#no hate to uru chan this is just my personal opinion!
stinkyvespepepe · 1 day
all credits goes to uru-chan author of unordinary
ik we’re supposed to find Seraphina hot but i just can’t 😭 its the hair for me like why cut ur hair and add extensions if your hair was already long? and i also am not a big fan of the highlights tbh
so i did some edits edits for funsies :3 2 w/ long hair and 2 w/ short
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(additionally I know it’s supposed to symbolize her breaking away from societies and her parents expectations and becoming her own person but like girl…)
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 146
Honorable mentions:
I swear people just love to jump out at Blyke poor guy
Remi is way too chill for someone expecting to be drop-kicked into tomorrow
Isen’s face just gets funnier and funnier as this episode goes on i swear
Is it bad that I’m kind of sad that Blyke wasn’t noticing John for his muscles..?
I just remembered that Elaine existed ohmygod lmao what’s she been up to haha. She knows about John I feel like I haven’t seen her for some time (or I’m just forgetful lol)
I love how Remi doesn’t even act surprised when she finds out that Isen knew who joker was slkddjk
I’m really mad that Remi interrupted Isen when he was saying “you have no idea what you’re talking about.” Like, girl, if Isen had been able to warn Arlo what would happen, none of you would be in this situation right now. Let Isen explain it to someone damn it. I won’t be able to take a replay of the entire plot I’ve suffered too much.
Arlo’s so done with this shit that he doesn’t even react when Remi tells him she knows who Joker is
I swear to god, i don’t know if i’ll love Arlo using Sera against John or hate it.
I’ve realized very recently that these posts have strayed a bit from being analysis posts and have really turned into me freaking out about the new episode each week and I’m sorry, I’ll try to actually share some theories and more thoughts in the future ;-;
I should also probably reread these before posting… lol I’ve probably messed up somewhere in this. Eh idc im lazy
Also, uru-chan answered questions by the instagram account @unordinary.webtoon and said that UnOrdinary is going to have at least two seasons and will end up being over 300 episode so buckle in folks this train ain’t ending anywhere soon we in this for the long haul.
Smart Blyke:
    For the first time in my UnOrdinary history (around 1 ½ years), Blyke might have become my favorite character. I know I said last week how much I was loving Arlo and John, and that’s still true, but honestly, right now, Blyke is tied with like Arlo. I used to really dislike Blyke. Not because I didn’t like his character, but because he took up time that could be focused on like John or Arlo. He was always that ‘filler’ character for me, but damn.
    I’m really happy with how this small detective Blyke bit ended. Before, Isen really overshadowed Blyke in the smarts department because, well, smarts were what Isen’s storylines revolved around. His whole relevance to the plot is from when Arlo told him to dig up dirt on John, forcing him to get creative and think. Blyke’s storyline, however, has always been about power. He wants to be stronger and become that white knight type. He wants to prove himself through ability. I think because this part of Blyke was showcased since the beginning, everyone kind of wrote him off as that valient, but dumb type.
    Hehe, I love being proven wrong.
    Like I said already, I’m so impressed with Blyke and his deductive skills. Like dude. Blyke’s instinctive theories prove that he’s so much more than first presented. “Joker… Whoever this guy is, he’s well-versed in combat and he’s been exposed to countless abilities.” Pretty normal reasoning right? But then he hits us with the “He may have hidden himself all this time, but he’s been watching and analyzing all of us.” I feel like even more so than Isen, Blyke knows what he should be worrying about. Blyke can see the bigger picture. Not only such a great leadership quality, but I’ve been having issues since forever with the characters of UnOrdinary not seeing the bigger picture. Hell, a while back, I made this whole ass post explaining why Seraphina was such an annoying character to read and see because she only seemed to notice things revolving around herself (still true, but that’s for another day). 
    Back to Blyke: He thought to himself, “I wonder how long he can retain abilities for? It isn’t permanent otherwise he would’ve started our fight off with Isen’s ability. Does he keep an ability with him at all times? What’s he like when the abilities he collects wear off?”
    These quotes were all from last week’s episode (episode 145), and I wondered whether he had actually solved it. When he reacted to John, had it all clicked. And damn how excited I was when I found out that it did.
    I guess I technically can’t be too impressed with Blyke because he did say in this week’s episode that, “It’s just a strong feeling.” But like, he backs it up with reasoning and he was right so like. Good on you Blyke lmao.
    Even though snakes are like the best characters because the drama, the captain america type (like Blyke [you know what I mean right?]) really draws me in sometimes. I really feel like I’m looking at a “what if” version of Arlo. What if Rei hadn’t messed up the hierarchy? What if Arlo hadn’t been forced into leadership after only being at school for one year? I know that this probably isn’t true because uru-chan recently said that the characters were all created based off of anime stereotypes (already stated by her, but it really fits with Blyke) and after that, they evolved into different parts of her personality, but I genuinely feel like Blyke was created to be Arlo’s parallel, if you know what I’m saying. I’m probably talking nonsense lol, I just love the idea of parallels (I’ll try to tone that down haha).
    ((afterthought: Blyke can also be stupid sometimes. like , he figured it out, but he still doesn’t know what’s he’s talking about boy let Isen talk))
    Yessssss yes yes yes yes. God, I’ve been waiting for this since forever. Remi and Blyke finally know that he knew who Joker was (which, by the way, was something else that Blyke realized).
    I’m really excited purely for the fact that this has been set up since the beginning of the comic, when Arlo told Isen to learn stuff about John. Isen’s been a key character all along because he knows stuff. He’s the guy with all the secrets and I’m living. But the best part of a character knowing so much, is when everyone discovers exactly how much they know and the significance. I swear it’s one of my favorite tropes (? is that the right word to use?) like ever. When someone is revealed to have held the cards all along. And it’s so much more satisfying when everyone else isn’t aware at first, which is why I’m not freaking out over John. For Blyke and Remi, they’ve been with Isen since the beginning. Through every attack that John’s been involved in (when Arlo got defeated, when he freaked out because John was Blyke’s roommate, e.t.c. [I just realized that the examples I used are the exact same ones uru used in the new episode ksdjfhkshf]), Remi and Blyke have either tried to figure on what was going on or trying to figure out why Isen was acting weird. I know that was worded so badly, but I ain’t here to impress, I’m here to force my opinions on y’all.
    I probably have more opinions on this, but thinking confuses me so we’re moving on.
Theories that look bad because i can’t be bothered to properly write them out:
Remi is going to demask Joker so everyone knows who he is, solving the problem of nobody believing when they would say that John is Joker
Arlo is going to use Seraphina by dragging her ass to his and John’s fight
Both of these happen at the same time
This is really random, but i might as well say (while I’m here) that if Claire never even makes an appearance over the course of this comic, i’m going to be actually upset.
also guys be prepared John is onto Blyke bitch did you see that death glare at the end of last episode whew
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