#noble blood podcast
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The Contradictions and Controversies of Marc de Montifaud - Noble Blood | iHeart
"In the late 19th century, French writer Marc de Montifaud was sentenced to prison for indecency in his work. But rather than being sent to the rather cushy location for literary criminals, he was sentenced to forced labor... as a woman. Born Marie, but ultimately living as Marc, the Comtesse de Montifaud remains one of the most interesting and enigmatic figures in literary history, a trans man who defied social conventions to live and work as he pleased."
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Amused by the description of tumblr as “that sweet, strange, site”
- Noble Blood
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I don’t know how popular a podcast like Noble Blood might be on here, but I like it a lot (though I am CRIMINALLY behind on it at the moment).
I was on the way home, thinking about it because I had been thinking about the episode of Bloody Saint Olga of Kiev of both the Noble Blood podcast and Puppet History.
And because of the inspiration the story of Saint Olga had, it got me thinking of the backstory of my main OC and how it came about because of my enjoyment of Saint Olga. Basically in his backstory, I made him next in line for the throne after Saint Olga’s son (I can’t remember his name off the top of my head). Basically, say hypothetically he had died, and there were no other direct heirs, then my boy would’ve become the Grand Prince of Kyiv, similarly to how Victoria became Queen of England iirc.
Anyway, that never happened, for the obvious reason being that Olga’s son did live. But also, a lot of other dramatic stuff happened with my boy’s backstory that contributed to him “mysteriously disappearing”, at least as far as historians would be concerned, and occasionally, I will imagine what that story would be like in that world, as told by Dana Schwartz on the Noble Blood podcast. I might be biased because he’s my baby boy, but I’d like to think she’d cast him in a sympathetic light.
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When Annabella Millbanke had a daughter with her husband, Lord Byron, she was terrified that their child might inherit his poetical madness. And so she steered the girl, Ada, toward math and logic, where eventually, Ada Lovelace became obsessed with the potential of computers.
#podcast#podcasts#noble blood#ada lovelace#math#science#lord byron#Annabella Millbanke#charles babbage#poetry
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Saw your response to an ask about historical fashion where you gave some Youtube channel suggestions
Do you have any more YouTube successions for historical or historical royal channels?
Crows Eye Productions
Extra History
History Matters
Kings and Generals
Real Royalty
English Heritage
Asta Darling
Rosie Harte
Bernadette Banner
Trashy Royals
This is History
Noble Blood
Not Just the Tudors
The Gilded Gentleman
Rex Factor
The Ancients
Gone Medieval
Queens Podcast
What's Her Name?
History Tea Time
Talking Tudors
Emperor's of Rome
Wicked Women
Historically Badass Broads
You're Dead to Me
History Hit
History Gems
Forbidden History
Single Malt History
Betwixt the Sheets
Even the Royals
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Please send in your fave podcast recs on spotify I need some variety in my life rn. I've listened to critical role, dungeons and daddies, if books could kill, so true, noble blood, the bald and the beautiful, two dykes and a mic, yeah nah parasan, maintenance phase, the queer collective.
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I wrote Vampire Vega fic
I'm not sure what it is tone-wise, but it's here. Big thanks to @canireadinpeace for posting about the concept.
Content warning for blood and blood drinking
Ah shit, you thought as your foot cracked all the ominous-looking signs at the entrance of the manor. There was a Hansa, the evil eye, a Christian cross, a whole interreligious plethora of symbols atop a bunch of boards, now cracked and in disarray. In fairness, how could you have seen anything given all the dirt?
Body cam fully charged, phone rechecked to see if the place had any signal (it didn’t), and editing equipment back home updated, you stepped into the Spanish Mansion, named by you. It was some old dead noble’s summer home that you always recalled seeing as you drove to and from town, set to be finally demolished next year. For some reason, no other urban explorer YouTubers have ever arrived here. That meant you were the first, and hopefully only influencer to explore this prime piece of content. A video like this might boost your subscriber count to the four digits!
You opened the door, and the first thing you noticed was all the portraits, all of the house’s original resident. You had done your research of course. According to the internet, Vega (if that was his actual name), was a matador Spanish nobleman known for his vanity. He was also known for possibly being a serial killer, the details of which were stupidly nonexistent online. He had the potential to be the subject of many a podcast, but he didn’t even have an image on his own Wikipedia page. You couldn’t even find him on those true crime forums.
That was a crying shame, because as you gazed at the walls and walls of portraits, Vega was really really good-looking. There was him as a mermaid, a Greek god, a centaur, another mermaid but with a sea snake tail entangling a pirate with a frilly shirt that was also him, Vega must’ve kept a lot of artists busy.
You make sure to get footage of as many portraits as possible. They were well-preserved despite their age. Trying to get a full shot of a painting of him in a rose garden enjoying a glass of red wine, you back into the staircase and knock a frame off a wall. It fell face-down onto the floor. First the boards, now this? You made a note to edit the footage out later.
Fortunately, the picture wasn’t too big, and you were able to prop it up against the stairs. It was Vega yet again, but a different Vega than the other portraits. In it, his features were obscured by a mask and he brandished not a matador sword, but a claw with red-stained blades, advancing upon the viewer. The painter had also added a streak of red to his eyes It would make an awesome Wikipedia picture. You snap a picture with your phone.
Something creaked upstairs, and you hoped with house wouldn’t collapse on you. It was always a gamble with these old houses.
You moved into a sitting room. It had a grand mirror, now smashed to pieces. Many of the rooms had similarly destroyed mirrors. All windows were barred on the outside. Much of the furniture was also smashed. Only the portraits, which coated the walls of the rest of the first floor, survived whatever wild animal or force of nature had overturned the building.
You took a break in the kitchen to review your footage and check your equipment. There was a giant hole in the ceiling, peaking into an upstairs room. Many cabinet doors were ripped off the wall. A bunch of empty wine bottles were piled in a corner, broken like almost everything else in the house.
Satisfied with your gear, you got up to leave, but you spotted something in the wine pile. You headed closer, glass crunching under your feet, and pick up an intact bottle. Time had aged the label into something unrecognizable, but you spot a scribble of handwriting.
Sang fina. A shame you don’t know Spanish.
You placed the bottle back, but your foot slipped. On instinct, you try to break your fall and end up with two handfuls of broken glass. Blood seeped onto the floorboards.
Cursing, you fumbled out a first aid kit and began to dress your wounds. You hoped the upstairs filming would go more smoothly.
Go more smoothly it did. More portraits, more blockaded windows, beds with mysterious copper stains, lots of things to edit. Along the way, you found a scrap of a letter tossed aside under a desk. What little was legible read:
My dearest __________
_______ commend your convic______ to the __servation of your beau__. There may be _____, but ________ you, ______________ be worth it in the end.
You made sure to take ample footage of it, as well as snap a picture with your phone.
Now, the final room to explore was the room with the hole. You wonder if you should film it, given safety concerns, but the final room looked to be the master bedroom, so you had to, or else the house wouldn’t feel complete.
You cracked open the door and closed it after. It was the master bedroom. The ample sheets on the bed were rumpled and ripped. There was a giant hole to the kitchen, showing the mess you made of the wine pile. A dresser perched precariously next to the hole, its mirror destroyed like the rest. Right in front, was the only non-Vega portrait. It was of a beautiful woman, with long flowing hair, cradling a sleeping child, foot atop a hideous, hawk-like creature. Teetering close to the edge, you had to get closer.
A snarl. The snaps of glass moving. You look down and almost drop your camera.
A hideous, shriveled creature on all fours had stuck its face into the glass. It was in rags, strands of hair wisped off its scalp, where had such a thing come from? You realize what it was doing. It was licking, licking your blood off the floor.
You tried to move, but something held you in place.
The creature finished dragging its tongue over the floor, over the broken glass. It paused as if also in a lull. Before your eyes, its hair grew back, long and smooth. Its back filled out with muscle, and it stood upright, gazing at its hands. It turned and growled straight at you, eyes red, fangs bared.
You recognized that face. It was Vega, and he looked hungry.
You pressed your body against the dresser and shoved it at Vega. Gravity took its grip, and it tilted into the hole. You launched yourself at the door. The wooden structure crashed behind you.
Your phone dropped behind you. By an instinct honed by years of treating it as a safety blanket, you double back to get it. Your grasping fingers slid across the screen, and it turned on. Home screen, emergency call screen, camera. Camera. You got an idea.
There was a clattering up the stairs. Sounds like Vega wasn’t crushed by the dresser. You were surprised at your relief.
A rasping voice, “blood…I need blood…only then will I be complete. You have sustained me…I feel my beauty coming back…in return, I shall drain you dry!”
You step on a shard of mirror, cracking it further. You thought about using it as a weapon, but you didn’t trust your chances. He was very muscular in those paintings.
You turn your camera’s flash on. You slam open the door and run straight at the figure stalking toward you. You snap a picture and Vega recoils in shock. You manage to brush past him, his skin cold against your touch.
Jumping down many steps at a time, the open door grew closer. So close, your fingers reached into the fresh air.
Vega jumped on your back and tackled you outside. The broken sigils crunched against your back. Your body cam clattered and jammed into your ribs. Your head rang when it hit the ground. You spat grass out of your mouth. Your ankle caught on a step and twisted.
Vega had you pinned down, hands clamped on your shoulders. He glanced back at the broken plates you broke when you first stepped into the mansion. “You have freed me,” he said. He brought your wrist to his mouth. There was no puff of air from breathing. “I will savor this,” Vega smiled, exposing his straight fangs and teeth. He slashed a fang across your inner wrist.
You had no idea blood could spurt so much. His eyes grew glassy, and he dove in. He drank your blood like a starving man, growling, gulping drizzles like they were mouthfuls. Red ran down Vega’s face, spilling onto his neck, his chest, and what was left of his clothes. After every nip and suck, Vega licked your wound, almost like a signature, spreading the red around.
The smell of copper tinged the air. You watched color soak back into Vega’s face, his already strong arms growing even stronger. Vega’s skin smoothed until he was the beautiful man in the portraits. You wouldn’t mind dying to such a polished creature.
Between growls, there were words. Mostly comments on how good you tasted. “How lucky you are,” Vega panted, “to gaze upon my beautiful visage as you slowly die.”
Visage. The smashed mirrors. Words unlodged from your mouth, “Can you see yourself anymore?”
That gave Vega pause. A bit of blood oozed onto his finger. “What do you think?” he snarled.
“Do you want to see yourself again? I have a way,” you said.
Vega licked the blood on his finger, “try anything, and I’ll kill you. I’ll even turn your face away from me.” He brushed his tongue against your wrist in one last languid stroke, and let you go. He removed his weight off your body.
You took your phone out, after a few tries, with your uninjured hand. You turn on the camera function and pull out the photo you last took of him. The Vega of the photo was attractive in a blown-dry zombie sort of way, but his face was all twisted, his eyes filled with a sort of desperation. The Vega in front of you had his face comported into a haughty calmness, despite your blood smeared across his face. You couldn’t show him this.
Vega crossed his arms and began to tap his sharp claws. “I’m growing impatient, Little Explorer, show me what I want, or face my wrath.”
You turn your camera onto selfie mode and shove it at him. Vega’s comport dropped, but instead of viciousness, there was wonder. His mouth opened. He gently, despite his claws, pried your fingers off the phone and took it in his hand. His fingers were as cold as always.
“As beautiful as always,” Vega muttered, “my dreams didn’t lie.” He brushed his fingers through his hair, “it has been so long…I need a brush. I need clothes.” Vega proceeded to examine every part of his face, from his eyelids to his teeth. It was like you weren’t even there.
You tried to crawl away. Vega clamped a hand against your shoulder, as strong as ever. “Don’t move, I haven’t forgotten about you.” Vega licked his lips, not taking his eyes off your phone.
“The phone,” you managed, “I have the password. And it needs to be charged, to keep working.”
Vega finally took his attention off your phone. His eyes faded from red to a pale blue. He threw his head back and laughed. “Trying to make yourself useful, aren’t you?” He rotated your phone around, examining its shape, “I see the world as changed. If I ever want to rebuild and achieve my revenge, I must adapt.” Vega’s eyes brushed over you, “you are beautiful, although not as much as me. You will make a good guide.”
“Cool, thanks,” you pant. You were just glad to live another day. You shambled into an upright position. Vega handed your phone back to you, “I recommend you bandage that wound, lest I be tempted again,” his eyes flashed red.
You reached for your first aid kit, “I’ll do this in my car,” you said. You try to take a step, and you stumble. Vega caught you before you hit the ground and tossed you into a bridal carry. “It’s obvious you can’t walk right now. Point me to this vehicle you speak of.”
You did, and Vega walked across the field, away from the old mansion. Despite his body’s coldness, you could feel the constriction and contraction of the muscles in his chest and arms, giving him some form of life. Strands of silky hair skimmed across your face.
Along the way, your phone regained its signal and began to buzz with notifications. You turned it on. Those alerts had come from the true crime forums. You skim them with growing horror.
Has anyone heard of this Vega guy? I can’t believe no one talks about him.
Yo I just found this archive with all his old papers
He has a house right next to us! And it’s set to be demolished!
Rlly? WTF? Why would they desstoy history???
i live super close from there I’m gonna go. Wish me luck!
You saw a car pull up next to yours. You close your eyes and lean your head against Vega’s chest. What exactly had you unleashed into this world?
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Video description: Videoclip depiciting the game show "Um, Actually" discussing Anne Rice and her works on moody vampires interspersed with clips from the AMC+ TV show "Interview with the Vampire" with the characters (in order of appearance): Claudia (@Bailey Bass ), Armand (Assad Zaman), Daniel Malloy (Luke Brandon Field and Eric Bogosian), Louis (Jacob Anderson), Lestat (Sam Reid).
@dropoutdottv @umactuallyshow @samreich
Made this while we were still editing our newest episode on a very dysfunctional family (procrastination? Never heard of it ����) No hate to either show please! We're huge fans of both @Um Actually ☝️ of @Dropout.tv and Interview with the Vampire on @AMC+ But when I saw them mention Anne Rice, I couldn't resist editing this together. They scenes are from both seasons 1 and 2. Hope you like the clip and check out our podcast ❤️ LiliAnna's Preread Mediathek (wherever podcasts are found)
Show us your fangs! 🧛🏾♂️🧛🏾♀️🧛🏻♂️
[emojis for Man Vampire: Medium-Dark Skin Tone; Woman Vampire: Medium-Dark Skin Tone; Man Vampire: Light Skin Tone]
This week we’re sinking our teeth into season 1 of AMC+’s ‘Interview With The Vampire’ 🩸⚰️🐀
[emojis for drop of blood, coffin, rat]
As the nights draw in and Autumn approaches, it’s the perfect time to dissect media’s most romanticised monster. Join us on our monster hunt, as we discuss how the show uses the unreliable narrator as a tool of adaptation, Black vampires and who gets to be ‘monstrous’ but also sympathetic, the power of storytelling from the margins, and of course, arguments for queer vampire divorce.
Come inside, we won’t bite… 🦇
[bat emoji]
Content Warnings: Domestic Violence, murder, blood, violence
📝 Shownotes: 📝
📼 Preread text (Rowan Ellis, https://youtu.be/SMFll3aIbmo)
Primary Sources: 📺 Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire (2022 - ) (cr. Rolin Jones) (AMC) 🎞️ Interview with the Vampire (1994) (dir. by Neil Jordan, wr. by Anne Rice) 📚 Interview with the Vampire (1976) by Anne Rice 📚 The Vampire Lestat (1985) by Anne Rice
Secondary Sources: 📰 Passey, Joan; Three essential tales of black vampirism (2022) (https://theconversation.com/three-essential-tales-of-black-vampirism-193157) 📰 Weimann, Robert; Text, Author-Function, and Appropriation in Modern Narrative: Toward a Sociology of Representation (Critical Inquiry, Spring, 1988, Vol. 14, No. 3, The Sociology of Literature (Spring, 1988)) 📚 Sanders, Julie; Adaptation and Appropriation (2016) 📚 Butler; Octavia E.; Kindred (1979), Fledgling (2005) 📚 D’Arcy, Uriah Derick; The Black Vampyre: A Legend of St. Domingo (1819)📚 Meyer, Stephenie; Twilight (2005) 📚 Shelley, Mary; Frankenstein (1818)📚 Sommer-Bodenburg, Angela; Der kleine Vampir (1979) 📼 Interview With the Vampire, Anne Rice, & 150 Years of Gay Vampires by Matt Baume (https://youtu.be/z3g514OMXRc?si=UV7vlsbaXF6co0oF) 📼 Interview with the Vampire ~ Lost in Adaptation by Dominic Noble (https://youtu.be/Q8ypi5HPjLM?si=gLAt9mps1_oHYSji) 📼 Anne Rice, The Queen of Literary Monsters (Feat. Lindsay Ellis) | It’s Lit by Storied (https://youtu.be/wefpgj0IqEA?si=bl-RYFoCpauMvA-p) 📼 The Racial and Romantic Politics of The Twilight Saga's Midnight Sun by Shanspeare (https://youtu.be/rocA3mDB_lw?si=uW522g8iAlhyDo9_) 📺 Kindred (2022) (cr. Branden Jacobs-Jenkins) 📺 What We Do in the Shadows (2019 - ) (cr. Jermaine Clement) (FX) 🎞️ Barbie (2023) (dir. By Greta Gerwig, wr. By Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach) 🎞️ Twilight (2008) (dir. By Catherine Hardwicke) (wr. By Melissa Rosenberg)Recommendations:
Lili: 💿 Mustafa The Poet - Dunya (2024) Anna: 📚 We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962) by Shirley Jackson
📱Social Media📱: IG: @liliannapod Twitter:@liliannapod Tumblr:@liliannasprereadmediathek
🎹Intromusic🎹: "Wall" by Jahzaar, licenced under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
🎹Outro Music🎹: “Waterbeat” by DJ Lengua, licenced under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
🎹Transition Music🎹:
Johann Sebastian Bach, Little Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578, beginning with Epic 2 Action closing (Cinematic) (6:27s) by Pixabay
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Used my Beacon access to buy a ticket for the Live Show next month (Yay!) And also listened to the first 3 episodes of Re-Slayer's Take podcast. :D
Thoughts on Re-Slayer's Take:
Great for newbies who are familiar with but not caught up with all of Critical Role. The GMs spell out more setting unique character descriptions, (What's a Tiefling? What's a Firbolg?) but also reward veterans with references we would know (like Vox Machina's brief run with The Slayer's Take.)
More spoilery thoughts behind the 'Read More'
So this is a far more produced & edited podcast than an actual-play. You're not going to hear out-of-character jokes or discussions about gameplay rules. Fully sound edited & music score.
Did my best to endure the constant squelching noises they used for the Gelatinous Cube encounter in the first episode. Someone recorded extended sessions of playing with slime or slurping on Boba *just* for that foley. DX
As for characters: Good charming cast! They utilize the 'DM PCs & player PCs' play style. One of the DMs plays as Timpani the Firbolg to help guide the story directly, while the other does narration & gameplay, and I think plays as the Goblin sidekick, Poogs.
I think I need to go back and re-listen to the first episode for intros. They don't spell out what classes the characters are playing. D:
I can't for the life of me understand why Farah the half elf (???) uses a gravely voice besides 'She's older.' Guessing from her choice in crossbow she's a ranger, though she might be a blood hunter/ranger build? She's been working as a monster hunter prior to her audition to try and join the Slayer's Take, and seems to be looking for a more consistent employment with them.
Heera Agniheart is possibly an Inquisitor Rogue, since she has a high intelligence & insight ability stats, and used sneak attack and a finesse weapon. Also an ochre yellow tiefling w/ water buffalo style horns. The artwork crops that feature out and I'd love to see a full portrait of that :O
Frog is delightful, and I hope to see more Aeormaton characters in Exandria. To make it easier, lore-wise, she was revived w/ full amnesia & is fully unfamiliar with current day Exandria. But she apparently trained with some Monks first, so gets to be the dodge-tank for the group.
Idrin Shadowstep is a Half Elf/Half Orc (I think of the lineage Matt designated as common in Jrusar) and appears to have a sorcerer lineage of either clockwork soul, or an Exandria-Dunamancy variant of it. He has a special time reversal ability he can use to re-roll his or his party member's failed rolls. Very noble of intentions and the neophyte adventurer.
DM PC Timpani Guff took Matt's Midwestern/Canadian accent he used on Pumat Sol and ran with it. A circle of spores druid who fills in as the party's healer & guide. He's trying to get the Slayer's Take to listen to his observations of an extra-planar force bringing old Slayer's Take monsters back from the dead. But because he's lied about his affiliation with them before, the members wont listen to his warnings. So now he's leading this little adventuring group to investigate this while the Slayer's Take willfully ignores it.
Re-Slayer's Take is a difficult title, IMO. RST might be a good acronym. Maybe shorten it to 'Reslayers'?
It's also all-ages friendly. No curse words!!! Injuries also are not graphic. (PCs get bruises or get knocked out, but nothing deadly.) Stakes are challenging, but like in an action cartoon and not infantilizing. I have listened to another podcast attempt to an all-ages spin-off after the prior story setting was explicit, and they started out with kid-gloves and low stakes that almost put me to sleep. Thankfully Reslayers doesn't go that route. We're playing DnD and we got DnD monsters to fight!
Setting timeline-wise is between The Mighty Nein and Bell's Hells. So maybe if we revisit Issylra in the current campaign, we might see/hear of the Reslayers. We'll have to see later, however, as the Reslayers progress their storyline.
Reblogs with any lore corrections from a re-listen or future Encyclopedia Exandria entries.
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Ok time to fish for podcast recs because I caught up again
I currently listen to: ghost in the museum, oxventure, mom can't cook, beef and dairy network, nightshift, welcome to nightvale, the british food history podcast, we're not so different, myths and legends, sidequesting, old gods of appalachia, apocrypals, tales of britain and ireland, celtic myths and legends, noble blood, lore, mbmbam, taz (though didn't enjoy steeplechase, they might win me back next season but I might drop it), sawbones, the christmas mistake
I have tried and didn't like: no such thing as a fish (content), the magnus archives (voice), spirits (later content)
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Tagged by @hischierjustscored
Thank you! <3
Last Song- I'll be honest I have not been listening to much music lately so I wouldn't even know the answer to this question. I'm in podcast mode. I'm listening to Noble Blood because it's like true crime except it's mostly about people you don't have to feel bad for because they were the ruling class in like the 1300s and they were definitely shitty people.
Favorite Color- Purple
Last Book- Currently reading A Man Called Ove for book club even though the meeting is scheduled for when I'll be at a devils game oops
Last Movie- Muppet Christmas Carol. it was on Christmas. I'm not a big movie watcher during hockey season.
Last TV show- I'm currently rewatching The Haunting of Hill House which is a great idea considering that I am afraid of everything in the world
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy- I love all three. I am particularly weak to sweets.
Relationship Status- All but married
Last thing I Googled- Cameron Diaz. I saw that she made a new movie for the first time in a long time and I wanted to see what was up with that. I love her. I love that she's married to Benji Good Charlotte. This is good news for me and I will be watching a movie soon I guess because I need to check that out.
Looking Forward To- Two big ones in the next few months. T and I are going to Pittsburgh so we can watch the old men play at home which is coming up in just a couple weeks (I know, I know. Who goes to Pittsburgh in February? The New Jersey Devils, that's who). And!!!!!! Sabrina is coming over to visit in April and I'm so excited I'm gonna die. It's so haaaaaaard when the bestie lives on another continent.
Current Obsessions- This bitch.
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TIL that the infamous “banquet of chestnuts” happened on October 31st💀 Of course, they didn’t celebrate Halloween as such in 1501, but it’s still fun to think about. The latest episode of the Noble Blood podcast is all about that event, very interesting.
#The Borgias#the banquet of chestnuts#it’s nothing like on the show#musings of a fanfic writer#the podcast also talks about Johannes Burchard#he’s an interesting character too
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What are your favorite history podcasts?
A few I've recently vibes with
History of Rome
Kings and Generals
This is History
The Rest is History
The Gilded Gentleman
Rex Factor
Gone Medieval
Not Just The Tudors
Noble Blood
Trashy Royals
Emperors of Rome
The Ancients
You're Dead to Me
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20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @jesuisici33 for the tag.
How many works do you have on Ao3? 37
What’s your total AO3 word count? 199,801....yes, I know....
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Schitt's Creek. A little First Prince, Tarlos and Buddie.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In Sickness (9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020)) (Kudos: 150)
Kinktober 2022 (Schitt's Creek) (Kudos: 97)
Not like a "sleepover" sleepover (Schitt's Creek) (Kudos: 83)
You'll Scuff the floors (Schitt's Creek) (Kudos: 77)
Celebrating the MVP (Schitt's Creek) (Kudos: 69) tie XD
I'll cover you (9-1-1 (TV)) (Kudos: 69)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or Why not?
Pretty sure Comments are the life blood to every fanfic writer so i always do my best to respond to them.
6. What is the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Um...Underwater is pretty angsty? Also if you think really hard
In Sickness
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Stich & Bitch? I typically like happy endings so this is hard. This story just happens to have 5 happy endings so...I nominate it for tribute.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No. People are generally really lovely.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I love to write smut! I am planning a Kinktober but it will when my life calms down. November at the VERY earliest. I like to write characters exploring kink. Soft kink. That sort of thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I crossed my love of Schitt's creek with my love of crochet in Stich & Bitch. Does that count?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Also No. At some point I may podcast my own fic just so people can hear my voice? IDK
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No. I used to Roleplay so I think I would love to. Just when life isn't so crazy.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Right now it's David and Patrick from Schitt's Creek.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably Lanterns? Last year I wrote 50k words for it. It's not even publishable, it's so all over the place. But it's a Stevie-centric fic so if I ever do finish it it will be just for me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Can I put softness here?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Planning. I really need to get better out outlining and all that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If I had help, I would love to write an English/Spanish fic for Tarlos maybe? I think First Prince would work better for the story I'm thinking of.
19. First fandom you wrote for? on A03 it was Glee
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I've really been enjoying writing By the Seashore. It's got Autistic David and It's softer than one of David's sweaters.
I'll tag some people who've tagged me. No pressure @carolrain, @a-noble-dragon, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @ramonaflow, @snarkythewoecrow
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I VAMPIRI (1957, LUST OF THE VAMPIRE) – Episode 181 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
“The vampire could be insane, or equally someone in full control of his mental faculties.” So, you’re saying, crazy or not? Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr, along with guest Bill Mulligan – as they discuss I Vampiri (1957, Lust of the Vampire), Italy’s first horror film of the sound era, directed first by Riccardo Freda and then Mario Bava!
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 181 – I Vampiri (1957)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
In Paris, young girls are found dead, drained of their blood. A journalist investigates these murders while the beautiful Gisele, from a noble family, tries to seduce him.
Directed by: Riccardo Freda; Mario Bava (uncredited)
Writer: Piero Regnoli, Mario Bava (as Rijk Sijöstrom), Riccardo Freda
Cinematographer: Mario Bava (director of photography)
Selected Cast:
Gianna Maria Canale as Giselle du Grand / Margherita du Grand
Carlo D’Angelo as L’ispettore Chantal (credited as Carlo d’Angelo)
Dario Michaelis as Pierre Lantin
Wandisa Guida as Laurette Robert
Angelo Galassi as Ronald Fontaine (as Angiolo Galassi)
Renato Tontini as L’assistente del professore Grand
Charles Fawcett as Signor Robert
Gisella Mancinotti as Amica di Laurette
Miranda Campa as Signora Robert
Antoine Balpêtré as Professor Julien du Grand (credited as Antoine Balpetré de la Comédie Française)
Paul Muller as Joseph Signoret
Riccardo Freda as Il dottore (uncredited)
When Riccardo Freda bet that he could complete a movie in twelve days and came up short, Mario Bava, already serving as the film’s cinematographer, was tagged to close out the directing duties. The result is I Vampiri (1957, Lust of the Vampire), an atmospheric, gothic film that carries the earmarks of Freda’s skill and Bava’s promise. There’s no “vampire” as such, but the shadow of Elizabeth Bathory looms large over this tale. Your Classic Era Grue Crew, with guest Bill Milligan, are wowed by much of I VAMPIRI, not the least of which is the special effects. There is much to talk about.
At the time of this writing, I Vampiri is available to stream from YouTube.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by Chad, is The Gorilla (1939), in which The Ritz Brothers (Jimmy, Harry, & Al) are hired to find a killer known as “The Gorilla,” only to run into a “real” gorilla. And, oh yeah, Bela Lugosi and Lionel Atwill. Shenanigans ensue in this horror comedy. SHENANIGANS we tell you!
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To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!”
Check out this episode!
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