#no shit on hardee's btw I like it
ruckis--rookie · 2 years

Hi can i write to you? just sad tonight. You are aware of mini-me from the "Austin Powers" movies? In real life being baby/toddler sized isn't as funny as Mike Myers script makes it out to be. Especially with additional medical problems and the permanent legacy of imperious neonatal doctors of the several years ago.
...this is a Hardee's
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Jokes aside I'm going to assume that based on the fact the blog was deactivated just as quickly as I got this ask it was deleted soon after this was sent or this is a bot. (Edit: It says its anon now. first it said it was sent by a burner blog, then a deactiveated one, now anon. Tumblr is a functional website).
Either way I'll humor it because clearly you're new to this blog and I can't imagine being sent this other than one of my starring characters Geragera being 3ft. After careful consideration have decided not to delete such an out of nowhere ask as this is someone's lament and I feel bad for just leaving it up in the air. Because I do have some genuine thoughts about this, albeit maybe not directly in relation to. I have not seen the movie so I can't say for sure.
I consider being short or small as a trait of endearment. Disclaimer: that isn't to say that people who are actually that size don't have it harder than others or are portrayed in a harmful way, this isn't to bash them at all or romanticize it, but note that Geragera is not human and is cartoonish in nature. For several years this blog followed a race called Beanish which a lot of people including myself headcanon averaging at about 3-4ft naturally. Heck, I have a starring character named Roxie who is even smaller at a 2ft mark and I portray her as being a badass most of the time.
That is to say sometimes art reflects real life, but sometimes it really doesn't. In most cases fiction doesn't reflect reality at all. I myself am short for the average human. Not toddler sized but that's why Gera *is*, to reflect the fact that you can be small but you can be very strong despite the fact. If any short jokes are made its in a playful manner.
If this derailed from the og topic its because I genuinely have NO idea what to do with it considering I haven't watched the movie and I dont know wtf an imperial neonatal doctor is, nor do I have the patience to look it up right now. All my short characters aren't human and weren't entirely made with that in mind. I think its a matter of separating exaggerated features from fiction and reality. This isn't just about people who are that small, this is about all... I guess all stereotypical characters is what I'm looking for, my vocab is limited and I have a hard time finding the right phrasing.
But no, short is endearing here. Sorry if that offends you in any way but I like poking fun at my own second sona because he has a best friend/duo dynamic with my first sona who is outrageously tall and is more prone to expressing playful bullying. Little man /pos wants to wish you a good rest of the week 💖💫
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