#damn wrenn back at it again with the useless soul eater headcanons
excaliburofficial · 1 year
Had a dream that Spirit Albarn was canonically transmasc and middle child of 3 siblings who all look exactly same and used to wear glasses
You better believe all of this is getting incorporated to my belief system
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excaliburofficial · 3 years
Favorite Snack Foods of the Soul Eater Main Cast
To accompany the one I made like a year ago about drinks
Tends to like snacks that are kind of staple snack foods but not most people's "favorite" like soft pretzels, popcorn, and assorted nuts. She is in charge of any and all trail mix bowls the group needs for parties and gatherings because she has a good sense of what will taste good together or not. One time she had these lollipops that were supposed to taste like chicken and were even chicken shaped, and she enjoyed them but cant remember where she got them. She has been looking for them ever since and doesn't get why people look at her weird when she says "chicken flavored lolipops". She's not even sure if the chicken lollipop was real or if it was a weird fever dream
Has the most Teenaged Boy TM taste in snacks ever. He will never say no to mozzarella sticks, pizza rolls, or tater tots. Ever. He is also secretly really into like, granny snacks. Like wafer cookies and those cookies you get in the tins and like saltine crackers or some shit. One time he went through a total hipster snack phase where he only ate cool pastries, artisan chips, and really weird kinds of locally made beef jerky. He went through another phase where he just made a shit ton of crepes
He literally loves all snack foods though and if you put something in front of him and tell him its edible he will try it. He's not too keen on overly sweet snacks and really likes funyuns and like all chips and like obviously slim jims. He makes really bad gay jokes about himself while eating said slim jims. He will also buy a bag of super spicy chips and eat like maybe half the bag before he starts tearing up and goes to grab the milk. He denies this and says he finishes the entire bag. (He does eventually get to a point where he can eat an entire bag through sheer willpower)
One time he found those weird chicken lollipops Maka keeps talking about, couldn't believe it was real, and was ashamed that he liked it. He has yet to tell Maka that they're real
She is a lot like Black*Star in that she will really try any snack food even if she doesn't think she'll like it because she's really open to the new experience. She's a big fan of frozen treats. Ice cream, frozen custard, ice pops, gelato, you name it. She is a firm believer in waffle cones over cake cones and slightly judges Black*Star when he gets cake cones but doesn't say anything about it. Also loves jello and pudding cups- anything that's cool and refreshing. She really misses Soul's crepe phase though
Death the Kid
Simultaneously has the best taste in snacks and treats and the worst. He comes in to class one day with these super expensive, extremely dark chocolate truffles or something and then the next he has just a shit ton of black licorice. He also finishes Black*Star's half eaten bag of extremely spicy chips like it's nothing and actually really likes them. People are afraid to ask him to share his snacks because it's either going to be some super expensive gourmet shit, leftover spicy chips, or fucking licorice. He does not understand why people are afraid of him for this. He one time referred to hardtack and pemmican as snack foods and he cannot live it down
He is unironically interested in finding and trying these elusive chicken flavored lollipops that Maka keeps talking about
Waits the entire year for the Girl Scouts to start selling cookies and then buys way too many boxes of like every kind. Her favorite is the caramel delights. She also likes candy bars no matter how basic of a "favorite snack" that is but they haven't failed her yet. She insists that Toblerones are fancy, fine chocolates in spite of being around Kid's actual fancy, fine chocolates and refuses to accept anything else. She's also always chewing gum. She likes classic bubble gum flavor and cool mint.
Flaming hot cheetos? She loves them. Pop rocks? Absolutely the best. Do y'all remember when they were making that green ketchup in the 2000s? Well Patty somehow still has a bunch of it that somehow hasn't gone bad yet. Airheads? Jawbreakers? Sour patch kids? Pizza rolls? Tater tots? Patty has all of these and more in her pocket right now at this very second. She is the snack queen and she knows it. How does she fit all of those into her pockets? How is this smore she gave me still warm and gooey? We don't know and we don't ask
She is secretly the supplier of the mysterious chicken lollipops
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excaliburofficial · 3 years
Headcanons Undesputable, 100% Canon Facts I have about Mira Naigus
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Okubo didn't give us the time with Naigus that we all deserved so I'm here to make up for his crimes. Here I have a list of headcanons 100% real facts that I made up just now got in an email from Okubo convienently at the same time I said her vibes are too cool to be in the background. Yes this actually happened I promise. No you can't see the email becaus....uh... bc my dog ate it.
It was a very real email tho
I haven't rewatched NOT for a while but I simply did not like the vibes they forced on her so it doesn't exist now because I make the rules (yes this was in the 100% real email Okubo sent me himself)
Really tho I'm sorry but going from super cool camo pants wearing mummy with abs design to the like generic anime teacher lady vibes is like the hugest downgrade in anime history and it simply does not exist. It is not real. I do not see it
Okay actual headcanons now
She was actually really shy and awkward growing up and had trouble speaking up
But she was a really good student and a hard worker even as a kid and did super well even if she was shy
She and Sid were childhood friends and part of why they got along so well was bc they were both really hard workers even when they were young
Idk I also feel like Sid was probably p outspoken as a kid and I kinda like to imagine he was more like B*Star as a kid than he wants to think (idk I like the vibe) and Naigus always really admired that he could be so extroverted and confident
He was probably one of the only other kids her age she could open up to much growing up
They're basically siblings tbh
When she was at DWMA she was usually at the top of her class even if she was so quiet
Even if she's so quiet she's always been really good at staying calm when things go south
She was a band kid in high school and played the oboe
She is one of the absolute best at DWMA at keeping calm under pressure and is really good at thinking on her feet and improvising
Loves working out on the field where she can put that skill to good use and it shows
Sid isn't stupid obv but Naigus is the real brains of the operation bc of how good she is at working in stressful situations
She generally prefers working behind the scenes to get things going and is the backbone of whatever operations she is involved in for sure
In fact the only reason that she didn't become a death scythe is bc she wasn't really comfortable w all of the attention and fame that comes with it and I've ways imagined that death scythe work is mostly like kinda boring compared to basic weapon/meister work (except when the real big stuff goes down) bc I get the feel you would use them as like your big defense line idk?
She looked at it and made a really hard decision to pass on it bc she knew it just wasn't what she wanted
After making that decision she actually left DWMA for a bit
Wasn't really sure she made the right choice in not doing it at first
When she was away from DWMA she worked as a paramedic (which is why she was qualified to be school nurse for a bit when Medusa was found out)
During that she was actually really glad she turned down the opportunity to be a death scythe bc she really likes that fast pace environment
Being a paramedic actually really got her out of her shell and made her more confident as a person and just made her ability to stay calm even better
After a little while she got home sick and went back to DWMA and partnered back with her good pal Sid who was v glad to work w her again
Really proved herself as a great weapon when she returned esp with her experience as a paramedic
Prob brought a really good and fresh perspective to the job bc of it
Is an honorary death scythe because she is a badass
Shes worked really hard to overcome being shy and its really worked out, shes alot more confident now and has no trouble speaking out about things or putting her ideas/strategies out there
But she is still p reserved and is slow in opening up to people especially civilian types
She doesn't really see that as a flaw though and more just accepts it as part of who she is
She would rather show who she is through her actions than through talk anyway
She actually has a really good sense of humor with people she is close to though and is absolutely the funny one between her and Sid
She has a rescue dog (german shepard/husky mix) that she spoils
Has absolutely gone skydiving
Actually really likes to cook when she has time, she makes a really good veggie sauté
She is best girl (fact)
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excaliburofficial · 3 years
What's on the Christmas Music Playlists of the Soul Eater Cast
Do they even celebrate? Who knows! I don't but I have Christmas music stuck in my head so you know what that means!
All of the children born in Death City grew up with Nightmare before Christmas being THE classic Christmas movie (like Rudolph or Charlie Brown) As such Maka always has Making Christmas as her go to for the season. Also likes Transiberian Orchestra around this time
Says he can't stand Christmas music but Maka swears she heard piano covers of traditional Christmas songs coming from his room. Has a playlist of pop punk covers of Christmas music queued up every year and says it doesn't count (it does)
Feliz Navidad. No idea why I just know that this is his favorite and I feel very strong vibes about this
Didn't grow up with Christmas so she doesn't know a lot ofnthe classics, but she likes the holiday vibe enough and thinks Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas sounds nice, also really likes Greensleeves and gets away with listening to it all year around because itsnottechnicallyachristmassongdontgetMESTARTED
Death the Kid
Also didn't really grow up with Christmas, but its Death City, so he associates Kidnap the Sandy Claws with the season. He also has like 3 different versions of Carol of the Bells for some reason
Actually really does hate Christmas music. Especially cannot stand All I Want for Christmas is You. Avoids the store this time of year for this reason she literally hates it so much (Liz I feel your pain someone help me)
Why are we even asking its OBVIOUSLY The Grinch you guys
Also didn't grow up with Christmas and really had a hard time warming up to the holiday season but actually really likes The Little Drummer Boy. They find it really soothing and will sometimes fall asleep to it
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excaliburofficial · 4 years
The soul eater cast definitely all play dungeons and dragons
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excaliburofficial · 4 years
Soul and Black*Star have karaoke nights and basically just sing Mindless Self Indulgence
And yes I am only saying this because I am listening to them right now
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