Gonna say it.
Nico was paired up with Will because Rick didn’t like how popular percico was and realized that it was becoming more profitable to include the queers and people of color instead of making everyone cishet and white. That’s the beginning and end of it. Full stop. Will was in one scene in the very last PJO book. He’s barely a background character. Rick literally took all of the fandom’s head canons of this unimportant nobody character and shoved them onto Will in a lazy attempt to make him into something profitable. He’s not even pretending to hide it. That’s how we got glow-in-the-dark Will Solace and everyone who’s been around the fandom knows it.
And even if you can forgive those things, how could you possibly forgive Rick for giving Nico PTSD? Rick has been asked about PTSD in demigods before and he literally said that demigods just don’t get PTSD. Oh, but the queer one does. Huh. How strange. Wonder why he chose Nico out of all of the demigods who went through horrific shit to be the one with severe, noticeable, deadly PTSD (/s).
PTSD so fucking severe, noticeable, and deadly that the renowned healer who brings people back from the brink of death, Will Solace, cannot heal him. Not with his incredible healing powers, not with assistance from his almighty father (the great god of healing, Apollo), and not with the power of his love. In fact, Will is the only love interest who can’t “fix” their partner. Surely that’s a coincidence and has absolutely nothing to do with them being queer (/s).
Speaking of powerful people who can’t heal Nico’s severe, noticeable, deadly PTSD, apparently it’s simply too much for the god of madness, Dionysus, to fix. You know, the god who eliminated Chris Rodriguez’s ghost-induced insanity with a snap of his fingers on a whim. He’s simply not powerful enough to make all of Nico’s pain and suffering go away. Now I can’t imagine why one boy tortured into insanity could be magically healed but the other boy tortured into insanity simply cannot be. I wonder if it has anything to do with Chris being paired with a girl…and Nico being paired with a boy. You know, we might never find out (/s).
#rr crit#the thing that kills me is that#rick could have chosen anyone#to be his queer rep but he chose the demigod of the dead#tortured him for his entire life#made him completely unfixable and referrs to him as a poison#rick needs to do better but he can’t and he knows it and everyone else knows it#so they hired mark to write the solangelo book#because every person who lived through the 80s and 90s and read those books#knows exactly what nico is and exactly what rick views him as#‘well he’s a son of hades’#‘so of course his powers are out of control and he kills things’#do you think that was a fucking accident#trying to stamp out percico aside#do you think its a coincidence that the queer boy is of the dead#that he spends all of his time with the dead#and this isn’t a respectful tribute to those who lost their lives because of homophobia#this is rick’s biases and prejudices coming out in his writing#like i kind of get the 2010 violently forced out of the closet scene because the homophobia was rampant#people literally used to say ‘you can’t ship that because it’s gay’#in the time period this book was released#BUT and here’s the important part#TON came out in 2020 and rick is still using the fandom to give will a personality#and he’s writing about how nico kills things just by being around them#still#and he’s really sinking his teeth into that ‘nico doesn’t remember his mother but he remembers the catholic church’ nonsense#fingers crossed that mark does better but he was given absolute garbage to work with#also that’s not a typo when i say the ‘only’ queer kid#as of MOA nico is the only queer#ironically Will and Piper don’t come out until TOA and TON when they’re already in relationships
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