#no matter what nightmares i face i know it wont be enough to completley snuff me out so both me and my art are here to stay!
ronkeyroo · 2 years
Anon opinion: you seem really sweet! I've been following your tumblr for a little while and I love your art so much. I'm sorry you're going through some stuff rn but we're all rooting for you. Makes me sad when I see you're struggling but I love it when you're back ❤️
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Anon... ;; Goodness, reading this put such a warm glow on my heart, despite how much it ached for making the folks who care for me so tenderly worry all those times...Thank you, thank you so much for thinking of me and my art so fondly, for caring enough to leave such a tender message as well as rooting for me through my struggles ;;
Every fiber of my being yearns for the moment I wont have to go through all of those hardships anymore, but it makes me courageous , and helps keep me motivated knowing i've got such wonderful folk rooting for me in the sidelines ♥
Im happy to be back, even though im still sluggish, and i hope that bit by bit ill be able to re-connect with everyone again!
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