#no mention of the co-writer but i meannnn... james has been couch bound for the last few months with nothing to do
In 2012, you’ve had a motorcycle accident. How has this experience impacted you as a person and your outlook on life? Gratitude. There was a snap cold that night and Nate Mooney had asked me to help him with some carpentry quite late. I always rode in a helmet, T-shirt and jeans, but the cold made me put on this kevlar jacket that came with the bike. I’d never worn it before. It was so cold that I even put on a pair of jeans on top of my jeans. I’d never done that before either. I woke up a day later in the ER. Some guy flipped me on the freeway and left me convulsing in traffic. A kind stranger pulled me out of a truck’s way. The cops said if I wasn’t wearing the jacket, my arm would’ve been torn off. Even with the kevlar, my clavicle was still pulverised into several pieces. It’s made of titanium now. The top layer of jeans were gone and the bottom ones were shredded. I was immobilized for a year. Luckily, I’d already planned to live with my pal James Rodriguez for a year before the accident, and he helped me through it like a brother. 
In what way has the accident impacted your passion for motorcycles and adventure? It helped me see when there’s too much chaos surrounding my risk. Motorcycles will forever be one of my favourite physical pleasures, but LA freeways are filled with people on their phones and checking themselves in the mirror. It’s not worth it to ride there, to me at least. James and I were skydiving from 18.000 feet a year later, so I’m always up for adventures. 
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