#no matter what i do nothing ever takes the place of you { makoto&majima }
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shininginyourlight · 2 years ago
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zevzevarainai · 4 years ago
Hey! You ever end up doing essay on the kazumaji gifs? (I'm highly interested because it's always majima o' clock where I live)
it’s always majima o’clock here too; maybe we live in the same area... but lmao i didnt write the essay on my kazumaji gifs because i didnt think anyone would want to hear it so i meant it more as a per request kind of deal. and you’re requesting. I want you to know you did this to yourself, my friend
below the read more for everyone’s well being. welcome to my first official majima analysis essay
ok so in those tags i said something like majima is softest with kiryu because it is absolutely the truth (unless you count makoto, which i love them too, but majima has moved on or at least is making an effort to. and that was pre-tacky snake skin jacket and pre-mad dog persona.) 
the prompt for the gifset was “maybe something about majima being stupid and unhinged but like, in a sweet way” and the whole point of this rambling is that kiryu is really the only one we see who causes the mad-dog persona to slip. kiryu says he can never get a read on majima but just because he is unpredictable doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand that he isn’t just batshit crazy. he trusts majima, and finds comfort in his lack of predictability, keeping kiryu’s life exciting and providing distraction from the insane amount of tragic shit that happens to kiryu. and majima has a similar experience of idolizing the yakuza lifestyle as teens/young adults only to have the yakuza drag them through hell. But this is supposed to be about Majima.
ANYWAY what GETS ME is again that mad-dog vibe slipping around kiryu. the only time we really only see it again is with Saejima when he comes back from jail. i’m gonna talk about that later too. LET’s GET TO THE GIFS i’m going in chronological order not the order i put them in
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Ok so as an audience, we don’t really know what happened between Kiryu and Majima between Yakuza Zero and Yakuza/Yakuza Kiwami. Yes, we get that tiny ending scene of Majima going KIRYU-CHAN for the first time and Kiryu smiling at him. But we are given nothing as to how they met or why Majima started calling him Kiryu-chan. It is left completely to the audience’s interpretation. Because then it goes straight to the first scene with Majima in Yakuza/Yakuza Kiwami after Kiryu gets out of jail. It implies that they already knew each other, and arguably that they were somewhat close -- close enough for Majima to “miss him.” (What was majima doing for those 10 years, i don’t know, but he clearly wasn’t in a great place, missing both kiryu, makoto, and saejima, we ignore y5 lore in this household or make up shit to fill in the giant gaps) You could argue that Majima missing Kiryu is just Majima being “crazy haha woah” but his character is so much deeper than that, and it’s proven in this gif’s scene. Yes he is fighting Kiryu with all his men. But if you are reading this you understand that them fighting physically all the time is a secret love language. They never intend to severely hurt each other. Fighting is how they know that they have an equal, someone else who was modeled into a weapon because of the Tojo Clan.
And yes, “He belongs to me!” is an extremely gay thing to say. He doesn’t even need to say that, though. One of his men didn’t understand that he doesn’t actually want to hurt Kiryu. The guy picked up Majima’s knife and tried to actually hurt Kiryu. Majima willingly gets stabbed so Kiryu doesn’t get hurt. That’s a handful of gay subtext right there. Majima’s first scene in y1 is about how the world is a horrible, shitty place that will chew you up and spit you out if you care. Then he goes and gets stabbed. Self-sacrificially. He cares about Kiryu, even if it hurts. 
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This one isn’t as deep. It stems of the same concept of them fighting each other as equals. Majima explicitly says more than once that strength is the most admirable trait, Goromi says that it only matters that a man is strong. Kiryu is the only person who presents a challenge to him. He admires him. 
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(As a disclaimer, I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with Goromi. I’ve also seen a lot of non-binary, gender-fluid, etc. people project on Goromi and Majima, and I feel like that can only be a good thing. Obviously they deserve more and more quality representation. I think the people who dislike Goromi are valid as well, but for the sake of this argument we are going to see Goromi as the people who project on her do and I’m going to use she/her pronouns when talking about Goromi.)
Regardless on your stance on this whole little side quest, the player has the choice to go along with Goromi which creates actually a lot of subtle connecting between the two of them. Even in just talking to her, we see the mad-dog mask slip. She talks about how much she cared about the girls at Club Shine and wonders how they’re doing. Literally says “all part of my tragic-ass backstory.” And Kiryu sympathizes with it. Says he sees through the “i hated it” bullshit and sees Majima/Goromi’s true self, which is that the cabaret job was hard for Majima because he cared about the women and didn’t like using them as a source of income and knew it would be his fault if they got hurt. 
Also, Goromi says that "When I’m with a guy, it’s all about if I’m having enough fun. That’s why he’s gotta be strong.” Sound like someone we know? Someone who we are talking about in the last gif with i-just-got-the-shit-beat-out-of-me-and-it-was-awesome bliss on his face?
Anyway, the scene in the gif is near the end of the session. Kiryu is talking about how he’s been in prison for 10 years, and Goromi says that now that he’s out he should try to relax and and a little fun. Arguably, “since you’re so lonely right now, I’m gonna give ya a hand!” is most of Majima’s role in YK1. Kiryu gets out of prison. Majima wants to fight him all the time and says it’s because he’s gone soft and needs to train. Majima Everywhere presents excitement in his life when everything else is hard and shitty and traumatizing. Yes, Majima kidnapped Haruka. But there isn’t a lot of info on that. Majima says he did it so they could fight but it very likely could have been an order from the Tojo Clan or even Nishiki. Until he develops a bond with Haruka, Majima is, in a way, all he has. Nishiki is mean now. Yumi is ???. Kazama is i don’t even remember but he certainly isn’t any emotional support. He’s lonely. Majima is the only person he has from before prison, and quite possibly the only person who understands what he is going through. 
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YK2, Kiryu has yeeted out of Majima’s life as Kiryu does, but he’s trying to protect haruka so I’ll let it slide. And what does Majima do now that Kiryu’s not there? Leaves the Tojo Clan. Yes it’s because he doesn’t like the 5th chairman’s style and to make up for Kawamura, but the point is he’s bored. The use of “MY Kiryu-chan” is obviously written there because “haha majima he’s crazyyy” but come on. Majima left the Tojo Clan after Kiryu stepped down as the 4th chairman. Because he was bored. Because he couldn’t trust his own men. The only person he considered an equal just wasn’t there anymore and he found it difficult to adjust. (That’s YEARNING, fellas)
So yes, HIS Kiryu-chan came home, but what is home in this context? It clearly isn’t the tojo clan, so I guess it could be Kamurocho in general. But if the clan doesn’t make it home, what does make it home? Perhaps a certain triangle shaped man??
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Oh boy silly Majima wants to fight Kiryu again hahaha weeeeeeeee NO listen, LISTEN, he does want to fight kiryu again, because 1) the man has been bored for a year 2) FIGHTING IS THEIR LOVE LANGUAGE 3) Majima is once again surprising Kiryu in a world where nothing surprises him anymore, where kiryu expects people to be vile and only want him for gain. Every single goddamn game it’s “Kiryu plz save the Tojo Clan plz” and Kiryu NEVER gets anything in return unless you count, i don’t know, Daigo and Haruka’s safety? But Majima doesn’t give a shit about any of that. Majima is one of the only people who consistently does things for Kiryu (even if they’re presented in an abnormal way). Majima is really the only one who makes sacrifices for Kiryu. But this fight, it kicks off YK2 of “hey, i missed you but i won’t admit it because we’re manly yakuza, please let me try to make you smile.”
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THE kazumaji scene. Going off of Majima being the only one to make sacrifices for Kiryu, here’s a perfect example. Majima first aids the Tojo Clan which he swore to leave literally only because Kiryu asked him to. Then, here, he get beaten within an inch of his life because he promised Kiryu he would protect Kamurocho from Ryuji. Majima does not give a shit about the Tojo Clan at this point. Yes, Majima LOVEEESSSS beating people up, but he’s fatally wounded. This is not a Majima who would die for the Tojo Clan. This is a Majima willing to die for Kiryu. After warning Kiryu about being to trusting, too.
And of course, we get the Majima collapsing on the pavement and Kiryu rushing in to CRADLE him in his arms like a damn fanfic. You’ve even got the “I did it for you” which everyone knows is basically an “I love you.” Look at Majima’s face in the gif. Bless the Kiwami 2 graphics, first of all. He’s looking at Kiryu like he wants him to be the last thing he sees, like he wants him to know that he’s going out for Kiryu, that despite the fact that he’s about to cough up blood he needs Kiryu to have the information he needs to save the clan and Kamurocho. He’s telling Kiryu all this with labored breath because he promised. Kiryu “One-Expression” Kazuma is viably worried as hell, the little nod in the gif kills me because Kiryu needs him to know he’s touched and he’s so grateful. The only reason Kiryu left him was because there was danger elsewhere and he trusts Kaoru enough to take care of him. (Side note: I love Kaoru Sayama, but I still feel like she’s good enough a character on her own and doesn’t need to be a romantic interest for Kiryu. Like it was like oh... she’s Girl so she needs to fall for the Big Strong Male Protag.... If Majima was a cis girl they would have made out in this game, maybe even y1.) 
7) Speaking of sacrifices, Yakuza 3, the game where Majima literally joined the Tojo Clan again because Kiryu wanted him to protect Daigo. That’s a huge lifestyle change, Majima.
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Yes, this scene is funny because Majima is riding in a Barbie-ass truck like a 15 year old driving on a learner’s permit in a downpour (yet proves he can drive stick seconds later) and thinks he hit Kiryu while he purposely hit everyone else. Look, Majima needs this ok y3 he looks like he’s been crying since kiryu left no one No One is going to hurt Kiryu now
That truck is likely stolen, he’s driving erratically as fast as he can because Kiryu is in danger, how did he even know that Kiryu was in danger is it like some kind of 6th sense... If you didn’t already know, I would take a bullet for Majima’s voice actor; his delivery of “Kiryu-chan! Where are you?!” could have just been like haha oops kiryu did i hit you ;3 but instead it’s this raw cry of genuine panic, like did his actions get kiryu hurt, Majima could not live with himself if he was the reason Kiryu got fatally hurt
8) Ok I’ve hinted at the fact that I have beef with the Hot Mess that is yakuza 5, wasn’t huge on Y4 and Y6 was fine but it was heavily based on the events of Y5. In my head I’ve got an entire fix-it fanfic in which Majima yeets out to Okinawa with Kiryu after Y3 I could write that upon request too ANYWAY here’s another sacrificial majima...
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Despite not caring for Y5, THIS SCENE is RAW. Maybe he’s not super “unhinged” in this scene but it’s just so much. Majima, who Kiryu brokedown in his taxi bc he thought he got killed (because Kiryu made him stay in the tojo clan haha we’re out here crying), chooses Kiryu over Saejima. Saejima, Majima’s oath brother, Saejima. We love Saejima, Majima loves Saejima, but 25 years is a long ass time. Majima changed. Saejima changed. For awhile he had Makoto, but then Kiryu was all Majima had for a good chunk of Saejima’s time in prison. This is the man Majima got his eye stabbed out for defending. But the BaD GuYs that arent memorable enough for me to even look up the names of are like look, we want to watch the world burn because we are Bad Guys, so either you are going to fight your brother to the death or we are going to snipe Kiryu’s daughter in the fucking head. Obviously he doesn’t know that Baba is going to betray them, so he has to pick between Saejima and Haruka. He chooses to potentially kill Saejima for Kiryu’s happiness. I’m sure if things didn’t change, Majima would have held back and let Saejima kill him. Majima would rather die than see Kiryu in pain. Majima would rather kill Saejima/let Saejima kill him than let Haruka die. If that’s not a giant declaration of unconditional love and devotion, I don’t know what else to tell you.
Anyway, thanks so much for indulging me and listening to my yakuza opinions if you made it this far you the mvp :’’’’)
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snowpeawritings · 6 years ago
Hi there! I would like to ask for a request for Majima Goro if that would be alright with you. May I have a NSFW imagine with him and a cute, very shy virgin s/o, please? I would like to see how the big, tough Mad Dog would react! Thank you so much!
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@mightylettuce, @asgardianfloozy i combined all of them in one go since these are really similar
Reader is gender neutral
CW (CONTENT WARNING): Sexual scenes, swearing, leather kink
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| SFW | Yakuza 0! Majima |
- He’s difficult to pin down what he’s thinking. With Sotenbori as his prison, he needed some time for himself trying to get out of this place. It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s hard with yakuza on his back and trying to join back into the ranks so he appreciates you trusting him with his time alone.
- He hates taking you to the Grande for… obvious reasons so dates mostly include a takoyaki stand, choice cans of beer, and a good story to tell. Yeah, there’s dance clubs but he likes to listen talking about your day at a nearby park. It doesn’t matter if you think your day was boring, he loves to listen to you talk and hear your voice.
- Speaking of cabaret clubs, the Club SunShine girls are your daughters and Majima is the tired father and there’s nothing to change that. Yes, while there were some girls that liked Majima, they were ultimately swayed by how soft Majima is when he’s around you. They notice how he makes an extra step just to see you happy and how close he stands around you. His happiness is so infectious, the staff let’s you two go on with giddy whispers on how cute you two are.
| SFW | Yakuza Kiwami! Majima |
- Screw thinking. It’s like this man is living in a shell within a shell within a crazed shell of a Mad Dog. Yes, while he’s free of his prison, he still suffers from memories of Makoto to taking down most of the Tojo clan, and being framed for murder. In short, he’s busy so just because you’re his S/O doesn’t mean you can slack off. Go be a motivator for Majima construction and he’s a happy puppy.
- If there’s beer, he’s a happy man. Probably as the years went by, his dates went under a massive upgrade from takoyaki stands to eating at an izakaya. Yeah, izakayas are boring but cut the man some slack as he defended his construction from people who want the lot. Bonus points if he’s drunk plus Kiryu is there. You’re gonna have a great time with him all over Kiryu’s lap (You treated Kiryu to free lunch as an apology).
- Ya’ll remember Yuki? She still thinks you’re crazy for liking Majima’s new look but she doesn’t say anything. The other FourShine girls are curious about the Lord of the Night’s S/O so when they see you and Majima they had immediate whiplash on how his eye softens when he talks to you. Nothing has changed ever since and there’s nothing that could change it now.
| NSFW | Yakuza 0! Majima |
- He’s got a silver tongue despite the Osakan accent. It never fails to get your knees to buckle when he talks absolute sin in your ear as he pounds into your core. It doesn’t even matter what accent he uses-his smooth voice oozes like the devil that makes you want more even if you came like three times.
- Speaking of tongue, him eating you out/blowing you off is his other job and he intends to give it his all and end it with a dramatic flourish. I’m talking seeing you writhe on the surface as your hips buck into his mouth as his one eye gleams at your incoming orgasm. Was it the third time? Fourth time? He doesn’t know anymore, he hurries his pace until your hoarse voice screamed again as his tongue tastes your essence again. You weren’t safe when his eye still gleams like that as he hoists your hips into his mouth again.
- Has developed a bit of a hair tugging kink on his end. That ponytail is just ripe for tugging and he’s begging for anyone to tug it. It’s the reason he keeps it on during sex after all. It’s sort of his bratty sub popping out that he wants his hair tugged to the point of pain but you didn’t hear it from me that Majima is secretly a sub shhh.
| NSFW | Yakuza Kiwami! Majima |
- He’s a bratty sub and I’m right. Ever since he broke out of his shell, he’s been adventurous in everything-especially in sex. You better be able to dom so he can finally be able to be fucked in the ass finally. If not, it’s okay! He loves to pummel you onto the bed until you cry out his name in the night.
- He still got the silver tongue but he adds a whole lot of colorful vocabulary into the mix. For some reason, his accent somehow added to the ‘make your legs don’t work any more’ factor as he promises to fuck you so hard, your skin would be marked with his love that people will know that the Mad Dog has claimed you-again and again and again.
- Loves loves loves to fuck you with his leather gloves on. He loves to toy with your sex with the leather, loves to choke you with a leather hand, loves to do anything to you with his gloves on. The added texture makes you squirm and you hate the fact that he always has a lecherous grin on his face as he shoves his fingers in your mouth. He also loves to wear them when using toys… like his dagger, but that comes in like prolly a year in the relationship (he’s a mad dog but that doesn’t mean he’ll cut you up without his consent).
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breziarchive · 7 years ago
Okay, for the valentine’s day boogaloo, can you write a nice little family fic with goromako and their six-year-old child? Like Majima went to visit them after getting some yakuza affairs done in Kamurocho, and its just cute and fluffy? Also for their kid, could you use my oc, Kaida? If not possible you're welcome to make up your own goromako child. But seriously I need this family fic in my life.
i have bargained with you on this and i hope it suffices
valentine’s day boogaloo - guidelines - ko-fi
Kaida frowned atthe paper, graded in green pen with a near-perfect score. The fewpoints lost wasn’t what was bothering her, it was her pencilscratches at the top of the paper; her own handwriting spelling outher kanji name in all its…unfortunate glory. Her mother wasfinishing up in the kitchen, putting the last of what she needed inthe broth to simmer. It didn’t take long before she wandered out tosit with her daughter for a while, standing in the archway to thekitchen and noticing her small but deep frown.
“What’s thematter?”
Kaida lifted herhead, not even attempting to put a mask on, “Mom, why did Dad nameme like this?”
“Hm?” Makotostepped out of her slippers and knelt down in front of the table,“What do you mean?”
“It’sjust…Little dragon? Nobody is named this, not the othergirls,”
“True,” Makotohummed, “But there’s no permanent harm from a unique name, isthere?”
“But…,” sheprotested, “Why,”
“Well,” Makotohummed again, choosing her words carefully, “We figured it’d besuitable for what we hoped,”
“Wasn’t it Dad’sidea?” she grumbled, and while Makoto gave her the benefit of thetruth in that one she gently reminded that the name had to pass byher as well. Kaida sighed, frustrated, then went back to looking ather paper. Sensing that there was more to this than just simplefrustration over a name, Makoto got up and moved to Kaida’s side ofthe table, facing away from it as she sat down.
“What’s on yourmind?”
“Nothing,” shegrumbled. Makoto sighed quietly, not moving. Kaida kept her thoughtsto herself for a long while. It was quite the opposite and the bothof them knew it.
It wasn’t likeKaida was unaware that her family was…less than conventional, butit seemed in the past few weeks with her twelfth birthday swiftlyapproaching that everything was starting to nag at her from the backof her mind. Her father, some crazed yakuza with one eye and apenchant for bared skin and brawls, seemed to come and go as hepleased—never consistent, never always there. He was ofcourse, there for the important things, but even that started tobecome sullied in her mind past the naïve enthusiasm she had heldbefore. It was recent that she realized that at school events andperformances her mother always chose seats in the far back if sheknew he was coming, always putting her purse down in an empty seat tosave one for him. Sometimes he’d show up in the nick of time,sometimes he was even early. But then there were times where he’dstumble in late, face hastily washed and moving like he had boards ofwood keeping his legs separated. As soon as he’d crash into his seather mother would lean over and brush something off with herthumb—blood that had reappeared in the time between washing hisface and appearing at the event. Why her mother never seemedperturbed started to infuriate her, especially when he was sitting inthe sea of other kids’ fathers and so glaringly not what they were.
The last weekend hehad visited he stumbled in much the same way and Kaida at firstwondered if he was drunk as he slid his hand over her hair, messingit up, before crashing on the far side of the table. Her mother hadsaid nothing, simply sat down next to his head as they murmured sweetthings to each other she was now having a hard time believing. He hadpassed out soon after and her mother spent the entire meal with onehand buried in his hair, smoothing and combing it out. Kaida hadcraned her neck to see bruises on his face. She didn’t understand whyhe fell asleep with a smile on.
Of course sheunderstood what he was. She still had stark memories of when she wasmuch younger; her mother had to go in for complications that resultedin a hysterectomy, a word that she was simultaneously proudand ashamed for knowing. That meant that Kaida had to be sent underher father’s care. He had tried to keep her at home as much aspossible, but there were some days that he had to bring her into thegrimy district of Kamurocho, where she saw languishing homeless anddrug addicts alike. Then that led to her walking in on what was mostcertainly something that scarred her—her father beating theever-loving-shit out of some man as he heard him screech in a voiceshe didn’t recognize. As soon as he realized she was there thebeating was passed off to one of his goons and he scooped her up andaway. The grim silence he held might’ve been angry, but he never saida harsh word to her. Now Kaida was wondering if that was almostworse.
“I just…,”she finally broke the silence, “I just don’t get it.”
“Your name?”Makoto asked.
“Everything,”Kaida crumpled the edges of the paper in her hands, “He only comesaround when he wants, you don’t question it, you love him for it, andhe’s nice when he’s here, but other places…,”
Makoto watched herdaughter steadily, not interrupted even as she saw the tears offrustration bead at the corners of her eyes.
“So what does hemean by little dragon? What does he want me to be? Does hewant me to be like him? No one we know is like him, and he isn’tchanging, he’s not staying around the house any more than he used to,and he’s not…he’s not…,”
Studying herdaughter for a very long time, Makoto sighed, then looked up to wherethe only photograph she had of Lee rested near his certifications forbeing a massage therapist. Kaida shook her head, getting one lastsentence in.
“I don’t get whyyou let him. I don’t get why you love him,”
At that Makotocouldn’t help but smile. Well. It was blunt, but she was so obviouslyher father’s daughter. Her longer face, fingers, limbs—her cheeksand nose may have still been button-like like hers, but Majima’sblood absolutely ran through her veins. The smile turned to a smallfrown as she continued to stare. She had, just a few weeks ago,already given Kaida the talk about her body, seeing as Majimacommented that she looked just like he did before he shot up to hiscurrent height within the course of a year. Jokes about guessing whather height would be aside, he must’ve not been wrong, because Kaidawas speaking about things Makoto knew she’d have to confront at somepoint. She was almost twelve. She couldn’t know everything, but allthe same she deserved some peace.
“I never told youabout how your father and I met,” she started carefully. Kaidascrunched herself closed and glowered.
“Yes you did. Dadwas a cabaret manager and you were his massage therapist and then youfell in love,”
“You rememberthat I was blind back then?”
“Yes. Dad hasthat awful joke about love at first sight, remember?”
Makoto barelysmirked, but her voice darkened with a softness that only came out atthe right moments, “Kaida. Your father was hired to kill me.”
Kaida’s head shotup, her eyes wide. No smart retorts, no questions, no nothing—justsheer, utter shock from something that, pardoning the expression, hither from her blindside.
“Long beforethat,” Makoto folded her hands together to keep them fromfidgeting, “I was…Captured. Captured and used. Lee-san, thoughnot your grandfather by blood, he was the one who took me in. Taughtme how to be a massage therapist. Not too long later…your fathercame into our clinic. He had been told to kill me.”
Kaida was silent.Makoto stared at her, soft but firm, which only hammered in howserious she was.
“I was blind.They—your father and grandfather—tried to protect me. I lostLee-san. I lost my brother. I lost…everything.”
She swallowed thenlooked away, not able to look at her daughter as she relayed what shecould, “There are…times. Things that happen, that make you haveto make a choice. And there are only two options. We named you whatwe did because, should that time come, maybe you will already havethe strength to make the stronger, harder choice. Like he did. Like Idid. But…,”
Makoto looked atthe darkening skies outside of the front door as early eveningsettled in.
“I think, morethan anything, we named you that in the hopes that you would neverhave to make that choice.”
Kaida remainedsilent, eyes wide in horror and awe. Trying to alleviate some of it,Makoto smiled warmly then reached over to tuck loose strands of herdaughter’s hair behind her ear, smoothing it back to the band of herponytail. Letting the silence speak for her, she got to her feet andstepped back into her slippers, finding her way back to the kitchento tend to the sukiyaki. Kaida looked back to the name scratched onher paper, barely realizing she was trembling.
She knew there wasmuch she didn’t know, but she didn’t realize just what shecouldn’t have known.
The lock unlatchedwith a familiar sound and from the kitchen Makoto heard her daughterspring up, scream ’Daddy!’ like she hadn’t done in a fewyears, and crash into her father at the door. Majima shouted insurprise, soon followed with tired but genuine laughter. When Makotobrought the pot of sukiyaki out to the table Majima was looming overit with Kaida latched onto his back, face buried in the back of hisneck.
She smiled at him.He caught on to the depth and smiled back.
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