#no rbs this isnt discourse really. just sharing an experience mostly
linktube · 3 days
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i found this thread and i want to point out that how this story was handled bothered me a little as well, especially as someone who have been in an uncomfortable situation that involved other parties watching porn/doing small acts slightly sexual in nature to my suprise/without my consent (this was a hangout in somebody else's house where this was quite unexpacted) i also kept justifying to myself why i couldnt leave the room with stuff like ''they will probably stop any minute" to "its too late now i dont want to draw attention to myself so ill just stare at my phone". obv i knew i could leave the room in theory or speak up about my discomfort. but i didnt, which doesnt mean i secretly wanted to be there and i am/was just excusing my secret desire to view porn with bunch of people i didnt care for. i was in a freeze state meaning my brain/body "stupidly" choose to not draw any attention to itself by moving, as a maladaptive coping mechanism. (obv. i could have this revelation much later) this can happen to anybody, common sense is not the steel armour yall think it is. (especially redditors i have noticed have this weird tone of pretending human behaviour/reactions are made in a separate lab) it was a little tone deaf to me that they were so ready to read this guys explanation of why he just didnt leave the room as this cover up for his cheating or him lying to himself only and spesifically to not feel guilty or whatever? and even went to imply it was a conciously shitty thing that he was doing to his girlfriend by excusing his "actions"
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