#no rental cars were available until tomorrow
bukuoshin · 1 year
Og my fucking god... I can't smoke until tomorrow.
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xiaq · 2 years
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The eyes of people who have not slept and are not happy about it.
Well. It's been an eventful 48 hours. We were supposed to get into Denver Wednesday and head straight to Gunnison. However, our plane was delayed and didn't arrive in Denver until 10pm Wednesday night. Then we sat on the tarmac for 3 hours because the winter storm had all but a couple gates shut down. Then, the tram was down for an hour, which meant we were trapped in the terminal. We finally got to the baggage claim at 3am. And found out they couldn't get our bags off the train so we'd need to "come back tomorrow." Except we couldn't leave, because there were no ride-shares or taxis or rental cars available because of the storm. It was -12 (-25 with windchill) so walking somewhere wasn't an option. Our coats and cold-weather clothes were in our checked bags. And the hotel next door was full. At 10am (after maybe 2-3 hrs of restless sleep) we finally got our bags and our car and had breakfast at Rivers and Roads (10/10 do recommend, the barista gave us free gluten-free donut holes after hearing about our ordeal).
We got on the road at 11:30am, which is when the snowstorm hit. So the 3-hour drive took closer to 6. Here's a video toward the end when we finally drove out of the snowstorm and the sun came out, except the wind was blowing freshly fallen snow all over the road (lol @ B's little "you're doing great" at the end).
We finally got to Gunnison at 6 last night. Got frozen dinners to heat up in our motel microwave, took Deacon for a well-deserved walk (he has been the BIGGEST trooper through all this nonsense) and fell into bed by 9pm. We slept fantastically, woke up refreshed and feeling like new people today, and fully enjoyed visiting my old haunts in Gunnison (including stopping at Boom-A-Rang thrift for vintage snowsuits and Tributary Coffee for Tumeric/Ginger lattes).
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I was rocking my best 90's mom look and intend to continue doing so. We then hit the road for Montrose, and are now cozy in our hotel. We'll hike in the Black Canyon tomorrow morning and then head to Telluride :)
This has been a Winter Adventure Update. (I'm planning to propose in Telluride. Probably. We'll see.)
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lightspren · 2 months
I’m still proud of the Polite Calm I managed to keep, so I’m copying the message I sent my sister earlier. I think the best way to tell the story of this afternoon is in a numbered list, prefaced with “everyone is fine”
* important additional context: my car has had a bent rim for. a really long time now. but it only started being A Problem about 5 weeks ago. and due to the clownshow that is life, we’re just now getting it fixed. SO:
1. Spouse takes my car to car dealership to get fixed at 1:30. is there for THREE HOURS before it’s done OH WAIT
2. They ordered the right wheel, but the wrong one was delivered!!! So he has to come back next week!!!!!!!
3. Drives it home, OH WAIT nope! Because the fucking tire blows out halfway home (he’s fine else this story would be having a very different tone)
4. I had just gotten home, but my car doesn’t have a jack in it (he already added one to online cart to rectify that), so I go back out to rescue him.
5. Soon as I get there and he starts working on putting on the spare I call car dealership to be like “Hey guys! Y’all done fucked up!” In the most polite, well mannered voice I could manage, though I think my *incandescent rage* was still coming through because the receptionist had a definite OH SHIT tone to her voice
6. We come to the solution of they are buying us a new tire, it’ll have to be ordered but we just gotta get the spare on and OH WAIT
7. The bolt snaps off the wheel. like in half. Which I relay to the dealership person. who’s like “…I’m gonna see if someone can come out there.”
8. Two dealership guys, a mechanic and the service rep spouse talked with at the dealership, show up about fifteen minutes later. The mechanic one tries to get the other bolts off and SNAPS ANOTHER
9. At this point they figure the bolts were cross threaded and that destroyed them, and possibly the tire got nicked when they put it back on the wheel. Apparently my Manic Friendly Smile and Unwavering Politeness was a little unnerving because the dude kinda looked panicked. so
10. they call a tow truck (that they’re paying for) to take it back to dealership until they can get the new tire (that they’re also paying for) and the correct wheel. They didn’t have a rental available today so he’s going to talk to me tomorrow when they should hopefully have one back, to try and make sure that by Monday we have two cars (rental that they are ALSO paying for).
Anyway. That’s my novel of an evening. I was Very Very Nice to all of them throughout the interactions which maybe was helpful, though they all kept acting like they were waiting for me to flip shit. If I had an ounce less self control I probably would have. If spouse had gotten hurt I’d be going to jail for arson.
anyway. i’m glad this week is over lol.
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charlesandmartine · 1 year
Tuesday 13th June 2023
Well, we had planned a lot for today and we knew it might be tough. Early start; hotel breakfast, then shuttle bus 1 mile back to the airport to buy a Canadian SIM card and then collect the rental from Mr Alamo. He kindly let us have a very nice Audi A4 in tasteful black. Now as motorists, we were able to drive to the ferry terminal at Tsawwassen to travel the 95 minute straits across to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island where we shall tour until Saturday.
The image I had was an island similar in size to the Isle of Wight. Absolutely not so, VI is 283 miles in length and 63 miles at its widest point. Named after Captain George Vancouver of the Royal Navy who explored the Pacific Northwest in the late eighteenth century, it is the world's 43rd largest island and Canada's 11th largest island. We intend in the limited time available to us to explore just a little of its beauty in the next few days.
After collecting a rubbery chicken and some sauv blanc we checked in for a couple of nights at our first Airbnb close to Lake Cowichan. A vast and beautiful lake some 3 square miles in size, sitting comfortably within broadleaf and Pine forests. Our lodgings are indeed most acceptable with one exception. Unloading the car of the groceries and rubbery chicken, we became aware of a herd of free-range birds of the same variety but very much alive. The leader of the gang was a bruiser of a cockerel worthy of a starring role in Chicken Run or Chainsaw Massacre. He took an immediate dislike to us and flew at us like a banshee, feathers flying, feet claws and beak working as choreographed road-drills taking chunks out of the leg department. We straight away complained to the host and now the said bird is incarcerated behind barbed wire whilst we are left applying a balm of savlon on wounded areas. Apparently he's a rescue bird! Clearly has more severe mental health issues than previously diagnosed on the psychiatrist's couch. The host was mortified vis-a-vis and produced within a very short period of time gifts of compensation.
The countryside here is glorious, and we shall spend time tomorrow exploring more of it.
ps the property has a bear fence surrounding it. If bears should go berserk, I doubt we packed sufficient savlon!
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ask-de-writer · 7 months
(Part 66 of ?)  
18+ readers only  (sex scenes)
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Making Fiends and Influencing Ponies
An Anthro *Tail* of the Mane Six
Part 66 of ? (Work in Progress)
De Writer
75875 words (story in progress)
© 2022 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on   or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users  of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original  characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
Pinkie Pie couldn't resist aplauding, “You really pulled it off! You guys are gonna be the hit of the show!”
The dropped beak Gryphon Ambassador exclaimed, “Your Royalty really are joining in as part of this extravaganza?”
Twilight nodded emphatically, “We sure are! We aren't going to be hypocrites and just authorize the raising of funds. We are going to be a direct part of getting your Empire the money and supplies that it needs. Besides, instead of simply throne warming, it is a chance for us to actually have some fun!”
“I do see that, Your Highnesses. I am not of your species but your dances were still amazing to watch. We, not only myself, but the whole of the Empire thank you.”
Kin cheerfully agreed, “Their thanks, if they will also accept the money, we will happily accept. They've already given us the Golden Talon and made us Knife Bearers, so courteous words will have to do. And we will be happy with them.”
The Ambassador raised his crest and spread his wings as he bowed. “You are amazingly gracious. Those courteous words will be given to the Throne of Empire. What you have raised already in hard cash is the largest donation that we have received so far. The Throne of Empire is working on plans to best use this vast sum. When the matching grants come in, I make the total to be in excess of a million golden bits, and that is not counting the gate from the performance.”
Pinkie nodded, “Something like that, I expect. In some,” she lifted both hands and flexed her fingers in air quotes, “mysterious way," word of the Royal act got out! It only took about an hour for every available hotel in all of Ponyville to be fully booked! Rooming houses with empty spaces are going fast and so are private room rentals!”
She paused to grin and added, “Those who think Ponyville's a backwater are in for a surprise! We have almost a quarter of the total population of Equestria living here. I do expect a substantial gate!”
Princess Luna looked up from her Magic Net mirror and said in an awestruck voice, “I just had to authorize twenty more cars each for the Canterlot Flier, Baltimare Flier, the Manehatten Flier, and the Trottingham Express for all runs through the day after tomorrow. We have sold that many tickets! We have a request for ten more cars on all runs from County Corbiestep too! I think that we may be having a solid part of the whole kingdom coming to see this show!”
Grinning ear to ear and bouncing, Pinkie exclaimed, “Of course they are coming! This is the biggest Pinkie Pie Party ever!”
Kin expertly corralled Pinkie and gently pressed her down until she stopped bouncing and snickered, “What are you planning to do for housing this incoming multitude?”
Pinkie shot back, “Oh, I don't know! Um, the Dawnguard temple is empty now. Perhaps we could put it to use to further our 'Evil Act of Lewdness' by running in about two or three hundred sleeping cots?”
Princess Twilight snickered thoughtfully, “You know, that is really not a bad idea at all. There is some paperwork to be done but that is why I have bureaucrats. They handle the paperwork. I will set them to it.” She put words to action by calling the Ponyville Bureau of Buildings on her Magic Net mirror.
Looking up, with a diabolical grin, she announced, “It will take several hours to get done but, counting the basement, their loft, and their priestly dorm building, as well as the main floor, dressing rooms, offices and all, the Bureau of Buildings will be clearing the structures for temporary occupancy by three hundred and twenty ponies!”
Pinkie put a hand to her snout as she giggled, “Not enough, but it will be a big help!”
Luna looked up from her Magic Net mirror and told them all, “The Ducal Council arrests have been completed and the casualty train from the Empire is on its way. It should be here in another hour. Getting the injured Gryphons to the hospital and settled in can be done in only another hour. That's when Kin and I are going to be busy for several hours more.”
Fluttershy nodded and flexed her wings. “Got it. I will go and get Bruin and Breakfang over to the station. That will help with the unloading.” She strolled out, drawing most eyes, both male and female, after her.
Pinkie shook her head sadly, “She doesn't want to dance. I already asked.”
Rarity showed up shortly afterwards, carrying Carousel Boxes. She smiled, “Let's get you lovely mares into the dressing rooms. I have what I need to do alterations if we need them.” She gently herded Equestria's Royalty off to try on their nice new stripping outfits.
The full dress rehersal of the Royal strip went even more smoothly and effectively than the first. The cunning design and colors of the stripping outfits improved and enhanced their every move.
When they finished, all the watchers were stiff of wing, had hard raised tails, or both! Pinkie snorted, “When this goes public, nopony is ever going to see Equestria's Princesses the same again!”
The Gryphon Ambassador bobbed his head, crest up in amazement. He held out his Magic Net mirror. “Her Highness, the Empress and her Strong Wings of the Throne paused their flight to watch this rehersal. They are all amazed at the efforts that Equestria is making on behalf of the Empire.”
Celestia nodded graciously as she replied, “This is what being good neighbors is all about. The Empire and its Throne have been by our side in both natural disaster and war before this. Now, it is we who can assist them. This all has sprung from the goodness of the hearts of Ponyville's dancing mares and the clubs that they work in. Now it is the whole of the Principality of Ponyville. The goodness that you planted over many years has grown and is being harvested to aid you in your need.”
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chloemarievaughan · 1 year
May 21st-Ghent to Bruges
Again got our beauty sleep and not a super early start. We planned to have a sit down breakfast, then rent some bikes and ride around for a while, then head off to the train station and on to Bruges. another absolutely gorgeous morning, both mom and I had a picture in mind of a perfect European vibe cafe where we could eat breakfast outdoors with a view. We walked  around fruitlessly for a while but never quite found the breakfast place we were looking for. (Mom and I have basically been eating all of our meals based on the location of the restaurant and availability of outdoor seating, not particularly looking up reviews or anything.) we never did find the perfect place but we found a good enough little cafe that had some croissants and espresso. With our city card we could get a free bike rental for the day, so we decided we would give European bikes a go. Not our best idea ever haha. We went to the rental place right when it opened at 10 and the guy who was running the shop said “one minute” and then spent about 12 minutes huffing and puffing and muttering under his breath as he was writing a bunch of numbers in a notebook. finally he gets done with that and we get our bikes, which were Huge. Neither of us could sit in the seat and touch the ground even with the seat all the way down. He did offer that that had child size bikes before we left but I felt I could make it work… should have taken him up on it hahaha. I injured myself by smacking my shin against the back of the bike while trying to dismount, gonna have an impressive bruise tomorrow. we rode around for a while, but we didn’t have helmets so didn’t want to go on any major roads, just stuck to some of the walking areas. There were a bunch of trams in Ghent and so we were worried about having to dodge a tram if one came but we didn’t pass any luckily. 
We definitely did not understand the rules of the road in Ghent. Bikes, people, cars and trams seem to just be everywhere and everyone just dodges out of the way. Turns out there were some actual rules that we didn’t understand (being able to read Dutch road signs would have helped) and some areas of the roads were not for bikes, and we couldn’t tell if the bike lanes were supposed to be one lane or two. by the time we sorted out the rules of biking, we were kind of getting tired but wanted to go back to the castle area of town one last time, but there was a running race going on so some roads were cordoned off. Seemed like as good a time as any to head back to the hotel to check out, so we went to return the bikes. The guy was SO confused to see us back after only 30 minutes 😂 our explanation that we were checking out of our hotel seemed to confuse him and he offered to watch our suitcases so we could keep biking. I guess if you work for the bike shop you probably love biking more than I do 😂 we did learn that we are Not cut out for European biking and likely will not be doing that again hahaha. 
Once we checked out, it was off to the train station! We took the tram (learned our lesson about walking) and bought a ticket to Bruges. This time we made sure it was the right train before catching it, and 30 minutes later we were in Bruges! I like the Belgian train system: you buy a train between two destinations on a given date, but you can go on any train that day. Makes it much less stressful because if you miss a train you take the next one!
In Bruges we also had a little walk until we got to the hotel, which again was cobblestones and not easy to pull a suitcase, but was better than the walk in Ghent by far. Bruges is adorable! it is smaller than Ghent, less city like, but still a lot to do and see! We dropped our luggage at the hotel and headed over to the Markt square for lunch. We thoroughly enjoyed a seafood lunch- Bruges is closer to the coast than the other cities we are doing in Belgium, but not really on the water or anything. I had some mussels in white wine sauce, mom had some cod, we drank wine and drank in the view of the square. then we had some ice cream with tart cherries for dessert. we were right next to the Belfry of Bruges, which is one of the big Bruges landmarks, so we decided to buy a ticket and they had a ticket for a few hours later, so we bought that and went off on a shopping expedition! We wandered in and out of a few random shops- souvenirs, lace, and different purses/ accessories, and then did a big lap of a bunch of cute streets and some canal views. by that time it was time to check into our hotel- very cute! It is a bigger room than Ghent, and almost as good a location- a 4 minute walk to the main square rather than being next to a landmark. 
Next we headed to the Belfry! There are 366 steps up to the top of the Belfy, which is a bell tower and clock over looking the city. (They don’t start counting the stairs until the gift shop on the second floor- but there are like 15 more stairs up to the gift shop, so it seems like they are selling themselves short)
we were a bit afraid that it would be 366 steps directly up in a spiral staircases but luckily they put landings every 50-100 steps with information about the tower, benches to take a break, etc.  it did get steeper with smaller steps the further up you went until the top was almost like a ladder. I only tripped once, slamming my shin into the exact place I bruised on the bike earlier of course! on the second landing to the top, which we got to at 4:15, you could see essentially a large music box looking contraption with pins in it to play the bells. The music box weighs 9 tons. And the bells themselves weigh 27 tons!! 
we then had only about 30 more steps to the top. We took a bunch of nice pictures of Ghent from above, and then at 4:30 we could actually see the bells ringing! It was sweet, got a cool video of the bells ringing. They change the pins on the music box to make new songs every two years and have different songs on the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes so you can always tell what time it is. Maybe the best thing we’ve done so far, totally worth the tired legs :)
Once we made it down the 366 steps + 15 steps, we went for another walk to try to visit a few churches we could see from above. we didn’t quite time this right though- we arrived at one church about 20 seconds too late to go in, and the other was closed by the time we got there. will have to try again :) like our quest from earlier for an ideal breakfast spot, mom is also on a quest for an ideal “pub” type bar. We haven’t been successful with that either but we did wind up at a local brewery to have a beer before dinner, Bourgogne de Flanders. On their website, they describe their namesake beer as “surprising” and it definitely did not taste like I was expecting 😂 mom had a blonde ale, not her favorite either haha. The brewery was cute though! 
We went back to the Markt square for dinner. It was getting chilly- bit colder in Bruges than Ghent and the temperature dropped a little throughout the day, so we found a place with both a view and an outdoor heater/fireplace. Enjoyed a traditional Flemish beef stew and mom had a (not traditional Belgian) avocado toast with smoked salmon, which was delicious. Topped off dinner with another cherry beer (Leffe Ruby, not as good as the brand I had yesterday) and we made it back to the Hotel! We have some fun adventures planned for tomorrow, if we’re not too sore from the biking and climbing we did toeday 😂
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desire-tenderness · 3 years
𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖
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{This is a fanfic dreamed and desired. All I write about is my feelings, sensations and desires.  TEXT BY: L.M} Day 1 - Embark on the dazzle. October 9, 2023, Monday. I am exhausted, the recording will begin on Tuesday at 11 am. I think I slept only 3 hours and 20 minutes or I’m just kicking it out loud. This was a very tiring trip I confess. Maybe because it was almost a change of two months and a week. On the bright side, the production has provided a nice apartment for me to live in. My new home is beautiful and comfortable, one block away from Crescent Street, here in Montreal - Canada. Honestly, I can’t believe I’m finally having the opportunity to work with Xavier Dolan, I left my family in Brazil to embark on this dream, I already miss them. I should tell you that I have no idea of the cast that will be on this project, but the script looks fabulous. Before I embarked on this opportunity, I realized a portion of the dream. I and 7 other members of the team dined with Dolan last Thursday, debated the first decupagents and agendas. We had already read the script before the meeting, is it a low-budget experimental drama, and honestly? I lost my breath. I’m not in the position of art director I’ve always dreamed of, but I’m in the position where I have full knowledge and experience. Curious, I am not trembling with nerves, I am completely at peace with this realization. However, very anxious. We’re less than two hours away from reuniting in Saint-Laurent with the cast of "A race by Joseph". [.... ] - Less than two hours later. Okay, I’m about to get my guts out from all the nerves. I’ve heard of some names on the list of actors, including Troye Sivan, Vincent Cassel, and Louise Coldefy. The team is sensational and fucking, Xavier is like a master for me. I need to make these days my best college. I’m at home/rental number six, it’s wonderful. I can see two cars coming through the window, and "God bless me so that Suzanne Clément is in this cast" [Spoiler, I wasn’t, I had to accept], I think I’m going to have an anxiety attack, I need to splash water on my face. I lost count of how many times I filled my hands with water and threw it in my face, I needed to understand that I was really living this moment. I came out of the bathroom apprehensive. Céline handed me a cup of tea mix of Sage, Eucalyptus, Lemon Peel and said "Hey, relax, I’ll see you in the living room.. ah, one more thing, don’t freak out". I feel a chill creeping all over my body as I walk through the door frame. Everyone was waiting for me in the room so we could debate the first two weeks of the recording. I could feel my legs swaying to the point of not having enough sustenance to stand. Timothée Chalamet was sitting on the arm of Dolan’s armchair in silence, reading what would be the 4°page of some document. Quickly he gets up and presents himself squeezing my hand gently. Silence has taken over the environment, I don’t remember my name. [I remembered! ] It was remarkable how difficult he was to pronounce it, it made it all very comical, in seconds we were all laughing. At that time, other cast members performed, but my thoughts were so far away that I don’t know if I missed any important information. [Damn, how many questions are going through my head right now? I don’t even have control over them. Stop! Focus, your future depends on this delivery. ]
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[.... ] With the passing of the hours I was reasonably more relaxed and with an unparalleled feeling of gratitude for what was happening to me. We discussed the script, much of it together, the day was very productive. I kept looking at him, he’s so funny and authentic, I feel comfortable now. Obviously we wouldn’t be friends, he wouldn’t notice an assistant director [even though I’m the director’s right-hand man]. The team will be dining with the cast soon, it’s 5:47 pm and I haven’t been able to confirm my presence at this dinner. What’s my problem?! Celine: You’ll go, right? We’ll go home together and unpack. Me: Oh Céli, I don’t think I will. I have a lot to pack, tomorrow starts the recordings and I want to do everything right. Celine: No, you are not going to organize things by yourself. Nor has dinner there in the house, let’s eat please, I’m starving. Think you need to catch up! Me: Relax Celi, I’ll do things in my time, have a wine while I cook something and sleep early. Look, Wednesday we won’t record.. We can go downtown and get a quick look at the city, what do you think? Celine: You’re hopeless. Well, I’ll tell you about it. Arriving at the apartment I opened all the windows, and went to cook thinking about what the following days would be like. I decided then that I should not intensify anything, it could disrupt me at work and I can’t let my impulsive Aryan side get out of hand. I decided to go to the disco and see what the last song the host of the apartment heard. Well, did you start playing Nick Drake’s Pink Moon and honestly? I can’t let the pink moon get me. Fuck, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life, it’s as fascinating as on screens or in photographs. [Stop! Concentrate. ] [...] 00:01 am The wine bottle is 98% empty now. I have not yet fallen asleep and Celine is already in her 8th deepest sleep. I need to sleep. She said that they were so energized, that the team’s relationship is great and that she ate a delicious Poutine, I found it very courageous for those who will spend the whole day recording tomorrow.  [I’m laughing alone while imagining a disaster] I will sleep and tomorrow will be the first day of my life. I swear I was born now and suddenly everything changed. Things will be built from now on. Timothée Chalamet? I hear you’re a good actor, I don’t know you. Good night and see you soon.
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Part 2
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Day 50 - And I’m probably happy, could it be different? November 27, 2023, Friday. There are times I do not write in this "virtual diary", my days are super busy. Today we finish the work a little earlier, we finish the movie! I think it’s 4:00 now. Right, and why did I come back to write? Well, I wanted to forget the feeling that took me completely 50 days ago. But today something has happened that does not allow me to escape any feeling that exists here. Louise is severely ill, Christ! We’re at the end of the shoot, she’s Timothée’s date, missing four takes of a kiss between them for her last acting scene. Dolan needed two different angles and he didn’t have a voice voice available so suddenly. Louise and I have very similar hair and what I feared went through Dolan’s mind. "Be the Double" he said. Yeah, Chalamet and I kissed today, and, hell, there was no professionalism on my part or for a millisecond, I feel terrible! I felt like I had been thrown out of a plane and I was in a free fall. My heart had never accelerated so much. My fantasy almost made me believe that one of the butterflies in my stomach was coming out of my mouth 1 minute later. Holy shit! [What if it was not reciprocal? Of course it was not, silly! We are friends. ] I’m so pissed about it, I’ll tell them why.
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All these days I’ve really become friends with Timothée, can you believe it? I’ve always been very afraid to talk to him because he doesn’t find me interesting enough. But we have an unusual tune. We had a lot of coffee together, a lot of claquettes I hit due to recording mistakes, we went out with the guys several times, even "alone" and that’s okay, we talked about Brazil and he made sure to go there anytime, I even smoked one of his cigarettes, even hating cigarettes. We were talking about how funny Vincent is and how amazing he is, and we were talking about how they were both working for the first time with Xavier Dolan. We laughed at stupid things until the belly hurt and even bet race in the parking lot next to the location. [He won, of course, has huge legs].
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One day we were together cutting fruit for the rest of the team on the set as we talked about Georges de La Tour, "That ordinary painter" I said, and he gave a delicious laugh. He’s much simpler than I thought he could be, carries an admirable humility. And I swear, it was fine, because I was fascinated by that friendship and I could feel that it would last for many years. I’ve learned to deal with your stunning beauty. I liked the way he accepted me and had fun with me. He didn’t think I was silly. I was working for a salary and a bright future, and suddenly I felt I had won the lottery until that moment after the kiss. I feel like I’m failing at my resolve. To finish screwing with my mind, Celine told me something that made me much more sensitive about a feeling that, I swear, once again, I had managed to forget. Although I often fantasized that a mood was going on, I knew it was impossible. He definitely sees me as the cool girl makes him laugh and that he can truly trust. Celine: Look. I, for recklessness, overheard Timothée talking to Troye about you. I did not hear enough but I must say that your tone of voice was of pure indignation... Troye said, "She’s the kind of girl you want so much, you feel sorry for". Me: God damn it, did he hate my kiss?! I’m going to die, Celine! Troye clearly should be making fun of the situation. Who am I supposed to show up at Dolan’s tomorrow for dinner? Celine: Calm friend, you are traveling.. I have noticed things and I will not open my mouth. Everything will be fine, seriously.. kiss the chalamet? How can you be angry about that? [laughed] By the way, tomorrow after dinner, I’ve arranged to spend the night at Julie’s, do you want to go? Me: Oh.. I’m not in the mood to hear Julie talk all night about the new vegan recipes, sorry, pal. Celine: Okay.. I won’t bring you nice things. [My phone vibrated. I was reluctant to look, but it could be work.. ] Text Msg Timothée: I hope you’re okay, you seemed strange going away. Want to talk? By the way, you did well in tonight’s performance, you should try harder. Me: Says my angel, how are you? I am well, of course I am. [laughs nervously and it was noticeable] I was just nervous to have to act for Dolan and know that I will see myself on a movie screen, even if at closed angles. By the way, Mr. Chalamet, thank you very much. I have the seal of approval that interests me hahah Msg of text Timothée: I like it. See you tomorrow? Me: Yes, of course, until tomorrow! Msg of text Timothée: [video uploaded]
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Part 3
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Day 51 - Ecstasy, landscape of the soul. November 29th, 2023, Sunday morning. I don’t know how to write about how last night went.. I was upset, but I remember everything. I won’t be able to keep this journal after that I’ll tell. We were all gathered at Dolan’s house, drinking and laughing a lot, toasting to finish this incredible project. I already felt completely dizzy and with the warm body, things kept spinning in my head, it was so beautiful. He wore a leather jacket over the green sweatshirt, had a golf cap (Odd Future) hanging on one of the pants straps where his belt was, the black jeans almost on his knee and a red vans, and that hair.. that hair! It’s like a restless ocean. I was wishing to walk across the room and kiss him again with all the intensity that belongs to me, he would like it this time. My body was on fire, suddenly I was frozen, it’s coming toward me. I knew I could spoil any conversation by being totally random and awkward, I was dying of shame in advance. Timothée: Are you happy? Me: Sure, congratulations! You did a great job, I’m very proud of all of you. Timothée: Thank you, but none of this would have been the same if you weren’t on the team, right? Me: Right! [Cheers] [Silence] Timothée: What are you thinking right now? Me: Who you are, Where you’re from, don’t care what you Did as long as you love me..[I started singing As Long As You Love Me by the Backstreet Boys, really?] Timothée: Oh my God! [He laughed almost for the world to hear]. Are you going to Julie’s with Céline? There’s going to be a vegan class. I’d like a pizza, okay? Me: Look.. I also wanted a pizza instead of vegan food.. But I’m getting dizzy and I think I’m gonna go home and do my drunken show in the shower. Timothée: Ah.. Right, you’re dizzy, but you still know how many fingers you have here? [He did an 8 with his fingers] Me: Yes, of course. I’m fine, man, I’m weak but not that weak. Give me a skateboard there! [I screamed, and they didn’t take me seriously] Timothée: So.. we can go for a coffee to break the alcohol and fill the stomach with a piece of pizza, what do you think? Me: Wooah! Come on, send world pizza! [I couldn’t say no, I was completely taken. ]     We got to what used to be a kind of blinker-light coffee, it had a super-hot vibe. We sat down and made the request, we laughed drunk and said nothing that made sense, I felt our friendship alive again. However, the silence and the exchange of looks came, so we could hear the music that played in the background. It was "And I Love Her" by the Beatles”. Suddenly he began to sing. Timothée: "She gives me Everything and Tenderly. The Kiss my Lover brings, she brings to me and I love her." Me: Yeah.. beautiful music. You sing over and over again better than me. When did you start playing music? [My hands started sweating] Timothée: [he laughed] Are you all right? Me: Timmy. .ah.. I think I’m going home to take another shower, rest and call my family, I don’t know. Timothée: Okay, I’ll accompany you, I can’t let you go back alone so late. Me: You don’t need my angel. I’m a ninja! [I made the shameful gesture of a martial coup and tripped. The truth is I wanted him to insist] Timothée: Without that [laughed] let’s go!
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We got to the apartment, he came up with me and put his coat on the couch. I offered him water, am I pathetic? He said he did not want to, but that if possible, he would like to stay. I felt as if we were talking by telepathy, I am not crazy. He feels the same. I said he could stay, even super apprehensive. I took two cigarettes from Kumbaya that I made on Tuesday and shouted from the room "let’s get some air on the balcony while we smoke!?". Upon returning to the room, he had put Cigarettes after sex to play, silently. Nothing but the music. Breaths. Another dose of silence. My body pumped blood with so much speed, [says something] I thought. He touched my right hand and looked at me. Those green eyes made me feel warm inside as never before. I got up the courage to pull him to the balcony that led to the fire escape. The sky was beautiful and the wind touching our faces was like a sky giveaway, I needed that fresh night air. Timothée: Do you need me to say it? I can say it. Me: I know what you’re going to say and I’m terrified. You want me too. Timothée: I want to. You make me feel good. I feel my presence truly when I share a moment with you. "Sometimes I think I’ve felt everything I’m going to feel in my life. And from now on, I won’t feel anything new. " Me: I promise that one day I will feel that everything is right. but it feels so wrong. Man, I feel like I’m living a fanfic, and I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and none of this ever happened, or worse, if it’s real, our friendship being compromised by what’s possibly going to happen here. He put his hands on my face, kissed my forehead. Timothée: The heart is not like a box that fills, L. It expands in size, the more you love someone. I’m different from you. It doesn’t make me love you any less. It actually makes me love you more. I want you. Me: Right.. We are here only briefly, and at this moment I want to allow myself joy. I want that, Timothée. And I promise that one day I will feel like everything is fine. He lovingly bowed to touch his lips to mine. Feeling those soft lips against mine, it was almost like an apocalyptic sensation, the world could end right there, would have no problem. We kissed as we entered through the large window of the room, the first pieces of clothing filling the lonely floor of the room. The music Sunsetz conducted our intimate dance. The words "you have to do the right thing, do the right thing" started to disappear from my head.
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I feel overflowing out of the body, sensitive, I am under the effect of exaltation, very intense feelings of joy, pleasure, admiration, reverent awe... Timothée. I truly love him. We are lying on the living room floor, apparently wrapped in a curtain that has been disastrously removed. Timothée, his breath is hot, the sound coming out of his mouth shivers my body. We were like the painting of Egon Schiele - Gli Amanti (L'Abbraccio).
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Blackout. Light. The voice of an angel reaches my ear. My eyes open. He looked at me in silence, I could smell his mildly sweet citrus smell all over the room. Its aroma stimulates my sensations. Timothée: I’ll make you a cup of coffee. I’ll be careful with the amount of sugar, it’ll be just the way you like it. Keep lying down, angel. Geez, what happens now? I don’t know, he doesn’t know, you don’t know. Anyway, I feel complete.
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Worth the Wait
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Author: @ameliaodair​ 
Prompt: Modern AU: Peeta and Katniss were on vacation in Argentina. Their days are up now and they’re on their way back to the US, however, a tornado alert gets them stranded in Lima, Peru. It’s Halloween and they were supposed to go trick or treating with Finnick and Annie and now here they are. What they didn’t know, is that in Peru they celebrate something called Día de la Canción Criolla, and they get swept into the joyous atmosphere. Dressing up as the locals, Everlark celebrate Halloween in a different way. [submitted by @evestedic​]
Rating: T
Author’s Note: I tweaked the prompt a little, hope you still like it :)  This is my first time writing for one of these, so I hope I did it right, and I hope I did the prompt justice.  Enjoy :)
I always want to say thanks to my wonderful beta @eiramrelyat​.
Part 1
Katniss tosses her suitcase into the trunk of her car, irritated that her flight was cancelled.  She promised her sister she would be home tomorrow, in time to see her niece and nephews’ costumes for their very first Halloween.  If there was one thing in this world that Katniss despised, it was disappointing her baby sister.
“A tornado?  Seriously, a freaking tornado in Peru!  Just wonderful!”  She mumbles to herself, securing her seatbelt in place.  Before leaving the parking lot she reaches for her phone, browsing for somewhere to stay for a night or two; at least until she can catch the next flight home.  “Great, no service.”  Could anything else go wrong today?  She thinks to herself, tossing her phone back into her purse.
After being stuck in traffic for nearly an hour, only going at a speed of ten miles per hour, she tries to summon the courage to call her sister.  Gripping her hands firmly around the wheel and tapping her fingers nervously, she finally speaks to the car’s navigation system. “Call Prim.” 
“Calling Prim” The car responds.  Prim answers on the second ring, the excitement laced in her voice.
“Oh my gosh Katniss, I am so excited for you to see the twins’ costumes!  Are you in the states yet?  What time is your flight?  Do you have an estimated arrival time?  I can come and get you, or…or—" 
Katniss cringes at her sister’s questions before deciding to interrupt her. “Prim, I um…there was a problem- no, there is a problem.”  Katniss looks out the window, noticing how crowded the streets are, and the people seem to be dressed rather…vivaciously.  ‘I wonder what that’s all about?’ She thinks to herself.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course, I’m fine.  It’s just that…my flight…well, it got cancelled.  I mean…not ‘cancelled,’ cancelled, but more like…delayed.  There’s like…a severe tornado warning or something and they’ve grounded all flights until further notice.”
‘Are they…dancing?’ Katniss thinks to herself, seeing a woman be twirled around in an immaculate dress, the dress fanning out to reveal the beautiful colors.
“Seriously?  Katniiisss….”  Prim whines like a toddler, elongating Katniss’s name.
“Give me a break, Prim, you’ll take a zillion pictures, we’ll facetime, and you can dress them up when I get home.  They’re babies, they won’t even know the difference.”
“But I will.” Katniss despises it when Prim does this.  Looking out the window again, Katniss sees a group of small kids dressed up in costumes.
‘How adorable.’  She thinks to herself, smiling.
“Come on Prim…This is totally out of my control.  You know I would be there if I could.  Plus, don’t you have a wonderful husband to keep you busy?”
“Yeah…I do—” Katniss can hear the smile in Prim’s voice and that always makes her happy.  Even after being together for five years, Prim and Rory are still so sickening in love with each other; it would make Katniss sick if she didn’t love her sister so much. “But he’s not you.  No one can replace you, big sister.”
“I know Prim—” Katniss cranes her neck out the open window to see what all the commotion is about.  “Prim, I need to go…there is something…I don’t know what it is, but I’ll call you later.  Take lots of pictures for me!”  She says just before ending the call, not giving Prim the opportunity to make her feel any worse.  As if that is even possible.
A month ago the company Katniss works for asked someone to take an impromptu trip to Argentina, just before the holiday’s no less. To have the opportunity arise to be the mediator in an attempt to merge their company with one of the hotshot rivalry companies nearby, Katniss was the first to volunteer. 
With no life other than her sister and her sister’s family, Katniss had no obligations which left her the perfect candidate to leave the country.  Everyone else had families they didn’t want to leave, not knowing how long it would take to do the negotiations, they did not want to risk being in another country for the holidays.
It had been almost ten years since she lost the love of her life and she had accepted the fact that you only get one of those per lifetime.  She was secretly hoping for better luck in her next one.  He was beautiful and he was perfect, and she thought their love transcended time and space.  So what if they were only teenagers, and so what if she had not seen him in almost ten years.  It did not seem to matter how many times she tried to find love, it just never felt right. 
At seventeen years old, she and her sister became orphans.  Social Services came to her house early one morning and loaded her and Prim into a car, refusing to allow them to say goodbye to anyone.
Katniss no longer cries from the anguish of losing him, but the agony from missing him is still as fresh as that first night.  When she turned eighteen, she could have gone back to Panem, but she was too scared.  What if she went back and he had moved on?  Found someone else to love, got married, and…no, not knowing was better.  Rejection would be worse.   
Katniss hoped this trip would give her some insight as to what she might do with the rest of her life.  She cannot continue to lean on Prim forever; she has her own family now.
Katniss finally makes out what the commotion is ahead of her and a smile forms on her lips when she catches sight of the herds of people dancing in the street, causing her to remember their dance competition.  With him.  “Dammit Katniss, stop it.  Why do you keep thinking about him today?”  She scolds herself before spotting a hotel across the street.  She pulls into a parking space, crossing her fingers they have a vacancy, but by the looks of the massive hoards of people crowding the streets, she is not very confident.
She reaches up to her neck where her collar bone dips in, and with her thumb and forefinger, she pinches the pearl that hangs from her necklace.  From him.  It is the necklace he gave her on her sixteenth birthday.  ‘As long as you wear this necklace, you will know how much I love you. Always.’ 
‘Always.’  It was their ‘thing.’  Some people made promises of forever, but not them.  No, they promised for always.  She remembers his exact words, and for some reason, he feels closer than ever.  Close enough to touch.  Something in the back of her mind says.
Shaking her head to rid her mind of the penetrating thoughts, Katniss decides to make her way into the hotel to see if there is a room available before unloading her suitcase.  She locks the rental car and pushes her way through the crowded streets and into the entrance of The Holiday Inn.
Upon entering the building, Katniss is greeted by a beautiful woman with perfectly golden hair and a smile bright enough to light up the entire building.  She says something in Spanish that Katniss cannot understand, confusion written all over her face.
“Crap, I left my translator in my car” Katniss mumbles under her breath after reaching over and checking her purse.
Realizing that Katniss does not understand her, the woman speaks again, this time in English, laced with a heavy accent.  “Welcome to The Holiday Inn, can I interest you in a room?”
“Oh, you speak English!” Katniss says, more excited than she should be.
“Effie does not allow any of her employees to man the front desk unless they are fluent in English.  We get a lot of tourists.”  Madge says, explaining to her.
“Effie?”  Katniss asks, finding the name strange.  Like she’s one to talk.
“Effie is the boss.  This is her hotel.  She’s more of a designer if you ask me, but she’s famous for dressing people up for the Dia de la Canción Criolla!  She will be knocking on your door within the next hour!”
“Dia day what?”  Katniss asks, not hearing what Madge said due to how fast the words seemed to escape her mouth.
“Dia De La Canción Criolla.  It is a celebration of Criolla music.  There will be dancing, lots of dancing!  And music, yes…beautiful music!  You should come, it’s so much fun!”  Madge tells her with stars in her eyes, as if she is remembering a heartfelt moment.
“Oh, well…I’ll think about it.”  Katniss says timidly, giving Madge a smile.
Katniss is thrilled the hotel has a vacancy and hands Madge her credit card to confirm her room for the night.  While she waits for the transaction to process, she and Madge make small talk.  Madge returns her credit card and ID along with the plastic key card with the numbers ‘12-13’ displayed on the front, as well as a brochure.
“If you take these elevators up to the twelfth floor and make a quick right, room thirteen will be on your left.  Here is a list of amenities as well as numbers if there is anything you need.  And Katniss?”
“You should come out for the night.  You only live once.”
With a polite smile, Katniss nods her head, turning her back to Madge to retrieve her suitcase from her car.
Nearly half an hour later, she returns to the hotel with her suitcase in tow and steps onto the elevator.  Just as the doors begin to close, she spots a man running, trying to catch the elevator before the doors close.  Katniss presses the button to keep the elevator open, but she is just a moment too late.  With a mind of its own, the doors seal themselves shut, rising her up to the twelfth floor.
‘Why do I keep thinking about him today?  Why does he feel so close to me?  I’m in Peru for Heavensbee’s sake!’  Katniss says smiling to herself, reaching for the pearl again.  ‘Heavensbee’s sake’ was one of ‘their’ inside jokes.  “Perhaps this ��Dia De La…whatchamacallit is just the thing I need to distract my mind from him.  And who knows what’ll happen.”  She mumbles to herself, entering her hotel room. 
When the door slams shut behind her, she hears the distinct ‘ding’ from the elevator.  ‘Whoever that man was must have made it up.’  She thinks to herself, recalling the flash of blonde hair, with those bouncing blonde waves, just like him.  ‘No, stop it.  He is not here Katniss.  It has been ten years.  Ten years.  You should be over him by now.  So, just…Get over it.’
But she’s not, and she can’t.
Freshly out of the shower, with one towel wrapped around her body and another one on the top of her head, she reaches for the phone and proceeds to call the number Madge had given her.  She needs to do something to distract her mind.  She is going to celebrate Dia De La Canción Criolla like a Peruvian.
“Give me a break Dad.  It’s Halloween, it’s not even really a holiday.  The bakery will survive if I’m gone for another few days.”
“I know kid, I know.  I’m sorry…I just…you know…I miss you.  You’ve been gone for like—”
“Two weeks.  I have been gone for two weeks.  And I will be home in a few more days.  Control over the weather is not a power I have homed in on as of yet.”  Peeta’s dad chuckles at his words but is still disappointed.  “Listen dad, as soon as they open the flights back up, the airline promised to call me, and I’ll be on the first flight back to the states.  Now look, I’ve gotta go, the streets here are insane and I need to find a place to crash for the night.  I’ll let you know when to pick me up.”
“Okay, son.  Oh, and Peet?”
“Yeah, dad?”
“Try to have some fun.”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll try.  I’ve gotta go, bye dad.”  Peeta ended the call before giving his father any more fuel to drag the call on longer.
Peeta woke up that morning with an uncanny feeling that something was wrong.  When he got to school that morning and she wasn’t there, that feeling in his stomach intensified.  They talked to each other every day before and after school.  She was his best friend, and he was hers.  They told each other everything, so when he still had not heard from her by dinner that night, he knew deep in his gut something was wrong.  Really wrong.
The next day, Magnolia, one of her sister’s friends, came to him asking if he had heard anything from either of the girls.  For two days now, both girls have been missing from school.  Magnolia did not know it, but she had just confirmed the gut-wrenching fear in the pit of his stomach. 
For days, Peeta hounded the adults to no avail, questioning anyone he could as to her whereabouts.  She would never just up and leave without telling him, at least not without saying goodbye.
After two weeks, Peeta’s father realized that Peeta needed answers, that he would not be able to rest until he knew what happened to her, so using his connections he was able to obtain some information.  Peeta cried in his father’s arms as he told him what happened.  Social services came that morning, came before the sun was even up, and basically kidnapped the girls.  Both of their parents died in a car accident and at sixteen and a half years old, she took over the role of mom and dad to her little sister.  Apparently, someone placed an anonymous call, claiming to be “worried,” about the girls, hence social service ripping them from their lives.
For years, Peeta tried to find her.  But when his father lost his job, they had to relocate to another state.  Peeta did not want to leave if by some chance she came back looking for him, but he was only a kid himself, so he didn’t have a choice. 
At one point, he hired a private investigator, but so far; nothing has come up.  All his friends and family keep insisting he “move on,”  But he just couldn’t, he can’t.  “You don’t just move on from your soulmate, from your one true love” he told them all.  There is no one else, only her.  If I am not with her, then I will just be alone.  One day, he will find her, he is certain of it. 
“I know I’m probably asking the impossible, but would you happen to have a room for one?”  Peeta asks once he reaches the desk, giving the beautiful girl his most charming smile.
“Oh, don’t let the streets fool you, sir.  It’s Día De La Canción Criolla, the Peruvian festival of Music.  And to answer your question, yes, in fact we do.”  The receptionist, Madge, proceeded to tell him with her heavy accent and dazzling smile, staring at the computer screen in front of her, typing away.
A few minutes later, Madge hands him his plastic key card to his room in the penthouse along with a brochure filled with amenities, phone numbers, and information about this “Dia De La Canción Criolla.”
“Since you are already here sir, you should come out tonight and check it out.  Have some fun.”  Have some fun, those were his father’s exact words.
But dancing…especially that kind of dancing brought him back to memories of her.  She was the captain of the dance club in high school and she convinced him to enter a couple’s dance competition with her.  Never able to tell her no, he agreed.  He was never as good as her, but where he lacked, she excelled.  It was like that with everything they did.  They picked up each other’s slack.  When one was weak, the other was strong.  Always.
As he is scribbling his signature on the consent form to bill him at checkout, for just a split microsecond he thinks he sees her.  Heading onto the elevator is a woman with the same shade of hair, in that same over the shoulder braid she would wear, and the same olive complexion.  It had been almost ten years since the last time he saw her face, ten years since the last time his lips touched hers, but he is certain that one-hundred years could go by…no, a thousand years could pass, and he would always know her. Always.
Once his ‘T’s’ are crossed, he politely excuses himself from the receptionist, and runs to the elevator.  He can’t make her face out as the doors slide shut, but he can tell she tried to hold the door for him, but it was too late.  The elevator has a mind of its own and she slipped through his fingers.
“It’s not her, it couldn’t possibly be.”  He tells himself, his head hanging down as he presses the button and waits for the elevator.  He rides up to the twelfth floor and as soon as the doors open, he hears a door slamming from around the corner.  He finds his room, walks into it, and plops down on the bed.
Lying back on the bed, something in Peeta’s pocket begins poking his thigh.  He reaches into his pocket and grips firmly onto the pocket watch that he always keeps with him.  From her.  
At fifteen years old, he began saving his earnings from working at the bakery for eight months in order to buy her that necklace.  When he first saw it hanging in the shop, he knew he just had to have it.  He knew it was made just for her. It had been sitting in his underwear drawer for almost two weeks before he gave it to her on her sixteenth birthday.  His gift brought tears to her eyes because of what it meant.
She wanted to give him something too, but he insisted that it doesn’t work that way.  You do not give a gift to someone because they gave you something.  That was the first time she said those three magical little words.  She told him, “I’m not giving this to you because you gave me this necklace, I’m giving this to you…I want you to have this because I love you.”  It was her father’s, a gift from her mother.  It meant the world to her, so he knew what she was saying before she even said the words.
“Dammit Peeta!  Get a grip.  It isn’t her, I’m in Peru for Heavensbee’s sake!  An entire country away!”  Peeta yells at himself, confused as to why she is on his mind so hard today.
Peeta jumps into the shower, having decided that maybe he will join the festivities, if for nothing else, then to distract his mind from her.  He picks up the brochure and places a call to one of the names Madge had recommended.  If he is going to a Peruvian festival…(or is it a party?), he is going to need something to wear.
 Part 2
“Hi Katniss, my name is Cinna and I’ll be your stylist.”  Katniss lets the man in that Effie had recommended helping her find something to wear for tonight.
“Come in, it’s nice to meet you Cinna, I’m Katniss.”  Katniss sticks her hand out to Cinna, but he ignores it and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his embrace.  He then pulls back and circles around her, inspecting her from all angles.
“You’re not from around here, are you?”  Cinna asks after he finishes orbiting her once.
“What gave it away?  My accent? Or the constant look of confusion permanently embedded on my face?”  Cinna chuckles at her, deciding that he is going to like this girl.  She is something special.
“I’ve met everyone who comes through here, and I am certain I would remember a face as radiant as yours,”  Cinna says, noticing the rosy hue filling Katniss’s cheeks.  There is a knock on the door, startling Katniss.  Cinna reaches for the doorknob and opens the door, and three strange-looking people come bouncing in.  Their hair is quite flamboyant, they wear some rather vivid and strange colors, but they look at Cinna as if he were the sun.  But most importantly, they seem truly happy to be here, to help her.
“Katniss, these are my assistants, and they will be helping me in getting you ready for tonight.”
“Okay.  But, you do realize that I’m dressing up for this Dia de la Festival thing and not my wedding, right?”
“Dia de la Canción Criolla.”  Octavia, one of Cinna’s assistants says so fast, Katniss only heard gibberish.
“How do you guys say that so fast?”
‘I wonder if they do this often?’  Katniss thinks to herself when Flavius, another of Cinna’s assistants rolls in this cart filled with the most immaculate, dazzling dresses, shoes, and so many other accessories Katniss would never dream of wearing.
They get right down to business, no dilly-dallying.  Katniss tries on dress after dress for what felt like hours, only to have them settle on the first dress, much to Katniss’s irritation.  Each dress takes all four of them to help her into, which Katniss could not begin to fathom why it was so difficult. 
The dress they decide on is more beautiful than she is able to put into words.  The upper half clings to her form, accentuating each of her womanly curves.  It is a modest dress, for when she looks in the mirror, she feels beautiful, but not provocative.  It shows just enough cleavage, but not too much.  The skirt of the dress is loose and free-flowing, if anyone happens to twirl her around tonight, it will fan out in immaculate precession.
“Oh, Miss Katniss, just you wait till someone spins you around in this baby.”  Katniss looks startled as she scowls at Flavius.
“Wh-what’ll happen?”
“I can’t give away all the secrets, now can I?”  Flavius looks at her conspiratorially.
“Don’t worry Katniss, nothing bad will happen.”  Cinna places a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.  But it isn’t his touch that calms her, but the gentle tone of his voice.  She cannot help but notice that Cinna has this natural air about him, he makes her feel calm just by entering the room.
Once they finish adding the final touches to her dress, they chain her to a chair, (figuratively speaking) and get to work on her hair.
“So, is there a special someone we’re fixing you up for the night?”  Just as Cinna asks the question, Effie walks into the room.
“Oh, hello guys, don’t mind me.  I just wanted to observe the divine Cinna at work!”  Effie pulls up a chair, making sure she isn’t in the way, and watches as their experienced fingers intricately style Katniss’ hair.
Katniss is hypnotized as she watches four sets of hands intricately brush, comb, part, separate, and braid her hair.
Remembering Cinna’s question, Katniss blushes before saying, “Oh no.  There is no one, I just…I just…Well, since I’m already here, I figured I should get the full Peruvian experience.”
“Oh, you have a man back at home, do you?”  Octavia blurts out.
“No.  No, there isn’t anyone.  Well, once…No, never mind.”
“Awe, come on! Tell us!”  Flavius pleads with her.
“PLEEEEASE!!”  All three assistants beg at the same time in a sing-song voice.
Katniss hesitates for a moment, realizing there is no harm in confiding in these complete strangers, she starts.  “Well, there was this one guy, once.  When I was younger.”
“Ooooh, was he handsome?”
“What color were his eyes?”
They each spit out their own questions, curious to the man who once held her heart, forcing the image of his perfect face into the forefront of her mind.
“No, he was not handsome…. He was…he was beautiful.  He had the bluest eyes, bluer than the ocean and the sky mixed together.  And his hair…it was this sandy blonde, with just the right amount of waves, you know…not too curly but definitely not straight.  He was my best friend, my soul mate.  He was everything to me.”
“So, what happened?”  Flavius blurts out.
“You speak of him as if you’re still in love with him,”  Vennia says, giving Katniss a forlorn look.
“I got…I got ripped away from him.  And I haven’t been able to find him since.  But someone as amazing as him, surely he’s married with a few kids by now.”  Katniss omits how she is actually too chicken to even look for him as she hangs her head down, the pain of him with someone else cut like razors.
Effie’s eyes go wide as she recognizes this story, without excusing herself, she gets up and storms out of the room in a dash.
“What was that about?”  Katniss asks inquisitively.
Flavius does a motion with his hands and rolls his eyes.  “Who knows?  That woman is a bit cuckoo.”  However, Katniss notices the knowing look being shared between Cinna and his assistants.
“Perfecto!”  Vennia says once her hair is complete.
“Now, one last thing,”  Octavia says, reaching for the clasp around Katniss’ neck.
Katniss spins around to face Octavia, “Wh-What are you doing?”
“I have a better one for you to wear tonight.”
“No, the necklace does not come off.”  The firm tone in Katniss’s voice tells everyone not to argue.
And they don’t.
 Effie storms back into Peeta’s room- the busy body she is- and pulls up a chair next to Peeta as Portia and her team get him ready for the night.
“Peeta?  Will you tell me about your girl again?  The one from your childhood.”  Peeta raises an eyebrow, making sure to hold his head still as Portia does whatever she is doing to his hair.  He isn’t sure why it is taking so long, but he doesn’t question her.
Peeta’s eyes light up at the thought of his girl.  “Oh Effie, she was…she was perfect.  She was the sun and the moon and the stars, all in one.”  Effie notices the sparkle in Peeta’s eyes as he speaks of the girl.  “She was so beautiful, and her eyes…I’ve never seen the same shade on another human being’s face, silver as the moonlight, intense as the night sky.  Her hair, well back then it was long, nearly to the middle of her back.  But she always wore it in this braid over her shoulder—” Effie’s eyes go wide as she listens to Peeta, realizing he is describing the girl in the next room.
‘Could it be?’  Effie thinks to herself.  “Peeta, I think you should meet your neighbor.  Maybe you could share a dance with her…Spend a night on the town—”
Peeta chuckles before interrupting her.  “That’s okay Effie.  I’m going home as soon as the airlines call me anyway.  I just wanted to experience Dia De La Canción Criolla Peruvian style.”
Effie shrugs her shoulders, getting up to leave as an idea comes to mind.  If her plan is to succeed, she will need help.  “Okay, Peeta.  Your loss.”
Effie waits in her office until she sees Miss Everdeen exit the hotel.  Once she knows Cinna is free, she immediately goes to him and shares her suspicions.
“Cinna, we must, we absolutely must bring those two together!”
“Effie, what are the chances that the true love they lost and speak of just happens to be in the next room?  An entire country away?”  Cinna asks, exasperated by Effie’s infatuation with true love.
“Okay, so maybe I’m wrong…But what would it hurt?”  Cinna thinks about it for a moment, deciding no harm could come of it, he listens to Effie’s plan.
x – x – x
“Thank you for coming with me Portia, I felt a little strange coming out here by myself.”  Peeta gives Portia a smile as they leave the hotel and join the crowded streets.  There are people dancing everywhere, children carousing the streets alongside their parents dressed up in their costumes. 
“Would you like to dance Portia?” Portia scans the area, looking for any sign of Cinna, and then nods her head.  She will dance them closer to where Cinna is with his girl.
“Where did you learn to dance Peeta?  You’re quite good.”  Peeta blushes at Portia’s compliment.
“Katniss?  Was that her name?  Your sweetheart back home?”
Peeta nods, just as a handkerchief flies into his face.  He reaches for it, holding it in front of him with a confused look.  “What the—”
“It means there is a lovely lady who wishes to dance with you.”  Portia maneuvers Peeta’s body, turning him around and pushing him toward the woman standing next to Cinna.  The darkness of the night, in addition to the lack of streetlights, prevents Peeta from clearly seeing her face.  All he can make out is the silhouette of her face, yet the moment their fingers brush against each other, he instantly feels that familiarity…he feels at home.
But Peeta would know her anywhere; at least he thinks it is her.  No, no.  His mind is just playing tricks on him.  Either way, he extends his arm to her, and she accepts graciously just as The Marinera begins to play.
It is their dance.  Katniss and Peeta’s dance from high school.  Peeta circles her once, and then again.  She smiles at him flirtatiously, swinging her hips as she sways to the music.  They tease each other back and forth throughout the night.  It is as if they had spent their entire lives perfecting their moves, as if their bodies are meant to be as one.
The familiarity that overtakes them when Peeta places his hands on Katniss’ hips sends shock waves surging through their bodies.  ‘Why does this feel so familiar?  Why does this feel so right?’  Peeta thinks to himself after their second dance.
They dance the night away with each other, oblivious to the identity of their dance partner.  The chemistry surges through Peeta’s body, and he knows she feels it too.  There is something familiar about this woman, but Peeta cannot quite put his finger on it. It isn’t until the light of the moon casts its glow, causing the pendant on her necklace to shimmer in the moonlight, which is when Peeta freezes.
It can’t be, no, this girl just happens to have the same necklace.  But then he sees the tiny inscription of the word “Always” in elegant script at the base of the pearl.  That is when he knows.
It is her.
His Katniss.
  Part 3 
Turning away from the familiar stranger, Katniss hikes her dress up and runs back to the hotel. She rushes onto the elevator and presses the button for the twelfth story. When the doors open to her floor, she takes off in a sprint again, toward her room, then slams the door behind her once she’s inside.
“Get a grip, Katniss, wake up.  It’s not him. You are just dreaming!”  She yells at herself, lightly banging the back of her head against the door.  ‘How does he know my name?’  she asks herself.
Less than a minute later, there is a knock at the door.  “Katniss? Katniss, are you okay?  Please open the door. I know it’s you.  It’s me, Peeta.  I’m sorry if I scared you; it’s just…can you please open the door so that I can see your face?”
Can it be him?  Is it truly him?  So many times, Katniss thought she saw him, only to be disappointed when it turned out to be someone else.  Her heart cannot take another beating.
With her hand on the door handle, Katniss closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the inevitable.  Slowly, she opens the door just a crack, peeking through the small space.
“Peeta?  Is it…is it really you?”  She asks, slowly nudging the door open.
They stand there with their eyes locked, staring at each other while time stands still.  A loose strand of hair blows in Katniss’s eyes, interrupting their trance.  It is enough to reel her back into the present, and Peeta extends his arm, stroking Katniss’s cheek.
“Katniss,”  Peeta says, staring longingly into her eyes.  He slowly lowers his hand, pinching the tiny pearl hanging from Katniss’s neck.  “You still…I can’t believe you still have it.”
Katniss glances at his left hand that grasps her pearl, and her heart speeds up at the absence of a ring.  Peeta reaches up and places his hands on either side of Katniss’s face, bringing his face closer to inspect that it is really her.
“I never…I never take it off,”  Katniss says, licking her lips.  “Do you want to…come in?”  Katniss asks him.  
Peeta gives her a nod and walks past her and into the room.  Katniss closes the door behind him, and when she turns around to face Peeta, he pulls her close, slamming his lips onto hers.
The kiss is deep, sensual, and passionate, everything they have craved over the years.  Peeta takes Katniss to the bed in the center of the room, removing his jacket and slinging it behind him.
Katniss allows Peeta to take control.  He lays her back against the sheets, then follows after her until he’s, hovering above her.  “My God, I have missed you.”  His voice reverberates between their connected lips.
There is no denying it. It is her.  The only thing that matters is Katniss.  His Katniss.  Right here, right now, she stands in front of him after all this time.  He cannot take it anymore and closes the short distance between them, slamming his lips against hers. Peeta plunges his tongue deep into her mouth, devouring her. Tasting her.  Reveling in her.
The moment their lips connect, they knew they had finally found each other.  And yes, it was definitely worth the wait.
  5 Years Later
“I can’t believe you are getting married in Peru on Halloween!”  Prim squeals, zipping the back of Katniss’ wedding gown up.
“It’s not Halloween in Peru, Prim. It’s Día de la Canción Criolla.  And it’s when Peeta and I found each other again.”
“I know, sissy. I still can’t believe you guys found each other in Peru of all places!  I mean, I don’t remember a whole lot from…from before, but I remember how happy you guys were when we were kids.  And then I remember how sad you were when we had to leave, and…and I’m just so glad you found him!”  Prim says, turning Katniss around and adding the finishing touches to her hair.
“I’m just glad that you, Rory, and the kids were able to come.  Have you seen Peeta?  Is he okay?”
“No, you are not seeing him until the wedding. No exceptions!”  Prim tells Katniss, pointing a sassy finger in her face.
When Peeta catches sight of Katniss walking down the aisle to marry him, in the captivating dress with pearl accents, his heart stops in his chest at how beautiful she is.  When he finally found her after so many years, he thought he had died and was living in his dreams.
He finally found her, and she was now his to love.  Always.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 4 years
Designated Driver (Randy Orton X Reader) One-Shot
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Pairing: Randy Orton X Reader Summary: When the Lady Thriller Randy Orton truly falls for the WWE's newest trainer, he has to get creative and just a little conniving in order to gain her affections.
Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.
Content/Trigger Warnings: Drinking and that's about it
This is a gift to one of my besties--@shieldgirl18​​. Just because. Hope you enjoy this! :-)
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Designated Driver
Randy Orton watched as the woman he was head over heels for, danced and partied the New Year's Eve night away with their fellow WWE co-workers. She was the newest trainer to be hired by the company, and like all new-comer females that came along, Randy had tried long and hard to get her into his bed. But she'd refused him.
Again and again.
She wouldn't even go out with him on a legitimate date, for crying out loud. By the time Randy realized he cared enough about her to actually take her on a real date, he knew he was monumentally screwed.
I'm in love, he realized.
He no longer cared about just having a beautiful woman on his arm, or how good she was in the sack. He no longer wanted a woman who was all looks and no brains. He loved Y/N's mind. The fact that she was beautiful only made him appreciate her intelligence even more.
But now... Now he had to watch as she danced with other men. Laughed at their jokes. Smiled shyly up at them.
I blew it, he thought.
He came up with a plan that was risky. It preyed on her need to see to the care of others. It could win her over, or it could make him lose her for sure.
But he'd never know till he tried...
The party was winding down, so you began getting your jacket and purse together while taking a mental role call of everyone who left the club to get to the hotel. It was a sort of habit you had to make sure everyone was taken care of. You had some sort of mother hen complex.
Oh well, there's worse complexes to have, you thought as you watched the last couple leave the building. But something didn't feel right. Someone was missing. Mentally you went over everyone you'd seen leave and with some quick calculations realized that one Randy Orton was missing.
Inwardly, you groaned. Why him, you thought. Why me, you thought further. You began looking around the club seeing if you could spot him somewhere but to no avail. You even opened the door to the men's room and called his name out.
Where is he?
You pulled out your phone and stepped outside, calling Randy.
His phone rang and rang with no answer. I swear Randy Orton, when I get my hands on you...
Next, you called Cesaro—you'd seen he and Randy hanging out some lately.
"Hey, it's Y/N. Did you see Randy tonight? You know how I am. I have to know everyone is accounted for and safe. It's my cross to bear I suppose. So did you see him?"
"I did early on, but toward the end of the party he sort of disappeared. Do you want me to come back and help you look for him?"
You sighed and rubbed your temple lightly. "No, there's no need for that. You need to get some rest for tomorrow's show. I'll find him. He has to be here somewhere because his rental is still here," you said, noticing the large SUV parked on the lot.
At that moment, you heard the scuffle of shoes on pavement, and turned to find Randy headed toward you, his gait unsteady.
"Ugh," you groaned aloud. "Here he comes and he looks drunk as hell. I'll talk to you later, Cesaro. Thanks for your help." With that, you ended the call and turned to face Randy.
"Y/N... I need a ride..." Randy whined, and then stumbled over literally nothing. "Got too drunk..."
You rolled your eyes and groaned again. "Oh, Lord. I was worried about you, you big jackass. And all this time you were just getting plastered?" You hurried over to him and draped one of his arms around your shoulders. "Come on. I'll get you to your hotel room."
You begrudgingly led him over to your rental and unlocked it before opening the passenger's side door and ushering Randy inside. However, he had trouble bending down without falling over.
"Oh, for crying out loud..." You put on your hand on his head and nudged him downward gently and slowly so he wouldn't bump his head. Once he was seated, you made sure he had no appendages hanging out the door before slamming it shut. Then you were hurrying around to the driver's side and getting in the car.
"Buckle your seat belt, Randy. Can you manage that," you asked, reaching for your own safety belt.
He fumbled with the belt till he had it pulled out enough to buckle, and then made a sad attempt at inserting the male end into the female end. He tried twice more, but couldn't manage even such a simple feat.
"Seriously?" You leaned over and fastened the belt for him. "To be so big and tough, you sure are helpless as a drunk."
He let out a hiccup of a laugh and leaned his head back against the headrest.
"I swear if you barf in here, Randy, you'll be the one to clean it up," you said as you started the car.
Seconds later, you were headed for the freeway that led to the hotel.
The drive was uneventful. Randy remained laid back and slept the whole way. Every now and then a snore would pass his lips and you couldn't help but chuckle. "If only your female fan base could see you now, Mr. Orton."
You finally reached the parking garage of the hotel and parked in a space.
Now came the hard part.
Getting Randy awake, and alert enough to help you lead him to his room.
"Randy? Wake up." It took you a couple of tries at nudging him awake, but he finally became somewhat responsive. "Come on. It's time to get you to your room, okay?"
A few minutes later, you had him out of the car and heading for the elevators with you.
Very slowly.
"Lord help me if you fall over," you thought out loud. "I'll never be able to get you back on your feet."
"Are we there yet," Randy slurred. "'m tired..."
"A little further," you told him as you entered the elevator. "What floor is your room on?"
"Please, tell me you remember your room number. You at least have your key, right?"
"Randy Orton, I'm going to kill you where you stand," you said, leaning against the wall of the elevator.
You had two options. Take Randy all the way to the front desk to find his room number and get a spare key. Or you could take him strait up to your room and let him crash on the couch.
You chose the latter.
"Come on. You can crash on my couch," you told him, punching the button to your floor. "We'll get your key situation sorted out in the morning."
"Thanks," he slurred out, and giving you an awkward one armed hug. You stiffened. Randy Orton was not a hugger, so apparently alcohol lowered his inhibitions a tad.
Several long, and grueling minutes of halfway hauling Randy down your hallway later, you were in your room and turning on lights as you went. You heard the door close and lock, but thought nothing of it. Randy was just securing the room for the night.
But, wait. He was not able to buckle his seat belt earlier. How did he manage locking a door? How did he even know to lock a door when he was in the shape he was in?
You turned to face him and saw a hint of that cocky smirk he wore more than half the time.
You looked into his eyes. They weren't bloodshot and the pupils weren't dilated or anything. He looked clear-headed now.
You backed up a step. "You- You're not drunk, are you?"
"Don't panic," Randy said softly, holding his hands up in a defensive gesture. I just wanted to talk to you."
"About?" You asked, trying hard to do as he said and not panic. What does he want, you wondered.
"I want to know why you'll never be alone with me, until tonight, that is. Why you won't let me take you on a date." He looked at the sofa. "Could we sit down while we discuss this?"
You slowly made your way to the sofa and sat down as he did the same. He sat on the opposite end from you, giving you a little space. For which you were very grateful, because you were still too uneasy to sit right beside him.
You swallowed hard and prepared your answer to his question. "Well, Randy... I guess it's because I know you only want to go to bed with me. After that, you'd be done with me. And I'm just not that kind of woman. I am looking for commitment, not a one night stand."
Randy nodded, avoided your eyes. "I know. I used to be a one night stand kinda guy. But..."
"When did that stop," you asked.
"When I met a certain trainer," he said with a soft smile. He finally looked into your eyes. "It hit me one day that I wanted more than some brainless but beautiful bimbo on my arm. I want someone with some substance and intelligence."
"Randy... I don't know what to say," you replied, feeling flustered It was your turn to avoid his gaze. "So... you faked the whole being drunk thing just to get me alone?"
"To talk, yes," Randy said. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know how else to get you alone. You always want to help and care for someone, so I used that. Again I apologize. I actually do have my room's key card. So I can leave whenever you want me to."
That got your attention. You'd never seen Randy apologize for anything. Ever. And he was being very accommodating to your feelings and wishes.
"Thank you," you said, feeling a bit awkward. "So, you want to take me on a date? That's it?"
His lips quirked up a bit at the corners. "I want to take you on a lot of dates."
"And is sex involved in these dates," you asked sardonically.
"Only if, and when you are ready for it," he answered.
He seemed deadly serious when he answered you. He seemed different to you. And for that reason, you were willing to give him a chance.
"Alright, Randy. We can date," you said with a smile. "Just please remember you said sex could come when I'm ready."
"I'm willing to wait as long as it takes," Randy said. "Now, may I kiss you?"
You giggled in spite of yourself. He clearly was making an effort to be a gentleman and it was adorable. "Yes."
He took his time in sliding closer to you, lifting his hand to your face and brushing his fingers down your cheek. His gaze met yours briefly and then scanned your face, memorizing it. "So beautiful," he uttered. Then his hand went to the back of your head and pulled your face closer to his. Then he closed the gap between the two of you and captured your mouth with his. His lips were soft and warm against yours. You whimpered and then gasped to which he ran his tongue along your lower lip, asking permission. In reply, you slid your tongue past his lips and ran it over his.
And then the battle of the kiss was on.
He cradled your face in both his large hands and kissed you deeply, running his tongue along the roof of your mouth, your teeth, and finally over your own tongue. The passion between the two of you was combustible. And if not for the ringing of your phone, there's no telling how much hotter it would have become.
Groaning, and signaling to Randy to stay quiet, you answered the call.
It was only Cesaro calling to check in and see if you'd found Randy. A couple minutes later, you hung up and smiled softly at Randy to soften your next words. "I really want you to stay, so you'd probably better go."
Randy smiled in return, "Okay. But just so we're clear... We are dating, correct?"
You nodded. "Yes, Randy. We're dating."
"Okay." He stood to his feet and went over to your door with you following close behind.
"Good night, Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow? We can work out when to have our first date."
You nodded again, "Sounds good. Good night Randy."
"Be sure and lock the door behind me," he told you, reaching down and giving you another soft kiss to the mouth.
"So bossy," you teased. Though secretly you loved that he was being protective.
With that, he walked out your door with one last smile over his shoulder.
You quickly locked up and got ready for bed, a dreamy smile on your face.
You couldn't wait for that first date.
The End
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gerec · 4 years
AU-gust 2020 Prompts
AUs 1-10 on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/25749364
11. Farm/Ranch AU - Cherik Xavierine, Cherigan?
A day late but I did get it finished! Based on an actual place in Colorado, the Dunton Hot Springs which seems to be very cool and very expensive lol :D
It’s an hour’s drive from Telluride to their designated home for the week, a luxury ranch slash resort nestled in a picturesque valley in the San Juan mountains. Charles is still in shock that this is the place they’ll be spending their vacation this year, given Raven’s (and Charles’) tastes and their penchant for more cosmopolitan locales or beach-y destinations. But Raven insisted that they were overdue for a change in scenery, and so Charles caved dutifully to her sisterly demands, and set her loose to do all the necessary planning.
Now, as he’s pulling up in front of a few scattered log cabins (and tents!) surrounded by a sea of green, Charles thinks he should have fought much harder for that villa in Capri.
“Isn’t this view magnificent?” Raven says, throwing the passenger door open and taking an exaggerated breath of fresh mountain air. He concedes that the scenery is quite beautiful, in that ‘rugged old west’ kind of way, though he’s not ready to pat her on the back yet until he gets an actual look at the lodgings and the amenities.
So far…he’s not all that impressed.
“You know this place used to be an old mining town? Some of these cabins are originals from the 1880s—”
“Oh my god, Raven, please tell me there’s indoor plumbing here? If you tell me I have to do my business in an outhouse I’m turning this car around and taking the next flight home.”
Raven laughs, shoving him good naturedly as they grab their bags out of the trunk of their rental SUV. “You are such a snob, Charles—”
Charles snickers. “You’re one to talk.”
“Anyway, this place has been renovated and updated from top to bottom with five star amenities. En-suite bathrooms, Wi-Fi, gourmet meals and our cabin has a private soaking pool with a view of the mountains! I think I know you well enough to know your minimum threshold for ‘roughing it’ in the woods.”
Charles shrugs, smiling as he follows Raven up the path and towards the main lodge for check-in.
“Nothing wrong with having standards, darling.”
Charles’ opinion of the place goes up a bit once they get to their cabin, which is a one bedroom + one loft that used to be the town’s General Store. It’s quaint, and more than a little kitschy, complete with old John Wayne movie posters on the wall. The décor is a little (a lot) more rustic than he’s used to, but he’s willing to give it a go solely on the presence of running water and a bathtub, and being steps to the ‘Saloon’ where the bar and restaurant is located.
His opinion goes up even more with the quality of the food available, when he and Raven sit down for dinner that evening, to a splendid meal of smoked pork tacos, lamb loin and huckleberry turnovers with whipped cream. It goes a long way to appease the part of Charles that preferred a less isolated vacation spot, or at least somewhere with a lot more people to flirt with and share a drink. Most of the other lodgers here are couples or families with kids, which is a little disappointing, especially compared to last year’s trip to Rio…
All of that changes once Raven heads off to turn in, leaving Charles to nurse a whiskey at the bar, the ambient chatter of the other guests lulling him into a state of relaxation. Though the peace only lasts for maybe twenty minutes, before the door to the Saloon swings open, and two very handsome, very fit specimens in plaid shirts and tight jeans saunters in. One has hair that’s a bit wild and muscles practically straining his sleeves, while the other looks equally dangerous and sexy, with sharp eyes and an almost feral smile.
The bartender Kitty – a lovely young lady Charles has been chatting with about the activities available at the resort – looks up and snorts, just as the two men turn in their direction, their gazes landing squarely on Charles.
“Well that’s gonna be trouble,” she says, smirking at Charles’ gobsmacked expression (because oh my god so hot) and the very intent looks he’s suddenly getting from the objects of his overwhelming lust. “Look at those two competitive idiots over there, ogling you like you’re a juicy piece of steak.”
Charles swallows, trying very hard not to drool at the very finely toned biceps and chest muscles he can see even from across the room. “Do they work here too?”
“Sure. Logan and Erik. They take the guests out on excursions; horseback riding, hikes through the mountains, rock climbing, rafting. Whatever’s on the day’s schedule. I think they’re taking the horses out again tomorrow.”
Suddenly, the itinerary Raven’s planned for them this week looks a hell of a lot more appealing, with Charles intending on making the most of the incredible views and the very fine amenities.
“I think I should probably turn in,” he says with a grin, downing the last of his drink and licking his lips just a little, just to see if he gets any kind of reaction (he does). “I’ve got to get up early and sign up for some horseback riding.”
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kunderdogs · 4 years
Take A Chance IV
Simon Dominic (AOMG) x Y/N (Reader) Genre: Romance / Angst Count: 2.4k+ Warnings: None Rating: Mature (suggestive, swearing) Summary: Who would’ve thought a one night stand with Simon D would turn into FWB? It only gets more complicated when you developed feelings, against your better judgement.
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Chapter One. | Chapter Two. | Chapter Three. | Chapter Four. | Chapter Five. | Chapter Six. | Chapter Seven. |
Over the course of two weeks, you and Kiseok had a pretty good routine going on. He didn't come over every night, more like every other but he called and texted you nearly every chance he got.
At first you didn't think anything of it. He would ask you how your day was, if you ate and how you were feeling. Nothing crazy or out of pocket. It was innocent most of the time, and usually followed up by making plans to see you later on.
There was nothing you could do to stop your heart from bursting out of your chest each time you heard a small chime. Nicole had glared at you once when you two were on lunch and you scrambled over the table to reach your phone.
"Is that Lover Boy?" She teased. You were thankful that, out of all the nicknames she could've used - and she had a lot of them -, lover boy was the one she had stuck with. For now.
"What?" You feigned ignorance, "I have no idea what you're talking about. That's...Amazon. My package was delivered."
She smirked, sipping her iced tea, "I'm sure it was."
After a few days, Kiseok's texts became a little more...risky. You had no problem with sexting. When in the right setting, it was hot but he would send you wild shit while you're in the middle of a meeting, or when you're trying to finish up the last of your work before heading to see him. Usually you could play it off then retreat to the bathroom to respond but when he sent a voice recording of that damned deep voice of his, you stood from your desk and went to the stairs corridor to call and cuss him out for getting you bothered at eleven in the morning. You promised punishment as soon as you were off and Kiseok was, to say the least, intrigued. That night he was stunned at how different you could be if he gave you the reigns. Days after that, he still catches himself staring after you with amazement.
From that point on, he pretty much figured out that he could make you do nearly anything with a certain voice. It was a dangerous game that you two played. It only escalated when he coaxed you to touch yourself in the private bathroom at your company with him on FaceTime. You were lucky that you had finished in record-breaking time, before any of your coworkers (or God forbid, your boss) found out what exactly you were doing.
By the time the third week rolled around, Nicole had stopped hounding you for details of your hookups. Instead, she cautioned every now again. Typically, it was the same thing.
"Don't get too attached."
"He's a celebrity. You know how society is to foreigners dating celebs."
"What if he's a player? I just don't want you to get hurt."
While you appreciated her concern, you knew it was already too late not to get attached to him. Other than text you constantly, Kiseok did little things that had your head and heart confused.
On his bad days, he would complain to you about what happened and asked for your advice, if you had any to give, on the topic. He joked and teased you just like a friend would and willingly showed you pieces of his personal and work life as well. It was subtle at first - videos of him in the studio and then pictures of his friends when he was telling you a story about them. Each time, he would bring you food or have something delivered so you both got to learn each other's eating and drinking habits. You had seen him tipsy but he made it a point not to over do it in front of you.
Kiseok was also very considerate of you and your time, which you appreciated more than anything else. He didn't hound you if you didn't text back immediately and understood if you were swamped at the office or had to cancel that one time because the work would not be done until late in the night. He just told you to take care of yourself and later, had a pizza ordered to your job. It was around that time that you noticed you were falling a little too fast. You hadn’t admitted it out-loud, instead you chose to ignore those feelings completely. Hopefully, they would magically disappear into thin air.
You both didn't get into intimate details of your life. It was only by a weird stroke of luck that he hadn't found out about Cookie. She usually called right after you got off work anyway. Kiseok was busy during the day so when you went out to meet with your daughter and her father on your off days, he was in the middle of his own jam-packed schedule. Really, he was only available during the night time so you were more of a booty call than a FWB at this point. Neither of you had defined the "relationship" so far though, so it was hard to put a name to it right now.
It was Saturday when you woke up early and got dressed in casual clothes to go with Cookie to the zoo. Her, her father and his girlfriend were flying back to the US tonight so they wanted to do one last thing to fill the hours before the boring plane ride. You had cried last night as you thought of being without your mini-me for two whole months but his family hadn't seen her since she was much younger. You knew she would have fun, especially since his parents were dying to take her to Disneyland. You wished you could take an extended vacation and go with them but you had used most of your vacation days to take Cookie to Disney World for her birthday and that was only a couple of months ago.
Either way, you were sadder these past two days and thankfully Kiseok was swamped with an upcoming project so he hadn't been over in about four days. You didn't have to explain your blood-shot eyes.
You had so much fun at the zoo with your daughter that you didn't bother touching your phone. Your ex had taken most of the pictures for you all with promises to send them to you. It was around two in the afternoon when you four decided to go to a nearby burger joint and get some lunch. Cookie was shoving her face with chicken tenders so you decided to check your phone to pass the time. There were a few new gray message bubbles.
'Hey sexy thang ;)' 10:09AM
'This song better go double platinum with all the work I'm puttin in this bitch' 11:32AM
'Don't tell me you're asleep still?' 11:38AM
'I'm going to find a way to get your sexy ass as a video vixen one of these days' 11:47AM
'Argggh PD is calling me back. Text me when you wake up' 11:51AM
'We should be done by 2. Loco is taking me to some new place for food then I'm free. Can I swing by your place?' 11:52AM
Of course they were all from Kiseok. Not even your mother texted you as much as he did and although you liked the attention, right now you wanted to focus on Cookie since you won't physically see her for weeks after this. You frowned to yourself, feeling tears well up in your eyes for the millionth time today. You were going to miss her so much.
Composing yourself, you quickly typed a reply back. 'Hey. I'm up, just a little busy today. I won't be able to see you tonight. Maybe tomorrow if you're free?' 2:16PM
With that, you locked your phone and slid it in your pocket, once again forgetting about it soon after.
Your ex's girlfriend, Mia, nudged you slightly when she saw how pensive you were. "Hey, you okay? Was that work?"
Shaking your head, you took a breath, "No, I'm just gonna miss having my best friend around."
Cookie popped up, french fries sticking out of her mouth, "I'm gonna miss you too, mommy!" Her curly hair was pulled into two pony-tails, coils springing happily as she devoured the food in record-breaking time. "Don't cry! I'll make daddy buy you a Tiana dress so we can match!"
You laughed at the sight, tears pooling in your eyes again as her father pouted. "Ok, sweetie, I'd love to match with you."
About thirty minutes later, you all were getting ready to leave when Mia said she'd swing by and grab the rental car from the parking lot. They had to go to back to their hotel to pack. You all said your goodbyes, tears flowing freely between you and Mia. Cookie looked concerned for you as she wiped your tears, kissing your cheeks to reassure you.
Your ex hugged you and thanked you again, his eyes sparkling with happiness to have his precious daughter with him. You wished you could go with them once again as you watched their car drive off.
Back at home, you were greeted with a depressingly quiet apartment. It was cold and dark, something that was going to be a common occurrence for the coming weeks. Sniffling, you made your way to Cookie’s room, scanning her pink room with a blurring gaze. You were slowly walking around the room when you felt your phone ring.
It was Mia.
"Hello?" You called, wondering what could've happened in the last hour since you parted ways.
"Hey, Y/N, Cookie is freaking out because her father forgot to ask you to bring her Peach doll," Mia nearly shouted over the distraught crying in the background. You could hear your ex trying to console Cookie, to no avail. "Can you meet us at the airport with it?"
Searching the room, you spotted the Princess Peach doll on her bed and nearly sprinted out of the door. "I got it. When is your flight again?"
"Boarding is in another hour and a half."
Shit. You scrambled to snatch your keys and shoved the doll in your purse. "Okay, I'll leave now and meet you at departures, okay? Tell Cookie mommy's on the way."
You hung up and made a mad dash down to the parking garage. The airport was about a forty-five minute drive from your place, not including traffic or any other delays like the predictable Seoul rush hour.
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At his own apartment, Simon was lounging on his couch, laptop on his chest as he worked. Loco was right next to him, on Face Time with the one and only Jay Park as he was at the airport.
"Have a safe flight," Loco was saying before Kiseok slid shoulder-to-shoulder with him.
"Get there and back in once piece, boss," the oldest one teased and Jay laughed. Unfortunately, he was distracted a little too long because he suddenly collided into a woman. The phone fell, face up and there were suddenly two faces on the screen.
His body guards reacted immediately and made sure the two were alright. Mildly interested, the two on the other side of the line watched on.
"I-I'm so sorry, oh God, I'm just in a rush." The woman's voice was so eerily familiar to Kiseok that he took a second to strain to hear it over the airport commotion.
Jay was off to the side, picking up his passport and other belongings that fell. "Nah, it's alright. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Again, I'm so sorry I wasn’t- Is this your phone?"
Without further ado, the woman picked up Jay's phone, and Kiseok felt his eyes bulge out of his skull when her face came into view.
What was Y/N doing in the airport? Loco didn't notice the other's tense reaction and simply waved at the stranger. You didn't seem to glance at the screen, yet they could easily notice your tear-stained cheeks, and just passed it back to the owner.
Over Jay reassuring her that it was fine for the third time, a loud and very male voice yelled. "Y/N! There you are!"
With another apology, you left the frame and turned towards the male voice. Jay watched the interaction for a second before continuing on his way, which was conveniently right past you. Loco was talking to the CEO like that didn't just happen when Kiseok saw you in the frame again. He was positive it was you this time around.
You wore that over-sized gray sweater that he thought was so cute on you, hair tied messily and hugging a handsome foreigner tightly. He pulled back from the hug and pushed back some pieces of your hair from your face before smiling, his lips moving. Staring up to him, you nodded, wiping your face with your sleeves. He brought you back to his chest, arms around your shoulders.
Involuntarily, Kiseok felt his jaw clench at the display of affection. His eyes tore from the phone quicker than he meant to, causing his junior to stare at him in confusion.
For the rest of the night, Loco was warily watching as the older man was fuming next to him. There was hardly any movement from his part and he was sure he was in a coma until Simon wiped out his phone, tapping it a few times before pressing it to his ear.
“Nayoung? It’s been a while. Are you free right now?”
Almost choking on his coke, Hyukwoo coughed. Why was Kiseok calling her, of all people? Once the call wrapped up, he nervously voiced his concern, “Hyung...Why are you calling her at this hour..?”
He didn’t get an immediate response, instead, Kiseok stood and glared with the power of a thousand suns at the TV in front of them.
“Am I not single? Can I not do what I want, with whoever I want, too?”
Without any further explanation, he stormed out of the apartment all together.
Hyukwoo stared after the front door in confusion. “Too?”
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28. After the Morning After
Word Count: 3742 Previous
Guiltless Grace was the Grace that Grace liked the best. Nothing would convince her that she was wrong, because even if she was, she's human and allowed to make mistakes. Perfection plagued her a long time and she wouldn't be bringing any of that into her 23rd year. 
She woke up early, only a couple of hours after sleeping and called Hazel. 
"Morning! How was your first night away?"
" I can handle it. I've slept in crazy places before. Lucy's is nice. They have an elevator!" 
"They live in a penthouse, so yeah. What are you having for breakfast?"
"Sugary cereal!" Hazel cheered. "It's GREAT!" Grace had to choke down getting upset about that. Sugary cereal wasn't great, but it wasn't going to kill Hazel to have a couple of days of it, even though that's not something that Grace ever bought.
"I stayed awake most of the night, so I'm going to get back to sleep soon."
"But you missed me?" Hazel asked.
Hazel laughed, "Get a life, Lady!" She joked. She and Grace laughed. "I'll bet I miss you tomorrow. I'm still enjoying myself… Are you enjoying yourself?"
Grace glanced around the unfamiliar room and looked where her swan goddess gown had been tossed onto the floor... It was gone now. Simon must've moved it.  Meanwhile, she was in nothing but an oversized MIT hoodie that Simon let her borrow. She supposed she was enjoying herself, but truth be told, she didn't feel like the pay off for letting loose last night was worth all of the self doubt of today. She had allowed Simon to be near her again… "I'm allowing myself to be imperfect," Grace said. She didn't lie to Hazel, ever. She just… tried to figure out ways not to potentially scar her with whole truths. She wasn't going to tell her details about Simon, but if it came up, she would be honest that she was there. It came up.
"Your presents from Simon look really nice… I want to see that Idol Princess doll ASAP!" Grace had forgotten about letting Simon take photos. He must’ve posted them to his social media already. Of course Hazel wanted to see that doll. Hell, she could HAVE it… "I've been bragging to Lucy how my mom is gonna be a doll now. She's jealous, of course." 
They talked until it was time for the girls to head to school. Grace sadly let Hazel off of the phone and finally climbed out of the bed. Simon stirred on the couch when she peeked into the living room. He seemed to be having a nightmare. He was curled up with Samantha at his feet and Grace's fur coat over him presumably for warmth. He still looked to be freezing though and she realized that maybe the rental didn't have extra blankets. She felt bad as she went to pull the one off of the bed to cover him with, setting her coat aside first. He snuggled into the blanket, but didn't wake up. He also appeared to be sleeping a little better with it.
Grace studied him for a moment. He looked so different than he used to, in terms of scars and age, but here, sleeping, he was like the little boy that she met and fell for very quickly. That is, if the little boy's hair was starting to gray and his worries had caused deep lines in his face. Still. He looked at peace. She leaned over to give him a kiss on the temple and ordered a ride to come pick her up. 
Her dress had been folded and placed on the trolley with her gifts. She peeked outside and it was pretty cool out there. Enough that she wanted to keep the socks that Simon had given her after her foot rub. They were really comfy and soft. Perfect. She was gonna take them. But, she removed his sweatshirt and got back into her dress. Her hair was.. a mess… nothing she could do about it at the moment. 
Whenever she got the alert for the car, she pushed the trolley outside and gave the driver a tip to pack it for her. She went to grab her purse and coat, brought the trolley back inside, gave Simon another kiss and left.
He heard the door shut and his eyes flew open. Simon jumped up and went to the door to look out. He saw a car down the road, but didn’t recognize it. He locked the door, wondering if he’d left it unlocked last night by accident. After a quick bathroom visit, he peeked into the bedroom and… Grace was gone. She left his sweatshirt on the bed, had changed back into her dress and was just gone. That must’ve been the door. 
He frowned, but she HAD told him that it wasn’t going to mean anything, and he agreed to proceed anyway. Her panties were still on the floor… He picked them up and tucked them into his pocket, unsure if she would want those back or not. He shot her a quick text: “Left in a hurry. Forgot your panties.”
“Lol. Thanks. I’ll grab them later.” 
He sighed and looked at his desk. He had work to do, but he was still sleepy, and now depressed, to boot. He set an alarm for later in the day and went to bed. It was more comfortable than the couch and it smelled like Grace. He wasn’t sure if that would make it harder to sleep or be more comforting. His jaw was killing him, and he knew that was a combination of Shana’s fists and Grace’s thrusts… but it was totally worth the discomfort this morning of having had Grace seemingly satisfied with his oral ministrations a few hours ago. 
He wanted more, of course he did. But, he hoped that she was at least minimally impressed by the fact that he graciously accepted what she was willing to give him. 
It was amazing, for him, actually. Simon hadn’t done that with her before. He chuckled to himself. If he had, maybe he would’ve turned his life around much sooner. He frowned at that joke, even though it only existed inside of his head. But, now he was back to thinking about the reason that she didn’t trust him with her body again. The way he had handled her the first time…
Simon had been selfish. Honestly, he simply used her body to get himself off, bending and moving her in whatever way seemed pleasing to him and because she loved him, she did whatever it took to make him happy… then he just stabbed her in the back. He hated feeling like a broken record, but he could never let go of who he had been back then, and she definitely couldn’t either. If he even seemed to be too close to her face she flinched and moved back. If his hands touched her, no matter how gently, she became irate as she flung them away. She didn’t want anything to do with him, but he was probably very convenient for her. He knew that he had to be fine with that. He had to be fine with her limits, her boundaries, her rules. He wasn’t, but he had to be and he was going to make sure that he seemed to be. “Thank you for allowing me to give you some attention this morning,” he texted. 
She took a moment thinking before eventually just replying, “Welcome.” In another text, she said, “I’m going to be sleeping last night off today. I’ll text you whenever I’m available to swing by.”
“Okay. Sweet dreams.”
“Thanx. Bye.”
Grace woke up around 1 pm. That was the latest that she had woken up in years, and not something that she ever did very often. She had several missed calls and texts from her friends. No more from Simon, thankfully, and sadly, none from Hazel. She had numerous notifications from her social media accounts. Most likely birthday wishes. She ordered some food and got ready for the day while she waited for it to arrive. Her legs felt a little bit sore. She had been dancing longer and harder than she did in her day to day last night. And had definitely used muscles she didn't usually at Simon's. So, she rubbed some oils into her muscles and stretched everything out.
While she ate, she checked all of her messages. All the girls wanted to know how she was today and Chapa was especially concerned (her friend from Julliard), so she messaged her first, since she hadn’t been there for the end of the night, then she decided to just go live, as it was easier than addressing everyone individually. 
“Hey, everybody. Forgive me for looking homely today. I traded in the beauty rest for an amazing time last night. I just wanted to show everyone my face and give thanks for all of the birthday wishes, as well as all of the concerned messages of friends who saw me get a little wilder than normal last night. Special thank you to my friends who celebrated with me and to those who wanted to celebrate with me but just couldn't. You’re all so very amazing…” She read a few of the incoming comments basically reassuring her that she was indeed still exceptionally beautiful, congratulations on having a fun birthday, and belated birthday wishes. Then, someone asked, "Did you see Simon for your birthday?" 
“As a matter of fact, I DID see Simon on my birthday. He was a total gentleman and got me some really nice gifts.” 
Then, the comments became a sea of interest in Simon, her relationship status with Simon, questions about his gifts, thoughts on whether or not she should entertain gifts or visits from him, and she ignored them to conclude, “Well, I just wanted to check in with everybody. I will be seeing the people that I planned on seeing today and I hope all of you have a wonderful rest of your day. Quote of the Day: I will hold myself to a standard of Grace, not perfection.” She winked and ended the video.
She noticed that Simon “loved” it, and she continued eating and went to scroll his page. He did one birthday post that had all of the photos of her receiving her gifts from him, but it also had this LONG ASS caption that she only skimmed through, seeing it was basically more of his groveling - claiming that she was the most perfect person in the world and that he didn’t deserve her to ever forgive him nor did he expect them to ever be on good terms again, but he was really grateful that they could be the way that they are and every pinch of her energy given to him was more than he had earned, etc. 
She avoided the comments, but accidentally saw one person say something along the lines of, “She might as well just forgive you and take you back if she’s going to be around you at all.” There was a long thread beneath it and she was curious, but didn’t check. She willed herself not to check. 
She went to check Hazel’s page and saw the video of Hazel preparing birthday breakfast, a post of selfies of the two of them before school that day and one that she snapped of Grace about to cry with the caption, “This is the face of a person with no life. It’s just a few days, Mother!” Grace sniffled even looking at the photos of them. 
“I miss my baby,” she whimpered, before calling Lucy’s mother to ascertain that there had been no problems or needs to be discussed. After she was done, and tossed her trash out, she sat on her patio, looking at her neighborhood and being reminded very much that she indeed did not have a life, as Hazel had suggested twice in two days.
She called Simon. “Hello.” He sounded… not well.
“Hey. When’s a good time for me to stop by?”
“I’ll be here all day. I don’t have anything to do, as I don’t know anything about the city yet.”
“Okay. Well, I’m gonna leave right now, and depending on traffic, shouldn’t take too long, since I’m…” She paused. “Not too far away right now,” she said. He scoffed or laughed. She couldn’t tell, but it annoyed her. “There a problem, Simon?”
“Nope.” She squinted her eyes and sighed. “See you,” he said and hung up on her. 
“There’s a fucking problem,” she said, shaking her head. Maybe she could go to Brooklyn and grab Shana and/or Iza. Damita lived in the Bronx… that was closer to where Simon currently was, but she was at school right now. Tulip was at work and Mikayla was likely doing something else, because she was always busy with something… And if she told Chapa that she slept there, lord… the backlash… Ugh. She got up and just sent a message to the group text that she was going to go pick up something from Simon’s and that he was acting funny on the phone. If anything did happen, they all knew his information. But, she hated that she was sexual with someone just hours ago that made her feel the need to even take such precautions, and she hated that she decided to do that. Nobody forced her to, or pressured her to.. UGH! 
The front door was open whenever she pulled up to the house, but she still rang the doorbell. Who knew what might set him off today? Simon came to the door with Samantha in one hand and her underwear in the other. He sort of shoved it towards her, and whenever she took it, he offered the fakest ass smile that she had ever seen him make. “You’re in a bad mood,” she said, accusatory. 
He furrowed his eyebrows, then slumped his shoulders, “Is it obvious? Sorry. It’s been a bad day.”
“You gonna be alright?” 
“Of course. I always am.”
She started to leave, but paused and turned around, “Does it have anything to do with me?”
“No!” he answered quickly and shook his head. 
“Okay… well… I feel like you’re taking it out on me, whatever it is and I don’t like that.”
He looked absolutely devastated by that. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to take anything out on you… He set Samantha down and came outside, closing the door behind him. “I know that what happened between us was a one time thing and we’re not lovers or friends, so the last thing I wanted to do was bother you with my problems. I tried to just not say anything about them.”
“It’s fine to say that you don’t want to talk about something, instead of these short answers and moody tone, making me rethink even a one time casual engagement with you.”
He sighed again, “Okay. I’m sorry.” He sat down on the steps and she sighed and sat next to him. 
“What is it?”
“I didn’t sleep well. I haven’t heard back from the company about the position. I was denied a grant that I need for a really important project, and I spent more than a reasonable amount of time arguing with people on the internet.” He rocked his legs. “And now, I’ve let my day affect yours… which is just… the thing I hate the most of everything that I just said.”
She reached out for his hand and he looked down at their fingers, intertwined. She didn’t say anything or even look at him. They both were just looking at their hands, woven together, saying nothing. Eventually, she got up, said, “Hope you feel better,” and left. And… he did. He felt inexplicably better. 
Grace barely let Hazel breathe when she got back home. She was asking about how much fun she had (updates that she had been given daily), seeing if Hazel wanted to do a lot of other stuff (despite the fact that they had a very full weekend ahead of them), and Thursday evening, whenever Hazel appeared in her doorway while she was at the vanity oiling her scalp, Grace smiled, eager to see what Hazel wanted to do with her right now.
“Hey… So… Is it just gonna be you and me this weekend?”
“Yes! We’re gonna have so much fun!” Grace cheered. “I can’t WAIT for corn dogs at the amusement park.” Hazel came in and sat beside Grace on the little bench in front of her vanity. “Are you okay, Hazel?”
“Are you?” Hazel wondered. Grace was confused. “It was my first time away and I guess I thought it would be a good break for both of us, but you spent a lot of time checking up on me and… aside from your birthday, did you have any fun? Did you even have any fun on your birthday?”
“Yes, I had fun. I had more fun than should’ve been allowed.”
“I keep thinking about the tour you and Simon gave me and the stuff you two told me. I’m the same age that you were when you met. You were having so much fun and doing so many things with your friend… now, all you do is take care of me, and barely give me the chance to take care of myself.”
“Hazel, you have to understand, the stuff that Simon and I were doing was because we were both highly neglected. We were retelling stories of how we came together to make bad situations a little bit better. I don’t ever want you to feel neglected, so I make sure that I’m here for you, whenever you need me.”
Hazel nodded, and clasped her hands together, “I get that. But, also… before we lived together, I used to see you on social media having a great time and living so carefree. You had activities and friends. I feel like I’ve taken a lot of that away from you and…"
"It's my job. It's my job to take care of you. Not the other way around, Hazel. Don't worry about what things I don't do anymore." 
"I wouldn't, but it's hard not to think about it whenever you're being all… I don't know…" she didn't want to say the wrong thing. She wasn't trying to hurt Grace's feelings, but Grace was perhaps putting way more into this than Hazel needed.
"Ok. I get it. Just try to understand, I didn't have a good example of how much time a mom should give. I had faceless nanny after faceless nanny. Driver after driver whose names I've forgotten completely. Detached professional instructors and private school staff who could care less about my well-being. I'm trying to be the opposite of what I had and I guess in my quest to be a good mom I wound up not being one…"
"You ARE a good mom. You just need to also be good by yourself." Hazel twiddled her fingers, "I wanted to see if Lucy could come to the amusement park with us, but I didn't want you to feel bad."
"I won't. Call her up and see if she can come," Grace said, smiling but literally feeling horrible. Hazel rushed to go do that and Grace looked at an alert from her phone. It was artwork that someone did and tagged her and Simon to. "Grace as the Idol Princess." Really nice artwork. She liked it and continued her hair.
Lucy wouldn't be able to come this weekend. Hazel was upset, but still excited for the outings. Grace felt like her secondary plan, but brushed that aside. Whenever she went to bed, she saw a notification that Simon had gone live. She laid down and tuned in, catching him in the middle of a point about never being good enough to be forgiven. "And, I understand perfectly in instances nowhere I was completely in the wrong, for instance, everyone who follows me knows everything I did to Grace, but I didn't do shit like that to my mother, and even what I did do… how is that not her fault? How is she mad at me for something I did when she left me unattended? That was thirteen years ago. So… no. Don't tell me that I should be forgiving of her because she's sick or because of her problems or whatever else. My mother is part of the reason I became a person who could hurt Grace. My parents were majority stockholders in me being an unforgivable piece of shit to her. I don't care about what they were going through and I'm not going to explain that again."
She typed into the comments, "Wtf is going on?" 
He noticed it and ran a hand through his hair, "Hey, Grace. Just… still arguing with people on the internet. Explaining myself like a peasant," he joked, laughing. 
"CALL. ME." She typed. 
He stared at the screen for a while, then just cut off the video. But, seconds later, he was calling. "Simon… what happened?"
He groaned, "There was this entire debate about how you should just forgive me instead of us going back and forth, so I said that you're not obligated to trust me and it became this entire thing and somehow devolved into me forgiving my mom, especially because she's dying."
"What the fu… your mom is dying?"
"Yeah," he said casually. "She has very late stage cancer from a brain tumor." 
"WHAT? Since when?"
"I think she found out a couple of months ago? She told me in Belize, but my dad had made this post about it before then. I’m not sure why I thought you knew.”
“If I had known, I would have said something nice to you… or something.”
He chuckled, “I don’t need something nice… unless it’s you.” He smiled. She could hear the smile.
“Well, if you want that, it would take a whole lot more than you eating me out one night. You’ve got things to atone for, Buddy.” She laughed, but he was quiet for a moment. So quiet that she thought he might have gotten disconnected. But, he eventually spoke again.
“I’ll do anything.”
She smiled as wide as her face would allow and she simply whispered, “Worship me.”
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factoffictionwriter · 4 years
Tiva Fic Amnesty #13
I didn’t realize how many half-finished reunion fics I had. Here’s another one. Gibbs escorts Ziva right back to the family home in Paris (partially because he isn’t sure she’ll make it home alone). 
“It’s on the left.” 
He nodded, licking his lips as he started eyeing the uniformly black numbers contrasting against the white bricks. 
“There,” She raised her hand in a half-hearted gesture that was nearly lost in the dim light of the dashboard.
There was, by some miracle, just enough space for their tiny rental car to slide into an available space on the curb directly across from the indicated unit. 
He cut the engine and turned his careful gaze to her for the first time since they left the airport. She was - 
Gibbs brings the car to a stop almost a full block away from the charming townhome where Tony and Tali are living. He looks over at Ziva,finding that she’s twisting her fingers around and drumming them against her thigh, otherwise a complete mask of forced calm. He muses over how he’s never seen her this nervous and how just a few dozen hours ago her take down the man who had been tormenting her for 6 years and knew very well that she might not make it out of the situation and she hadn’t shown so much as a distant glance that suggested she was at all nervous, but here, sitting outside of a house full of people she loves and who love her so fucking much, she’s practically a mess (by Ziva standards). He asks if she’s ready, and she asks if they’ll still be awake. He shows her a key, one he received in the mail just a month or so after DiNozzo’s departure with little more than a photo and a post-it saying that their door was always open to him. She seems to deflate at the sight of the key. Well, there goes her excuse. 
So they get out of the car and walk the block or so of beautifully lit Parisian streets, giving off a slightly less powerful impact as their daily beauty, but nonetheless still magical. 
They’re walking and she suddenly stops and turns toward a front door, saying this is it. He’s a little taken aback by her actions, and asks if she’s ever been here before. She looks around wistfully before saying that she picked it. And he wants to ask questions, but he tone suggests she won’t answer them. So they go up to the front door, and she goes to knock but he just waves her off and opens it with the key because it’s so late no way they’re gonna answer anyway. 
And they make their way through the quiet home, Ziva leading him up the stairs and down a hallway. She stops in front of a door, opening it a crack and looking puzzled at the inside. Then there is a sound (movement or snoring) from the door at the end of the hall and she seems to realize something. She closes the door and starts walking farther down. But she freezes in front of the new door, so Gibbs has to step up and open it for her. 
Tony and Tali and curled up on the bed, the blue reflection of the TV screen suggesting that they had fallen asleep while watching a movie. Gibbs walks into the room, stepping back into a corner and watching as Ziva steps in slowly and starts making her way around to the side of the bed closest to Tali. 
She brushes a wonky curl off her daughter’s forehead, which causes the girl to stir slightly. She rolls closer to the edge and freezes. It takes Gibbs a moment to notice that the girl is squinting up at her mother. 
The word was both tired and strained. But it had an immediate effect on the woman. Her hand reached out again, fluffing up some flattened strands on the side of the girls head as she whispered, “Yes, Tateleh.” 
The girls’ head bobbed as if she was trying to get all excited but was just too darn tired to pull it off. So instead, she reached up for the woman’s hand and pulled on it, hard, causing her to slide onto the mattress. Then the girl crawled up to fit into her mother’s chest and sighed happily. 
“I’m here, Tali. Get some sleep.” 
It was after this that the sleeping man on the far side of the mattress started to move. His arm slid out, as if expecting to run into the body of his sleeping child,and when it came into contact with Ziva’s thigh, his head jerked up a bit. He too squinted before opening his eyes, but he somehow managed to be much more alert than the small girl had mustered. 
He watched the girls carefully as Ziva buried her hair in Tali’s curls and started rubbing gentle circles into her back. After a minute or so, she managed to lay back, resting her head on the pillow and looking in the direction of tony’s intent eyes. 
“Hi.” she whispered. 
‘Hi.” He mumbled back. 
And  the little girl, who must not have been as knocked out as she certainly looked against her mother’s chest, turned at this, “Abba.”
He reached out to her, resting his hand low on her back in a comforting gesture, “I’m here too, Tali-Mae.” 
That settled the girl even farther. And it wasn’t long until she started emitting her own  little snores that were, admittedly, adorable. 
After it was clear she was asleep, Tony carefully shifted his postion so that he could lean closer to Ziva. He slowly took his hand off his daughter’s back and bushed it over her curls before bringing it up to brush over Ziva’s, then down the side of her face. 
“Ziva.” He whispered. 
She shifted her daughter’s weight so she could free her own hand to bring up and flattened on top of his. 
“Tony, I am so-” 
“No,” he responded too quickly, and too loudly, leaving them to wait several seconds until their toddler stopped squirming, “Tomorrow. We’ll deal with stuff tomorrow. Now…” 
He brushed his hand lower, letting his thumb run across her lower lip as if asking permission, which she willfully granted as she ducked her head and pressed her lips eagerly to his in the low light. 
Gibbs’ eyes wandered around the room for a few seconds until he decided that yeah, that was certainly his que to leave. He wondered if one of those doors they passed in the hallway held a bed, or if he was going to have to wander around until he found a decently sized couch. Just as he was about to step out of the room, Tony spoke. 
“Thanks, Boss.” 
Gibbs just nodded vaguely and stepped out, not sure what exactly he was being thanked for, but figuring that it was sorta a catch all.
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fruit-teeth · 5 years
Matters of Time and Fate (2)
(Yep I’m continuing this...It’s really late here, so I’m gonna go to bed soon AND I’m gonna try and get requests done tomorrow!! Ugh I’ve been so busy...anyway, I hope you enjoy!)
The rage was like a fiery knot, getting tighter and tighter and tearing Olivia up from within. She curled in further on herself, glaring at the floor of the van while her heart pounded furiously. She plotted revenge: she had no idea how she would do it, but she would strike all of them, any of them, and rip them to bits. It was as if, for a moment, she forgot there was a significant size difference between herself and these adults who had just inserted themselves into her life, and she also forgot that she was unarmed and without her father. She was helpless.
The van stopped, and she heard Miss Pauling speaking. “So, this is it, huh?”
“Yes,” The Administrator replied from the passenger seat. “Our stay won’t be long, only a few weeks…”
“You know,” Miss Pauling glanced over at the other woman. “You don’t have to stay here with us. If you want your own privacy, I can get you a hotel nearby,”
The Administrator shook her head. “No, no…I don’t currently have access to any camera equipment, and I’d like to keep my eyes on all of you at all times,” she undid her seatbelt, shifting around to look at Olivia. “Saxton Hale could arrive at any time, and when he does, the signing will take place. Do you understand?”
Olivia only glared at Helen, and after a moment she stuck out her tongue at the older woman. Helen pursed her lips together, before opening the car door. “Of course,”
Other cars began pulling up on the front lawn of the Townhouse and the mercenaries began to emerge from each one, coming together for the first time in a few days.
“God, this place looks ancient,” Scout wrinkled his nose, approaching the siding and running his finger up it, collecting a bit of dark brown dust. “Ugh, look at it! It’s all grimy and shit…”
Spy rolled his eyes, nudging Scout and handing him a box of belongings. “Be grateful we have a place, I think it looks rather nice…”
Demo carried a few boxes through the front door, and when he stopped in the kitchen doorway, he glanced around the place with a somewhat saddened look. “What was wrong with our old base? Why’d we have tae stay here?”
“It’s being used as storage, we don’t have rights to it at the moment,” Engineer explained, coming up behind Demo and fishing out a cooler from one of the boxes. “But that’s okay—right here is a good place to rest our feet for a while, y’know?” he opened the fridge but grimaced a little. “Ugh, would ya look at that?”
“What?” Sniper looked over his shoulder, before making a face. “Seriously?”
Engineer pulled out a container of moldy orange peels and a half-gallon of milk, which he promptly threw away. “What’s wrong with people? Damn…leavin’ your old stuff at a rental house…goodness me,”
Once the fridge had been emptied and cleaned, Engineer unloaded a few beers from the cooler. “Once we’re all done with this, fellas, how’d you all feel about goin’ to the market and gettin’ some groceries?”
“That sounds wonderful!” Medic replied, walking in briskly to fill a pitcher with some water. “I’m afraid I’ll have to stay behind, though, Heavy and I have to get the doves settled,”
Engineer nodded. “That’s fine, but hey: the rest of us can go, it can be our lil’ team bonding activity!”
“Hell yeah!” Scout agreed. “It’s been freakin’ ages since we all got to go out and do shit together,” he reached into the fridge, getting out a beer for himself. “God, thank god that old bat kicked the bucket…we don’t gotta worry about his bullshit anymore!”
If Scout had noticed Olivia standing in the kitchen just a few feet away from him, perhaps he wouldn’t have made that comment about the now-deceased Gray Mann. But he didn’t see her, and he didn’t even know she was behind him until he heard her counting, “One…two…three!”
“What—” Scout turned around, just in time to see that Olivia had grabbed one of the kitchen knives, and she had a look of pure hatred in her eyes as she prepared to stab him in the thigh.
Before she could strike, however, Sniper quickly yanked her away from her target and exclaimed, “Aw, hell, no! No, you don’t!”
Olivia shrieked and kicked, twisting around and trying to stab Sniper, but to no avail. Engineer reached in and pried the kitchen knife from the girl’s hand, before scolding her, “That’s very bad! No! Do you need a time out!?”
“Let me go!” Olivia exclaimed, before tipping her head back and slamming it directly into Engineer’s shoulder, headbutting him in hopes to incapacitate him in some form. Nothing was working, so Olivia resorted to just screaming louder and thrashing her limbs, eventually twisting around and kicking Sniper in the jaw.
Sniper let out a yell, stumbling, before he grunted, “Somebody better deal with this kid before I drop her out a window!”
Demo quickly took Olivia, but not knowing what else to do with her, he set her down on the floor again. This time, though, Olivia went with a different instinct and darted towards the adjacent living room. He chased after her, only to watch her climb behind the TV stand and wedge herself there, kneeling on the floor.
Demo paused, unsure of what to do, and he knelt down. “Um…hey, are ye—”
Before he could finish, Olivia screeched at him, “Go away! I hate you!”
“Tavish,” Medic called from the kitchen, gesturing for him to come back. “Leave her alone for a while,”
Olivia panted, her hands quivering as she curled up in the dust behind the TV, and she could hear the men talking about her.
“Ugh, do we have to keep that little brat with us!?” Scout huffed. “She almost freakin’ killed me!”
“It would not have killed you,” Medic corrected him. “It would have only been a stab to the leg,”
Engineer cracked open a can of beer, sighing. “Once she signs over Mann Co., I think she’s gonna go to the orphanage…Hale better get here, soon,”
Olivia felt tears burning her eyes again, but she curled up even further, making herself smaller. Why did her father have to die? Why was this happening? She wanted it all to be a dream, she wanted desperately to wake up in her own bed in her own house, with all of this being a distant memory.
It was then, though, that there was a tapping sound on the side of the TV stand. Olivia lifted her head, and when she heard the tapping again, she wiped her eyes and peeked out to look.
Pyro stood by the stand, a baggie of something clutched in their hand. They knelt down when Olivia peeked out, and they opened the bag to reveal little candies and some small chewing gum packs. Olivia wrinkled her nose, moving away a bit (she wasn’t about to accept a treat from these people who had taken her home away), until she recognized one of the little bonbons.
It was the same kind her father would get for her (when he’d allow her to have sweets, which wasn’t often), and when she saw it, she lowered her guard a bit.
Olivia reached into the bag, grabbing the little strawberry bonbon and unwrapping it. When she popped it into her mouth, Pyro made a delighted sound. They held up a finger as if telling her to wait a moment, before they showed her a little windup dog they’d had in their pocket. Olivia just rolled the bonbon around in her mouth, watching as Pyro demonstrated how the dog worked by winding it up. They set it on the floor, and it began to march around in circles while playing a little tune. Normally, Olivia wouldn’t have been impressed, but somehow the dog was a comfort compared to everything else she’d just experienced.
Pyro sat back, watching the dog before looking back up at Olivia, as if hoping for a reaction. The little mechanism walked its way over to Olivia’s shoe, where it tapped lightly for a few seconds. Olivia didn’t say or do anything, choosing to wrap her arms around herself tighter, as if trying to make herself invisible.
“Hello?” a voice cut in suddenly, startling her. She looked up, seeing that it wasn’t Pyro who had spoken, but Spy.
Spy was kneeling on the wood floor, studying Olivia’s face. “I did not mean to startle you,” he apologized, his voice softer. “What are you doing back there?”
Olivia scowled, moving back. “Go away!”
“Oh, come, now,” Spy looked up at Pyro, nodding at them as if their job here was done. Pyro nodded back, beginning to gather their bag and wind-up dog as Spy continued. “I was going to ask if you were hungry at all. I don’t believe you’ve had breakfast, have you?”
Olivia sniffled, suddenly remembering that the only thing she’d eaten that day was the candy Pyro had just given her. She shook her head, and Spy clicked his tongue. “What a shame. I have a bit of food if you’d like some, and you can eat it in here. But you must sit on the couch if you want some, yes?”
Olivia went quiet again, before she nodded. She stood up shakily, brushing the dust off of herself and stepping out from behind the TV. Spy smiled gently at her, ushering her to the couch and guiding her to sit down. Once she was seated, he handed her a small plate with some crackers and soft cheese, saying, “I understand it’s not a lot, but it’s something,”
As Olivia began to eat silently, Spy sat beside her and watched for a moment. Finally, he had to ask, “Tell me, Olivia: what do you like to do?”
Olivia took another bite of cracker, shrugging. “I dunno,”
“Is there anything you’re good at?” Spy prompted again, maintaining his gentle composure.
“Good at?” Olivia repeated, squinting in thought. She shrugged. “Spreadsheets,”
Spy tilted his head, intrigued. “Spreadsheets?”
“Yeah,” she popped another cracker into her mouth. “For finances – for the company,”
Spy drew in a breath. “I see…” what he’d speculated had been confirmed, and his pity for this girl only grew. He stood up, sliding his hands into his coat pockets. “Well, eat up, and Miss Pauling can help you get your room ready, yes?”
“I have a room, but it’s not here,” Olivia replied, her voice sour again.
“…of course,” Spy sighed, frowning as he realized that this was going to be a long few weeks.
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67-chevy-baby · 5 years
Pairing - Jared x Reader
Tags - Slight angst, FLUFFFFFF, language, and I think that’s it.
Word Count -  2,664
Beta - @winecatsandpizza​
Fic Aesthetic - Yours truly
The Song I Chose - Off My Mind by Radio Company
Written for - @saxxxology​’s Vol 1 Writing Challenge
A/N - So, I couldn’t find much about Jared’s sister. I don’t think she’s married, but just so y’all know I made up Trent, Max, and Macee. Also, there may be a part 2 to this. It’s my first Jared fic, and I’m not sure I write him well. At any rate, I hope y’all enjoy it, and I especially hope you like this Saxxy. I really tried to make this good. :) 
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To say you’d become a failure to your parents was an understatement. 
From the moment you dropped out of college to pursue your real dream, they’d cut all ties with you. Honestly, it didn’t come as a surprise considering all they seemed to care about was what they wanted you to succeed in. If it didn’t benefit them, then they weren’t interested.
Finally realizing their true intentions was the straw that broke the camel’s back. You packed what little belongings you had and left for Texas, leaving your home-town in Ohio behind in the rearview mirror. The beat-to-hell car you inherited lasted you until the outskirts of Dallas, so you decided to hole up in a hotel with the last bit of savings you had. 
After checking in and grabbing some snacks from the vending machine in the lobby, you headed to your room and splayed out on the bed. You scrolled through local jobs as you munched on a Snickers bar. Nothing really jumped out at you, but this wasn’t a time in your life where it was rational to be picky. If you were going to pursue becoming a singer, then you needed some cash to get you started. 
Nothing really piqued your interest around Dallas, so you decided to span your search further. After an hour of sifting through different job opportunities, you finally came across one that caught your eye. 
Full-Time Nanny in Avery Ranch Start Date: Mid-January 2020 Children ages: 5 and 2 months Hours/Rate: M-F 7:30am-5pm - $18/hr Serious Inquiries Only: (512)586-2463
Other than singing, babysitting your sister’s kids was something else you thoroughly enjoyed. Her husband had cheated on her, and they divorced soon after so you became a constant in their lives. Not that you weren’t before, but since you were a full-time student at the time you often watched them during your off time. 
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you called the number and waited. By the third ring, you were starting to get discouraged but then a woman’s cheerful voice answered. 
Talking on the phone was never a strong suit of yours. Especially not knowing who was on the other end, it always gave you anxiety. Taking a deep breath, you stammered out a response. 
“Um, h-hi. My name’s Y/N and I saw your add about the Nanny position. I’d like to apply if it’s still available.” 
You heard the woman clear her throat and some rustling before she came back on the line. 
“Hi, Y/N! My name's Megan. Yes, the position is still available! Can you come over tomorrow at noon? My husband and I would like to meet over coffee to get to know you a bit better before we introduce you to the children.” 
Well, you weren’t expecting that, but the desperate situation you were in won over the butterflies fluttering against your abdomen. 
“Y-Yeah! I can do that!” 
The warmth in the woman’s response was evident and it eased any doubts you had bouncing around in your head. 
“Great! We’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N. I’ll text you the address and feel free to wear something comfortable. Lord knows with two kids I won't be wearing my best dress."
You bid her goodbye and sighed into your pillow. Despite uprooting your life merely a day ago, things were starting to come together, and for once, you couldn't be happier. 
Jared sighed as he walked through the airport. Another season of Supernatural wrapped and he was finally on his home turf again. The familiarity of the Texas air nipped his bare skin as he headed for the awaiting taxi. Tonight, he'd rest up and then tomorrow he'd go and see his siblings. 
The ride to his studio apartment was short, but it allowed him to send a few texts and emails anyway. He tipped the cab driver generously and took the elevator up to his floor. 
His apartment wasn't much, but it was enough for him. The entry area was small, bearing a hook on the wall to hang his keys, a closet for his coat and shoes, and a couple of light switches. Just off to the left was the living room. He had a black leather sectional and a nice entertainment center where he could watch the latest Cowboys game comfortably. The kitchen wasn't enormous, but he didn't need it to be. It had everything he needed and all the appliances were new enough. His bedroom was just the way he left it, his king-size bed unmade and his laundry in the basket by the bathroom door. 
Jared tossed his suitcase on the bed and padded to the kitchen for a beer. He'd start laundry tomorrow. It wasn't like he had anyone to impress or anything. Ever since Supernatural gained its popularity, he'd shied away from serious relationships because he barely had time for himself let alone a significant other. Settling into the couch, he flipped through the channels before stopping on the movie Die Hard, one of his favorite Christmas movies. Before he knew it, he'd dozed off, his hard work and jet lag finally catching up to him.
You groaned and shut off your alarm. How was it already 6 AM? Forcing yourself to emerge from your warm blanket cocoon, you padded to the bathroom praying a hot shower would wake you up. Mornings were far from your favorite thing, and if you were going to meet with your potential employer then you needed to be somewhat presentable. 
Once you were dressed and had some sustenance, you wore a simple pair of jeans and a comfortable top. Your hair fell neatly at your shoulders and once you applied a small amount of makeup, you looked less like a zombie than you imagined. Remembering to grab your card key, you slid on your flats and headed to the address that Megan had texted you. 
The drive was nearly three hours, but you didn't mind. It allowed you to decompress and listen to your favorite Spotify playlist. Luckily, the rental car you managed to get had Bluetooth, otherwise you'd have to deal with the local stations. 
Finally, you pulled into the driveway and allowed yourself to take a few deep breaths. The house was pretty big, two-story with a two-car garage. The yard was well kept and you could see the faint outlines of playground equipment down the street. Overall, it looked to be a nice, quiet neighborhood. 
Crisp air fanned your face as you walked to the front door. A couple knocks later you were face to face with a sweet-looking young woman. She smiled warmly at you before inviting you inside. 
"Hi! You must be Y/N. It's so good to meet you." 
Smiling back at her, you shook her hand and then noticed a taller figure walk up behind her. He nodded at you and wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist. 
“I’m her husband, Trent. Please come in and make yourself comfortable.”
You followed them inside and gasped as they led you into what had to be their living room. Your eyes wandered and marveled at how cozy and elegant everything looked. Not that it mattered to you, but you couldn’t help but think this couple had a lot of money. 
“You have a beautiful home, Mr. and Mrs. …” 
It only just hit you that you didn’t know their last name. Megan brought you a cup of some wonderful smelling coffee and sat down on the love seat across from you. 
“Stevenson. Our last name is Stevenson. Thank you for your kind words. We moved here a little over a year ago so I could be closer to my niece.” 
You nodded and moaned happily at the taste of the coffee. This was one of the many things you enjoyed in life, a nice hot cup of coffee.
“Oh, does your family live close? That’s always nice, having family that lives close by. I used to watch my older sister’s kids all the time while she worked. They’re in school full-time now, so that’s why I decided to move here to hopefully pursue my dream.” 
It amazed you that you felt this comfortable around the Stevenson’s so quickly. Normally, your anxiety would get the better of you and it’d be like pulling teeth to get you to share personal things about your life. Megan nodded and scooted over to allow room for Trent to sit by her. 
“Yes, one of my older brother’s lives about fifteen minutes from here. He’s not home often though due to his job. He’s an actor and really only gets time off during the summer and the holidays. My other older brother lives about forty-five minutes from here. He’s an Orthopedic surgeon.” 
“Wow.” You breathed. “That’s really awesome! I have always wanted to be a singer, but my love of kids made me want to wait a little longer to try and become successful at it. I probably would have had kids of my own by now if I was fortunate in the relationship department. I seem to always find the ones who are either already married or live in their Mom’s basement.” The three of you shared a laugh and you watched as Trent scrolled through his phone. 
“This is our son, Max. He just turned five about a month ago, and in his lap is our two-month-old daughter Macee.”
You looked at them both in awe. “They’re beautiful! Max sure looks like he loves Macee a lot.” Just as you handed Trent his phone back, a small voice sounded from the foot of the stairs. 
“Mommy? I can’t sweep…”
The three of you looked to see little Max standing with his teddy bear and rubbing his eyes. Megan opened her arms and set him on her lap, pressing her lips to his forehead. 
“Hey, baby. You can sit with Mommy while we talk to miss Y/N.”
Your ears perked up at her words. Was she giving you the job? Both her and Trent shared a look and you could tell they were having a wordless conversation. Finally, Megan turned and gave you an excited smile. 
“Y/N, if you’re up for it, Trent and I would love to have you as our Nanny. You seem very attentive and dependable. We have a spare room that you can stay in for the time being, and you’ll have your own bathroom.” 
“Thank you both so much! I can’t wait to work with you and get to know your adorable children. When would you like me to start?”
Megan gave you a folder with a few papers in it to go over. 
“These are just a few more things about us and the kids that I want you to know. You can bring your things over tomorrow night and then on Monday you can start.”
You bid Trent and Megan goodbye and headed back to your hotel. It was as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You’d only been here a short time and you had a place to stay and a job. Now all you needed to get was a car and you’d better off than you were before you started your journey. 
The sound of his phone’s text tone woke Jared from his slumber. He typed a quick response to his sister and stretched his tired muscles. After taking a quick shower and getting dressed he grabbed his wallet and keys before heading out the door. 
His sister said to be at her house in a couple of hours, but he didn’t see the harm in getting there early. It would give him time to play with Max and Macee for a little while. The drive there wasn’t very long, and soon he was walking up the sidewalk to their front door. 
He let himself in and could saw his sister in the back yard playing with the kids. Before he could head through the house out the back door, something caught his attention. A sweet melodic voice flowed through the upstairs hallway that made his heartbeat quicken. He moved so he could see better and caught sight of the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She had long brown hair that waved a bit at the ends, was probably about five foot one, and her voice was mesmerizing. 
He watched as she cleaned the kids’ playroom, her hips shimmying to the music she was listening to. It was then that he recognized the song she was singing. It was one of the songs from Jensen’s new album! Standing in the foyer, he let himself listen to you a bit longer.
Oh, and how do I get you off my mind
With you back in my bed
How do I get you off my mind
Can’t have you living in my head
You can only stay awake so long
While deciding what is true
I lean in for a kiss upon your shoulder
Realize it wouldn’t do, not with you
So, how do I get you off my mind
With you back in my bed
How do I get you off my mind
Can’t have you living in my head
Unbeknownst to him, his sister was watching him watch her, the biggest smirk on her face knowing that you had caught her brother’s eye. 
“Her name’s Y/N, and she’s Trent and I’s nanny.”
Jared whirled around to meet his sister’s knowing gaze. He knew he’d been caught staring and was sure he was blushing furiously. 
“That’s ah… I’m uh… glad you found someone suitable for the kids, Meg. I bet she’s great.”
“Uh-huh… I haven’t seen you look at someone like that since… well, since ever really. You like her.”
“What?! That’s… I mean… I don’t even know her. I just… her singing was um… really good!”
By now, you had finished cleaning the playroom and was prepared to relieve Megan so she could go out with her family. You heard her talking to someone and you assumed it was Trent. 
“Hey, Megan! I finished cleaning the pla-” 
Your words were caught in your throat as you looked down into the foyer. There, standing mere feet from you was your celebrity crush since you saw him on Gilmore Girls. Jared Padalecki. It took only a moment for things to click in your brain and you deduced that he and Megan were siblings. 
“Y/N, this is one of my older brother’s Jared, Jared this is Y/N.” 
“H-Hi…” You squeaked. He gave you a boyish grin and you forgot how to breathe. “I’m uh… just going to get a few things from my room…” 
Once you were behind the closed door, you let out a shaky breath. How in the fuck did you manage to get a job at Jared Padalecki’s sister’s house?! Taking a deep breath you grabbed the Tonka set you bought Max and headed downstairs to the great room to play with him and Macee. Jared was in the kitchen with Megan, and you were lucky enough to be immensely distracted by Max to hear what they were saying. 
“I’m telling you Jare, you should ask her out! I give her weekends off, and I don’t think she knows anyone here but us. I think it would be nice to show her around.”
Jared rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I don’t know Megan… I just met he-”
“Oh cut the crap, Jared. You can make all the excuses you want, but you and I both know you like her. C’mon! Take a chance! She’s cute and you’re single. If you keep waiting around for the right person, then who knows how long you’ll be waiting?”
Jared contemplated his sister’s words as he eyed you through the kitchen. Who was he kidding? Megan was right. He sighed and swallowed thickly as he headed into the Great room. 
“Here goes nothing…”
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writingdotcoffee · 5 years
#119: Where Do You Start?
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Articles, blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, tutorial videos, online courses, masterclasses, e-books, workbooks and even subscription boxes. The Internet is full of readily available advice for emerging writers–from coming up with ideas to submitting your work to agents. Dozens of new resources from writers at all levels are coming out every day–it's impossible to keep up. Most of it is pretty good advice too. People are happy to share epiphanies that may have taken them decades to realise and even mistakes they’ve made so that you don’t have to.
As a fledgeling writer, it’s easy to pour the majority of your enthusiasm for your newfound pursuit into research. You may subscribe to a variety of writing blogs and newsletters. You may head over to YouTube to watch a few tutorials and pick up a handful of notoriously discounted courses from Udemy. Later on, you may buy the top five titles about writing that you hear people keep recommending on podcasts over and over again.
Months go by, and you have read those books and binge-watched all the video lessons that you could get your hands on. And now, you’re stuck.
In a way, it has never been easier to get into writing. With Indie publishing on the rise, you no longer have to wait until a publisher picks you. You can publish your work and even build a considerable readership for it. If you have an Internet connection, you have everything you need to become a writer.
Still, plenty of people struggle to get started, and it isn’t hard to see why. Reading all the advice is like drinking out of a fire hose. It covers so much–characters, plot, world-building, voice, style, pacing, genre tropes, symbolism, various interpretations of the story structure and even the writing process itself. The more you learn, the more anxious you get. How can you possibly ever incorporate all of these things into your stories? And by the way, you’re not allowed passive voice or any adverbs.
Being a fledgeling writer is hard as it is. Putting this extra weight on every word that you write just isn’t helpful. More than anything else, new writers need space.
If you’re just starting out, I’d recommend that you ignore writing advice for as long as you possibly can. Spend the hours that you’d spend reading blogs or watching YouTube tutorials writing your story. It won’t be perfect, but that doesn’t matter at this stage. Writing a bunch of stories first will give you the context that you need to grasp what the writing advice actually says. It will make reading books about writing a lot more useful.
After writing a story, you’ll have a specific area that you want to learn more about. You may feel that your characterisation was lacking and start looking into character questionnaires as a result. Or you may find that you’re getting stuck rewriting the same paragraph over and over again. In that case, it would be the perfect time to learn about shitty first drafts and not revising as you write.
Writing advice or indeed any advice is best served in a context where you can apply it instantly. Otherwise, it will only make you anxious about how little you actually know, and you’re unlikely to follow it in the future anyway.
When starting out, the best thing you can do is just write.
What I Am Reading
I wanted to bring three novels along with me to read while travelling. I’m ashamed to admit that I’m happy that I didn’t. I’m flying back to London tomorrow, and I only managed to read about 5 pages total. There was constantly something else to do. On top of that, I’m the person who drives the rental car when were moving around.
Anyway, I’m hoping to finish Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? next week.
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My email subscribers receive a notification when I publish these posts along with a few things I found interesting or helpful on the literary Internet every week. Click the link below to join the club.
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Past Editions
#118: A Friendly Reminder, November 2019
#117: What’s Good Enough?, November 2019
#116: The Prolific Life, November 2019
#115: Secret Project Update, November 2019
#114: Writing and Stress, November 2019
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