#no honestly I don't think we appreciate how many forms of sleep we are capable of
oldtvandcomics · 2 years
Underappreciated form of sleep is when only part of your brain is sleeping, and the rest is awake to judge whatever it’s doing while asleep.
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1-800-himbo · 4 years
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Tenya Iida x Procrastinator! Reader Oneshot
Synopsis : Iida becomes the very last line of defense against Y/N's tendency to procrastinate.
💙 💫 🍊
[ 3:21PM - Aizawa's Classroom ] It was nothing more than a study hall. More specifically, math class- but Aizawa took initiative to make it a nap hour. Certainly not the lustrous, heroic training most pictured when they thought about going to school to become a pro hero at all. However most students were busied- from catching up on homework to tying up other loose ends, or simply studying. A few had gotten a hall pass from Aizawa-Sensei, either for the purpose of getting to the library, or to get to an empty training room for some extra work out time.
And then there was you. Slumped in the back of the classroom, arms crossed over your desk as you focused on anything but work. Safe to say, you were heavily procrastinating. ... Enter Tenya Iida. The very moment he entered the room and locked eyes with you, you knew what was coming for you. Punctually, he smiled, and you gave a sheepish smile back, with an awkward wave. As he began his approach, his arm angled, elbow bent ninety degrees, fingers straightened as he made his own sort of wave, although it was more an air-chop. "L/N! Have you already finished our mandatory mathematics homework?" Iida chimed, tone stern but kind, and clearly upbeat.
"Oh... Well, I... Eheh, see, funny thing is-" I muttered, trying to come up with some half-assed excuse for why exactly I wasn't working on it. "I left my book in my dorm! So... I can't really start the assignment without the book, and I-"
"That's just fine, L/N! You can use mine!" ... Shit. Of course, the ever-efficient Tenya Iida would do everything in his power to make sure he and everyone around him don't get away with slacking off. Honestly, I found it kind of odd- the way he still called me by my last name. It was a formality many 1-A students had long forgotten, if they hadn't already pinned nicknames on each other. Most classmates called me Y/N by now. I only still called him by Iida because I was unsure if he wanted the formality returned. Nevermind that, though. I heaved a sigh.
"... Thank you, Iida." I muttered as he lifted up a desk, and placed it down beside mine so we could share the book easier. Well, guess there's no escaping it now... "Could I borrow some paper then? I don't really... Have my notebook either..." I admitted, hoping silently that there was no way he'd realize my supreme lack of... Well, anything efficient to work on. After all, Iida wasn't the type to shy away from scolding his poor classmates for not working their very hardest as 1-A students and future pro heroes. Without a moment's notice, he'd neatly tugged a piece of paper from his own notebook, and slid it onto my desk before pulling out a sleek black and silver mechanical pencil- fully loaded and ready to do my willing.
"So, is there something you require assistance with, or are you simply avoiding your work?" The class representative queried with a light, almost wry smile, letting me know he knew exactly what was going on.
"... You caught me," I slumped forward in my seat slightly, watching his attentive hands work through the book until reaching the page of the assignment. Finally, the book was wedged between our papers on the two desks we'd pushed together, and he released a polite chuckle, beginning on his already half-finished homework without another word.
Man, if only I was smart as Iida...
[ 4:17PM - Aizawa's Classroom ] Once again, You found yourself off in your own little world. Iida had taken the time out of his day to help you with your work, and it was honestly tiring. He worked fast and with expertise. You were just trying to keep up.
"And so, if you simply carry the ten..." I sighed softly as the blue haired teenage-adult explained an algorithm for the second time now. See, I was normally an average student. But once something stumped me, I got stressed. Very, very stressed. Usually, asking for help lead to frustrating my helper, and stressing myself out even more. But it seemed Iida was more than happy to explain it a million times over, in a million different ways. We'd been working for almost an hour. As in I'd been trying to work, and Iida had been attentively giving me all the help in the world.
Which was a little frustrating. How could this guy be so perfect all the time? So smart, so physically capable, so... So very Tenya Iida. It was as if skillful intellect coursed through his blood. A hand waved before my face. "L/N?" That was when I realized I had, once again, been caught drifting off.
"Iida, I swear, my brain is melting." With that, his sharp stare softened, and he began picking up his things.
"I suppose we should be getting back to our dorms anyways, class is ending in a moment," The blue haired boy commented, leading me to heave a sigh of relief. "Yeah... But thanks for helping a little.." Even if said help was not asked for or warranted... It was appreciated.
"Of course! What else is a class representative good for?"
💙 💫 🍊
[ 10:46 - Iida's Dorm ] Since that day in a study hall, Tenya Iida had saved your sorry behind from an awful lot of disappointment-stare from your teachers. You were sprawled out on Iida's bed, and he was slumped over his desk, writing up a formal complaint. Yada yada, something about how 'as class rep' he felt Bakugou Katsuki's tendency to bully Midoriya Izuku to tears was 'immature and a hindrance to their learning experience.' Well... At least he had good intent.
"L/N, do you think I sho- ... L/N?"
For a moment, I hardly responded. Apparently, laying in fresh-smelling bedsheets in a crisply clean room made dozing off easy. But I forced my eyes open, peeking over to Iida. He'd taken off his overcoat and tie, simply left in his ironed, clean white button up and slacks. Even in a relaxed setting, Iida didn't know anything outside of formal, did he? I expected him to continue his question, but he was silent. His eyes wandered for a moment, before locking back onto mine with a soft smile.
"Do you want to stay here tonight?" I sat up slowly, tilting my head. "Iida, that's against the rules." His eyebrow raised, and he raised an index finger to his lips in a silent 'shh' as he stood from his desk, taking off his glasses and setting them on his bedside table.
"... Since when have you gotten to tell me about rules-?" He teased lightly, and I rolled my eyes, before holding my arms out to him.
"Whatever, legs. You better not start lecturing me on proper sleeping form."
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gayregis · 5 years
ok also. i don't think geralt's into pet names BUT he's really just like. thoroughly physically affectionate. like he's not good with words but he knows very well just how and where his bf wants to be kissed and touched and what makes him feel good and what makes him feel appreciated both in terms of sex and in just in general and in turn jaskier is very vocal abt how good geralt makes him feel or abt how much he really appreciates him and his company and how he loves him bc They Know Each Other
in a little sacrifice when geralt begins tripping over his words around dandelion and essi... he was shortcircuiting from the pressure of having to speak in front of two poets. ... the thing is that geralt has the capability to be incredibly eloquent, but it’s only when he’s not thinking about it, and also usually when it’s about something he scorns, or a hateful situation (the nature of humanity, impending doom, the dangers and woes that ciri is facing...) ... when he has to speak about good things and love, he kind of becomes reduced to “you make me feel good in my heart :)” 
i know that this isn’t the ship on the table right now, but, i mean, it took geralt four books and like what, 10 years, to tell yennefer he loved her... i feel like with dandelion, there was less, ahem, drama in their relationship (they don’t really on again/off again, it’s more of a mutual everlasting thing) so it could have gotten to that point sooner between them, but it also has to be considered when exactly it turns romantic or geralt Realizes that he’s not only capable of love but legitimately loves dandelion ... not just in a friend way... 
(personally i understand the appeal of a ship that has love at first sight, but i really like the “love at second sight” dynamic in which they realize they’re important to each other right off the bat but only really realize their feelings later... also i think falling in love / realizing that you have fallen in love with your best friend is a common gay/bi experience...)
so i like to put the estimate of when geralt Realizes actually exactly at the point where dudu changes into dandelion in eternal flame. because at that moment geralt realizes that all he wanted to do when faced with dandelion is hold him, talk with him, be with him somewhere quiet, peaceful, and safe... that he loves him, even if he is wearing that stupid gaudy blue kaftan... that all he ever feels towards dandelion is this desire to be with him, spend time with him, protect him from anything that may come their way... dudu and geralt in this moment both were expecting geralt to raise his sword, geralt was already reluctant and never wants to harm innocents, but after dudu shifted form into dandelion, any kind of drive he possibly could have had for unsheathing his blade in an act of violence just got knocked out of him, blew away like the wind. (also worth noting that right before dudu shifted into dandelion’s form, he was in geralt’s form, and that only made geralt actually more OK with using violence than he was with dudu in any other form... geralt’s self-loathing knows. only a few bounds.)
the reason why i bring it back to this time geralt realizes he’s in love is because of that moment where all he wants is to just sheathe his sword, rush forward, and hold dandelion in his arms... feeling horror at the fact that his sword is glistening in his hand. he doesn’t know what to say, actually, in this moment. the dialogue becomes a monologue as dudu continues speaking in dandelion’s voice and form, and where geralt is supposed to repond, it just says: “geralt nodded reluctantly.” “the witcher said nothing.” “the witcher said nothing.” i interpret this scene as him basically being paralyzed with feelings, especially after a shard of ice where he and istredd went toe-to-toe and was told he can’t experience love because it’s a biological impossibility. he’s still thinking about this question throughout eternal flame, and it comes to a head in this scene, because what else, other than love, stayed his blade, paralyzed him?
geralt’s situation relating to his feelings and love are intensely complex. it’s not the simple “oh i have feelings for you but i’m too abashed to say them uwu,” but rather “i was born to be emotionless so i could fill a societal role and specific caste laid out for me but your presence in my life has changed everything and now i think i might be able to feel love, and i feel love for you” ... so yeah he has difficulty verbalizing all of that. especially when he hasn’t had a traditional upbringing with the presence of fairy tales and stories of love told to him since childhood, he’s missed out on a lot of “normal” societal things like this so he does not have a framework to understand his feelings through! no one told geralt that when you want to spend night and day with someone, sleep in the same bed, talk to them endlessly, and you feel like you can be completely honest and truly yourself and seen for who you really are around somebody... that’s love! 
before dandelion’s presence in geralt’s life, the idea of pleasant touch was really foreign to geralt. from contracts, he felt claws and teeth and maybe the sewing of a wound afterwards. from other contact with other humans, he felt nothing except the ocassional contemptous spitting or throwing of stones (legit what it says in the last wish). the witchers in KM seem to go for that masc shit (he and eskel hug for an imperceptable moment, blink and you’ll miss it) and i can imagine witchers roughhouse for fun and stuff like that, but in the outside world, with no one who could ever understand who he is, what he is, what role he was meant to play... it’s a very isolating life. 
i’m stealing an entire paragraph from this other post i wrote a while ago: “tbh there was probably an entire first week of their friendship where geralt flinched or became immediately alert when dandelion got close to him to speak, touch his arm in jest or gentle motion, or grabbed onto his hand, forearm, or sleeve in anxiety, because geralt just…. wasn’t used to anyone touching him, even in a passing or platonic manner.” geralt wasn’t used to kind touch, but he has highly trained mind-body coordination. i think in one part of tower of the swallow in a chapter prelude, witchers are called a “caste of warrior-priests” which just makes me think of the monk class in D&D... which can be a good analogy. geralt is NOT just a sellsword. his profession goes entirely much deeper, it’s literally what he was genetically altered to perform. this is why he has such a difficult time separating himself from his work, because it almost cannot be done. witchers do undergo extensive training, and especially individuals like geralt who are focused on ethics and morality take time to reconcile the physical and mental effects on their body. it’s not really just “guy with sword feels things physically bc that’s just how he’s wired,” but geralt has really tuned his soul and body together as a result of both his profession and coping with being forced into his profession.
so i think when dandelion introduces this concept of good touch to him in addition to the idea that he can be loved / deserves companionship, it’s natural for geralt as he becomes more in-tune with his emotions to feel them more physically. i ask whomstever is reading to take their mind out of the gutter bc this part at least is a nonsexual context, because they can put it straight back into the gutter later, since this post does involve dandelion.geralt’s emotions are practically on the same level of chronic pain as his shattered leg later on in the series. you know when you feel despair and grief in your chest, the tingling sensation of love in your arms and shoulders, the bristling anger on the back of your neck... it’s along those lines. 
so when he’s feeling emotions very heavily, and can’t begin to craft the statement beginning with, “so, i’m not supposed to feel emotions, but...” he just acts with his body. this can actually be seen in all the times he saves dandelion, saves yennefer (debatable b/c she’s pretty badass; it’s more like he helped her), and when he just runs to ciri without even needing to say anything in something more. 
in his worst times, geralt’s a man of philosophy and surmising and indecisiveness... like in baptism of fire, regis says that the cardinal directions have no meaning to him, as long as he is going somewhere... he paces around, and also like in baptism of fire, the song about the ornery wolf... look how the wolf dances in the holt / teeth bared, tail waving, leaping like a colt (...) look how the wolf is dragging his paws / head drooping, tail hanging, clenching his jaws (...)” ... but in his best times, he’s a man of action. he acts when it’s most important.
ok time to put your head back into the gutter now! i’ll put the nsfw stuff under a cut to save all of your eyes
this part can be treated like an add-on to the post. wow, all this writing just to say geralt doesn’t suck at sex... ok. 
well in terms of geralt x dandelion i think that after their first time together, dandelion accuses him of lying about how many people he’s fucked, because ‘it can’t possibly be that small of a number’ because geralt wasn’t awkward. he was very emotional as to be expected, but also we know he doesn’t tend to show emotions on his face, so the intense rippling feeling of love & desire he feels when dandelion pushes his hair back behind his ear flew under the radar. which is good in geralt’s perspective, because he strongly feels that it would be embarassing if dandelion knew how much he’s affected by him. honestly similarly, dandelion who’s not embarassed by much is at first apprehensive to think about his and geralt’s relationship, because usually he can just leave whenever he feels like it... but with geralt, it became different, geralt was no fling, and realizing this very early on in their relationship was alarming until dandelion did what he usually does and just drops it and remains happy. 
honestly you could make the argument (not outright STATING it... i’m not being h*rny on sideblog...) but you could argue, that geralt and dandelion have bomb ass sex because both of them are canonically good in bed, weirdly enough. geralt is pretty giving and loving in his sex scenes, even when it’s not even romantic and rather a crazed passion, like with fringilla. it’s canon that he’s a proponent of oral sex b/c he defends the concept in discussion with regis and also gives it canonically, so idk what to really say here except geralt’s a real one and sapkowski had a vision i guess for his main character. 
another important thing mentioned in geralt’s sex scenes is that he’s pretty intuitive with pacing. in the last wish, he and yennefer take their time and have quite a soft and loving experience, and in lady of the lake, he and fringilla experience this more sort of intense scenario. but i think these differences are meant to speak to the differences in love and relationships between the pairings... while geralt and yennefer experience an all-consuming love of mind and body, geralt and fringilla had more of a ... bad decision. this makes us have to headcanon for what the pairing of geralt and dandelion would be like, i’m inclined to say it would be a lot like geralt and yennefer because the thing about geralt and yennefer is that they find intimacy in each other that they’ve yearned for their entire lives, and geralt and dandelion have a lot of that similar energy of finding something in another that you’ve always longed for. 
especially towards the beginning of their relationship, i feel like just their abilities to be vulnerable are what drives them. of course, having emotional sex is a fireworks-type event for geralt, while for dandelion it’s more just like, 3 PM on a tuesday afternoon, so that affects their dynamic a lot, again especially in the beginning of their relationship before geralt met yennefer and villentretenmerth, because geralt really was just not sure of himself. dandelion’s very sure of himself so he kind of doesn’t realize that it’s the beginning of an Emotional Journey for geralt and not just something casual like eating brunch together. geralt becomes more confident over time though and that’s good but he still gets just regular pangs of gay love that stops your heart momentarily, from being ... in love... 
as for actual dynamic during i think it would be funny and good to keep them both in-character and interacting as they normally do. cue humorous arguments with no vitriol or consequence: “stop moaning in musical scales, it’s ruining my concentration” “no— fa so!” 
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theskygivesmelife · 3 years
"I am the master of my fate,"
How ironic that a poem about self control uses this very phrase, whilst ignoring the fact that fate, or destiny actually imply that there can never truly be any control, for all is predetermined from the beginning of time.
I'd say we don't. Nonexistence is a superior state of existence in my opinion.
First things first: you don't love me, so stop saying you do. Even if you genuinely believe you do, you'll understand what I mean.
With that said, for the love of God can you stop messaging me? Not on WhatsApp because I will have *deleted* it, and not on Android messages because I can't respond as I don't have any balance. I use my phone only for music or gaming mainly anyway. Speaking of which, I thought I did make it clear that I don't want to talk to you. When was the last time we did talk? Right, your birthday. I don't remember ever being that drained after talking to you. Honestly, it was a pain—was it for you too? I guess that's what happens as one becomes truly apathetic. Seriously, I don't know who you're still trying to contact, but that person's dead. Well, not literally unfortunately, but if you do want to talk to some tired, disillusioned soul I'm still here I guess. As I mentioned, your little I love yous at the end don't really hold, because, you know, you're really just refering to the wrong person. For the record, I've started to think that not only am I incapable of loving, but am also incapable of being loved.
Anyhow, lets just say that if I were Jekyll then I'm Hyde now. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm responding to you. The "fuck her, why give a damn?" voices have been quite loud for some time. Well, I don't think of you all the time, so "fuck the world" might seem more apt as a generalisation. Back to the point: some time ago I'd have actually cared, but I don't give a shit now about anything.
I'll say it now: I don't think it'll ever be a good enough reason for you. I don't think any reason ever will. You'll probably still try to convince me to maintain contact, even though it's so horribly one sided. Well, I just couldn't care less for the most part. It'd probably be good if you wouldn't waste your time on me though. I mean, let's be real. You're not going to get my number once out if this country. Even if you miraculously did, you'd certainly make some replacement friends in college without the downsides that I have, so it'd be pointless. I know you won't listen anyway, and I said that I don't care either. So why am I even trying? I don't know.
If you'll remember I've tried to shut you out multiple times. It's funny now, ~because I feel absolutely nothing now.~ Quite often in the past I'd feel quite regretful or guilty, but now? Heh, just an emotionless robot just moving along now. Going through the motions you know. Still, if there's one thing I should mention, it's that I never lied to you when I said some sentimental crap like caring about you and such. Whoever I was back then, he genuinely ment it. And now, it seems like my wick is shorter than I imagined. It's going to burn up quick. You know what that means? Garima, it means peace at last. So, let me have my time now. I still dream of that little cottage far away, secluded from society. No-one for company. Okay, a cat and a dog. They'll be nice. A drum kit. Video games maybe? What'll I do? Electrician perhaps? Mechanic? Just so long as it isn't a crappy 9-5 job, and actually pays my bills. No people. No friends—do I really have any? No girlfriend—I don't want one (not asexual, but I'm not as horny as you I guess), and I doubt I'm capable of forming a proper relationship anyway. No family—I never had one to begin with. Can you imagine it? All alone and blissful. Just let me be. Please. One way or another, I'm gone. I'm actually feeling sad now typing this, tears in my eyes and all (I haven't cried in forever) but you shouldn't be. You've got a long, long way to go; you'll do well anyway. I don't know what I really was to you, or what I've done to you. I know that I was a hard person to deal with. I can't really list out all the times I've failed you; I hope you will forgive me for them. Believe me when I say that if there was ever I person I really tried to keep happy as often as I could, it was you.
" *Bye, stay healthy and happy* "
I won't—I can't.
PS. Nice songs. I still appreciate music I guess, unless it's a really bad day.
[8/18/2018, 12:03 AM] Prathik: It seems not. Oh well, I was hoping I could talk one last time. Silly of me; you're probably either sleeping or studying for tomorrow's — should I say today's? — test.
[8/18/2018, 12:57 AM] Prathik: You know, I've been thinking: what if I wanted to talk to you one day? Would you then be ready to hold conversation? I think you would, but that doesn't strike me as fair. I mean you say that you'll miss me, but that's something you'll just have to take in your stride. On the contrary, if I miss you, then I try contacting you, and in all likelihood you'll just respond. What do you think?
[8/18/2018, 1:44 AM] Prathik: Maybe you're free tonight? I just want to talk; I don't know what I'm even doing now. Ugh I can't even explain it without sounding like some self pitying shithead. Forget it. I'm sorry
[8/18/2018, 12:42 PM] Prathik: Seriously, the very dynamics of our interactions are messed up. Everything is based on my mood and how I'm feeling. Don't want to talk? No problem! I'll go silent. Depressive episode? No problem! I'll go silent. It's like I can literally choose what and when we get to converse. Tired of our conversations? No problem! I'll just stop talking to you. And all you say is that you'll miss me. Sure, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, but bloody hell — why didn't you ever call me out for my behaviour? Gee, we screwed up...so many flaws and nothing was even done about them.
Yes, I'm ranting. I'll say stupid things, and maybe hurtful things too. If I were completely aware of what it is that sounded like that, then I wouldn't be saying them. Not that it's an excuse for saying anything I shouldn't. You probably shouldn't take anything personally, because in all likelihood, I'll probably just be projecting.
[8/18/2018, 12:52 PM] Prathik: Oh shit, I really need psychological help don't I? Do you think that if I got better, I'd finally stop sabotaging all the relationships I have?
[8/19/2018, 12:19 AM] Prathik: Goodbye
[8/19/2018, 2:25 PM] Prathik: Okay, I'll just leave this here. Just one last thing. I honestly am doubting my mental stability: I'd wager that I'm fairly unstable in general and more so at this point. My mood seems to swing like a fucking pendulum, and for whatever reason, I have and possibly might keep spouting unnecessary shit. So please, just *IGNORE EVERYTHING* I say. *EVERYTHING.* Except this one last message. Please. It's all I ask.
[8/19/2018, 2:54 PM] Prathik: I'm also not going to be using WhatsApp anymore — no point now right? — so I guess you'll be spared if having to reply to anything.
[8/8/2018, 10:24 PM] Prathik: Bloody hell, always nice to me even though I don't deserve it. Can't just go study like you ought to or talk to anyone else? You've got tons of friends after all. Perhaps one day they'll give you a consolation prize saying "good effort; hard luck" and maybe then you'll see how you're just wasting your time. Whatever. It's not like I can control you or force you to behave in a certain manner. Stupid world. Just leave me be
[8/8/2018, 10:52 PM] Prathik: I don't even know why you don't give in. I mean, what am I to you? Some depressed idiot that makes you feel better about yourself? I don't think that's the narrative you've sold to me, so that's probably not the reason.
It's kinda like you're an ant running against the wind. Not any wind, though, just that which is being blown by some sadistic little kid. It keeps running into it. Over and over it tries and fails. The wind keeps pushing it back, but the ant doesn't see how futile it's attempts are. It doesn't see that despite the fact that it keeps trying, nothing's going to change. It has so many other avenues of exploration, ones that would certainly lead to a great reception from the colony, but oh no. The ant keeps running, hoping that the resistance will decrease. Eventually the boy just blows harder, and the ant flies away and lands on its back. (Good thing it has an exoskeleton.) Only then does it see how pointless its efforts were, and that they were better off invested somewhere else.
You know how people throw that fucking annoying platitude around? That things will get better? Doesn't happen. It's no different in its progression from a physical illness, and once you go beyond a certain stage you're only living on fumes at that point. Limited time. But it'll get better they say. Fucking hell, it can also get worse, but who's willing to actually concede that bleak truth?
Yeah, maybe. I don't know. I'm just getting worse mentally. I mean, I set the suicide date for when I'm 25. It's only kept dropping. I started considering pushing it to college years, and now I'm genuinely pondering whether I should just drop out of college like when I'm 19 or so and be done with it — at least I won't have to wonder about how you'll come meet me in USA lol. I'm also drawing more blanks in tests. It's not like I don't know, it's just making me more and more anxious. Like the psychology UT we had just some time ago. I left 12 marks because it seemed to easy to be true and I thought I was wrong. I got 17.5 . And meeting people, ugh. Worse than ever. Sure I'm introverted, but at this rate I'm practically going to become a hermit. My ability to function like a sane person is waning, and it's actually quite clear. It's makes me awe struck and horrified at the same time seeing how someone is so capable of self sabotage. Yeah, I don't think I was made for this world. Just one big mistake that hasn't been taken care of yet.
Oh, if you haven't listened to it already, you really should listen to Heroes by David Bowie. Please do, if you haven't yet. Just this one song.
[6/28/2018, 12:13 AM] Prathik: I love you.
[6/28/2018, 12:14 AM] Prathik: ^ I just felt like saying that.
You don't get it. I don't know for sure that you like talking to me. Yes, you've said so so many times that I've lost track. I'd be lying if I said that it were enough to convince me. It isn't; you can't do anything to change my perception of myself, and sometimes I'll project, being the idiot I am after all. There's never going to be a time when I can the voice that says you're you're just using me for some kicks or something to shut up. That doubt will never go, and every time you say something like that, I'll make sure to interpret it as evidence that even you don't care, that you just let your guard down. You can't ever really make me satisfied or happy, so don't throw away any more of your time actually trying to justify anything. If you know that what you've done is fine, then it's fine.
[6/12/2018, 8:51 PM] Prathik: Speaking of which, it's interesting that you brought up the fact that our relationship is dysfunctional. Not that I really addressed it well when you originally meantioned it. It does make me wonder, are the dynamics of the way we interact with each other actually healthy? Perhaps we're just fucking each other in the ass and not even realising it? While it's a possibility that I consider, you should know that I don't think the second one is too probable. All the same, it's bothersome enough to actually consider pondering over. Funny, though, how I've just turned a blind eye to it; best relationship you've had you say. Pretty much the same for me, I suppose that's why I've not considered anything that suggests contrary to that opinion.
You know, we never did our cliched apologies. I'm not sure what exactly to apologise for; however, I don't have any qualms admitting that I did fuck up. I'm not sure it makes any sense to apologise for going silent for a month. Honestly, while I did miss you, I'm not sure of how much I actually regret it. Heck, if I hadn't misunderstood your message and not responded... Moreover, what's the point of saying sorry for something I've done multiple times and might do again anyway? It probably does defeat the purpose of it. I do regret making you angry though. I'm not too proud of getting you pissed off, I honestly am sorry about that. That conversation just didn't go the way I'd have liked it to I guess...
[6/12/2018, 8:53 PM] Prathik: Also, is it just me or have things between us changed? I mean, the one month silence probably did more harm than good. It'd have probably been better had I never done anything, or had not stupidly misinterpreted what you said and stayed silent after all. I don't know, I'm not saying it has anything to do with you anyway. I know who's responsible if something is wrong after all.
[6/12/2018, 10:04 PM] Prathik: Oh, today I mixed NaOH with NH4Br, boiled it and inhaled it. I also had to do some speaking for a group activity in English, and I didn't really fuck it up at all or get shaky knees
Just saying. Anyway, which Tapasya acquaintances are you still in touch with?
[6/12/2018, 10:42 PM] Prathik: Oh look, they just killed off net neutrality in USA. Fucking Ajit Pai. As if he didn't have an incredibly punchable face to begin with.
[6/10/2018, 10:05 AM] Prathik: If you say so. Read at your own inconvenience.
Since I'm idiotic enough, I decided to read more of the dude's articles. Lost a ton of brain cells. Also, don't read the comments. Nutty, the lot of them.
[6/10/2018, 11:00 AM] Prathik: "The power of propaganda always surprises me. Only 30 years ago, homosexuality was almost universally condemned, and now it’s accepted in half the world and half the States. Clearly, the natural position worldwide is that homosexuality is a disorder, and should be condemned. The problem is, we lost the youth. Somehow, homosexual advocates were able to brainwash and indoctrinate them into accepting it. If you talk to anyone my age, they believe that homosexuality poses no health risks (homosexuals have a 5 times higher chance of getting HIV) and that they are born as homosexuals (despite no scientific evidence.) IMO this is a result of two things: homosexual propaganda (esp. through the internet) and the collapse of the traditional marriage model. The parents simply haven’t taught their children about Christianity and thus they are easy prey for the homosexual movement.
Honestly, I am very pessimistic and I feel that it’s only going to get worse as time goes on. More and more ‘Christians’ are accepting this behavior day by day and it’s heartbreaking."
Has to be the most ironic things I've ever read. Talks about propaganda and indoctrination, but completely turns a blind eye to how he's become what he is.
[6/10/2018, 6:29 PM] Prathik: And now, I've realised that I could have actually spent my time better by talking to you on the phone as you suggested. Not that I studied one bit as I planned to do.
[6/9/2018, 1:56 AM] Garima Joshi: Bye now, love you.
[6/9/2018, 1:57 AM] Prathik: Bye. Love you.
if I could really recover from the depressed, socially anxious, and suicidal person I am today, believe me I'd let you know immediately. I promise.
[3/20/2018, 3:01 AM] Garima Joshi: I know you said you were tired. Thanks for sticking around. Always great talking to you.
[3/20/2018, 3:02 AM] Prathik: It's always fun talking to you. So.. yeah. Do we say goodnight or goodmorning at this point?
[3/20/2018, 3:03 AM] Prathik: Yeah. Stay safe in Delhi will you? Bye.
[3/20/2018, 3:04 AM] Garima Joshi: I'll try, I'll try.
Have a good day (today)
Bye, love you.
[3/20/2018, 3:06 AM] Prathik: I thought you said cheesy stuff were grossing you out...
I'm sorry, did I sound a little overprotective?
[3/20/2018, 3:13 AM] Garima Joshi: Okay Patrick I love you v much but I'll find you a wife tomorrow, for now you need those 2 hours 58 minutes of beauty sleep to rope in all those women
[3/20/2018, 3:13 AM] Prathik: Lulz. Fine. Love you too.
0 notes
kim-reapers · 7 years
BTS - Rapmonster x Reader
(A/n: Thank you @sobbedbangchabish for helping me with each of the members abilities! 😊)
Word Count - 2600
— The wind blew fiercely, snow pouring from the sky. You see, you and your team were a well known adventure team in Fyrei, a large kingdom in the land of Lilibethia. The eight of you were trudging through the snow that rest on the mountain, looking for a place to stay until you all get some rest and can continue your journey.
As mentioned earlier, you have a team of eight people. There’s you, the second in command. Despite the large great sword that lay rested on your back, you wear light armor that barely kept you warm. One could say that, due to your personality, were the mother of the group. But you weren’t even as close to it as Seokjin was. 
Ah yes, Kim Seokjin, the oldest member. He was the support member of the group. The healer. He took care of all of the members with your help. As of right now, he was walking ahead of you, talking to the youngest member. The two of you are probably the closest in the entire group. You personally want to get closer to him but a certain someone always gets in your way. How bothersome.
The youngest member, Jeon Jungkook. Currently he didn’t have a set role aside from carrying the supplies that the rest of you weren’t able to carry. You felt a little guilty but you knew he was strong. He did help defend Seokjin when he would be healing another member. He’s a really good kid and he treats you with respect, so that’s enough for you. Sometimes you teach him to dos and don'ts of swords.
Walking alongside of you, on your right side, was Kim Taehyung. He had the ability to talk to animals and use them to attack his enemies for him. Although it was heartbreaking to see the nearby animals get hurt and wounded, Taehyung would always rush to the animals’ sides after the fight. He genuinely cared and enjoyed about any living specimen nearby; well, except for the ones that have done harm to those he cares about. Even if your team would be resting, he would be petting some sort of animal.
Ahead of all of you is Min Yoongi, you call him the “emo” of the group. This is mostly due to because of his ability to manipulate the shadows around him. And the fact that he’s pale. And mean. Maybe also because he’s sleeping the majority of the time too. He mentors one of the members of the maknae line. You get along well but it’s mostly thanks to his apprentice. He’s not trying to be a wingman though, he thinks it’s weird to see his mentor and close friend interact despite all neing part of the same adventure team.
Straying slightly far behind all of you is Jung Hoseok. He’s a literal sunshine. The opposite of Yoongi, as you say. His ability to manipulate light and fire astonishes you. He’s so bright and happy. Some of your favorite moments with him consist of you trying to “rap.” Keyword: trying. You aren’t that good but you can throw some pretty good rhymes. It’s honestly such a crime. Hoseok would sometimes join you in little rap battles you have with the other members.
A man on your left, opposite of Taehyung, was trying to get your attention. Sigh. His name of Park Jimin. He is Yoongi’s apprentice in the dark arts, which is what he uses during scuffles with the enemies. Another thing that helps him in battles is him being able to cast charm spells which seduce the enemy and it puts them in a daze for a while. He often fights Taehyung for your affection but they were still close friends. It’s quite hilarious to watch them go at it in all honesty. Or whenever Yoongi tells him that he isn’t in the right state of mind to manipulate the shadows, Jimin whines and asks you for help. Even though you don’t know anything about magic. At all.
The last member. The leader. Your rival. Maybe saying rival is a bit too much, but the two of you don’t get along at all. Kim Namjoon. Despite you being the second in command, it doesn’t necessarily mean you two are close. It just means that you capable of taking care of the group if needed. You call him your rival due to you trying to get closer to Seokjin. Sort of like the situation between Jimin, Taehyung, and you. Except you and Namjoon weren’t close. Everything he does infuriates you, ranging from the smug smile he shoots at you when he’s with Seokjin and you’re not to him cutting off your commands that would’ve been of use to the team.
There are things you admire about him, however. He’s quite handsome and his dimples make his smiles less annoying. His leadership skills are outstanding and he doesn’t have a hard time getting the members attention. His smarts are outstanding which is why he’s a powerful wizard. His knowledge is what you envy the most. From him being able to brew any potion, to casting any spell. Although the two of you constantly go at each other, you really admire him.
“Hey!” Yoongi suddenly shouts while turning around to face the seven of you. “There’s something that looks to be a small cavern up ahead, should we stay there for a while?” He asks Namjoon. The leader shakes his head. “No, there should be an inn nearby. We’ll keep going,” he declares. You continue the journey on the path, letting the cold nip at your exposed face.
You hear quiet shivering from beside you and you turn your head away from Taehyung and focus your attention on the pink haired male. “Jimin, are you cold?” You ask him. “What, what does it look like?” He says between clenched teeth, trying to keep them from chattering. You sigh and remove the scarf that you wore to keep your neck warm, softly wrapping it around Jimin’s neck and over his mouth. “There,” you chuckle. “Now you won’t be so noisy.”
“But (Y/n)!” Jimin protests. “You’ll be cold too, you kn-” “You need to be healthy and warm, Jimin,” you cut him off. Jimin links your arms together, a grin spreading across his face. “You’re too nice, ah~ What did we do to get you on our team?” He gushes. You roll your eyes at him and smile. “Stop messing around, we need to go on,” Namjoon yells at the two of you from the front. You scoff and press on, keeping your arms linked with Jimin’s.
About half an hour later, you were shivering violently with Hoseok’s arms wrapped around you as you walked, letting his extremely warm body engulf you. Oh, how wonderful the pros of being friends with this sunshine is. “Hero’s Retreat, just up ahead,” Yoongi shouts, loud enough for the seven of you to hear. “Hero’s Retreat?” Jungkook tilts his head slightly to the left. “Did I stutter? Yes, Hero’s Retreat. That’s the name of the damn inn,” he snaps.
Hoseok lets go of you as you step onto the wooden stairs that lead to the entrance of the wooden building. Namjoon opens the door and you can feel the warmth push itself outside, hitting you and your team. Suddenly, you’re pulled inside by Yoongi and he look at you with a frown on his face. “Don’t stand out there when the rest of us are already inside, idiot,” he scolds. You nod your head slowly and start to saunter towards the fire that was lit in the center.
You sat down in a chair, rubbing your hands together and sniffling quietly. Chances are that you most likely got sick while traveling due to the cold weather but as long as the other members weren’t, it couldn’t be that bad. The only thing that was annoying about it was how your members now constantly asked you if you needed anything or if you’ll be ok. It’s just a cold, what’s the big deal about it?
The night passed fairly quickly. You were the first one to fall asleep, completely bundled up in the covers and sheets of the bed. You all were forced to share rooms and beds according to age, except for Jin and Jungkook, who shared a room with eachother. Yoongi shared with Hoseok, you with Namjoon, Jimin with Taehyung. So now you lay in a bed with the member you like the least.
Your back faced him and he sat up in the bed, nose buried in a spell book. He glanced at you and your sleeping form, sighing to himself. He brought his pocket watch up to his face to check the time. “6:15,” he whispers to himself. He had somehow managed to stay up the entire night, which was unusual. You were usually the one to stay up the latest. Namjoon threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, fixing the blankets beside you and removing the pillow barrier you had between the two of you.
He stepped out of the room and looked at the owner of the inn, who stood behind the counter and washed down the surface of it with a rag. “Excuse me,” Namjoon spoke up once walking up to the man. “Yes? What can I do for you?” “Is there a shrine nearby that my friend use? They’re sick,” he asks politely. “I’m afraid not. My wife and I were hoping that we could install one once the nearby trolls are killed, we’re sorry for the inconvenience,” he apologizes. Namjoon lightly waves his hand and speaks up, “It’s not your fault, so please do not worry about it.” He glanced at the room he stayed in then back to the owner. “Do you think I could get some cooked salmon, however?” “Of course, of course. I’ll get started on the right away.”
While he waited, Namjoon sat at one of the many tables and continued to read. After a good fifteen minutes, in the corner of his eye he saw Jin poke his head out from his room. “Good morning Jin,” he greeted the older man as he took a seat next to him. “Morning. What are they cooking?” Jin asked between yawns, gently rubbing his eyes and resting his head on the table.
“Just.. Salmon?”
“Well, yes. However it’s not for me. (Y/n) wears very thin armor and they even gave up their scarf so that Jimin wouldn’t get sick. I would also appreciate it if our only melee weapon user wasn’t sick before we start traveling,” he explained to his friend. Jin sighed before responding, “I wish I could use magic and spells to heal sicknesses and diseases. Healing wounds is definitely helpful during battle but what about the overall well being for the person? Not that I don’t respect our Gods but I sometimes wish they we didn’t have to need a shrine or altar to heal ourselves.”
Namjoon nodded and closed his book after gently placing a small, folded piece of paper that served as a book mark. “Anyways, salmon is good to resist colds. Hopefully it’ll help (Y/n) recover,” he says, standing up from his seat. “You know it’s good that you actually want to start helping them. It seems like for the longest time the two of you had this little rivalry. I’m glad that you’re showing them you actually care,” Jin smiles at him and stands up, heading back towards his room.
“I’m going to wake up Jungkook, then the others. You go wake up (Y/n) and bring them their, uhm, salmon?” His voice was laced with question near the end. “Why couldn’t you just ask for soup, honestly it’s not that hard.” Namjoon smiles sheepishly, “I could go ask now, it doesn’t take that long to make.” “No need,” the owner yells from the kitchen. “The second you said that your friend was sick, I started on making some soup because I figured that it would be much easier to consume!”
A couple minutes later, he carefully comes out with a bowl in his right hand and a plate in his left. The man placed the dishes down in front of the leader and smiled brightly. “Let me know if you ever need anything else,” he spoke kindly. Namjoon nodded and smiled back. He took the two dishes in his hands and started to make his way back to the room he shared with you.
To his surprise, he saw you sitting up in bed with Yoongi by your side, giving you a small smile as you talked about how you wanted to start learning spells and working with other weapons that interested you, such as a simple single handed sword or a heavy claymore. You used your hands to make different and weird gestures as you spoke, as it was a habit you thought was quite embarrassing but you looked so comfortable with it while you spoke to Yoongi. Namjoon just stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do.
He cleared his throat and both of your attentions moved from each other to your leader. “I bought food for you, (Y/n), since you’re sick,” he obviously stated. Yoongi stood up from the chair that he sat on beside you and began to walk out of the room but not before he gently ruffled your hair. “Take it easy Kiddo,” he told you. “Eat as much of that as you can but don’t force yourself.” You nodded obediently at his words and fixed your hair.
Namjoon then took a seat where his friend last sat amd placed the salmon on the bedside table and handed you the soup. “They don’t have a shrine so I got you the next best thing,” he tells you. You chuckle and hold the warm bowl in your hands, “Well it’s nice to know that you actually care.” “First Jin now you? Of course I care. You lead the team when I cannot and I’m extremely grateful for that. All the members admire you, including me.”
You smile brightly at him and sniffle slightly, “Aww, thanks Joonie!” Pink lightly tints his cheeks and he frowns. “Don’t call me that.” “Too bad, ‘cause I’m going to Joonie.” “Please,” he begs. “It’s embarrassing.” You laugh again and look down at the soup, pulling the spoon up to your mouth and softly blowing on it before enclosing your mouth around it.
“Hey, thanks again,” you say after pulling the spoon out and placing it back inside the soup. “Are you going to say it a million times? You don’t have to, you being alright is a thanks enough,” his gaze on you softens and you laugh. “Hey don’t get all soft on me! What happened to the smug and annoying Namjoon I know?” “What why? Do you miss him?” He cocks an eyebrow at you and you puff out your cheeks, “Kinda? You know it’s better than when you look at me as if I’m your sibling or something.”
He smirks at you and stands up. “Oh, goodbye then (Y/n)~ Now that you’re sick I won’t have you to interrupt me when I talk to Jin,” he boops your nose and walks to the doorway that leads back into the main room. Your grip tightens on the spoon and your eye twitches.
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