#no legit she has so many different colours of pink on her its madness
priestess-draws · 1 year
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Fifty shades of pink (she might not be a lead cure but she's def the pinkest cure in history)
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In name and blood s3 ep1
ICONIC episode one of my absolute faves
excellent camera work that the episode opens with 
Reid fading out of sleep to see JJ looking like an absolute angel. I’d fall in love with her too
“we were supposed to play chess” oh Reid my baby </3 I hate that Gideon left him like that
No, Haley, Hotch is not OK being off work. he’s not doing the right thing. getting suspended was not a blessing in disguise shut up
Jack is adorable.
Morgan is fuming by everyone being off work 
Em couldn’t pick up the phone to JJ because she knows JJ would be able to talk her into coming back in. prove me wrong, oh you can’t? you can’t
i’ve definitely seen the blue jumper jj wears in this episode on emily 
morgan being devastated over hotch leaving >>>  
“look man are u a pain in my ass? yes sir but wanting to hang out with you and needing you to leave this team are two very different things”
strauss i hate you i hate you i hate you im glad u died oops i said it
emily coming in to resign from the whole FBI rather than betraying him/hotch telling her it’s a mistake/her smile </3
“it’s good to see you back. the team needs you” *pointed look at Strauss*
Emily is reckless and a badass and putting her in the bau is the worst decision strauss ever made if she wanted to control them tbh lolol  👏 👏 👏
Spence saying “has anyone talked to Emily?” 😢 
Morgan hates her and I feel it
Garcia wanting to talk Hotch out of it
loving watching this episode knowing they called back to it in season 14. 15? whichever it was. also when JJ had deja vu in that ep I was also having deja vu, anyone else?
this ep feels like the first time JJ had to step into a unit chief role even though it probs should have been Morgan. like when she calls Strauss out on how she talks to the local detectives? she knows how to do her job ma’am
“agent jareau, don’t question me again” = my mum saying “I do not like that woman” no shit 
oh i’ts the scene with the implication that Haley’s cheating on him!!!!! i so wish they’d gone with this storyline not because I want Aaron hurt but because i love angst and em would have been there to lick his wounds x 
always thought the vic in this ep looks a lil bit like elizabeth mitchell
even as a kid, david is creepy 
omg morgan has a motorola razr what a THROWBACK i had the hot pink one lol what a great phone. mine only had enough memory for like three songs but the keys used to light up so I was winning at life also i wonder how many of my followers are too young to know what a razr is
  i could fall asleep listening to the honeyed tones of derek morgan’s voice honestly
who has a shower in their basement? is this a normal thing in america? america, explain.
ok but the killer in this episode is stupid attractive and it’s conflicting
i miss emily 
Hotch being DAD!Hotch <3 <3 <3 
no you don’t gotta think Hotch go get your girl and get on the plane please like we both know you’re going to do please and thank u 
yeah the vic looks so much like elizabeth mitchell it throws me off a little bit but she also looks like someone else i can’t place
my brother things the unsub looks like scott lang (paul rudd) and he is very wrong
she could try and be a little quieter while she’s trying to escape and/or throw a chair at the window like i’m pretty sure that would break he glass and also attract some attention especially from the postal guy who walks past
aw this is the ep haley leaves hotch isn’t it maybe that’s why they didn’t go with the cheating storyline
“NO they need Gideon” shut up haley don’t demean him 
you know who would never give him an ultimatum like this? emily elizabeth prentiss
haley using Jack against Hotch = not cool.
emily huffing before she opens the door. letting hotch into her apartment. her mezzanine appartment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
the red top and the red tie
“sorry i barged in” with no intention of leaving at all 
emily is mad when he suggests Strauss asked Emily to spill the dirt but like, honey, she did???????????
this is the absolute foundation of their friendship prove me wrong
“i told you, i hate politics”
“come to milwaukee. i’ll make you a deal. if your ready bag isn’t packed and ready, i’ll leave you alone. if it is, I want you on that plane with me. one more case.”
“I already turned in my badge and my gun.”
“that’s just hardware”
a god-tier scene if ever there was one 
omg “talk dirty to me” and then it’s strauss i love this scene
this episode is truly underrated
Strauss did NOT just cut my girl off
legit i work in a school and this description fits so many kids it’s unreal it’s not an exaggeration how many files the clerk hands over to JJ
he’s a creepy kid but he’s also really cute and i hate when his dad hits him it makes me so sad
“I WILL NOT ALWAYS BE AROUND” is so sad is so sad
my loves are about to arrive
reid is so happy when he says “look who’s here” his lil smile makes me so soft
“how fast can you get us up to speed?” “how fast can you sit down?”
BAU lady flirting do be like that and also Emily in the baby pink top and JJ in the baby blue top >>>>> i love colour theory
can never figure out if JJ is lying about not seeing Garcia before she left or if Garcia literally doctored it all so that Hotch and Em would come back but either way i love this team with my whole heart do you hear me
“i stepped on her hair” makes me feel sorry for Strauss
Em is still tanned i would like to point out.
reid talking about being the perfect child for a dad </3 his daddy issues make me sad
emily’s hair is so perfectly curled and it is beautiful
hotch calling Garcia out on the ‘glitches’ and thanking her in the same breath >>>>>
david bringing his dad home a victim. knowing emily kept tracks on david for years until she faked her death. its so tragic but i love that they carried on this story
jj’s make up is so early 2000s in this episode
em in cargo pants/hair up/combat boots is everything i love in the world i’m crying 
“technically you’re not even in the FBI” “all the better” “well if i’m no longer in the FBI then you have no authority over me”
take that Strauss
david and emily’s first meeting knowing what happens years later 😭 😭 😭
emily’s maternal instincts >>>>>>>
my little brother has never seen this ep and audibly gasped when em gets the board to the head like i know right? the audacity of this man
whys it always em being hurt tho
i hate them holding the guns at David even though they have to
Morgan literally drags Em out of the way by her arm and idk why I find that so funny
JJ checking on Em >>>
there’s way more blood on her in the ambulance than there was downstairs jus saying that’s sus
“i never even told the boy to bring me this last one” they truly left the door open for a follow up episode
“none of you will ever move up the chain of command, you know that?” *cough*flash forward to Em being Unit Chief and the potential first female head of the FBI *cough*
emily ‘hates politics’ prentiss chooses apartment with a perfect view of capital hill. i head canon that it was after this episode that she moves out of that apartment and into the one she shares with Sergio 
aw emily is sad and hotch is sad and strauss is sad
and now spencer is sad 💔 
thanks a lot brothers crying now 
we aren’t gonna talk about gideons exit mirroring the storyline of the serial killer who literally destroyed him because it’s bullshit ok
the end x
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