#no jump scares allowed it’s Christmas Exie what where you thinking!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣
foxgloveinspace · 9 months
lmao i sent a photo of iii to my cousin being all like “i need him” and my cousins response-
“exie… he’s scary. you did not need to jump scare me on christmas eve” 😂😂 she doesn’t get it, which i suppose is nice because it means we’ll never fight over a guy ever. polar opposite tastes lmao
but i can’t stop laughing at the jump scare comment like he’s not even scary (i say as i was literally terrified of him in person)
Literally my sister has a phobia of masks, and I have a mask kink🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so I get this, haha.
Also, like. Irl I know I would scared so bad of them? I would be SO freaked out😭 but on screen that’s just them ya know? I just know it’d be different irl, haha.
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