#no one escape peach's love lazer
yasashiiku · 1 year
🍒 + raytm !!
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ray is an absolute sweetheart!! he is so talented, I love love reading raytm content, absolutely topnotch stuff, their style is so unique and captures you in a trance of amazing word use and such fitting dialog, I can ALWAYS hear his characters's voice in his writings, he is so creative with his it too, and I love how poetic it can get, honestly ray never ever fails to serve, every single piece is just so beautiful!! One thing I also absolutely adore is his aesthetics, every time he changes it im gawking!!! speechless!!! literally their taste is just so good, everything is so gorgeous every time im left staring!!!!! i absolutely love ray and everyone should love ray cuz he is a very nice & lovely rp partner & friend!!!
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