#nobara kugisak imagines
zapreportsblog · 1 year
↱ a love that ignites ↰
➘ summary : Nobara Kugisak and her boyfriend are the it couple everyone dreams to be
➘ nobara kugisak x fem reader version
➘ Nobara Kugisak x male reader, jjk x reader
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Nobara Kugisaki walked through the crowded halls of Jujutsu High, her confident stride catching the attention of everyone around her. Her striking beauty and fierce demeanor made her an unforgettable presence. But it wasn't just her appearance that drew the gaze of the students; it was her relationship with the enigmatic and charming (m/n) that had everyone talking.
(m/n) was the kind of guy who turned heads wherever he went. With his unruly hair and easy smile, he exuded an aura of casual confidence that intrigued and charmed everyone who crossed his path. Together, Nobara and (m/n) formed a couple that seemed almost unreal – like characters from a fairytale.
Their relationship had blossomed from a deep friendship, a connection that felt as if it was fated to be. They had met during their first year at Jujutsu High and quickly became inseparable. Nobara's fiery determination perfectly complemented (m/n)'s laid-back attitude, creating a harmonious balance that seemed to defy the odds.
Word of their relationship had spread like wildfire throughout the school. Students whispered about their sweet moments in between classes, stolen glances exchanged across the room, and the way their laughter could light up even the gloomiest of days. Nobara and (m/n) had become the epitome of the "it" couple – the kind of couple others looked up to and secretly envied.
Their chemistry was undeniable. Whether it was during training sessions, where they pushed each other to become better jujutsu sorcerers, or during quieter moments when they shared their dreams and fears, their bond only grew stronger. It was as if they were two halves of a whole, each complementing the other's strengths and weaknesses effortlessly.
But, of course, being the center of attention came with its fair share of challenges. Rumors circulated about their relationship, and jealousy reared its ugly head from time to time. Yet, through it all, Nobara and (m/n) remained steadfast in their love, unbothered by the noise around them. Their connection was unbreakable – a force that seemed to defy the odds.
As they walked hand in hand through the school courtyard, the sun setting in the distance, Nobara couldn't help but steal a glance at (m/n) and smile. Their journey had been far from ordinary, but it was uniquely theirs. The world may have idealized them as the perfect couple, but their love was real, imperfect, and utterly beautiful.
The vibrant autumn leaves rustled overhead as Nobara and (m/n) found a quiet spot under the shade of a sprawling cherry blossom tree. The soft petals that had fallen earlier added a touch of enchantment to their surroundings, mirroring the magic that seemed to follow them wherever they went.
Nobara leaned against the tree, her gaze fixed on (m/n) as he spoke animatedly about his latest jujutsu training session. She watched as his eyes lit up with passion, his hands gesturing in the air as he recounted his experiences. Her heart swelled with admiration for his dedication and the way he pursued his dreams with unwavering determination.
As he paused, catching his breath and giving her an expectant look, Nobara chuckled softly. "You're really something, you know that? Your enthusiasm is contagious."
(m/n) grinned, his warm eyes meeting hers. "Well, someone's gotta keep things interesting, right?"
She nudged him playfully, her smile a mix of fondness and teasing. "Don't get too cocky now. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that myself."
Their laughter danced in the air, the melody of a relationship that was built on shared moments, mutual respect, and a genuine sense of camaraderie. They could be themselves around each other, embracing their quirks and idiosyncrasies without reservation.
As the conversation shifted to their plans for the weekend, Nobara found herself lost in thought. How had she gotten so lucky? To have found someone who not only understood her ambitions and fears but also encouraged her to embrace them fully. (m/n) had a way of making her feel like she was capable of conquering anything that came her way.
The setting sun cast a warm glow over their faces, creating an ethereal aura that seemed to encapsulate the essence of their relationship. Nobara turned to (m/n), her eyes searching his as she spoke softly, her voice carrying a weight of sincerity.
"You know, I've always been a bit of a firecracker. But with you, I've found my anchor. You ground me, (m/n). You make me believe in myself in a way that I never thought possible."
(m/n)'s gaze held hers, his expression tender and unwavering. "And you do the same for me, Nobara. You're like a flame that burns bright and fiercely. You remind me to keep pushing forward, to embrace life's challenges head-on."
Their fingers intertwined, a silent affirmation of the unspoken promises they had made to each other. They were partners, allies in a world that often felt chaotic and uncertain. Together, they navigated the ups and downs, finding strength in each other's presence.
As the first stars appeared in the darkening sky, (m/n) gently brushed a strand of hair away from Nobara's face. "No matter what comes our way, we'll face it together. That's a promise."
Nobara smiled, her heart fluttering with a mix of emotions. "Promise, huh? You better keep that one."
He leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a soft, lingering kiss. It was a testament to the depth of their connection, a reminder that their love was a constant, unwavering force that would stand the test of time.
And as they sat beneath the cherry blossom tree, the world around them faded into the background. In that moment, it was just Nobara and (m/n), two souls bound by a love that ignited their hearts and illuminated their path forward.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
SC: Hug Tackling Tokyo 1st Years
Characters: Yuuji, Nobara, Megumi
A/n: More JJK yay!!!! Fyi I probably will do a part 2 to this but with other sorcerers like Gojo, Mei Mei, or even Maki 👀👀👀. But later on ahahahaha, I'm still working on a Reiner one shot I'm supposed to post this week. Anyways, as always, I hope you guys enjoy it. (also for some reason Yuji gives me Denki vibes when I wrote this??)
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Itadori Yuji
Yuji was someone who gets dragged to training or to random missions a lot, being Sukuna's vessel means he always needs the extra training and field experience just in case things can go wrong. You knew this when you decided to date the lovable dork. But sometimes, his missions are longer than both of you had expected.
So when he wasn't around for more than a week you grew rather touch starved. Obviously, you can hug other people, Nobara hugged you A LOT, yet it just didn't feel the same. You were sulking in the corner when Megumi came and awkwardly told you Yuji was back.
You immediately ran to where Megumi said he was and when you saw the back of a familiar pink hair, all reasoning was thrown out the window. You tackled him in a hug from behind.
"Woah!" He staggered slightly but after realizing it was you, balanced himself back up. "I missed you too!!!" He laughed and tried to shake you off his back to envelop you in a more comfortable hug.
Once you had gotten off, you were greeted with your smiling boyfriend. Who quickly wrapped you in his arms, peppering your face with kisses. "I - love - you," you said in cutting off in between each word from his kisses. Yuji giggled, "I know! I love you too."
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Kugisaki Nobara
Nobara would frequently show PDA, so tackle hugs weren't rare for either of you both. They don't usually give the effect both of you were wishing for either. Because the two of you did it so often to each other, it didn't hold the shock factor anymore, it's more of a norm now.
Nobara and you actually realized this around the same time, and like birds of a feather, the both of you came to the same conclusion without telling the other first. You thought not to initiate a hug at all to her, thinking the next time you do initiate a hug it'll be that more surprising. Unfortunately, Nobara thought the same exact thing.
So now the both of you are avoiding hugs from each other. Resulting in both of you being a tad bit touch-starved. After it went for quite a while, it became a sort of unspoken game. Whoever would hug the other person first, and succumb to their need for affection first, would lose.
The longer things went on, the more you realized that Nobara's strong enough to win this unspoken game. One night, you gave up. You ached for her touch so much. Hence when she sat alone reading a book at a bench, you snuck up behind her and tackled her to the ground. Arms tightly wrapped around her in a hug, before snuggling your head on the crook of her neck.
A burst of laughter left her lips as she curled her arms to hug you in return, "You lose." You grumbled against her skin in discontent, "I lose for wanting to love my girlfriend?" you teased, to which she simply rolled her eyes and scoffed.
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Fushiguro Megumi
Megumi wasn't one for affection, whether it was in public or in private, he just gets too flustered when it's anything more than quick pecks or hugs. You'd have to catch him before he sleeps to snuggle up with him, or when he's too tired to care or to be embarrassed,
Although you knew this, today you just felt extra lonely. Maybe it was because of the fact that you had to leave for a mission without Megumi that day. Or maybe it was because the day before you didn't get to snuggle him to sleep because he was on a late-night mission. Long story short, you were lonely.
You knew not to bother him whenever he was training so you waited till he was alone. But somehow, some fucking how, luck decided to be against you today, since he was somehow never alone. When he wasn't training, Yuji or Nobara would suddenly come at the exact time he stopped and decided to chat with him.
PDA made him uncomfortable so you didn't want to initiate anything whenever there's anyone around. But after the 3rd time Yuji interrupted your prep to run up to Megumi and hug him, you decided enough was enough.
You ran up to Megumi and jumped up at him with arms wide open. He of course dropped whatever he was holding to catch you, but the sheer shock and embarrassment made him fall backward with you, thankfully on the grass. You laughed when you looked up and saw his red face.
"You embarrassed Gumi?" He covered his cheeks with one of his hands when Yuji started laughing and awwing at the both of you, "Shut up." Yet he didn't make any attempts of pushing you off, instead, he wrapped his arms tighter around you.
"Sorry I was lonely." You hid your face on the crook of his neck, hoping he wasn't mad. "It's fine, I'm sorry for neglecting you." He whispered, before giving a small peck to your cheek. Resulting in you, this time, being the one flustered from an act of affection.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
↱ the enchanting pair ↰
➘ summary : Nobara Kugisak and her girlfriend are the it couple everyone dreams to be
➘ a/n : I’ll also be making a male version of this and will link it once it’s posted
➘ Nobara Kugisak x reader, jjk x reader
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At the bustling corridors of the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical College, there was a couple that everyone seemed to be talking about – Nobara Kugisaki and her girlfriend (Y/N). They were the epitome of the "it couple" – charismatic, charming, and undeniably magnetic. Their presence turned heads and sparked whispers wherever they went.
Nobara was a force to be reckoned with, her bold personality matched only by her incredible jujutsu skills. With her striking crimson hair and a confidence that radiated from every step she took, Nobara was a captivating sight. She had a reputation for being fierce and unapologetically herself.
And then there was (Y/N), her girlfriend. With (hair color) hair and captivating (eye color) eyes, (Y/N) was a vision of elegance and allure. Her quiet grace was a perfect contrast to Nobara's vibrant energy. Despite her more reserved demeanor, (Y/N) possessed a captivating presence that drew people in.
The combination of Nobara's fierce spirit and (Y/N)'s quiet charm made them an enchanting pair. Their relationship was a beacon of confidence and support, a living example of how two individuals could complement each other in the most beautiful ways.
As they walked hand in hand through the courtyard, their interactions were a dance of affection and playfulness. Nobara's infectious laughter would fill the air, followed by (Y/N)'s gentle smiles and knowing glances. They were a living testament to the bond that held them together, a bond that seemed unbreakable.
Their status as the "it couple" was more than just popularity – it was a testament to their authenticity. Nobara and (Y/N) were unapologetically themselves, and their relationship was a source of inspiration for others who admired their connection.
In the classroom, during training sessions, and even in the halls between classes, Nobara and (Y/N) were inseparable. Their magnetic presence seemed to draw people toward them, creating a sense of camaraderie and warmth wherever they went.
As the days passed, their reputation continued to grow. Their relationship was the talk of the school, and it wasn't just because of their looks – it was the way they supported each other, the way they shared their lives, and the way they faced challenges as a united front.
The "it couple" was more than just a label; it was a symbol of strength, unity, and love. As they navigated their way through the trials and tribulations of school life and jujutsu training, Nobara and (Y/N) knew that their bond was unbreakable. And as their classmates admired them from afar, they also learned a valuable lesson – that true connection goes beyond appearances, and that a loving partnership can truly make you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
After classes, they found themselves in a quaint café just off campus, a place they often visited to unwind and spend quality time together.
Sitting across from each other at a cozy corner table, Nobara sipped her coffee while (Y/N) enjoyed a warm cup of tea. Their fingers brushed against each other occasionally, a small and intimate connection that spoke volumes.
Nobara grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with playfulness. "Did you see the look on Itadori's face during that sparring session today? Priceless!"
(Y/N) chuckled, her gaze softening as she watched Nobara. "You love teasing him, don't you?"
Nobara shrugged, a playful smirk on her lips. "It's all in good fun. He needs someone to keep him on his toes."
Their banter flowed effortlessly, a testament to the comfort they felt in each other's presence. They could talk about anything and everything – from their classes to their future aspirations, from their favorite foods to their shared dreams.
As they chatted, (Y/N)'s hand found its way to Nobara's across the table, their fingers entwining in a gentle embrace. The touch was simple, yet it spoke volumes about the depth of their connection.
"Nobara, can I ask you something?" (Y/N)'s voice was soft, carrying a hint of vulnerability.
Nobara nodded, her gaze focused entirely on (Y/N). "Of course, anything."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Do you ever worry about what people think of us? As a couple, I mean."
Nobara's expression softened, and she reached across the table to cup (Y/N)'s cheek gently. "Hey, don't let other people's opinions bother you. We're us, and that's all that matters. Anyone who doesn't like it can take a hike."
(Y/N)'s lips curved into a grateful smile, her heart warming at Nobara's words. "You're right. I just needed a reminder."
Nobara's thumb brushed gently against (Y/N)'s cheek, her eyes filled with tenderness. "You're incredible, (Y/N). Never doubt that."
Their moment was interrupted by a playful voice from behind them. "Aww, aren't you two just the cutest?"
Turning around, they found Megumi Fushiguro smirking at them, a teasing glint in his eyes. He was accompanied by Yuji Itadori, who grinned and gave them a thumbs-up.
Nobara rolled her eyes playfully. "What do you want, Fushiguro?"
Megumi leaned against their table, his tone dripping with mock innocence. "Just admiring the sight of the "it couple" in their natural habitat."
(Y/N) chuckled, feeling a light blush creeping onto her cheeks. "You two are incorrigible."
Yuji joined in with a laugh. "We just wanted to let you know that you've got a fan club."
Nobara's expression turned sly. "Oh really? What do we get as founding members?"
Megumi smirked. "Lifetime access to the premium entertainment of watching you two be adorably cheesy."
Despite their teasing, there was a warmth in their interactions, a camaraderie that spoke of friendship and acceptance. As the banter continued, (Y/N) realized that while they may be the "it couple" that others admired, what truly mattered was the love and connection they shared – a love that was uniquely their own, and a connection that went beyond appearances and labels.
And as the afternoon sun cast a golden glow on their corner of the café, (Y/N) knew that being part of this "it couple" was not about the opinions of others, but about the bond she and Nobara had built – a bond that was unbreakable, and a love that was truly extraordinary.
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