#no superhell for naughty gays this time!
orionsangel86 · 1 year
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I blame you for this
This is absolutely cursed content and I can't believe you would inflict this upon me! :P
You know... given how the comic ends, with Hob being the last person to "see" Morpheus... oh god I can't go through that again. Please for the love of Gaiman, don't put us through that again!
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wajjs · 3 years
Roykyle, JohnWally, HalGarth uwu
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Red=roykyle | green=johnwally | blue=halgarth
first of all ALL OF THESE SHIPS ARE HOT which was UNFAIR because i was like HHHHHHHHHHHHHH the entire time
RoyKyle - I'd die for them. That one's a given. I'd die for Roy without anyone else involved in the picture, and whenever Kyle's involved my inner Hal comes out and I'm like "nothing bad can ever happen to this boy, ever". They are aesthetically great. Red + green? Christmas tree realness, what else can I say. I love them. Also you can project on them SO MUCH, Kyle is basically BEGGING for you to project on him. He's like PLS 🥺. I would read fic about them IF YOU WRITE IT bc we all know it's a matter of time. I'm waiting Kis. Not patiently. Also they are missing a special something and that is Hal Jordan because I think this ship has the potential to be extra naughty and horn knee if Hal's added to the mix.
JohnWally - I'd die for them, we are seeing a pattern here. I'd die for John, and Wally is a good boy, so it's only fair I'd die for him too. I think they'd be relationship goals mostly because of John but also they would be good at grounding each other. John needs someone who is not so stuck in their ways (like he is) so he can thrive. Wally can do with a little more structure and firmness that's not firmness of ass. The projection thing works with them, too. Grab 'em, shake 'em, PROJECT! And I want to kiss them because they are hot, next.
HalGarth - okay. okay, you listen now, and you listen well. THEY. ARE. HOT. AND I. LOVE. THEM. I'D DIE FOR THEM. I'D KISS THEM. I'D LET THEM STEP ON ME, THANK YOU. they are too hot they get to go to superhell together to be gay do crimes and release all the hoes stuck in there. But I also think they are kind of doomed because one is all about flying, soaring through the skies, traveling all over space, while the other is all about the expanse of the ocean, the ruthless of water, staying on earth. like a phoenix falling for a water dragon. <3
[ ask game ]
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