#no need to match length ok bby!
player1064 · 7 months
Ok after the amazing angst one about their first time might I request a hurt/comfort… I love the complications of them being secretly together as players. Maybe Gary (srry bby) gets injured in a match and it’s scholes that has to tell Jamie and that’s how they come out to their friends or to the world, maybe Jamie’s there, idkkkkkk but something in the following of the SAF finding out one? 😁❤️
tbh like. at this point this is fully just a full length fic. perhaps I'm insane about them...
LOVE the idea of them being together in their playing days. wish I could find footage of Gary breaking his ankle but there's none!!!!!
Set as a sort of prequel to this one from a few days ago
17th March 2007
Jamie is on the team bus headed for Birmingham when it happens. Up front, the radio is playing match coverage, but he’s sat further back, he and Stevie too busy holding court with the players sat around them to pay it much attention. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on what United are doing, but as it stands they’re twenty points clear of Liverpool and are certainly going to get another three today – it’s only Bolton, and they’re at home too.
So, he’s on the bus when it happens, but he doesn’t find out until the team is sat around watching Match of the Day later that evening. Even then, he doesn’t get to see the footage, the only mention that anything happened at all being a short “Gary Neville came off after 11 minutes with an ankle injury.”
His teammates cheer and Jamie tries to laugh along, but all he can think is why hasn’t he texted.
“Reckon that’s him off England squad this summer, then” Stevie says, grinning, “finally, some peace and quiet. An’ they’ll be needing someone to step in for ‘im, Carra, you might get more minutes.”
“I fuckin’ hate playin’ right back,” he groans, rolling his eyes (why hasn’t he texted why hasn’t he texted why hasn’t he texted).
He makes a show of looking at the clock, says something about needing to call his parents to let them know he’s got to the hotel alright, and high-tails it out of there to go back to his and Stevie’s empty room.
Still no texts, so he brings Gary’s number up and calls, pacing the floor while it rings.
It takes longer than usual, but eventually he’s greeted with a quiet “’lo?” and breathes a sigh of relief.
“Are y’alright, love?” he asks quickly, his words rushing together. “Only just heard, else I’d’ve called sooner – what ‘appened? That twat Lineker was so vague.”
There’s a long pause, long enough that Jamie starts to wonder if his signal’s dropped out, and then:
A voice which he now hears is definitely not Gary, saying “this is Scholes.”
“Fuck,” he hisses, and snaps his phone shut.
His phone starts ringing a few seconds later.
Jamie, because maybe he’s a bit stupid, answers it.
“Er,” he hears Scholes say, “Who’m I speakin’ to, exactly? Gaz’s only got this number saved as ‘J’.”
“Um,” Jamie says, panicking. “I’m just a friend of ‘is, heard he got injured so wanted to check he were alright.”
“’e’s still waitin’ on some scans, but they reckon it’s broken,” Scholes says. “Gaz doesn’t really have friends, does he, outside of team. An’ you sound –”
“—Okay, good t’hear he’s alright, bye then.”
Jamie snaps his phone shut again and tosses it onto his bed, wipes both hands down his face.
Broken. Fuck. That’s him out for the remainder of the season, then, he’ll be devastated. At least he’s already racked up enough appearances to get a medal when United inevitably win the league, not that the prick needs another one of those.
This thing of theirs, whatever it actually is, it’s not been going on that long. Not even a full year, if you’re ignoring the few mistaken fumbles at England camps over the years and only counting from when they’d made it – not official, exactly, because again Jamie’s not entirely sure what it is they’d be making official – but as close to official as it’s likely to get.
Gary, the prick, would probably give him a smack if he said all that to him. It all comes a lot easier to him, the – the words, and the feelings. Jamie can almost hear him now, why’s everythin’ always so complicated w’you, Jamie, stop bein’ a baby and just admit I’m your boyfriend.
His ankle is probably broken. Jamie should be there.
He has a match tomorrow.
He sits on the end of his bed, hunched over with his head in his hands while he tries to sort through the mess in his head to work out what he’s meant to do. There’s a buzzing in his head that feels so loud he doesn’t notice the soft click of the door opening until there’s a dip in the mattress beside him and Stevie’s hand patting him on the shoulder.
“Y’alright, lad?” he asks gently, shifting his hand to rub firm circles on Jamie’s back. “We’re headin’ down for dinner soon, boss sent me to find you.”
“I’m fine,” he says automatically, but when he looks up he can see the disbelief in Stevie’s face. “I am, I just – if somethin’ happened to Alex, like, if she’d been hurt. Would you go home? Even if you’re meant to be startin’ tomorrow?”
“Of course,” Stevie replies, like he doesn’t even have to think about it. “’Course I would, you know that. She’s – y’know, she’s the mother of my children, in’t she? I’d drop anythin’.”
Jamie groans, puts his face back in his hands. “’s not helpful, Stevie.”
“Well, no, ‘cause you don’t ‘ave kids.” Stevie pauses for a second, frowns. “Unless you –”
“—No!” Jamie says quickly, shaking his head. “Christ, y’think I could ‘ave a secret family? Give us a break. No, it’s just – I dunno, I been seein’ someone, for a little bit now, and somethin’s happened, and – and I feel like I’m meant to go home, aren’t I? Help out? But I –”
“But you can’t miss the game tomorrow,” Stevie finishes for him, because of course he knows that, he knows him, knows how his head works. “So there’s yer answer. Carra, she won’t hold it against you. If she – I mean, does she love you? Are the two of yous, like – why’ve you not said anythin’?”
Jamie feels a twinge of guilt. “’s complicated,” he says with a sigh. “But we – I s’pose so, yeah. I s’pose you might say that we’re – that.”
Stevie, god bless the man, seems to lose any trace of annoyance or upset over being left out of the loop, and throws an arm around Jamie’s shoulder with a grin. “My boy’s in love!” he says, squeezing Jamie tight. “Too much of a prick to tell ‘is best mate, but what else is fuckin’ new? Look, Jay, I know you, don’t I? And if she knows you, then she’ll know you ‘ave to play this game. Long as she’s not dyin’, I’m sure she’ll understand waitin’ ‘til tomorrow evenin’ for you to get home.”
“Ha,” Jamie says humourlessly, still feeling guilt clawing away at his insides, “prob’ly won’t notice if I’m there or not, anyway.”
Stevie pats him on the shoulder one last time and then stands back up, nodding his head towards the door in question.
Jamie gets up too, but they’ve only taken a couple of steps towards the door when another wave of guilt crashes into him and he blurts out “Stevie –”
“I’m bloody starving, Carra, c’mon now.”
“Stevie,” he says again, clenching his fists at his sides. He can’t look at Stevie, is staring up at the ceiling instead as he says “’s not a girl. That I’ve been seein’. That’s why I couldn’t tell you.”
There’s a long pause, where it feels like the air between them is humming, and then Stevie just nods and says “okay.”
They make it all the way out of the room and into the lift down to the dining room when Stevie’s brow furrows for a second and then he turns to Jamie, eyes wide.
“Carra,” he says grimly, “please tell me the guy you’ve been seeing that’s got hurt today’s not another footballer.”
Jamie feels himself blush. “Um,” he replies.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Jamie, what is wrong w’you?”
When Gary is wheeled back into his private hospital room, it’s to the sight of Scholesy sat in an armchair looking thoughtfully at the phone in his hands.
He blinks when he hears Gary come in, looks up with a grimace. “X-ray gone alright?”
Gary shrugs, looks away. “Broken,” he says, trying to sound nonchalant. “Like they thought. Guess it’s gonna be more’n just three weeks out, then.”
Scholesy sighs, deflating slightly. “’m sorry, Gaz.”
“Is what it is. They said I can go home now, at least, so that’s somethin’. You got all my things?”
“Yeah, give us a second,” Scholesy says, turning around to rummage through the pockets of the coat that’s hanging on the back of his chair. He pulls another phone out, opens it up. “I’ll call us a cab, yeah? Want me to stay at yours tonight?”
It takes a second to compute that if the new phone is Scholesy’s, then the one he’d been staring at when Gary came in was –
“Erm. Were there any calls for me, while I was out?”
“Yeah,” Scholesy says, back to sounding sort of distant.
Please be from my mum, Gary thinks desperately, almost wanting to squeeze his eyes shut while he waits for Scholesy to elaborate.
“Um, texts from the family, of course. But just the one call.”
He hands the phone back to Gary, who opens up the call log to see exactly what he was hoping he wouldn’t.
Still, there’s a little glowy feeling in his chest at the fact he’d called.
“Ah,” he says. “Did you, er, d’you speak to him?”
“For a minute,” Scholesy says carefully. “Said he were a friend of yours.”
“Yeah,” Gary says with a relieved chuckle. His idiot boyfriend is good for something, after all. “Yeah, he’s a good friend. Good of him to check up on us.”
Except, then Scholesy adds: “Sounded Scouse.”
“Ah, yeah,” he replies, rubs a hand over his jaw. “Well, can’t hold it against him, I s’pose.”
Except, then Scholesy looks him dead in the eye and says: “Called you ‘love’.”
“Scholesy,” he says, feeling panic rise up inside him, “Scholesy, I can explain –”
“First boyfriend in how many years and it’s a bloody Scouser,” Scholesy mutters, which –
Which isn’t what Gary had thought he’d say, not even close.
“You don’t – you don’t mind that he’s – that he’s a man?”
Scholesy frowns at him like he’s lost his marbles. “Well, what else would he be?”
“I – a woman, Scholesy!” Gary screeches.
“But you’re gay?”
“You’re not meant to know that!”
Scholesy’s eyes flit up towards the ceiling. “Oh my god,” he mutters. He looks back at Gary, voice even. “You are so annoying, d’you know that? Nobody cares about the gay thing.”
“Oh,” Gary says, even though his head is screaming other people know too???
“He sounded worried, your lad on the phone.”
Gary feels himself relax a bit as it finally clicks how nice it is to be able to talk about this. “Yeah,” he says fondly, “’cause he’s bloody stupid.”
Scholesy hums thoughtfully. “What’s ‘is name?”
Ah, right. There is still that one, teeny tiny little problem.
“Um,” he says. “’s name’s Jamie.”
There’s a brief second while Scholesy’s brain works through the complicated equation of ‘Jamie + Scouser’, and Gary can tell the exact moment it computes because his eyes go wide and he says “Carragher?”
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duchessvc · 6 years
on rounds || heeyoung & jiwoo
The temporary loss of La Fortuna had been weighing hard on Heeyoung’s conscious since the night of the fire, causing her to scramble and scrounge for numbers and profits all that she could, and it was tiring her out like nothing had before. The Ivory Lotus was still afloat for now--- and it would stay that way if Heeyoung had anything to do with it--- but business was troublesome and the fact that her casino was unavailable at the moment was detrimental to the gang’s profits. And so, she did what any other logical business owner would do and she began to focus her attention elsewhere until the casino was back in running order. And what better industry to focus on than her master chemists and manufacturers who were working as hard as ever while everyone else was picking up the pieces of the last months’ events?
And thus, in a hands-on effort to keep all of her plans in check, Heeyoung found herself descending the stairs into the basement of Joje, paying no attention to the pharmacists’ awestruck faces as she passed, all too used to that kind of attention. Her heels clacked obnoxiously against the staircase, but then again that was a Duchess staple, a key point in her overall presence. There were a few various manufacturers present in the storage room, all stocking their latest creations and collecting supplies to package their next batches, but a head of striking blonde hair caught her attention, and Heeyoung found herself weaving through the aisles of shelving to speak directly to Jiwoo, simply more comfortable getting her information from a source that she knew for a fact she could trust.
Slowing to a stop beside the girl, she eyed the little bottles on the shelf before them, letting out a vague hum of approval. “How’s it going down here, darlin’?” she asked in place of a greeting. “Everyone on quota?”
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gojous-exbabymama · 3 years
random headcanon about some of the jjk boy’s during sexy time
warning: smut, 18+, mdni, aged up characters, daddy kink, size kink, anal sex, crying, oral(f/m), unprotected sex, fluff, slight angst if you squint, loss of virginity, and injury to reader but nothing serious
gojou saturo
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“that time you sneezed” + “caught a cramp so bad he almost passed out”
- sex with gojou is always fun
- hate to admit it but it’s true
- it’s unpredictable yet super exciting
- don’t tell him that tho or else he’ll never shut up
- your back was arched against the sturdy kitchen table with your legs bent and pushed to your chest
- gojou was thrusting into you just right, hitting that spot deep inside you that had you screaming
- “yes, yes. right there d-dont stop!”
- “right there princess? am i hitting your special spot?”
- “you don’t have to answer that, i know i am~”
- “go on, scream louder for daddy, let em’ know just how good im making you feel”
- if you weren’t too focus on cumming you would of told him to shut the fuck up but he was making you feel good
- and you learned a long time ago that he doesn’t need to hear it from your lips to know, your body spoke for you
- the knot in your belly was growing tighter
- you were so close, your cries letting him know
- gojou glances down at you, watching your tits bounce with each thrust as your face twisted in pleasure
- “aww y/n-chan, i wish you could see the faces you’re making”
- gojou grips a hand to your face, squishing your cheeks together hard
- “soo cute princess~” he coos mockingly, watching as your face scrunched up, eyes going watery and nose twitching
- you felt it right then, the small tickling sensation in your nose that had you breathing picking up
- mustering up all your strength, you pulled your face out of his palm and turned away
- before he could say anything cheeky, you were letting out sneeze, after sneeze, after sneeze, after sneeze-
- if gojou wasn’t so balls deep inside you he would of thought it was cute
- but no, your body tensed and jerked with each sneeze that it had you clenching so tight around his cock he couldn’t even move
- the loud whine and groan pulls you out of your sneezing frenzy as you watch gojou’s body shaking, all movement coming to a halt was he tilts his head back
- that’s when you felt it, rope after rope of his hot cum painting your walls
- followed by a loud, painful yelp coming from him as he pulls out swiftly, gripping the back of his thigh
- you sat up quickly but was forced back down from his body weight alone as you feel him go slack against you
- “saturo?” you tapped him but didn’t get a response for a few moments until he shot his head up
- “oh my god, i just came so hard i got a cramp and almost passed out!”
- you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at that as he pouts a little, hands rubbing up and down your sides
- “it wasn’t my fault you were squeezing my dick so tight I couldn’t stop myself”
- “am I hearing the great gojou saturo has no self control?”
- you were only teasing but he took that as a challenge as he gripped your legs, pulling them up and onto his shoulders, his dripping tip rubbing against your folds
- “gojou wait, i need to-need to clean my nose!!”
- he waste no time and pushes his length back inside you, ready to punish you for thinking he was weak
- “leave it, you look cute with a runny nose anyways princess~”
- your face was covered in tears, snot, and his cum by the time he was down with you
megumi fushiguro
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“cumming way to fast” + “that time he accidentally got it in your eye”
- being a sorcerer was stressful asf
- he was exhausted literally all the time and getting injured left him bed bond for most days
- megumi barely had time to even relax
- but that’s what you were there for
- your weren’t one to brag or anything but you thought you were good at sex
- and megumi always made sure to tell you just how good you felt
- weather it’s your pussy squeezing him or the tight feeling of your throat wrapped around his throbbing length
- so to say that you felt a wee bit cocky the first time he came just seconds after bottoming out of you would be an understatement
- but you made sure to comfort him when you notice the pout and frustrated look on his face
- “that’ll never happen again” he mumbled out before cleaning you up
- but it does happen again
- about three more times actually
- and every time he grew more and more pissed at himself
- he was stressed! you knew that so you didn’t knock him if you didn’t finish
- you would tell him that it was ok
- “these kind of things happen gumi’”
- “you’re working yourself too hard baby :/“
- “let me help you relax, pls”
- expect he was never relaxed after cumming so quick inside you
- honestly, you were surprised that he could still get it up from all the stress he carries around
- finally done with finishing first every time, megumi made it his mission to get you right
- which is why he was kneeling between your legs, skirt lifted up with your panties stretched and pulled to the side as he feast on your cunt
- and you were a mess because it has been awhile since you got off and only megumi could make you see stars
- he had you spread wide for him, licking and sucking on your swollen clit that had you moaning just for him
- “ahh megumi please~” you don’t even know what your begging for but he does
- thick fingers thrusting in and out you had you gripping the sheets while your thighs tremble
- tale tale sign that you’re about to cum so he takes his fingers from out of you
- before you could whine at the loss, he’s soon thrusting his tongue inside your weeping pussy, ready to catch everything you give him
- “gumi i-im gonna cum for you!”
- “do it, cum for me kitten, cum right on my tongue”
- your body shook as you cum around the stiff muscle of his tongue, thigh squeezing around his head as you grip and pull on his hair hard
- he lets you come down, pressing kisses along your thighs before he stands up, stripping himself out of his clothes
- switching spots, you kiss along his stomach before reaching for his throbbing cock
- giving small licks against the tip to catch his precum dripping as he groans
- your mouth waters and you don’t wait a second longer before you took him in your mouth
- bobbing your head up and down, moaning when you feel him thrusting slowly in your mouth to match your rhythm
- you were just getting started when your eyes meet his right as you take him to the back of his throat
- big mistake
- the hand that has a grip your hair grows tight as he cums down your throat with a loud groan
- it caught you off guard and you didn’t have much time to prepare for his large load
- you pull off his length with a cough, he’s cum dripping from your lips as his load finishes on your face
- megumi hearing you gasping loudly brings him back to earth when he sees your head slight bent with one of your eyes squeezed shut
- “y/n?” calls as you hiss, shooting him a small glare is when he sees why
- “your cum got in my eye megumi.”
- “i-im sorry ba-“
- “dont just stare get me a towel!!”
- after cleaning you up and feeding you, megumi laid on top of you as you cuddle him closer
- he apologized more than enough you’re gonna have to give him kisses to settle him down
- “it’s ok honey, i still thought it was hot.”
- megumi could only groan, pouting as he watch you grin
- “you could say that i didn’t see it coming, huh huh?”
- megumi groaned once more as he buries his face into your neck
- yeah he definitely wasn’t going to let that happen again
————————————————————————————————————————itadori yuuji
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“that time it was your first time” + “was that a mouth on the side of his cheek?”
- bby boi
- you can’t really say what sex is truly like with yuuji
- since you’ve never had it with him because you were a virgin
- and he was fine with that, he’ll wait for as long as you liked
- the first time it almost happened was back in him dorm during his 3rd year
- you both talked about it and agreed to have your first time be together so a week later, yuuji had the perfect night planned for you
- he really pulled out all the stops
- we’re talking warm scented candles, rose petals, soft music playing in the background and your favorite take out
- it was actually really romantic ngl
- after dessert you found yourself laying back on his bed, making out with such passion it left you feeling buzzed
- everything was slow, both your movements gentle when taking off each other clothes
- giggling and kissing the nerves away
- yuuji reached for you bra, getting it undone with easy
- his eyes in your body from your breast down to your thighs rubbing together, pretty pink panties covering center
- “you’re so beautiful baby” he whispers
- it was moment were you took each other in before you reached for his hand, bringing it up to where you wanted him to touch you first
- your eyes closing shut once you feel his warm hand squeezing and caressing your breast, gasping softly when you feel his thumb brushing over your nipple
- his lips leaving yours before kissing down to your neck had you feel needy
- the room filling with sounds of your pleasing sighs and his heavy breathing
- all of it cut short by the sound of a low rugged voice
- “what are you waiting for? just fuck her already”
- your eyes shot open and you couldn’t stop the loud scream from your lips
- because why the fuck was there a mouth on his cheek and an eye under his eye??!?
- once you pulled the sheets over your naked body did yuuji realize what had happened
- he slaps a hand over his cheek so hard he knocked himself out of bed
- ok so maybe he didn’t tell you everything about why he was at the academy and in hindsight, he probably should of told you everything before he had you naked
- after calming you down and getting a ice pack does he tell you about how he ate an ancient cursed finger and now there is a very powerful curse living inside of him
- it was definitely hard for you to wrap your head around this information because you weren’t a sorcerer, you didnt see demons or cursed things or even knew about those kind of things
- so yeah, you were a bit freaked out, a little upset and needed sometime to think so you left
- yuuji understood and gave you as much time as you needed but he was literally dying on the inside without his baby
- he was mopey, quiet, and just overall sad to be around because he missed you so much
- finally after a few days you reached out and invited him over to your place
- tear was shed and yuuji apologizing profusely
- “im sorry y/n i love you so much, i dont want to lose you”
- “you’re not going to lose me yuuji, i love you to much for that to happen just promise me no more secret mkay?”
- he agreed with a kiss that quickly turned heated and you were back in your room
- “he’s not going to..ya know?”
- yuuji quickly shutting it down because “nope, him and i have a deal, he won’t be coming out when it’s just us, i promise”
- that’s enough to put you at ease and soon enough, clothes were thrown off and you two were finally connected
- yuuji thrust were gentle, making it easier for you to get used to his size
- his fingers rubbing circles on your clit left your body shaking and your pussy clenching around him
- and when you both cum at the same time, you’re gripping and holding each other tight
- yeah he may have shedded a tear or two when he came it was just that good
- aftercare king where he cleans you up and cuddles, whispering ‘i love you’s and soft kisses
- “promise me you won’t die yuuji”
- there’s a pause before you feel his lips kiss your forehead
- “im not going anywhere baby, i love you”
- he promised no more secrets but right now he can’t tell you what will happen the day he finds that last finger
- but for now, he’s content with just holding you until then
aoi todo
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“that time you slapped him” + “he literally blew your back out”
- the time you’ve seen todo first time was shirtless
- you were terrified and turned on because what the fuck?
- no seriously, what the fu ck¿!
- dude is massive
- like was it even legal to be that massive?
- and when he dropped his pants for you the first time, you straight up walked out the room because there ain’t no way in hell
- “that thing is not going anywhere near my pussy”
- “please babygirl, just the tip?”
- it took a very, very long time before you even allowed that
- not even when your mouth watered or your pussy went purr
- his cock was just too big
- but after awhile you kinda got used to him once you realize all your insides were still in tact
- you’ve had some sex mishap, that was much was a given since this is todo we’re speak off
- you slapped the shit out of him one time when you heard him moan some idols name while he had his dick down your throat
- you didn’t let him touch you for almost a month
- he learned his lesson quick tho
- or that time he was fucking you standing up
- legs hanging over his broad shoulders while his hands held a tight grip on your ass bouncing you up and down on his thick cock
- you were three rounds in, body hot and covered in sweat
- the room filled with sounds of your moans, his deep grunts and the sickly wet squishing sound of your pussy
- todo was abusing your whole, having just made you squirt all over his cock had sent him into a frenzy, his pace picking up at a new speed
- until he took a step forward, his foot slipping out from under him, sending him falling back but he was quick enough to reach out to grip the dresser behind him
- but not quick enough to stop the stacks of manga from falling on top of you both
- one word to describe sex with this beefy man: passion
- everything he did in bed was always him trying to show just how much of a man he is and that only he could satisfy you
- whenever he was done with you, your limps were sore and achy
- it felt like you ran a marathon then swam six miles and back
- meanwhile he barely broke a sweat
- todo always made sure you were left spent and satisfied
- no matter when or where
- and he saw you bending over, getting a small peak of the underside of your perfect ass, he had to have you
- so that’s how you found yourself in a small closet, it could fit two people comfortably
- but todo made up at least three on his own so there was barely any room but that doesn’t stop him from fucking your ass
- you held your upper half up by gripping onto the shelve in front of you as his large hands grip and squeeze your plush ass
- “thats it babygirl, doing so good”
- it felt so good taking him like this, his heavy balls slapping against your soaked cunt while he pounds his throbbing length in and out your ass
- hands slapping each cheek before leaving you spread open to watch him fuck you
- “f-fuck so tight!” he thrust harder, pushing your body forward “you love when i fuck you with this big cock don’t you?”
- you move a hand back to try and slow his movement but he only grabs it and keeps his held to your back
- “too much d-daddy..s’ too big!”
- but he keeps going, grinning wildly when he heard that
- todo stretched you out good for him and it was still to much cock for you
- your cries and moans bounce off the walls, your grip on the shelf growing loose the faster he went
- he sends another hard spank against your ass before his fingers found your needy clit
- pinching and rubbing quick circles around the bud had you gushing
- “oh fuck yeah, you filthy girl cumming from getting your ass fucked? so dirty”
- your body shakes as you tongue rolls out your mouth, panting and whining like a bitch in heat
- “fucking needy, perfect girl just for me” he growls, his hips picking up speed as he chases his high
- “t-to..slow..down”
- you could barely get any words out, your brain slowly turning to mush as you become nothing but a toy for him to cum inside
- he was going feral, loving that he can turn you so dumb from just his cock alone
- the sound of wood cracking catches your attention before the shelf you’re gripping breaks, sending the front of your body forward down
- the scream you let out make todo halt all his movements, his big hands and large arms holds your middle to keep you up right as you start to sob
- “w-what’s wrong?”
- “can’t move…it hurts!!”
- white hot pain shoot through your back as you body goes stiff
- five hours later you’re being wheeled out the hospital with strict orders to not leave the bed
- you made todo swear not to tell anyone about this and swore on takada’s life that he wouldn’t tell
- but when yuuji comes to visit and ask what happened, here comes this big guy
- “it was my dick, my dick put her in a wheelchair brother!!”
- please slap him again sis
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sunnypogue · 3 years
um ok after i read that little blurb u wrote about sex toys i NEED reader using the princess plug on sub!rafe! like can you imagine her doing that and occasionally slapping his ass to mess with him and it’s like oh how the tables have turned (this could literally be only a few sentences but pls feed me)
nsfw under the cut
as this is an equal opportunity relationship, the only way rafe gets to use the plug on her is if she gets to use it on him.
and boy - does she take advantage of that.
it's a subtle plug, light blue (to "match his eyes" she joked)
she helped put it in bc rafe was slightly uncomfy with the concept of fingering himself open. teamwork makes the dreamwork bby.
after sliding it in, she immediately got him off with a handy, and within minutes he was rutting against her again, whining as she played with the plug, grinding it into his prostate.
she threatened him with the cock ring when he went for round three, leaving him keening and desperate on the bed.
when he finally made it downstairs to the kitchen, gingerly walking & dressed in nothing but a pair of loose shorts, she couldn't keep her hands off him, sliding her fingers down the waistband of his shorts, spanking his ass when he was in arms length, reveling in the groans and whimpers her tough, 6'3" boyfriend emitted.
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
If matchups are still open and if it isn't to much trouble may i have black butler (male) matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. Im a Capricorn, my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. I have medium length brown hair, green eyes i wear round glasses,pale skin and a lot of freckles. My height is 5'0. I also would consider myself helpful. If someone asks for help with work or something ill try my best to help them. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but i love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 6 years. I love animals and im planing on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets. My aesthetic would probably be cottagecore. Some things i dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk. I hope this is ok, sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering :)
Hello fellow INFJ, welcome to my humble blog! Enjoy your stay! I also considered being a vet, but I'm scared of dogs, so I dropped the idea XD Anyway, I match you with:
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This man is a literal sweetheart. He wouldn't even think of teasing you for being shy, if anything, he gives you some space if you need it.
He is definitely attracted to your kindness, it is something that he values, along with loaylty.
The domestic vibes I'm getting right now, omg.
He would love you even more if you got along with Soma, even though he can act more spoiled than Ciel and Alois combined sometimes.
Even if he had a hard day, he finds the energy to take care of you. Agni would love to do stuff for you, like cooking or washing your hair.
But he loves it even more when you do those things together. Basically anything that you like doing, cooking, tending to the garden, he'd love it if you could do it together.
Although he owes Soma his life, you give him something that he had never had in his life, warmth. And not just any kind of warmth, the kind that only true love can give.
He doesn't want to lose that and so you quickly become his number one, along with Soma.
The young prince is so supportive of you two, just saying. He loves to hear Agni talk about what you two do, because he loves seeing Agni happy. He also may or may not scold him to be good to you from time to time (only jokingly though, because it's clear as day that that man is smitten with you).
It is most likely that Agni has never been ice or roller skating, but he wouldn't be opposed to trying. He'd fall down a few times before getting used to it. Once he does it comes surprisingly easy to him.
He would love watching you ice skate, he thinks you look so graceful, like a ballerina.
If you fall down or get hurt, he gets really worried, please reassure him that you're fine.
I don't think he'd be too into dates since you're spending so much time together as it is, but apart from the skating, he would also like trips to nature, picnics in fields, mushroom picking, making flower crowns (he'd definitely blush if you put a flower crown on his head out of the blue, bby)
He is in awe of your choice of profession. It's one thing to be kind to humans, but a whole other to do the same for animals. Agni thinks it is much harder, since you can't easily articulate to them that you want to help and that makes him admire you even more.
All in all 10/10 supportive, cute boyfriend <3
Others I can see you with: Finnian - I think that he is very much like Agni in many ways, so I'm not gonna repeat myself and tell you some other things that I think would apply for Finny. You could actually teach him how to tend to the garden so it doesn't die. The poor boy is always afraid of hurting you with his inhuman strength and would train in secret with the other servants to learn to control it better. He would be more into taking you out on dates, if the young master gave him permission, he'd love ice skating, but would be terrified of roller skating, because whoa, there are wheels on his feet and omg what does he do now?? But his favourite would definitely be trips to nature, it makes him feel even more free than in the Phantomhive mansion.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
hi julie bby!ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
match me with someone from jjk and/or bnha pls! sanda is my alias and i use she/her, i'm 24yo, 5'10. my perfect date would just be a chill day at home playing video games or watching a movie, eating takeout and just getting to know each other. i need no fancy ass shit (@^◡^) my personality is loud, lmao i'm pretty chaotic... i'm not afraid to say what's on my mind and i literally take shit from no one! i have brown shoulder length hair, dark brown eyes, chubby face but i'm pretty slender built. thick as thighs tho! can my quirk or habit be that i sometimes am a tiny bit too aggressive? lol don't look at me \(≧▽≦)/ thanks bby ily mwuaaaah! kith kith <333
AAAA SANDA BBY! 🥺💓 HELLO HELLO!! thank you so much for participating in my event!! ilym! sending you all my hugs and kithes back!! 😘
i will be matching you with...
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The Hot, Flamboyant, and the most powerful sorcerer of modern times, Gojo Satoru!
OK SO NOW I can see the two of you as the perfect embodiment of the “too much energy meme” 🥺💗! The two of you are the most chaotic and couple ever and we love to see it! 😌✨
Both you and Gojo are very laidback (not to mention both tall cuties!) and that’s one of the reasons why the two of you are just perfect for each other! The both of you are loud, easygoing, and are not afraid to speak your mind. The fun and charming chaos that emanates from the both of you and the way the room just becomes livelier whenever you two are in it!  you never fail to lighten up the mood!  Ever since the two of you started going steady, Satoru introduced you to his three first-year students whom he cares about and loves dearly, and you bet both Yuji and Nobara start calling the two of you mom and dad! (even Megumi can’t help but call you that at times too! 🥺💓) 
There’s never ever a dull moment with him! the two of you could go on just any kind of date and would still enjoy it! Most of your dates composed of lounging around in your apartment! May it be playing video games, binge-watching shows on Netflix, or just cuddling! every day you learn something new about him and because of that, the more you learned that there was more to Satoru than his cheery and happy-go-lucky facade. You made it your goal for him to be more open to you and talk to you about his struggles, fears, and frustrations. It took a long time before he had the courage to open up to you, but you tell him that it’s a part of a process that requires a lot of patience and understanding between a couple. You were able to ease his worries by telling him that you will always be there for him and he can take one step at a time. 💞
Gojo on the other hand, keeps you grounded! whenever you tend to get a teeny bit aggressive, he gives you a knowing look and tries his best to calm you down by planting you kisses on the cheek and lots of back hugs! he’d reprimand you softly and comfort you always.  💕
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lannalovess · 4 years
Hey love! I saw that you do match ups so I'd like to request one! Could I get a romantic match up for danganronpa 2 and 3? I'm a female and a Libra. My favorite colors are white, rose gold and yellow. I have shoulder length brown hair with the front strands bleached, I have brownish-hazel eyes. I wouldn't say I'm an introvert and everyone who knows me would probably say I'm more of an extrovert (I don't disagree with that) but I do tend to become very shy from time to time. I'm a bit awkward when I met new people but I open up to them pretty quickly. I'm a mom friend and I (apparently) have a good sense of humor. Although I may be awkward at first I really do love making new friends and interacting with them. Some of my hobbies are baking, cooking, knitting, crocheting (I know I'm kinda of a grandma) playing video games and fashion! I really enjoy hanging out with my friends. I absolutely love watching the sun rise and set. I'm not a big coffee drinker so I usually have tea. I'm really big on affection, cuddles, hugs, you name it! Anyways I hope that's enough info about me! Thank you so much and have a fantastic rest of your sweetheart!💛
I ship you with.....
Nagito Komaeda!
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OK! OK! So when this mans first saw you he was like ‘woah that person is pretty, but they probably won’t even notice trash like me.’
poor bby boy :(
So I don’t how but somehow y’all started talking
he found your awkward but excitable nature “hopeful”
we all know he meant cute
So ya’ll start hanging out and stuff
your friendship legit the CUTEST ever 
especially with your motherly aura
Like his luck would do something and you’d be there for him and have like med kits and stuff probably 
OH I definitely see you making him some scarves and stuff for winter he would be so thankful 🥺
Though this is where it gets angsty
we all know he’s the type to avoid the person he likes so expect the cold shoulder from him for a little awhile
If you talk to him and explain and reassure him you’ll be fine
Be patient for this guy please :(
When y’all start dating I definitely see him reading while your knitting or something just drinking tea together side by side
No need for talking just your presence is enough
I’m crying happy tears just writing this man 😢
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solitcire-a · 7 years
[ Closed starter for @timeruins ]
     Silence was the last thing she wanted. 
    A few weeks had passed since Amélie had been deprogrammed. Overwatch operatives had wasted no time in releasing her from Talon’s hold and effectively erasing Widowmaker from existence, but she knew she was there. There was no possible way that she could escape the assassin, not when she knew parts of her lingered in the darkness, waiting to grab onto her should she show any sign of weakness. Despite Widowmaker being one of her concerns, it was not at the top of her list of… concerns. Being deprogrammed meant she could feel again, and she had yet to fully control her emotions.
    Perhaps that was one of the reasons Overwatch confined her to a suite within the base and kept her under heavy security. Guards at every doorway and window, always watching to make sure Widowmaker wouldn’t make a valiant return after being released from her shackles. How silly, she thought, to have so much security when she had no desire to return back to Talon. She wanted nothing more to do with the terrorist organization, not after she had killed so many people while on their side.
    Sighing as she slumped back in one of the chairs at the small desk, she set down the paperback book and leaned her head back. She had only seen a few people that she remembered back from the ‘good ol’ days’ but no one dared to come near her; It was as if they were afraid that she could kill them just by looking at them. Amélie had no interest in killing anymore… she just wanted peace even when it seemed she wasn’t going to get it.
    Hearing voices outside of the door made her perk up as she tried to focus on the tones, attempting to make out what was being said or who was there. All she hoped was that it wasn’t someone that was coming to interrogate her. She had already given Overwatch any information on Talon that they could wring out of her.
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marvelsdc22 · 5 years
Bad Things
Intro: Hello lovelies!! I hope you guys are having a good day/night!! This was requested by @veteranwerewolf95​, I really hope I did it justice for you, bby!! This is my first song fic, so enjoy!! :)
Note: Song is called Bad Things by Machine Gun Kelly and Camila Cabello. I followed the music video for some of it. Some fluff, but also very angsty. Italics mean flashbacks.
Word Count: 2367
Well I’ve recently gotten back into listening to MGK(Machine Gun Kelly for anyone reading this) and was wondering if you could do something with Lena Luthor x Fem reader based on his song Bad Things with Camila Cabello?
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‘Keep running, keep running’ you repeated in your head as you and Lena ran up the stairs of L-Corp, the two of you trying to escape the goons that Lillian had sent after you two with full intent on killing the two of you “Come on, this way” you said, pulling Lena up with you to the roof and slamming the door open with your shoulder, the two of you freezing when you got close to the edge of the roof, Lena gripping your hand as she looked at you “What do we do? I didn’t want this for you” Lena said, looking at you and gently cupping your cheek.
Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind? If you only knew the bad things I like Don't think that I can explain it What can I say, it's complicated Don't matter what you say Don't matter what you do I only wanna do bad things to you So good (so good), that you can't explain it What can I say, it's complicated
As the two of you stood on the edge, you couldn’t help but think back to all the good moments you guys had, smiling as several popped in your head, good and bad:
The two of you were relaxing on a blanket at a cliff that overlooked all of National City, just the two of you and the stars “I’m glad you found time to come here with me” you said softly, smiling at her as you rolled onto your side and propped yourself up on your elbow “Of course, I want to spend time with my girl” Lena said, smiling at you as she rolled over on her side as well to look at you better, you getting lost in her bright green eyes that the stars seemed to brighten even more “I love you” you whispered, freezing after you said it since you didn’t expect it to come out as naturally as it did since you had wanted to say it but you were too nervous to, watching as she froze as well before she broke out into a grin “I love you too, Y/N” Lena said, leaning forward and crashing her lips to yours, the two of you making love under the stars for the first time. Aye Nothing's that bad If it feels good So you come back Like I knew you would And we're both wild And the night's young And you're my drug Breathe you in 'til my face numb
“Lena” you said as you walked into her office, not even bothering to knock since you were tired of the radio silence you were getting from her, watching as she snapped her head up to look at you “What are you doing here?” She asked, furrowing her brow as she stood up and walked over to you “Do you not remember what day it is?” You asked, looking at her and watching her think before realization spread through her features “Our anniversary” she sighed, rubbing her temples and closing her eyes “Y/N I’m so-““Don’t, I don’t want to hear it, Lena… I’m going to stay at a friend’s house for a few nights” you said, looking at her and watching as tears shined in her eyes “But-“ Lena said, getting cut off when you held your hand up before you turned on your heel and left; that only lasting a few days before you came back and the two of you whispered apologies to one another throughout the rest of the night.
Drop it down to that bass drum I got what you dream about Nails scratchin' my back tatt Eyes closed while you scream out And you keep me in with those hips While my teeth sink in those lips (yeah) While your body's giving me life And you suffocate in my kiss Then you said I want you forever Even when we're not together Scars on my body so I can take you wherever
The two of you were laying in bed and catching your breath, you giving a small laugh as you shifted slightly “Did you have to scratch my back that hard?” You asked, looking at her as you rolled over onto your side to look at her better and wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close and burying your face in her long black tresses “It’s not my fault you’re so good with your hands” she teased, laughing slightly as she buried her face in your chest “Good to know I’m being used for my hand talents” you teased, laughing when she pinched your bare side “I’ll wear the scars with pride, just like the rest of them” you promised, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and the two of you laying in comfortable silence until you both drifted off.
Like I want you forever Even when we're not together Scars on my body I can look at you whenever
You smiled slightly as you went to pull a shirt over your head and caught a glance of the scratch marks Lena had left on your back “Bra is going to be uncomfortable, but it was worth it” you hummed, smiling as you looked at the scratches once more before you tugged your shirt on before leaving the bathroom and heading into the kitchen, finding Lena looking intently at her phone as she drank her coffee and finding yourself thinking of how you couldn’t wait to wake up to this every morning, making you freeze ‘Do I want to marry her?’ You thought to yourself as you looked at her ‘Yes, yes I do’. Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind? If you only knew the bad things I like Don't think that I can explain it What can I say, it's complicated Don't matter what you say Don't matter what you do I only wanna do bad things to you So good, that you can't explain it What can I say, it's complicated (Damn)
The two of you were at game night with the rest of the superfriends, you and Lena were squished next to each other on the couch with Winn sitting to your left and Kara sitting to Lena’s right “Anyone want anything else to drink?” Alex asked as she stood up, causing the game you all were playing to pause “I’ll take another beer” Winn said, looking at Alex and watching as she nodded before heading into the kitchen, you watching her head in there before you looked at Lena who was on her phone “Lena” you sighed, looking at her and watching as she waved you off before she stood up “I gotta go, my mother apparently needs my help” she said, pressing a kiss to your cheek before she said goodbye and headed out, you sighing and pouting for a moment but you knew you couldn’t stay mad at her for long, even though she left for work over you a lot of times you could never stay mad at her, it was complicated to explain but you loved her and you know this would all be worth it in the end. Aye, I can't explain it I love the pain And I love the way that your breath Numbs me like Novocain And we are (Oh) Always high Keep it strange OK, yeah, I'm insane But you the same
“You’re insane” Lena laughed as the two of you sat in the middle of a deserted road, causing you to laugh and look at her “Hey, you’re with me so I guess that makes both of us insane” you said, grinning widely at her and you having told her your plan from the get go so she knew what she was getting into “You’re sure we won’t get caught?” Lena asked, looking at you and watching you look around the road “Lena, no one’s here, it’s highly unlikely” you said, smirking at her as you started the engine back up “Lets do this” you said, grinning as you sped the car up and glancing at the speedometer as you kept your foot on the gas 120… 140… 200… 250… 280 “Okay, slow down” Lena said, holding onto the ‘oh shit’ handle but laughing as she said it, you starting to let yourself drift to a stop when you saw the red, white, and blue lights “Oh come on!” You shouted, smacking the steering wheel before you pulled over and rolling your eyes at Lena who laughed “Hush, you” you said, looking at her and grinning at her which she returned. Let me paint the picture (Yeah) Couch by the kitchen (Yeah) Nothin' but your heels on Losing our religion (Mmm) You're my pretty little vixen And I'm that voice inside your head That keeps telling you to listen to all the bad things I say
“Do we have to go?” You asked, pouting at Lena as you walked out in your outfit for the night, it being a Y/F/C knee length dress with black heels, looking at her and freezing when you saw her in her red dress that showed all of her curves “What’s wrong, love? Cat got your tongue?” Lena teased, smirking at you as she pulled on her red heels that matched the dress “You won’t be saying that when we get home” you stuttered out once you found your voice again, looking her up and down before she walked closer to you, you getting a whiff of her perfume she always wore, smelling like vanilla and her leaning close to whisper in your ear “Don’t worry, I’ll leave the heels on” she promised, lightly biting the lobe of your ear and causing your face to flush, hearing as her heels clacked on the tile after she left the room, leaving you standing there, flustered.
And you said I want you forever Even when we're not together (I want you wherever) Scars on my body so I can take you wherever Like I want you forever Even when we're not together (Oh, whoa) Scars on my body I can look at you whenever Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind? If you only knew the bad things I like Don't think that I can explain it What can I say, it's complicated Don't matter what you say Don't matter what you do I only wanna do bad things to you So good, that you can't explain it What can I say, it's complicated
You stood there, shifting from foot to foot, the weight of the velvet box feeling ten times heavier in your pocket as you waited for Lena to pull up, hearing her car pull up beside yours on the cliff, your cliff, before turning and smiling at her as she got out of the car “Hey, sorry I’m late” Lena said, pressing a kiss to your lips before the two of you sat down on the blanket you had laid out “Are you okay?” You asked, able to tell she was stressed and shifting to sit behind her so you could rub her shoulders, smiling when she released a relieved groan and leaned back into your touch “My mother is trying to kill me” Lena said softly, staring out over National City “She even threatened you, I can’t let you get hurt-“”I’m not leaving you” you cut her off, sliding your hands down to wrap them around her waist and pull her back against your chest, thinking about how your proposal could wait until another day. The way we love, is so unique And when we touch, I'm shivering And no one has to get it Just you and me (Right) Cause we're just living Between the sheets (You said) I want you forever Even when we're not together Scars on my body so I can take you wherever Like I want you forever Even when we're not together Scars on my body I can look at you whenever
You were walking with Lena to her office earlier that night since she had forgotten some things that she needed to work on and ever since the last assassination attempt on her you refused to let her go anywhere alone “Are you sure you left them here?” You asked, following her into her office and watching as she made a beeline for her desk after turning on the light, digging around her desk until letting out a triumphant ‘ah-hah!’ and lifting the papers “Told you they were here” Lena smirked, slipping them into her bag and you smiling until you heard footsteps “Is anyone else supposed to be here?” you asked, peeking out the doorway before quickly ducking back in when you heard a gunshot “We gotta run” you said, grabbing her hand before pulling her out of her office and towards the stairs.
Oh, baby Am I out of my head? (Am I?) Am I out of my mind? (Am I?) If you only knew the bad things I like (if you only knew) Don't think that I can explain it What can I say, it's complicated (yeah) Don't matter what you say Don't matter what you do (do, do) I only wanna do bad things to you So good, that you can't explain it (so good) Oh, baby! What can I say, it's complicated
Opening your eyes, you looked at her and gave her a sad smile, the footsteps approaching quickly before you jumped up onto the ledge of the roof and pulled her up with you, the two of you taking deep breaths as you both looked over the city, Lena clutching your hand in hers and turning to look at you with tears streaming down her face, you thinking about how the weight in your pocket felt even more heavier than before since you knew you’d never get to propose, reaching over and cupping her cheek “I love you, so much” you whispered, fighting back the tears to stay strong for her “I love you too” she said, letting out a small sob before the door slammed open behind you.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​​​ / @5aftermidnight​​​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​​​ / @aznblossom​​​ / @thelonewriter247​​
Lena Taglist: @life2-live / @supergirl-imaginess / @ianarec​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! I have never gone this in depth in a song before so thank you for giving me the opportunity!! If you want to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!! :)
Requests Open
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