#no joke I would kill someone who tried that with Chui
halfdeadhalfdrunk · 9 months
Ahahaahaha, Winged Lion you giant piece of shit, I'm so glad Laios ate you.
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Didn't even notice it populated Marcille's treehouse with birds that look just like Pipi, her childhood pet, but goddamn what a low blow.
It was such an effective villain in those last few chapters of Dungeon Meshi. Damn, what a finale.
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donaldresslerfanfic · 7 years
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Content.
Word Count: 2265
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Thirty Two.
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
I didn't know if we were still dating, I didn't asked him, I didn't wanted to talk to him. I left the office with tears still trying to escape my eyes.
I got back to my place and turned on the TV. The news broadcast was still staying that they needed Liz for questioning, some man I didn't care about was giving a speech about some conspiracy and some shadow government.
I didn't have anything else to do. If anything went according to plan, Raymond should be hiding underground. He couldn't leave the city. I had no more projects to work on, and if I did I wasn't in the mood.
I packed a little bag and got my things in my car, making sure to turn everything off in the house and locking the door on my way out. I got in my car and drove.
Since I couldn't take a flight straight to my sister's and I couldn't drive 6 hours to her house, I spent almost 2 hours trying to leave DC. When I finally made it out and ended in Delaware, I left my car in the airport in Wilmington and took a plane to Rhode Island.
When I got to my sister's place just before lunch I really couldn't hold in the fact that things were not okay, and my sister could see right through me. I walked into her place and the fact that I had not given her a warning I was coming made her worry more.
"I'm impressed you actually made it out of DC, things are a nightmare over there"
"Tell my about it" I said unenthusiastically. I plopped down in the couch in front of her TV. She was holding my baby nephew who was almost 6 months old. She sat down next to me and looked straight into my eyes.
"Maggie what happened?" She asked serious.
I just shrugged and sighed
"Donald and I had a fight"
"And you left the state" she concluded with a tone on her voice like it was a logical reaction. I just nodded "What was the fight about?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and leaned to hold Nathan
"That's not important" I gave the little one a kiss on the cheek. We heard the front door open, Ethan must've been out getting my nieces from school.
"Did you see baby? He's taken hostages in a dinner" Ethan walked with Ella on his arms, Maddie turned the TV on to the news broadcasting the hostage situation in a dinner. I recognized the building, it was Chui's. I frowned and tried to listen attentively.
"-where the most elusive fugitive in the history of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Raymond Reddington has taken this local dinner, we believe there are at least 20 citizens taken hostage, and he's in the company of the Russian terrorist and ex FBI agent Elizabeth Keen"
"What are you doing here?" I heard Ethan ask. I looked behind me and gave Ella a little smile. Ethan was looking at me also worried.
"Don has been assigned to that case" I pointed at the TV. "I don't think I'll be seeing much of him" I turned and continued to look at the screen. Ethan said something about Don but I didn't hear him, I was focused thinking.
He wasn't supposed to be out, he was supposed to be underground until he could leave the city, Chui's place was the contingency plan of the contingency plan. What went wrong?
Donald must've chased him out of hiding. That's what happened. Don was a lot more perceptive now. He had been with me for a while, he must've known how to find the hidden basement.
Don was a smart contender, and Raymond would be a fool to underestimate him. The thing was that I hadn't mapped out the truth in Chui's place, so the persuit would probably end as soon as Raymond leaves the dinner. Unless someone tips him off, Raymond will be out of the country by the end of the night.
"Get the word out there. They're in the wind and we're back to step one" I said to Aram. I gave Samar a quick look before I walked past her.
This had been a long, long day. First the AG, then, the persuit, the city gets blocked off, the basement in the bar, the Russian embassy, the dinner. All of that in just one day.
And then there was Maggie. I must admit I was tremendously mad when I saw all the files in the desk. All of then staring back at me, they represented a joke, a lie.
Then again, it had also been me who told Maggie "you'll tell us the right thing at the right time". She had, and it blew back on her face. That fight we had in my office had been pointless. We couldn't be apart, not now that things were out for grabs, I didn't know if this Cabal was as powerful as they said, but I couldn't risk having Maggie in danger.
I went to her place late at night, past dinner time. I was confused as in why all the lights in her house were out, she usually left the porch light on. Then, my confusion increased when I heard the deafening silence around. I walked upstairs, her bedroom door was open, I walked in and saw everything neatly folded. I opened a few drawers and noticed some clothing missing.
My suspicions confirmed themselves when I opened her door to the side of the garage and found it empty. She was gone.
I fished my phone from my pocket and dialed. Her phone rang a few times before the voice mail hit me. I called again, straight to voice mail this time. I tsked my tongue and quickly typed.
"Where are you?"
I waited a few seconds, I watched her chat give her away when she went onlone. She didn't reply me. I typed again.
"Maggie answer me where are you?"
"You care?"
She probably didn't write back mockingly, but that's how I read it. Like "what? You care now?"
"Yes I care Maggie. Tell me you're okay. Again, where are you we need to talk this out"
She didn't reply for a while, but she was still online. I sighed and walked to the living room, sitting alone in the couch.
"Answer my call"
I exited the app and dialed her again. This time she picked up.
"I'm at my sister's house" she instantly said.
"Why are you there? Why did you leave Mags?"
"What do you mean why did I leave? I left because you told me we were done"
"Mags" I sighed, rubbing my forehead with my fingers "I was angry, angry at the situation. Angry at everything, Maggie Liz killed the Attorney General, I let her walk away for her to do that. I'm complicit in this case, I don't know where they are now. You can't blame me for being mad"
"I'm not, I knew what I did was wrong. But I was stupidly hoping you would understand"
I sighed, closing my eyes again and throwing my head back on the couch, I was exhausted. Maggie was the one who slowed me down after a tough day.
"Come back" I said lowly, Maggie remained silent on the other side "I'm sorry Maggie I mistreated you. I need you here"
"It's the fridge" she said, I frowned and straightened on the couch.
"What are you talking about?"
"In the dinner, the fridge it's the way out. I excavated down almost two levels down, the tunnel ends in about a block, then exits in a alleyway with immediate road connection. There are other passageways in the tunnel that I didn't built, but connected just in case, I don't know where they end up"
So that's how they got away. I had my team dismantle the dinner, but I think Maggie would've been careful enough to not let them be found.
"Come back" I repeated, dismissing what she told me. I needed her back.
"I'm not doing this, whatever this is going to be." I could hear her voice breaking, this was probably hurting her more than it was hurting me. But damn me, I felt lonely. "You do your job and get Liz, and when you stop what you're doing I'll come back"
"Maggie please-" dial tone. She hung up. I watched the screen tell me how much our call had lasted, then I pressed the home button to look at her stare back at me from my phone screen.
The tip Maggie gave me actually turned out to be helpful and fresh. I chased him down to Ohio and on the way uncovered a world hunger crisis.
But after that, he was gone in the wind again.
While on my way to DC I purchased a ticket to Rhode Island to get Maggie back. I went home, changed clothes and left again. I needed to be back soon, so I didn't pack anything.
An hour or so later I was standing in front of Maddie's house. I knocked on the door, Maddie showed up on the side glass next to the door before properly opening it. She scanned me up and down quickly, then left. A few seconds later Ethan showed up, opening the door and exiting before letting me in.
"Listen, Don." He crossed his arms at his chest "I have a baby boy with colics and he's starting teething, my wife I'm pretty sure she's having some post partum depression thing and I found out yesterday that my seven year old has a boyfriend, despite all that, I can totally make a bit of space to beat the shit out of you if you make my sister in law cry."
I scoffed with a bit of humor and shook my head.
"I'm here for Maggie, we just had a fight and I wasn't expecting her to run off like she did. I want her back and this will pass. We're in a complicated thing and we're still trying to figure it out. I don't know what she told you-"
"She told us your guy's fight was none of our business, and granted it isn't. But I've witnessed first hand Maggie's shitty relationships. I don't want to see her like I have before ever again"
I nodded, and Ethan opened the door.
I gave Maddie a thankful nod, she was holding and swaying Nathan around.
"Second door upstairs, she's cleaning up the girls' room"
I nodded and walked upstairs. When I got to the second door, Maggie was with her back to me, picking up clothes from the floor. I walked in and closed the door. Maggie turned around and stood there, then she frowned at me, leaving the clothes on the bed.
"What are you doing here?" She asked. I walked to her, but she took a little step back. That hurt.
I looked to the side and walked to the bed instead, sitting on it
"You weren't coming back and we still need to talk."
"Do we?" She asked, her eyes leaving mine and picking up some more clothes from the floor.
"Yes, we do Mags. Listen" I leaned in and extended my hand to grab hers. She didn't pull back from my hold, so I  pulled her to sit with me. Reluctantly she did, and once she was sitting my hand didn't let hers go "we were both wrong. We both had out faults and you accepted yours, and like you said, you chose me but I didn't chose you."
She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and sighed. But then she frowned and looked straight at me
"What are you doing here?"
I frowned at her and shook my head a bit.
"I'm here to take you back home Mags I miss you"
"No" she shook her head "I mean here in the states. Didn't you guys figure out the tunnels and where they led? I mean I didn't say it but I made it a little obvious"
"Yeah, to the Baltimore dock. They did left, but turned around. Caught up to them in Ohio"
She frowned even more
"Ohio? What the hell is in Ohio?"
"Some Cabal related organization. Maggie" I returned back to out previous conversation. Reddington could wait "Maggie I'm sorry, I know it was a poor choice of words when I said we were done" she was going to take her eyes from mine again, but my hand shot up to cup her cheek. She looked down, escaping my gaze. "I chose you today Mags"
She let out a huff through her nose and looked up at me.
"Maggie come on" I pleaded. She looked up at me and gave me a twist of her lips.
"Raymond might need my help, where does that leave us?"
"I'm don't want to think about that now."
I leaned in, pressing my forehead to hers, looking down at her lips. Maggie let out a soft sigh and whispered
"Fine" I leaned forward and kissed her, I'd missed those lips, how soft, sometimes demanding, how she sometimes slipped a bit of tongue or how she sometimes ended with a little lip bite. I held her by the waist and pulled her close, leaning back on the bed and pulling her over me.
That night, I was lucky enough to hold my girl to sleep, and granted a needed it. I needed her.
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