#no kidding the main character copies out whole passages from ancient books into a notebook because a) no camera phones b) no scanners
coffeebean-88 · 2 years
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🔮 10th October: Name a horror title that has some academic themes and that you can totally recommend
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova!
This is one of those books that I've had for years and don't quite remember how I acquired it, but when I finally read it in 2020 it was WOW. I mean, the pandemic was happening so I think I was really desiring a book through which I could do some imaginary travelling (Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, England.... ^_^). I remember being glad it was a long book because I was enjoying it so much!
I have since read reviews that say the plot is a bit loose, but if you're the kind of person who likes taking time to smell old books, or writing notes by hand, or chasing singular references to obscure things all over the internet... Well then this book kind of puts on a pedestal that life but as a cool plot. Oh, and there's vampires too!
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