#no i didn't just give a whole backstory to a sidecharacter
excaliburofficial · 3 years
Headcanons Undesputable, 100% Canon Facts I have about Mira Naigus
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Okubo didn't give us the time with Naigus that we all deserved so I'm here to make up for his crimes. Here I have a list of headcanons 100% real facts that I made up just now got in an email from Okubo convienently at the same time I said her vibes are too cool to be in the background. Yes this actually happened I promise. No you can't see the email becaus....uh... bc my dog ate it.
It was a very real email tho
I haven't rewatched NOT for a while but I simply did not like the vibes they forced on her so it doesn't exist now because I make the rules (yes this was in the 100% real email Okubo sent me himself)
Really tho I'm sorry but going from super cool camo pants wearing mummy with abs design to the like generic anime teacher lady vibes is like the hugest downgrade in anime history and it simply does not exist. It is not real. I do not see it
Okay actual headcanons now
She was actually really shy and awkward growing up and had trouble speaking up
But she was a really good student and a hard worker even as a kid and did super well even if she was shy
She and Sid were childhood friends and part of why they got along so well was bc they were both really hard workers even when they were young
Idk I also feel like Sid was probably p outspoken as a kid and I kinda like to imagine he was more like B*Star as a kid than he wants to think (idk I like the vibe) and Naigus always really admired that he could be so extroverted and confident
He was probably one of the only other kids her age she could open up to much growing up
They're basically siblings tbh
When she was at DWMA she was usually at the top of her class even if she was so quiet
Even if she's so quiet she's always been really good at staying calm when things go south
She was a band kid in high school and played the oboe
She is one of the absolute best at DWMA at keeping calm under pressure and is really good at thinking on her feet and improvising
Loves working out on the field where she can put that skill to good use and it shows
Sid isn't stupid obv but Naigus is the real brains of the operation bc of how good she is at working in stressful situations
She generally prefers working behind the scenes to get things going and is the backbone of whatever operations she is involved in for sure
In fact the only reason that she didn't become a death scythe is bc she wasn't really comfortable w all of the attention and fame that comes with it and I've ways imagined that death scythe work is mostly like kinda boring compared to basic weapon/meister work (except when the real big stuff goes down) bc I get the feel you would use them as like your big defense line idk?
She looked at it and made a really hard decision to pass on it bc she knew it just wasn't what she wanted
After making that decision she actually left DWMA for a bit
Wasn't really sure she made the right choice in not doing it at first
When she was away from DWMA she worked as a paramedic (which is why she was qualified to be school nurse for a bit when Medusa was found out)
During that she was actually really glad she turned down the opportunity to be a death scythe bc she really likes that fast pace environment
Being a paramedic actually really got her out of her shell and made her more confident as a person and just made her ability to stay calm even better
After a little while she got home sick and went back to DWMA and partnered back with her good pal Sid who was v glad to work w her again
Really proved herself as a great weapon when she returned esp with her experience as a paramedic
Prob brought a really good and fresh perspective to the job bc of it
Is an honorary death scythe because she is a badass
Shes worked really hard to overcome being shy and its really worked out, shes alot more confident now and has no trouble speaking out about things or putting her ideas/strategies out there
But she is still p reserved and is slow in opening up to people especially civilian types
She doesn't really see that as a flaw though and more just accepts it as part of who she is
She would rather show who she is through her actions than through talk anyway
She actually has a really good sense of humor with people she is close to though and is absolutely the funny one between her and Sid
She has a rescue dog (german shepard/husky mix) that she spoils
Has absolutely gone skydiving
Actually really likes to cook when she has time, she makes a really good veggie sauté
She is best girl (fact)
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