#no pls cos i'm still like not okay
killa-trav · 4 months
omg happy one week since i get the most disgusting hate anons of my life that was so bad i had to turn anons off!!!
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luveline · 1 year
jadey baby i love roan smmmm , pls pls pls write something where r steps in when eddie forgets to mention muffins for moms day at school , she still shows up & ed being worried abt roan also shows up thinking no one would be there but R ALREADY IS SO HE JOINS
thank you for your request lovely! i changed it a little but I hope you still enjoy! eddie and roan —formerly single dad!eddie forgets to tell you about your (not quite) step-daughter’s mommy event, but you pull through.
Eddie is so dead. He's so dead. You're gonna kill him, and then Roan's heartbreak is gonna kill him, and then Wayne might kill him too (though Wayne might laugh at him, actually). 
Fuck, he's a shit dad. 
Okay, he's not a shit dad, and he can fix it. 
He's literally elbow deep in an engine when he realises what day it is today. He's had the flyer on the dashboard of his car for three weeks, every day meaning to bring it in to show you and everyday forgetting. He doesn't even stop to think about why he might not have seen the flyer yesterday night or this morning, yanking his hands out of the engine and shoving the greased torque wrench into Leonard's chest. 
Wayne lifts his head from a welding job, mask in place, shouting to be heard over the noise of the shop, "Where's the fire?" 
"It's Muffins with Moms," Eddie says, "and I forgot to tell Y/N and I've never missed one before." 
"Do you have muffins?" Wayne asks. 
"Um, no, but I can get through without it, right?" he asks in a rush, digging for his keys in the fishbowl. "They feel sorry for me because I'm a single dad." 
"You're not a single dad." 
"But I was!" he yells as he sprints out of the shop. The car ride is a blur (but he's not a bitch so he doesn't speed), and he barely has time to wipe himself down with a rag and some spit before he's jogging up to the elementary school. 
It's quiet in the reception where he signs in and the hallway down to Roan's classroom, so he can hear the excitement a mile away. He feels disgustingly sorry for himself but a thousand times worse for his girl, imagining her sitting all by herself as the other kids eat cake with their moms. 
The door is open. No one notices him when he comes in, everyone's having too much fun. He scans for Roan with his heart in her throat, expecting her sat at a table in the corner by herself, an uneaten cupcake in front of her and God, he's breaking his own heart— 
He doesn't find her alone, because she's standing off to one side with you. 
You pour juice into a cup for her and then yourself before putting it down. Roan raises her plastic cup, her smile a million watts, yours not far behind as you pick up your own cup and tap them together. 
"Cheers," you say happily. 
Roan presses her lips together. If Eddie were closer, he'd be able to hear the humming noise she makes when she's ecstatic. He's felt it a hundred times, sitting chest to chest with her on the couch, outside of the movies and at the carnival. Anywhere she feels loved. 
"These are amazing," Stacey P’s mom says, a cupcake in her hands. 
"Oh," you say, "thanks so much." 
"I need the recipe,” agrees Stacy K’s. 
"Sure, sure," you say. You turn to Roan, and the two of you try not to laugh. 
You're no cupcake connoisseur, Eddie can guess exactly what convenience store they came from.
He doesn't need to be there, and he doesn't want to make a spectacle, so he leaves with his head ducked and a huge thrumming feeling in his heart before you can see him, the kind of love that can't be tamped down for anything. He rubs his fist into his hand. 
He heads back to the shop and an hour later you call him, demarcated by a, "Call for baby Munson!" 
"Hello?" he asks, pinning the phone between his shoulder and his ear. 
"Hi, handsome, it's only me. I'm just making sure you know you're not picking Roan up today, 'cos it was that coffee morning thingy at school, you know the one?" You sound like you're just raring to tell him what exact coffee morning it was. He indulges you. 
"Moms and muffins?" he asks. 
"Moms and muffins!" you shout under your breath, adding a roaring sound like there's a crowd backing you up. "I'm a mom and we ate so many muffins, it's sickening. And– I'll tell you when you get home." 
"No, tell me now," Eddie says. 
"You should have seen her face," you say, your excitement melding to a tender love. "I don't think she wanted to believe I was coming just in case I didn't. But she looked like she was going to cry the second I walked in, and she hugged me for ten minutes. I had to carry her to a chair. Eddie," —you must be smiling on the other side, he can hear it— "I love doing mom stuff. I love– I love her." 
Eddie wipes his forehead, grinning with you. "Thank you, sweetheart. For everything. I'm fucking stoked, seriously." 
“She really didn’t know what to do with me at first, almost like she loved me but she didn't know me? She hasn’t ever been that shy with me, when we first met she was my clinger, right? We were fast friends. So it was really weird for me, to have her be like that, and she’s not the only kid without a mom in her class but I think everyone just felt so–? Like, I don't know, they had a small presentation at the front with the kids and they didn’t even ask her to get up, which was good, because she really shut down on me.”
“She’s done it before,” he says. 
“Her tantrums weren’t always so loud,” he says. He’d explain it to you if it felt pressing, but he can tell you the rest tonight. The gist of it is that before Roan learned to yell, she’d worry Eddie by becoming almost despondent in overwhelming situations. “Baby, I really, actually think she was that happy she just didn't know what to do with herself.”
Your breathing sounds loud in the receiver, but it isn’t upset. “I think so too. I tried, um, our strategy? Asking her what was wrong, what we could do to feel better, but it wasn’t really working, so I stole your thing. Sorry! But it worked.”
“My thing?”
“You know, when she’s had a big meltdown and she’s not getting her way, and you just talk to her about her.”
That makes it easier to picture. Eddie will sit Roan in his lap, his daughter heavy like dead weight when she’s not feeling good, and he’ll tell her anything as long as it’s about her. Like, when you were a baby, you had this thing called colic, which means you would cry and cry for hours and there was nothing grown ups could do, and the only thing that made it better was if I blew cold air in your ear really soft, like this. 
Eddie can see it, Roan slouched in your lap with her arms around you, your hand covering the back of her head from everything as you told her some story of her life. You must have hundreds by now, things she doesn’t fully remember anymore. One time you saw me in the store and ditched your dad to say hello. One time you hid my shoes behind your back so I couldn’t go home. One time you got up on the kitchen table and made me sing Rockerfeller with you, and when your dad joined in you threw a Capri-Sun at him. 
“What did you tell her?” he asks. 
“I told her about the day we met.”
Eddie licks his lips, nodding, wondering if he should cry. If he hadn't proposed already, this would be a good shove in that direction. “Second luckiest day of my life.”
“She liked the story. She asked me if she really went on our first date. So I'll be honest, I got super cheesy and told her I wouldn't change a thing.”
“So you lied to her?” He laughs. “You wouldn’t make me a lean, mean, money machine?”
“I wouldn’t change a thing,” you reaffirm happily. 
“How’d you even know about Muffins and Moms? I never showed you the flyer, forgot all about it." 
“I saw it when I was looking for my prescription in your glove compartment.”
He’s half-expecting you to ask, Why? Was I not supposed to go? All panicked and worried you've overstepped. He knows he’s doing something right when you don’t.
“I meant to mention it but you were so tired I forgot,” you continue. “Maybe we’ll get takeout and nap when you come home?”
“Sounds nice.” Eddie’s about to sign off. “Wait, you’re home already?”
“Yeah, they let us take the kids home early too.”
“Ro’s with you? Where is she?”
“She’s already at the napping part, right here in my lap. Want me to wake her up?”
Eddie smiles. “No, don’t wake her up. Just give her a kiss for me. I’ll be home in a half hour, tops.”
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shwoyo · 3 months
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co-pawrenting. — timeskip!keiji akaashi x fem!reader
; fluff, roommate au – wc: 3,351
warnings: kissing at the end lol, ooc akaashi? idk, he's kinda flirty
notes: kinda rushed ending, i wrote it half asleep pls spare me 😭 i love you akaashi ... also old layout bcuz this has been sitting in my drafts for a while
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you couldn't resist yourself. the little one has been outside the café you were working at for one week; starving, cute, and it was a ragdoll. do people know how much these kinds of cats cost? luckily, as a cat lover, you always carried spare cat food in your bag, so you always fed her... then gave in and took her back to your shared apartment, not telling akaashi. 
you tried your best to hide her; you knew akaashi wouldn't approve... you think. pets were allowed in your apartment building, but you didn't know if akaashi approved of pets; that's why you decided to hide the cat you found on the streets in your room. 
you were successful in the next three days, akaashi coming home not knowing a clue that there was a third living being in the apartment. but in all honesty, you didn't know how long you could keep this up. the cat was getting bored just sitting and playing alone in your room, nowhere else to go besides the bathroom attached to your room, but the cat rarely ever goes there.
it was friday in the afternoon, and you were on your way home, grabbing snacks on the way to feast on on your daily friday movie night with akaashi. walking from your work to the apartment was fun; it was a 15 minute walk, which you were grateful for because it meant you didn't have to buy a car for now. and because there were a lot of cats on the streets, kind of delaying you, which makes it more of an 18 minute walk.
reaching your apartment building, you went on the elevator, pressing the button of your floor, then the close button so you wouldn't have to go through the elevator with someone else. once you reached your floor, you went to the door and entered the apartment. 
you were shocked, surprised, and kind of scared. the cat was on the kitchen counter, with akaashi looking at it as if inspecting it. you looked at the door to your room; it was left open. you always left your door closed; did you forget to close it this time?
"akaashi–" you started, he gave you a questioning look before speaking, "what's this? how'd this enter our apartment?" "uhm, well– it's a cat! you see," you nervously let out a laugh, moving towards where he was. "and... how did it enter our apartment?" akaashi added, "well, uhm... i let it in! you know, it wanted to stay over for a little while," you joked, still feeling nervous. "hm," he voiced with a questioning tone, looking at you once more but with a raised eyebrow.
you folded when he gave you that look, so you explained, "okay okay! i saw it outside the building i was working at. she was there for one week! i fed her every day, and she was growing on me. so i gave in and took her home. "c'mon keiji, she's so adorable, how could i just leave her out there astray?" you defended yourself. 
akaashi seemed to think for a second, sighing before speaking, "you know, you could've just told me. you didn't have to hide her." "well, i just thought you wouldn't approve of her." "in that case, you thought wrong. please don't hide anything like this ever again," akaashi said. "i won't, i promise. i'm sorry for hiding her from you" you replied, "it's fine," he stated.
"well... what's her name then?" "oh well, i haven't chosen yet. i'm stuck between snow or vanilla." you replied, "really? those are choices you're going with?" akaashi judged, "hey! don't judge me; i'm not that creative," you rebutted.
"well what about you? do you have an idea?" you questioned, "hmm, how about pearl? i think it's kind of fitting." he suggested.  you let out a gasp and spoke, "that's perfect! it does fit her." akaashi let out a laugh at your reaction. "i guess pearl's your name," he said as he looked at the cat, which is still seated at the counter.
y/n 🐈: keiji! are you still at work?
akaashi 😸: yes, why?
y/n 🐈: i'm sorry to bother, but could you pls buy cat food otw home? i thought i still had more, turns out i already fed her the last batch earlier. T_T
akaashi 😸: don't worry you're not a bother. what exact cat food do you buy?
y/n 🐈: oh hold on a second
y/n 🐈: *sent a picture* 
akaashi 😸: okay. i'll stop by the pet store later
y/n 🐈: thank you so much keiji! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝
akaashi closed his phone and laughed; the way you texted was cute, he thought.
once his work was done, he went to the pet store that was near his route on his way home.
"i'm back," akaashi announced. "oh keiji! did you buy the cat food?" you asked, walking towards him. "yep," he replied as he gave you the plastic bag containing the cat food. "i also bought us some food; its your favorite" he added, "ooh! thanks keiji, you didn't have to tho!" you said. 
you both walked in the kitchen and placed the food he bought on the table. "how much did you pay for mine? i'll pay you," you asked. "no its okay, its on me," he replied, "huh? really?" you tilted your head a bit, looking up at him in shock. "yeah" he said, smiling, "thank you soso much keiji! i owe you one!" you replied
you went on and prepared the table, getting plates and utensils, while akaashi unwrapped the food he bought. "oh wait hold on, i'll feed pearl first," you said as you placed the utensils on the plates and grabbed the cat food.
you didn't have the time to buy an actual food bowl for pearl, so you used a plastic container instead. pouring the right amount of cat food on the container, you placed it down and grabbed a cup of water, pouring it on another plastic container; serving as the water bowl for the cat.
"pearl! come here, your food is ready!" you called out softly. pearl came out of your room and went down towards you. since akaashi knows about the cat now, you made it a habit to leave the door open so pearl can come in and out as she likes.
as she started to eat, you stood up and went back to the table, where akaashi was sitting down, scrolling through his phone with his plate ready. "whatcha reading? you haven't taken a bite of your food yet," you said. "nothing, 'm just waiting for you so we can eat together," he replied.
your heart skipped a beat; he was waiting for you just to... eat together? you dismissed the thought before you could read too much into it. maybe he was just being nice, that's all. 
you sat down and prepared your plate with the food akaashi bought. "ahm—okay i'm done. let's eat now?" you announced, "mhm" he replied, putting his phone down.
"how was work?" you started, trying to stir up a conversation while you guys eat. "hmm, it was okay. although, one of my co-workers deleted an important file, good thing someone was techy enough and was able to recover it." he replied, "what about you? any new news?" he asked
 "well, nothing much is going on. i guess i'm just overthinking about pearl, my boss said i'd have to work 'til 7pm on wednesdays, since one of my coworkers retired," you answered. "ahh, hmm" akaashi thought for a moment.
"do you want me to take care of pearl? lucky enough, i only work 'til 1pm on wednesdays." he stated, "wait—really? i mean—are you okay with doing that? you don't have to if it's a burden," you said. "no, i assure you it's fine. pearl lives here now with us; i can be one of her... parent if you call it that. i'll take care of her whenever you can't—i guess it's um called... co-parenting?" he said.
"well, co-pawrenting in this situation," he joked while smiling. you giggled at his joke, despite it being quite cheesy. "i mean, if you put it that way... are you sure though?" you asked one last time, "mhm, im 100% sure. i'll text you whenever i have a problem, though," he said.
it was wednesday, and as previously stated, you had to work 'til 7pm today. you kept checking your phone from time to time; it was 4pm which means akaashi was probably home already; you were waiting for a text from him in case he had any problems. 
"hey y/n, could you help me for a moment? i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do," your new co-worker asked. "yeah sure, what's up?" "am i supposed to put the ice in a separate glass or put the ice in the milk?" he questioned, "oh, you need to put it in the separate glass, then put the milk and syrup," you explained. "ah, okay. thanks!" he smiled. "you're welcome," you said, walking back to the cashier.
you were scrolling through your phone as you waited for a customer to arrive, then akaashi texted.
akaashi 😸: hello, y/n. sorry to bother, what time did you feed pearl today?
y/n 🐈: hi keiji! no worries, i fed her earlier at 12! you don't need to feed her right now 😸
akaashi 😸: ah well... pearl keeps on meowing and pawing her container, does this mean she's hungry?
y/n 🐈: OHH wellll, you should just give her at least 2 treats for now! 
akaashi 😸: alright.
akaashi 😸: pearl came and sat on my lap.
akaashi 😸: sent a photo.
akaashi 😸: which one
akaashi 😸: oh uhm don't mind that. i sent it wrong. 
akaashi 😸: sorry
akaashi 😸: 😊
y/n 🐈: i think both of you are cute 🫶
you pressed send on the last text and immediately closed your phone; it was such a 'risky' text, you thought. but, you overthought what akaashi meant when he sent 'which one'.
you heard your phone ding once again. slowly opening your phone, you saw akaashi's text.
akaashi 😸: hahaha, thank you ☺️💗
you sighed, closing your phone again. your heart was pounding so fast.
honestly, when you first met akaashi, you thought nothing of it. he was your nice roommate, your new friend. you haven't thought about initiating any kind of... commitment with him. well, until now.
ever since you got pearl, you both got even closer. ever since he proposed being pearl's 'co-parent', it's like you saw him in a new light. he was so good at taking care of pearl, despite her just being a cat. he treated her as if she were his child; of course you did too. you don't think any other guy in your life would take care of your cat like its his child. 
but not only did he take good care of your cat, but also you. he was so caring. you're too tired to wash the dishes? its okay; akaashi will handle that for you. you got sick suddenly? you're in good hands; akaashi will take care of you. you're hungry? akaashi will order your favorite food for you; he'll even pay for it. 
he was so good to you... and your cat, and you fell for him at that.
of course, akaashi also had his thoughts. honestly speaking, he never does this for anyone else; he doesn't care this much about anyone else. but you were you.
you took care of him too. you were there for him when he needed someone; when he was having trouble with editing the manga they were working on; when he was sick.
he was so grateful.
you both were so happy you had each other.
it was thursday, which meant you went home earlier than akaashi. you were watching tv with pearl curled up on your lap. you contemplated whether or not you should move; akaashi was gonna come home any minute now and it was your turn to cook food; it wasn't necessary, but you wanted to; akaashi mentioned that he had an important meeting today, and it was late. you were quite hungry too.
you moved pearl off your lap as gently as you could to not wake her up; unlucky you though, she woke up. you bid her a small sorry, and stood up, walking your way to the kitchen.
you checked all the cabinets and sighed. maybe you should've gone grocery shopping on your day off. the cabinets contained chips, some different ramen noodles, candies, and other unhealthy food. you opted for the buldak noodles; akaashi was the one who bought them, so you guessed that it would work. 
cooking up the noodles, you thought of adding something to make it... less boring. you brought out sliced cheese, seaweed, and milk to lessen the spice. it was 3 extra ingredients, but it was enough to make it more enjoyable.
time passed by quickly, you were done cooking, and the table was prepared. you checked your phone and saw that akaashi sent a text, it was sent at 5:38, but you checked the clock and saw that it was already 5:55.
akaashi 😸: hi y/n :)
akaashi 😸: sorry to disturb, but if you're wondering why i'm not home yet, the meeting went a little longer. i'll be home at 6 🩷
y/n 🐈: slrr! i was cooking up some noodles for uss, i'll just wait for you!
akaashi 😸: really? thank you. but you should eat now, you don't have to wait for me.
y/n 🐈: nooo i insist! i'll wait for you and that's final, okee?
akaashi 😸: hahaha 😆 okay fine. i'm near the building, i'll run for you.
y/n 🐈: hey noo, u might trip! 
akaashi 😸: i'll be fine. past vb player, remember?
y/n 🐈: mmm okayy okayy
you smiled, closing your phone. you put the lid on the noodles so they won't get cold as you wait for akaashi.
not that true to his words; akaashi got home at 5:59, just a minute earlier. you were now at the kitchen eating with him.
"so, how was the meeting?" you started, "good, apparently we'll have a new big project after we finish our current one." "ooh, sounds like you'll be busy." "hm yea," akaashi says. he thinks for a second, "but i'll still be able to help you take care of pearl, i promise you." 
you turned to look at him, "huh? oh! but you don't have to, you know, pearl will be alright; i'm still here." "yeah but, i won't be a good father to her if i'll leave her all to you just because i'm busy, right?" akaashi stated.
"oh—mm, yeah—but," you thought for a second, 'won't be a good father to her?! what'd that mean? "hm?" akaashi hummed as you stopped talking. "ahm—okay, but—uh—father? w-what did you mean by that?" you asked. "ah, well, we are kind of co-parenting her, aren't we? she's our child; i have to take responsibility," he stated. 
child... our child ?! our child?  you widened your eyes; you thought you were hearing this wrong. "ah, oh—yeah, okay" you replied, responding nothing else to avoid saying anything stupid. akaashi smiled at your widened eyes; he thought your reaction was cute.
in all honesty—he said that on purpose. just to see your reaction. he always thinks your reactions are cute. he makes a mental note to try and 'flirt' more. 
ever since that day—akaashi became more bold, unconsciously—you think—flirting with you. but you didn't know he did it on purpose, because, as stated, he wanted to see your reactions.
how would you know, though? he flirts nonchalantly—but with a smile. he randomly mentions how pretty you are, how beautiful your hair looks, and how he's glad to be... pearl's dad.
now you were confused; where was this going? he may just be playing with you. maybe this was just temporary.
your brain was eating you up; you were overthinking this so bad for no reason.
"keiji, do you want food?" you asked, looking at him. it was Friday at 9PM, and you guys were watching a movie. "sure," akaashi replied. "i'll get some chips; will that be okay? sorry, i don't wanna make food right now," you stated. "it's alright, pretty,"  he replied. "okay, babe"
this was basically your everyday now; you guys flirt. it was... normal for you guys now, for some reason. 
you stood up and went to the kitchen, grabbing random chips that weren't eaten yet and water to avoid dehydration.
walking back to the couch where akaashi was seated, placing the foodstuffs you obtained on the table, you sat down next to him very closely; your legs were touching, but akaashi paid no mind to it like it was normal. 
focusing your gaze on the movie, you relaxed, feeling akaashi's warmth as he was very close to you. as if you guys weren't close enough, he draped his arms around your shoulders. you tensed up and quickly turned your head, looking at him, and he just smiled. slowly looking back at the tv, you tried to relax as you did seconds ago. 
this man was gonna kill you, you thought.
grabbing the chips you brought, he spoke, "do you wanna go to the beach tomorrow?" "random, but sure, it'd be nice to swim," you replied. akaashi nodded in acknowledgment.
true to his words this time, akaashi brought you to the beach. it was a fun day; you helped a kid find his lost toy in the water, built sand castles, drew on the sand, commenced a water fight with akaashi, and played some beach volleyball with random people.
it was the rest you both needed; you were so grateful that akaashi thought about this; and he was grateful that you had fun.
the sun was setting, and you and akaashi were drying off, sitting down on the sand with towels draped around your shoulders. the sky's hues were so beautiful to look at, so you grabbed your phone from your bag to take a picture.
akaashi looked at you the whole time you were taking photos; the sunset illuminated your beauty; you were so, so pretty. it was the right moment; he should do it now, akaashi thought.
"hey, y/n?" he called out. you hummed in reply, putting your phone back in your bag. he cleared his throat and looked at you lovingly.
"i hope i won't shock you with this. uhm—please don't say anything yet." he started. you looked at him confused at first, but nodded as to tell him to continue. "i love you," he stated, "ever since the second week of us being roommates, when you took care of me because i got sick, i started falling for you. i tried to ignore it, thinking that maybe it'll go away, but my feelings never faded; it just kept growing." 
you were shocked at his confession. you tried to remember the moment he mentioned; it had been 6 months since then. now you were more shocked.
your feelings were more recent; it's been 4 weeks since you started seeing akaashi in a new light. it wouldn't be fair to him, you thought.
"thank you, keiji. i'll be honest with you; i love you too. but the thing is, it's only been like what, 4 weeks since i knew i did? i don't think it would be fair to you." you said. akaashi chuckled, "it's okay, y/n, we can take this slow, you know?" he said.
you smiled, akaashi was truly the guy—the guy you were willing to live with forever, the guy that will be pearl's 'parent.'
"can i?" akaashi asked, holding your face softly. knowing what he meant, you nod in approval. then he kissed you tenderly. 
the kiss lasted longer than you expected, 7 seconds max. you pulled back and looked at him; you both laughed.
it was like a scene from a movie; the sun was setting, the wind was sweeping your hair, and you guys were laughing.
akaashi was right when he thought it was the perfect time to confess, and you both couldn't be more happier.
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©shwoyo, all rights reserved.
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gor3-hound · 8 months
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i apologise if you feel something
ft. leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: 18+ content, dead dove, domestic abuse, possessive leon, toxic behaviour, heavy non-con, choking, p in v, improper prep, blood as lube, creampie, physical assault, crying, BRIEF murder threat, guilt, very brief praise n degradation mixed in
a/n: hiii! this is written w re2 leon in mind!! pls be aware there are quite graphic depictions of co-dependency n abuse in this one. it's late, so pls ignore typos !! title from bmth song of the same name
word count: 1.8k words
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Leon wasn't the same man you knew before Raccoon City. When he first came home after his first day, he was clingy. He wouldn't leave you alone, following you around like a lost puppy. You didn't know the extent of what he went through at the beginning, but he slowly began to open up about the horrors he saw.
You were there for him. Of course you were. You let him stay at your place now his new apartment was left in ruins after the bomb hit. Not that he could stay in that godforsaken city, anyway. He still dreamt of the infected most nights, waking up in a cold sweat.
You could have handled that, if it was all it was. You wanted to be there for him, help him recover as best he could. You loved him, and you wanted him to be okay more than anything.
But he started changing. You couldn't so much as try and leave for the store without him crowding you against the wall, demanding to know exactly what you needed. If you were out and didn't answer his texts, he'd make sure to let you know you fucked up.
He wasn't above hitting you, gripping your throat until you almost passed out. Anything to keep you under his thumb, to make sure you wouldn't leave him. He'd seen too much death so early in his life.
He wasn't going to lose you, too.
You couldn't take it anymore. He controlled every aspect of your life. It was getting to the point that you'd flinch anytime he moved too fast. You hated being scared in your own apartment.
You tried bringing it up gently, tell him it just wasn't working out for you. After all, he'd be leaving for military training soon, and you needed to finish up your college studies and think about building a career.
You regretted it as soon as the words came out of your mouth.
“You think you get to leave me?” He says with a dry, humourless laugh. He stalks towards you like a lion cornering its prey, backing you up against the wall. He cages you in with his larger frame, looking down at you with a dark glint in his eyes.
“That's cute, baby. Really. You think you get a fucking choice?” The words are punctuated with a harsh grip on your throat, squeezing you so hard that your airflow is instantly cut off. You can feel the blood rushing to your face as you try and suck in a breath, your hands clawing at his wrists to try and get them off.
Your nails draw blood, and that just pisses him off even more. He yanks you towards him slightly by your neck before slamming you back against the wall, your head hitting it with a loud thud.
Pain shoots across your system, your vision blurry with the unshed tears forming. He lets go of your throat after another minute, watching with a sadistic glee as you crumple to the floor at his feet. He squats down, watching as you choke in air to fill your burning lungs.
“You're the only good thing left in my life, baby. You don't get to leave me.”
“You're crazy…” You gasp out, pushing on the floor to attempt to stand up again. He was dangerous. You needed to get out before he killed you.
His eye twitches at your words, and a foot goes flying for your stomach before you can even register it. You fall to the floor once more, sobbing as you curl in on yourself in a pathetic attempt to protect your body from more hits.
“I'm crazy?” He says quietly, an eerie sense of calm in his voice. He stands over you, placing his foot on your wrist before grinding the sole of his boot into your wrist, making you cry out in pain.
“I'm crazy?” He repeats louder this time, almost yelling at you. He yanks you up by your hair, dragging you into the bedroom and throwing you onto the bed. “You're the crazy one! You think this is bad, sweetheart? I can make you disappear.”
"You want to leave me, huh?" His breathing is hard and fast. "I'm crazy, huh?" The veins in his neck are bulging out, his hands fiddling with the buckle of his belt.
"I'll show you crazy."
Your entire body is shaking, but you have to get out. You have to get to your phone. You look at the door, and that was your worst mistake. In a flash, he's slapping you across the face hard enough that your ears ring, blood filling your mouth.
“Cute. Real fucking cute.” He hisses, grabbing your jaw roughly so you're facing him. He seems to get even angrier when he sees how terrified you look.
“Aww… baby. You're scared?” He coos, a mocking pout making its way to his lips. “You should be grateful. I'm keeping you safe. You have no right to be scared. If you knew what I've seen, what I've been through-”
He pauses to suck in a shaky breath through his teeth, images of the horrors he'd endured during Raccoon City flashing through his mind and making him feel nauseous.
“You should consider yourself lucky.” He says in a low tone, his expression hardening as he looks down at you. “You haven't been exposed to anything worth being scared of, princess.”
“Don't worry, though. I understand. I'll just have to fuck some sense back into you, hmm? Remind you of who's been by your side since day fucking one, keeping you safe.”
Your eyes widen at his words, and it seems to renew your fight. You struggle against him all over again, crying as you push and kick at his torso, thrashing as he pins you down on the bed. “Leon… Leon, no, wait… babe, fuck I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, m'so sorry, just…”
He shoves three fingers into your mouth, the tips jarring your throat and making you sputter and choke. There's a steady stream of tears running down your face at his point, your breaths heavy through your nose.
“Do you ever shut up?” He grunts, tugging down your pyjama pants and underwear, frowning when he sees you're not wet for him. That's new. Oh well. Wasn't gonna stop him.
He pulls his fingers out of your mouth, coated with a mix of your blood and spit. He uses that to ease his way into you, pushing two fingers in straight away and spreading them inside of you to stretch you out for him.
“Leon, stop… that hurts.” You whimper, squeezing your eyes shut and kicking your legs out weakly. He's not doing this for you. Doesn't try to hit your sweet spot or rub your clit to ease the discomfort like he usually does.
“One more word from you, and I swear to god, I'm going to break your pretty fucking neck.” He grunts, yanking his fingers out of your pussy to free his cock from his jeans.
You're nowhere near prepared enough to take him. You cry out in pain as he bottoms out in one thrust. He doesn't give you a second to adjust, nothing. He just starts thrusting, chasing his own high as he fucks into you.
Either you're getting wet, or you're bleeding. Whichever one it is, slick lines your pussy and makes his thrusts easier. He groans as he continues to rock his fat cock into your cunt, his head thrown back in pleasure.
His hands grip your thighs as you try and close them, holding them wide apart so he has full access to fuck you as much as he wants. You give up, going limp as he takes what he wants from you.
“There we go… shit, you feel so fucking good. Even when you say no, she sucks me right in.” He moans, his hips rabbiting even faster against you, the sounds of slapping skin filling the room.
“Such a… god.” He sucks in a breath through his teeth, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment. “Perfect little slut for me… pussy always squeezes me so good…”
His eyes flutter open, and he tilts his head down to take you in. He finally looks at your face and sees how much you're sobbing, the pure terror in your face. His brows furrow, and he frowns. He looks down further, trailing your body and noticing the bruise forming on your stomach. When his gaze reaches his cock and he sees the blood coating it, a look of panic flashes across his face for a second.
He seems to realise what he's doing, his expression switching to one of worry in an instant. His hips stutter, but don't stop. He pulls out just enough to spit on his dick, trying to make it hurt less for you. He starts to sob, his hands cupping your cheeks and caressing them softly.
"Fuck, baby. I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." He says quietly, voice cracking halfway through the sentence. He feels sick when he sees your blood coating his length and has to swallow down the bile that rises in his throat. Doesn't make him stop, though. What the fuck is wrong with him?
"I didn't mean it. I swear. I just love you so, so much. I have nobody. Can't lose you, too." He breathes out, dropping his head against your shoulder as he ruts shallowly into you. “My pretty baby. Such a good girl. Don't wanna hurt you… hate seein’ you cry.”
You don't know how you end up comforting him, promising him it's okay even as your whole body aches and your insides burn with every thrust. It hurts to see him hurting. You'd rather take a beating than see him this broken. All it takes for him to cum is for you to say you love him, too.
He pulls out carefully, pressing kisses down your neck. You don't move. Don't speak. You couldn't, even if you wanted to. You're limp in his arms as he picks you up, cradling you carefully against his chest.
He runs you a bath, gently placing you into the hot, soapy water. He peppers kisses all over your face as the water washes away the blood and cum, soothing your aching muscles.
He keeps saying he's sorry, his eyes filled with remorse. He promises he won't do it again, but you know he will. As soon as you step a toe out of line, he'll snap again. You know you should leave. You'd be dead if he kept this up. But seeing that pain on his face, the way he trembles as he washes your hair tenderly…
You'd stay one more day. Just one more day…
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alessiasfreckles · 7 months
9/24 alessia kiss roulette pls xx
sweet dreams - alessia russo x reader
9. A kiss to the eyelid / 24. A sleepy kiss
The bedroom door opened just enough for Alessia to step through, the hallway slightly illuminated by the streetlights outside. She quietly placed her bag on the floor, and tried to change out of her clothes without making any noise.
"You're home!" you mumbled, making her jump.
"Shit, babe, you scared me!" she said, then laughed softly. "I was trying not to wake you, I'm sorry."
You could just make out her outline in the darkness of your bedroom, your eyes still adjusting.
"No, I told you to wake me, remember? I wanted to see you," you told her.
"Still," she insisted.
"Shhh," you said, bringing a finger to your lips even though you knew she couldn't see you. "No arguing. Come cuddle."
She hesitated. "Since you're awake, is it okay if I have a really quick shower? I just feel gross from being on the plane, but I didn't want to wake you if the shower was noisy."
"Okiedokie, baby," you mumbled, eyes already half shut.
You must have drifted off, because the next thing you knew, Alessia was climbing into bed, wrapping an arm around you.
"Hi!" you said, smiling happily.
"Hi," she sighed, nuzzling her head into the crook of your head. "I missed you."
"Missed you too," you said, rolling over to face her. You opened your eyes just enough to see her face, and smiled. "Missed your face. 'nd your cuddles. 'nd your kisses."
You could feel her giggle, her breath brushing your skin. She held you tighter, drawing patterns on your back with one hand.
"Was your flight okay?" you asked, eyes shut again.
She nodded. "Yeah. Little bit bumpy but it was okay. Sat next to Ella, she kept teasing me because I was so excited about getting to see you again."
You smiled sleepily. She kept talking, knowing it wouldn't be long before you were out.
"The girls asked about you. Called you 'my girl', which I like, 'cos it's true, you are my girl. I wish you could come with me to camps, I don't like being away from you for that long."
Your breath slowed as she spoke, her voice a reassuring melody.
"I love you, y/n," she said, watching to see whether you would react or not. When you didn't, she knew you were well and truly asleep again, and she smiled. She kissed each closed eyelid, impossibly gentle, making sure she didn't wake you, and then pressed a soft kiss to your lips, making you sigh happily in your sleep.
"Goodnight, baby," she said, and held you tight underneath the covers. "Sweet dreams."
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weirdsht · 2 months
I really love characters with the tendency to bleed and be some human sacrifice. Tysm kdj and krs. 😭 i have a new idea altho I'm not sure if somebody's already done this. Cale and the group with someone who coughs out blood everytime they spill spoilers from the tcf novel? Like she's been transmigrated/reincarnated (whatev you desire (⁠^⁠^⁠). Bro is trying to help so bad bc they hate war so they do it subtly and carefully (imagine having to be careful with your wording, I can't even--) but can't help but shit out blood sometimes or most of the time cos they forget and get frustrated
Forgive me for i love miserable characters...
Hardbound (Paperback pt. 2) - Cale x Reader
notes: I decided to link it to another oneshot I did before because I think it fits. I hope that's okay!
tags: blood, like the whole fic is blood, heavy cursing, Cale might be ooc, NOVEL SPOILERS (near the end of book 1)
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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Crimson, the colour of Cale’s hair.
That was the colour Cale can see right now. However, he is not looking at his hair.
Instead, he was looking at the blood dripping from your mouth.
“Stop speaking. This is not good for you.”
“Why not? You cough up blood all the time. Why can’t I do the same?”
You joked lightly but Cale didn’t like how weak your voice sounded. Indeed, he always coughs up blood. Especially whenever he overuses his ancient powers. But the blood he coughs up is dark red. Dead blood from his regeneration powers cleansing his body.
Not the vibrant crimson blood dripping from your chin. Blood from a beating heart, a sign of vitality as Eruhaben would say.
“I need to continue, you need to know about this. We must hurry up so just- ugh… so just listen.”
When you told Cale you were going to pull a “World Tree-nim and a Cale combo”, he didn’t know what he expected. 
It certainly wasn’t you trying to give out spoilers from your beloved book and coughing out copious amounts of blood.
“There will be monsters. Ones too hard to– Ugh! Fuck! I’m sure you understand what I mean.”
“That’s two out of five. Those things will be in a pit. It’ll look like statues, you will also see… you will also see an altar there…”
“You don’t need to speak anymore. Please, the rest of us will figure it out.”
“No, no. I’m fine really… Bear bastard, you know who it is, hostages. He’ll– Ugh!”
Drip. Drip. Drip
“It’s Tasha’s people. For a summoning– Fuck that one really hurts! I'm trying to speak as vaguely as possible already, what the hell…”
“Please… I’m going to tape your mouth shut if you don’t shut up.”
Drip. Drip. Drip
“I’d like to see you try. The tape won’t stick with all– with all this blood.”
“Enough jokes. The fourth and fifth ones are connected. In Endable, watch out for bears and black– watch out for black mages. And avoid– Shit! Avoid using instant. But I'm not sure if it's… if it's possible… I need to speak… to speak to Raon. The last spoiler is for him– ugh..!”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Cale wanted to refuse. He wanted this to end.
At first, it was just from your mouth.
The blood that is.
Then it started dripping from your left eye. Naturally, your right eye was next.
Then your nose. Then your ears.
Before the commander knew it, your entire face was covered with blood. He tried to wipe it, but they were dripping so quickly that it did nothing.
Cale doesn’t know how are you still conscious. He isn’t even sure if you’re still breathing. That was why he wanted you to shut up. That was why he desperately wanted this to stop.
But it can’t
Cale can’t refuse nor can he end this.
It was because you already made up your mind. And since you did, there’s no stopping you now.
So he gets Raon. Warned the toddler that the sight inside the room would not be pretty, but he must listen. Because their futures are resting upon the words you are about to say.
Upon the words written in your beloved book.
“I know… If you can’t listen I’ll listen for you and rely on the message.”
“No… I’m great and mighty. Because I’m great and mighty I shall listen to this conversation myself.”
Raon flew over to where you were. Placing himself on your lap as he uses his stubby paws to hug you.
“Ah, it feels comforting to have such a great and mighty being comforting me. But you’ll get blood on you– Ugh..!”
Drip. Drip.
The black dragon didn’t care about the blood. He just hugged you tighter at the sound of you coughing up more blood.
“Raon Miru-nim remember this well. Things might get messy and despite my meddling things might still go awry. So I’m telling you right now. In Endable, Cale might become incapacitated to fight– Fuck! Ugh, I promised to not curse in front of you…”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
“It will be hard, you will need to do everything yourself, without Cale. In fact, you will have to do his job– ugh… but you must do well. Remember, the first thing you have to do is have Mila-nim on standby. She can heal him.”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip
“I want to say more… but I’m reaching my limit…”
Raon tightened his hug and you weakly reciprocated it. You aren't sure if the wetness you feel in your shirt is from your blood or the dragon’s silent tears. Nonetheless, you still tried to hug Raon tighter.
In the meanwhile, Cale was already calling for servants and healers to attend to you as soon as you admitted your limit. His voice was laced with unusual panic. It made the others who didn’t know what was happening move with urgency.
“You are strong, smart, great and mighty, always remember that.”
You weakly stroked Raon’s back, trying to comfort him in advance for the things about to come.
“Young master what’s going on–”
Beacrox and Ron stopped in their tracks when they saw the condition you were in.
“Ahahaha, you guys are right on time. I think… I’m going.. To…”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence for you already fell unconscious. Your body dangerously swaying to fall off from your sitting position on the couch. Luckily, Cale was nearby and managed to catch your falling body.
Cale glanced at you, then he glanced at the open book on the table.
As usual, he couldn’t see what was written on the pages. He could only see the cover title at the front and the synopsis at the back.
But that doesn’t stop him from hating that damned book that put you in this state.
If only you haven’t read that book before coming here.
If only there wasn’t a restriction placed on you by that damned book.
If only…
“Fuck, after this war is done I’m going to try and burn that shitty book one way or another. I don’t care anymore if it’s your favourite.”
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note: in case it wasn't clear, the placement of the drips signifies how fast the reader's blood was gushing out
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stgosupremacy · 2 months
Hi today im ranting about ash scenes where he's concerned for goh cos coming from ash especially it's so cute
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the way ash has to just look at goh that far away tho
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"Poor Goh.."
ok obviously you would hope your friend would be sad for you too if you lost 😂 but the way ash leans forward and his eyes start quivering a bit shows how much he cares already like it's been 7 episdoes at this stage??
...yehhh maybe that was a bit too much analysing but ah you guys know me 🥰💖
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*puts cup down omggitsgettingserious* "Whats wrong? Dont you feel like you wanna eat?"
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"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."
"You dont have a stomach ache, do you?"
can i say just how sweet this is....this is ash we are talking ab and when there's food it's all he can think of but LOOK AT HIM SO CONCERNED AND GOH IS JUST STUTTERY AND A BLINKING MESS BLESS HIM WJFADLS pls i still think ab this all the time
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"Grookeys doing fine, I know it!"
THE WAY HE NOTICES IMMEDIATELYYYYY THAT GOH IS UPSET AND GOES TO COMFORT HIM stoppp my heart!!! I just find it so sweet how much he's in time wth Gohs emotions like- the second he looks sad ash wants to make sure goh's okay <33
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"Come on."
ok imsorry but he said "come on" so fondly 🥰 and it looked to me after i replayed it like 9times (💀) that he takes goh by the hand or the arm and pulls him away (? you guys should have a look for yourselves im not totally sureee) LIKE BROO STOPP 😭😭 THEYRE TOO CUTE??
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so we have to start in a sing-song voice:
"GOhHhHH, i heard your next trial mission is coming in!!" 🎵 hes so excited lmao brother it's been 1min since the last one 😂
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goh cant say the same
"you could be happier?"
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*doesnt give him time to answer*
"What's the matter, Goh?"
the way he says this is not even a question at that point it's just a statment 😂 he looks like he's ready to fight someone if somebody did something bad to him bless him we love you ash <33
goh is unphased atm lmfao
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sorry i keep getting distracted bc ash without a cap is even more adorable ;-;
he looks so concerned its acc too much for me to take
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"I'll be there, you'll be fine!"
i love how it's out of the question at this point that Ash is coming along and no one is going to stop him 😂 the way ash always supports him and doesn't want to leave his side sometimes melts me it's too much!!!!!!!!!!!!111
..also goh looks like he's in love again i dont blame him
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ending screenshot of a renewed goh and determined ash bc they are so adorable 🥰🥺💖💖
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joelslegalwhre · 1 year
"Stop flirting." "Then stop teasing." | Dieter Bravo x f!reader
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word count //  2k
pairing // dieter bravo x fem!reader
summary // You're interviewing Dieter for his new movie, and no matter how many years you've been together - recently married too - he loves to flirt with you like the first time you've met.
warnings // age gap (reader is in late 20s, Dieter in his 50s but only mentioned once), Dieter flirting needs a warning, fluff, reader and Dieter are married, Dieters mind is pure smut who's surprised, allusions to smut, reader wears a dress and gets her nails done, use of the word "Daddy" like once (don't read it if you don't like it), use of nicknames (baby -like a hundred times, peach), also little disclaimer; I'm reading smut like my life depends on it but I've never properly written it so bare with me pls, not proofread
a/n // I saw a TikTok for this a while ago about Pedro (the account is pedritolovesu) and got super excited to write a little something for Dieter with it.. so have fun y'all
I'm a whore for age gaps, sorry not sorry
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the gif is by a7estrellas (I found it on Pinterest)
"First of all, thank you for your time, Dieter." You started the interview. "It’s my pleasure." He answered with his signature grin, his fingers playing with the ring on his finger.
"Tell me, what was your favorite part about filming the new Cliff Beasts movie?"
"Oh, there are a few," Dieter began to tell some stories from the set, stories you already knew about, because he had told you all of them right after they happened. Calling you late at night, during the day, or sometimes just right after you woke up. 
Interviewing Dieter was still something you found a little strange, but in a good way. 
It didn’t happen often, but when it did, work felt a little less like actual work. When Dieter was there, it was easier, and you instantly felt like you’re home again.
Today, it was just the two of you, no co-stars or other interviewers. Which also meant, no distractions from the looks Dieter gave you.
"Well, that sure sounds like a lot of fun." You smiled at him, when he had finished, "Oh it was." He grinned, but his eyes never left your lips once when he spoke. 
You tried to give him a warning look that said "stop it, concentrate", but you already knew it would do nothing to stop Dieter. 
The interview went on for a little longer, you asked him some fan questions you had gotten before the interview for him, which Dieter all answered perfectly. 
His flirting didn’t stop though. His eyes couldn’t stop wandering between your lips and your eyes, and the subtle winks weren’t as subtle as he thought. „Stop it, Bravo.“ You whispered in a short break, while the crew was angling the camera for another shot. 
"Stop teasing me and I might." He threw you an air kiss, jokingly, making you chuckle.
Not everyone knew that you were married to Dieter Bravo, although it was pretty obvious when you were in situations like this one. And your last name didn’t hide the fact either. 
Dieter managed to keep most of your relationship from the public. But of course the majority of people, especially his fans, knew. And there was nothing wrong with that, you didn’t want to hide anything. It was just nice to have some privacy then and there, so you didn’t make a big fuss about it.
The first time rumors had reached the media that Dieter Bravo was off the market, you had already been dating for almost a year. And the real shocker wasn’t the obvious age gap, with Dieter being twice your age, but the fact that he dated someone for longer than a month. 
"Sorry guys, the camera just stopped working, one second. Sorry, Dieter." Your camera man said all of a sudden. „Oh shit, okay.“ You nodded in surprise. "Yeah, no problem man." Dieter assured him. Not a second later, some of the crew was back around Dieter, to freshen him up. 
When he took something out of his pocket that suspiciously looked like the small box, he had his "drugs on the go" -how he liked to call them- in, you raised your eyebrows and shook your head, "No. Definitely not here". Dieter was down bad for you, and literally did anything that would please you, so to the obvious surprise of some crew members, he stuffed the box back into his pocket with a sigh. 
"Fine, fine."
"You know I don’t care, but not at work. Please?" you gave him your best pout, you knew he couldn’t say no to.
"Yeah, yeah okay, baby." Dieter looked up at the guy who was relatively new to the team that always surrounded Dieter.
What was his name again? He couldn’t remember.
"Happy wife, happy life. Isn’t that the shit they say?" He shrugs and goes on, "I’ll do what my girl wants. No one can tell me shit, but you bet she can."
The expression on the guy’s face changed from surprised to confused and then surprised again, making you giggle quietly. "Oh, you’re married?" He asked, eyebrows raised. Dieter shot him a lopsided grin, "Heck yes, we are." Dieters eyes locked with yours and you couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. There was nothing that made you as happy as knowing you’re married to him, his drug problems aside, being Mrs. Bravo was so different to anything you had imagined as a little girl. And you loved it. 
"Alright, cameras are working again, guys." The camera man announced, and the crew quickly left the two of you alone again. 
As the interview went on, you asked Dieter some more questions about the new movie, how shooting under quarantine was for him - horrible, he had called you what feels like a hundred times a day, whining about being alone and horny- and if there were any new movies coming up with him. Dieter answered everything you wanted to know, giving the fans some insights into the film and little sneak peaks. One being a short scene, which was currently playing on a little screen next to you. Later on, the video would be seen during the interview clips, but the screen was for you to know when to go on with the interview. 
Dieter had other plans, though. He didn’t pay an ounce of attention to what was playing on the screen, his attention on your nails instead. 
"Did you get your nails done?" He asked, leaning forward to hold your hand and inspect your new set of nails. 
He had only seen you when he fell into bed, the night before. He didn’t usually come home as late as he did yesterday, but the press tour has really been "kicking his balls", to quote him. So you must have gotten them done either yesterday or today, there hasn’t been a time Dieter didn’t notice a new set of nails. Not once. 
"Yesterday, after work." You softly smiled, showing Dieter the nails. So he was right. "They match the ring." He gave you one of his cocky grins. "That was the intention." You grinned back at him. Neither of you had noticed that the video was long over, and the camera was back on the two of you. Faces inches apart and both of you with a stupidly content smile on your faces. "They look fucking amazing, baby." He said, almost whispering in awe. "Thank you, Dee." 
"Uhm, guys." someone from the crew cleared their throat. Your head shot up, and you quickly slid back into the position you had before.
"Oh my- sorry, sorry," 
Dieter leaned back in his chair and grinned at you, again. And as much as you wanted to keep professional, you had to smile at him too. 
"You should see her nails, they match our rings." Dieter said straight into one of the cameras, a cocky grin on his lips once again. You shook your head with a little giggle. So much for being professional. 
"So, back to the movie, as we could all see right now, it’s very promising." You went on, trying to act like you didn’t just want to grab Dieter’s hand and drag him to your car. Driving straight home, laying next to him in bed, nice and warm, cuddled up in his arms. 
Only a few more hours, you told yourself.
Dieter had to hold back like hell not to kiss you senseless in front of the crew members. He’s had a shit ton of media work today already, now that you were his last interview of the day -only some minor things to do afterwards- his mood has changed for the better, drastically.
He wanted to throw you over his shoulder -hell, he starts to think like a fucking caveman- carry you out of here and rip that fucking dress off of you. He’d even be fine with cuddling, anything that involved having you close to him. Although he wouldn’t quite be himself, if he wouldn’t also think about dragging you to the next empty room and fuck your brains out right now. 
Dieter was down bad for you, and -a thing he never thought was possible for him- it only got ‚worse‘ when the two of you got married. Calling you Mrs.Bravo for the first time had him almost come in his jeans. 
The interview was finally done, and you got up from your chair to get rid of all the mics and cables.
"Do you know when you’re coming home today?" You asked Dieter, back still turned to him, untangling a cable that got stuck in the chair somehow. "Hopefully fucking soon." He’s had enough of behaving, he desperately needed to feel you, even if it was just a quick kiss, his cock already painfully hard in his jeans. 
"You look fucking beautiful today, baby. The most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen." Dieter whispered in your ear. He wrapped his arms around your waist, as he pressed your back against his chest. "Well, thank you, but I’m still working, you know." You chuckled, joking with him. You couldn’t care less that you were at work right now, and Dieter knew you well enough to know. 
"Yeah, working pretty hard, interviewing your husband in that tease of a dress, baby."
You grinned, the dress was one of his favorites, and it showed enough skin without being too exposing to wear it for work. 
"You know I fucking love it." He whispered, so only you could hear it. "Really? I had no idea, Bravo." You teased him with a grin, turning your head to see his face. 
You could feel his stubble on your cheek as he got even closer to your ear and pressed you tighter to his body. "Can you feel what you do to be, baby? I’ll rip that fucking dress up the second we’re home." His bulge was pressing against your lower back, and your body immediately reacted to it. 
"I thought you loved it? Wouldn’t wanna ruin it, would you?" You kept teasing him, feeling his grip on your waist tighten. "Don’t challenge me, baby."
"Or what?" You looked at him with a spark in your eyes. He nuzzled his nose in the nook between your neck and shoulder. You closed your eyes at the feeling, stopping a moan from escaping your lips. "Or I’ll take your cute ass to that storage room right now and let everyone hear how good your husband treats you." He said with a low groan, sending vibrations through your whole body, straight to your core.
It took you every inch of will power you had left, not to make a head start to that damn storage room down the hall. You could feel the wetness pool in your panties. 
Instead, you turned around in his embrace and slung your arms around his neck. Playing with the strands of his now almost salt and pepper hair, you got on your tiptoes, brushing his lips with your own. "I’ll be waiting for you at home, Daddy." It elected another groan out of Dieter, his eyes closed, probably imagining what he’d do to you later. 
You gave him another soft kiss, and caressed his cheek, running your finger down bis jawline. "I’d do something about that, if I were you." You smugly grinned at Dieter's noticeable bulge in his pants. "I’d be careful what to say, peach." He muttered into your ear. Oh, you couldn’t wait to get home.
Everyone had left the room by now, leaving the two of you behind. 
"I love you." you whispered, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. There was no more joking in your voice. No more teasing. 
"I love you too, baby." Dieter pressed his forehead against yours and his nose gently nudged against your own. "I love you." He repeated and closed the little gap between you. You smiled into the kiss, letting your hands wander from his soft tummy to his back.
"I can’t fucking wait to get home." Dieter grunted out between kisses. 
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I had to include this Dieter picture because🥵
I have an update blog now, so follow @joelslegalwhrereads if you want to get updated when I post💗
taglist: @alexxavicry @snow30285 @queer_poncho (tell me if you want to be added to the taglist) 🖤 @mountsgirl (thank you for being the best bestie I could ask for🫶)
buy me a coffee if you want🖤
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kittysarchive · 5 months
hi hi! i love your works!
can we get a baby daddy trope for txt too pls..?
ahhh okay :)
warnings- baby daddy trope, talk of abandonment, fake texts, lmk if i meed any
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Co worker
The job was hard and stressful. You were on night fill with Yeonjun...it was quiet at you were the only two who were staffed for the night. Discussing how busy the job normally was, led one thing to another. Few days later, you found out you were pregnant. The job barley giving you enough money to pay of the bills, you were sure Yeonjun didn't get paid much more. But working at a fast paced, busy and draining job there was no way to hide the pregnancy. Pulling Yeonjun to the staffroom, you told him the news.
"I'm a few days pregnant" You state, hands playing with your shirt. Yeonjun stares at you, he had no idea what to say.
"I got you..." Are the only words Yeonjun could get out. You nod your head, not forcing him to spit any more out. Staying silent, you both thought of how the future lay ahead for you.
You admitted you needed help. You were 24 and still hadn't graduated. No more choice, you ran off to your professors office. After some begging...and flirting, you managed to get your grades up, enough to pass the class entirely. However, with poor planning and begging for higher grades, you soon became pregnant as you as to keep coming back to him...proving you were worth the higher grades. Seeing the multiple pregnancy tests become positive, you stayed back after class to tell him.
"P-Professor Soobin..." Your voice pipes up, filling the empty lecture room. His head looks up, hands continuing to pack his notes. Having his attention, you inform him.
"About the higher grades....I.....I-I'm pregnant" His hands stop piling the notes in his bag. His face turning dark, you feel so small compared to him.
"Don't kid with me" Soobin says firmly. Hands shaking, you grab out the tests, face heating up as you confessed.
"I have never been with a-anyone and y-you were my first t-time" Staring at the tests, how would he give you the funding when he had his own family to take care of?
Drop out/ Bad boy
Beomgyu was his own thing. He dropped out of school months ago, no spending his day at skate parks and abandoned malls. He had all the free time and all the criminal history as well. Of course, you fell for him, begging for a chance...just a date. That date turned more as you fell pregnant. You swore he had protection.... He always shoplifted, did he never steal condoms or something? Waiting until dark, you stood at the skatepark, waiting for Beomgyu to show up. And he did, you tried to pull him off to the side however with his other troubled friends, he was too stubborn.
"B-Beomgyu we need to talk" You anxiously looked around, all eyes were on you. He only laughs, his friends jokingly pushed him forward.
"What kitten? Just say it here" He looks down at your smaller frame, smirking at how scared you were. Taking a breath you told him the news, in front of all his friends.
"I'm pregnant" His smiles fades as his friends laughter arises, they must know his reaction. No words coming out of his mouth, his friends laugh harder, showing him around at the...terrible news.
He was cute, smart and had a way with the girls. You took the chance, just like every girl. But what you hadn't expected was to get impregnated by him. Staring at the tests, you couldn't stop the tears of regret. You were still in high school, in fact you had just started senior year. You didn't want to go to the formal with a baby bump! But you had no money for an abortion....you parents could kick you out, you would have to fend for yourself, you didn't even a resume yet! Finding his locker, nothing better then to tell him there.
"Taehyun!" You call out as he open his locker, he turns around and smiles...he remembered you. Coming close to him, you hushed his head closer.
"I've got some news..." His eyes frown, what could it be?
"What your pregnant?" Taehyun laughs, grabbing his books for his next class. Grimley, you nod your head.
"Yeah" Taehyun's eyes widen, he guessed right? Gulping, he didn't know how to handle the news....he got you pregnant.
Party Host
Alcohol everywhere, food everywhere, a large pool and a large house! Kau was the perfect host for a High school party! Not being the most popular with the girls, instead being used for his nice house and easy going parents, he didn't care, he was still in the spotlight. Drunk dazed and hormones controlling you, you followed up to his bedroom. Took your innocence away and made Kai more popular with the girls...and boys, becoming pregnant was humiliating. Finding his Instagram id, you had to tell him, because in fact, you never wanted to meet face to face again.
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I've started using this, gonna join the trend😂
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starryficsfinishwen · 9 months
Ok, I know this is weird but, Lee can  summons Lees from another worldline, right? I saw a fanart with 5 Lees fuck Commandant and it's hot. C-can you write a fanfic like that?
hey, anon, you have absolutely no right to send me this ask WITHOUT THE PIC AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
share your blessings pls, I'd like to see it (for research purposes)
[banner by @/cafekitsune]
warnings - NSFW THEMES MENTIONED: multiple penetrations (5 vs. 1), overstimulation, intense seggs. all are consenting parties!!
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“Open your mouth wider, Commandant.”
If you had a lot of power right now, you would have asked your construct to stand down. But how, despite your title, despite your power as a commandant—
Your whining made you curl. You were on your knees, in between your thighs, your essence was trickling down and staining the ground. Eyes riddled with tears, you became compliant with the request of the construct standing before you, and graciously opened your mouth.
“Good girl,” Lee praised you, gently patting your head, “Let me reward you.”
Lee wastes no time as he placed his heavy leaking tip of his cock on your awaiting tongue, shaft dragging along your tongue. His pre tasted salty, yet it only spurred you on.
“Tch, you are taking so long,” a familiar voice spoke behind you, “She deserves to be fucked already.”
Peering through your tearful eyes, you watched as clones of Lee walked and slotted themselves beside him— Lee's other dimension selves. Like the one that was in front of you, they all mirrored the same lustful eyes, which made the arousal drop even more down there.
Lee lazily shoves his cock into your mouth, your tears now escaping your eyes as you tried to accommodate the size of him in your mouth. Struggling, you whined more to try and breathe through your nostrils. But Lee is kind enough to put his hand on your head as if guiding you.
“Don't degrade her like that,” your Lee spoke, “she deserves none of that.”
“Oh yeah?” The Lee who spoke first kneeled down, raising your skirt, “You should see this, then.”
Your Lee groans, feeling the tightness of your throat as he shallowly fucks your mouth, “Gently-”
You moaned out of surprise as the other Lee rubbed your bare pussy, “Fuck, you weren't lying; she's so compliant.”
“What a compliant little Commandant.” All the other Lees started to approach you, touching you wherever they could reach.
On your breasts, on your throbbing clit, on your eager hole— you should be saying the safe word by now. You should, not when the other Lees were holding you down, your real Lee still fucking your throat. They were still kind enough to value your release first. Unfamiliar yet honest fingers groping and teasing your sensitive nipples. You felt his mouth on your vibrating clit, two fingers already curling right against a soft spot. They're all the same, sensual touches simultaneously rubbing you in every possible erogenous zone—
You crumbled around Lee's cock, choking out a moan as the other Lee drove you to your first orgasm of the night. As you trekked cloud 9, you heard a chorus of laughter.
“What a good girl you are,” purred one Lee, “you'll give us more, right?”
Oh, you were hungry. Far too hungry for more cock as the first Lee sat you up in his lap, his hard cock rubbing deliciously on your now-overstimulated, quivering pussy.
“L-Lee,” you cried out, weakly holding his shoulders, recovering from your high as you felt more hands on you, “Y-you didn't cum-”
“Is it too much?” You recognize it as your Lee, the familiar, comforting worried tone in his voice, his hand on your cheek, “We can stop if it's too much.”
Immediately, you felt other hands stop, as if obeying to the original Lee. Drunkenly blinking, you only whined a moan as you dragged your pussy on his cock.
“I'm okay,” you breathed, catching your insatiable hunger, briefly remembering that it was your idea in the first place, and you weren't about to back out.
“Just wan' your co-ock,” you slurred, hiccuping when the tip of his cock catches your clit, “in my pussy, in my mouth, wherever you can, I can take it.”
Lee eases you slowly on his hard cock, both of you moaning as he bottoms out inside of you. The familiar foreign touches are back on your body again, letting you lean to your Lee, a cold, lubed finger teasing your asshole. When you looked up from Lee's shoulder, an equally fat cock was presented in front of you, to which you compliantly take it in your mouth. You and your Lee moaned when your hips stuttered as you felt a finger now penetrating your asshole.
“Such a greedy girl,” you heard one of the Lees pipped, as your Lee starts to bounce you on his cock, the same rhythm on your mouth and asshole.
You crumbled once more as you felt another Lee's cock replaced his fingers. You wanted to take a break, but the way all the other Lees, including the one on your pussy, were chasing their own high, you sure were fucked. Literally.
Moaning out Lee's name, you felt him come into your mouth and pussy, a relentless thrusting still on your ass. You cried out, yet you only craved for more. As you felt your eyes clothes, an irregular jerk to your pussy made you clench around him.
“Don't pass out on me yet, Commandant,” Your Lee purred, steady hands holding your hips so tight, “I'm...we're still not done yet.”
You were sure you couldn't walk for a week
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— starry
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seangelfish · 1 year
Hello there, how are you? :)
My mind has been thinking about HiMERU finding cold-hearted&toughfem!reader drinking alone, and takes her alcohol away, suggesting to do something else.
I leave the rest to you.
NSFW pls.
Ignore if you want. Thank you 😁
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A/N: Hello there! I’ve been doing well, thanks for asking! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ This is my first ever NSFW request so I’m pretty excited. HiMERU is my fave member from Crazy:B, so I hope this goes well... (I keep forgetting he refers to himself in 3rd person lol). Anyways, enjoy!! (´ ε ` )♡ This was actually kind of hard to write, so I'm sorry if it's bad! I also decided to change the theme to my NSFW works! I hope you all like it!
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Stress reliever
HiMERU x Reader ♡ Genres/tags: Smut (NSFW) ♡ Content warnings: fem!AFAB reader, oral (receiving), missionary, vanilla sex, not proofread! ♡ Word count: 2,710 ♡ Summary: HiMERU has always cared about your well-being, even to a point he’d try to meet you everyday to ask how you were. Unluckily for him though, you were one of the coldest producers at Cos Pro who would constantly shake his advances off.
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! NSFW below the cut. Please proceed with caution.
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It wasn't love at first sight.
On HiMERU's first day at Cos Pro as a new idol, you were rather unwelcoming. He had greeted you, bowed too, but you merely nodded at him and walked away. He didn't mind it though, he already knew what he was getting into when he decided to become an idol. It was inevitable to encounter someone like you in the industry.
However, despite that encounter, whenever HiMERU would bump into you, he still made the effort to greet you a good morning or afternoon. Because you were still one of his producers, he wanted to be polite and respectful.
“Good morning, Miss (Y/N).”
However, you continued to give him the cold shoulder. He didn’t understand this until another producer informed him that you were like that with everyone.
“You should just leave her be, okay? I don’t think (Y/N) even cares for socialising.”
But HiMERU couldn’t leave you be. He wanted to talk to you all the time. He wanted to know about your well-being. Even when you’ve only exchanged a few words with him, he was completely smitten with you.
Maybe it was the way you carried yourself or the way you did your work. You were so focused with work that you were able to finish it in a day or so. Even when your personality was as cold as ice, you were seen as the most reliable producer in the agency.
Not only that, but you were beautiful. HiMERU’s eyes would light up whenever he caught a glimpse of you. He’d never miss the opportunity to say hello.
Fortunately for him, you were assigned as one of Crazy:B’s producers. Unfortunately for you, Crazy:B was the last unit you’d ever think of working with.
“I guess it can’t be helped,” you said. “Nice to meet you all. I’m (Y/N) (L/N). From today on, I’m your producer. I’ll be helping you with all your work.”
Rinne immediately tried to woo you, but you completely ignored him. Niki tried thanking you for your time, but you blankly replied with, “No need to thank me. It’s my job.” Kohaku could understand that you didn’t want to be a part of this group, so he merely bowed and left you be. HiMERU, however…
“It’s nice to see you again,” he said. “HiMERU hopes we can get along better now, Miss (Y/N).”
You stared at him for a moment before replying with, “Keep hoping.” You then picked up your belongings and walked away. He watched your figure speed off, your heels clanking sharply at the floor.
However, by time, you did warm up a little to the group. You were still cold and tough as ever which showed a lot in the work you set them, but you smiled a bit more. HiMERU liked seeing this progress.
His relationship with you has also seen some progress too. Whenever he’d greet you, you actually stopped to greet him back. Of course, you were still cold with it, but you were getting there.
“Alright, that’s it for today,” you said, wrapping things up. “Now go home and rest. I’ll see you all tomorrow morning.”
Before the idols could say anything, you had already left. As the rest of Crazy:B talked about what they needed to improve on, HiMERU caught sight of your planner. You had forgotten it.
HiMERU picked up your planner and dashed out of the room, leaving the other members confused. It was 7pm by the time Crazy:B was finished with rehearsals, so that meant you were heading home.
HiMERU hoped he’d be able to catch you, but you were way too fast. Thankfully, you had informed them of your address and phone number if they ever had anything important to talk to you about.
He tried calling you, but you wouldn’t pick up. Ah, that’s right. It’s after work hours now, so of course you wouldn’t pick up. The last resort was to visit you on the way home.
Now, how was he supposed to get there?
It was 9pm by the time HiMERU finally reached your place. He was held up by other idols in the agency who tried talking to him. As polite as he ever was, he joined in the conversations. He didn’t want to make himself look bad after all.
But he was finally here. He knew how important your planner was since you brought it with you everywhere. He knocked on your door and waited.
After a few seconds, it opened up.
“Eh, HiMERU…?” you groaned. “Why are you here at this hour? …Did something happen?”
“I… uh…”
HiMERU couldn’t look away from the outfit you were wearing, but he knew that he should. You were wearing nothing else but a silky nightgown that accentuated your curves. He could tell why you wouldn’t care about your appearance because gripped in your hand was a bottle of alcohol.
“Well then, what is it?” you asked, kind of irritated. You took another long sip of the alcohol and sighed.
He avoided your gaze as he handed you over your planner.
“You left this in the rehearsal room,” he said.
But before you could take it from him, he snatched the bottle away from you.
“Hey!” you exclaimed. “That’s mine!”
“Miss (Y/N), you’re a producer at Cos Pro, HiMERU doesn't think you should be drinking the night before work tomorrow,” HiMERU stated blankly.
“Ugh, this sucks! You seriously don’t understand how much anxiety and stress I’ve incurred during my days at Cos Pro! This is the only way I can cope! So, give me back the bottle now, and leave me alone!”
HiMERU never really thought about how you might of felt. He always thought you were well kept and organised, but seeing you in front of him now said otherwise.
“Give… it… back!” you cried, trying to reach for the bottle, but HiMERU merely lifted it higher in the air.
“Miss (Y/N), there are many other ways to deal with stress,” he said. “Alcohol shouldn’t be one of them.”
“Ugh, whatever! It’s not like you have better ideas!”
“In fact, HiMERU does,” he replied, sighing. He couldn’t believe that his crush was an alcoholic.
“Alright then, tell me,” you challenged.
“HiMERU just needs your consent first.”
“Nghh... ah~!" you gasped.
You were spread out on the sofa, your nightgown pulled up to bare your nakedness as HiMERU's tongue licked your soaked folds slowly.
This wasn't what you expected when HiMERU told you he had a better idea. What you expected from him was a mature suggestion, something such as exercising to calm down your nerves, but THIS? You would have never guessed he was going to go down on you?! No wonder why he asked you for your consent and the levels of your alcohol tolerance.
And it's a good thing you had such high alcohol tolerance because the feeling of being eaten out like this felt so good. You'd hate to miss out on this.
Wait, what on earth are you thinking?!
“Ah~ mhmm…”
You couldn't believe that you're just letting him eat you out like this! Out of all people as well? HiMERU?! ...Well, it's not like you ever hated him. Sure, you've treated him coldly, but that's because you're at work to do work, not to make friends. All you ever cared about was surviving. You were only working in Cos Pro to earn money to live. So, keeping up a cold, tough act was one way to do it. Unfortunately, work at Cos Pro was absolutely aggravating and depressing. That's why you had resorted to alcohol.
But this... this seems to be more pleasurable.
His hands kept your legs secured and spread out as he continued to lick and suck on your pussy, leaving trails of kisses here and there across the inner parts of your thighs.
"Ahhh~ feels... so... good~"
He smirked. He liked the sounds you were making because of him, and he was happy that you were enjoying yourself too. He knew that sex was a good way to reduce negative emotions, and it's a lot more healthier than taking in alcohol. However, he also knew that this was something he would never think of doing with his producer let alone his crush. Was he perhaps... breaking out of character...?
He was only planning on making you feel good, so you were able to get a good night's rest before tomorrow morning, but a tent formed in his pants too. He wanted you so bad, but he knew he shouldn't. He vowed that once you came, he was going to leave. He was only doing this for you and you only, it wasn't about himself.
Out of the blue, you grabbed his blue locks and shoved him closer to your pussy.
"Ahh~! More...! Please give me more...!" you pleaded. "Ngh~!"
He gagged a bit, but obeyed. The flicking of his tongue inside your pussy sped up, causing your moans to build up too. As he looked at your face from below, you made eye contact with him. His gleaming yellow eyes looked particularly sexy from down there, it made your face even more hotter than it was before.
"Mmm~" you went. Something within you wanted even more than this.
Your pretty figure arched at his touch.
"HiMERU, I'm... I'm going to c-come...!"
"Hah..." he groaned, lifting his head up from between your legs. "Then come..."
You did as you were told. He watched you squirt all over the sofa, soaking it in the process. You panted in exhaustion, but you couldn't help but smile at how good that felt.
"You came... that's great..." he muttered, panting. "HiMERU will get you cleaned up now. Have a good night, okay? HiMERU will taking your alcohol away too."
He stood up, but you immediately grabbed his hand, yanking him back down. He caught himself before he fell right on top of you, his arms on each side of you as he looked down at you from below.
"Please stay..." you whispered, reaching for his neck. "I want more of you... I want you inside me..."
HiMERU's cheeks instantly turned pink. He couldn't believe the words that came out of your mouth. "(Y/N), I can't..." he said, dropping the honourifics and looking away.
"Please, HiMERU... you want me too, right?" you said, eyeing his boner. "I'll let you have all of me."
He was silent for a bit, but then looked back at you. You looked desperate and extremely needy. Sweat rolled down your flushed face, your eyes begging him to completely rail you.
He sighed and leaned down a bit so that your lips touched his ever so slightly.
"Are you sure about this?" he whispered. "I won't hold back."
"Yes... I'm sure... I want you to fuck me..."
Your arms wrapped around his neck once he completely laid his body weight on yours. He kissed your lips tenderly, but on the other hand, you bit his. You kissed him roughly which he didn't seem to mind, so he returned the action. Saliva started to form between your tongues as you parted, a thin string swung.
"Hah..." he moaned. He still couldn't believe that he was doing this with his producer, someone in a higher position than him in the industry. He couldn't believe that he was doing it with you, his crush in the industry, the beautiful yet cold woman he had fallen in love with. He was rather lucky if he thought about it.
He unbuckled his belt as you waited for him excitedly. He pulled his boxers down and his cock sprung out. It was big and hard, precum had already seeped out of the tip. It was such a pretty cock that even you would love it if he shoved it down your throat.
His tip brushed against your flaps causing you to moan. He did this several times as if he was teasing you, but he just loved the sight of his dick just stroking your pussy, and the sight of you being irritated that you hadn't put it in yet.
"HiMERU!" you cried. "Just put it in alr–"
HiMERU shoved his dick into your hole before you could finish your sentence. He began to ram into you as fast as he could.
"Gyah~!" you cried. "Ahh~ ahh~!"
"Hah... you're... tight..." he mumbled. "Ugh... fuck... this feels... good...!"
Thrusting his dick in and out of you, HiMERU pulled your nightgown even higher to expose your breasts. He nibbled at your nipples which were hard from how aroused you were.
"Ahh~! H-HiMERU...!"
"(Y/N)... fuck..."
His tongue swirled around your nipple as he began to suck on it roughly, another hand caressing the other boob slowly.
"H-HiMERU..." you moaned. "I can't... believe that we're doing this... haha... I can't believe I'm doing this..."
"Neither does HiMERU," he replied, thrusting into you with no intentions of stopping. "HiMERU doesn't understand why you're okay with this... when... you never wanted to look his way..."
You were silent for a moment, avoiding his eyes.
"I just hope... you don't hate 'me'..." he mumbled. "'I' like you a lot, (Y/N)..."
"I don't necessarily 'hate' you..." you said slowly, kissing the corner of his mouth. "I never hated you."
You smiled at him, a genuine, pretty smile that he has never seen you pull at work ever. This was new to him, this emotion that you were portraying. You looked like a completely different person now from the producer he had fallen in love with.
He was in awe, he was in love. He wanted to see you smile like that all the time. Still, he loved the cold, tough woman you were at work too, but this version of you was something he could adore as well.
He smiled at you sadly. "You really are beautiful," he stated, kissing your forehead softly. "I hope you can smile like that more..."
Your hand made its way to cup HiMERU's cheek. "You're so nice to me even when I haven't been as nice to you... don't do that to yourself..." you whispered, eyes beginning to water. You couldn't believe how kind he was to you, a woman who was seen as cold-hearted.
His pace slowed down. He held your hand and shook his head, "No matter what you say, or anyone for that fact, I won't ever stop being kind to you. As I've stated before..." he continued to his cock deep into you. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"Ah... ah... H-HiMERU..."
And as on cue, you came right on his dick. He kissed your cheek as you panted uncontrollably. Pulling himself out of you, he rubbed his dick a little bit before coming onto your naked body. Warm cum dripped onto your chest, coating it in a white finish. HiMERU would like to admit that he liked the sight in front of him, having you covered in his cum.
"H-HiMERU... thank you..."
"Of course."
He helped you clean up before he left. Once he was outside your door, you called after him.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Um... would you... be able to help me out again?" you said sheepishly. "Uh... with my anxiety and stuff..."
He snickered. Holding your cheek gently, he nodded. "If you ever need me, I'll be there for you... no matter what you need me to do, I'll do it."
You watched him walk down the hallway and down the steps of your apartment. You closed the door with a sigh. A smile crept up your face.
"Heh... that was a good stress reliever~"
After that one night, the two of you began to relieve each other's stress with even more sex. Whenever you were stressed out at work, HiMERU was willing to give you a quick fingering in your office... or whether he was having a bad day due to Rinne, you would reciprocate with a quick blowjob in the bathrooms. Although the two of you kept it professional within the workplace, you just couldn't help but touch each other and help the other out. As the days progressed, perhaps the two of you would turn this little playdate thing into a more established relationship where you're able to fuck HiMERU to your heart's content.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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jcbbby · 1 year
Vanity Fair Lie Detector Interview w/ Jamie Campbell Bower and You
hello! I've had this idea for like almost a year now lol. this is very dialogue heavy, there's not much description, but I felt like it kind of had to be, since it's just back and forth questions? idk, it's not my best work, but the idea is sickeningly cute and I needed to get it out. anyway, hope you enjoy it! <3 warnings: none! just fluff, ST4 costar!reader, gender neutral reader (pls let me know if I missed any gendered terms!)
As part of your Stranger Things press tour following the release of Vol. 2, you and your co-star Jamie were appearing on the lie detector interview. Entering the set, it was dark, with just a single overhead light hanging above a metal table. You and Jamie sat in chairs in front of the table as you filmed the intro for the video.
"Which one of you would like to go first?" The producer asked off camera.
You both turned to look at each other, nervously smiling. You shuffled your feet against the floor.
"Uh...I guess I'll go." You shrugged. "I'll just rip the band aid off."
The camera cut and the polygraph examiner set up as you and Jamie took your places on either side of the metal table.
"I feel like I'm looking at 25 to life or something right now." You chuckled as the polygraph examiner finished hooking you up to the machine.
"Are you nervous?" Jamie smiled at you from across the table.
"I'm sweating!"
Jamie cleared his throat, adjusting his posture to sit up straight, smirking as he tried to look intimidating. Your lips scrunched into a thin line as your eyes widened, showing your anxious anticipation.
"Okay...first question: is today June 8th, 2022?" He read from the cards in his hands.
"Yes." You stated.
"Were you in season 4 of Stranger Things?"
"I was." You smiled.
"Did you always want to be an actor growing up?"
"Uh...y-yeah. I would say yes." You nodded. "One of the things I wanted to be, anyway."
"What else would you have wanted to be?"
"Uh, well I still do music, but I wanted to be a famous musician. For a hot second I wanted to be a museum curator." You smiled.
"Have you ever googled yourself to see what people think of your work?"
You laughed and then hung your head. "I have! I need the validation..."
"I'm British, and you're American. Do you think I do a good American accent?" He chuckled.
You paused, sucking in a breath jokingly before smiling. "No, I'm kidding. You do have a decently good one, actually. Yeah."
Jamie gave you a side eye and looked at the polygraph examiner, who sat still staring at the paper and moving dowels. He looked back at you and nodded judgingly.
"Do you remember your first celebrity crush?" Jamie smiled.
"Who was it?"
You let out a breath, a slight smile flashing across your lips. "Um, I think it was like, Orlando Bloom?" You laughed. "Man, him as a blonde elf, y'know?"
Jamie chuckled at your answer before glancing down to his cards and looking back up. He smirked. "Do you have a current celebrity crush?"
"Uh...yes." You pursed your lips, taken aback by the question slightly.
Jamie cocked an eyebrow, leaning closer over the table. "And who is your current celebrity crush?" He smirked.
Your eyes went wide and you felt your cheeks immediately blush. You glanced over to the polygraph examiner, laughing nervously. It was him. Ever since the day he walked into the table read, you were enamored with his beauty, inside and out. You were secretly so excited to be paired with him for these press events, despite not having much screen time with him. You hoped your feelings wouldn't be obvious, but now, being hooked up to a lie detector, you felt like you weren't able to hide it at all.
"Oh god...haha...uhh..." You looked back at Jamie, eyebrows high, biting your lips slightly. "Well...uh, all I'll say is... they're in the room currently..." You smiled shyly, averting your eyes.
You could feel the warmth of Jamie's smile that grew across his face. "I didn't know you felt that away about the polygraph man." He chuckled.
You looked up, seeing his cheeks lightly blushed. You giggled, looking over at the smiling polygraph examiner. "I'm glad I could finally let him know." You looked back to Jamie.
"Well...I'm sure he's absolutely flattered." He held your gaze for a moment before taking in a deep breath and looking back down at his cards. "Okay, last question... Would you say you're cooler than your character in Stranger Things?"
You laughed. "Oh god... Absolutely. They're much cooler than me, yes."
"Did you lie at any point during this interview that we didn't catch?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and leaning forward.
You grimaced, looking over to the polygraph examiner. "I don't think so, no. I didn't lie."
He gave a thumbs up and you jokingly exhaled a sigh of relief. The camera cut, and the crew came around you, setting up the next shot for Jamie to be in the hot seat. There wasn't much time for conversation as they worked around you, which you were slightly thankful for, given your admission. Though, you both did exchange a few soft glances and warm smiles, which made you feel less embarrassed. The two of you switched seats and the camera started rolling as the polygraph examiner hooked Jamie up to the machine.
"You're right, this is very surreal." Jamie laughed, looking at the equipment put on him.
"Are you nervous?"
"Maybe...I don't know yet." He smiled, settling into the seat with the wires now on him.
"You should be." You winked and brought the cards up in front of you. "Alright, is your name Jamie Campbell Bower?"
He nodded. "Yes."
"Were you born in London, England?"
"You played Vecna in the new season of Stranger Things, as well as a member of the Volturi in Twilight. Would you consider yourself a good villain?"
Jamie's face twisted into a thought. "Oh wow. I mean...I don't think me, personally, as a villain. I try not to be! But I suppose the villain is fun to play, definitely. I guess I play the villain well, yes."
"You've been in a number of cancelled projects. Do you think you make bad career choices?" You tried to hold back your laughter.
He laughed out loud. "Thanks for bringing it up, love. Uh...no. I think they were all projects I really believed in and felt a connection to. I chose them because I enjoyed them. So no, I don't think that."
"You have made music with bands The Darling Buds, Counterfeit, and as a solo act. Would you want to be a full-time musician if you weren't an actor?"
He thought for a moment. "I suppose, yes. But I really couldn't imagine one without the other. They're both so deeply part of me. So...yes and no?"
"Do you secretly hate the Duffer brothers for making you go through 8 hours of prosthetics to play Vecna instead of just making it CGI?"
Jamie laughed again. "No! I don't!" He looked over to the polygraph examiner.
"He's telling the truth." He said flatly.
"Phew...I still have a job, good." He jokingly wiped his brow. "No, I think the choice to have it be almost entirely practical effects really made all the difference for you know, my scene partners, as well as for my own ability to get into character."
"Did you take anything from set that no one gave you permission to take?"
"Uh....n-no...no, I don't think I took anything without permission... I hope not?"
You looked down to the cards in your hand, scanning the questions listed. But you had an idea.
Well, payback time for me. Who's your current celebrity crush, then?" You smirked, narrowing your eyes.
He rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair with a smile. "Oh god. Yeah, yeah...I guess fair is fair." He leaned forward. "Well, um...I'm looking it at them." He smiled shyly.
Your mouth hung open, lilting up at the ends in euphoric shock. You bit your lip, letting the full smile overtake your face, stinging your cheeks. "Oh...is that so?" You giggled.
"We can defer to the polygraph man." He gestured over as you both looked to the man sat in front of the machine.
He smiled, looking back over to you, nodding. "He's telling the truth."
"Oh...well, I guess that's-that's convenient isn't it?" You giggled, feeling your cheeks flush.
"Did we just become a couple in this interview?" Jamie laughed.
"I think we did." You shook your head in disbelief, joining him in his laughter.
"Wow, this was much more affective than Tinder, this is what everyone should be doing." He gestured to the lie detector equipment.
"And on camera, too." You gave finger guns to the camera, giving a wink. "Um...but okay. Wow... Well, final question: Did you lie at any point during this interview and we didn't catch it?"
Jamie shook his head. "No, I don't believe I told any lies."
The polygraph examiner nodded, backing up that Jamie had not told lies. You smiled, setting the cards down, laying your hands on the table. Jamie smiled and reached across, taking your hands in his. The camera cut and the crew swelled around, taking the lie detector equipment away and setting up for you two to film the outro to the video.
The crew set the chairs back to the front of the table and had you two sit their once again. The producer called to roll the camera and let you know to start.
"Well, this has been Lie Detector Interview, or Lie Detector Matchmaker I guess." Jamie chimed. You burst out laughing, nudging Jamie's shoulder. "I thought this would be terrifying, but it actually went quite well I'd say." He looked to you.
You nodded. "Better than I would have expected." You smiled up at him. "Thanks so much for having us, Vanity Fair! This has been lovely!"
You both held your hands up, intertwined with the other, before leaning against one another with smiles on both of your faces.
"This is video is going to break the internet." Jamie whispered, leaning into your ear, drawing a delighted laugh from you just as they cut the camera.
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angelgendered · 3 months
Should I make some sheeny and tennant icons with different flag bgs?
What flags would yall like me to make icons of?
Okay so if you can be specific in replies, tags or reblogs I'd love that and value your input! Esp if you have a flag which is rare or niche and never ever see edits made using it
The options are grouped cos tumblr limits how many options I can have. The groupings are not perfect. That's why if you can specify somehow, I'd really appreciate it. Still the poll is there if you wanna be anonymous :)
These will be free to use with credit pref as they take me a bit but you can use them without credit I'm not a cop.
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Kiss marry kill your moots&anons
hoho okay tell me how tf can i openly admit i want to kill a few of you (does it anyway) (make of this what you will)
@eightmakesonebraincell: obviously kill bc we've ticked the others ✌️😌 (the situationship is going good thank you for asking)
@yunnierights: another kill bc she's funnier than me and i cannot have that 🙄
@atxxzist: another kill bc the wounds from yeosang as side character in broken are still fresh even tho i settled with san 🙄
@hwaightme: def kiss bc i've wanted to do that for a long time now 😔 wanna kiss her delicious brain
@starrysvn: another kiss, maybe marry bc ugh idk i'm bad with words 👉👈
@sungbeam: another kiss! (if we interacted a bit more i'd either marry or kill lmao)
@kitten4sannie: kiss kiss fall in love~ (haven't interacted much but we're both kyoya and mori girlies so i can't miss this chance)
@mydayinthebuilding: gonna smooch her so bad she'll regret it <3
@hwaslayer: i want to wife her up so bad so that's a strong marry right there 👉👈
@my-loves-my-life: straight up marry i'd make you the happiest your hand in marriage pls 💍🧎‍♀️
@lavishloving: another marry bc i feel like we'd co-exist in harmony and that's really hard to find considering it's me we're talking about
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mercurygray · 7 months
Hii could I pls request #26 "The smell of Cologne/Perfume on warm skin" for Cord and Bucky? 👀 — @shoshiwrites
She'd never had an issue with the commanding officer before, but Cord was quite sure this was verging on ridiculous.
It was one thing to be told to show up to a party - that was well and good. She could do her hair and fix her dress uniform as nicely as the next girl.
But to be told she had to dance? And with him?
"Don't worry," Major Egan said, obviously just as thrilled as she was with the direction the evening was taking. "I won't get any ideas. It's one dance, not an engagement. In five minutes you can go back to hating me."
The band was playing something by Benny Goodman and of course, no sooner had Harding issued his order but they'd switched to slow songs. It would have been fine if the CO had made the observation that Cord hadn't gotten a dance and left it lie, but then he'd added that he would be damned if chivalry on his base was dead, and ordered his former Air Exec to get the Lieutenant a turn around the floor, and there had been snickers.
Cord had to admit, grudgingly, that she'd wanted at least one dance. But she wasn't partial to the way she'd got it. Or the man she was getting it with.
Benny Goodman was making her think of home, and dances at the Legion Hall downtown and airmen who were away from home for the first time getting anxious about asking the shop foreman's daughter for a dance. Nights that smelled like cheap cologne and gardenias and the faint tang of spilled whiskey, even if the dance was supposed to be dry. She'd gotten her first kiss at one of those dances - Tom, a tall skinny fellow from Indiana. She wondered where he was now, whether he was still flying.
None of that, however, helped her with Egan - or the matter of the next four minutes - but she wanted, in this exact moment, to make sure they got something straight. "I don't hate you, Major."
"Really? 'Cause you got a funny way of showing it."
It was true. She was not the man's biggest fan. John Egan was loud, and frankly full of himself, and the world's most devoted flirt, but she didn't …hate him. That just wasn't true. Disliked, strongly, but not hate.
But how to explain that to him? "The first time we met you called me gorgeous."
He scoffed. "And? It was true!"
Cord felt herself go red. "But you call everyone gorgeous," she pressed on. "A Lieutenant would have been nice. I'm an officer- just like you. I worked hard for it, and everyone seems to forget that." Including the CO, it seems. I'm not just here to be an easy date. "Everyone respects a pilot. It's different for us. If you'd walked all over me…then they all would have. Sir."
John Egan might have been many things, but stupid wasn't one of them - and while he could be loud, he could listen, too. For a moment it was just the two of them and the Goodman in the background. "Seems I owe you an apology, then, Lieutenant. For forgetting my manners. I think I've done okay since?" She nodded. "But I stand by the gorgeous comment," he added, almost forcefully. "A man's allowed to say things that are true. Or am I cutting in on some guy back home?"
Cord suddenly felt a little pale, and extremely mindful of just where they were, and who she was with, and who might be watching them, and the feeling of Egan's hand wrapped around her own, the other decorously between her shoulder blades, the smell of his aftershave musk and faint sandalwood. "No, no… guy back home." Certainly none calling me gorgeous. Dozens of airmen who'd been happy to take a dance or two on a Friday night, but never anything… serious. Not when they were always moving on to something else. "And you?" She asked, trying to be polite.
He chuckled. "No one would have me." His smile was just this side of reckless, and she had a hard time believing what he said. You mean to tell me all the girls in Nebraska don't have eyes? You've never had a problem getting a date here. "And it didn't feel right," he added, almost as an afterthought, "to tie a girl down like that. At least not yet."
"She'll be lucky when you find her, sir."
He murmured assent. "Does this make us square now, then, Lieutenant, or can I expect to keep getting shut out of the tower?"
He was fishing now, and she knew it - the ground between them felt thin and she didn't like the feeling. "I'll keep shutting out anyone trying to be a distraction," she said, as fairly as she could.
He smiled at that, and Cord felt something in her chest soar up seeing that smile before it fluttered back down again. Oh, he's not that charming, girl, some small part of her sneered. You've just been out of the game.
The song wrapped up, and the two of them broke away to clap for the band and go their separate directions. "Do you need a drink?" Ann asked, steering them towards the bar without waiting for the answer.
No, Cord wanted to say, following her friend. But I think I need my head checked.
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ankahikoibaat · 3 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
tagged by: @reconstructwriter tagging: EVERYONE no but seriously okay @heatherfield @lowkeyed1 @littleblackraincloudofcourse @firstelevens @peterbenjaminparkour @bizzybee429 @cypresssunn @thesecondbatgirl @mid-nighttiger @noneedforbloodpressure @brachiosaurus-on @monjustmon @thegreencarousel and anyone else (i don't remember if i've ever done this before.)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?  about to be 230 on Thursday! (what up, plan on hitting 250 before the end of the year.)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?  466,023 words!
3. What fandoms do you write for?  ....too many. whatever hits my fancy when it comes to the whumptober prompts but main focuses are Pride And Prejudice, Willow, DC, Star Wars and The Vampire Diaries.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? screaming at the cold, say the words as such, our hearts are hungry, this is where the heart lies and going up against it all. the fact that all of these are Star Wars fics and four out of the five are from NTCM. pls.
5. Do you respond to comments?  yes! I've set aside one day a week - Wednesdays - to respond to comments (and then a fic chapter or oneshot goes up on Thursdays.)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?  so there are actually a few that end angstily, some not on AO3 (I-F, I miss you.) but I've transferred at least one of those over here too so - Humari Adhuri Kahaani and Woh Miley The for them. and then love is not a victory march (ColdAtom I love you.).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?  oh! most have happy endings? so? i won't list them all. i am particular to the ones where i have Palpatine explode. that's always fun.
8. Do you get hate on fics?  not on fic though i have gotten comments that have made me go "you could have just not said anything". some people nitpicking the way i chose to write characters - in both the Star Wars and Pride And Prejudice fandoms.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?  so i challenged myself to do this a few years ago and i've written a bit but not much? i prefer writing around it for the most part.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?  none here but Haule Haule my beloved nonsense.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  YES! it was a couple of Primeval one-shots.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?  way back when i was writing on ff.net @bhavvyyy and i started a fic that we never completed lmao.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?  ....... okay look, for the most part i'm a multishipper but Swanfire and PremHeer my beloveds.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?  i will finish the TVD fic some day - but the time travel Star Wars fic i haven't posted anywhere is one i hope to finish but i haven't touched it in literal years.
16. What are your writing strengths?  i think i do well at bringing out emotions. i've made enough people yell at me for it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? keeping to a plot. outlining. finishing a draft of my novel.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?  absolutely done it will do it again i used to write fic for a Hindi serial and did full on dialogue in Hindi.
19. First fandom you wrote for? i think it was Charmed to be honest. it's been almost 20 years...
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?  this is liking choosing a favorite child (except in this case the fics won't yell in my ear for not choosing them but STILL). so i will turn the table on you and let me know which is your favourite of my fics you've read.
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