#no hate to gale tho i hope he gets better soon
ithinkdogshouldvote · 9 months
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She so great you guys I love my wife. Her saying this took me out lmaooo
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pupmkincake2000 · 9 months
So, after finishing Gale's origin, I think I'd play Astarion's. Don’t get me wrong, but it’s interesting for me to watch the romance with Gale from Astarion's POV, from the very beginning to the very end, because after reading some fics, I realized that I had never seen such a plot before. I mean falling in love with Gale right away, and not after all the events are over. That would be an amazing slowburn.
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What do I mean, you ask? I noticed that when people write about this couple, it often comes up like this: Astarion is usually in a relationship with Tav, but when he/she/they reject him (remember the opportunity to remain friends with him, right?), Gail, according to the plot, usually invites Astarion to settle down in his tower and feelings arise later. Even if they flirted with each other before.
And although such stories are well written and interesting to read, I can’t help but feel that there’s a certain… wrongness in such a relationship? I mean, Astarion gets everything right away without doing much, home, a handsome lover who takes care of him and will do anything for him, yet Astarion himself does nothing to get anything of these after the game ends.
People usually justify this by saying that he has already suffered enough and deserves all the best. And I agree that yes, he really deserves it. However, I believe that in this case he achieved nothing on his own. He saved the world, yes, he killd his master, yes, but still... it happens when he has his friends around who would support him and a lover who he seduces for this particular purpose.
Of course, by this point he may already be in a full-fledged relationship, but it all started with a specific goal, right? And don’t think I hate him, I don’t, as I don't blame him for anything, anyone in his place would do everything to get at least some protection and hope for something better. I don’t know if I can explain what I mean in a best way, but I'll try.
Astarion simply moves in stories from under the protection of one lover to another. And usually in such cases, Gale insists that Astarion doesn’t owe him anything… and here I also agree, but in this case the question is: what did Astarion himself do to deserve all of this? Past suffering, it seems to me, is not a sufficient reason to give him everything at once and it doesn't mean he has to suffer more or anything. That is, as soon as Tav breaks up with him (or he with Tav), Astarion falls in love with the one who turned out to be as kind, more generous, who never demands anything in return. And there is, it seems to me, something not quite right in this.
What am I getting at? I would like to see Astarion's story, from a POV of a person who undergoes development, not just getting everything the best as a reward for his suffering. For example, I would like to watch the story from his point of view, when he falls in love with Gale, and for the sake of this love he begins to change, fight his traumas, outgrow them, because he realizes that, perhaps, for the first time in his life, he has fallen so deeply in love.
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Without a relationship with Tav (I don’t like it at all when Tav is in the plot, they seem too unnecessary), but independently decided to change. And I want to say right away that by the word “change” I don’t mean anything bad, since he still changes when the player has a romance or friendship with him.
But for me, for example, it would be interesting to observe these changes, this growth, the struggle with traumas because of his love for Gale. Because there is someon who he cares about, not just about himself.
Let's be honest, Astarion is more a taker, Gale is a giver. Sometimes such relationships work but not always. Some people love to give, some people prefer to take. But I do not think it would work for them.
I see them as equals. Or at least are trying to be.
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And yes, it can be love from the first sight (why not?), or the relationship can begin quite like in canon: with manipulation and seduction (tho I've never seen a fic in which Astarion falls in love right away), but then the realization comes that this is not just a hook-up that means nothing, but a connection that means, and not just to get someone as an ally who would help kill Cassador (after all, you can kill him simply by being friends with Astarion).
Although love at first sight from Astarion's perspective would be quite interesting, since Gale does not seem at all like a person who is easily manipulated and seduced.
There is something incredibly attractive about experiencing the whole story of this love from beginning to end (and despite the slowdown, they can still sleep with each other), and only then, when the final battle is over, they can go to Gale’s home together , but not because Astarion has nowhere to go and he again risks being left alone, but because by that time he and Gale will already be in love and confess their feelings to each other (I think it will be even more interesting to watch from Astarion's POV), and therefore they will no longer imagine their life without each other.
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It will all look even tastier if it all happens long before the final battle, because Astarion will already have something to lose.
I want Astarion to try as hard on the relationship as Gale usually tries in fanfiction to heal his injuries. But I have almost never come across stories where they both worked on the relationship and healed each other equally. In most stories, unfortunately, Astarion gets much more, with almost no effort (we are not to talk about his past suffering), and this is just frustrating, as if he is not able to build his happiness on his own.
Someone may mention his traumas again and I understand perfectly well that not everyone can overcome their nightmares alone. But that’s why I mentioned that I would like to see how both work on relationships. In the game, Astarion is the one who takes, and Gale is more the one who gives (which I've already mentioned), but I would like to see equality, so that both give and take equally. And from Astarion's perspective, this would be incredibly interesting to watch, mainly precisely because he is the one who takes, he isn't used to give, but for his beloved, at least when he realizes he's in love, he would want to do more. To be more than just a taker.
You don't have to agree with me. But this is how I would like their relationship to be.
Oh, one more thing
I see Astarion as someone who tops, I do not mind switching, but top Astarion and bottom Gale sounds nice♡( ◡‿◡ )
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kimmkitsuragi · 11 months
here is my babygirl in higher quality this time
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im sorry but i CANT get over how i am getting these visuals with a system below the required minimum lol i loveeeee it here <3 i am in like 9 hrs and it's fine so far so like. hopefully the performance will stay that way (and im feeling like it will actually)
anyway he has a beast companion spell now
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spider :3 actually i found using a raven as a companion is better for my party but i only have the spidey pic for now lol
i still have one more companion to meet (the barbarian one i dont remember the name of lol) and hopefully i will find her soon... and astarion doesnt like me so far i hope i die (well he doesnt hate me either, a lot of options i pick he actually approves - and im not choosing things to appeal to characters btw im just trying to create a consistent character. and im not sure if im going well in that regard, i gotta make him more consistent lmao)
anyway i feel insane because like i played it for nearly 9 hrs and i still havent taken a long rest lmao i just sent them all to camp last night and closed the game........ working my blorbos to the bone fr. but there are so many things to do!!! im always like ooh i will explore the druid area and then go to camp. wait i just found some ruins i will explore them and then go to camp. wait i just found- you know lol
now that i have left them at the camp, i will just start with personal convos and stuff. for the party, im thinking definitely keep astarion and laezel, not sure abt the fourth tbh. i wasnt a big fan of shadowheart (tbh still not into her that much, too self-righteous for Lou's taste) but after her level-up, she started to be really useful for me... i kinda wanna try wyll and gale too. maybe gale could be better for the group balance but im not sure... in terms of personality tho i feel like the group is not balanced at all because i tend to favor more chaotic characters lmaoooo
anyway so my wish rn is to create a more consistent character and group balance. i will update later when i figure him and the group out lmao
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jobanana7 · 7 years
Nothing new.
So…this is mostly for me! Lol no honestly this is a little experiment I did playing with the idea of fem!Peeta x katniss and this is what came to me, hope you like it and that it doesn’t offend anyone (tho is 2017 lol) and yeah tell me what ya think??? Yea?
Ins: girls like girls by hayley kiyoko
……………………………. It all started when she meet Gale in the school library, up until that point she was convinced there was something wrong with her like maybe she needed to dress differently, more like a girl but she was comfortable in her converse and baggy jeans and a thee, her long blonde hair always in a pony, away from her face and paint marks  always on her fingers, she never was drawn to guys in the typical way, yeah she had friends here and there but it never made her want to know more, she could see some boys looking at her at it almost made her mad, like they were expecting her to change and run to them, so gale was different that way, he took his time to get to know her first.
They began to talk and she supposes that he’s okay and they’re are so different that it keeps her entertained, he did all this things like hunting and climbing mountains, he works at a shoot range, she was a high school junior this year and wanted to do paintings,  help her dad.  She finds it funny really.
The first time they were intimate was scary, not only was this her first time with someone and that was uncomfortable enough but when it was done and over she felt nothing, none of the feelings people are always talking about, no butterflies in her stomach, no deep connection with the guy. She felt disappointed and betrayed by the world because books, songs and poems are written about these types of things but there was nothing and so she left as soon as he fell asleep beside her.
It wasn’t long after when Peeta meet his family, his mom was incredible, so kind and good to her, she immediately liked her, so different from her own mom who’s always on her case about her appearance and her school that she never felt good enough for her. His dad is a typical southern dad, tattoo one arm and a friendly smile on his face.
Then there was his sister, Katniss, the reason he was at the library at her school that day.  Peeta finds herself drawn to her. Everything about this girl fascinated her from her braid and her olive skin to her quicksilver eyes. She’s dressed in shorts a tank top and boots.
She smiles at her and extends her hand to her
“hi, I’m Katniss” she says and it sounds like a song to her.
“Woooow easy there catnip, she’s mine” Gale laughs and Katniss gives him the finger and flushes. She for some reason finds the blush on her cheeks adorable. And she had no idea why Gale needed to point this out but she didn’t want to make a big deal out it, she’s also the baby so she knows how big brother’s work, while at dinner katniss and her get to talking and she’s in her grade and she feels like an idiot for not noticing her before but once she did she couldn’t stop herself and in the following days she looks around for Katniss. One day when she’s running late for class she finds her press up against a looker by another girl, blonde and her head half shaved and they are kissing, Peeta can’t do anything but stare and Katniss catches her eyes, she flushes and runs away. That’s the first time she gets that feeling in her soul.
They clicked right away and even though, she’s the exact opposite as her and  she’s never felt more connected or comfortable with someone than she does with Katniss.
They go to the movies together, and go hunting together, Katniss likes to tease her saying that if their life depended on it they would starve to death because of how loud she is,when they hug she could get lost in the scent of her , they do homework together and lie in bed, sometimes she catches a gleam of Katniss’s skin when her shit gets pull up by the bed and others she’ll catch  Katniss staring at her and her whole body goes on fire. She really likes that feeling.
Even their families tease them about it, her brothers ask her about her partner in crime when she doesn’t come to her house for diner and Gale tells Katniss to get lost when she’s with them and he wants to be left alone, she never does.
One night his mom and dad are out of town she spends the night at Gale’s, when her dad asked her where she was going she said.
“I’m going to katniss’s we have some stuff to do” he laughed a little and said
“I like Katniss for you, pea! Such a nice girl” and she said nothing, deep down she wished Katniss not being such a good girl with her, she felt like an asshole you don’t think about your boyfriend’s sister like that.
Once she’s  there she notices that Katniss has a friend over, another girl.
“oh this is Madge, Madge this is Peeta, Gale’s girlfriend” Katniss introduces her and she gets this feeling in the pit of her stomach that she hates it she has no right to be so protective over her friend, her best friend, her friend of almost a year, she thinks to herself so then she thinks that maybe she does have a right to be so protective over her. Doesn’t she?.
They play games and drink some beers Gale decides is a good idea to go get tacos at 2 in the morning and Madge in all her drunk stupor accepts and they go
They play the mandatory game of spin the bottle while alone she kinda thinks is lame for a couple of high school seniors to play this game but, what does she knows? .
Spin, spin, spin
She realizes that she’ll have to kiss Katniss no matter what and her breath cachets In her chest, this funny thing at her lower tummy is new to her and the bottle lands on her.
Blue eyes lock with silver and she’s willing this thing to go away because she knows bad things will happen if something happens tonight so she shakes her head and walks away from this girl that’s becoming her everything.
In Gale’s room she lies in bed and cries because she does want to kiss her friend and do more but, she can’t and she won’t, she falls asleep .
Morning comes and they get dressed for a day in the pool, Madge is nowhere to be found and Gale is hung over so Katniss and her get in the pool.
They swing for a long time neither one of them wanting to talk about it, is at sunset when they’re sitting at the edge of the pool that Katniss says
“Your favorite kind of orange” Is gentle and simple but it means a lot to her.
She’s looking at this girl in front of her  and she can’t take it any more she kisses her.
Soft lips meet hers in the middle and she reaches for the back of her neck and her skin is even better that what she imagined the kiss grows neediner on her part, Katniss takes control of the kiss her tongue willing Peeta’s lips open and this, this, she thinks is what she needed before, her lips, her tongue, her hands on her waist pulling her more secure to her body.
I all goes to hell then, Gale is pulling her by her hair away from his sister, calling her unspeakable things and he slaps her across the face , she falls to the ground and she has no idea what happens next, she sees Gale on his back in the ground katniss on her knees at his sides pinching him and she’s crying while she beats her brother,there’s blood everywhere on Katniss’s face and hands on Gale’s as well, she tries to pull them apart and when she finally does she sees Gale crying as well because of heartbreak or anger she doesn’t know, he promises never to talk to his sister anymore, she’s death to him and leaves without another word.
she feels like she should leave too but again they are alone and she can finally be with this girl she loves and because she’s done pretending,putting up this face for everyone else to see.
So she looks up at this girl before her and even though her face is bruised and bloody she has never beheld a more beautiful sight in her life and she knows nothing is going to happen today or tomorrow but maybe someday.
She brings her hand to her face and flicks the tears and the blood away, she  leans in and gives her a peek in the lips which Katniss returns, is just a soft promise to one another and says she’ll call later and Katniss says that she’ll see her in school.
On her way home she can’t help but think that yes she feels bad about Gale and she has no idea what her brothers and Dad are going to say and that’s scary but she can’t deny how normal it all felt like it was just there and she’s now acting on It. Because at the end of the day there’s nothing new in a girl liking a girl so as long as she has her best friend at her side, together they can do anything.
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