#no need to rb just showing wheee
fr-thrice · 2 years
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enjoy some old as hell doodles from when i was still new to FR. that must've been one of my first times drawing a fae, my style sure has changed a lot.
the other one is how some faes live in my clan. they weave large grasses into a giant orb nest like some birds do, although they can have multiple rooms too. i know faes r roughly human size but i bet there is some giant grass on sornieth ok.
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asktherexsquad · 5 years
Oh RB do you still have the vid of when you were drunk at the party?
RB immediately drops a bit of scrap he’s holding and blanches, nervously looking round at the others and hoping they hadn’t heard that...
But they had.
"What's this about being drunk at a party??"
As if they had teleported to him, all of a sudden all three of the Squad were gathered around him curiously.
You have a video?
How smashed were ya??
"Ohohoh this we gotta see."
RB groans, looking down at the floor. He tries to think of an excuse so he doesn’t have to show them, but he knows all three are just gonna badger him until he does. So begrudgingly he pulls out his phone and slowly searches for the video.
Look, before you see this, just know I’d drunk the majority of a spiked punch bowl. So… I was absolutely hammered. So much so, in fact, I don’t actually remember doing this.
Finally RB finds the video, and opens it up. It starts off on a scene of a crowd of Systarians in brightly coloured outfits, their chatter going on in the background, but it quickly pans up to the ceiling. There they see RB in a dark blue party outfit sat on a big ornate chandelier, giggling and laughing to himself, before he then speaks in a higher pitched voice.
{Wheeeee!!! Hey guys! Look wat I can dooooo!}
Rem's eyes widen, and he tries his best to hold down his grin. Rocket snorts, clapping a hand to his mouth.
"The fucking chandelier??? Damn, Brickowski, drunk you is really going all out with this!!"
How did you get up there??
RB groans again.
Like I said, I have no memory of doing this, so, fuck knows. Maybe I found a balcony or used master breaking strength to jump up there or some shit. I dunno…
RB grimaces as past him on the video starts whooping with his arm in the air as he swings from side to side. Why did he have to be such a jackass??
Rem giggles. You look like you're having fun at least!
"Oh yeah, he's clearly having the time of his life there…" Rex shakes his head, grinning broadly. "Must have been some punch."
Rocket is trying his best to keep his laughter silent so he can hear the video, huffing through his nose instead. Through the idle chatter and RB’s drunken laugh, he hears some giggling that sounds oddly familiar. But he shrugs it off and focuses on RB’s antics instead.
Yeah… Was some strong stuff… Apparently…
RB frowns as he watches the video with the others, and it’s then that he remembers something. Or rather a certain someone that he knows is gonna appear in the video…
He clears his throat, moving to put his phone away.
I think that’s enough of drunken me making an ass of myself…
Rex wiggles his eyebrows. "What's that? What are you trying to hide, Brickowski??" He grabs RB's arm and lifts it back to its original position, holding it steady. "I don't think so, we're watching this through 'til the end!!"
They all lean forward eagerly, wondering what exactly it was RB hadn't wanted them to see.
{“Oh, by The Man Upstairs, what is he doing!?!?”}
Rex releases RB's arm as if he had been burned, taking a step back. Rocket's laughter dies in his throat with a splutter. Rem could do nothing but freeze where he stood.
That voice…
They hadn't heard that voice in years. They hadn't wanted to…
And yet
there she was.
RB freezes, feeling the tension suddenly grabbing a hold of everyone. He should turn it off, but something keeps him locked in place. So the video continues.
{WHEEE!} Past him calls out, as he leans back on the chandelier, which wobbles worryingly as he does. Next to the person recording the video, she shouts again.
Rem flinches at her sudden yell, a look of discomfort spreading over his face. Rex and Rocket simply stare, paralyzed by the same force that kept RB from stopping the video.
They had never heard her say their name before. It was unnerving… Rex felt his skin prickle uncomfortably at the sound of it. This wasn't right…
On the video, RB looks down at what everyone guesses is probably her. He has a devilish grin on his face, as he raises his hand to quizzically hold his chin in thought.
Hmmmmmm… Nnnnope!
{“Rex please! It’s dangerous! And you’re drunk as hell! You’re gonna hurt yourself!”}
She sounded so upset, she was so worried… about them.
No, wait, no, not them. RB.
… But still… Hearing her calling out, using their name, with that concern… it twisted in their side like a dagger.
Rem's grimace deepens as he continues watching. She sounded exactly like he remembered. He found himself fighting back old memories, times when he had heard that tone directed at him… He wished he could tell RB to stop the video, but his voice had fled. He continues watching in silence, hands clenched at his sides.
Everyone watches on, unable to move and stop this dreadful trainwreck that watching a “funny video” has quickly become.
Past RB frowns down at her from his spot on the chandelier.
{Danger is my middle name! Or, my last name… Or… Uh… Ah! Who cares?} He says with a giggle. Then there’s a pause, and he looks down with a frown.
{Heeeeeyyyyyy Lucy! I’m gonna do a flip off of this, just for yooooouu!} He calls down. But then, the camera suddenly moves from RB. It pans down and to the side rapidly.
And there she is. Lucy. She looks up at him with a horrified, pleading grimace.
{“Please don’t!”} She cries, her face contorting with even more worry.
Rex's hand suddenly darts forward, smacking RB's phone from his hand. It clatters to the ground, going silent, and everyone just stares at it for a moment.
Without a word, Rem reaches down and picks it back up, checks it for damage, and hands it back to RB.
"... Sorry." Rex genuinely does look sorry for his overreaction… but only for a moment, before he turns away with a grimace.
Rocket stays standing where he is, still staring at the ground where RB's phone had fallen.
RB looks down at the blank, black screen silently, not daring to take his eyes off of it to look at the others.
...No. I’m sorry. I should have thought about what was on here before I showed this… None of you should have seen this. You weren’t ready...
Rem gives a soft, humorless laugh, shaking his head. It's… it's okay, RB. You tried to stop, we didn't let you… This isn't your fault.
Rex wanders off to go rummage pointlessly through a small pile of loose wires. Rocket has his eyes closed, face impassive, and had he not been standing someone might have thought he had fallen asleep.
Rem clears his throat, avoiding RB's eyes as well So, uhm… What else do we need to do for the ship…?
RB clutches his phone tighter, taking a glance at Rem before looking down again.
We… I uh… Well I’m gonna go run some scans of the systems in the cockpit. Then maybe we can grab some more parts off the Rexcelsior later… You guys just, carry on with some small stuff in here.
RB quickly walks out the engine room, not risking a glance at anyone, not until he’s out the doors and they’ve closed shut behind him.
He knows how the others must feel. He himself had conflicted feelings about Lucy for a long time. But seeing them react like they did at just hearing and seeing the person he cared about so much… It made his gut knot with emotion in ways he really didn’t want to think about.
He shakes his head of his thoughts, moving off to the cockpit. Maybe everyone just needed some time to clear their heads...
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