#noah grossman imagine
sassylegshayne · 1 year
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brennan always gets us
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its-a-cautionary-tale · 4 months
This wave of people joining “creators for Palestine” has me really frustrated.
I have no issue with supporting the right to safety and freedom for the people of Palestine and I have no issue with wanting to help but I DO have an issue with the organizations that they are choosing to support.
One of the main organizations is the UNRWA, a confirmed Hamas puppet. The UNRWA is actively stealing aid from civilians, and members were actively a part of the October 7th massacre and held hostages in their homes. Why would you want to send them money?!?!?
The amount of misinformation and disinformation that is being spread at the moment is absolutely appalling. Israel isn’t “not sending enough aid”, Hamas is attacking humanitarian aid crossings and stealing the aid that they do let in.
In many of the cases of these creators, I do believe that they have only the best intentions but they are choosing to support a terror organization rather than actually helping the people they claim to care about.
There are also so many people denying the very legitimate REASONS that Israel is doing what they’re doing. I’m not saying I support everything they are doing but I understand why they’re doing it. If you want safety and freedom for the Palestinian people, you have to support the destruction of Hamas. There will be no peace until they are gone. It’s really a simple matter when you strip it down to the basics (not the conflict itself, that’s very complicated, but the reality of the current situation regarding any hope for peace).
Anyway… I now have to decide if I’m going to unfollow all of these creators whose work otherwise brings me joy. They are contributing to the false narrative and waving a literal imperial flag under the guise of “indigenous liberation” (don’t even get me started on the stupid fucking watermelons…)
If anyone has any advice about how to deal with this (tips on separating the content from the creator perhaps) or people who ARE doing good work and are actually helping the situation, please let me know.
This post is most specifically about SMOSH but it applies to a lot of creators. I’m so tired, and I can’t even begin to imagine how the Jewish people in those circles are feeling. People have been calling for Noah Grossman to be fired for being Jewish a zionist for months now, this cannot be helping that situation. I want him to know that the people with critical thinking skills and fucking basic understanding of the complicated history and current situation in the Middle East support him.
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a-singleboat · 4 years
Just for Laughs
Word Count: 2.7k
Request:  Could you do a Noah fanfic with either the sixth or eighth prompt on Fake Family!? :) - anon
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There were three things you knew about living in Los Angeles. The first was to never walk anywhere alone at night. Between the constant tourists and the fact that you were vertically challenged, it was easy for you to get lost in the crowd. The second was to never forget to bring your pepper spray with you--which you had. It was an honest mistake. In between rushing out of the house that morning and spilling lukewarm coffee on yourself, you figured you could allow that one slip up. 
The third thing you knew about living in Los Angeles, however, was that you could always call on your best friend to get you out of a sticky situation if you ever needed. 
So now, at two in the morning, you called him up and explained your situation. After wrapping up the closing shift at the bar, you realized that you had let the time slip away from you yet again. The trains stopped their service at one am, you knew that, but the tourists in the area didn’t. 
“Again,” you said, drawing your black cardigan closer to your body. “I’m really sorry about this, Noah. There were some late customers and Phil had already left for the night so I didn’t really know what to do and by the time I actually managed to kick them out, it was two.”
“It’s fine, Y/n,” he assured you over the phone. You heard the jangling of keys on the other side as a door closed, his car starting up not even a second later. “But you have to make this up to me.”
You shivered slightly in the November chill. While the weather during the day wasn’t terribly cold, the nights could prove hypothermic. 
“Fine,” you said, rubbing your arms to generate what little heat you could. “I’ll do whatever, thank you.”
“I’ll be there in ten,” he promised before hanging up. You slipped your phone back into the small bag you carried and drew your keys. If you didn’t have your pepper spray, you’d at least be able to defend yourself with the semi-sharp pieces of metal. 
Thankfully, you didn’t have to stab anyone that night. True to his word, Noah arrived ten minutes later, honking his horn twice. 
You clambered into his car, apologizing and thanking him profusely yet again. He waved you off, signaling to pull away from the curb. 
“It’s really okay, Y/n,” he said, setting off toward your apartment. “Besides, mom would kill me if I just left you to fend for yourself.”
You giggled. Mom. He was of course, referring to his own mother. After yours had died when you were very little, you had bonded with the strange boy that brought you flowers the day after the funeral. And while Denise couldn’t truly replace your own mother, she acted enough like her to gain the title. 
“So you know how I said you’d owe me?” Noah asked, finally pulling into his assigned parking space. 
You nodded. 
“Well…” he rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re doing recording for a Smosh Pit video next week and Courtney’s bringing her sister and I was thinking…”
“You want me to be your sister for the video as well,” you guessed, getting out of the car. He killed the engine and got out as well, locking the doors before the two of you headed toward the building. 
It was lucky that the two of you had managed to find a place with two vacancies. You were separated only by an older woman named Barbara and her three cats, which neither of you minded considering you were both avid cat people. 
The two of you walked up to your floor, the elevator being out of service for the time being. He told you a little more about the premise of the video, in which you and Courtney’s sister would essentially be going through embarrassing moments and videos of the two from their childhood. 
“So basically I get to make fun of you to your fans while they all think that I’m your biological sister?” you asked, key already in the door. You already knew you were going to say yes, after all, you owed him. You twisted the handle and removed the key, opening the door. “Am I getting paid?”
“Uh, yes,” Noah said. “If you agree to it, Ian, my boss, will send all the information to you and the paperwork and stuff as well.”
You propped the door open with one foot, reaching in slightly to hang your keys on the hook just inside your door. You held your hand out to the man, who gladly shook it. 
“I’ll be there,” you promised, inching into your apartment. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I wish to no longer reek of alcohol.”
Noah laughed. “Yeah, and other things.”
You hit him with your bag, not hard enough to hurt, and laughed as well. 
“Goodnight, Noah,” you said, waving to him.
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
A week later and you were really feeling the nerves. You’d gone to the address that Noah had sent you and after a brief reunion with Keith, you were buzzed in and brought up to the studios. There, you said hello to a few people you remembered from an event Noah had hosted in his apartment before being directed to where Noah’s desk sat. 
It wasn’t long before your best friend came and gathered you, wrapping you in his arms and messing with your hair. You swatted at him, telling him to back off before using your phone’s camera to fix the rat’s nest that he had created atop your head. You were’;t really annoyed, having spent no time doing your hair. The most you’d done that day was put a bit of product in to contain the frizz. 
Humidity really was not your friend. 
“You ready to go?” he asked, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. “They’re pretty much ready for us.”
You stood up from his seat, grabbing your phone but leaving your bag. “You never told me exactly what you guys were filming today, Noah. Like, you said it was a Smosh Pit video but didn’t really explain what it was.”
Noah rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, there was a reason why I told you to bring an extra set of clothes.” 
Right. Last minute that morning, Noah had texted for you to bring an extra set of clothes. Just in case, he had stressed. 
“Basically, it’s like newlyweds but with sisters,” he explained, weaving through various equipment pieces and clothing racks. You’d worked in entertainment before, you know how chaotic behind the scenes could get. This was clean for a production day. “Sarah, one of our producers will ask us questions that we’ll try and answer. If we answer the same, we get a point. If we don’t, we don’t get a point.”
You tried to think back to who Sarah was. You knew Keith and Courtney, two of Noah’s work friends, but knew none of the rest of them. Sarah… She must have been the bubbly half American, half-Korean producer and Social Media manager that appeared in videos from time to time. 
“Seems simple enough,” you replied, bouncing on the balls of your feet as you waited next to him. You had stopped outside of the studio doors to wait for Courtney and her sister, Kari. Between the two of you, Kari had more Smosh appearances under her belt than you did--not that you had any to begin with. 
It didn’t take long for the sisters to arrive, Courtney greeting you with a massive hug while you and Kari settled for the, “hey, we just met but this is polite,” hug. 
“You never really explained why I needed to bring an extra set of clothes,” you said, poking Noah in the side. They had allowed you into the studio at that point.
“The losing team gets pied,” Courtney supplied, looking at Noah. “Why didn’t you tell your sister that you were getting pied?”
You looked over at Noah with an incredulous look. “Noah! I think that would have been important to know.”
“It just slipped my mind!” he defended himself, laughing as you swatted at him. Neither of you bothered to correct Courtney’s claim that you were siblings. You figured she knew and just referred to what everyone else called you.
You chatted a bit longer, just getting to know each other and get more comfortable with each other when someone came over to attach microphones to your person. You let them do their job, thanking them when they backed away. 
Another woman came over, this time dressed a little more like a show hostess. 
“I’m Sarah,” she introduced herself, holding out a hand for you to shake. You gave her your name, laughing at the comment she made about how you and Noah had different last names. 
“It happens sometimes,” you joked, shrugging your shoulders. You figured that at this point, if they didn’t know you weren’t actually related, you wouldn’t try to correct them. 
Soon enough, filming started and you were handed a whiteboard and a marker, an eraser sitting on the table between you and Noah. You listened as Sarah explained the rules of the game. In order to gain a point, the answers had to be correct, or had to be similar or even the same. If you don’t answer it right, you didn’t get the point. At the end of the game of three rounds, the losing team would be getting pied. 
“First question is for the Grossmans!” Sarah announced, turning slightly so she was facing you and Noah. “What is their star sign?”
You scribbled ‘Aquarius,’ knowing it right off the top of your head. You kept your eyes on your own board, only looking up at Sarah when you were finished. She called time and you both revealed your answers. 
“Aquarius,” Sarah read, looking at your board before moving to Noah’s. She read out your star sign, which you confirmed was correct, gaining the two of your a point. You gave Noah a high five as you went to erase your board. 
The game continued on, you getting almost every question right while Courtney and Kari practically tied you at every question. 
“Okay!” Sarah said, setting her cards down. “Here’s a tie breaker for the two teams. Whoever wins this will not be getting pied and, in fact, will be receiving this ten-dollar gift card to Starbucks that I stole from Matt Raub’s wallet earlier today.”
You laughed at the joke, laughing even harder when Matt Raub himself yelled, “Hey!” and then, “Not sponsored!” from off-stage. 
“Our last question is…” Sarah opened the glued-together piece of paper, reading the question before saying, “What’s a secret that only the two of you know?”
You looked over at Noah, silently asking how that was a question valid to the newlywed game. He just shrugged and picked up his marker, writing down his answer. You picked up your own marker and jotted something down as well. 
A few moments later, Sarah called time and you recapped your marker, setting it down on the table.
“Okay,” she said, clapping her hands together. “Since we started with Noah and Y/n last time, we’ll let Courtney and Kari go first this time.”
You watched as Kari turned her board around first, her secret scrawled on the whiteboard. 
“Um,” she said looking down at her answer. “I said a secret that the two of us shared was a time when we were exploring one day and Courtney had dropped her phone over the cliff. We told our dad that she’d actually just dropped it while walking and didn’t tell them about how we scaled the cliff to get it back.”
“No!” Courtney cried, flipping her board. “I said the time when I drove into the fence and you lied and took the blame for it because I didn’t have my license yet!”
All five of you laughed as Courtney told the story, playing up the humor for the cameras. 
“Well, Courtney and Kari,” Sarah said, frowning, “sadly you did not answer this correctly so we’re going to go to Noah and Y/n.” She turned to face the two of you. “Noah, Y/n. If you get this right, you will be crowned the winners. Are you ready?”
You nodded nervously, picking at the corner of the whiteboard. 
“I’m ready,” you affirmed, looking at Noah who replied the same. 
“Okay,” Sarah said, holding a hand out to you. “Y/n, please reveal your answer.”
You flipped the board, letting the cameras and the room read the words written there. 
“What?” Sarah asked in disbelief, reading the board. “Is this real?” 
You laughed. “Yes, this is real. Noah and I aren’t actually siblings.”
Noah turned his board around too, revealing that he had written the same thing. He laughed as Sarah fanned herself, playing up her disbelief for the camera. 
“We always joke we’re siblings, but someone didn’t realize we were joking,” you explained, laughing. You set the whiteboard down on the table. “So we were seeing how far we can carry this out and apparently twenty years is the answer.”
“We would’ve kept it going but we thought you guys had already caught on,” Noah said. “Sarah even made the last name comment earlier.”
“I was joking!” Sarah said, laughing. “I thought Y/n was married or something, I don’t know!”
You shook your head. “Marriage will not be anytime soon, but I appreciate you taking it with stride, Sarah.”
Everyone laughed, Courtney and Noah doing part of the video’s outro before the video cut out so they could rearrange the room so they could pie Courtney and Kari.
“Wait,” Sarah and Courtney stopped you from moving too far away from them. “So Noah and you aren’t really related?”
You laughed. “No, but his mom is basically my mom. We grew up next door to each other and instead of falling madly in love I got a really cool older brother that brings me to his job and gets me into videos.” 
They called for Courtney and Kari to stand on the tarp in the middle of the room, setting up the pies on the table in front of them. You met back with Noah, who had disappeared to use the bathroom, and linked arms with him, standing to the side. 
“Can I just say, I am so glad we’re not the ones getting pied today,” you joked, watching as Courtney and Kari were given ponchos that would try to save their outfits. 
“Same here,” Noah said, grinning as Courtney looked upset as she slipped the plastic poncho over her head. 
When they were finally set, Sarah waved Noah and you back onto the set. She handed each of you a pie, positioning you both in front of the sisters. 
You were paired with Courtney while Noah was put in front of Kari, pies at the ready. You listened as they did a mass countdown, squeaking out an, “I’m so sorry,” before pushing the pie into Courtney’s face. You held it there for a moment, moving it back and forth before letting it fall off her face. 
It splattered onto the floor, getting a bit on your shoes. You kicked the pie away from yourself, laughing as Courtney tasted a bit of the whipped cream. 
“This is really good,” she joked, scraping a bit off her cheek and sucking her finger into her mouth. 
You helped her clean the pie off her shoulders while Noah pied Kari, both of you laughing when the entirety of the pie somehow fell out of the platter and over Kari’s shoulders. 
“Thank you for watching!” Noah said, still laughing as he tried to clean some of the pie off Kari’s shoulders. “You can find Kari on Instagram at Karimiller and you can find Y/n at [instagram handle]!” 
“Thank you guys for coming and hanging out with us!” Courtney said, reaching over to hug her sister. Noah grabbed you in for a hug as well, waving at the camera as Matt Raub yelled, “cut!”
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frogocado · 5 years
can you do #166 with noah?
166: “ Okay.. This is new. ”
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this is focused around drug content (marijuana) and consent. While this is a p mild drabble, I wanted to give y’all a warning so you can all keep ya’selves safe. This is based on something that actually happened to me and my friends?? I just wanted to tell the truth somewhere u kno
You and Noah had been seeing each other the past few weeks after Keith had introduced you at a party. You had known about Noah from being friends with Keith, of course, but you were so removed from the internet scene that most times you saw your friend, there weren’t any cameras except those on each other’s phones. Noah would be scarce on those occasions, normally busy with other things. You weren’t sure if it was just the LA heat that made you feel so bubbly around him or the way his eyes would crinkle into a smile whenever he’d say your name. 
The best part about it? Keith didn’t mind when the three of you would be hanging out and he’d catch you and Noah looking at each other over his twists. 
Now that all of you were of age and legalization in California was a reality, you wanted to thank Keith for his matchmaking genius. And, with Noah having texted you earlier in the day, you figured an afternoon with your favorite boys was the only logical thing to do. Beyond your budding romance, Noah’s IGTV videos were slowly gaining in popularity and, Smosh was just getting started again. The three of you deserved this final weekend of summer.
After gathering your spoils, you and Keith traveled together to Noah’s place. When he answered the door, he grinned at both of you. “Hello, comrades. I have the entire afternoon planned.”
Keith held up the discreet paper bag and replied, “Sans the plan, bro. Your girl brought something special for us.”
“My girl?” Noah raised his eyebrows as Keith pushed his way into the house, kicking his shoes off at the door. Noah turned to greet you and you gave him a light kiss on the lips, his hands warm on your hips. “Planning? I’m not sure which part of that blows my mind more.”
Keith was emptying the bag on the kitchen counter as if they were artifacts meant for a museum. “You spoil us, Y/N.” Your friend grinned and shook his head as he rounded the counter and approached you and Noah.
In his hands was a chocolate bar. He broke off a piece and popped it in his mouth before offering a piece to each of you. Noah made a face and shook his head. “Dark chocolate?”
“Special dark chocolate,” you replied, wiggling your eyebrows as you turned the piece over in your hand before popping it into your mouth. 
Keith offered a piece to Noah, who reluctantly took one. As he chewed, he made a face. “There’s nothing special about it, it’s just shitty chocolate.”
“Bro, it has weed in it,” Keith said as he ventured for the living room.
Noah’s eyebrows slowly rose until you were positive they were going to escape his face. “Did you guys just dose me?”
“What did you think Keith meant when he told you I brought special things?” You asked, tugging on his hand to bring him into the kitchen. He looked at the counter before turning back to you.
“I just thought it was special because he called you my girl!” Noah exclaimed. As you began to laugh, he shook his head. “How was I supposed to know?”
You handed him the chocolate packaging before bringing a joint into the living room. Noah was quiet in the kitchen as you and Kieth chose a movie and before you sparked the joint, you ventured back into the kitchen to check on Noah. 
“It says THC right on the back of the bar,” he said to you as you approached.
You folded against him in a light hug. Only tall enough to reach his chest, you could hear his lungs open as he relaxed against you. “Sorry, bear. I just wanted to give you and Keith a fun afternoon.”
“It isn’t like you gave it to someone who isn’t used to it, I just didn’t expect it.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, cheek resting on the top of your head. “My girl though, huh?”
You rolled your eyes before detangling from him, tugging his hand towards the living room. “Keith and I wanna watch Coco.” 
The three of you started the movie and the joint and waited for the edible to kick in.
“Okay…” Noah said as he melted further down into the sofa halfway into the movie. “This is new.”
You laughed lightly as his head bumped against your shoulder, his arms closing around your waist. “You okay, bear?”
“Yeah, I’m just… very aware of my teeth and my eye sockets.” 
You rested your arm on the back of the couch, running your fingers gently through his hair. “But okay?”
He looked up at you then, eyes glazed and alight. “More than okay,” he responded with a grin.
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drabblesaf · 6 years
Body Say - Noah Grossman Smut
REQUESTED: Yes, I decided to combine two requests from two different anons!
“greetings~ so this might be strange bc he's such a lil ball of sunshine but I was thinking some noah grossman first time type stuff ?? ty xx”
“noah grossman fluffy smut ?? I love god help the girl btw ((: much love !!”
WARNINGS: Losing virginity, first time awkwardness (I don’t know what else to say)
SUMMARY: You’ve been dating Noah for a while, and finally feel like it’s time to take things to the next level.
NOTES: I’m sorry this has taken me a while to get round to, but exams. (I’ve got my last two exams next week and then I’m done at last!!)
Smooot time my dudes (Hoo boy, let’s see how smut with Noah will go down.)
Hope you enjoy!
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“Noah, I’ve been thinking a lot recently,” I say to myself, trying to figure out how to broach the subject of sleeping together with him. We’ve been dating for a few months now, and it’s been playing on my mind recently. Now, the thing with all of this is the fact that I haven’t done anything of that sort with anyone before, but I feel like I can trust him because...well, I’ve never felt so strongly about a guy before and trusted someone as much as I do with Noah.
“Oh god, you’re not breaking up with me, are you? Have I done something to upset you? I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I swear,” Noah gushed, his eyes widening behind his glasses like a deer caught in headlights.
“No, I don’t want to do that. You’ve done nothing to piss me off at all, don’t worry,” I smiled at him, and he exhaled heavily. 
“Thank fuck for that. What’s up then?”
“Um, I was thinking about us, and that I was ready to take us to the next level,” I mumbled, and his eyes widened once again.
“Are...are you sure? I don’t wanna pressure you or anything...” he trailed off, and I kissed him firmly, before pulling away and nodding. Without saying a word, he led me upstairs to our bedroom, shutting the door behind him and attaching his lips to mine again as he walked me back to the bed.
Tugging each others’ clothes off gently, he hovered over me and kissed me softly, passionately. “God, you’re gorgeous (Y/N). I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I’m so lucky too, Noah,” I whispered as he kissed carefully down my neck, fumbling slightly with the clasp on the back of my bra.
“Why the hell are these so difficult to take off?” He groaned, eventually getting the bra off and discarding it with the rest of the clothes. Once everything was off, I felt a lot more sensitive to each touch, each lingering gaze. Was this normal for someone’s first time?
I was brought out of it by Noah ripping open a condom packet and rolling one on to his cock, before teasing the head of it around my entrance (which was just as sensitive as the rest of my body), causing me to release a quiet moan. “Are you ready to go on?” He asked me, and I nodded, not willing to trust my voice at this point.
Slowly, he eased in, and it wasn’t comfortable, just like all the classes warned me when I was younger, but I was willing to push through and do this. I wanted to be with Noah, and this was the biggest stage for the both of us. Once he was all the way in, he stopped to wipe the tears from my eyes, kissing me once more to reassure me. “Do you wanna carry on, (Y/N)?”
I nodded, and he started to thrust in and out of me cautiously at first, trying to gauge my reaction, but once he knew I was enjoying it, he sped up. All there was in the room was the sound of skin against skin, the heartbeats, the heated breaths and quiet I love you’s. We finished together, in each other’s arms.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He mumbled against my forehead as he threw the condom into the bin by his bed, and I shook my head.
“Thank you Noah, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, (Y/N).”
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adamewriter · 6 years
Cuddles and Giggles (idk im sorry)
I thought of Noah/Damien when I read this, so really it could be either. I think of Noah getting you too good in a video of they Try Not to Laugh challenge that you giggle so much and turn red. Your face is probably really hot afterward because you didn’t expect how he attacked you in the challenge. Because of it, he tells you he’s sorry by cuddling you afterwards when it’s just y’all two.
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having a PhD/DSc in forensics and dating noah
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requested: yeS
author’s notes: if i get anything wrong about the forensic world please correct me!! this lowkey sucks bc i’ve never done one of these before but !!
● you two met by accident
● you accidentally ran into him because you weren’t paying attention to where you were going
● as soon as you looked up to see him you became flustered
● a few months after you two had begun dated
● he would be SO interested in your work
● always asking you questions about what you do
● “what’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen while working???”
● he’d be like a little curious pup
● “okay, don’t hate me when i ask this.”
● “...what is it, noah?”
● “is your job anything like the tv shows
● “...”
● he’d most DEFINITELY brag about you being in forensics to everyone
● he’s SO proud of you 
● he’d do extensive research about what you do so he has a better grasp on it
● noah would be the best bf tbh 
● you’d catch him asleep on the couch, csi playing on the tv
● you’d be treated so well by him
● he’d ask for graphic details about what you’ve seen before and get grossed out 
● you’d make fun of him for it but really you think it’s cute 
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sweetdreamsshifter · 4 years
Hey guys! Please, please, PLEASE send in requests! I'm in desperate need for writing time, but I have no inspiration. Here's the people/characters I'll write for that I can think of. If someone isn't on the list, just ask, and I'll try to deliver! I'll possibly post a prompt list as well.
(If any of these themes are present in a shows storyline, then there will be a warning in each story and a cut of where)
With that, enjoy!
- Literally anyone in the cast/crew, new or old Smosh (Reader will be aged up, duh)
Stranger Things:
- Eleven
- Mike
- Dustin
- Will
- Lucas
- Max
- Steve
- Billy
- Jonathan
- Nancy
Teen Wolf:
- All the characters :)
Umbrella Academy:
- All the Hargreaves children. (Anything with Five will either be aged up or reader will be aged down)
Harry Potter:
- All characters (Golden Trio Era, Marauders Era)
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smloshie · 4 years
“Again and Again”
A Shayne Topp x Reader imagine
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Word count: 3357
A/N: yo what’s up, another poorly written Shayne one shot.
So I know most of this stuff is inaccurate to the actual events that took place/sleeping arrangements/etc., but that’s the wonder of fan fiction! I can do whatever the fuck I want! In this one, Shayne goes on a quest to become a living Ken doll and cuts his dick off.
I’m kidding, that’s terrible. Sorry, I’m not funny.
Synopsis: During Smosh Winter Games, your boyfriend of 2 years breaks up with you over text. Shayne tries to assure you that everything will turn out okay. Angst and slight fluff.
TW: cursing, Wes
When you were asked to be part of the crew for the Smosh Winter Games, you ecstatically accepted. What could be better than going to stay at a huge-ass log cabin with a ton of your closest friends?
The morning that you were meant to leave, you woke up without a single hesitation. You swiftly got dressed into one of your favorite shirts, a flannel, and jeans. You didn’t really have any other options as most of your clothes were packed into your suitcase, which was waiting by the door for you. You grabbed a granola bar from your pantry and ate it for a quick breakfast while pulling out your phone to call your boyfriend, Ethan. After 3 rings, he picked up.
“Hello?” His groggy voice came through your phone’s speaker.
“Hey! I’m leaving my place now so,” you grabbed your water bottle to fill it up, balancing your phone in between your shoulder and ear, “I just wanted to call you to let you know that I love you and I’ll see you when I get back!”
“Okay.” He sounded kinda off to you. He was either tired or irritated, but you were in too good of a mood to let his ‘I’m not going to tell you what’s wrong, but I want you to ask and make sure I’m okay’ attitude get to you.
“Uh, alright then! I’ll... see you in a few days!
Everyone was asked to be at the office relatively early, since it was a pretty long drive ahead of you. You and your luggage were escorted to a van. You ended up riding in what became, “Awesome Car One” and rode with Wes, Sohinki, Lasercorn, and Shayne. Before you knew it, you were off on the road trip to Big Bear Lake. After about 30 minutes of driving, a vlog camera was passed around and shoved into your face.
“(Y/N)! What are you most excited for?” Lasercorn asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.
“Sledding, a hundred percent! I used to do it as a kid but since it doesn’t snow in California, I haven’t done it since I moved out here.” You explained
“Okay, I didn’t need your entire damn life story.” He replied bringing the camera back to face him.
“Don’t be so mean, she was just reminiscing!” Wes came to your defense.
“Thank you, Wes!” You smiled at him. You felt your phone vibrate and looked down to see a text from Sarah.
Olivia just got car sink and threw up on the side of the road
You laughed and remembered part of the conversation you all had earlier.
“Hey, you guys remember how we were talking about Olivia not surviving in the cold?” You asked. They all murmured ‘yes's and ‘yeah’s.
“Well apparently she just threw up on the side of the road because of motion sickness,” you laughed.
“Oh shit, is she okay?” Shayne laughed slightly.
“Probably!” You shrugged your shoulders.
After hours of driving, you and everyone else finally arrived at the log cabin (or mansion.) You hopped out of the car and started to stretch. Being in a cramped car for a few hours straight was pretty rough on the joints.
You headed behind the van to help unload your group’s luggage. Shayne pulled your suitcase out for you and handed it to you.
“Thank you, kind valet!” You took the case from him and smiled.
“Valet? I thought I’d at least be butler status by now…” he said, looking disappointed as he grabbed his own bag from the back.
“Maybe some other day. Just not today,” you laughed. The two of you began to walk towards the front door of the cabin. Sarah walked up next to you guys.
“Hey guys! (Y/N), we’re staying downstairs,” She said. She wasn’t carrying anything, so you assumed she had already settled in.
“Okay, awesome- oh, wait! How’s Olivia doing?” You asked.
“Oh right, did she throw up anymore?” Shayne tagged on to your question.
“Yea, yea. She’s fine! Actually, she literally started complaining about being hungry immediately after she threw up so…” Sarah responded. You giggled at her seemingly quick recovery.
Once you stepped into the place, you looked around for the staircase that would lead downstairs.
“It’s this way,” you heard a voice say behind you. You turned and saw Shayne smiling at you, standing in front of the staircase. You smiled back and followed him down the stairs.
“Jesus Christ, the size of this place is kinda terrifying…” You nervously laughed and looked around at all the log and stone decorations. You were pretty sure you even saw fake bear skins hanging from some ceiling beams.
“Yea, but it’s kinda really awe-“
“Y’know this huge-ass mansion is basically built on stilts, so it could all come down at any second!” Lasercorn came in, interrupting Shayne. He looked at him, disapprovingly.
“Shut up, we’ll be fine.” Shayne placed his hand on the wooden wall and leaned back casually. The floorboards above you guys creaked, causing Shayne’s eyes to widen and Lasercorn’s smile to grow.
“Yea, I’m sure we’ll be fine…” he laughed and walked away, leaving just you two in the room.
“I don’t know who else is staying in this room, but I’m for sure calling the top bunk.” You said, chucking your suitcase to the top of a bunk bed with the might of Zeus.
Shayne laughed, “I guess I’ll go bottom bunk then.” He placed his bag on the bed underneath yours.
“Shayne Topp is now… Shayne Bottom…” you whispered to yourself. Shayne heard you.
“That joke sucked.”
After everyone settled into their rooms, beds, and spaces, a few of you decided to go to the living room and hang out with each other. Pizza was ordered, drinks were had, people were testing out the hot tub, and the whole night was just like a big family reunion. It was rare that you all were in the same place at the same time, so you just kind of looked around the room and took it all in. Your thoughts were soon interrupted by Shayne's presence. He hopped up and sat on the back of the couch, behind you. You looked up at him and smiled.
“Hey,” you said, casually.
“I wanna play ping pong but I need another player; you down?” He asked you, raising an eyebrow.
You laughed, “Sure, but I’m kind of a natural Forrest Gump at ping pong.”
He called your bluff, “Yea, okay. Sure.” The two of you giggled as you headed to the game room.
After 4 matches, the two of you were tied up.
“Loser has to put his dick in a mound of snow.” You said, playfully.
“Wh- hey! Are you assuming that you’re going to win?” He defensively raised his hands.
“Is it really an assumption if it’s so obviously going to happen?” You quipped back.
“I- what?” He shook his head, “whatever, I’m into snow anyway. She’s my babe.”
You giggled as you bounced the ping pong ball and hit it gently towards him. He hit it back. You hit it at him, he hit it back. This went on for a while, (y‘know, like a game of ping pong?) Eventually you did whatever the ping pong-equivalent of spiking was. It bounced so hard on his side of the table that it ended up flying over his head. Your mouth formed an O and your arms shot up as he failed to hit the ball back.
“OOHHH SHIT! Have fun catching hypothermia, frosty dick!” You teased.
“You were serious? I thought you were kidding…” Shayne whined.
“Okay so maybe don’t pull down your pants and do it, but you gotta put snow down the front of your pants.” You reasoned. Shayne groaned.
“Fine, I’ll be right back.” He stepped out of the room to run and get a handful of snow from outside. While he was gone, you decided to check your phone. You saw that you had a text from Ethan so you unlocked your phone to read it.
Honestly, you were expecting a ‘good night’ text, as it was pretty late. Instead, your eyes focused on the words ‘I’m sorry’ in a sea of other words and phrases. Phrases like ‘it’s just getting too hard’ and ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ and ‘I hope we can still be cool after this.’ Your stomach dropped.
Was this really happening?
Shayne burst into the room, interrupting whatever thoughts were racing through your mind.
“Okay, I’m back! I had to run past everyone before the snow melted, so that’s going to be fun to explain later.” He was almost out of breath, “you ready?”
Like a switch was flipped, your face lit up as you turned to face him.
“I think the real question is, are you ready?” You laughed, trying to wash what just happened out of your brain
You woke up the next morning on the top bunk. Normally, your first instinct would be to check your phone, but last night’s events suddenly came flooding back. You decided to hold off on checking the phone for now. Instead you just laid on your back, staring at the ceiling. You went on like that for a while before realizing that the room you were in was eerily quiet. However, you could hear voices coming from upstairs. Everyone must have been awake already. Though you were dreading it, you leaned over to check the time on your phone. 11:34 A.M. You were all going to go sledding at 12, but in all honesty, you didn’t think you could. You really wanted to get your mind off of Ethan, but you also wanted to stay isolated so that you could have time to process your feelings. Almost on cue, as always, Shayne entered the room.
“Are you still sleeping?” He asked. He stepped onto the second leg of the ladder leading to your bunk, and peered over the edge to look at you.
“No I’m awake, just… hanging out.” You responded, trying to sound as normal as possible.
“Oh, okay. Well get ready! We’re finally going sledding!” He excitedly shook your blanket and jumped down from the ladder.
“Uh- actually, Shayne?” You called out. He turned to you.
“Just, um… I don’t know if I’m really- y’know I’m just really not… I’m not really feeling sledding right now.” You managed to say. He looked confused.
“Really? But you were so excited! Are you sure?” He had a right to be confused. He knew you wouldn’t skip out on what you had been looking forward to most. At least, not for no reason. But not only did he know when something was wrong, he also knew your limits and when you really didn’t want to talk about something.
“Yea, maybe later today.” You pulled your blankets up over your shoulders.
“Okay then… is there something bothering you that I should know about? Anything at all?”
You sniffled silently. You prayed he didn’t hear that, “No, no… I’m totally fine! Just y’know sometimes people just don’t feel like doing stuff.” You tried to justify yourself in the most vague but reasonable way possible. Shayne finally decided to let it go.
“Okay,” he began to walk towards the door but hung back in the doorway, “See you later then?”
You were near tears, so you didn’t want to verbally answer. So instead you nodded, but remembered he probably couldn’t see you. You shot a thumbs up into the air for him to see. He hummed in acknowledgement before closing the door and heading back upstairs.
This shit really hurt. Not only did you just get broke up with by someone that you were planning a future with, but you had to keep it hidden from everybody. You didn’t want to be the one to ruin everyone’s time and make their fun getaway into some comfort-fest, where you were the guest of honor.
Tears streamed down the sides of your face. You rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but you just couldn’t. Instead you put in your earbuds and listened to some music, while staring at the ceiling. You stayed like this for a few minutes.
A few minutes turned into a few hours.
A few hours turned into the whole day.
Shayne came in after sledding to bring you some food, but you dismissed him. You told him you weren’t hungry. He didn’t believe you, but he could tell that you still weren’t ready to talk about whatever was bothering you yet. He wanted to give you time.
Everyone eventually filed into their rooms and bunks to get ready for bed and go to sleep. The lights went out and people started falling asleep. You couldn’t sleep, so you quietly got out of bed and walked up the creaking wooden stairs and into the kitchen.
It was sweet of Shayne to bring you food earlier, and you regretted turning it down. As you opened the fridge, your stomach growled. It was pretty loud, considering the house was quiet. Every once and a while you’d hear giggles, snores, coughs, and other various noises.
You grabbed the milk jug out of the fridge and gently placed it on the counter behind you before tip-toeing to the cabinet and opening it carefully. You made yourself a bowl of cereal. You sat down at one of the kitchen island’s stools and began eating, though something felt off. You felt a presence in the room. You slowly turned your head and looked into the pitch-black doorway that led to the living room. You saw a shadowy figure staring back at you.
“Hey Shayne.” You directed your attention back to your bowl. He approached you with a smile.
“Did I scare you?” He asked, casually assuming the position of leaning against the kitchen island, across from you.
“Not really, I knew it was you.” You shrugged with a silent laugh.
“What? How?”
“The outline of you is… distinguishable? I think that’s the right word. I dunno, muscular.” You paused. Was that weird to point out? I mean, everyone made jokes about his… buffness. Why were you thinking so much about this?
“Oh, why thank you!” His smiled grew and he looked down at his feet.
“Though, I will admit; I hardly recognized you without your beanie.” He looked back up at you and made a face.
“Well yea, it's… nighttime. I don’t sleep in it.” He laughed, “so are you going to tell me what’s up?” His smile quickly switched to a more caring demeanor. You couldn’t stop looking at his kind eyes and sweet smile. He really wanted you to be okay.
“Ethan… broke up with me.” You looked down. Saying it out loud was weird. The words fell out of your mouth and seemed to float in the air and hang in front of your face. The realization hit once more, and so did the crying. You blinked back tears, but each time you moved your eyelashes, more and more fell. You brought your hand up to your eyes and wiped your face. He wasn’t saying anything, so you looked up at him. His brows were furrowed and his jaw was clenched. You waited in silence for a while. He finally spoke.
“I always fucking hated that guy.” You didn’t know how to react to that. You couldn’t exactly be offended, but it was definitely a crude reaction. “Sorry, sorry. I just meant that- well… I just always got that weird feeling that he was going to hurt you.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You wiped more tears away with your hand.
“Well… I always wanted to. I would overhear you talking about manipulative things he would do, but then the next day you were fine. And while I didn’t like seeing you hurt, I knew that it wasn’t exactly my place to talk.”
“That’s… bullshit.” You said. He seemed taken aback, “Sorry. I just- I get it. But I really wish you had said something. It would’ve been so much easier for me to end things from a friend telling me what they saw, instead of him ending things for seemingly no reason. I guess I’m just sick of losing people that mean a lot to me. I’m sick of forming relationships with people that leave me.”
He looked so sad to hear you say those words. You should’ve stopped there, but the floodgates were open. You began rambling like a frantic mess.
“How is someone as fucked up as me supposed to ever share myself with someone again? H-How do I know I can trust someone before I give a part of me away to them? How will I know they w-won’t leave me like everyone el-“
He cuts you off by grabbing your body and wrapping his arms around you. You hadn’t realized that during that time, he had circled the island and appeared by your side.
“Hearing you think like that is so… upsetting. I know I can’t say or do much to prevent you from thinking that way, but please- please just know that you still have your entire life to find the perfect person who will make you feel like you’re worth every second.” He seemed to plead with you. He was begging you to see yourself how he saw you.
In that moment, in that position… you realized you liked having his arms around you. The feeling it gave you was sheer perfection compared to how your ex made you feel. With your ear on him, you could hear his heartbeat and it was beating fast. You managed to stutter out a few words with your face pressed into his body.
“Thank you.” You removed your head from his chest, and looked up at him. You were met with his bright blue eyes. While you couldn’t hear his heartbeat anymore, yours became increasingly more noticeable to you. Your tears stopped falling, and time seemed to slow. His face inched closer to yours, and you tilted your chin up. You didn’t know what was happening, but it felt like a magnet was pulling you towards each other. Eventually, after what seemed like way too long for your liking, your lips connected.
You liked Shayne.
The two of you kept kissing, neither of you really wanted to stop. It grew increasingly more intense. This was something that Shayne had been waiting for. Not just for the kiss, but for you. His hands were placed firmly on your back, and slowly began to adjust to your body. Your hands ran through his hair, silent sighs escaping your mouth. What you were doing felt so good, but you knew it had to end. You pulled away slowly, and gently opened your eyes, where you were once again met with his.
“Sorry, that was way too soon. I shouldn’t have done that.” He began nervously running his hand through his hair. He looked kinda really hot like that...
“No it’s okay! That was good. I’m… good. I liked it.” You tried to keep him from overthinking it. He looked up at you with hope in his eyes.
“Yea really. I agree that the timing was kinda… poor. But it was a good thing that I would like to happen again.”
“Yea… again. As in, I would like to kiss you Shayne. Again… and again...” You smiled and looked down at your feet. He bit his lip to prevent an excited giggle from escaping. He cleared his throat in an attempt to keep his cool.
“Do you… want a hot drink?” He asked. You nodded.
The two of you spent the rest of the night, sitting on the couch and talking. About Ethan, about each other, about… everything. You held the warm mug of hot cocoa in your hands. You couldn’t drink it, your stomach wouldn’t allow you; there were way too many butterflies doing acrobatics in there. Eventually, the two of you decided to turn in for the night.
The next day came, and you went sledding.
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sassylegshayne · 2 years
hey guys! I know I haven't been active in a while but I wanna work on some smosh content so if you guys have any ideas for imagines, aus, moodboards or really anything, shoot me a message!! xx
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a-singleboat · 3 years
His Shirt
Word Count: 1533
A/N: I literally have no excuse, but I’m back!
Request: Can I request something where the reader and Shayne have been seeing each other for a little while and she unknowingly wears one of his shirts to work and the whole day goes by like normal but towards the end of it, someone like Noah or something ends up questioning it like “how has no one noticed this, or mentioned it all freaking day?!” And Shayne gets shy about it but the reader just laughs it off and it’s all cute and fluffy af💕💕- Anon
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Over quarantine, you’d seen very little of any of your friends and coworkers. Working from home was tough, especially since you and your partner had just made the decision to move in with each other a week before the entire country had been submerged into a lockdown that stretched over a few months. The days blended together and eventually dragged on, which made you excited to return to work if anything. 
The morning of your official return, you woke up extremely early, not having been able to sleep the night before due to pure excitement. You wanted to get back to filming, to doing all the things you did before going into quarantine, you missed the hustle and bustle of set life. 
You were dressed before Shayne was, throwing on a button up from your shared closet as well as a pair of dark-wash jeans that only felt a little tight at the waist. You weren’t concerned, seeing as you were never really on the skinny side of fitness, you figured it was just early morning bloating that would go away as the day went on.
“Are you driving or am I?” you asked, bouncing on the balls of the feet as you waited for Shayne to pull on a thin jacket. It wasn’t fully winter yet but it also wasn’t cold enough to constitute a full coat. You had a thinner track jacket on as well, the zipper zipped only part of the way up in your hurry. 
Shayne paused by you to pull up the zipper the rest of the way before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Calm down,” he advised, pulling his mask on over the bottom half of his face. “We still have to grab breakfast before heading to the offices, Courtney asked if we could stop by that bagel place by us she likes.”
“Is it even open?” you asked, patting down your pockets to make sure you had everything. Once you were sure you had your phone, keys, and wallet, you then realized that you had completely forgotten your purse inside. You whirled around to head back inside when Shayne handed you the black bag, a knowing smirk on his face. 
“They’re open for pickups only,” he told you, pulling your keys from your pocket, “and I’ll drive, I don’t feel like getting pulled over by the cops today.”
“I’m not that bad at driving,” you tried to defend yourself, hurrying after him as he walked off to the parking lot. “I just take the speed limit signs as suggestions but that doesn’t mean I’m bad at it.”
He didn’t respond, instead holding the passenger seat door open for you. His action was answer enough. You slid into the passenger seat and buckled in as he shut the door tight, running around to the other side and sliding into the driver’s seat. 
“What are we going to tell them when you roll up driving my car, huh?” you questioned. “Our friends know we moved into the same apartment because it was cheaper as roommates, not because we started dating. If you roll up driving my car they’ll have questions.”
“It’ll be fine,” he tried to parlay your worries. “Besides, if you’re that concerned about it I can just say you had a headache or didn’t feel like driving after we got to the bagel shop. Not the end of the world.”
You sank back into your seat, coming to terms with the fact that Shayne was not going to let you drive. He pulled out of the parking lot as One Direction played softly in the background, the aux cord trailing from its socket to the connector on your phone as you dictated what you listened to on the way to the bagel shop. 
Shayne got out of the car when you got there, heading in to pick up the order you had called ahead for on the way there. He was back before Temporary Fix ended, handing the bagels over to you as you switched over to Alec Benjamin for the rest of the ride in. 
You ate your bagel on the way in, putting the vegetable spread evenly over the toasted bread and eating it as Water Fountain played. You held out a bit of your bagel, silently asking if Shayne wanted any. He took the bite, smiling when he realized you accidentally got cream cheese on his cheek. You reached out with a napkin and wiped it off before finishing the rest of your bagel. 
You arrived at the offices shortly after, unplugging your phone from the aux and exiting the vehicle. Luckily, no one was outside to see the two of you enter the building. You would say you were walking a little too closely for it to be considered friendly, especially during a pandemic, but everyone knew that the two of you were close friends anyways. Walking close together wouldn’t give anything away. 
“What do you have to film today?” you made small talk in the elevator, getting to your working mindset. You knew what you had to do, film a gaming video with Ian, Noah, and Courtney, as well as take a look and collaborate with the writers on a new skit idea for when production went back to being fully up and running. It would be a short day for you, which wasn’t ideal but at least you got some camera time.
Shayne looked up from his phone. “I’ve got the meeting with the crew and then some gaming videos, I think. We’re also planning for the Christmas video soon, so I’ll probably be with Wardrobe for most of the day.”
You hummed as the elevator doors opened, Shayne tucking his phone away and then sending you a wink. You felt your face burn hot as you scrunched up your nose. You reached up to fix your mask as you waited for the elevator to go up to the main office floor, heading straight for your desk where a pack of Lysol wipes and a temperature gun were waiting. 
Proactive, you thought, using the wipes to clean off the surface of your desk before finally setting your things down. You took your jacket off, draping over the back of your chair before sitting. You had about thirty minutes before your call time so you checked your email and went over a few of the new safety regulations that were put in place for filming.
The most notable were the fifteen-minute COVID tests you would have to take before and after each section of filming, meaning you couldn’t enter or exit the filming area without a negative test. Honestly, that was a good thing if any. At least the company cared in that way. 
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Filming took up the rest of your day and when you finally finished with your writer’s meeting, it was six pm. Not as early as a day as you would have hoped but you’ve definitely stayed in the studio for longer so you weren’t going to complain. 
You were sitting at your desk as you waited for Shayne to finish up his meeting, casually chatting with Noah to pass the time. You were sharing one of your quarantine stories when Shayne walked in, heading straight for your desk with his things already collected. 
“Are you ready to go?” he asked, adjusting her jacket. “Also, what do you want for dinner tonight because I was thinking we could have lasagna but if we want lasagna we have to stop by the market on the way.”
You laughed, pulling your jacket on. “I could go for lasagna.”
Noah looked between the two of you, slowly connecting the dots. He pointed at you, a grin on his face as realization crossed his features. “That’s Shayne’s shirt.”
You looked down, realizing that, yeah, you were wearing Shayne’s shirt. You looked over at Shayne who’s cheeks were as red as a tomato. He started stammering, offering reasons as to why you were wearing his shirt. 
You just shrugged, quickly thinking for a way out. “The laundry must have gotten mixed up. Not the first time I’d accidentally worn his shirts.” 
 Noah gave you a look that read that he didn’t quite believe you. But he let it go, taking note of Shayne’s red cheeks and your flustered looks. He smirked, patting your shoulder as he got up. 
“I’ll believe you for now,” he said, leaving the two of you to stew in your minor embarrassment. 
“How long until everyone knows?” you asked Shayne who looked only mildly mortified that Noah was the first to find out. “We weren’t even keeping it a secret either… I’m proud of us anyhow.”
“I guess that means we don’t have to worry about who sees us now,” he said, looking on the bright side. “And yeah, keeping it a secret any longer would have been kinda dumb, wouldn’t it have been.”
You headed to the elevators, linking your arm through Shayne’s. 
“Not excited for the fans to find out, though.”
Shayne looked at you and then looked back at the opening elevator doors. “We don’t have to tell them. It can be Smosh’s little secret.”
@beautiful-holland​ @toms-order​ @starlightfound​  @positiveparker​ @bippity-boppity-boopa​ @caswinchester2000​ @andreasworlsboring101 @imladylunaticbitch​ @paige0103​ @theofficialzivadavid​
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frogocado · 7 years
52 with noah pls!!! - cat @mungeables
52: “ Can we cuddle? ” @mungeables 
You and Noah had returned from your first date to his apartment. He had taken you to Dave and Busters and you swore he let you win at every versus game. He had been the perfect gentleman, holding doors open for you and paying for everything. But on returning to his apartment, you began to feel anxious. It had started as a slight gnawing in the back of your mind in the car as he had drove, humming along to the songs through the speakers, tapping his long fingers on the steering wheel. Then it grew to a quickened heartbeat when he let you into his apartment, tossing his keys on the kitchen counter. And now that you were on his couch, you had broken out into a full blown panic.
He had returned from the kitchen with glasses of water and tears were in your eyes. Seeing him stand there with concern written all over his features made the tears come faster and your hands flew up to your face, hiding yourself from him.
“Did something happen?” Noah asked, setting the glasses down on the coffee table. He sat a small distance from you.
You shook your head, hands still over your face. Your breath was coming out in fast stutters, unable to speak.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
You were quiet for what felt like five minutes, trying to regain some sense of composure before answering. Finally, slightly shaking, you lowered your hands from your face and held them in your lap, looking over at him. “You’ve been so nice and perfect to me tonight,” you whispered. “But I really don’t have a lot of experience with this kind of thing and I don’t know if I’m ready.”
“Hey,” Noah said, his voice soft and his eyebrows high. “That’s what this is about?”
“I don’t want you to not like me,” you responded, wishing that at this point, Zeus would just throw down a lightning bolt and you’d explode on the spot. You could get any more embarrassed than this.
“Oh my God, Y/N.” You had to look away from the concern all over his face. If you looked any longer into his wide bright eyes, you were sure your heart would burst. “I would never want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable. I didn’t invite you over to just have sex with you. I’m not good at this kind of thing either. I’ve had a crush on you since your first day in the office. Keith and Shayne had to amp me up for weeks to just like, have conversations with you. I just didn’t want the date to end, that’s all.”
You knew it was true, that he wasn’t just saying it. You knew it even before the words tumbled off his tongue and out of his mouth. Noah Grossman, the most compassionate and caring young person you’d ever met. You took a deep breath, wiping at your eyes with the collar of your shirt. “I’m sorry,” you said quietly, your voice an unsure whisper. “I overreacted. This is probably the worst date you’ve ever been on and I’m sorry for being totally crazy.”
Noah shook his head, reaching out a hand to gently rest on your knee. His touch was barely there, like he was scared you’d break or push him away. “You’re not being crazy and this isn’t the worst date I’ve been on.”
You took another deep breath, finally building enough courage in your stomach to look at him. He gave you a reassuring smile, giving your knee a soft squeeze. “Do you wanna just put on Netflix or something?” He asked.
“Yeah, okay,” you agreed, nodding once.
He got up to set up the TV and came back to the couch with the proper remotes. You watched him for a moment, admiring his slender frame and glad to be with him, even though you still felt like you had ruined everything. “Hey, Noah?”
“Hmm?” He turned towards you as the music of the Netflix loading screen swelled.
“Can we cuddle?”
He grinned and you felt your heart do an affectionate little jump. “Yeah, Y/N, of course we can.” He scooted closer and handed you the remote, leaving you in control.
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mytsukkishine · 5 years
I love reading about Damien X reader, so I have a favour. Can you please write about Damien having crush on girl he never talked with, because she's new in the city, works in a different sector of Smosh and at the beginning he don't have any ways to start a conversation? Then he'll start to try to talk to her etc.
a/n: okay hi anon. so funny story first, i accidentally clicked post so I didn’t see this ask and i was looking for this for daaays. now i am done tho hahah thank you for your request and i hope you would like it! I am having fun writing this kind of fictions eheh
a/n2: I kind of changed the story. This would be written in Damien’s view. So sorry about that if this won’t be the thing you might expect. 
summary: Damien thought he had seen an angel, with the complete choir in the background and all. Now Damien has made it his mission to know the name of this gorgeous girl that he can’t seem to forget. 
wordcount: 1,449k
“We could go play after this,” Shayne suggest and Damien
just nodded. They had just finished shooting a ‘Try Not to Laugh’ challenge and they have nothing else to do, so they had decided to just play at Shayne’s apartment.
“Would you guys like to eat out first?” Courtney interjected
along with Olivia and it turned into a discussion on where to eat. Damien was just dead tired. He had just finished a stream a while ago before he went to work and it was a bad idea.
Damien looked around the studio as people started to clean up the stage and everything. Then he spotted someone.
It was like angels were singing, a light focused her even though there was no opening on the roof. She looked like she came out of a commercial. Hair bouncy and eyes sharp and focused.
Everything was a blur except her.
“Whoa…” Damien muttered to himself as he saw that person walked towards one of their producers and proceeded to talk about something.
Now, Damien has been here long enough to memorize the faces of the staff around here but this was the first time he saw her. She was just so gorgeous it made him stare—
Then their eyes met for a moment before she turned around to leave.
“Okay, Olive Gard—”
“What, Damien?” Shayne asked, a little annoyed for being cut off.
“I think I saw an angel,”
“Come on Damien, let’s just eat,” Keith commented and the rest of the squad laughed.
They had made up their mind to go to Olive Garden and Damien made up his mind that it would be his mission to know who that person was.
It was a little stressful because Ian was on a vacation for 2 weeks and Damien was assigned to help out Matt a little in planning for the upcoming Smosh Summer Games. Actually, there were all assigned, Damien just loved stressing himself out. He was thinking of a theme in the break room when suddenly, just very suddenly like the heavens took pit on him.
It was her!
Miss Gorgeous- unknown name!
Damien cleared his throat but it seemed like she didn’t hear him because she just went to the fridge to grab something then left.
Damn, she smelled like vanilla when she passed by.
Damien’s heart calmed down a little as he stared at the closed door.
He gotta know her name.
 “Hey dude, do you notice anything new?” They were hanging out in their office, the rest were doing some of their errands and only Courtney, Shayne, and Damien were there. Shayne was playing with his Switch and Courtney was typing something in her laptop.
“What new?” Shayne managed to ask back as he gripped the console while biting his lips in the process.
“New… like someone new,”
“Care to elaborate mo-YES!” Shayne cheered, console up in the air and eyes never leaving his game.
“No dude,” Damien sighed. “Like, we almost know all the staff here right?”
“Almost~” Courtney interjected, eyes still on the screen. “I don’t know some people in the Sales dept,”
Damien nodded at the new information.
“I don’t know some in the HR Department, but~” Shayne paused for a while and Damien waited, “I know Rex from the copy room,”
Damien just groaned, felt defeated as the two of their friends were of no help.
“You going to Matt?” Noah asked Damien, both guys holding papers that seemed to be about the upcoming summer games. “Yeah,” Damien nodded as they entered the building, greeted some people along the way.
It was a Saturday and Damien was called to the office because later on, they would have a shoot with Matt, and since he would be seeing him, he thought it would be a great idea to pass him his ideas right now.
Noah and Damien talked animatedly while they wait for the elevator door. Seconds later it opened and Damien lost his grip of the papers he was holding.
“Sorry!” A girl's voice squeaked and Damien found himself picking up his papers along with her.
Miss Gorgeous.
Well, it was mostly her that was doing the picking because Damien was kind of busy ogling her. It was the first time he had looked at her up close and it was taking his breath away.
“I am really sorry,” She said as the two of you stood up and the papers were now back in your hands. “I’m sorry,” She repeated,
“N-no,” Damien finally managed to utter out a word, “It’s f-fine, really,” He just smiled sheepishly at her and Damien felt a little desperate.
“I-I wasn’t looking—uhm—what’s your na-”
Then her phone rang. How many times does she have to say sorry? She gave him an apologetic smile before running out of the building like she was in a hurry.
Hurry for what? Damien doesn’t know but he sure was dumbfounded again by her… presence.
“You okay?” Oh, Damien didn’t realize that Noah was there.
His eyes widen as he glanced at Noah. “Do you know her?” He questioned, hoping Noah could know.
It wasn’t like Damien to be this confident in asking for a girl’s name. Hell, he would be super embarrassed with even just talking to a new girl but something about her attracted him.
Like he can watch anime with her.
So this one time he walked past the marketing team department and he saw her there, she was laughing along with a girl and her smile was just adorable and Damien’s heart skipped a beat.
He tried to walk by again the next day to the marketing department but she wasn’t there.
“Unfortunately, no…” Noah pouted and Damien just closed his eyes and nodded. His heart was still beating like crazy, his adrenaline still high but they need to go to Matt right now.
They entered the elevator and Noah patted his back.
“This is actually the first time I saw you so speechless,”
Now Damien was blushing already, and Noah was amused by how red Damien can be. He gave out a small chuckle as Damien told him all about this mysterious girl.
They exited and walked over to the conference room where they knew the others were already waiting.
“Maybe she’s new?” Noah suggested and opened the double doors.
“Maybe what’s what?” Sarah asked as the two boys sat down. They were waiting for Matt, and only Shayne, Courtney, and Kimmy were present.
“Are you talking about that mysterious girl?” Shayne smirked and Damien gave him a little glare whilst blushing.
“Damien likes someone and he’s being shy,” Courtney teased back then patted Damien’s hand. “Ooh, do give the tea,” Sarah giggled and Damien wanted to be swallowed by the earth below him.
“I wanna know who managed to make the Damien Haas surrender,” Sarah added and they all talked about Damien’s ‘angel’.
Part of Damien regretted sharing his stories with them but part of him was a relief because he can talk to someone about it.
“Speaking of, was that the girl we bumped?” Noah interjected and the rest was intrigued by what happened.
Soon. Damien thought. Soon he will stop her and ask for her name.
A knock resounded through the room and all of them straightened in their seat as Matt entered. “Hi, guys. Meeting would be held for a moment because Ian would be coming in a little while,” The rest of them resumed to their personal activities, with a little talk about the upcoming summer games.
Then a knock again before Ian entered with—
“It’s you…” Damien murmured, eyes wide and mouth opened as he saw the girl, the girl that was on his mind since the first time he saw her, walked behind Ian.
“Hey guys, sorry for the delay, we had to do some errands but here I am!” He waved and Damien felt Noah’s hand on his shoulder. The rest of the squad seemed to have connected what was happening and Shayne released an ‘Oh God…” followed by a quiet laugh with Courtney and Sarah.
“Why? What’s funny?” Ian asked and Sarah shook her head.
Matt looked at his team weirdly before greeting the girl behind Ian. “Hi, care to introduce her to the team, Ian?”
“Oh yeah, guys this is Y/N. She’s my cousin’s niece, making her my niece. Say hi Y/N,”
“Hi everyone,” She waved and looked at everyone before her eyes locked on Damien’s.
“Oh,” Her gaze stayed a little longer before giving Damien a sweet smile, “It’s you!”
And Damien swore he had seen this kind of moment in an anime, and he was loving it.  
excuse the wrong grammar.
do tell me what ya’ll think. lovelotss
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iasip808 · 5 years
Smosh Marching Band au?
it's marching season again soooo
ian is back field drum major/pep band drum major but before he was he marched clarinet. sings the loudest during hey baby & pretty fly. in charge of stretches & pt.
mari is front field drum major who plays baritone for pep. she occasionally stops by the low brass section to bully shayne since she was section leader the year before ahaha
lasercorn is def trumpet. he's a chaotic section leader who makes the section do lots of exercises that seem Very weird but they all help
joven plays the tenor sax and has the best technique on the whole field. him and sohinki are usually the last 2 left in drill downs.
sohinki is on horn/mellophone. runs runs runs!!! always complains about not being able to see mari or ian conducting because of the size of his bell. always wears gloves & cleans so his instrument is shinyyyyy
wes is in battery. he plays quads and is like the only one so he works real hard to get all the cadences down since they're all pretty much centered around him
boze is in pit. she plays aux so she has like gong and triangle. the bells are too heavy & tall for her to get to the field so she makes keith & noah do it
damien is alto sax. him and shayne compete to see who can play the loudest/longest and shayne is almost always louder but damien's air lasts longer
shayne plays tuba and got one of the new ones since the people they were meant for dipped on the marching band (maybe im projecting...). Very loud. also very good at horn snaps. another competition between him & damien is seeing who can count louder during band camp.
olivia plays piccolo. she often plays the highest notes she can into shayne's ear just to scare him. shayne usually screams as she scuttles away to her locker.
courtney is also in battery. bass tingz. she memorizes her own music and everyone else's cause she's beast like that.
noah is in the color guard. he's rifle!!! one year during a run through he accidentally hit courtney in the head with the end of his flag and the sound of it was in time with the music
keith is our front ensemble boy. he plays marimba and his fingers are all beat from using 4 mallets at a time. he also giggles a little when he hears boze hit the triangle in the show.
kimmy! she plays synth during show and has a cheat sheet on the piano of all the different effects she has to use during show but the judges can't see from all the way up there so she's allowed to use it. but she has it mostly memorized, its just for when the nerves kick in and the muscle memory fails.
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Brand New Masterlist
Started: 11/11/2019 - 
Last updated: 2/23/2020
Total Works: 17
Finn Hudson
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Sebastian Smythe
Coffee and Threats
Smosh (Coming Soon)
Suits (No longer write for)
Harvey Specter
I’m Here for You
Me Time
Riverdale (No longer write for)
Our Booth (Part One) (Part Two)
It Takes Two To Tango (Drabble)
Sweet Pea
It’s Honest
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Bucky Barnes
Munchkin (Sister!Reader)
I Will Always Come Home (1940s!Reader)
Peter Parker
Random One-Off Fandoms
THE Ben Platt (Ben Platt x Reader)
Hackin’ the Mainframe (Merlin x Reader)
Voice in Your Head (Leonard McCoy x Soulmate!Reader)
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Hello Friends!
I am new to the Tumblr scene, but I really want to start writing fan fictions and imagines for the smosh fam and I figured this was the best place to put my writing! I am going to start off writing for only some smosh members, but eventually I want to start writing for all of them! For now, I will write for 
- Shayne
Like I said, eventually I want to start writing for other members of smosh (past and present) so I will gladly take requests for them as well, it might just take me a bit longer to get to them. 
I am open to writing most things (smut, fluff, angst, etc.) but I am definitely a sucker for happy endings! There may be a few topics or scenarios I am not comfortable writing about, but I’ll handle each request on a case by case basis. 
I am hoping to have my first imagine up within the next 24 hours, so be on the lookout for that! And if you enjoy my writing don’t forget to follow me and send in some requests!
Much love, K.
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