#no one will ever understand this but i think about it at least once a day and have an aneurism
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keferon · 1 day ago
Two Peas in a Pod: part 2/?
*slips another piece into your mailbox*
Jazz was still feeling a little woozy from his donation in the dark hours of the morning. Blaster had breakfast changed from the usual to something that felt more like a treat, probably a reward for his good behaviour, and to help his body recover. Fish heavy in proteins, fat, all that healthy stuff. Something that normally he would have tried to savour, but he wolfed it down from excitement. Too many questions ran through his head, and most he couldn't bring himself to voice.
The mer, the mer would pull through. Blaster told him about how he had saved their life with his blood. Praised him high and low. Because Blaster knew how Jazz felt about seeing blood, about how hard blood tests were for him, and that was only a tiny vial. Not three big bags of it. Jazz hadn't seen how much they had taken – because he had kept his eye closed until they left in a hurry –, and hearing about it made him dizzy for other reasons, but he honestly felt real proud of himself.
It was a new feeling, different from other moments of pride – like when he figured out the lock codes. Yeah, this gave him butterflies and the drive to help more.
Blaster laughed when Jazz offered that the vets could take more if the other mer needed it. His handler didn't think it would be, but he would pass it on to the vet team.
Jazz's morning checks were a little off, expected with having a little less fluids and feeling off-balance, but it was kept short and quick. Blaster told him that if he learned anything more, he'd tell him next time he came by and then hurried back down to the staff area. Blaster was needed elsewhere, understandably as there weren't many mer experts here, though he did leave Jazz his waterproof stereo if he wanted to play some of his favourites.
But, the orca mer was far too busy causing a whirlpool from the laps he was swimming. He was too excited to sit still, and embarrassment be damned he started practising old vocals. He didn't remember much of his mother tongue, and he was pretty sure that his pronunciation was off, that or had one hell of an accent. Echo-speech was even more rusty. And once he had gone over and over what he could recall, Jazz began to really worry. A few sentences and handful or so of words was all he had? Gods, I hope I can at least make a decent first impression. Blaster said they were just like me, so hopefully, that will give me some starting points.
More than he cared to count, Jazz would swim into the shallow waters of the medical bay and hope to see something through that window. But no one ever came close enough for him to hear any news of the mer. He couldn't even see anything on his radar, wherever they had done treatment, it wasn't in the hospital ward. It almost felt like he was being purposely kept in the dark.
And just when Jazz was starting to worry that things had taken a bad turn, a group of staff turned up around four pm. He wasn't able to ask any questions, or rather they refused to answer. Shooing him away as they got to work. Starting with closing the gate to the bay to 'keep him out'. Jazz could easily climb those walls, but that wasn't the point. Even if the gate window was closed, he could pick up that they were setting up the water hammock. But it wasn't until he heard the cautionary beeping of the hoist lift approaching that it dawned on him – the mer was coming. Now.
"Jazz," Blaster called, "… Jazz," he blew the training whistle and finally got his mer's attention. "Stop pacing and get over here."
"But–" Jazz looked back longingly up the wall.
"Jazz," his tone dropped to a firm one, and Jazz begrudgingly swam over to the pier. The human crouched and made sure that they held eye contact before he spoke. "I need you to promise me that you will stay in your enclosure."
He sunk a little, trying to play into his cuteness, but being far too anxious to really pull it off. "What do you mean?"
"Jazz," now warning him. Blaster knew full well that he was more than capable of getting into or out of places he shouldn't, bloody Houdini mermaid, "this is serious. Things are going well, we want to keep it that way. Which means keeping things calm and feeling safe. You're excited, I get it, we all are. But in about an hour, they'll be waking up and – from past experience seen with wild Mers – they will likely freak out. And the last thing we need is you hauling your tail over that wall and making things worse. Understand?"
The beeping was louder how and the hiss of hydraulics caused Jazz to look up. The arm of the lift was visible over the wall. They're here!
"Jazz," Blaster hopelessly called for his attention once more.
Within moments, a massive bundle was carefully raised, the staff calling out and coordinating. Jazz's gaze was fixed on the black and white fluke poking out, it was the only part of them he could see, and his heart began to race. Once they became hidden by the wall again, Jazz moved back to pacing by the gate without even thinking. Listening to people hopping into the water to unstrap the mer and call back n' forth. "Careful, careful! – Watch the head! – Someone give me a hand over here! – We're clear on this side! – Keep the head up!"
Really starting to sound like a broken record, Blaster chirped the whistle and called out to him again. The expression he wore must have been pretty pitiful because the look on Blaster's face dropped. "If I open the view port… will you promise me that you will wait, that you will stay in your enclosure?"
"I promise," he answered hastily, placing his hands on the gate, over the panel that would slide open.
"And that you will wait until everything is in the clear, till the staff come to oversee the integration. There will be no rushing things and no asking staff when we will open the gate."
"I promise," he repeated, trying not to beg.
Satisfied, Blaster pulled out his radio, "Blaster to Control; when the team is out of the Mer enclosure's medical bay, open the view port. Jazz's stress is mounting without a visual."
"Can do," came a quick reply.
Though, opening the panel was not. Several minutes went by, the hoist had cleared out, and much of the staff had returned to their other duties. Only two remained double-checking the mer's breathing and pulse. The moment that the last of them left, Jazz heard the lock disengage, and he retracted his hands as the panel shifted and began to slide open. The window was too small to get more than his hand – maybe up to his elbow if he wanted to push it – through, and sat just at water level– any movement sending water hopping to either side. But it gave him a clear view of the surface area inside.
Oh. Jazz stopped breathing. While the mer's body was mostly supported by the fabric of the hammock, cradling them on their side, effectively hiding most of them from Jazz's angle. Propped up on a soft floating platform was the mer's head, face towards the gate. Sharp features and elegantly shaped finials, with flattering lines of their markings complimenting the peaceful expression as they slept. The butterflies from earlier came back stronger than ever, his heart thundering as words fumbled from Jazz's lips, "he's beautiful…"
Orca Prowl really is just-- too fucking pretty, omg, I'm living through Jazz in this moment like when I first saw your designs of him.
I'm more than happy to continue writing for you, you bring me so much joy. I screamed when I saw how much you liked it. If you have any requests you would like me to add to the story, leave it in the tags or comments ♡ I now plan to continue until the tsunami and a bit afterwards, maybe more, we'll see~
Upd: There is a next part!
The way it all starts at night and then you (as a reader) have all this additional time to boil in your anticipation?? So fucking great. Like you can really feel how little power Jazz has over the wholse situation. The plot is moving but he doesn't have any saying in it. Well. Yet heheh
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Anyway haha. Im normal and I made some art>:D
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#apocalyptic ponyo#jazzprowl#jazz#prowl#blaster#ponyo jp writing#GLC#merformers#maccadam#transformers#damn imagine living your whole life with stupid dolphins and pretty much equally stupid captive merfolks#and then meeting a guy with an Engineering degree#must be wild~~~~#Wait I just realized. Those workers never had any experience with sapient merfolks besides Jazz#they all are like “he will freak out” but their understanding is based mostly on animals and captive mers#and those tend to become VERY stressed if they suddenly wake up in some new strange environment and discover they have a company#while with Prowl it would be the exact opposite I imagine??? omg. After all the time he was kept in those tiny ass temporary pools???#having no company besides humans who are constantly poking him and staring at him and making him take their weird medication an-#-d sometimes drugs if he acts aggressively?#like after all this shit???#I have a feeling he would see/hear other orca nearby and his first initial reaction would be OH THANK FUCK there's a company#orcas are very VERY social after all~#I got carried away haha. I LOVE THE FIC SO MUCH#MUAH#this is freaking amazing#.....damn okAY one more thought I just had#there's only a small window for them to look at each other#Prowl wouldn't properly see Jazz ehehehjfkfnfmfj. He would sorta kinda see him right. But then he would ACTUALLY look at him. like.#for the first time see his entire body? and Jazz looks SO wrong#Okay I'm done spamming haha
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roronoacherries · 2 days ago
zoro with a bookworm s/o ♡
you can always count on zoro to listen to you ramble about a book you’ve just finished. the second you’ve closed a book and (half) collected yourself, you search the ship for him.
he never needs to hear what you’re coming to tell him; he already knows, from the pleasant urgency of your step; the smile, not on your lips, but in your eyes; the bite of your lip as you try to contain the emotions threatening to spill out of you before you’ve managed to say a word.
you don’t slow down until you’ve stopped in front of him, your hands on either side of his face as you breathe out the words, “i finished.”
“did ya?” he says softly, in feigned surprised, a brow raised as a smirk settles on his lips in admiration of his bookish lover. “tell me about it.”
he doesn’t understand it at all, your love for books and fiction. he starts to yawn a sentence into any book he opens. he’ll admit to you (and only you) that he struggles to make sense of the characters on a paper, but even if reading came easier to him the world of stories was never one he felt a want to get lost in. not unless he could hear them from you.
he’d ask you questions. he’d hate the characters you hated, and when you talked about the ones you loved, nothing could keep his eyes from you. he’d hold in a playful laugh when you cried about a character’s death, without ever making you feel silly for it.
zoro would let you talk for as long as you wanted, not once getting bored (or at least, never showing it). he’d let you sit with him, resting on his arm, when you didn’t want to read in solace; listen to you read out loud to him when there was a part you loved so much you needed him to hear it too; stretching his arm around you when you held your breath, holding in a sob as you silently struggled through a tragic chapter.
if there’s a book in particular you love more dearly than any other, he’d make a genuine effort to read it himself (and does—because if zoro sets out to do something, especially for someone he loves, you can trust he’ll get it done). it’d be without your knowing, at first, struggling through the first chapters until he couldn’t quite put it down anymore, and only telling you he’d been reading it by asking you about the foolish thing he couldn’t believe a character had been stupid enough to do.
“you’re reading this?” you’d ask, unable to help the flutter you felt in your heart.
“answer the question, y/n.”
and if your ambition is to write a novel of your own, he’d be with you every step of the way. there to listen to your ideas. there to be blunt and honest when you needed it. there to ask the questions you didn’t think of. there to keep you quiet company while you wrote, and there to force you into bed when a creative madness had you fighting to keep your head upright and your eyes open.
he’d carry you to bed, tucking you in while you mumbled about needing to get this scene right, and even if he doesn’t quite get your love of stories, he’d be ever so grateful that you are an invaluable part of his.
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uki01 · 3 days ago
Can you do friends to lovers headcanons for Movie! Shadow and Silver the Hedgehog! Reader?
”Just stay a little longer, won’t you?”
Movie! Shadow The Hedgehog and Silver The Hedgehog x Reader (Separately).
Author’s Note: Thanks for this request!
Warning: Mentioned of Death in Shadow’s part, Small Angst, don’t worry there’s fluff and comfort.
Movie! Shadow The Hedgehog
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You were a very close friend of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Tom and Maddie cause of Wade Whipple.
You even became a family member to them (In Sonic, Tails and Knuckles eyes at least). Maddie and Tom enjoyed you as well.
So after a few months after the whole saving the world from being destroyed, you met The Ultimate Lifeform himself, Shadow through Sonic ever since he was introduced to the Wachowski family.
At first he kept his distance and you respected his boundaries, though you did try to do small talk which Shadow lets you but never really talked back unless necessary.
But he then started talking you as well, having a full on conversation about whatever came to mind.
After that, you two become really good friends, close ones, it was pretty hard since he was a loner preferred that way but it was so worth it.
You learn about his past, of how his best friend and older sister figure, Maria died from an explosion 50 years ago. You felt so terrible for him and can understand why he went out of his way to do this.
He then asked you this.
”Y/N… do you think I’m… bad?”
You looked confused and asked him.
“What made him say that?”
”I almost got this planet terminated, I was so blinded by rage that I didn’t see the gentler and softer side of this planet, I could’ve gotten everyone killed, everyone including… you… aren’t you mad at me for almost doing a foolish thing?…”
You put some thought into it then responded with this, this what made Shadow fallen for you.
”You aren’t bad Shadow, you were just very upset for someone you loved dearly that had an unfortunate death, sure blowing up the planet was insane but.. you had your own reason, everyone has a reason to do such outrageous lengths just for their loved ones, everyone would do anything to avenge their loved ones or bring them justice. That’s what I really like about you Shadow, you would do anything to protect someone you love, everyone including me loves that in someone.”
And that’s what made Shadow fall for you.
After that night, for a good few weeks Shadow has fallen for you, but he didn’t know since he has never felt romantic feelings before so this frustrated him quite a lot.
Maddie and Sonic catches on and asks Shadow what’s wrong, Shadow tells them what’s going on and Maddie is excited and Sonic is already teasing him.
”Awww! You have a crush on Y/N that’s so cute Shadow!”
”Wow Shadow! Never took you for someone to fall for somebody but hey! Life is a surprise!”
And of course, Shadow is confused by this.
”Crush? What do you mean? I don’t want to crush Y/N I would kill them, I would never do such a thing.”
”No no Shadow! It means you have romantic feelings towards her, like you know your best friend slash older sister? It’s like that! Love but different type! You want to be a thing with her like a partner that wants to be romantically involved with her! You know what I mean?”
”I see…”
Shadow took some thought into this and then asked Maddie how does he ask you to be his girlfriend/boyfriend which made Maddie even more excited and Sonic teasing even more, he got punched by Shadow after that.
After a few months, Shadow asked you to meet on top of a hill at exactly around 4pm, which you agreed to, left you excited and confused.
Once the time hits, you immediately make your way to where Shadow said to meet. Once you made it to your location, you see Shadow with a basket, mat, drinks and candles, it was a picnic!
This made your heart do flips and smiled at the sight.
”Aww Shadow was this all for me?”
”Mhm, come, sit down, don’t want for the food to get cold.”
You giggled and made your way, you two started eating what Shadow made (from Maddie’s help), talked for a bit, even have your moments of laughter then watched the stars.
You looked over to Shadow who was fixated on the stars, then looked back up, decided to strike a conversation.
”Woah, these stars look pretty tonight, what do you think Shadow?”
”I agree, they look beautiful as ever.”
”They do.”
”Not as beautiful as you though.”
That caught you off guard as you stopped to look at him, he looks back with his stoic but soft expression.
This made your face blush a bit but giggled anyways.
”Gee, what’s gotten into your mind today?”
”You Y/N.”
”Wait, what?”
He fully turned his body towards you then sighed, getting ready for what he has to say
“Ever since Maria had… died, I thought the only way to bring justice was to destroy this planet, turns out I was wrong, there’s a lot of beautiful things on his planet that I didn’t even notice myself, you, Y/N showed me that, still treated me like how Maria did, not some… freak… you made me change my perspective on myself after our conversation one night, you’ve done a lot for me Y/N, so I want to do the same for you.”
Your face turns red, but still listened in, your heart warmed up and your soul fully touched by generous words.
”Y/N, do you want to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?”
He hands you your favourite bouquet of flowers.
Your face dropped when he asked this, this worried Shadow, thinking you were going to reject him. “Are you kidding?…”
His face slightly dropped and so did his ears, this is it, you were going to—
You shouted out loud with happiness, Shadow’s expression lightened up a little as he hugs you close and so did you, kissing his forehead which made him shudder a bit.
”You have no idea how happy I am my love…”
”I can only imagine honey… I love you Shadow…”
”I love you with all my heart and till the end of time, Y/N..”
And just like that, you two become a couple, Maddie was happy and squealing with joy, Sonic was teasing you and Shadow but was happy for both of you, Tails excited and congratulated you two, Knuckles was proud of Shadow for his bravery and honour, he was certainly happy for you two and Tom was proud of Shadow and applauded for you two.
You two become the most cutest couple in Green Hills, you wouldn’t changed it for the world for this happy and special moment, it was the same for Shadow, even if he didn’t show that much excitement, he was extremely happy to have you as his partner.
Silver The Hedgehog
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You met Silver through Sonic when Silver was stopping by from the future.
You were pretty intrigued so you strike up a conversation with him and it was pretty awkward right off the bat since Silver lacked socials skills.
But he did talk, just awkwardly and you reassured him to take his time and as time went on you two were talking like a boat going down a stream, peacefully.
The two of you started talking more often now, with Silver always visiting you from the future, practically becoming close friends.
He explained about his future and how it’s ruined, and the process of meeting Sonic. You felt bad for the guy.
”I just… wish I was useful more before it all went terrible, why did it have to happen to my future! And I went and almost killed the wrong guy and trusted a lunatic! This was all my fault… Am I?… a terrible person?…”
You listened intently to his venting, then said this after he asked if he was a bad person (spoiler: he wasn’t), that changed you and Silver’s relationship.
”You aren’t a terrible person Silver, you were doing thought was right, to save your future, you deserve and good life Silver… a better life, an easy life, good guys like you shouldn’t be going through such tragedy, but on the brighter side, you met your friends, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Blaze, Rouge, Shadow… I think? Anyway! Regardless, even if bad things happen there’s always good things too, I believe in you Silver.”
And that’s what hit Silver, that moment right there, what made him fallen for you.
After that, these past few months have been stressful for Silver, but for a different reason, that reason was you.
That conversation you and Silver had, made that stutter even more when he’s around you.
Blaze noticed this right at the beginning of his crush on you, she asked Silver what’s wrong, which he respond sheepishly.
”I have this… crush on Y/N, after that conversation me and them had, my heart just did flips, but I don’t know if they likes me back.. what if they don’t like me back, what if I confessed they would feel weirded out, angry at me, confused at me or even pitying me and our friendship will never be the same! What if-“
”Silver calm yourself, I know Y/N for long enough as I’ve been here with them, they are the most nicest, considerate, confident and outgoing person ever, they would never say it like that or feel that, the worst they can say is no, and if they do you must accept that but… I think they feel the same way, they do go out of their way to make sure your comfortable and settled in properly whenever you come to visit after all.”
”Your… your right Blaze, I’m sorry for that…”
”No need to apologise Silver.”
”But, what can I do to win their heart?”
”Give them gifts, something they like, just be yourself, they like honesty, and frankly you are the first person they would be around anyways, shouldn’t be too hard considering you two are close.”
”Okay, thanks Blaze..”
”Anytime Silver.”
After that pep talk from Blaze and few months passing by, Silver asked you to meet up where the two first met each other which you agreed too immediately, that got his muzzle blushing red.
Soon as you two met up, you just had a look around, remembering of how you two met, then Silver for the first time, starts the conversation.
”Do you remember the first time we met?”
”How could I forget, for guy that has terrifying powers, you sure stutter a lot, not that it’s bad it’s cute actually heheh.”
Silver’s face blushes from embarrassment and love too, he clears his throat.
”Yeah, just like you said, life sure has its surprises.”
”Mhm, but I gotta ask, why did you bring me here?”
”To… give you this.”
He pulls out a gift for you, which you happily accept and open the gift, to see a bracelet that had your name on it and your favourite colours.
”Oh, Silver…”
”I had some help from Amy, Cream & Cheese when making them, I hope you like it.”
”Like it? I love it!”
That made Silver smile, your smile. As you put it on you wore it proudly, which made Silver’s heart beat twice as faster than it was before.
He took a deep breath and looked at you in the eyes.
”Y/N, you are one of the most important people in my life, ever since I’ve met you, you’ve made me feel like I belonged here, always making sure I was comfortable, safe, healthy and happy, but what made me happier was you. You just being there, even if you weren’t doing anything, you just being there with me made me feel so happier and loved, you’ve done so much for me, now I want to do the same for you.”
He hands you a bouquet of flowers, your favourite ones too.
”Y/N, do you want to be my partner?”
You were shocked at this, he didn’t even stutter, fiddled his fingers, none of that, however Silver thinks your probably judging right now.
”Are you serious?…”
Oh no, he knew it was happening, you are going to-
Those four words just made Silver’s day, he swooped you up in his arms as you held the bouquet happily laughing together while hugging.
”Gotta say Silver, I am impressed at what you said, you didn’t stutter a single word.”
”Well, I wanted this to be perfect, so I practiced, just for you.”
”Awww, Silver, you just being here is already perfect enough for me.”
”Thank you Y/N.”
”Of course, I love you Silver.”
”I love you too, sweetheart.”
And that marks the day you two were a couple.
Blaze, Knuckles and Tails was happy for you both and congratulated you two, Amy and Cream & Cheese were cheering and excited, basically about to burst a bubble, Sonic and Rouge was teasing you two but was genuinely happy for both of you, Shadow didn’t care… but he was genuinely happy that you two found love.
You we’re enjoying every moment with Silver and wouldn’t want to change any of this, so did Silver, he would tear time itself just to see your beautiful face, your pretty eyes, gorgeous smile and everything else apart of you that makes you, you.
Author’s Note: This was so much fun to write! Took me long but it was worth it! Thank you so much for the request!
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(This gif will never NOT be funny to me).
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rosieyart · 1 day ago
okay, by popular demand (and by popular demand, i mean 3 people and my inability to keep my mouth shut) i am here with my saiou/ousai relationship + mini character analysis. this is an elaboration on this ask i got earlier !!
i should mention that i’ve only ever played through v3 once, so there is probably a lot i am missing, nuance wise and what not. i also haven’t edited this well, so it’s kinda just a word dump (sorry), so i’m not sure how understandable/coherent it’ll be. nor do i know how original my ideas are; there’s probably someone who’s dumped their opinions exactly like mine somewhere… in any case, here is my conclusion on why i think saiou is a rather intriguing ship and why i’m personally drawn to them, individually n otherwise ✌️
ouma kokichi. god what a complex character. some might argue otherwise, but i think his character and his arc throughout the game is not only hard to crack/understand, but integral to the v3 plot and overarching themes presented. well never truly know what he was thinking, and so many have already fought tooth and nail to defend or oppose him. in my humble opinion, however, the way i see it is this: ouma’s overall goal was to unite everyone against an active, obvious threat in the killing game. the mastermind was hidden amongst them, as they decided found out on, and by outing himself as the mastermind, making himself a clear and obvious target, it encouraged the remaining survivors to build trust within one another and fight together. kokichi realized very early on that no one was going to trust anyone as long as there was a hidden mastermind posing as a student within their group. he knew they weren’t going to get anywhere if they kept doubting each other — so in a very unorthodox way, he united them together. they didn’t need a friend, he realized, they needed an enemy. and by default, he sort of becomes shuichi’s nemesis as most antagonists in the games do.
i was on tiktok the other day and found this comment that i thought made a good point, regarding kokichi’s character and why people hate him.
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though i am biased, i think it’s fair to say that in a world without the killing game, kokichi would want to be friends with shuichi. or at the very least, he’d be intrigued by him and push shuichi’s buttons to figure him out. i think it’s funny and such a nice detail to notice, but just as shuichi (and us, by default) are confused about kokichi and his actions, shuichi himself is actually a mystery to ouma as well. in the eng version, kokichi had shuichi labeled “trustworthy?” on his whiteboard meanwhile in the jp version, it’s “tricky/can’t figure him out.” in both versions regardless of translation, i think it’s fair to say that kokichi is intrigued and wants to understand shuichi better. one part of their dynamic i really love is the whole “i’m gonna annoy because it’s so fun and you react to said annoyances in ways i thoroughly enjoy.” and it’s fun, and silly, but i think it’s also kokichi’s way of figuring shuichi out. shuichi is… an anomaly. he’s an ultimate detective who’s supposed to search for the truth, yet he is ironically afraid of what he’ll find out. he has a knack for discovering and unearthing mysteries (he can’t help but connect two dots together) and yet he simultaneously is hesitant to discover more. he wants to find the truth, but is willing to tell lies in the classroom trials. this is a really fun juxtaposition with kokichi, who is notorious for telling lies and skirting around the truth like it’s the plague. and yet, they both want the same thing: to find out the truth and be done with this killing game. one is searching for the liars within their group, the other is finding out the truths.
this is one reason why i really enjoy saiou. one of the biggest themes for drv3 is the relationship between truths and lies. there’s the overarching “truth” of their world which is that it’s gone to hellfire and everyone but them are dead. the world ended. except, nope! that’s a lie! the *real* truth is that they’re in a killing game show. kokichi is known for telling lies, and so when he reveals the fire destroyed world outside and says that this is the truth out of the outside world, it’s ironic. kokichi knows there’s something else up, but he reveals the truth of the outside world to them (this, from what i understand/theorize, is ultimately to further everyone’s hatred towards ouma and help them form a close and trusting bond together, but the symbolism behind it is really interesting to me). “here is your truth,” he says, and they can’t dispute it as a lie because it’s right there in front of them. just like they couldn’t dispute gonta in the fourth trial.
except… what *really* defines truth? kokichi must’ve known the outside world was a lie, or that there was something more to it, otherwise why did he go through with his suicide in chap 5? to beat a dead horse: he tells a lie about the “truth” that is the outside world. we circle back to this lie vs truth theme in chapter six when shuichi starts questioning his sense of self. what is really true if he used to be someone else? if his memories and experiences are fake, does that make himself a fake human? a fake person? ultimately we come to know that it doesn’t matter — *he* gets to choose his own truth, even if there are lies buried beneath them. his memories may be fake, but his emotions and feelings aren’t. you cant fake the beating of your own heart or the pain you feel at knowing it’s all unreal, that it’s all a *lie*.
one thing i just thought was so so clever and genuinely helped me understand kokichi more was his friendship reward. for every friendship star completion thingy you complete, you get their underwear (💀) and a special skill to use in the trials. kokichi’s friendship reward is “kind lie.” he has a multitude of lies under his belt — real ones, hurtful ones, white ones, and ofc kind ones. you could argue his plan to deceive everyone as the mastermind was both a hurtful lie and a kind lie — he was ultimately lying for the greater good (imo). shuichi, despite being afraid of the truth, has no problem lying for the greater good either. i was so confused about the whole “perjury” aspect added to this game. i thought it was just another lame addition that didn’t make sense as a means of attempting to change it up a little in comparison to the last two games. but now i understand it’s greater purpose. lying is ultimately not a bad thing. not always, anyway. lying, as we find out, can help us pursue the truth. and i think kokichi knows this to be true in some ways, which is why he’s always acting so oblivious and naive at some times — or outright lying when he knows the truth is the opposite of what he’s saying. without a doubt, kokichi seriously helped move debates along during the trials. pretty sure whether you hate him or love him, people could agree to that. even if he appeared to be spouting nonsense or derailing the conversation, shuichi being the detective he is was able to slowly but surely understand (if only somewhat minimally) kokichi’s methods and thinking process. which is why chap 5 was so wild because it quite literally was all up to shuichi. kokichi single handedly put his trust into kaito to follow through with the plan, and shuichi to figure it out; NO ONE ELSE would’ve been able to figure it out except shuichi (except maybe maki but she was too stubborn to see thru to the truth). and that is like. holy shit??? that’s crazy to me and i think it shows that despite not trusting anyone and not knowing how it was going to turn out, kokichi took that gamble anyway. and it worked! except yknow. it also didn’t, in a way. all in all, the lying aspect of the trail grounds ties into the bigger overarching theme of choosing your own truth to live, and choosing what lies to believe in — good or bad.
side note: i think it’s so funny how mad kokichi gets when shuichi lies about seeing him in the virtual world in chapter four. had shuichi not lied, we wouldn’t have figured out it was gonta (or more likely, kokichi would’ve spoon fed the answer to everyone a bit more). gonta wasn’t supposed to have memory loss, and i have to wonder if not lying about kokichi would’ve made the trial go along if gonta still had his memories from the virtual world. in any case, when shuichi pulled the “yeah i actually did see you walk up the stairs” — the fact he LIED (mr “i’m searching for the truth so we can live and find the culprit” detective) to notorious king of liars ouma kokichi was so funny to me. like girl. ofc kokichi’s gonna realize you lied. and he did and he got so fucking mad over it and kokichi being petty like that and just saying “yeah okay gonta’s the culprit” is so funny to me. bro was LIVID he decided to just up and say the truth to be petty 😭
moving on, i think the big three characters juxtaposed with shuichi is something to note. those three being kaede, kaito, and kokichi. mayyyybe i’m looking a bit too much into this but i want to mention their relationship with shuichi and their character designs because it feels very intentional to me. a while back i discovered shuichi and kokichi have inverted color palettes — black with light accents vs white with dark accents. grey-ish yellow vs purple eyes. but the eye color inversion also actually applies to kaito and kaede, who, just like kokichi, have purple eyes. here is my argument: purple is an important color to the story, as it overall conveys a symbolism for trust and truth. if you look at those three’s color palettes, purple is a notable color. for kaito, it’s dominating. kaede, she’s a bit more desaturated, and kokichi it’s like his accent color. barely there, but noticeable nonetheless.
kaede is our first culprit (except she isn’t since her plan failed). she is trusting and sweet and kind and encouraging. she is desperate, *desperate* to find the mastermind first thing because she is heavily determined to help everyone escape. her color palette is a mix of purple and pink, with pink being more prominent and her purple being a more lavender shade. she’s desaturated in color, especially in her eyes, and i want to say this is likely symbolic of her desire to find the truth, yet her willingness to deceive others simultaneously. she’s not a bad person, far from it, but when she “kills” rantarou, she doesn’t own up to it immediately. she owns up to it eventually, but she also doesn’t take advantage of the first blood perk as a means of further trying to find the mastermind. she is willing to lie about her plan to shuichi (even if it’s lie by deception/not telling) and willing to take a risk to find and kill the mastermind. this, i believe, is why her eyes are so desaturated in purple; she is telling the truth, but it’s watered down.
kaito is almost the complete opposite of kokichi, but also not exactly the same as kaede. out of the three, he has the brightest purple eyes and the most purple on his body. he is a living, breathing, walking example of trust and truth. he wants to find the truth so badly and would never even THINK to tell a lie. would never even consider murder, even if it was the mastermind. his hair is purple, his jacket is purple, and his eyes are purple as all hell. purple, in my opinion, is a huge color resembling truth and trust. he *trusts* maki just because he wants to. he *trusts* shuichi just because he wants to. he wants to believe in them because he wants to find the good in everyone. his trust in them help bolster shuichi into a better mindset, especially after kaede, and encourages him to keep going. kaito might not be the brightest, nor the most helpful in the trials, but emotionally he is vital to shuichi. because he *trusts* shuichi.
kokichi has the least amount of purple in his color palette, but i think his purple accents are the most important out of all of the purple trio. if purple is the color of truth and trust, then having that color reflected on kokichi almost seems ironic and misinforming. except it isn’t. ouma kokichi, the notorious king of lies, is actually quite good at leading everyone towards the truth. the only purple on him is in the dyed tips if his hair and his eyes— almost like the truth his bleeding out of him, or rather just barely visible that you can’t make it out unless you focus hard enough. after all, at first glance i imagine everyone would take in the checkered scarf and the fact black and white is so prominent on him. i think it’s symbolic to have purple as his eye color. it’s a nice character design aspect imo, but it also harkens back to that one saying “the eyes are the window to the soul” or something long that line. despite what kokichi might say or do, the truth is in his eyes (literally). it’s silent and unassuming, but it’s there. his eyes are actually a brighter and darker purple than kaede’s. not as bright as kaito’s, but still something to note.
with all this being said, shuichi gets a difference sense of truth and trust from each of them. kaede provides him an equal dose of truths and lies, kaito gives him absolute truth, and kokichi gives him almost all lies to find the truth.
and i really, *really* love the dynamic between shuichi and kokichi with this whole truth vs lie theme. kokichi, as we learn in his free time events, loves to play games. he’s a bit childish but still extremely mature. his way of having fun is messing with people (though not necessarily in a mean way. after all, he makes the stakes extremely high and concerning, like killing yourself if you lose — but he still purposefully rigs each game so they end in a tie, or with shuichi winning. hell, he STABS himself, hurts himself, in the knife game that is in the final FTE and holy shit if that isn’t foreshadowing for chapter five idk what is. he is willing to hurt himself to avoid others getting hurt. obviously this can get more complicated when it comes to chap. 4. you could argue he hurt miu and gonta terribly and he should’ve died if what i said was true, but i would counter argue by saying the killing game would’ve gone on and on, just like tsumugi wanted, without his intervention there… still a heart wrenching trial nonetheless and gonta and miu both deserved better imo. but what would danganronpa be without unfair trials and bullshit like that?).
it’s this push and this pull, this dance, if you will, between shuichi and kokichi. kokichi is a trickster pulling various stunts and never revealing his hand, and shuichi is a detective trying to uncover his secrets. i think kokichi gets thrilled at the prospect of being uncovered like that — he lies and he lies and he *wants* someone to catch him. after all, in the love suite hotel his entire thing is phantom thief being captured by detective shuichi…… the fact he still says “because i love you shuichi” is fucking insane, but that’s actually not the most important part here. during the love suite, he brings up playing games again, just like in the FTEs. “you weren’t bored playing with me, were you?” kokichi asks. and then “are you mad because i toyed with you? don’t worry. i’m always thinking about you!—“ (bombastic side eye 🤨🏳️‍🌈) “—you’re always trying your best to catch me. i really have to give it my all to win .” and then shuichi points out directly after that he seems to be enjoying himself, despite being a “cornered criminal.” and that’s when kokichi admits that he *wants* shuichi to catch him. ….. oh boy the connotations here are kinda crazy but…. it gets even crazier. i cant believe this part is voice acted but here i’ll just link the video so people can watch. (from 4:32 to 5:10) a lot of this, esp towards the end, is likely for the whole romantic love suite hotel roleplaying thing going on to appease the audience playing the v3, but even still it’s such a fun dynamic. again, the push and the pull. it almost feels like a game of tag, the thing going on between shuichi and kokichi. except it’s hard sometimes to figure out who’s running after who. overall, kokichi is a liar and it’s hard to tell what he says is true, and shuichi is a detective hungry for truths.
side note 2.0: i think a lot of people hate saiou because it feels toxic and i can sorta see where they’re coming from: from a very bare bones glossing over their character dynamic, i could potentially see how they got to that conclusion, but i don’t think that conclusion did any real deep diving into their dynamic and characters. so no, saiou is not toxic. and also, it should be mentioned the moment shuichi shows signs of unease in the love suite hotel after kokichi shoved him over the bed, bro was up and out. kokichi respect boundaries and understands a no when he hears one 😁👍
tldr: truths vs. lies. games. purple = truths and trust. chasing after one another. saiousai cool ✌️👍
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dollzites · 3 hours ago
⏦゚♡︎ “you’ve got me, okay? let your husband help”
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୨ৎ pairing: husband!gdragon x wife!fem reader
୨ৎ genre: fluff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
୨ৎ summary: jiyong had promised to never leave your side once pregnant with his child and did he stick with that promise? he sure did but there was things that you could do on your own! a independent woman you were but he never lets that happen. to him that’s why men are here to help and care for their women.
୨ৎ from myeong: omg hi!! so happy to be back and getting to everyone’s requests! I absolutely adore this one and hope you enjoy it so much!! x
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“oh jiyong..” you whispered quietly to yourself seeing him asleep on the hard and cold ground. all of this to paint the baby’s room and of course he had to add in his own artistic ways that you couldn’t quite follow or understand. a hand rested on your large round belly that was ready to pop any day now or at least you thought until the doctor said it could be a few more weeks—oh how painful it was but the excitement to see the baby was much more intense than feeling annoyed by it. doing the best you could to sit on the floor beside him jiyong’s eyes opened and widened the moment he saw you trying to crouch next to him, “what do you think you’re doing!” he yelled. no he wasn’t yelling at you in an aggressive or even mean way but a more.. ‘you must be crazy!’ type of way and you were more than okay with that. jiyong was the most caring man you’ve ever met and he was truly a blessing to you. playfully slapping at his hand when he reached to grab ahold of you he pulled back and shook his head at your complete stubbornness. “jiyong give it a break already! I’m pregnant not paralyzed.” and a sigh left his lips not wanting to argue about this and it was always in a very playful way. “you don’t know what could happen! look at you! you’re carrying our child. you could fall and really hurt you both.” his caring nature was just so attractive, it was something that you fell in love with first about him. he took such good care of you that’s how you ended up in this situation… big and pregnant.
after a few more minutes of talking he helped you up and took the both.. or all three of you to bed. each night he would make sure you had everything by your side in case you got uncomfortable during the night or didn’t feel the best and needed something for nausea. but.. sometimes you found yourself pretending to sleep just so he would finally go to bed and you’d turn to look at him, so handsome even during his deep sleep. gently letting your fingers run across his beautiful face wanting nothing more but to kiss those sweet lips of his. he was the best thing that’s ever happened to you and he was all you ever needed. him and now the little one that you hoped would look just like his father.
“let me get the shower ready for you.” the next morning jiyong was of course up bright and early just to make you something to eat and help get you in the shower. if he didn’t shower with you then he’d sit next to the shower door and wait, not knowing if you’d need help or maybe you just wanted him close to you. this morning wasn’t any different as he sat next to the shower and waited for you. helping you dry and dress right afterwards because he insisted that you didn’t do anything yourself it would be way too dangerous. “gosh jiyong sometimes you’re so.. stubborn yourself. why don’t you go eat, yeah? I’ll take a rest in bed and read a little bit of my book.” it took jiyong the longest to agree with you and take care of himself, eventually yelling at him to do so and he would listen quite quickly. you found it cute how quickly he would listen to you once hearing the seriousness in your soft voice. it was never long and he’d come right back up to the room taking care of you. helping you eat, drink, and even reach for things that you could’ve gotten yourself.
later that day jiyong took you to the studio to give you a sneak peek of his newest album which each time you got to listen it was amazing as always, he was such a musical genius. “do you think this will pass onto the baby? your music talent?” jiyong only laughed at your comment and shrugged his shoulders but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want that to happen—he would love for that to happen. “it’s been a few hours why don’t we go get you something to eat, hm? you also need some water since it’s been about.. thirty minutes! come on let’s go.” even keeping up with your water intake and the exact minutes that’s just how jiyong was. as you both found a cute cafè nearby he needed to make sure that everything you wanted to order would be okay for both you and the baby which you never knew what that meant but he was always so worried about the weirdest things. “I need to take good care of you.” is all he’d say and you rolled your eyes. “are you ever going to let me just do something myself?” although it may have sounded like a rude question full of attitude he knew that’s not how you meant it, you had such a soft spot for him taking good care of you. “you’ve got me, okay? let your husband help.” and with that you simply nodded your head and leaned into his side hooking your arm with his own, turning to press a quick kiss to his cheek before looking away in embarrassment. what you didn’t realize is he absolutely loved seeing that side of you and prayed that it never ever faded away.
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Saver of the Haven part 6
Phew this has gotten farther than I expected it
Chapter 6: The Game
Dogday picked a Lil Dogday:Matt, Bubba Bubbaphant:Jerry, KickenChicken:Hayden, Craftycorn:River, Picky Piggy:Emma, and Lil Kissy Missy:Ash.
Poppy picked a Lil Kissy Missy:Avery, Hoppy Hopscotch:Ariana, Picky Piggy:Charlotte, Bubba Bubbaphant:Gerald, Catnap:Artemis, and Bobby Bearhug:Luna.
Kissy Missy picked a KickenChicken:Julian, Hoppy Hopscotch:Ava, Bubba Bubbaphant:Kaden, Picky Piggy:Amelia, Catnap:Finn, and Bobby Bearhug:Liz
Doey picked a Lil Dogday:Liam, Bobby Bearhug:Izzy, Craftycorn:Jade, Lil Kissy Missy:Sage, Catnap:Michael, and a Hoppy Hopscotch: Stephanie.
The rest wanna be "Cheater detectors" that being a KickenChicken:Aden, Lil Dogday:Oliver, Craftcorn:Noah, Medic, and Boogie Bot:Scout.
The captains of course were the toys going against each other. Their little teammates being able to interact with one captain ONCE each. They couldn't try to push them over but they could interact with them in some way.
"Let the game BEGIN!" You yell this before turning around and saying greenlight. You hear the toys cheering for their captain to win. Poppy had a bit of a disadvantage or a pretty big one for being to small so you let her pick ONE other toy to swap with if she ever got tired or had an idea. She could do this a total of three times.
You turn back around after saying red-light. Everyone was completely still. "Phew I thought at least one of you would've messed up." You giggle at the thought a goofy smile on your face. "Oh and another fun little rule for the people on the sidelines. You each can interact with a captain once. You can touch them, tickle them, have fun. Oh and captains you can talk when frozen just don't move your arms and legs and such." You turn back around shouting green light.
You give extra time before you say red light, spinning around. You watch a toy run over to Doey and start climbing up his leg. He was in mid step. "HEY! I SAID TOUCHING NOT CLIMBING!" You send Oliver and Scout over to catch the little KickenChicken. You have them put the toy in a sort of "time out". Doey was using all his will power not to move to get the toy off him. Not because he was tickling him but because he didn't want him to slip and get hurt. You look at Doey giving him a thumbs up.
The captains still weren't talking you knew why Kissy wasn't but the rest could. "You guys know you can talk right it isn't a joke..." Poppy cleared her throat "We are focusing Angel. Do you understand how much focus you have to have to be able to stand still in mid step?!" You look at Doey a look of pure focus on his face. You think for a minute "Hmm I suppose but I still think it's funny no one is trash talking." You shrug turning around.
You gave less time spinning around the second you said red light. Kissy had lost her balance falling forward. The other three took a gasp of breath. They couldn't run over to make sure she was alright... You tell the "Cheater detectors" to stay near your spot. You run over to Kissy helping her up. "You alright Kissy?" You ask looking up at her. She nodded quickly looking down at her legs. No scratches. ...But you seem to got it.
She walked to the beginning her teammates double checking she was fine and chatting about a game plan. You wait for them to finish zoning out on Poppy while in your thoughts. She waited a while before addressing it. "Uhh do you need something..." You shook your head back and forth quickly, "Sorry just...thinking." She had to stop herself from shaking her head so instead she just responded with a thick mhm.
So far Doey was in the lead till you caught him trying to tickle Dogday. "HEY DOEY! I see that mister!" His whole team groaned when his red teeth showed in a smile. "Sorry." You just put your hand on your head shaking it. "You really are something." After toys kept getting close and being sent back you started feeling tired, all of a sudden.
You decide to swap with Oliver letting him be the person who's it. He eagerly swaps with you not even hesitating. But the real Dogday was questioning you. "Are you alright Angel?" He asked when Oliver turned around. It takes you a moment to realize he was talking to you before you gave him a slight nod. "Just...tired." He hesitates before nodding and freezing due to Oliver turning back around. Everytime you looked up from looking at the ground someone was always making sure you were ok. Even the toys on the sidelines.
You decided to leave the game for a minute to grab your journal. Maybe it could help you fight your exhaustion. You wave a hand when everyone asked where you were going. "Just continue the game I'll be back in a minute." You give them a tired smile before walking into the house. You find your journal in the corner of your bedroom. You grab your phone and a pen and make your way back outside. Poppy was in the lead when you went back out. Her team cheering her on.
This was the point her team started trying to tickle Dogday. Trying to get him to fall behind, but he stayed strong. You giggled the whole time wondering if he was gonna break. But he never did. You made a mental note not to mess with him. You started drifting off even while you were on the ground writing. So you decide to stand back up locking your journal and setting it on the ground. You stretch and yawn before walking over to Doey. A scared look spreads across his face as you walk over. But instead you just leaned against him. A small protest was let out but before he could try to get you off Oliver turned around. Causing him to grumble.
You walk away from Doey walking over and petting Dogday. He almost kicked his leg but he couldn't, not yet. You then walked over to Kissy tickling her. She giggled slightly but didn't move at all. You then tried to tickle Poppy but it didn't work. You sighed walking back to your spot. You sit down pure exhaustion all over your face. You must've drifted off...
You woke up toys surrounding you checking if you were ok. A scared look fell over your face when you realized you fell asleep. You jumped up telling everyone you were ok both short and tall. You looked up and down assuring everyone. You tried backing away to get some room only for them to follow. You tried telling them you were fine again and asking them to back up. Only a few did. But then it happened. You coughed, a sickly cough. Everyone froze staring at you.
Uh oh. You grab your journal and make a run for it. You try to make it to the house before being overwhelmed by so many toys. The little ones fell behind but Dogday, Kissy, and Doey were faster than you. You knew that. You used all your energy to make it in the house sliding into your room and slaming the door shut locking it.
Doey slammed into the door making it rattle. (Would've broken it had he not slowed down) "HEY! YOU GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW!" You could just imagine his red teeth. It was Kevin and he was not happy.
Dogday and Kissy both watched as Doey tried slipping under the door. He knew it was wrong but he had to take care of you.
You didn't wanna hurt him so instead you backed away going into the bathroom after grabbing a pair of PJs. He couldn't come into the room if you said you were changing. Right? Hopefully.
He made it into your room looking for you. He heard you in the bathroom ready to slip under when he heard you scream "IM CHANGING! IF YOU COME IN I WILL NOT HESITATE TO STEP ON YOU!" He stopped immediately. He had to respect you privacy. So he sat on the ground heavily criss crossed apple sauce with his arms in his lap.
You got dressed quickly just in case he got impatient and tried to get in again. You sat on the toilet letting out another loud cough. You groaned. You felt awful. No way you were sick! No wonder you felt so tired you were fighting off a whole sickness. Haven't you been through enough? You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were disgruntled, you had bags under your eyes and a sad expression. You tried smiling but it seemed so fake.
Eventually you walked out. Doey was surprised when you did jumping up to grab your shoulders. He looked into your eyes. You tried smiling. But it only made him grimace more. Your smile was clearly fake. He shook his head, "How about you rest? Your clearly not feeling good." You shake your head the second he said rest. "I still have to make dinner. Now I gotta check who was in the lead when the game...ended." "No." He said it so sternly you couldn't help but be offended, "Excuse me?" "You are more than exhausted, you look like if you take another step you might melt." "I'm highly capable of caring for myself and the other kids. And you. Just because you are mentally older than me and should be older than me doesn't mean you are!" You jab a finger in his chest to get the point a cross.
He takes a long time to answer. Too long. You tried walking away but he held you firmly. "You. Will. Rest." He said each word with some distaste. As if he'd just ate a lemon. His teeth flickered in his dough causing you to stop moving. Doey could be threatening when he wanted to be. He was really scary. You knew very well one wrong move and you would be forced. Even if it meant strapping you down. You took a deep breath before pushing his hands off your shoulder. "I will make dinner. Then I will lay down. Ok?"
He took a minute to answer before he decided, "Fine. But the second you finish I will be putting you to sleep." You walk past him finding Dogday next to the door. He yelped. He was listening in.
"Hey Dogday." You give him a smile followed by a hard cough and groan. "Are you alright Angel. You don't look...good." You try for a smile again "Haven't felt better." You walk past him before he could utter another word. You make your way to the other toys. "Soo who was in first when we ended the game?" The critters started spitting out their captains names. "Woah there! I need the truth people." They stop talking before pointing at Dogday behind you. You turn around, "So you were in the lead?" He shook his head weakly watching as you turned back around.
Eventually the toys picked what they wanted. Waffles. Why they picked waffles? You had no clue, but you got to work. You checked the time, "5:30" well you better try to make these quick. You eventually started making them. Slowly but surely you made about five plates, handing them out. You gave one waffle to each toy with syrup and butter of course. You tried going fast but didn't wanna hurt yourself with the waffle iron.
You let out a tired sigh as you finished the last few waffles. You were fighting exhaustion at this point pushing yourself to continue. You hand Kissy and Poppy their plates with a gentle smile. "Here you two go!" They stared at you for a minute after grabbing the plates. You looked completely out of your mind. Bags under your eyes, messy hair, red nose, a crazed smile on your face. It seemed like that smile was the only thing keeping you tethered to the ground. They walked away letting you continue your job. You finished, giving Dogday and Doey their plates as they gave you the same concerned and worried look. Before they could start talking you walked away waving your hand.
You walked into the bathroom looking st yourself in the mirror. Goodness you looked like a mess, no wonder you were getting weird looks. You try to tame your hair with a brush, after taking some cough medicine in hopes it'll help. You let loose another cough. You try blowing your nose to see if it'll help, even just a little. But of course it does nothing really.
You walk out finding Dogday and Doey missing. You shrug going to grab your journal and pen. You would lay down, but technically you didn't have to sleep yet. You walk into your room getting comfy on your bed. You write for a while, when you hear a knock on your door.
"Come in!" You holler the effort made you cough. As you locked your book, you see an orange paw open the door. Dogday slips in Doey and Kissy and finally Poppy following. You tilt your head slightly confused why they were all coming in. "Hmm? What do you four need?" Dogday clears his throat before talking glancing nervously at the other three. They nodded their heads as if to tell him to continue. "We are just...really worried about you Angel." You practically laugh, "Worried? About me?"
"Yes. Angel. We all are worried about you." You start to talk when Doey cuts you off. "You haven't been eating or sleeping nearly as much as you should. Nor have you been taking care if yourself!" You look at Doey. You climb out of bed besides the many protests. "First of all..." You glare at all of them before pointing at Doey. "...you sir starved and exhausted yourself to care for these toys." You make a swing of both arms displaying all the toys here in your house. He tries to cut in but you keep talking your glare unwavering. "Second of all I am the adult here. I'm in charge. I've been through enough to know my boundaries. I don't have enough money for me and everyone else to enjoy three meals everyday. So maybe I skipped a few days so what? What if I'm sick? I still gotta run this place." You stare at Doey and the rest of them waiting for one to speak up.
"You are also a human." The sentence feels like a stab in your chest. The look on their faces was enough for it to hurt even more. "You are all human as much as I. You all know that." Doey quickly warps his hand to show a small version of himself before talking again. "This is not something humans can do last I checked. IM NOT HUMAN. I'm far from it at this point." He looks away, looking at a spot on the floor. You step until you are standing right in front of Doey. He looks back up at you a frown drawn on his face. "You're human enough to stand in front of me right now. You have all the functions a human does, slightly different maybe but still. So what if your made of play-doh? Last I checked..." You choked back tears "...you are still huggable." When you said this part you wrap him in a hug, barely able to hug around his whole body. Letting tears slip down your face as you hugged tighter.
He was surprised you hugged him to say the very least. All of the toys were surprised. They all felt bad for making you cry. It was already sad when they saw others cry. But for some reason seeing your actual tears made it hurt twice as much.
You hugged him tighter when he tried to pull away murmuring. "Just because you are different, doesn't mean you aren't human." He looked at the other toys not sure what to do. He pulls you away from him, holding your shoulders. "Now what you need is some sleep. You still need it more than us." You pause for a minute before trying to convince them you were fine. You weren't tired. But they quickly shut you down and put you into bed. They tucked you in and left. Only Dogday stayed watching.
He wanted to make sure you didn't get up. Sort of like... a guard dog. You watch him pace back and forth glancing up at you before looking back down. You started feeling exhaustion take hold and you slipped into your dreams.
You found yourself back at Playtime co. But something was wrong... You were controlling your body but at the same time you weren't. You started running. Running until you could barely do it anymore.
You found yourself at Safe Haven. But... Carcasses of the once cheerful toys were littered around, on the floor, skewed about. You gasp in horror. "N-no, no. NO NO NO!" You started running further in. You find Doey holding a Bobby Bearhug.
He looks up at you. Before he could start talking you start yelling panic clear in your voice. "WHERES DOGDAY!?" He looks at you anger, worry, sadness warping his face. "Dogdays dead. They're all dead. And it's ALL YOUR FAULT!" He jabs a finger at you before continuing to talk. "It's YOU and POPPY. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"
You felt yourself choking over your own grief before talking. "I- didn't do anything. Doey. Kevin. You know that." He freezes. You rarely called him by his old names. But this made him even angrier. "THE GENTLE VOICES LIE. I KNOW WHAT THEY DO! THEY LIE! AND THEY HURT! AND THEY POKE!" You step back clearly horrified out of your mind. "ILL KILL YOU!" You see an exit just to the left of Doey prepared to run for your life.
The rubble crushed him. You let loose a cry of pain. Before he came out. Warped. Not the Doey you knew and love. He started chasing you, you ran, and ran. You tried to get away from him without hurting him. But the answer hit you like a brick wall. You had to. You start using the gas against him, cutting into him with the saw. Trying to talk him out of his anger. But it was no use. Everytime you brought the saw down you looked away tears continuing to fall.
He melts into the floor you thought for sure he was dead falling to your knees. Taking multiple minutes before you continued, wiping away tears. He appeared out of no where. He grabbed you causing you to shriek. You realize what has to be done. You took the flare and shot it at the gas tank. You pull the hydraulic press down on him prepared for the worse.
He holds it up talking, saying he wasn't good enough. You let out cries. "Y-you... you are good enough!" Y-your ev-everything I've ever...wanted!" But he lost his grip the press finally falling on him. You cry even harder dropping next to his head holding it in your lap sobbing. He muttered two apologies. While you yelled at him, saying he didn't need to apologize.
And he was gone.
You grab his hat holding it to your chest. You would never forget him.
The nightmare melts before you stand before Dogday. He was chained legless. As he was when you found him. But this time.. you were frozen. You couldn't or...wouldn't run forward to help him. You yelled but nothing came out. He talked sadly to you. Calling you Poppy's Angel. You screamed even louder when he said for you to leave. The critters crawled into him making you finally able to cry out. He yells at you to leave him. Your instincts take over, causing you to start running. You have to avoid him. Crying as you did so.
The nightmare once again falls apart this time you were with Kissy and Poppy. Ollie was talking to you guys. Or... the prototype. When he said this Poppy was shocked and Kissy started shaking. After the prototype continued to speak Poppy runs off you scream at her as she does. But then the beeping starts. You freak out not sure what to do. But it's to late. You find yourself being held only by Kissy. Her arm starts to rip. You hear a loud tear of fabric. You yelp her name as you fell.
You wake up with a cry, warm tears falling down your face. You whip your head around seeing if anyone is there. You jump up. You have to make sure it was just a dream...just a dream.
You walk out immediately seeing Doey supposedly sleeping with a bunch of critters on him. You let out a sob of relief. It was just a nightmare(s).
You walk back to your room thinking no one was the wiser. And sit back down on your bed. You were breathing heavily as you tried to bring yourself back together to try to go back to sleep. You hear a knock on your door seeing an orange hand slide through. "May I come in?" "I- uh...sure...Doey." He walks in a clear look of concern on his face as he looks you up and down.
He stops at your face seeing your tears. You try wiping them away quickly. "I-its nothing. Don't worry about it... Doey." You mumble while looking at the ground. "You clearly aren't fine. What happened?"
"I- had a few nightmares, nothing to worry about bud." He stares at you clearly unconvinced. "About... what?" You sit there wondering if you should talk about it or keep it to yourself. You must've been thinking for a long time because you felt a hand touch your knee. "You-don't have to share if you don't want to..." You shake your head. "I-its fine I just...it was unnerving to say the very least."
You sit still for a moment before talking. You explained your nightmares. Doing everything in your power not to start crying once again. His face changes after each sentence you said. Surprised, scared, horror. After you finished he just...stared at you unsure what to say.
He clears his throat before talking, "They're just nightmares though...I get they can be. Scary. But you don't have to worry about it. I'm right here." He ends with a warm smile on his face. You shake your head slightly before letting out a sigh. "They...felt so real is all. Makes them more...creepy." You crawl back into your bed watching as Doey stood in the doorway for a minute.
He eventually left once he was sure you'd be alright. You fall back asleep.
The toys were worried about you. First you starve yourself and exhaust yourself just for them... you get sick and push yourself. And now your getting nightmares. They all felt horrible. They started a certain... group/project. One toy had to be with you at all times. A small one or a bigger body it didn't matter.
You wake up a little Bobby Bearhug snuggled with you. "Aww Hiya Izzy!" You knew it was Izzy due to her little bracelet with her name on it. The critters were trying to make name tags so you could tell the difference between them better. She sits up before crawling onto your chest. "Goodmorning mom!" You giggle picking her up as you sit up.
As you got up to make breakfast you heard yelling. You couldn't figure out who was talking but you ran out of your room into the living room. You find a catnap and dogday arguing while Dogday tried to break them up. You walk over Izzy on your heels.
"Hey what's going on?" You try rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you stand next to Dogday. "These two got into a fight. Doey isn't here so I'm on argument dury." He let's out a sigh as he glances over at you. He thought you were a little toy but once he say your socked feet and made his way up he realized it was you. "Oh! Hi Angel. I- didn't realize it was you." Yoy give him a smile "No worries. How about help out though? You look tired."
"I'm fine. The toys just think they can get away with stuff now that Doey isn't...in the room." He paused picking his words carefully. "Well I can still help!" You sit next to the two toys still arguing. They were arguing about who was the better care taker... you or Doey. The catnap was saying Doey and the dogday was saying you.
"Hey you guys." You smile at them. They jumped when they heard your voice immediately stopping the argument. "H-hi mom." The dogday let's out...almost scared of you. "So what's going on? What's with the yelling?" The dogday clears his throat to tell you when the catnap cuts him off. "We were ju-" "We were arguing about who was the better care taker!" You think for a moment before deciding Doey was in fact better. But to your disappointment when you said this the dogday shook his head.
"You're better! You've given us more food, helped us get out, and gave us another chance at life. Don't get me wrong Doey was...amazing but..." You let out a sigh. You look at the bracelet on the dogdays arm. It was Oliver. "Oliver I know I am a good parent figure but Doey kept you save far longer than I have. I may be able to give more but... Doey did everything he could for you guys. I even think he's better than me." Your smile grows even bigger as Oliver starts thinking. "I guess but I think you both are...good care takers." He looked up at you a bit of a shine in his eyes. "Of course we are. We are both doing everything we can for you toys."
Eventually Oliver and the catnap who ended up being Artemis hugged and apologized. You got up giving Dogday a thumbs up which he returned gratefully.
You ask the question burning inside of you. "Where is Doey?" Dogday freezes and so do all the toys. "I-uh he's just...busy." Hands on your hips you look Dogday up and down. He wasn't lying, but he wasn't telling you the whole truth.
You decide to walk away but stop when you see the calender littered with names. You look at today and see Izzy's name written in red sharpie. "Huh." You look down at Izzy pointing at the calender. "What's this about?" She looks up at you tilting her head before responding. "Oh! That's to show what toy stays with you what days."
"What..?" "It's a project! A toy always has to be with you so this shows what toy will be with you, each day." You scan the calendar seeing each toys name written in their corresponding color. Doey being written in all four of his colors. A bigger body always had you on Saturday. You wondered why but shook your head looking at the other names. Izzy doesn't have you again until next month.
Poppy always had you with Kissy. You felt like a little kid once again. But the toys were worried about you. So they were just taking precautions.
But you still wonder. What's Doey up to.
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fadelbison · 17 hours ago
Now that you mentioned it please the first thing I thought when I saw First as Kant was that they would push him into a straight series especially with him previously being in multiple het shows. I at least saw 2 reactors thinking c4c was het show before khao was introduced. But First with all his new antics is definitely helping their cp to become more popular too especially in the thai side. They are both good actors and they have pretty good role selection and already having a stable fandom would do them wonders in the industry
I would say even three years ago pushing First into straight roles when he looks like this:
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was not only going to be GMMs playbook but also their moral imperative. Because this was the pipeline they shoved every BL actor that could into. Gain a following using BL get funneled into straight shows now to get legitimacy as an actor. Three years ago, if First wasn't being shoved into this pipeline I'd say something was very very wrong the way it clearly was with Earth.
And well everything is in flux isn't it? GMMTV 2025 is an unprecedentedly queer roster for GMMTV in addition to a sharp increase in shows now marketed towards young working adults rather than youth. That pipeline no longer even makes sense for them.
GMMTV now has a whole roster of well established actors which I don't think they really thought was going to happen for them back in 2016 when SOTUS was released 😅 and especially not when Singto peaced out then did a bunch of critically acclaimed shows as though to highlight how vapid the creative direction within GMMTV was.
They've also made a great many missteps with branded pairings. The GMMTV three pillars (or four wtv your world view is) was a hot mess. TayNew couldn't hack it, Singto left, Krist vehemently doing straight shows to not let the CP thing give him a mental breakdown (again) and Bright and Win were mA they certainly were, weren't they? These pillars stayed pillars I think through the sheer willpower of Offgun Fun Night and Jennie Panhan's unparalleled ability to pretend nothing is amiss 🤣
GMMTV appears to be trying to hone in more and more on what makes their actors already popular rather than box them into things and make costly mistakes like they even recently did with OhmNanon and PerthChimon where they let Chimon take all that pressure of being Perth's new beau without ever considering the fact that Chimon had 0 interests in playing The Woman.
They've seemed to have taken all pressure off their actors in 2025 and I am curious to see if that trend will continue. Nanon wants a straight script? We squeeze one out for him. SkyNani undecided on being a CP? Great they get to play dark soulmates which good for them giving skynani a parameter to work with that can go from literally barely just gay to just so gay depending on the weather conditions.
C4C is going to strengthen FKs Japanese fanbase for sure, while I am assuming they are expecting the western one to remain largely unaffected. The Thai market I don't understand. First can sure as hell pass as straight now but so could Force and Book the last however many years and delightfully neither of them has given a rats ass about it, even when Bright and Win left, the straight BL boy niche once vacated was actually never filled.
In fact, the pillars are now back and supremely active but they are just extremely gay about it. Somehow TayNew were like this is going to be on our terms and their terms were a romance coded bromance and a polycule with off gun, Krist who everyone believed would NOT enjoy fanservice now has more boyfriends than ever before. I love that gay people can't be normal about anything.
There's a straight passing BL actor vacuum in GMMTV sure - does skynani not convince you that the market LOVES this genre of BL actor? And it's coincided with a point where GMMTVs artistic direction is in fact moving towards slightly older audiences. Suddenly, everything that made First second fiddle in the het shows of his youth, sets him apart as a lead NOW: he's a sweet and goofy guy aka The Ideal Husband.
I am just really curious to see over this next year whether First will make any attempts to fill the straight BL actor niche and how desperately (sponsor money) GMM will try to make him do so. The 70: 30 split agreement between FK was specifically designed to deal with this scenario, I am locked and loaded to see it finally tested.
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kylos-starlight · 18 hours ago
Serious personal post. Important for friends of mine to read.
A while back I mentioned that I might have PPD. Turns out... I do. I'm sharing this because I want my close friends and mutuals to understand that when it gets bad it’s never a personal attack.
My brain just tends to assume the worst or see people as the enemy and I have to defend myself even when I don’t want it to.
If I ever seem distant, defensive, or overly wary of everyone please know it’s not about you I can't stress it enough its not about you as a person its just me fighting with my own mind.
I appreciate patience more than I can ever express. Its why I don't want people to use friendly terms or terms of endearment with my partners because I see it as an attack, as you threatening to take them away from me. Are you? Probably not but do I instantly think that and are extremely suspicious of your intentions? Absolutely 100% I cannot help it. Its just what happens.
Especially if I'm under a lot of stress it seems to trigger it.
Just want people to know if we are friends and it seems like one day I do a complete 180 its not you at all. It my own mind telling me that everything is a threat and one little comment probably set me off or I'm already having a stressful time.
A lot of shit clicked into place once I was diagnosed. now I can at least TRY to finding coping mechanisms that can at least help lesson what I feel in those moments of paranoia yknow? So I can better understand myself and be able to provide my friends an explanation and for them to know its nothing they've actually done wrong yknow..
I don't like talking about conditions and illness' I have physical or otherwise but I feel this is important to share so that people understand and just don't make a snap judgment of me when I could very well be having an episode.
Now I understand a little more about why people don't want to be my friend and why this only adds to the struggle of having people in my life who are empathetic enough to understand and the rationality to know its never about them personally.
Please don't rb.
i could have worded this better but its terrifying to post in the open I just wanted to get it out before I decided against it.
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delulustateofmind · 1 day ago
how would yan!jjk react if readers anger never goes away🤔? since it seems that reader is sorta "used" to it
I think this applies to any Yandere situation - there’s only so much punishment a person can endure before that initial anger starts to simmer down.
TW: Yandere behaviors, cruel and unjust punishments.
At some point, it’s less about staying angry and more about survival. No matter how much rage someone has, if they’re constantly subjected to brutal punishments, that fire starts to dim. It’s not necessarily acceptance, but more like a learned response - resisting only brings more suffering, and the body/mind can only take so much before breaking.
Like, I don’t know about you, but if someone ripped my nail off or broke one of my bones? My temper wouldn’t just fade - it’d be replaced with something worse. Fear. Numbness. A deep, exhausted kind of defeat. And that’s exactly what some Yanderes want - not just submission but the complete erasure of any fight left in their darling.
Of course, some yanderes might actually miss that anger once it’s gone. If they thrived off your fire, if they loved having a reason to punish you, then seeing you go quiet might unsettle them. Maybe they start being “gentler,” coaxing reactions out of you again. Or maybe they take it as a victory, fully believing they’ve “fixed” you. Either way, once the anger is gone, there’s no going back - it changes everything.
How I think the various JJK members would react:
Gojo: At first, he’d find your anger adorable, a little firecracker constantly snapping at him. Though, deep down, this man just wants to be loved. The longer your rage lingers, the more desperate he becomes. If he can’t make you love him naturally, then he’ll just have to create the illusion of love. Keeping you drugged and happy is a small price to pay. At least when you’re loopy, when your body relaxes and you nuzzle into the crook of his neck, he can pretend. Pretend that you actually want to be there. Pretend that it’s real.
Sukuna: I rarely write him, but I feel like he’d thrive off a darling who never stops being angry. Your snarling, your spitting curses, the way you glare daggers at him- it excites him. He doesn’t want a docile little pet; he wants you feral, clawing at him like a wild animal. Don’t mistake his amusement for mercy. He owns you, and if he ever feels like your anger is stepping out of line, he’ll remind you who’s in charge. He’ll break every bone in your body, heal you, and do it again. He might even take your eyes - after all, you can’t glare at him if you can’t see. If you don’t watch your tongue? You might lose that too.
Geto: A very patient man, but patience has its limits. If you can endure his punishments, timeouts, drugs, forcing you to break your own bones, then he’ll just escalate. He’ll shift the pain elsewhere. First, your loved ones. Then, maybe innocent people - just to make sure you truly understand the stakes. He’ll take his time, making sure you watch, making sure you hear every scream. And right before he brands them with the cult’s insignia, he’ll glance over at you, mock disappointment in his eyes.
"You’re really making me do this, love."
A bad man through and through. Isn’t it easier to just give in?
Nanami: I’ve touched on this before, but Nanami is the type to treat you like a stray dog until you break. He doesn’t need to hurt you, not in the conventional sense; he has better methods. Starvation. Sleep deprivation. Isolation. He’ll strip away your comforts one by one until you’re soft like putty in his arms. If that doesn’t work? Then, like Gojo, he’ll simply keep you drugged. There’s no reason to make this harder than it needs to be. You’ll learn eventually.
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0viraptoraskblog · 2 days ago
What BTD/TPOF characters I think would be cat or dog people
I’ve had this in my notes for a while, so why not share it?
Keep in mind these are just my opinions, and I didn’t even think very hard about it. It’s just for fun. Feel free to let me know if you have different thoughts though :)
I’m just gonna go down the line:
Rire- He gives me major cat person vibes. I think he likes their elegance, and how they aren’t blindly obedient to humans like dogs (in his words). All of earths creatures are lesser beings, of course, but I think he’d have a little respect for cats. I can see him sitting and drinking tea/reading with a cat lounging on the back of his chair.
Sano- doesn’t really love either one, and would definitely pick centipedes if given the choice. I think he’d appreciate the fact that cats are independent, and they match his demeanor more, but he does have a soft spot for Shaun��� who is more like a dog. This one could be 50/50.
Akira- It’s already confirmed that Akira is an animal person, so I think he’d like both. I feel like his extroverted personality would be more fitting for a dog though.
Strade- The one exception, because clearly, he’s a fox person. (If I had to pick: I know he’s kind of indifferent to animals, but I feel that dogs might be better. He just likes that they’re friendly, and he often sees neighbors walking their dogs, so he interacts with them much more than he ever has with cats.)
Ren- I think Ren would be a cat person actually. I think he’d like dogs, but the cuddly nature of cats would be nicer in his mind. I feel like he wouldn’t really consider getting one, he’s never thought of having a pet except you, but if/once he did, they would be inseparable. I think a cat would help him recover from his loneliness if he was on a good path.
Lawrence- Not great with animals, as we know, but I think cats are definitely the better choice. Dogs can be loud and jumpy, and those constant sudden moves might put him on edge if he’s around a dog too long. Especially the ones that go nuts every time someone walks by the door— not Law’s thing. I think he’d appreciate how cats are independent and calm by comparison (in most cases.)
Vincent- Dog person. I know he’s technically part canine himself, but even without that, it just feels right. I think he’s the type of person to just get along with dogs, probably more than he does with people. It’s a simpler connection, and yet it feels stronger (and more honest) than with people, who might not understand him.
Farz- He likes animals, so I know he’d be okay with both, but I actually think cats might be better. If we take his werewolf bf out of the mix, I think he’d like cats because they’re generally quieter- and not just in the sense of noise; he sees them as more ‘thoughtful’ if that makes sense. (I’m not really solid on this one, because I think he’d go well with any animal so long as they’re friendly. Birds especially)
Cain- I think he’d be a cat person. Similarly to Rire, he likes the idea of having cats. They’re more elegant than dogs. I think he sees them with a little respect, at least- wasn’t he around when people used to worship cats? I don’t know, I don’t have much to say on this one.
Damien- I haven’t analyzed his character very much, I’ll be honest, but I think he’d like dogs. Probably one of the “family” dog breeds, like a golden retriever or something. I feel like outside of his duties in game, he prioritizes relationships— including the companionship of his pet.
Ashe- I think cats match Ashe’s personality pretty well. They both tend to keep to themselves and like naps. I think they’d pretend to be indifferent about the cat at first, but then you turn around and they’re cuddled up together. They don’t know how, it just happened.
Derek- I honestly don’t know. I don’t think he’d be good around animals at all. For the sake of this post though, I’m gonna have to say dogs. He’d like a pet that he can train and that will listen to him. I think he’d only start to get attached once they form a bond, meaning the dog responds to him well. He’d probably pay for the training that teaches it to attack on command, just to have another form of intimidation or something. I think he’d start to care for it like a companion too, after a while, but he’d never admit it. (note on Derek- I think he’d have something like a German Shepard or a Doberman for what I described earlier, or instead he could have one of those tiny purebred dog breeds that only rich people can afford. Idk, I’m torn)
Celia- If I can’t say mouse, then cat person. I do think she’d enjoy having a pet with more obedience, but I think she’d chose the cleanliness of cats over dogs. Again, I think she’d like their independence because she wouldn’t have to ‘babysit’ it 24/7. It doesn’t need to be let outside every few hours. And hey, you can still train a cat if you try.
Mason- Dog person. I don’t see him ever having a pet, since he hunts *everything*, but maybe in another universe he has a hunting dog? Plus, I think his somewhat old fashioned off-the-grid lifestyle is more suited for a dog as well. He seems like the type to call them ‘man’s best friend’ and such.
Komodo- I headcanon that he’s a major reptile person, hence why he came up with their nicknames. I think he’d like both cats and dogs. He thinks dogs can be friendly and loyal, and cats can be affectionate and cuddly. Another 50/50? Snakes are probably his first choice.
Dragon- likes both, but probably a dog person. I think he grew up with a family dog, and so he still has a soft spot for them over cats.
Jack- definitely dogs. His whole character screams dog person to me (his mask does, too). I can see him owning his own police dog. Just because he’s bonded with it, he trained it himself! Oh, and it conveniently skips over his own bag when doing scent drills to find drugs.. huh, it must be all clear.
Machete- we know painfully little about machete, but I’ll say dog person. I like to imagine he still has his childhood dog, which helped him emotionally a lot after his sisters disappearance.
Tom- Very close call. I think he connects well with animals, and knows when to be gentle or when to give them space. I don’t think he’s ever had a reason to pick one over the other. If he had to choose, maybe cats?
Jaqueline- also likes both. Although, I think she’d like dogs more, mostly because they’re athletic. She can go out with them and get some exercise. I think having a dog would also help her feel safer after escaping the desert.
Chamomile- I think she likes many animals, especially since she was majoring in biology. I think deer are her favorite, as a nod to her original design, but between the two I’d say she prefers cats. It’s not a passionate difference, but it’s there. I think she’d like animals she can hold/cuddle.
Richard- none, he doesn’t deserve it/hj in seriousness though, I actually am gonna say cats. I have no idea why. It just feels right for some reason.
Wow that was long. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk :)
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yogsandchaos · 1 day ago
To further elaborate because I know getting Philza to roleplay in any serious manner is uh, nearly impossible, here's how I would play it up
DreamXD having a lot of confrontations with Philza where Philza dismisses him or makes fun, the bathos is the point to show that Philza is not taking the threat seriously even when everyone else is like "bro??"
Start leaving weird messages in books for Philza, ideally secretly recruit Kristen to help with the wording which I don't think is impossible because Kristen seems to like being a little troll so this might be up her ally at least a bit, Philza will take this a bit more seriously perhaps because wife but still overall dismissive.
Ideally Technoblade should have some idea something is starting to go wrong, have him try and point out that maybe they should take that loser god a bit more seriously, after all, a god is kinda a government, maybe they should go kill god? Have weird things start happening to Techno because Techno goes hard and deeper into roleplay and would then rope Philza into it more.
Technoblade dies, yes I know, i know, but have his death be total absolute bullshit, something that shouldn't have counted, DreamXD takes revenge and takes away the only person Philza actually cares about. Ideally I'd want some parallels to doomsday, maybe Philza demands answers but gets himself quoted back to him, this should feel like Philza's doomsday equivalent.
Philza's upset but also he's basically the goddess of death's malewife, so while he was willing to let wilbur be in "timeout" still thinking that Kristen is in charge of the afterlife and wilbur is basically just grounded, he goes to contact her to be like "hey i think there was a mistake can I have my best friend back"
no response, he tries again, maybe the signal was too weak? it's been awhile and its a new server maybe it just needs a bit more power, he tries again, if you ever listened to The Adventure Zone it's like the scene where Kravitz desperately tries and fails to contact the Raven Queen.
DreamXD taunts him about his wife, maybe he shows Philza a vision of Techno and Wilbur in limbo, how Wilbur is suffering clawing at the walls, and I don't know what Techno's limbo would be, maybe being utterly deaf as he drowns in blood? I dunno that might be a bit much.
Philza now has a reason to engage as he tries to contact others for help because he's going to need a team for this, he realizes while the Syndicate is down to help, no one else trusts him and actively dislikes him. Philza has to come to an understanding with the people he's wronged.
Ideally Tubbo gets to have a few killer lines but also others like Jack or Eret, especially Eret honestly. Eret as the last remnant of an actual government even if his crown was hollow going "i will not give aid to someone who has never once actually given it but instead only brought more death"
Tommy is the one person who actually reaches back in a genuine way, because Tommy, betrayed and hurt by philza and techno a million times is still Tommy, he says he's just doing it to help wilbur, but he's lying he cares still about Techno and everyone. Tommy continues his symbolism of being the manifestation of L'manberg.
This bridges the gap and gets more of the server willing to help because dammit even if they say they hate him, Tommy is good at causing chain reactions because if Tommy's in then Quackity is in and if Quackity is in then Sapnap and Karl are in and it just spirals out. Reinforcing the idea that the heart of the server is the bonds people make. He doesn't have to be a main character beyond this for it I know people get a bit frustrated with always Tommy, but he is definitely a catalyst for Philza getting the server to at least hear him out. Though I feel with his connections to Techno and Wilbur he should probably be at least a prominent secondary character if not a main one.
From there we got puzzles and dramatic roleplay of uncovering the mystery of where the life system came from, why the afterlife is like this, where is kristen, and whats up with the revival book in the first place. Honestly this could have been very fitting as the final arc of the dream smp, you could tie a lot of stuff like the egg into it, have a lot of canon deaths and people entering the afterlife themselves.
Then by the end, everything is restored, the life system is abolished, all who died are returned, there's a heartfelt message about the power of bonds and community, a balance is struck between anarchy and democracy.
and it ends with everyone working together to repair the doomsday hole. L'manberg is gone, and it can never come back, but something new can now grow where it once was, the ground no longer salted, the bridge was burned but now it's being repaired even still.
Just to spitball perhaps a counsel is created, one of equal standing between all members, to ensure corruption is not held and and to oppose if another member becomes corrupt. The start of a new system. Techno is elected to it both as a show of how far he's come as well though he immediately throws all the responsibility onto Ranboo because he doesn't wanna do paperwork. Puffy can be elected onto it, I feel like Quackity thinks he's going to be but instead it's Slimecicle and he acts all upset but he's secretly really proud of Slime.
Then there's a party and Tommy puts on one of his disks and Techno is like "You know I didn't say this earlier because I didn't want to be rude, but man Mellohi really just sucks so bad, this is really the music disc you were willing to kill over? Mellohi Tommy??? I can understand Cat, but Mellohi??" and Tommy is like "AH C'MON" as everyone agrees that Mellohi is kind of a crappy disc actually
If there was one plot point I would explore with dsmp if i was allowed to change one thing it would be what the fucks going on with the afterlives and how that connects with philza being literally married to the goddess of death, like, limbo is so horrific in the dsmp, death is a horrible place and we never really get an answer to why or if its permanent or if they can move on or anything, the most we ever got was updates that yes, ghostbur is still in a hurt no comfort fic.
Which with a character so heavily linked to a goddess of death, feels like it should have been explored more! Like Philza why does your wife have your son in the fucked up torture train station afterlife? Can you not...do something about that? What's going on. Why are the ghosts separate entities from the actual dead souls? Why is everything about death so damn confusing?
Hell you could go full Ianite on it and have a whole arc about trying to find her to fix shit. Maybe you could actually do something with DreamXD for once. Maybe you could even incorporate how people have lives now when they didnt at the start into some like, disease or corruption. Death is so fucked up in the dream smp for like, no real narrative purpose besides more angst. They should have given Philza an arc of realizing something was seriously wrong with the concept of death here.
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I cannot wait for this Stan to reconnect with his Ford.
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I still haven't figured out HOW exactly they'll meet yet, but I do think that Ford would ATTACH himself to Stanley and talk his ears off forever when they eventually get comfortable :] and Stanley would listen because HOLY SHIT, THAT'S HIS BRO HE HASN'T SEEN FOR 40-ISH YEARS, HE MISSED HIS VOICE. Nonstop certified Yapper & Listener relationship <3
Stanley looks dead faced because of his ingrained poker face, but he's thouroughly enjoying it, even if sometimes he has no idea what the fuck Ford is saying. He never interrupts him though, since he knows people usually ignore or interrupt him mid-talk already. So sometimes Stan gets stuck in awkward situations where he has to leave or do stuff, but also doesn't have it in his heart to stop Ford and extract himself out of a (one-sided) conversation.
#Stanley: that motherfucker just ignored you completely- would you like me to kill him.#Stanford: Who? What are you talking about? Anyways. Have you ever seen gnomes before? Because just yesterday I-#I imagine conversations with Stanford to be very stitled and all over the place.#Since his thoughts are quite literally scattered- he can never really process them fast enough to actually verbalize them.#Or even understand them.#So he often only catch the tail ends of a thought- or cutoff half formed thoughts- or only the beginning half of an idea- memory- or opinio#And when he talks- you can really tell with the amount of tangents he goes off into and how everything he says#are completely disconnected and unrelated from one another.#I think the reason he talks so much is because it's his way of desperately trying to get himself understood by someone- including himself.#He's hoping that maybe- by verbalizing EVERYTHING in his mind all at once into some incomprehensible word vomit- that someday-#those senseless- useless words will one day magically order themselves into the right sentence for him to be finally be able to say what#he actually MEANS.#But because he's ''that crazy Town Kook Ford'' he just never really gets the chance to talk to anyone.#People in town baby him- treat him like a child.#And I mean- it must really hurt. For someone of his former intellect to have lost all ability to express himself eloquently#Not because he's any less smart- but because he just can't talk anymore. At least- not in any way that matters#I think Stanley understands him though. I think Stanley would understand his struggle to not be labeled as just stupid by others#Anyways- that was my ramble <3#my post#asks#sput chatters#stanford pines#ford pines#stanley pines#stan pines#gravity falls#gravity falls au#Town Kook Ford AU#my art
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getosugurusbangs · 5 months ago
what if i said i actually love too weird to live, too rare to die and think it’s underrated. what then.
#idk at least the time i’ve lurked around p!atd fandom stuff it feels like no one ever brought up this album 😭😭#vices and virtues too but at least then there was still leftover ryan ross scraps to hold onto#but like. idk i like the dark las vegas vibes of twtltrtd#i’m not the biggest fan of this is gospel but once you get past it it’s got some bangers ngl#one super minor gripe with the album is that i think the brobecks version of far too young to die is better than the twtltrtd version#it’s minor but it’s true. listen to both versions of the song and you’ll understand#my only real complaints though are just with the lyrical content of girls/girls/boys and casual affair#i like the songs themselves but the lyrics….. who let them cook actually#what was brendon doing. why are you singing about affairs like that whilst you’re a fully married man. ????#but honestly the transition towards the end of the album to more romantic songs is nice#i think it fits well and is a good way to slowly die the energy down without completely squashing it#the end of all things is genuinely a beautiful song but an even more beautiful ending to the album#the lyrics are brendon’s wedding vows and the piano is very nice#i like the effects on the vocals and i think they were a good choice to make everything even more cohesive#it doesn’t take away from the emotional value of the song and it also makes it fit better on the album than if it were just a regular#kind of piano ballad#but then also having collar full be the song leading up to it? even better#i fucking love collar full and agh. having it lead into the end of all things is perfect for it#it’s fun on its own but it’s even better in context i think#anyways. too weird to live too rare to die is an alright pop rock album. go listen to it if you want#me.txt
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james-stark-the-writer · 1 year ago
feel like pure shit, just want her back
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#james talks#riverdale#miss the whole crew really but Betty especially bc Lili was so magnificent#god as perfect as the finale was (and it really was one of the greatest finales ever) i wish we had gotten another season#they had as good a run as a show on that network could hope for but there are few shows on there that eclipsed the network like Riverdale#like the list includes like. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Gossip Girl. and ig The Vampire Diaries. and that's it.#(that list is for shows almost exclusively produced by the CW. CXG DID have other producing companies but it was largely the CW).#no show will ever quite be like Riverdale ever again and no show will ever reach the heights it did.#especially not on their shoestring CW budget.#like honestly i just need more Riverdale in my life.#like RAS and the writing team found such a great way to turn their weaknesses into strengths.#as an article on the show once said [paraphrased]: it was a great show that was really good at pretending to be bad.#even now nobody gets the show like i do.#everyone thinks it's some silly little show about crazy shit with crazy plotlines and pretty lighting and aesthetics but no substance—#when in reality it's an incredible pulpy anti-fascist text questioning the role of authority using those aesthetics for a larger purpose#but i'll save the real analysis for whenever i get around to actually making the Riverdale video essay i need in my life#unless Quinton Reviews or SuperEyepatchWolf beat me to it first. they're the only people who i think will actually understand the show.#like SuperEyepatchWolf's video on the show is already pretty fun even if it's a little dismissive of the substance of the show—#(tbf to him it only covered up until the S05 mid-season finale and S06 hadn't released yet)#but like he at least feels like he gets the spirit of the show. especially with the wrestling comparison.#and i hope i don't need to explain why Quinton would get it.#anyway. i need the Riverdale crew back.
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juney-blues · 7 months ago
99% of conversations on anarchism about here are hampered by people having no clue what anarchists are talking about when they refer to "the state", including, it seems, the anarchists themselves.
#juney.txt#yeah i'm some sort of ancom because i have the worst takes imaginable in all respects#but wow you guys need to like#learn the basics of what you are even talking about#read some books or hell even watch some fuckin bread tubers#watch some old thought slime videos or whatever#literally anything would be better than the nothing that currently occupies your heads#and also all the cool commies who atleast as a baseline seem to actually have reading required to call yourself one of them#or at the least are better at hiding if their politics are purely vibes-based#would help if you could approach this conversation on the anarchists term's even just a little#rather than seeing them say ''we need to abolish the entity through which the few enforce their will on the many by means of violence''#and replying ''okay but this means all of society would collapse into an unorganized mess where everyone just jacks off all day''#''how would manufacturing happen without a government''#gee you tell me. how is your society gonna run once the state withers away#god that's really what gets me. we have ostensibly incredibly similar goals#a stateless classless moneyless society#but then when anarchists talk about having a stateless classless society half of y'all are like#''wuh?? but how would that work?!?!''#like are you a communist or not.#do you even believe communism is possible?#i could understand criticisms about anarchist methods to achieving those ends. those are honestly pretty fuckin valid in a lot of places#but questioning the ends in and of themselves?!#do you think we will ever achieve communism literally ever#or are we just gonna have a socialist worker state that never completes its transition. forever.#because that would be kinda sad#give the socialist worker state estrogen. she needs it.
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masters-of-void · 20 days ago
yeah i'm slowly getting attached to the idea that drifter and aoi date casually for a little bit before he ends up with eleanor.. like she comes at him so strongly with the warmth and affirmations that i think he would gravitate to that, being someone who's presumably never had romantic feelings before. and at the same time, he's the version of arthur that can understand her and is willing to not take everything so deathly serious, so it makes sense she'd be smitten
however, they don't go deeper because she'd start to remind him too much of mathila, feeling himself at risk of falling into an unbalanced spiral with her, and she'd see a man who could become just as bitter about The Mission as arthur is given enough stress in the loop. neither at this time early in the drifter's dynamic with the team would know how to work those issues out, so they'd simply break it off amicably, agreeing that they're better as the close friends they'll become instead
myes, i believe this would be good for them. she needs a soft rebound and he needs to test the waters before he jumps into such a deep end as one of the hard-to-get hexes lol
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