#no distance left to run also has the same effect except the actual music isn’t as soul crushing in my opinion
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Does Sweet Song make anyone else need to sit in a dark room for a while and ruminate and also throw up
#literally their most depressing song and it’s about Graham .#no distance left to run also has the same effect except the actual music isn’t as soul crushing in my opinion#blur#blur band
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Failed series pilots were very much part of MST3K’s stock in trade. We’ve sat through San Francisco International, Stranded in Space, Code Name: Diamond Head and I’m sure there were others. I generally recall all of those movies being kind of dull and lacking in personality, and I can’t imagine this 70’s superhero mess being much better. I don’t think anybody in Exo-Man was ever on MST3K but Jose Ferrer (the first Latino actor to win an academy award, for 1950’s Cyrano de Bergerac) was once in a movie called Zoltan, Hound of Dracula, which I am deeply remiss in not having seen yet. You may also recognize Harry Morgan, who was Colonel Potter on M*A*S*H.
Dr. Nick Conrad is a wacky physics professor of the type nobody has ever encountered in real life. He’s somehow both smart enough to invent anti-gravity and memory plastic, and stupid enough to chase after a fleeing would-be bank robber. The latter stunt, set to wakka-chicka Mitchell music, makes Nick the target of a mafia assassin, who kills his lab assistant and leaves Nick himself paralyzed from the waist down. He wallows in self-pity for a while, but then rediscovers his passion for invention and builds himself a suit of armor that will allow him to walk again… and to take on the mob single-handedly.
I don’t know why they called the movie Exo-Man. That name is never used in the dialogue. I guess the more accurate Fiberglass Avenger just wouldn’t have sounded as cool.
The first thing you’re likely to notice from the plot summary is that Nick’s story starts off as Dr. Strange and then takes a hard left into Iron Man. I’m pretty sure the latter at least was an intentional ripoff, with bits of the first thrown in, knowingly or not, to distance Exo-Man from Marvel’s lawyers. What’s funny is that posterity has actually made it a hat trick: the movie opens with a weirdly homoerotic jogging scene, so now he gets to be Captain America, too!
Exo-Man is a really stupid, often boring, and consistently ugly movie. The actors are mediocre, the music bland, the effects terrible, and stuff is made to look ‘high tech’ by sticking lots of blinky lights on it. Way too much time passes before we get to the action and when we do, we find a deep pit of disappointment. Yet at the same time… I kind of enjoyed it.
A major part of why has got to be the incredibly dopey super-suit the main character wears, which looks less like ‘Iron Man’ and more like ‘Fiberglass Commando Cody’. It moves really slowly and I doubt the guy in the costume can see very much. Nick controls the bottom half of it using switches on one sleeve, which appear to have simple functions like ‘sit’, ‘walk’, and ‘jump’ (there is, of course, no ‘run,’ because nothing happens fast in this movie). He puts the thing on by lying down in what looks like a tanning bed (or maybe one of those contraptions from Avatar). My personal favourite is the warning light labeled malfuntion.
All this is in a movie that sometimes manages to be surprisingly subtle. We are introduced to Nick while jogging, we watch him play tennis with his girlfriend, and see him maintain this exercise regime even while he’s supposed to be under police protection. These shots are in brilliant sunshine, and the camerawork is as active as the subjects. Post-injury, Nick never outwardly complains about his inability to participate in sports, but we now see him sitting in his wheelchair in dark surroundings, with the camera held perfectly still. We feel that he has lost something he loved dearly, and we never need to be told it outright.
We are also introduced to Nick as somebody who is devored to furthering minorities. His two lab assistants are an east Asian student and a Jewish one (the latter identified as such by a surname, rather than appearance), and the reason he was at the bank was to help a Latino student get a loan. Again, the script trusts the audience to get this without having to draw attention to it through dialogue. These minority characters are, of course, still just accessories to Nick’s story. The Jewish guy in particular is there to be fridged – its his death that leads to Nick flaunting his police protection and getting hurt. But the effort was made to say that minority rights are important to Nick, without hitting us over the head with it.
Theme-wise, Exo-Man is about a man coming to terms with a disability. I should preface this by saying that I am not disabled, so my perspective is necessarily biased. If anything I say below is offensive, that is out of ignorance, and please let me know so that I may edit or delete the review and do better next time. I was actually pretty impressed by how the script and director handled the life-changing nature of Nick’s injury… mostly. I’ll start with the bad stuff.
The attack on Nick comes with a heaping helping of victim blaming. As an important witness in the bank robbery, he was offered police protection. The assassin tries to get around this by putting a bomb in his car, but one of the lab assistants borrows the car for a late-night pizza run, and gets killed in Nick’s stead. This leads Nick to deliberately place himself in a vulnerable position, hoping to draw the killer out for capture and punishment. In the hospital with a broken back, Nick blames the police for failing to protect him, but I’m pretty sure the movie wants us to think that this is really Nick’s own fault. Like the tragic accident victims in Days of our Years, he has nobody to blame for his own misery, or that of his loved ones, except himself.
After that, however, the movie’s treatment of Nick’s disability improves quickly. His girlfriend Emily leaves him, but that’s not because he’s in a wheelchair, it’s because he’s too busy wallowing in self-pity to even let her into his apartment. Later when he apologizes to her, she takes him back and they resume their happy relationship, and the fact that they can’t play tennis together anymore is not an issue. She does not treat him as something to be pitied, she speaks to him on his eye level, and they avoid that weird trope of having the abled partner sit in the wheelchair-user’s lap. Emily loves who Nick is, not what he can do. His colleagues and students, likewise, treat him with respect and help him with his chair, and never make the latter feel like a burden.
By the end of the film Nick has come to terms with his disability. The suit he’s built is not a cure for his condition: in fact the first time he wears it out, it breaks down and he needs help getting back to his high-tech armored van. It’s a tool he has built for a purpose, and he doesn’t feel the need to wear it in non-superhero situations. Based on what we see, he could have built a legs-only version to wear under his trousers and let him go jogging and play tennis again, but that is no longer who Nick is. And when and whether to wear the suit is always Nick’s own choice, not something imposed on him from the outside.
Of course, it would also be really helpful in later maintaining Exo-Man’s secret identity, and I suspect the writers were thinking of that a lot more than they were of things like parents forcing questionable ‘cures’ on disabled children. The secret identity probably would have been a big deal if the pilot had sold, but in this stand-alone story, I thought the suit worked well as a metaphor about a disabled man at peace with himself.
Exo-Man also takes a quick little peek at the morality of vigilante justice, although this comes in pretty late and clearly isn’t something they wanted to get into in any detail. The first person Nick confronts in the suit is the assassin who actually beat him up. He says he didn’t go into this encounter with any real plan… perhaps he just wanted to scare the guy. What ultimately happens is that the assassin climbs a drainpipe to get away from the terrifying robot man, the pipe comes off the wall, and the man falls to his death. Nick feels this is his fault, and so the next time he takes the suit out he does so with a particular goal in mind: he wants to capture the mob boss and provide evidence of his wrongdoing to the police, not to kill anyone.
The mob boss’ name, by the way, is Kermit Haas, which is probably the least intimidating name a movie has ever given to its big bad.
Would that work? Is evidence a guy in a robot suit left in your dumpster for you admissible in court? Isn’t where stuff was found kind of important? I honestly have no idea and I’m not sure how to go about finding out. People might wonder why I want to know and I don’t think saying it’s for my blog would allay their suspicions.
At the end of Exo-Man, I was more entertained than not, but mostly on the level of laughing at the dumb-looking suit and appreciating the fine art of ripping off comic book characters. If that’s your kind of thing then this movie ought to put the fun in malfuntion for you. If that’s not your thing, well… this is an MST3K blog. What are you doing here?
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Breath of the Wild Daemon!AU
Ok so! I’m working on an actual fic using these concepts and this version of the BotW world, but I thought that maybe some of you might be interested in my ideas so here! I’m putting pretty much everything under a readmore, because this is copypasted from my planning document, which got very long and doesn’t even have anything to do with the plot of what I’m writing ^^’
Link’s daemon is a Hyrule Field Mouse (lol get it) named Firielore (fih-REE-ehl-ohr), Firi for short. From Fi, Ciela, and Farore. They settled early, when Link first drew the Master Sword. Historically, the Hero most often settles as a wolf, but other forms are not unheard of and he isn’t the first Hero to settle as something more unassuming.
Pre-Calamity, most people, even other knights, thought that Link and Firi’s behavior was odd. Neither of them ever spoke (Link is mute, but Firi can speak and just doesn’t), and Firi was just as stoic and inexpressive as her human. As a mouse daemon, she was always on his person, usually on his left shoulder as was uniform for smaller daemons of knights and soldiers, but was rarely seen out of that position except for when she would turn to increase their field of view or leave him briefly to scout stealthily around corners/over boulders and the like.
Relating to the issues that make him canonically selectively mute, Link’s lack of self preservation re: his Duty translated to Firi as well. Things like stretching their bond too far for too long for the sake of getting the scope of a situation or enemy, but not letting the pain show externally where someone else might be brought to their knees with it. Other things like Firi using herself as a distraction, running from Link’s arm to the Moblin’s to divide its attention and leaving them both exposed to give Link a chance to strike. The monsters don’t know the difference between hitting a daemon vs. its Hylian, and that makes the contact less bad, but not insignificant. There were rumors throughout the castle that Link and Firi had been separated traumatically or that the Master Sword allowed them the distance, but both are untrue- their bond was no different than any other Hylian, they just pushed it further in the name of duty.
Link and Firi’s character development (in the memories) is subtle just like in canon. Through the Yiga attack she is always on Link’s left shoulder, even when they and Zelda are just traveling. On the hill with the Silent Princess is the first time she’s not there- she hops off his shoulder when he crawls forward to look at the flower and she moves closer to it. After Zelda’s failure at the Spring of Power, Firi touches Zelda’s daemon to comfort him, just for a moment.
Firi had and has (Impa gave it to them with the Champion’s Tunic) a small set of custom armor for protection, but rarely wore/wears it; she’s fast enough that any attack that would possibly hit her in battle would probably kill Link as well. On the battlefield she would either deftly scurry around Link and warn him silently about attacks from behind, or slip into a small armored pouch that existed to protect her in one-on-one combat unless an opportunity to assist presented itself. In the present, she doesn’t participate in battle the same way she would 100 years ago (with the aggressive distraction and the like), moreso providing Link extra ears and eyes in a fight.
Post-Calamity, she is considerably more physically active, but she still doesn’t speak out loud- except very occasionally to Link himself. I.e when they first wake up in the Shrine of Resurrection, Link hears Zelda’s voice first and opens his eyes to Firi sitting on his chest, also saying his name. However, she’s still a very quiet daemon, especially considering that Link communicates via signing and it would be considered acceptable for her to talk for him. In Post-Calamity Hyrule she’s more outgoing towards other daemons and will greet them physically if appropriate.
Zelda’s daemon, Hylayrune (hih-LAE-roon), Layrune or Rune for short, is unsettled until the moment she awakens her power, when he settles as a Snowcoat Fox (Real life equivalent: Arctic Fox). His name comes from Hylia (all Zeldas daemons’ names start with ‘Hy’), (La)Nayru, Hyrule, and rune/ruin. Before he settled, he took atypical forms for the sacred princess’ daemon that were more representative of Zelda’s scientific pursuits, such as bugs (usually a bee), frogs, and lizards. Almost always, the Princess settles as a bird of prey (often owl, occasionally eagle or loftwing), or in some cases a small dragon (as the three dragons Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra are said to be the daemons of the three Goddesses, with Hylia’s being most often depicted as a golden dragon or occasionally a huge, golden Loftwing).
Rune’s late settling, and his preferred forms before settling, were a huge cause of anxiety for him, Zelda, and their father. This is all tied into their self-doubt about awakening their sealing power and being able to fulfill her duty as the sacred princess, but it’s also personal for the King. His daemon is a Mountain Crow, which though known to be clever and resourceful are seen as a bad omen, even a curse, within Hyrule. It puts stress on his regime, and the idea that his daughter prefers frogs and lizards over forms that have become symbolic of the royal family and the sealing power is deeply troubling. Rune takes “appropriate” forms only at official appearances and ceremonies, and even then, usually a more wild hawk over an owl, eagle, or dragon.
Other characters:
The Old Man/King: Mountain Crow (real life equivalent: Raven)
Urbosa: Islander Hawk (with kind of a more desert coloration. real life equivalent: Harris Hawk)
Riju: Unsettled, usually a Sand Seal bc they love them
Impa: Blue-Winged Heron (real life equivalent: Great/Little Blue Heron).
Beedle: Hylian Retriever (A golden one, fight me)
Other random stuff/past Links:
- The Princess traditionally settles when she first unlocks/uses her powers, and the Hero traditionally settles when he draws the Master Sword. There are some exceptions, like the Hero of Twilight being old enough to have already been settled, and the Links in games without the Master Sword settling in other ways.
-Hero of Time and Twilight both had Wolf daemons. Their wolf forms are kind of a combination of them and their daemons’ appearances. Time had a lighter colored wolf and Twilight had a darker colored wolf.
- BUT Hero of Time’s daemon is usually a mouse as a child, when he’s unsettled, alluding to past and future heroes.
- The mouse thing (here and for the Hero of the Wild) comes less from personality and more from the feeling of facing an enormous dungeon boss as Link, like a mouse about to fight a lion.
-Both the Hero of Wind and Four Swords/Minish Cap Link also had mouse daemons.
- For Wind this is because of the mobility he needed re: moving on a ship (also kind of like a ship rat? Disclaimer: I’ve never played WW)
- For Four Swords/Minish this is because he shrinks down and is pretty much the same size as his daemon (she’d have to shrink a little bit too but not as much) and I just think that’d be really cute
-I’m not sure what Skyward Sword!Link’s daemon would be. Not a loftwing because it isn’t possible for anyone but a Goddess or a sacred princess (with Goddess blood) to settle as one, but I’ve never played SS so I can’t really say. It would have to be small enough to ride on a loftwing with him, or a bird of some sort- probably all of the people in Skyloft settled like that, now that I think about it. Maybe a beetle?
-Link from the original games probably has a wolf daemon, as well as LttP/LBW Link.
- Spirit Tracks!Link has a white dove daemon and she rides on his head like the birds in the game and its adorable
-Ganondorf always has a boar daemon in any iteration. When he transforms into Ganon they merge, similar to Wolf Link, but grotesquely instead of dissolving together in Twilight.
-Only the Hylians, Sheikah, and Gerudo have daemons
-The Sheikah have mostly same-sex daemons, with opposite-sex daemons being about as rare as same-sex daemons among the Hylians and Gerudo. No one’s quite sure why.
-The Zora have sort of a connection to their jewelry and weapons, but not necessarily a physical one. More of a literal “put your soul into your craft” type thing, which is why Zora armor is the way it is and most of the Zora have specialized livelihoods like sculpting and smithing.
-The Gorons don’t have a physical Thing, they have a special brotherhood with other Gorons. It’s why you rarely see Gorons traveling too far from Goron City, and almost never alone. They can be alone, like a Zora can be without their craft and affects, but it negatively effects them after a while.
-The Rito have their songs; though not all of them are musically inclined, its a cultural thing and not a physical requirement. Kass would be considered very spiritually aware and expressive, whereas Revali would not, but a non-musician Rito doesn’t suffer for it. There would only be an issue if there were no bards among the entire Rito race, and the songs faded from memory.
#daemon au#daemonverse#botw#breath of the wild#loz#legend of zelda#my post#id like to make one of those daemon au photoset things but#link is the only one with an animal not from the game and it would look wrong without him there :(
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Best Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers

To change the way we live into a far more alternative model has been just about the most crucial jobs we have undertaken during the last couple of years. Non-renewable fuels both pollute and will not last forever. You will find easy ways we are able to fix the issue however. Making use of renewable energy almost as practical. That is the reason why sun powered speakers are really wonderful. You do not have to spend to charge them as well as you are assisting the planet. Everyone's a winner. There's a broad cost range of many solar waterproof Bluetooth speakers by different brands on just about all internet shops. You are able to add to cart on any online shop with an individual click but remember to evaluate the rates of quite similar products. Choose the one which has a discount off the classic value of its. Several makes give the frequent clients of theirs with a coupon getting a special offer. Remember that you save the buck of yours off shipping costs. I suggest you never to purchase the ultra cheap ones as frequent maintenance is required by them or maybe an eventual replacement. Simply purchase the one with a price tag which perfectly fits the finances of yours and also provides you with much more bang for the dollar of yours. We have run down the 10 greatest sets on the market, all with Bluetooth connectivity so you are able to link basically any unit to them. And so, which sun powered speakers provide you with the very best sound expertise?
Elzle Portable Outdoor Solar Bluetooth Speaker
This Bluetooth Speaker has Built in newest solar panel as well as 5000mAh power bank with 2.1A paper port, just plug your tablet or phone into the Bluetooth speaker and this is going to charge the device of yours while participating in music. High Capacity lithium battery and integrated wise battery management process, working hours increased to Amazing 50+ hours means thousand songs on a complete charge. You are able to go for an all beach/park working day as well as play music the whole time without being concerned about preserving the battery power. Suitable for all Bluetooth enabled equipment as well as non Bluetooth products with incorporated 3.5mm aux audio cable, hook up to the mobile phones of yours, Samsung, iPad, iPhone, tablets from 32 49 legs. The built in microphone is able to allow you to pick up telephone calling hand free. Elzle sun Bluetooth speaker has amazingly original sound as well as the effective subwoofer for bass in the rear. Adopting progressed APT X chip HD lossless cd engineering as well as two driver. Silicon Jacket & Good quality solar energy panel defend the speaker staying away from breaking while natural falling from 6.5 feet in height. Water-resistant suggests that there's no need to be concerned about light bad weather or perhaps splashed water. Please don't completely submerge for a quite a while. Pros Bluetooth 4.2 Hands-free Calling Built-in Power Bank 20-hours of Playtime Multi Directional Use Premium Stereo Sound 100-feet Bluetooth Range Genuine Wireless Multi unit Pairing Cons The volume might be louder
ABFOCE Solar Powered Bluetooth Speaker
This solar Bluetooth speaker capabilities like an excellent quality of sound which is completely harmonic with an effective stereo as well as bass which generates equally audio while at probably the highest volume. It's an amazing battery lifespan of aproximatelly sixty hours which enables you to play music and charge the mobile phones of yours along with other devices. It's built with a mono crystalline silicon solar power panels which absorb power fast. This particular unit utilizes probably the newest Bluetooth technological innovation which has higher compatibility and pairing velocity. Its LED lighting is actually built with distinct modes like lighting mode, burst mode, SOS mode which is actually ideal in your outdoor or indoor exercise. It's total dimensions of 8.1 x 2.7 x 2.4 inches with a mass of 1.06 pounds. Conclusion: This portable Bluetooth speaker is actually ideal for outdoor activity whether inland or maybe water consumption due to the dust of its and water resistant properties which is actually a sign of the longevity of its. We likewise have a summary of the greatest coolers with Bluetooth speakers which you may want checking. Pros Better stereo sound Bass house wireless speaker Sixty hours playtime Compact and portable Waterproof, shockproof, dustproof 5000mAh power bank Clarity as well as intensity sounds Multi-functional design Cons Can't be immersed in warm water for a rather long time
Reveal Solar Bamboo Wood Design Bluetooth Speaker
This wireless bamboo Bluetooth speaker is actually made out of a renewable source of energy from bamboo which can help you help save electricity through the monocrystalline of its solar power panels. It may be transformed very easily simply by putting it within the window sill of yours. It is lithium ion battery shops the power as much as fifteen hours of playtime. It includes an improved audio clarity with an improved max volume because of its additional amplifier. You won't have a tough time pairing the gadget of yours with the Bluetooth performance of its since it's a range of connectivity in thirty three foot. It's total dimensions of eight x 3.3 x 3.8 inches with a mass of 1.1 pounds. Check out this energy efficient speaker which is just one of a type with the characteristics of its which isn't just helpful to the customers however for the setting too. This's not just visually appealing though it does the features of its as a sun speaker, Bluetooth device and as a charger. Pros Earth-conscious Durable and portable Travel-ready Bluetooth magnetic earbuds Monocrystalline solar panels Amazing also intuitively functional Gorgeous bamboo exterior Cons Not waterproof
Lemon California Solar Powered Waterproof Speaker
The Lemon California Solar Powered Waterproof Speaker is actually among the most characteristic packed speakers on the industry. To offer a fifteen hour battery life it provides owners an amazing length of time to work with the speakers of theirs. It allows Bluetooth connectivity for as much as three products at a period as well as features a power bank to charge up to three mobile devices at a time. The Bluetooth connectivity is amazing on this particular speaker. Allowing three mobile devices to be attached at the very same time you are able to permit everybody to use a decision with regards to the tunes. The speaker additionally contains a power bank which may charge as much as three products at a time, just about all you have to do while they're asking is use the tablet of yours to manage the music. It actually is a remarkably helpful multimedia centre. The California Roll is actually among the most durable speakers on the industry. The rubber covering would mean it's shockproof. It is able to deal with temperatures as much as sixty degrees and as small as minus twenty degrees. It is able to additionally be totally submerged in water. Regardless of what you receive up to, the California Roll of yours is able to deal with everything you toss at it. The caliber of the noise is superb. It's full and rich and can provide you a total appreciation of the music which is playing. In the event that you would like to actually ramp things up the California Roll enables you to. The capacity to link greater than one speaker means that stereo audio can be purchased quite simply. Pros The capacity to touch base as much as three products at a time, for music or even for charging The durability of the speaker is actually exceptional The fifteen hours play time is among the very best on the market Cons The solar panel often does not begin working automatically The quality of the sound is superb, though it is not high fidelity
Honeywell Outdoor Wireless Solar Speaker
The Honeywell Outdoor Wireless Solar Speaker features a broad amount of characteristics. It's an eight hour battery life which can help to keep the speaker working in the dark. It's additionally effective at operating from the solar panel. Although it does not provide Bluetooth connectivity it does have a docking station allowing wireless use. Additionally, it comes with an AC adapter as well as remote control. Which means that if the energy dies and there's no sunlight the speaker can continue to be used. There's additionally the capability to manage the speaker coming from a distance which means you won't ever have to get up. The quality of the sound is actually great with very good clarity readily available across a range of frequencies. The eight hour battery life is a good length of time for listening. The capacity to make use of the speakers through sometimes the solar panel or maybe AC adapter implies that a dead battery does not stop the party also. The addition of a hand held remote control would mean it's so easy to have the music set of yours at the proper volume. You do not actually have to get up out of the seat of yours! The style is a truly enticing futuristic look that is going to draw the eye of yours to it. This's coupled with great build quality that suggests the speakers can last. While there's no Bluetooth we have products can continue to be connected by using either the dock or perhaps the aux input. This does imply that based on your mobile device they might not be absolutely wireless. Pros The eight hour battery is a good level of battery life The remote control makes it simple to use Good sound quality Cons In case the remote control breaks the speakers cannot be managed at all Absence of Bluetooth means that several products have to be left alongside the speaker
ZeroLemon Solar Bluetooth Speaker/Power Bank
This portable Bluetooth speaker enables you to listen to music at its 10W stereo sound with a two high quality improved bass performance. It's a solar charging as well as Micro USB charging with its integrated 10000mAh Li polymer battery which enables you to have a minimum of 72 Hour playtime. The built in solar technology of its effectively changes and retailers solar power from the sun for emergencies. The functionalities of its particularly the audio quality of its won't be given up while you make use of it a few of times since it's produced from sturdy materials. It's viewed as probably the longest playtime speaker which you are able to see on the market. Like a hassle-free and worry-free music experience in only one unit. We likewise have a summary of the very best stereo speakers that you may want checking. Pros 72-hour playtime Built-in 10000mAh Li polymer battery Built-in solar energy technology Crystal clear & superb sharp bass sound Suitable for all Bluetooth enabled devices Flexible functionalities Thirty two foot away connectivity Cons Just one color is available
Goal Zero Rock Out 2 Solar Rechargeable Speaker
This particular sun speaker is actually among the most requested by daring audiophiles since it is designed to recreate the sounds that way of a live performance. It includes a very effective monocrystalline solar panel which has the capability to amplify the music of yours for no less than ten hours. Additionally, it has an one touch Bluetooth pairing for convenient and easy use. The monocrystalline of its solar energy panel is effective in saving energy to ensure that it will last. It's a chamber which allows air to flow developing a precise, smooth and deep sound. This may be utilized as a party speaker with its amplifying characteristics. It's chainable combined with various other Rock Out Speakers to have a festive and happy use of this particular speaker. It's a general dimension of seven x 2.5 x 3.7 inches with a mass of one pound. Take this solar speaker to the brand new adventure of yours with the characteristics that will stand out not only due to the visual appeal of its but with the functionality of its. You are able to get it in virtually any adventure for certain it is going to give you an uplifting experience. Pros The rugged waterproof exterior shell It's a pouch Extremely effective monocrystalline solar energy panel 800mAh lithium battery One-touch Bluetooth pairing Incorporated solar panel Best hands free solution Compact and lightweight Eight hours playtime Cons It's a little pricey
Monster Solara Indoor/Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker
The Solara is a good speaker for both automobile camping as well as parties in your own home in the garden. Omni-directional sound is offered by it. In addition, you are able to link it wirelessly with various other Solaras for an extensive audio experience for all the guests of yours to experience. The comfort of the Monster Zone Control app is actually difficult to beat: you are able to alter the speaker's adjustments from the cell phone of yours. The Solara gets solid reviews from people on the general audio quality of its. It is equipped with entertaining LED lights which are available in an assortment of colors that are brilliant, making it ideal for evening people. And throughout the day, the solar charging panel prolongs the battery life of its between charges. Pros 360° surround sound Weather resistant for use outdoors as well as inside Cons None!
Goal Zero 94007 Red Rock Out 2 Portable Speaker
Goal Zero is now an industry leader for solar powered energy when you are on the go. From lightweight power stations to panels to lighting effects & accessories, Goal Zero provides something solar for anybody who has to be off grid. The Goal Zero solar speaker holds true to the title of its - packing plenty of energy to enjoy the music of yours loud if you only cannot get it some other way. It's available in an assortment of unique colors, which includes camo, black, green, red, and blue. Pros Around ten hours of stereo audio play time on a single charge; set it in the sun for longer play time Cons Massive design
Rugged Rukus Bluetooth Solar Powered Speaker
This particular speaker packs a great deal of audio as well as strength for the size of its. The compact Rugged Rukus Bluetooth speaker weighs in at 1.6 pounds as well as actions just under 6' deep by 6.5' broad. It comes with mono crystalline solar panel as well as an inner lithium ion battery which will charge the mobile phone of yours as it streams music. Pros Provides more than eight hours of listening time prior to the subsequent charge Full stereo sound Water resistant Cons None!
Things to Know When Purchasing a Solar Powered Bluetooth Speaker
The Benefits of Using a Solar Powered Bluetooth Speaker A solar powered Bluetooth speaker offers advantages that are several with a regular Bluetooth speaker. First of all, it could be used anywhere without carrying the twisted cables for charging. Electrical energy isn't required for this to be charged. The sun's rays are actually adequate for that. Thus, they support the thought of utilizing inexhaustible energy sources of energy also. You are able to also take these speakers to remote locations with no consistent electricity resources. Second, they save a great deal of cash on electrical energy costs in case you make use of a Bluetooth speaker frequently. Finally, they're environment-friendly and energy-efficient highly. Natural sources are used by it to power itself as well as doesn't place pressure on non renewable resources to a big degree. Are All Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers Waterproof? No, many of these aren't waterproof or perhaps water resistant. This particular issue may come up because while it's outdoors, it's a threat of getting caught in the rain. You can also spill some liquid on these speakers, unintentionally. Whatever happens, you'd not want the speaker of yours to malfunction. Whether a solar powered Bluetooth speaker is waterproof or perhaps perhaps water resistant depends entirely on the product which you're purchasing. It's recommended to purchase a minimum of a water resistant Bluetooth speaker to be on the safer side of things. Should you go for an IPX4 amount water resistant speaker, it doesn't have a lot superior to that from there. How to Connect a Solar Bluetooth Speakers to a Bluetooth Device? The method for pairing a solar powered Bluetooth speaker to a Bluetooth device is actually the just like that for a typical Bluetooth speaker. Switch on the speaker by pressing the power button. There'll be a button with' B' marked on it. That's the switch for Bluetooth connectivity. Pressing that button is going to switch on the Bluetooth look of the speaker to the range. Switch on the Bluetooth of your hunt as well as device for Bluetooth products in the place. Tap on the speaker's name and match the passkeys or perhaps codes. Whenever the codes match, the solar powered Bluetooth speaker and the Bluetooth of yours will be hooked up and also you are able to appreciate the music of yours. Carefully Look at the Charge Controller Select the solar waterproof Bluetooth speaker with the electric battery which may charge as many as possible even for partial sunlight, cloudy, rainy or shady locations. It must keep going for many hours of continuous use. Choose the people whose battery has a great deal of cycle life. The electric battery of its should have a deep and fast discharging ability. It will need to have a highspeed charging and incredibly small self discharge. It have to be reluctant to vibration. It will need to have a broad operating temperature range. It should likewise have higher power density and minimal inner resistance. The Drivers The driver is definitely the center of a solar waterproof Bluetooth speaker so it's crucial you receive a decently sized driver. Many of these speakers will normally have a forty millimetre driver, that is a great size to begin with. In the event that you would like bigger drivers then expect the general dimensions of the speaker to boost as well. The amount of motorists as well as the placement of theirs additionally make a positive change in the way the speaker will seem. The scaled-down sun waterproof Bluetooth speakers usually come with an individual, full range printer driver and are positioned sometimes facing upwards or perhaps downwards, to displace sound much better. A number of these speakers likewise have a twin driver setup, which tends to be significantly louder. Since there is not a lot of room within a solar waterproof Bluetooth speaker for a woofer, many companies install passive radiators, which vibrate to make bass. Photo by Luis Graterol on Unsplash Read the full article
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Touring Hacks Part II
Touring Hacks Part 2
Greetings to my fellow performers and fellow travelers. It would seem they were are back with a second installment for hacks when you are on the road! I had no idea that part 1 would be the hit that it was and it was actually my most popular post of 2018 so I want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT and say a massive thank you to everyone that read it, shared it, commented on it and took the time to feedback to me about how helpful it was.
It warmed my little nomad heart and I have to say that it made me want jump straight back into things in this beautiful New Year with this the second part of how to hack your tour.
The truth for most performers at the moment is that our work is on the road. This isn’t to discount any of my other friends part of other industries in which they are required to work, but for us performers it is becoming more and more apparent that while shows don’t seem to be regularly changing and casts seem to be remaining the same, it means getting jobs in “town” is become that little bit harder.
However it would seem the UK’s national tours are absolutely thriving, 2019 being no exception as we see major musicals like The Book of Mormon, Motown, The Bodyguard and no exception of my own job *cough* Matilda the musical *cough* hitting all the biggest regional theatres. That of course doesn’t exclude all the fantastic new seasons at all Rep’s across the country.
Anyway I digress, the point is more and more of us on the road, so here are some tips to help, cause just because we’re not at home, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be comfortable.
Be Alarmed
I mean it, be alarming, by making sure you are alarmed. Yes that means you. Get yourself an alarm. You see the thing is most of the time we head to these towns and cities we have never been in, we got out and socialize or we walk home late at night and we don’t know the nuance of the neighborhoods and what areas are okay and which ones are not. Sometimes we are close to the theatre but sometimes we are not and it’s important that if you are doing a lot alone, you have something to protect you. So get yourself a rape alarm. Make sure you have at on you at all times. Just in case! The hope is that we remain as safe as we can as often as we can, but there it isn’t overacting to make sure you have a way of getting help should you need it.
Don’t Panic
That being said, also have a bit of balance. Do not panic. Easier said than done of course, but try and be calm in as many variable situations as you can. We want things to run smoothly and to plan but life isn’t like that and that goes for double for life on the road. Yes we want to schedule and make sure our days our structured, but we also need to make sure we leave a bit of flexibility. So if things are going belly up, if you end up having to move digs between shows (this guy), if a window falls out in your room at your digs (its happened), you have random extra rehearsals, there’s no microwave or parking at the theatre, DO NOT PANIC! It will all work out. You cannot do it all at once. So take your time and stay as calm as possible.
VavaVroom your VaVaVoom
If you are in the UK arts industry as of last year then you’ll remember the #VaVaVoom incident, in which case I won’t go into too much detail, but least we forget. A moment of silence for an every thriving industry full of Va Va Voom.
Now that said, because you know I had to say it, let’s get to the Va Va Vroom bit.
This hack is for any of you that drive. If you can? Do it. Honestly I am trying to get my act together so I am driving before this New Year is out, but it’s an asset when you are on the road. You end up clocking miles and hours yes, but the convenience of being able to move around whatever city you are in without worry of figuring out transport and more importantly, how you’re going to get all your many belongings from A to B, it ends up being a lot more cost effective than you think.
If you’re worried about your environmental impact then that’s okay. Opt out of driving altogether or at the very least keep your driving to a minimum, choosing to walk or get the bus with shorter journeys and using public transport when you can.
Try local restaurants instead of chains
A great perk of touring the country means you get to visit places you ordinarily wouldn’t have. So why not use the opportunity to feed into the local community economics and visit local cafés and restaurants. It’s a great way to find new food and drink and you’ll probably find you spend less money than you doing visiting the same old chain restaurants.
It’s also great if like me you have really specific dietary requirements, because what I am learning is that outside of chains, restaurants and café’s tend to be much more accommodating and willing to make sure you still have the best food and the best experience.
Ask the theatre digs list
Something other performers and probably even your agent has told you to do, but this is a very important one because though a lot of the accommodation seeking has moved online for convenience, you’ll find some real gems for some great prices on the digs list. So when you are looking to book your digs, don’t ditch the digs list. Just email the theatre’s you’ll be visiting to request a copy and they’ll email it straight to you.
Stay with friends
Now if you’re really looking to save some coin this would be your best bet. Always see if you can stay with friends or friends of friends or friends of your parents. It might not always be what you were looking for but again you could stumble onto some hidden gems and more importantly save some much needed money for something else like transport or maintenance.
Limit your luggage
This is something that we all learn the hard way. You see the number of months you’ll be on the road, you factor in the fact that you probably won’t be able to get home frequently and so you pack as much as humanly possible. You even pack that outfit you don’t need but you know, have, just in case there ends up being a royal visit. Honey if there ends up being a royal visit, order something from asos.
Just make sure that you pack with purpose. Keep in mind you won’t just travel clothes. You’ll need other important items that you use day to day and if there’s no room what are you going to do, because touring three big cases just isn’t an option when every venue move means getting on a train by yourself.
Be smart. I’ve evolved through the stages of hikers backpack, to suitcase, back to backpack, back to suitcase, to two suitcases, to two suitcases and a massive backpack and thankfully I’m down to one medium sized case and a big backpack. Even then it doesn’t seem like there’s ever enough room.
Remember, plan for the time of year, your environment, your work schedule and other things you might get up to, but keep it practical.
Theatre digs website
Now back to the subject of digs (accommodation), another great way to look out for a great place to live while you’re visiting a new place is to check via www.theatredigsbooker.com It’s a website that I have both used as a host and as a guest and I have to say, it��s really handy way to do research and know what your options are because the likelihood is that even if you find your digs through the theatre list or somewhere else online, your host will also have a posting on TDB.
You can search digs based around the distance to the theatre and a varying degree of specified options that help narrow down the search. So whether you are looking for self-contained or sharing, non-smoking or smoking and parking space, house or flat, TBD offers you all of those options.
Now you are required to pay a deposit, but I am always happy to do this if it means securing my place in a great place, and knowing that the level of service I am going to get is of a higher standard.
Plus having experienced some seriously horrible digs in my 12 months of touring, there’s a real comfort in knowing that there is someone out their regulating accommodation right now. As prices soar for both hosts and guests, it’s great to have someone meditating how we communicate, book, interact and experience.
Portable Hepa purifier and masks
Now this is something that I honestly didn’t even realise I needed until the very end of the year. Diffusers and purifiers and humidifiers have also been something that I have been aware of but I have never really entertained how it might play a part in my day to day, but it purifiers entered in from stage left and I’m ready for it to stay.
You see we have to really take care of ourselves and especially our voices, and sometimes as travel and stay in other people’s homes we can’t guarantee that things like, the air around us, will be adapted to what we might be used to at home.
I’m also an asthmatic so making sure that I protect myself from things like smoke, allergens, chemicals etc, is becoming more and more important, especially if I want to dodge being sick and even more so if I want my voice to be in working order.
So honestly looking out for a portable HEPA purifier that can just be working away in your digs room to ensure you are sleeping in the cleanest air you can. Do some real research here because there are a lot of different brands with a lot of different uses, so know what works for you and the result you are looking to get.
Leading into that, if you don’t want to travel anything like that but want to try and filter the kind of things entering into your atmosphere (cue John Mayer track) then look into the multitude of filtering masks that you can get.
There’s a reason that these are so popular in South East Asia. Pollution is a real thing you guys and it’s important to protect what’s going into your body as you spend a lot of time travelling and in other people’s spaces.
Be Mindful
It’s a brand New Year and even if it’s a New Year, but same you, it’s important to recognize that in this industry mental health is something we overlook, and if it’s not directly or actively effecting you right not in a tumultuous way, that’s no reason not to take care of it.
Something as simple as practicing mindfulness daily will affect not only your daily life but your working life. I promise you’ll find yourself being able to focus not only in your personal life but in your working life.
I like to find a few moments either before or after warm up to remove myself to a quiet space and centre myself and my thoughts. Sifting through the facts from the fiction in order to make sure I am in the space I need to be to give a great show.
There’s some great apps on the market, a lot of them free that can help assist you on a journey of mindfulness and it leads to gratitude which I promise you cannot have too much of.
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Super Mario Bros Game For The Classic NES
New Post has been published on https://beingmad.org/203-2/
Super Mario Bros Game For The Classic NES
Super Mario Bros Game For The Classic NES, Wonderful Mario Bros became the first recreation ever to be released for the NES in 1985.
It became the first sport to deliver effective easy scrolling ranges with a nicely made map. Wonderful Mario Brothers are presently the best-selling video game of all time. You could play it on the NES, Famicom, SNES, GBA, and recently the Wii. Trust me all people, this sport is a real blast from the beyond and still entertains today. Mario becomes the first true video gaming person and he will stand up and fireball away any others that try to take his vicinity. he will constantly be large inside the video game industry because of this video games big effect.
The video games Tale:
Many say the Tale of this recreation is terrible and It’s far a huge downfall of the game. I suggest It’s far just like each different game in which a princess gets captured and also you want to shop her. The actual primary plot of the game is that Bowser has unleashed a wicked spell over Mushroom Country. The simplest ones who can save the Princess and spoil this evil spell are Mario and Luigi.
nicely, this recreation turned into pretty a good deal the first sport to start the ones general plots. However actually, what is there now not to love about the traditional Mario saving Princess Peach from Bowser Tale? Not anything, it is straightforward and a compelling Story. I am positive the Tale does no longer deserve a high rank due to the fact on the time whilst the sport came out the Story changed into very unfamiliar and likely sounded a bit corny. But nowadays, all of us realize of our friendly plumber hero, MARIO.
This sport is unbelievably amusing to play. The objective of the game is whole every stage by way of running to the quiet of the extent and jumping has excessive as viable towards the flag. You may encounter many well-known enemies along with Goombas, Koopas, Piranha Plant life and much greater. There is cash unfold throughout the sport in random areas and hidden in blocks which you need to bust. When you get one hundred coins you get extra lifestyles.
You get a rating for what number of enemies you kill, what number of coins you snatch, and for other numerous reasons. each level is unique and has distinctive limitations in each and is a blast to play. There are eight worlds with commonly 4 ranges in each world. the sport is wonderful because it has more than one hidden secrets at some point of the game that continues the laugh coming. There are even mystery minus worlds and warp pipes that provide the sport the first-rate twist.
the sport additionally mixes in some mazes to provide it a touch mission. You can also play 2 games in which You could play as Mario and Luigi and defeat the evil Koopa King. The few downfalls are that the game isn’t very lengthy, display scrolling, and it gets frustrating. In case you play it short sufficient you can beat every degree in round half-hour.
You cannot backtrack When you flow ahead in a level. the sport is frustrating because you can not even store and there aren’t any keeps (You may use a code to start from the arena you misplaced on). the sport displays handiest scrolls inside the proper course. I might without difficulty supply the gameplay of Amazing Mario Bros a 10/10 if there have been at least more levels per international.
Of direction, you cannot simply tackle the one’s stages as just you and yourself, so you have were given some things that You may find out there that will help you. First of all, there are the power-ups You may discover in blocks in the course of the sport. the primary one You may get is the Wonderful Mushroom, and by means of getting this Mario will grow to the double size (Tremendous Mario!) and be capable of taking one greater hit from an enemy (and revert to ordinary Mario) before losing a life.
As Exceptional Mario, you furthermore may get the potential to interrupt everyday brick blocks you come upon this may show to be extraordinarily beneficial in numerous ways, be it finding a mystery block or simply taking a safe direction. In case you discover a powerup at the same time as being High-quality Mario, it will be a fireplace flower, which might not assist you to take any more hits But presents you the extraordinarily beneficial power of fireball throwing. Fireballs can kill enemies in a single hit, and at the same time as the same may be executed through leaping on most enemies heads, It is just tons less difficult to release a fireball from a distance and knock out the enemies from a secure distance. So long as You can manage to keep the heart capacity, you’ll be pretty overpowered.
In addition to that, You could additionally select up 1Up mushrooms, in an effort to grant you a further life, and cash. The cash is collectibles in an effort to provide you with further lifestyles when gathering one hundred of them, then the counter will revert so that you can accumulate a further a hundred, and so on. All things in the sport; coins, powerups, finishing a stage, defeating an enemy are added to a factory rating.
This score is a leftover from arcade video games, and may not clearly be used for something since the high rating is deleted while you turn off your console there may not be any opposition approximately it. not having a save feature would possibly sound bad, However as noted the ranges can be finished quite quickly and there is constantly a person round who will recognize about the secret warp zones.
Speak of secrets, it really is one issue that is terrific about this sport. even as many different NES video games display you pretty much the whole thing, right here there are loads of invisible blocks with powerups or coins, pipes You could input to get to underground coin collections and every so often a vine will shoot out of a hit block that You can climb to rise up to “coin heaven”. An amusing issue with these kinds of secrets and techniques is that some of them are in plain view, a few are in a brick block you’ve got just never thought to hit.
There are so many blocks scattered in every degree, with simplest the query mark blocks being positive to contain something, which you could never have time to really try to spoil all ordinary brick blocks. what is so excellent about all this is that You could play thru the game so typically and nevertheless find out something you probably did no longer recognize approximately. The amount of secret stuff is a totally probably aspect to why the sport has outstanding replayability.
The Photographs in this game are exceptional for the time. To tell you the truth I am nevertheless fully happy with the video games Portraits nowadays. Even though Mario and Luigi have a tad discoloration and It’s miles a bit blocky, it gives you the true and warm welcoming in knowing It’s miles the first Mario sport ever.
The backgrounds might handiest be a blue sky with the occasional green bush or a cloud, However, this is all that was needed. It method It’s far very clean to look the foreground items like the bricks You may hit or the enemies you are up towards.âThere is Not anything You can bitch about with those Pictures and especially while the game came out they had been exceptional.
The sound is exceptional. I mean it isn’t always demanding like most NES games and it became the start of the classic “do do do do do do-do… ” music! the game has unique music for every distinctive sort of level, like dungeons, underwater levels, and land stages. All if It is fun and makes the sport even higher. the best moderate downfall is the sound consequences are a bit lame, However, I, in reality, need to not whine. Typical It is the cultured topic music that receives me to like the track of the game a lot.
One other neat factor is that the track is a piece context touchy which means If you let the time get all the way down to beneath one hundred last seconds left, the music will speed up to permit you to realize that you want to hurry. also, In case you select up a celeb (invincibility item) the music will trade to another subject with the intention of remaining nearly exactly till the power runs out, an amazing audio cue to when to begin demanding about your enemies once more. The sound results in the sport are proper too, they’re no longer overly complicated, and the jingles that play are amazing for making you feel happy whilst finishing an assignment or choosing up a powerup.
This game is largely a pickup and plays the game. The manipulate format is so simple but so amazing. the game registers each movement in it perfectly. You press forward and Mario definitely is going forward. Many NES video games could not best this, But this game actually did. You may run and soar and you may research the tricks on the way to get the farthest leaping distance and the simple competencies very quickly. The simple and sweet NES controller played exceptional with this recreation and the sport did each command perfectly.
The NES manipulate pad isn’t truly the maximum superior piece of hardware out there, However, in this game, You’ll by no means feel It’s missing whatever. The D-pad is used to transport left and proper, and with a press, down on it You could duck, which also outcomes in happening pipes if they may be “open”.
The A button is used for jumping, and It’s far quite sensitive; a short press outcomes in a low leap and a longer press effects in a higher jump. The B button has purposes – throwing fireballs if you have got that power up, and In addition to that, it is the run button. It really works better than you might think, due to the fact that If you’re jogging and need to throw a fireball You could just speedy release the button then hold it again to earth one-off, without losing plenty speed.
Replay Fee:
that is the video games sturdy point. I cannot even matter how normally I have crushed this exquisite conventional. It continues you coming returned for extra. It is an easy sport that is simply flat out a laugh to play. You can try to beat your previous rating. You may play 2 players to spice it up with a chum or You could strive a time path and try for the record. Or if you like me You could just beat it once more just for the super feeling of thrashing the infinite traditional. This sport is only that commenced all of it. That right there makes the sport a lot more fulfilling to play.
It is simply pretty difficult without warping and with the use of the cartridge so that you can not store. I simply my pals have been like, yeah It is Brilliant Mario Bros I have overwhelmed it a thousand instances. And that they came over and lost on world 5. It’s far Not anything impossible, However, I suggest it does get a venture across. I might say it has a perfect Difficulty. not too hard that it makes you by no means want to try to beat it, However just clean enough to make it enjoyable that’s a very good balance.
Very last Thoughts:
Basic, I like the Extraordinary Mario Bros recreation. a real traditional NES recreation that has stood the take a look at of time, it is able to now not be the finest sport inside the whole global simply for how it plays as a sport in itself, but the fact that it revolutionised the house gaming scene at the time it got here out, as well as that it keeps a first rate recognition amongst any unfashionable gamer and is even enjoyed to an outstanding diploma through games of the modern-day technology explains why I locate this sport to be still so enjoyable.
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Writing again
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
Ernest Hemingway
The last thing I was expecting when I woke up this morning was to have an epiphany driving to work. I’m not talking about one of those, near death nor seeing something beautiful and suddenly finding God type of things. But it was an epiphany nonetheless.
I started my morning off like I do any morning with a shower and music to get ready for work. I just got a puppy and he is the best thing ever, and I let him out this morning. I was warned not to treat an animal as family but, fuck, he’s amazing and my precious angel.
Anyway, I had very specific task on my drive to work today, make a very specific and meaningful playlist. The reason this was a specific and meaningful playlist was because it was an assigned task. My therapist wants me to make him a playlist for my next session. Talk about an effective way to psychoanalyze someone, especially me. I am the crowned head of over analyzing lyrics and music. Just ask A. I think it is one of the main reasons that she quit on me.
The first song I could think of:
He had a hungry hollow holler. He was hell in seventh gear. He was slowing down for no one. It had always been his year.
Confidence was never sweeter, Just as sweet as it could get. But his earning every penny, His heart harbors heavy debt.
And I say “I can’t keep up anymore. I can’t keep up.”
We’re all dying; he’ll die younger While he’s still a pretty man. Cause there’s nothing after thirty. That has always been his plan.
When your heroes fell in glory, And you’re tracing every move. Well, you gotta have that story Like you didn’t even choose.
And I say “I can’t keep up.” But you think that I was wrong. Were my words misunderstood?
I can’t keep up anymore. I can’t keep up.
If you knew me you would that I keep switching in and out of present tense and lose my train of thought and like Ibiza Washington Blankets and also like to change the subject. A lot of it had to do with my partiality to self-destruction and wanting to die. I normally wouldn’t be that blunt but in getting better I’ve realized I need to accept my situation as well as start writing things down.
My mind works at as fast as the electrons in my brain will let them; which science tells us is around 250 miles per hour. Which to be honest, is fucking shit for brains and never fast enough, especially when the past you remember is shit from 5 years ago.
And it just. never. stops. The memories. My therapist tells me that if I start writing down my thoughts that keep me up/drive me crazy then maybe things will slow down a bit and I think they have. Keeping an anxiety and depression journal is a bit embarrassing but I think it could be good for me.
There’s an old cliché about hearing something but not listening. I never planned on living to be an old man. Hemingway shot himself in the face with a shotgun, John Kennedy Toole breathed his car exhaust from a hose into his cabin, Hunter S. Thompson shot himself in the head, Kerouac drank himself to death, Salinger should have died but he was too in love with himself to go through with it. I’m partly to blame because I can get intense and overbearing in a flash and usually end up leaving people feel like shit. Just ask A or my brother or my therapist.
Flash forward through that shit… The epiphany happened, as I was listening and thinking of what other songs I want to make for my assigned mix tape. I saw an absolutely brutal accident up ahead on the road. I live in a rural area and you can see for miles. The reason I knew it was brutal because there were about a dozen cop cars, 4 ambulances, and 4 fire trucks in the distance and when there is an accident on the rural highways they are always absolutely terrible in every sense of the word. I wish “terrible” was a word that hadn’t lost its meaning through overuse. This accident was “extremely bad, exciting extreme alarm or intense fear”; terrible.
I couldn’t bring myself to drive near it so I took a long detour around and then this sudden realization fucking floored me. I used to keep giving myself reasons to not be here, to not be present. This morning I realized that for the first time in quite a while that I didn’t want to be in that accident.
This isn’t a sad story, I promise. And I also promise I’ll keep past and present tense consistent from here on out.
He woke up to a brilliant sunshine. Sistine Chapel on a gloriously sunny Sunday sunshine. Also, happened to be a Sunday. And the apartment just happened to be a brilliant white with white blinds and sheets. According to the note on the nightstand she was…
hope you feel better in the morning, I love you went for a run, :)
He remembered being woken up way too fucking early for a bit and turned over back to sleep…
At work, drink water Love you, stop this for real, it’s too much
This wouldn’t have really affected him too much but it was dark now. In the upper Midwest things and people get dark at 5:00 pm. It was just another lost weekend that really didn’t matter anyway. There would always the boys out next weekend. And that was the best part, work all week for the weekend, go down to Gatsby’s and drink all weekend and talk about work and Obama and Trump and just pretty much figure out life. There’s always so much wisdom with a beer in your hand. The type of beer that regardless of brand, only certain people get. May not be coworkers, but all came from the same place, all worked a long week and been a good person all week. The beer is fucking cold and life is good. ***
“It’s too much” We don't do the same drugs anymore. "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." My act of rebellion is loving her. This is supposed to be about loss and missed loves. It's just gonna be about my life. I'm from the middle of nowhere and my life doesn't mean shit. Except my life does mean shit when you make it mean something. When you're in the middle of nowhere family means something. You go actually see each other. In real life. And play bean bags. And meet new families. You concentrate so so so much on your release point and try to get your bag into the hole. You just concentrate so much on the game to try to impress the drop dead country girl's family. We don't do the same drugs no more. ---- I remembered her saying goodnight and goodbye. Hardly registering the difference. Not that it mattered. When you're on a right and true bender it doesn't matter. I feel like I need to preface a true and real Wisconsin bender. When you go to a middle of nowhere bar there's always someone there. The Springsteen Glory Days asshole and the true poet and true drunk. There was only one fucking asshole at the bar so I left.
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