#no i have not watched season 3 and i don’t want to ✌️
monochromemoomin · 2 months
jessica jones fandom where are you
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writinandcrying · 9 months
TMNT ONE SHOT - Holiday Season - A Special gift
Christmas was not your favorite holiday, at least you had a mutant turtle to help out in this trying times (GN READER, Tw: dysfunctional family, arguments and bickering related to food, crying mentioned)
Fluff - makeout / first kiss with *insert turtle you like* after a shitty xmas (English isn’t my first language and I didn’t proof read this 😗✌️, pls don’t hesitante to correct me if you see something off putting, I hope you guys still like it!)
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You climb up the last steps of the fire scape connecting the roof top of your building, dragging your feet as you groan one last time, it’s impressive you can hear your relatives arguing several stores bellow, you have lost count how many times people can pick on each other on their free will. You drag your hands along your face and sigh, you want nothing more but to distance yourself from that.
You didn’t get to feel much of The “Christmas spirit” everyone seem to love and cherish since you left your childhood years, and it seems that every year you learn to dislike December a little bit more. As much as The Grinch was deeply relatable for you lately, you didn’t want it to be, having a dysfunctional family in such a tender Holiday was kinda like receiving punch in the gut every day until 25th of December died out. After the first 10, the warm smiles and happy wishes over a great season seem to constantly mock your misery, leaving you bitter and resentful.
Leaning over the edge of your building, you check the many light up windows and different narratives playing along on your neighborhood, a family all gathered up taking a picture by their decorated tree on the left, you let a chuckle out by thrilled parents filming a rather young child by your right, to what it seems taking their first steps by their excitement.
it was nice seeing different kind of life’s playing along the fairy lights on the streets bellow, secretly wishing yours would be a little bit like theirs, reality seems distant as you accidentally disassociate, thinking how -your- family would be seen compared to those merry ones, your parents resentment growing against each other every minute, barking mean comments left and right to you messing apparently everything up. The perfect picture of a broken home. Awful to see, awful to be part of.
You sigh as you recall what drove you to the edge moments ago, a silly comment really, it was so small compared to the constant bickering around the whole month of December, but picking on you eating a single cookie? That you made? You spent the whole day cooking. The whole day trying to have a good Christmas, you can feel yourself fuming as you remember how much you have worked your ass off the whole month for their presents, for a good Christmas dinner, as they wouldnt even buy a single pair of sock for you. Give you a single “thank you” for all of your efforts, You tried, you really did, Despite all the odds against your favor, you still tried, when you finally decide you give yourself a taste of your hard work, your family dares to give you shit about your eating habits? No. Nuh uh.
That was the last drop. You marched to your room as you heard someone giving you shit one last time after harshly dropping the plate on the dining table. knew you would be screwed when they found out you were gone, no amount of locks would keep them at bay for longer than 2 to 3 hours. But god, you needed a time out. Yes, you would rather freeze your butt on a dirty and frozen roof top than to listen to another passive aggressive bullshit comment.
“you have been hiding here all this time?” A familiar voice fills out of the foggyness of your thoughts, your head turns around slightly, watching a well known silhouette marvelously shining through the moonlight “nobody’s seen you in days” his tone isn’t harsh or accusative, you can almost hear a incredulous chuckle out of him, he speaks lightly, curious to your whereabouts, you can also hear him landing near the regular rooftop entrance, you stare once again to the uncountable windows and buildings in front of you.
He waits for you to retaliate, reply with witty comeback, flash him an apologetic smile, anything, but silence wins you over. He knew something was up when you were this quiet, your family would be the main topic when you vanished like that, he also knew you needed space to deal with such matter, in due time, you would ask for comfort, you would seek for his presence, just like when he comes to you, yet this time it never came, you never came. The ninja turtle slowly leans over, trailing his eyes ahead as you do.
A sniff catches him off guard, he knows it shouldnt, but it does, he glances at you to finally see your glossy eyes staring ahead, a blush covering your cheeks and nose; You look adorable, sad, disappointed, frustrated, but still can’t help but to find you adorable, his hearts stings as you rapidly catch a sneaky tear roll down your cheek, turning your back at him before he can catch you in this arms.
“Didn’t want to bother.” your voice comes out more shaky than you would like, a bit hoarse due to the current season, you rub your hands together, if he questioned about your well being, you could just blame it on the cold weather,on the perfect snowflakes falling above you two.
“You could never bother” he trails along slowly, weary as if you were a scared cat, afraid that any hasty movement could make you dash “how about we go to the lair? Everyone misses you.” he gently places a hand on your back, “I miss you” he ponders, moving slowly to be by your side, your eyes don’t meet his, he wants to lean down, he wants your eyes locked on his, he wants you to trust him as much as he trusts you, he wants nothing more but to hold you close and kiss your sorrows and tears away.
he stays put instead, waiting on your call.
You instinctively turns towards him, his warmth drawing you in, you want to smile, to tell him over and over that eveything is fine, you were just busy, he doesn’t have to worry.
Instead your mouth is pressed in a tight line, you can feel your lips trembling when you try to speak, you know words will come out wobbly, and for the first time, you won’t be able to hold back tears in front of him. This is pathetic. You think, you want to be at the lair. You want to be near them, but how can you explain you can’t bare to see their love, brotherhood and companionship tonight? You can’t feel part of it? This night isn’t about you, it has never been and it will never will be, you just get used to it.
You look up; your thoughts swimming through your eyes, you open and close your mouth, how do you explain you crave affection, but can’t seem to bear it?
The turtle holds you in a swift movement, carrying you with ease, gently but still firmly holding you against his plastron in princess style, the familiar adrenaline rushes trough you as you can feel him jumping from roof top to roof top, you don’t have words to question him, astoundingly admiring him as you stare at his focused face facing the horizon ahead.
You close your eyes for a moment, learning your face over the valley of his neck and collarbone, in a blink of an eye, songs, chatter and laughter fills the air and you remember you are in New York , the most magical city to be this time of year. Yes, you had probably the crappiest month of your life, but for a moment, you let yourself drift away in bliss, focusing on sounds and passing colorful lights.
He settles both you on a empty office balcony, everything is dark inside accept for the faint lights on a very worn out tree looking back at you, you check your own reflection, your eyes are red and puffy, your hair is uneven, and there are millions of colors shining behind you.
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The Rockefeller was the most iconic place all over New York during Christmas time, slowly turning around, the tree and it’s surroundings leaving you both speechless, you loved Christmas lights, it was impressive to say the least how the decorations were absolutely ethereal. ever so slowly, you both sit down and admire the virw quietly.
“You don’t have to deal with everything on your own” is the first line he graces you, you wanna laugh with that alone, look who’s talking you think over, but you can’t say it, you know he is right, he chuckles as if he could read your mind, he gently tilts your head upwards “next time, call me. Text me. Reach out, for goddess sake.” He smiles at you, you let out a huff, smiling shyly “you have so much on your plate already, I just, I didn’t-“
“You deserve so much better” he shakes his head, lips pressed in a thin line. Over many years of his life, he has thought he had too little and humans had absolutely everything on top side, it was unfair and left a sour taste over his mouth. you have shown him that kind of thought was childish, he had a family, he had people he could count on, that’s alone is a lot more than what many people have, He can’t take that fact for granted anymore.
He also knew your biggest wish was to be part of something like that, his biggest wish was to make you feel part of it, maybe even something more.
You shyly lace your pinky with one of his fingers, ducking away as you felt your face burning under his deep gaze, you were so appreciative of his family, of him, of his patience and dedication, to say you have a crush on the turtle was an understatement, everything the he did made your heart skip a beat, the way he would always seek out for you during hangouts, how he cared for your preferences and well being, you found yourself unable to look away when he was training, when he would laughs so care freely, when he gets lost on his interests and everything seems to slow down around the both of you. You rest your head gently over his shoulder, you know you can get lost in his eyes quickly, you bite your lip when you think of his, and how heavenly it would feel against yours.
“It’s alright..” that what you manage to come up with, it’s cheap and it’s empty, but you don’t know what else to say. “No it’s not.” He says it firmly, interlocking your fingers tightly to prove his point.
Sometimes, you swear he feels the same as you do, you swear you can catch a soft longing from him across the dinging table, across the dojo over self defense training, short glances that are filled with unspoken words, that the innocent touches are not so innocent anymore. but life has taught you not to hang on those wishes, not to have hope. It was hurtful to do so.
“why do you care?” you let a frustrated sigh out, you hate how you just asked that the moment the words left your mouth, you aren’t frustrated at him per say, more towards your feelings, at how clammy your hands feel around his, how fast your heart is beating, how you secretly hope he knows that you didn’t mean to let that question out, how much of a chicken you were, how you fought annoying daydreaming scenarios with him on daily basis and yet just wish he kissed you already.
“Because I do.” he makes you look at him again, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, and for the first time tonight, you look at him, you really look at him, how he is breathing fast, how dilated his pupils are when he looks at you, how his thumb drags temptingly over the bottom of your lips, letting out a shaky breath as he squeezes your hand one last time.
“because I just do.” His gaze is locked in yours, pleading, full of what you have denied yourself for years, telling eveything you have ever wanted without any words. He was yours, and you are his.
you finally tell yourself fuck it and kiss him.
It’s desperate, it’s passionate, it’s eveything you want and more, you drag your nails on the nape of his neck and draws him into your space, your chest hits is plastron as he grips your hips as he pins you down against the ground, the way you hook one of your leg on top of his shell drives out a moan out of him, making you arch your back, you nibble his bottom lip as you swear you gonna lose your mind.
You don’t know how long has passed, your grip on him is as strong as his as you lay beneath him, you makeout until you are both out of breath, until the anger and frustration has been worn out and you two slowly melt together, once fervent kisses turns into soft, gentle ones, until you are both looking at each other, smiling and giving pecks between giggles, translating eveything you have both been feeling towards each other
“Goddamn.” he draws a hearty laugh out of both you, the turtle rests is forehead against yours, sighing dreamily, giving you feather light kisses on your cheeks as you pull him closer.
“I care a lot about you too.” you drunkly smile to him, caressing his cheeks tenderly, “I sure hope so.” you hook your arms around his neck, laughing at his antics.
“I gotta tell you something tho.” you tilt your head curiously, he looks down at your lips, licking instinctively as you bite yours.
“you surprisingly taste like gingerbread cookies”
That makes you giggle once more.
It’s 3 am and Idk how to finish so hopefully the end it’s not too abrupt *confetti sounds* 🎉 let me know if you guys liked it!
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ablazenqueen · 1 year
Tagged by @tm-trx and @nobodynobodyno and @mygeekcorner, thank you, guys!! 😊
RULES: Bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing (I like both!) // I have one or more piercings (just your basic ear piercings) // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup (I never do and I don’t know how, not really my comfort zone 😅) // I don’t often smile (I smile more often than I don’t!) // I am pleased with how I look (not that I don’t get insecure, but there’s nothing about my appearance that I’d change either) // I prefer Nike to Adidas (indifference) // I wear baseball hats backwards (depends on my mood, but sometimes!)
I play a sport (I was on a drill team when I was young, does that count?) // I can play an instrument (the flute, the ocarina, used to know the piano, know a couple of guitar chords) // I am artistic (does creative writing count? music must though!) // I know more than one language (fully bilingual French/English) // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition (I’ve won plenty of medals, but no trophies, does that count? flute competitions, mostly, I used to play competitively) // I can cook or bake without a recipe (not if you want the result to be edible 😅) // I know how to swim (only just barely, I took lessons when I was a kid, but I’ve always been very bad at it) // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows (the more time spent developing the characters, the better) // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with (a) friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand (ha! no)
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush (aroace ✌️) // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend (not my current best friend, but my ex WAS my best friend before we dated) // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days (means a quiet work day 🤣) // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like (I am, in fact, Canadian 😌) // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean (and it frightens me) // I enjoy hiking on nature paths (with my dog!) // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend (depends which friend group) // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs (dammit, short by one)
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the-mallorca-files · 2 years
Hey there! So I recently discovered this show and was in the process of becoming more and more obsessed with it until it occurred me to check its Wiki page and I found out that there has been no season 3 announcement for over a year now! It kind of broke my heart and now idk if I want to keep watching if there won't be any more content cause it will hurt too much. I know it's a long shot, but do you know if there are any updates on this or if we should consider the show as good as ended? And thank you for your efforts on keeping the fandom alive!!! :)
I’m pretty sure the only official news we’ve been given about s3 is that “the team are continuing to develop a third season of The Mallorca Files, which will pick up the story of Miranda and Max, including those adventures the crew weren’t able to film this time around” (when s2 was cut short by Covid).
People keep misinterpreting this statement, so I should make it clear that this doesn’t necessarily mean s3 will happen. It just means that new scripts and things exist, and can be used if — and only if — s3 is greenlit. As far as we’re aware, this hasn’t happened yet.
I’m told I’m a pessimist, so take this next bit with a grain of salt, but personally I don’t think we’ll be getting any more TMF. Budget cuts, scheduling issues where the people involved (especially the core cast) have taken on new projects and things, and even just the sheer amount of time between s2 and a potential s3 mean that the longer we go without an official announcement, the harder it’s going to be for them to create any more episodes. And also the BBC keep killing off their daytime crime shows so they can make more quiz shows nobody wants.
Despite this, I still highly recommend watching all the eps if you haven’t already! Obviously idk where you got up to before, but the Max and Miranda interactions in s2 are brilliant, as are the two new recurring characters. Plus, although we possibly won’t be getting any more canon content, the fandom is going strong over on AO3, with more than 100 works, and new writing being posted fairly frequently. And if you want to talk to anyone in the fandom, you can find a list of links to various TMF content & fandom spaces here!
Psst, come join us in the TMF Discord server where we have iNcReDibLe screenshotting skills & conversations about things like Max’s frankly ridiculous apartment layout. (Like seriously, this guy has windows in his bedroom that look into the stairwell?? And his bedroom is also the only corridor between his living room and his dining room?? In the immortal words of Miranda Blake, what the hell, Max.)
Also ngl I’m not really sure how to respond to the last bit so uh.. y e e t ✌️😎
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meltwonu · 3 years
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✦ 👻  𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 SEASON 2 👻 ✦
this chapter pairing; yandere!dino x idol!reader
genre&warnings; yandere!au, dom!dino, stylist!dino, idol!reader, dirty talk, degradation, name calling, possessive behaviours, ‼️‼️somnophilia‼️‼️, fingering, marking, implied character death.
notes; Oh baby where do I start kdfhkdf ☠️ Uhm not gonna lie, something I wanted to toy with for a while now but wasn’t sure if wanted to but ☠️ we are here now and I just want yall to know that I would 100000% nut very hard if Chan ever did this to me so 😗✌️ reserving my place in hell as per usual kjhkjhk 😭 also I got food poisoning so it’s been a rough 30-some hours I've been puking my existence out so thats def haunted as hell KJHDKJ LOL ANYWAY enjoy ch 8! I love you and have a good rest of your day! I’ll see you tomorrow! 🥳👻 
word count; ~2500
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - x - x - x - x - x
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love is still a mystery to me but,
watch me move when I hear his name.
and I don't wanna talk about it right now-
i'd rather keep my visions to myself.
everybody wants to block my man out,
but he's the only one that's gonna help.
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“Did Chan tell you that you couldn’t go to the company Halloween party… Again? This is the third year already, isn’t it?”
Your manager sits across from you - brows furrowed as you smile sheepishly.
“I know, Seungkwan. But he made plans for us already and you know I can’t say no… Our time together is important to us when we’re not working. You know how it is, right?”
The suited male sighs as he nods. “I understand. It just would’ve been fun to see you guys at the party, y’know? You’re one of our biggest idols and the fans never get any photos of you in cute costumes anymore.”
The two of you share a laugh as he slides over your schedule for the next week.
“Which is exactly why I scheduled a fansign event for you this time!” 
Seungkwan grins, “Just a small one, right before Halloween. You can have Chan pick a costume for you and you can interact with your fans and get some nice photos! Give everyone a chance to see you wearing something that isn’t your stage outfits, okay?”
You hum as you go over the schedule - noting the music shows lined up right before the fansign and then your days off for the Halloween weekend.
“I’ll go over it with Chan while I’m getting ready tomorrow for the pre-rec. I’m sure he can find something good for me.”
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“A costume? For what?”
Chan’s hands roam your body as he gets you dressed for the music program - turning and twisting for him as he adjusts the stage outfit to fit your body better.
“Did Seungkwan not give you my schedule? I have a fansign at the end of the week before our weekend off together… He wanted it to be Halloween-y so he said I should wear a costume and be cute!”
You smile at Chan who shoots you a concerned smile. “What if there’s weirdos there, baby? I don’t want them to look at you… like how I look at you. You know I don’ like that.”
“Chan… Pleeeease. It’s just one time! It doesn’t have to be super revealing either, just--y’know, something cute. I’m tired of wearing my stage outfits to fansigns...”
Pouting up at him, he can’t resist the way you give him puppy eyes and despite him wanting to say no, he nods.
“Fine, fine, fine. But just this once, okay? Anything weird happens and it’s never happening again.”
And when the day comes, Chan can’t help but dread it the entire time he’s helping you into the maid costume; unenthusiastically zipping the dress up as you squeal.
“This is so cute! Oh, Chan, I love it so much! Thank you, it’s perfect!”
You kiss him on the cheek gently as he sighs and nods - as long as you were happy he would bear it.
“You’re welcome, baby. Now hold still, I need to fix the rest of the outfit before I send you out there.”
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“Thank you so much for coming! It was nice meeting you!”
You smile and wave off a fan as they walk off stage; immediately greeting the next one that approaches you when it’s their turn.
“Hi, thank you so much for--Oh! It’s you! Hi again!” You grin widely at the fan as you recognize him - his own smile matching yours as he sets his album down in front of you.
“You remember me?!” He asks enthusiastically.
“Of course! It’s Vernon, right? You were at my last fansign too! The one from last month? I remember you! How are your uni classes going?”
Vernon can’t help but blush; palms sweaty as he stumbles over his words when he talks to you.
And Chan watches from the side between the curtains - eyes burning with fire and jaw clenched tight as he watches you reach over the table and pet Vernon’s hair softly.
Why do you do that? He asks himself.
Why do you give him so much extra work to do?
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“Man, I’m exhausted…” You moan; slumping into the chair as Chan steps behind you.
There’d been only 50 fans but you made sure to stay a little longer than usual to make the time more special for everyone as you conversed and played games with them.
“Oh I bet, baby. You had such a long day today, I’m so proud of you~” He sings-songs - hands on your shoulders as he starts to massage them.
“Oh, that--that feels so gooooood…”
You melt under his touch; soft sighs leaving your lips as his hands travel down your chest and then further until they're ghosting the hem of your skirt.
“You wanna feel even better, sweetheart?”
“A-ah, Chan, maybe n-not here… Someone might--mmph!”
He reaches under your skirt until his fingertips are teasing you through your panties - your eyes immediately flitting to the mirror in front of you as you watch Chan touch you through the glass.
There was something about the way his hand was lost between the tulle and lace of your dress that has you moaning and craving more - but the bigger part of you knew it was not the time or place.
“Chan, C--Chan, someone m-might walk in… W-we should, ah, stop...” Whimpering, you place your hand on his forearm as he chuckles and nuzzles your neck.
“What’s so wrong with that, huh? Scared they’re gonna see their favorite girl getting her cunt fingered by her boyfriend while she wears this cute ‘lil maid costume? Or maybe I can make you watch yourself in the mirror while I fuck you from behind, hmm? You can go out there and greet them one last time with my cum inside your pretty ‘lil cunt and staining the inside of your dress.”
A shiver rolls down your spine at his words and for a second, you’re grinding against his fingers that are poking and prodding you through the lacy panties.
But you hear the doorknob rattling and you’re quick to tug Chan’s hand away before you’re standing a foot away and breathing harshly.
And not a second later does the door open and reveal a slew of other staff who immediately fill up the empty space to clean up and go home for the night.
That’s okay, Chan tells himself, I have other work to do tonight anyway.
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The next few days you intentionally take off for Halloween and for some self-care days with Chan - making sure that he had a spare key to your apartment to let himself in when he was ready to come over.
And the tiredness eventually takes its toll on you as you lay in bed waiting for him to slow up; eyes fluttering shut as you let yourself go into a dreamland instead.
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“Mmnh… Chan…”
You dream about him often and this time it’s no different.
His warm body spooning your own from behind as his hands roam your body yet again.
“Ready to let me continue what I was doing before, sweetheart? Before we were interrupted?” He mumbles into your hair; his hand already slipping past the waistband of your shorts as you moan. “P-please… I wanna feel your fingers inside of me…”
He grins when he feels your soaked panties and the sleepiness in your voice lets him know that as far as you knew - you were still dreaming.
“Yeah? Want me to finger your pretty ‘lil cunt before I fuck it with my cock?”
You moan sleepily - thoroughly enjoying the dream you thought you were having when Chan’s fingers are gliding through your wet folds and teasing your clit.
“I--I want it, hurry… Mmnh, haven’t h-had time to do this l-lately…”
He slowly sinks his digits into your pussy as you let out an airy moan; walls clenching around them tightly as he starts to thrust them in and out.
“I would’ve if you let me, sweetheart. I would’ve fucked you right in that dressing room like the good ‘lil whore you are for me.”
Chan places his thumb on your clit and slowly rubs soft circles on it in time with his thrusts that have you whining and whimpering his name in return.
“Ngh, w-we would’ve gotten, ah, caught though… I d-didn’t wanna get in--in trouble…”
He curls his fingers right into your sweet spot as you mewl and arch away from his chest - already feeling close to an orgasm.
“Your body is so sensitive from not being touched in so long, sweetheart~ Don’t you ever play with yourself like this without me?” He teases.
“No? Why’s that?”
You beg him to go faster; his touch feeling so real to your sleepy mind as your walls tighten even more around his fingers.
“It’s--it’s not the s-same, a-ah, I--my f-fingers aren’t as b-big as yours and, ngh, only y-you get me to c-cum this good…”
Chan doesn’t respond and instead flicks his wrist harder as he gets you to cum on his fingers.
And it’s not until your orgasm is cresting that you realize it’s not a dream but reality.
“O-oh, Chan!”
Your toes are curling and your manicured nails are digging into his forearm as he fingers you through your actual orgasm - quiet sobs on your lips from the intensity of it.
“Finally awake now, huh, sweetheart? You sounded so cute and sleepy thinking you were having a wet dream of me fingering your pretty ‘lil cunt. How nice that it was actually an orgasm, huh? Now I can’t wait to feel your tight ‘lil cunt around my cock.”
He laughs teasingly as you ride out the pleasure; only halting his movements when you’re begging him to stop from the overstimulation.
“H-how, ngh, how long w-were you…?”
“Oh, not that long, sweetheart~ Just when you started moaning my name.”
Your cheeks are burning as you calm yourself down - a rush of wetness soaking your already wet panties as Chan starts to tug your shorts down with them.
“Now that you’re not dreaming, how about I give you the real thing, hmm? My cock is already so hard, sweetheart~ It was taking everything inside me to not fuck you earlier.”
“L-like this?” You whisper; eyes peering into the darkness as he puts a little bit of space between your bodies to tug himself out of his sweats.
“Mmhmm… Haven’t fucked you in this position in a long time~”
Chan lifts your leg slightly and hooks it over his own - his cock sliding through your folds from behind as the head of it nudges your clit.
“Mmnh, C--Chan… m-my pussy needs y-your cock, a-ah, so bad… Please…”
“Such a needy ‘lil cockslut, aren’t you?” He sneers; right before he positions his cock at your entrance and bottoms out in a singular thrust.
“F-fuck! Chan!”
The stretch has your eyes rolling to the back of your head and the way his cock curves right into your g-spot has your toes curling when he starts a moderately quick pace.
“How would your fans feel, hmm? If they found out that you were really just a needy ‘lil cockwhore for me? Hah, imagine their faces if they ever saw me with my cock balls deep inside this filthy cunt of yours - cum spilling out of you after I’ve already filled you up to the brim with it.”
Chan kisses your clothed shoulder as he rocks his hips into you from behind.
“You know they have all sorts of anonymous message boards these days… And I was thinking that we should post pictures sometime. We’ll cover our faces of course but, ah, I think they’d like the content, don’t you? Your body is so pretty, sweetheart~ Just like the rest of you~ And I’m sure they’d love to see how good you get fucked by me too. Some of your fans would get to see all of you~”
You let out a choked moan as he starts to double his pace and you feel your walls clamping down onto his shaft as you feel yourself on the edge of another orgasm.
“Fuh--fuck… Mmnh, that’d be--be so, ah, hot…” You moan, “Pictures of m-my pussy leaking with y-your cum…”
You let out a mewl as Chan lifts your leg higher to give himself more room to pound your cunt.
“You really are my filthy ‘lil slut, huh? You pretend to be so cute in front of your fans but look at you~ Wanting everyone to see your dripping ‘lil hole after I’ve fucked it. So fuckin’ filthy.” Chan growls.
You can feel his cock throbbing as his thrusts become erratic and you reach a hand down as you shakily rub circles around your clit.
“C-cum with m-me, Chan… Wanna f-feel you spilling all, ngh, y-your cum inside me…”
He smirks against your shoulder before you feel his lips on your neck kissing you softly - your breath hitching when you start to feel him sucking and biting on the skin.
“W-wait, d--don’t… C--Chan, don’t, a-ah, leave m-marks there…” You whimper.
But Chan doesn’t let up - instead sucking and biting harder onto the column of your throat as you let out a cry and cum around his cock
“Fuh--fuck! ‘M cumming…!”
You cry out and add pressure to your touches; rubbing your clit as harsh as Chan would as he chuckles against your skin.
“Don’t you remember, baby? I’m your stylist, aren’t I? I can cover everything up.”
Your walls flutter around his cock and Chan can’t hold back any longer; his cock throbbing as he give into the pleasure and cums inside your warm cunt.
“Be a good ‘lil slut and don’t let a drop spill, okay? I’ll have to punish you if you make a mess~ You know how much I hate cleaning up messes~” 
You clamp down harder onto his shaft as you ride out the bliss that pours over you - but it’s the second your start to come down from your high do you notice the pile of stained clothes that Chan left by the door.
He kisses your shoulders a few more times; the soft gesture making you bite your bottom lip just as he starts to slow down his movements. 
On any normal day, you wouldn’t have thought twice about the pile of clothes - Chan being the type to keep any of your stage outfits he knew you’d like.
But something about the way they were stained is what made you even more curious.
You try to focus your eyes in the darkness; hazy eyes trying to make out more of the shapes.
Telling yourself that the stains on the unfamiliar clothes didn’t look just like blood.
“That’s--that’s just... a stage outfit, right...? Did you take them from the company building...?”
And Chan sighs, kicking himself mentally. 
He thought he’d have time to get rid of those before you’d noticed but he’d admittedly gotten distracted when he heard you moaning out his name in your sleep.
It’s okay, Chan thinks.
I can cover up anything.
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Thread Title: Is anyone going to the fansign next thursday?
I’m going to the fansign for the first time next week… I’m really nervous and wanted to make some friends the day before? >.< Maybe get some drinks so we can plan to go together if anyone else is going alone. I’m really shy and I could use some friends lol.
My kakao ID : di__no____99
Please send me a message if you’re interested! I know a great place in town!
- nodi
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
👻, ✌️, 🐂, 😵‍💫, 🥱, 🤯 and I expect to see EVERYONE REPRESENTED >:3
— @dark-magical-ships 💙
hiii amy!! I swear I only do these things like once in a full moon, so your enthusiasm is appreciated ^^ let’s see here…
👻 - How would your f/o deal with a haunting situation? Do they believe in ghosts? Do you?
This is such a fun prompt yet for some reason I have?? Never thought of this idea?? So before we spiral into shenanigans… to answer the last part of the question, I believe in ghosts, but within the idea that there are things (usually benevolent) watching over and/or guiding us!! Therefore, in the situation that a ghost (outside the one already with us lol ^^) found a way into our house…
Marik believed in ghosts, or spirits, because of his upbringing, but his belief in it became more solidified after the events of Battle City (directly talking to the Pharaoh + encounters with Yami Bakura). His belief in the paranormal isn’t as enthusiastic or major in comparison to Ryou’s beliefs, but it’s definitely there in some low key manner. I feel like in the situation that there’s a ghost in the house, he would kinda just stand back and watch Ryou and Bakura deal with the situation head on. And by that, I mean stereotypically holding a coffee mug and observing nonchalantly as chaos ensues. Think like, straight man in comedy performances. He might pop in randomly whenever Ryou is trying to communicate with the spirit to ask dumb questions and intentionally gets a dish thrown at him (for the experience). Most likely to call a medium or spiritualist just for fun.
Ryou… well, you know him ^^; he has an adamant belief in ghosts and the paranormal altogether, so when a haunting situation does come up, he’s ecstatic. I would think these interests originated from after the loss of his mother and sister, as a way of communicating with them or believing that they’re still around for him. Obviously he’s prepared for this situation, he’d probably fish out the spirit box or ouija board from the closet, dust off old guides, etc etc,. All around probably really hyped about it and a bit naive to the possible dangers?? I think he’d calm down after a minute and take it seriously, trying to be all “professional” while using the planchette on the board lol. Ryou would probably turn to YB next, bugging him about talking to the ghost for us when all other attempts fail. In that case…
Bakura believes in ghosts because… well, he kinda is one. Not much wiggle room for that idea in a situation like his, but the belief can also be tied back to his time as the Thief King, when he spent most of his time in Kul Elna surrounded by the spirits of his village. Since he himself is also partially an apparition, we’d probably rely on him when it comes to successfully communicating with the ghost + figuring out how to get it to leave. Buuut, since this is Bakura… I don’t think he’d be very willing ^^; probably death glaring the poor thing the whole time to try and intimidate it out, being snarky when talking to the ghost. Would not put it past him to curse the thing out. More likely to recommend ditching the house until the ghost leaves because he doesn’t want to deal with the confrontation lol ^^ firm believer in himself being the only needed ghost in the house <3
Melvin doesn’t really have any strong beliefs in ghosts, he only believes in them due to the existence of the Pharaoh’s soul + Yami Bakura. I think he’d be more annoyed than anything with a haunting situation, since dealing with one ghost is enough for him. He probably wouldn’t care all that much, but still be a bit intimidated by someone (something??) else being in our space. Probably joins in on Ryou’s shenanigans just to appease him and unintentionally makes snarky remarks towards the specter during some sort of seance. Unintentionally gets a dish thrown at him at least once (oops) and from then on starts intentionally being snappy towards the ghost. He’d probably bicker with Bakura about how he’s being too much of a wimp to confront the ghost, and that’d successfully get the latter to approach it and help us figure out what to do to get it to leave.
Usually I would stop there, but you did say everyone, sooo…
Yet again roping Kul Elna into this, Thief King has always felt that ghosts were real since he used to be surrounded by them all of the time, and his beliefs tend to center around the idea that there’s something the ghost wants to finish or see through before they move on or disappear. With that in mind, he’s more likely to try and find ways to appease the spirit to make it leave rather than getting something to rid of it. He might even go as far to talk to himself in hopes that the ghost is listening and hears whatever it is he has to say. He doesn’t really mind the ghost—in fact, he’d probably be a bit hopeful with the idea that maybe it’s someone from his village watching over him—but he’s also a bit unnerved with the idea of some unknown being watching his every move. Regardless, he tries to remain chill and on good terms with the ghost, and probably would coincidentally get it to leave just because he was handling the haunting more reasonably than the others.
✌️ got answered here !! buuuut for one other specific dork…
Again, no major arguments have broken out between us so I can't say this is completely accurate... But I'd think Thief King would act a bit similar to Bakura when it comes to handling conflict. Impulsive, engaging it, etc etc., I think he'd be a bit more restrained and harsher with whatever point he's trying to make. If it's a back and forth argument or conflict, I think he'd be a tad bit more snide than everyone else and definitely more prone to jumping to conclusions. I'm sure there's a few things he'd start conflicts over that are considerably small/petty things, but I don't think he'd actively go seeking for it within our circle of people (unless it's like... Atem. That tension isn't going anywhere for a while I don't think-). He's carried a quarrel with multiple people in his life, and I doubt he'd want to let it take over his life again. Thiefy would probably take a long time to cool off after a dispute, and even longer to try and get over it. I'd like to think he's more adept to resolve the issue rather than gloss over it, and I think he'd be more communication oriented when it comes to conflict with people he cares about. However, I would not put it past him to hold a grudge like a vice against people he's not sure of/familiar with.
🐂 - Who or what do you think would be a fairly matched opponent for your f/o in a fight?
Okay can I just. be honest?? Bakura's strength within canon is sooo inconsistent that I think the only true match for him in an opponent is a bar stool. He could pick it up and throw it, but if that chair found a way to come hurtling back at him he'd go down like holy mary.
but seriously... I had to stare at this question for a bit because I wasn't sure what exactly I should be basing this off of... I was thinking maybe I should go for someone who would be evenly matched to them in Duel Monsters, but then I thought "well it says fight, so physically??" but then I remembered whatever the Bakurae have going on is a headache >-< but!! I've come to the decision that I'll just use the Super Smash Bros roster and take into account the attributes and stuff each character has!! Therefore...
Only time we've seen Marik get physical is when we saw him get clocked (twice) in Battle City after helping Ryou to Anzu and Jou, so that's already a... rough start to say the least ^^ but at the same time the people who were attacking him were also like. y'know. ghouls? We're left to assume they were under the control of the Millennium Rod and therefore weren't genuinely hurting him or at full force, so I'm not sure that can be used for reference... however, in manga canon, Ryou is targeted by the person Yami Bakura stole a duel disk from, but Marik "protects" him by standing in front of him and gets knocked down after being punched. Whether or not this was a part of the docile + harmless Namu persona is unknown, so again... not very much to go off of ^^ but also like.
have you seen this dude's arms in season five compared to season two??? ?????? good LORD
anyway... we have a very shaky idea of his physical strength, but based off the way he duels... I almost want to say Kirby would be a good match for him?? Specifically because, when using Strings to do the whole slime combo, Marik almost seems to use the way his opponent fights back to his advantage? Like attacking him will cause Revival Jam to kick into play, activate Cards of Safe Return, get more cards, power up Osiris, etc etc. Kirby morphs into a bunch of objects throughout his series, and within SSBU it's usually just like. a rock. Anyway my point is that can be a very quick disadvantage and instead used against him, and in some way I think this would be an evenly matched fight??? Also just. This is such a weird picture in my mind I'm not even sure I can legitimize this answer kjdfskjhkjhd just. gonna hope you catch my drift here >_<
I genuinely cannot picture Ryou getting into a fight… I’m saving whatever ramble I have about his physical strength for Bakura’s answer, but for now… Isabelle?? Maybe???? Like if you locked these two in a room and told them to duke it out or whatever, I feel like Ryou, regardless of who he was against, would try to mediate or make a truce before things escalated, and Isabelle is one of the more reasonable people on the roster, so she’d probably give in really quickly and not fight him.
Thief King… we’ve seen him drag around a whole sarcophagus by hand and those things are like. ??? 600 pounds??? Around??? Also considering how much gold he’s usually holding on certain instances… he’s probably pretty strong physically. He does usually use tricks and strategy to escape/work against his opponent, and he’s pretty quick/light on his feet. I’ve only ever played against him in Kingdom Hearts, but from that I almost want to say Cloud from the Final Fantasy series would be a pretty close matchup?? I remember him being like, horrifyingly quick and from what I have seen of him he seems like a person who would think fast during a fight. And I’m assuming he’s pretty strong if he can hold that stupidly large sword. I think it’d be a kinda evenly matched fight ^^
Okay so Bakura has gotten punched by Honda in the anime in like season one I think?? and I’m pretty sure that knocked him out lol. But in the same episodes he’s able to pull up Honda and an unconscious Mokuba with just one hand without too much strain, and I believe in season two he lifts a full grown adult by their shirt collar with one injured arm?? Then there’s the whole thing about how he was able to hit the top spike of the castle in Monster World hard enough to strike clean through his hand… so from this I’m assuming Bakura can throw a punch but can’t take one lol. I think Pit from Kid Icarus would be a good match up, purely because he’s not too much of a hard hitter but he has enough strength to do damage. He’s also a long range fighter if I remember correctly!! If we’re able to drag the Millennium Items into this… I think it’d be interesting to combine whatever power is used in shadow games with Pit’s whole motif of angels >:3
I have no genuine explanation behind this one. I just think seeing Melvin and Mr Game and Watch have a fight would be very funny and that’s the only reason I’m going with it. Imagine the chaos that would ensue?? Especially with the whole randomizer factor of getting an instant KO??? Matching vibes that’s all I have to say >~<
😵‍💫 - Do you purposefully, light-heartedly, get on each others nerves? What does your f/o do, and/or what do you do, to get a reaction out of them?
Another question I kind of had to stare at stupidly… I think I lightheartedly tease everyone to a certain extent, but I don’t think there’s anything specific or recurring that could apply to this question. However, I guess there is one thing—
When it comes to “getting on each others’ nerves”, Bakura does it like it’s some sort of love language to him. I think it’s just him trying to be funny, but it really isn’t uncommon for him to try and freak/gross any of us out. It’s never like, mean spirited or genuinely disgusting, I’m pretty sure he means it to be light hearted, but it doesn’t always come off that way. Usually it’s just things like references to stuff he’s done in the past (desecration of ryou’s hand, stabbing himself. Flesh duel disk. that stupid stupid flesh duel disk >:((( ), or things relating to more grotesque pieces of horror media. Marik’s become like completely desensitized to this behavior though, so usually with him Bakura’s more likely to threaten to do stupid small things that he knows will get on Marik’s nerves (pet peeves). I know he doesn’t genuinely mean most of the things he says or jokes over, because as soon as he notices me getting upset over some sour recall of things he’s done in the past, or Marik getting agitated by his bickering, he drops it quickly and tries to not bring it up again for a while. Melvin isn’t usually effected by this, but Bakura also knows that, if he’s getting a dirty look from him, he should probably stop whatever it is he’s quipping about. Only one who genuinely tries to get on anyone’s nerves, but… I think he means well ^^;
🥱 - How does your f/o like to sleep; Are they picky about the environment they sleep in? What they sleep on? What kind of pajamas do they like, or do they sleep in the buff? 😏
Marik usually likes sleeping in a cool room during the spring/summer because then he doesn’t get too warm under the blankets, but then he likes sleeping in a warm room during the fall/winter because of how easily the low temperatures get into the house. I don’t think he’s exactly picky per se, but he definitely has an opinion on the matter >.> Melvin and Thief King on the other hand likes a warmer room year round, and Bakura + Ryou could go either way. If stuck in a situation where three of us wouldn’t fit into a bed (hotel rooms… bane of my existence), Ryou would probably be the first to (enthusiastically) offer to sleep on the floor, and doesn’t really mind it due to the sheer amount of times he’s woken up there lol. Don’t think Thiefy would be very picky about what he sleeps on either; he’d probably be able to fall asleep anywhere and on anything if given the chance. I think Bakura cares enough to the point that he’d willingly sleep on a couch/recliner but won’t sleep on a floor. Melvin would only sleep on a couch if he was tired enough and doesn’t as willingly go for the floor like Ryou does, but he’d do it if there were issues with space or something. Marik’s kinda the same way, but he’ll willingly sleep on the floor as long as there’s an air mattress. Refuses to sleep on anything that doesn’t resemble a bed.
owo. Ryou canonically sleeps in button ups and IT’S LIKE?? MY MOST FAVORITE THING EVER??? It’s either that or he sleeps in one of his old shirts. I would not put it past him to buy a matching set of pajama shirts + pants though… Bakura also usually sleeps in an old shirt, or he’ll pick something from the hoard of band t-shirts we all share. While Ryou usually wears pajama pants to bed, Bakura’s more likely to wear loose fitting cotton shorts because he gets warm waaay too easily. Thief King usually just sleeps shirtless or in a loose fitting shirt of some sort. Sometimes he just sleeps by wrapping himself up in his robe which is… really adorable but you didn’t hear me admit this in the main post @_@
Marik’s the same way where on some nights, if it’s warmer, he’ll sleep without a shirt, or he’ll wear one of the aforementioned band tees if it’s cold enough. Usually he’s just in his briefs but, again, if it’s colder he’ll wear pajama pants. Melvin sleeps in his tank tops and a pair of sweatpants, but sometimes he’ll nab one of Ryou’s button ups to wear to bed ^^
🤯 - Rapid fire: Three fun facts about your f/o, go! (Can be actual canon facts or headcanons!)
Marik would listen to System of a Down and you can pry this from my cold chilly hands. The band has enough songs with serious meanings and messages behind them, but it’s chaotic and sporadic enough to keep up with Marik’s energy. I also think he’d be good at chess, which might be completely out of left field for Marik, but he is Ishizu’s brother. I don’t doubt that he picked up a thing or two from her :) he’s learned how to play all sorts of games with a normal deck of cards out of sheer boredom, so now he knows a bunch of different solitaire spreads and is the only one in the house who knows how to actually play poker ^^
Similarly to how he makes his player and npc figures by hand, Ryou sometimes goes all out for his campaigns and makes figures or statues of the boss monsters for his TTRPGs!! He usually spends a ton of time painting them by hand and tries to get them as accurate to how he imagines them, which can be a bit difficult with how imaginative he is. Probably has spooked the daylights out of Jou because of this on a few occasions ^^; I feel like he’d be a bit like me where he writes reminders on his hands and arms in pen: he tends to loose track of time really easily due to living with a ghost, so he had to find a way to remember to do errands somehow. While I think Ryou would be more interested in psychological horror and media concerning deep subjects, I think Bakura would like slasher films more because of how mindless they sometimes can be.
Thiefy gets along well with animals, but dogs specifically have his whole heart. Like he gets the utmost joy seeing a dog whenever we’re out in public and is usually the one riling up Roxy when we’re home. Despite this, I think he acts most like a cat. He’s the only bakura to be naturally warm and does not do so good in the cold weather. Sometimes just the air conditioning being a bit too high can make him shivery and get goosebumps lol. I think he’d be a bit spooked of fires after everything he’s gone through and witnessed, partially from what happened to his village and partially because of his experiences with almost getting burned by the Winged Dragon of Ra. Would still take naps in patches of sun because he’s finally given the opportunity for comfort after three millennia.
As for Bakura’s two other facts: in a Capsule Monsters game that was released only in Japan, Kaiba is considered one of the ring’s hosts, due to it being revealed later on in the game that Yami Bakura possessed him while his mind was still shattered. Which raises a lot of questions about how the Millennium Ring ended up near Seto in the first place… away from confusing plot lines surrounding the Millennium items, I think Bakura would be an absolute nightmare in the kitchen. In parallel to his host’s talent in cooking, I don’t think I would trust this man to boil water. It’s not intentional that he’s bad at it, it’s just… a ton of mishaps one after the other to the point that maaaybe the kitchen isn’t the safest place for him ^^;
Melvin’s hair is really easy to mold into other styles when it’s wet, but as soon as it starts to dry it immediately tries to go back to the fanned out look it’s usually in. Once he gets a semi-normal life and a chance to try things on his own, I think Melvin would be interested in photography. It’s probably just start off as small things such as snapping pictures of the sunset/sunrise, but I think he’d get more interested after figuring out how to use an actual camera and starts branching out towards more subjects. Melvin’s an early bird and tends to wake up first and long before everyone else in the house. He’s usually the one to stay up late with me, though, so sometimes I have to drag him back down into bed so he can get a healthy amount of sleep U_U
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meltwonu · 3 years
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✦ 👻  𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 SEASON 2 👻 ✦
this chapter pairing; incubus!woozi x succubus!reader x switch!seokmin
genre&warnings; incubus!au, incubus![dom]woozi, succubus[switch]!reader, switch!seokmin, threesome, rough fucking, blowjob, name-calling, shibari, dirty talk, degradation, hair pulling, face fucking, slight mentions of dacryphilia[crying kink].
notes; 😮‍💨💕 HAPPY HUMP DAY! 😈 heheh... heh...hehe... It do be humpin’ 😗✌️ LOL kfjhkdh anyways 😭 Thank you sooo much for all your support so far with each chapter 🥺💕 It really means so much to me! I really can’t believe it’s almost over too? Like how is there only 4 more chapters out... I’m kinda scared ☠️ kjdhkajdh Everything is moving so fast 😭😭 It’s kinda wild... This time last year I wasn’t home to post the last like, 3 or 4 chapters so I’m very excited to be home and have the opportunity to not feel rushed about it lol Also I got my attacca albums in! And so stupidly ordered one of the carat versions bc I did not get a single jihoon pc and I am suffering 🥳🥰✨Hehe enjoy ch 9! I will see you tomorrow and enjoy the rest of your day! 💕👻👽 
word count; ~3500
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - x - x - x - x
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most men know if they misbehave,
they're gonna pay while I collect.
and that's why they all come to me,
so I can teach them some respect.
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“Heads or tails?”
“Mm.. Heads ‘cause that’s what I’m tryna get tonight.” Jihoon grins.
The two of you stand in the lobby of the lavish hotel - eyes on the bar that’s attached to the premises.
You roll your eyes as you flip the coin - the outcome determining which one of you would be catching your ‘toy’ for the rest of the night.
And while most incubus and succubus preferred to go about their business alone, you and Jihoon had found it much more satisfying when you worked together - even if he annoyed you every now and then.
“Winner decides what they want to do?”
Jihoon watches with an amused grin as the coin hits the ground; only nodding when he sees that it’s landed on heads.
“Uh-huh, and I say it’s your turn to pick our toy for tonight. I got that Jeonghan guy last time so it’s your turn now.” He pats you on the shoulder and kisses your cheek for good luck.
“Don’t take too long. I’m already getting bored here.”
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You enter the bar alone - the quiet piano music adding to the luxurious ambience as you walk around and try to find a likely candidate to play with.
But it’s not as busy as you were hoping for and most of the people were in groups or couples as you huffed and made your way to the bar to grab a drink instead.
“Hi, can I just get a Necromancer please?” You smile sweetly at the bartender who raises a brow and leaves to make your cocktail as you scan the room once more.
There two only two tables of single people - one who seemed like they’d been drinking for a while now and another one who’d been reading a book alone in the corner with his drink seemingly untouched.
“Hmm… maybe…”
A grin etches itself onto your features at the prospect that the latter would be pliable and you wait for your drink to come before you’re swiping it off of the counter and making a beeline for the book-reading male.
“Hi… So, so sorry to bother you but… Can I sit here? All the other tables are taken and I don’t want to stand by the bar...”
He takes a second to look up at you - wide eyes blinking rapidly as his mouth hangs agape.
“S-sure, I--I don’t mind! I--my name is--is Seokmin, by the way!” He smiles shyly as you take a seat across from him and introduce yourself as well.
“What’s a handsome guy like you reading a book in a bar like this, hmm? Seems like such a waste when you could be, y’know, doing something else~” You tease him and see how he reacts - smirking when you see the crimson blush creeping up his neck as he sets a bookmark in his book and reaches for his drink for the first time that night.
Ah, bingo~ You mentally sing-song; already feeling his aura shift as he slowly starts to feel your overpowering one washing over himself.
“I, uh, I’m actually not from around here…” He mutters, “I’m staying at this hotel for the next couple of days and I just wanted to kinda have a, um, calm night in, I guess?”
Seokmin takes a large swig of his drink before he sets it down, “I don’t know anyone in this city so it’s just me.”
“Do you want to get to know me?” You whisper sensually - eyes flashing a quick crimson before he can even catch it. “Ah, but there’s a bit of a catch, you see…”
Seokmin is intrigued and admittedly, he can’t stop the thrum of arousal that sends goosebumps rising on his skin the longer you stare at him.
“A-a catch?”
“Mm…” You take a sip of your drink as Seokmin watches with his mouth parted in awe.
“Let’s just say… I’m kind of a two for one deal.”
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Jihoon lays in bed - bored out of his mind as he stares at the ceiling.
You’ve been gone for the better part of two hours and he’s convinced by now that you’ve abandoned him at the hotel for once.
“What’s fuckin’ taking her so damn long…” He mutters to himself; sitting up as he runs a hand through his blonde hair.
Two long black horns protrude from his mess of hair and he makes no effort to hide them since he was alone up in the hotel room the two of you had booked for the night.
And he’s about to make a comment to himself about going downstairs to check in on you when he hears the keycard scanning and the door opening - a sigh of relief on his lips when he hears your voice and that of an unfamiliar male.
“Don’t worry, Seokmin~ We’ll take very good care of you~” You coo.
“I--okay…” He smiles shyly as his eyes flit to Jihoon - a sudden gasp on his lips when he sees the horns and gleaming red eyes.
“W-wait, I--hold on--”
“Fuck, did you forget to tell him?” Jihoon groans and drags a hand down his face as you giggle and push him towards the bed instead.
“Oopsies~ I just told him we’d be playing with him tonight, Jihoonie~ But how about we give him a little taste of what he’s in for, hmm? He’s so… cute. I couldn’t stop squirming at the table while I talked to him~” You moan, “I wanted to finger myself right then and there - He tasted so good~”
T--tasted?! Seokmin mentally screams, unsure of what to make of the situation.
He’d thought your red eyes were contacts, or even a trick of the light - and while he knew that there'd be three of you tonight, he didn’t realize it would be with literal demons. 
And the horns that protrude from your own head not a second later have his mouth drier than a desert as his body feels stuck to the ground.
“Jihoooon… C’mon, play with me~” Whining, you scramble on top of Jihoon on the bed as Seokmin watches with wide eyes - his cock twitching in his pants as his eyes flit from you to Jihoon as you straddle his lap.
“If there’s anything you need to know about her, Seokmin, it’s that she’s an insatiable one.” Jihoon smirks. “People think I’m bad, but her? She’ll run you dry.”
You turn your head to look at Seokmin who simply stands by the bed, your crimson eyes making the blush on his cheeks intensify as you lick your lips.
“Sorry~ I like to play with my meals a little too much but I like how good you make me feel~” You turn your head back to Jihoon just as you start grinding down on his lap. “You’ve heard of incubus and succubus, right, Seokmin?”
“I--m-maybe once or t-twice but--but I never… Thought they were real…”
Jihoon thrusts up and makes you bounce on his lap as you mewl and only grind down harder.
“They’re real and she’s probably one of the worst.”
“What? It’s true. She’ll have every one of her holes filled with cock and still beg for more. Most of us can't even keep up with her.”
Seokmin blushes harder as you and Jihoon giggle between yourselves - body itching to join you two on the bed the longer he simmers in his thoughts.
It’s just this once, he tells himself, I’m in a new city and nobody knows me here. I should… Do something crazy once in a while, right?
He gulps and slowly starts inching onto the bed as you let out a drawn out moan; feeling Jihoon’s hardening cock straining against his leather pants with each passing second.
“I… Is it okay to j-join you now? I’m… ready.”
And when two pairs of crimson eyes are on him - he realizes he can’t turn back.
Not that he wants to, anyway.
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“O-oh… Ah, w-wait…”
Seokmin bites his bottom lip as you tug a little harder on the ropes - his arms bound behind himself in an intricate pattern as you admire your work.
“Aww, does it hurt, baby boy? Or do you want it tighter?”
Jihoon sits by the foot of the bed with Seokmin in the middle of you and him; a firm hand wrapped around his cock as he watches you adjust the ropes to your liking.
“It f-feels fine, I just--it’s d-different…”
Seokmin’s entire body is covered in a pale pink blush as you reach a hand around and slowly start to tease the head of his leaking cock with your warm palm.
“Oh---oh, god…” Whining, his hips automatically thrust up into your loosely closed fist despite his first hesitation.
“You seem to be enjoying it though, hmm? Look at the way your cock is already leaking so much pre-cum, baby boy~ Have you ever seen yourself like this? Your body already so sensitive even though we’ve only just started.”
You giggle as Seokmin cries out; his hips bucking up as he tugs against his restraints.
“I--I don’t think I’ve ever, ah, been in a situation l-like this… But, I--I like it…” He whispers - mostly to himself.
“You know we feed off of your sexual aura, right?” Jihoon smirks, “And she was right, yours tastes particularly sweeter. I can see why she chose you.”
You squeeze Seokmin’s cock as he lets out a shaky moan - tears beading up in his eyes from the pleasure that starts to build from the overwhelming aura that you and Jihoon both exude.
“Jihoon, why don’t you take a seat by the headboard… I wanna play with Seokmin just a little before we get to the main course~”
You tease the slit of Seokmin’s cock as the tears finally spill over; a sultry moan on your lips when you finally kneel in front of him.
“You’re so cute when you’re crying~ Has anyone ever told you that, baby boy? It makes me want to ruin you even more~ And it makes my pussy so fuckin’ wet...” You reach between your legs as you play with yourself - fingers dipping into your hole as you lick your lips and let Seokmin watch with tearful eyes.
“Puh--please… D-do something, I…”
His cock twitches as he watches you pull your fingers from between your legs - the digits covered in strings of your wetness as you bring it up to his lips.
“Clean my fingers off, baby boy. And then I’ll let you have my mouth~”
Seokmin does what he’s told as he wraps his lips around your fingers - moaning loudly at how sweet you tasted.
And once they’re clean, you pop them out of his mouth as he sighs softly; eyes hazy as he watches you sink down until your lips are only centimetres from the head of his cock.
“Actually, Jihoon’s going to fuck my tight ‘lil cunt while I let you have my mouth, okay~? I want you both now, I’m so impatient~ I can’t stop thinking about having my pussy filled up with cock~”
Jihoon scoffs and rolls his eyes as he pushes away from the headboard and makes his way towards you.
“What did I tell you, Seokmin? Always wanting to get her dumb holes filled all the fuckin’ time. She’s not satisfied unless she has two cocks in her every single time we find a new toy.”
“I, ngh, I--I don’t mind…” Seokmin bites back the urge to thrust his hips when you wrap your lips around the head of his cock - softly sucking on the tip as he lets out a choked cry.
“We’ll switch positions after a while… I want you to feel how good her cunt feels around your cock too.”
Jihoon positions his cock at your entrance before he harshly sinks his whole length into you - simultaneously forcing you to take Seokmin’s entire length into your mouth as you moan around him.
“H-holy fuck…!” Seokmin feels his breath hitch as you sink your mouth down all the way to the base of his cock; your throat warm and tight around him as you adjust to his size.
“Oho, I bet if you had your arms free, it’d be a different story, wouldn’t it?” Jihoon teases, “I bet you’d grip her by the hair… Fuck her dumb throat into the shape of your cock if you had your way, huh? You only play nice and shy because you’re still getting used to it but I can see the way you wanna give in to what you really want.”
Seokmin grits his teeth when you start to work your mouth up and down his cock and with Jihoon’s harsh thrusts that have you propelling forward each time - Seokmin starts to agree with Jihoon’s words.
Images of you completely wrecked and covered in loads of his cum flying through Seokmin’s fuzzy mind.
“Mm? Are you thinking about it, Seokmin? Your sexual desire just spiked by a lot~”
Jihoon laughs cruelly as he grips your ass harder - skin slapping as he uses your cunt to get off.
“It’s okay… She likes being used like a fucktoy too. I mean, just look at her.”
You swallow around Seokmin before you’re pulling off of him to catch your breath - smirking up at him with precum covered lips as his brows furrow.
“Aww, baby boy, don’t tell me you’re falling for Jihoon’s words~ Don’t you want me to pamper you? Hmm? I can be so good to you too, baby~ All you have to do is be obedient to me and I can give you everything you want~”
Seokmin falters momentarily with your honey-like voice tempting him - both you and Jihoon acting like the angel and devil on his shoulders trying to tug him in either direction.
“Why don’t you undo the shibari, huh, sweetheart? Give him an option to pick what he wants to do.”
Jihoon thrusts into you even harder as the head of his cock grazes your cervix.
“F-fine…” Muttering, you quickly snap your fingers as the ropes disappear into thin air - only leaving behind the markings from where they’d dug into his skin when he’d tugged and fought against them.
And Seokmin only takes a second to make his decision.
Growling as he tangles both his hands into your hair and guides your head until the tip of his cock is already pressing against your lips.
“Open your fuckin’ mouth so I can fuck your throat.”
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The quick shift in Seokmin’s demeanor has you feeling like you’re floating - both males fucking you at a challenging speed as your body jerks between both of them.
“Glad to see you joined the dark side, Seokmin~” Jihoon comments teasingly.
“I just--fuck, I want to feel her cunt around my cock if her throat is this good…” He replies back; hips snapping towards your face fast as he uses your throat and mouth to his liking.
You swallow around him as he groans and holds you down onto his cock, momentarily restricting your airways as you gag around his length.
“You said she likes being fucked like a fuck toy? Then I’m going to, too. Ah, fuck, can we switch soon? I want to cum so fuckin’ bad and I want it in her pussy.”
Seokmin pulls you by the hair, tugging you off of his cock as you let out a mewl of satisfaction.
“Mmnh, you feel so fucking good fucking my mouth so roughly like that, Seokminnie~ I want you to do that to my pussy too, okay? Fuck me like I’m your bad little slut that needs to be punished~”
Your shift in demeanor has Seokmin’s cock twitching and he can’t help but tighten his grip in your hair as you moan.
“We’re switching. Now.”
Jihoon can only laugh as he nods and pulls out of you - your walls immediately clenching around emptiness as Seokmin roughly lets go of your hair so that they can switch places on the bed.
“Hu~rry… my pussy is so empty… It needs a cock inside of it so badly~”
You wiggle your hips just as Seokmin knees behind you and he doesn’t waste a second as he positions himself and thrusts into your pussy in one fluid motion.
“Oh~ Seokmin!”
“Jihoon’s been fucking your filthy ‘lil hole but it’s still so tight… Fuck, you’re so hot and wet around my cock, just like your throat was.”
Jihoon slides his fingers through your hair; taking a second to massage the base of your horns as you mewl and lean into his touch.
“I’m gonna let Seokmin cum inside that pussy of yours, okay? And then I’ll cum inside your mouth so that you’re leaking with cum from both ends.”
“Ngh, please… I need it so bad, Jihoon~ And his cock is so fuckin’ b-big… It’s stretching my pussy so good…”
You lick your lips before you lean in and suck on the head of Jihoon’s cock - the teasing only lasting what feels like a millisecond before Jihoon is doing the same thing that Seokmin was by fucking your face to his liking as well.
“Y’know, one time, she took two cocks in her needy ‘lil cunt at once. Fuckin’ squirted all over the bed as soon as we were both inside of her.”
“Y-yeah? Fuck, she’s so filthy. And yet her pussy is still so fuckin’ tight despite how many cocks have been inside of her...”
Seokmin’s cock curves into you and makes your mind melt and toes curl; both of them thrusting into you at the same time and making you feel extremely full as you moan around Jihoon’s cock and clamp down onto Seokmin’s.
“Mmhmm… You said you’d be in town for a few days longer? Maybe we can arrange something.” Jihoon smirks - the innuendo not going over Seokmin’s head as he chuckles and licks his lips.
“I think I’d like that. Wouldn’t you, baby girl?”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and the two males share a look with each other to silently let each other know they were close to their orgasms as they both start to double their paces.
“We can tie her up all prettily… Tease her all night before we’re both sliding into her warm cunt. Filling her up and cumming inside her greedy ‘lil hole at the same time.” Jihoon growls as he hears the way you gag and choke around his cock, “I’ll have to teach you more next time.”
Seokmin lets out a deep groan as he feels his cock start to throb inside your pussy - hips snapping into you at a frantic pace.
“Can I c-cum? Fuck, I--I need to cum so bad…”
“Aww, still asking for permission, huh? Go ahead~ Let’s cum inside her at the same time.”
Jihoon and Seokmin work in tandem; this time alternating their thrusts as you let out a muffled moan around Jihoon as your walls only get tighter around Seokmin’s.
And it’s only a few more mind-melting thrusts from both ends until all three of you are cumming at the same time - their loud groans mixing in with your muffled ones as Seokmin cums inside your pussy and Jihoon cums down your throat.
You choke and sputter trying to swallow the abnormally large amount of cum that Jihoon unloads into your throat and mouth; some of it already spilling out from between your lips as he continues to fuck your throat.
“Swallow as much as you can, sweetheart~ I know you can take it all~”
Jihoon grins as his eyes flit to Seokmin whose face contorts in unadulterated bliss when he cums inside your fluttering walls - globs of the sticky substance dripping from around his cock as his hips stutter.
“How’s it feel, Seokmin? Cumming inside of her hot cunt. Bet you’ve never felt anything like her’s, huh?”
“F-fuck… I--It’s like she’s--she’s sucking my cock in deeper… Like she’s, ngh, milking my cock of all it’s c-cum…”
Jihoon’s thrusting into your mouth one more time before he draws his hips back and pulls out completely and you hack and sputter as you try to catch your breath.
“Fuck… Jihoon…” Your voice is hoarse as rivulets of cum and drool spill out of your used mouth but the soreness only makes you want even more as you peer up at Jihoon when he forces your head up.
“Hear that, sweetheart? Seokmin sure does love the way your cunt feels around his cock~ Shouldn’t you thank him? He was kind enough to give you his load of cum in your greedy ‘lil hole, wasn’t he? Your ‘lil hole is all filled up to the brim now, just how you like it.”
You lick your chapped lips - hips moving as you try to fuck yourself even more on Seokmin’s, now, sensitive cock.
“T-thank you for c-cumming inside of me, Seokmin… It feels so gooood and hot... ”
He groans in return; rough hands trying to hold you still as he, too, tries to catch his breath.
“S-stop fucking m-moving your hips, slut… Fuck, you really are insatiable. Trying to fuck yourself on my cock even after you’ve already had your fill...”
Jihoon lets go of your hair and moves away slightly as your upper body hits the bed sheets in a dull thud - your face planting into them as you start to drool into the sheets.
The amount of energy you and Jihoon had taken from Seokmin should have been enough to kill several but somehow, Seokmin seemed to be unphased as he slowly rocks into you - his hips moving at a leisurely pace as you move your own hips back in time with him.
“You’re a curious one, Seokmin.” Jihoon comments.
“W-why’s that?” He mutters - eyes on the way his cock forces out more and more cum out of your spent pussy with each thrust.
You turn your head to the side as your crimson eyes gleam in the light; body alight with limitless energy much like Jihoon himself.
“Humans would usually be ready to keel over by now with how much we’d have taken from them but you? You have so much more to give~ And we're both ready to take.” You slur out.
Jihoon smirks at the scene in front of himself - cock curving up to his abdomen as he wraps a nimble hand around himself again.
“It’s going to be a long night.” He decides.
And Seokmin knows why that is - deep, unearthed desires only bubbling up to the surface now that he had a reason to express any of them with the two of you, who’d seen a lot more than himself in your time.
Mental images of ropes, whips and blindfolds making him want to drool as his blunt fingernails dig into the skin of your waist.
“We have all night, right? Let me show you what else I’m capable of, baby girl.”
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