#no idea where leika'le would be at this point. maybe on odessen as well? or somewhere else? who knows!
oolathurman · 2 years
Tagged by @valleyofthemachinegods and @gaithe-guy
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Unfortunately since my writing habits are "I will write when I have inspiration and post immediately not beta read we die like men" that means I never really have like. backlogs. of anything I write lol. That said, I will write something anyway since I got tagged by two people :P
I'm. Also not gonna tag anyone because this got long. I also broke the rules by writing something new anyway soooo /shrug
"You two be good for Uncle Coshbyss and Grandpa Rakheshi, okay?" Azukni hugged her two girls tightly. Elanii sniffled, brow furrowed as she blinked back angry tears. Kadryd didn't bother hiding her crying and hiccuping. They were so brave for this. She was so proud of them. And they were both so so strong, but she refused to take them to what was essentially a guerilla military base on an unknown planet.
Logically speaking, everything inside her screamed "don't go to Odessen." But hours upon days of meditation told her that yes, this was right. That was where she needed to be.
The Force was very frustrating to work with sometimes, but she needed to listen. She still wouldn't risk her children being actively in harm's way, though.
"I'll call all the time and then you two can tell me whatever silly shenanigans Lt. Green's been up to, okay?" she smiled. Her voice was cracking, her throat was closing up, her eyesight was blurring. No parent wants to see their child cry. "And as soon as it's safe..."
Neither of her girls wanted to let go. Azukni didn't either. She took a deep breath, did her damnedest to center herself. "I promise I'll come back and we'll all go together."
Kadryd held up a tiny chubby hand, pinky in the air. Her elder sister did the same. Azukni took their pinkies in hers. "Pinky promise."
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