#no clue if ill be able to do a landscape but characters and ships are a go!!
artnerd1123 · 5 years
Nettles’ Character Sheet
it’s been 500 years since i did one of these, but! undercut it goes~
Character Chart Character’s full name: Nettles Nimue Willoweep Reason or meaning of name: Nettles comes from the plant! Since nettles sting, I was originally planning on having her be a lot more prickly. She still is kinda pokey now, tbh. “Willoweep” is just “weeping willow” but smashed together. It’s for the Aesthetic™. Nimue refers to the “lady of the lake” in the legend of king arthur, and because I thought it sounded cool. important to note is that she made up her current name herself, for story reasons Character’s nickname: none (aiden calls her various pet names later), though some people might attempt to call her captain willow. it doesn’t end well.  Reason for nickname: she just doesn’t care for nicknames much, (Aiden’s the exception because they’re overly sappy/joke around a lot with each other later) and she used to be a pirate captain- but isn’t anymore  Birth date: March 28th Sexuality: queer  Gender/pronouns: genderfluid, she/her (occasionally they/them)
Physical appearance Age: 37 How old do they appear: probably around that. Maybe a smidge older. Weight: still have no clue how weight works! She’s got plenty of muscle mass tho :V Height: 5’11” Body build: thinner frame but with plenty of muscle. She’s strong as frick, and more like a steel rod than a stick. plenty buff :3 Shape of face: i still don’t know how to answer this question lsdkjfs, but she’s got a longer face w/ a sharpish chin  Eye color: pale green! Glasses or contacts: neither Skin tone: light brown (african american?) + seafarer’s tan on top of it  Distinguishing marks: she’s got so many scars. So many. The most notable ones being “ligature” marks on her right wrist, and a burn on her neck/left shoulder. Predominant features: her hair is p eyecatching for sure Hair color: emerald/leafy green Type of hair: curly coils  Hairstyle: currently has it in dreadlocks (they look a lil vinelike!), parted to the right  Voice: Jess Glynne - Thursday (but can also sound piratey) Overall attractiveness: strong ex-pirate plant lady,,, pretty in a rugged kind of way,,, ough,,,  Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: pirate, but make it shades of brown/green and a bit less flashy Favorite outfit: dark brown “vest” (actually a dress top she tore the skirt off of) with green accent around front laces, cream off-the-shoulder shirt w/ green accent trim and flowy sleeves, dark brown pants, tan boots w/ straps and gold buckles, large belt w/ gold buckle  Jewelry or accessories: black hoop earrings, an emerald leaf shaped cloak clasp, and a staff made of woven grass (which can turn into a sword)
Personality Good personality traits: generally levelheaded, unafraid to tell people things when needed, determined, patient, ‘do no harm but take no shiz’ mentality, not usually quick to judge, generally easygoing, v dedicated to those she considers family, thinks well under pressure, gives good advice (most of the time), can be p charismatic Bad personality traits: tends not to have much foresight, can come across as aloof, really bad about opening up, keeps too much to herself despite tryna get better abt it, can sometimes overlook traits in favor of just being allies/friends, a lil too willing to get into a fight sometimes, can be too headstrong, lies easily to get out of things Mood character is most often in: contemplative Sense of humor: very dark, likes to playfully tease those she cares about, loves really long jokes, can get a bit crass on occasion Character’s greatest joy in life: currently her forest (teaching journal comes close second some days) Character’s greatest fear: her past coming back to bite her Why? She’s not so much scared of people finding out who she used to be, more uneasy about people using it against her. She doesn’t want people to walk out of her life, but like, if they do, she wouldn’t blame em. She just doesn’t wanna get thrown under the bus for what she did back during pirate days, and accused of being something she isn’t (at least, not anymore.) What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Losing journal, tbh. She already lost everything- including family- once. She’s not willing to walk down that road again. Character is most at ease when: out among her plants, or chillin in a tavern Most ill at ease when: near the ocean in any capacity Enraged when: people threaten her loved ones/home/etc, people hurt others due to prejudice, people cause destruction in her forest Depressed or sad when: thinking of her old crew, ruminating in her memories for too long, near the ocean, an old tree dies Priorities: keeping the forest safe, producing enough lucrative plants/herbs so she has on hand pocket money, making sure journal’s alright/settling in/has the help he needs if she’s not around to give it Life philosophy: everyone gets their comeuppance eventually, but that doesn’t mean you sit back and wait. Go knock some sense into em if they need it. Take care of people worse off than you, too. A bit of help gets people a long way. If granted one wish, it would be: to have turned back in that storm instead of charging on. Why? Half her crew wouldn’t be dead. She could’ve actually retired instead of stepping down due to catastrophic failure. Her familiar would be alive. Y’know, normal reasons. Character’s soft spot: plants, gold, shiny things, kids Is this soft spot obvious to others? Plants, definitely. The other things you’ll notice if you’re around her long enough Greatest strength: making a decision and seeing it through Greatest vulnerability or weakness: absolutely hates/has a really hard time opening up to other people  Biggest regret: rushing headlong into a storm she had no hope of conquering Minor regret: not travelling inland more when she was a pirate (not a huge deal to her, but it woulda been nice) Biggest accomplishment: either successfully maintaining a ship/captain’s title for ten years, or nurturing her forest from a wildfire charred landscape into a thriving woodsy landscape. Minor accomplishment: finding out how to return gold (if she stole it on accident) without being too weird about it Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: she likely has a ton from her early pirating days. Learning to be a pirate wasn’t super easy all the time Why? She likes to think she’s a competent pirate now, don’t bring that stuff up, thank u v much Character’s darkest secret: dark magic has tempted her many, many times. It still does sometimes. And she almost gave in on a few of those occasions. Does anyone else know? No. they won’t, if she has anything to say about it.
Goals Drives and motivations: moving on aka shoving her past in a closet, being able to keep her forest/new loved ones safe, gold Immediate goals: keep up with her trade partners and her “cash gardens,” check the forest for abnormalities, make sure journ doesn’t need anything that day (and help if he do) Long term goals: keep the forest healthy, keep journal on the right track, continue expanding her budding network of plant trading, hopefully make some more actual progress with her issues How the character plans to accomplish these goals: keep up the “forest guardian” role, send letters to journ/visit him, meet more people, and learn to properly open up. And. y’know. Maybe steal some gold here n there as needed. How other characters will be affected: positively for her loved ones/partners! And maybe possibly probably negatively for those she doesn’t like. Perhaps.
Past Hometown: didn’t have a “town.” lived on ships/ports for her whole life till pirating Type of childhood: unstable, tbh. She was the kid of some merchant questors. Thus, she was always travelling around. Not much time to make/maintain friendships, bond with her parents, or do much besides help out. Any goofing off probably got her yelled at. Her headstrong nature meant she didn’t take kindly to that, so she ran away at 15. Pets: none First memory: the sound of waves. It’s something she’ll never forget, no matter what. Most important childhood memory: seeing pirates in the distance during a trade route! Scary, but she was also in awe of em Why: those pirates inspired her runaway swashbuckling plans when she was a teen! They also showed her an alternative to the dull merchant’s way of fulfilling questor urges. Childhood hero: probably some super well known pirate from a legend a book she smuggled onboard Dream job: anything that wasn’t being a merchant (turned into pirate tho) Education: really good at math, reading, keeping records, and reading the ocean. All thanks to her parents/seabound life! She taught herself plant magic rlly early on, and also learned a lot more things pirating (swordfighting, how to manage a crew, which quests are the most profitable, etc) Religion: Finances: parents took care of childhood finances. She was treasure/stolen loot funded until pirating crashed and burned in her late teen/early adult years~
Present Current location: forest outside Journal’s town. It spans many miles. Currently living with: herself :V Pets: none Religion: Occupation: forest guardian, plant merchant, magic mentor Finances: merchant life pays well enough when she needs it. And, like, she still goes and loots places from time to time. Just keep it quiet, m’kay?
Family Mother: Danielle Chamelea Teritip Relationship with her: though she was v busy, her mother always did her best to keep her daugher on track. She’s the one who pushed nettles really hard to learn, and to focus on becoming a better merchant than entertaining other fantasies. Their relationship wasn’t terrible, but nettles never felt her mom’s approval of her personal goals- just the future her mom wanted. Father: Albus Troise Teritip Relationship with him: he was also very busy, but always took the time to teach her little tricks and tips of the trade. He was also sorta pushy about her becoming a merchant. He never even seemed to notice her pulling away to other fantasies. Why would she? After all, your kid’s gotta carry on the family business. What else would she be doing? Siblings: Relationship with them: Spouse: Relationship with them: Children: Relationship with them: Other important family members: if found family counts, which it does, that’ll be journal! Later in the plot, it expands to fit aiden/roo/seraph/ruffy. In her past, her crew would all have been here
Favorites Color: green. Any shade. Surprising, i know Least favorite color: beige. Boring color, no thank u >:V Music: sea shanties!!! Also likes metal, some pop, and has a fondness for violin/flute music Food: a p p l e s. Also fond of any produce she can eat raw. And crabs. Lov the cronch. Literature: prefers oral stories to reading. But like, history is super interesting to her. Form of entertainment: oral storytelling, showing off (or watching someone show off) magic, stupid tavern karaoke Expressions: loves that devilish smirk of “oh no, they’re up to something bad, hold onto your valuables.” also enjoyable is that eyebrow raise of “did you really just do that? Really? That?” with a deadpan face. Peak expressions. Mode of transportation: swinging/parkouring around through the trees via plant magic and vines, like tarzan, except the vines yeet him instead of swinging sometimes Most prized possession: her staff. She’s had it for years, through good and bad, and it’s not going anywhere. May or may not also have a feather in her cloak clasp for… reasons.
Habits Hobbies: gardening, swordfighting, people and/or birdwatching, storytelling, being extra as all frick every so often so people don’t forget u can and will take them the frick out, applepicking Plays a musical instrument? nope! Plays a sport? Does swordfighting count? How they would spend a rainy day: either inside a town building, tavern, or little canopy of leaves in the forest. Depending on the setting, she’ll just have casual conversations or peoplewatch. Or, if she’s in the forest, she’ll entertain herself with vivid storytelling. Sometimes she’ll jus watch whatever crawled into her dry canopy with her. Or bug journal with excessive letters. Anything chill slkdfjs Spending habits: if she can grow/make/wash it herself, she’s not buying. Spends more gold on trips to town restaurants/taverns than anything else, but it’s chill. ‘S not like she has rent to pay :V Smokes: nope Drinks: rum, of course. What kinda pirate do u take her for??? Also wouldn’t mind whiskey. Drinks a lot less now than she used to. Other drugs: nope What do they do too much of? Being a local cryptid What do they do too little of? Opening up to other human beings instead of plants Extremely skilled at: reading a room, cutting to the chase, sword-and-regular-fighting, plant magic, teaching, stealing/pickpocketing, thinking on her feet Extremely unskilled at: planning ahead, knowing when she should really let things be instead of starting smth, letting her loved ones fight their own fights (she’ll try and step in at least once) Nervous tics: going silent, putting a hand over her mouth, staring really hard at nothing, holding her staff close, squeezing anything in hand (usually her staff end) Usual body posture: holds herself loosely but confidently. Has the air of someone who knows what’s going on, and is at ease wherever. Mannerisms: usually blunt, teases those she cares about (unless told not to), makes hand motions when explaining things, speaks in a more “normal” voice most of the time but can occasionally slip into a piratey accent when angry/upset, tends to unconsciously mimic the accents of those around her if she’s in a new setting, likes to sit back and watch until she judges herself to be “familiar” enough with what’s up Peculiarities: the smell of a lotta salt can sometimes upset her, she’s an extrovert but spends most of her time in the woods/outskirts of towns, she’s still very superstitious from her pirate days
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Tends to err on the side of pessimism nowadays Introvert or extrovert? Big extrovert! She’ll spend time just hanging around places people are if she feels too drained, and really loves spending time with those she cares about Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil with an air of caution about her Logical or emotional? Likes to think she’s more logic based, and acts it, but she’s very emotional driven when it comes down to it Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Very neat, actually! You wouldn’t know it unless u got her to live inside tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Prefers working or relaxing? Mix of both. Enough work so she’s not bored, but enough relaxing so she’s not stressed :V Confident or unsure of themself? Confident for the vast majority of the time. Animal lover? She’s definitely fond of em!!! :D
Self-perception How they feel about themself: eh, she’s alright. It fluctuates some days, but tends to rest firmly in the “I’m fine, and if I’m not, I’ll fix it for tomorrow” realm. If it does fluctuate, she either feels like a traitor/liar, or a cunning bada$$ One word the character would use to describe self: survivor One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “I’m Nettles, Nettles Willoweep. I’m a thirty seven year old sorceress who likes plants more than people. Well, that’s a lie. But it is easier to deal with foliage sometimes. I used to be a pirate a long time ago. Not so much nowadays, but that’s not to say I won’t bend a few rules in a pinch. I do what I need. After all, who’s gonna miss a few coins here and there? Certainly not the other families I slip em to. But uh, hey, don’t go spreading that around. I’ve got a reputation to upkeep.” “I guess I’m a bit of a benevolent local cryptid? Whatever that means. Journal tells me it’s a good thing, and I’ll believe him for now. I’m certainly doing what I can to take care of people who need it, and I’d give my right arm to help those I’m close to. Yeah, my blood runs a little hot sometimes, but that hasn’t changed my whole life. I just wanna see my plants and people prosper, and maybe get some gold on the side.” “... ah, right, hobbies. Gardening, forest guarding, fighting with swords, birdwatching… lots of stuff. As long as I’m not spending all my time slogging through old wounds, i’ll call it a good day.” What does the character consider their best personality trait? Her dedication What does the character consider their worst personality trait? How easily she brushes off concern What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? Not sure! She likes her body, and has no complaints abt it. Maybe her hair or how limber she still is :V What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ How does the character think others perceive them: she thinks the general public perceives her as shady but mostly benevolent. She thinks her loved ones perceive her as blunt, but caring. Both of these are fair analyses, by her thought. What would the character most like to change about themself: make it so she could forgive herself easier, and admit to others that she needs a hand
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: people are easily tricked and dumb. Individuals can be p nice tho. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? She’s one of those people where, in certain situations, you’re never gonna be sure if she’s being sarcastic/truthful or not. She does it more regularly than she would like, but less so with close friends Person character most hates: i could put some old rival of hers here. Unfortunately, ‘herself’ works better :( Best friend(s): she’s very good friends with several bartenders, but especially the one in journ’s town. She’s hit it off quite nicely with a nomad who passes through every couple weeks or so, too. Journal is also a “best friend,” but like, in a mentee/kid kind of way Love interest(s): aiden, later ;3 Person character goes to for advice: bartender bffs Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: journal journal journal journal jo- Person character feels shy or awkward around: nobody :V Person character openly admires: *insert several pirates/legendary sorcerers/questors/casual hard workers in towns here* Person character secretly admires: eh. Probably aiden for a bit. Wink wonk lskjdfs Most important person in character’s life before story starts: technically journ counts here? But if not, just herself. After story starts: journal for sure
5 notes · View notes
the-starchariot · 5 years
Nouns / phrases: Clouds, bad weather. (Figurative) fog; a fogged mind. Coverups, smoke screens, pretence, hidden things, secrets. Vagueness, disorientation. No points of reference. Lack of standpoint; unclear position. Lack of guidance or guidelines. Confusion, no answers. Misunderstanding, self-deception. Insecurity, uncertainty, doubts, despair, hopelessness. Indifference, disinterest. Numbness, spiritlesss. Stupor, thick-wittedness. Dullness, boredom, listlessness, aimlessness, futility.   Activities: To cloud, fog, cover something up, veil, hide, pretend. To disorient; feel lost, go astray. To find no points of reference; not know where we stand; wander around guideless. To not see reality. To not understand, misunderstand, confuse, deceive oneself. To be or make insecure; doubt, lose hope, despair. To show indifference. To numb (oneself), bore someone. Attributes: Clouded, fogged (over), pretended, covered up, veiled, hidden, secret. Vague, unclear, disoriented, disorienting, stray, lost, guideless. Indifferent, disinterested. Numb, spiritless. Bleary, obtuse. Dull, bored, listless, aimless, futile. Confused, unanswered. Confusing, misleading, deceptive, self-deceived. Uncertain, doubtful, desperate, hopeless. As a person: Person with the above attributes. A shady character. Someone the querent can't see / doesn't see as who they really are. A bore. As advice: Get rid of self-deception! Admit your ignorance or confusion; ask for information or guidance! 
In rare cases, positively: Hide it! Pretend!   Time factor *) : No sense of time. Unclear time spans.
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About the Image: When I discovered Lenormand, and read up on the Clouds' meaning for the first time, I was bewildered initially. For the clouds I had somehow automatically envisioned were fluffy white fleecy clouds, high up on a happy blue sky above a peaceful landscape. This vision conjured up ease, and freedom, not confusion, secrets, and despair. So at first the Lenormand Clouds' meaning seemed completely off. It took me a while to understand that I had just envisioned the wrong type of clouds. As soon as I pictured myself right in front of or even within towering, gloomy clouds, I got it. Now the symbolism was very strong, so unambiguous in fact that when I painted the card I decided to paint nothing but clouds. Exactly this, I felt, would convey the card's meaning better than any additional ingredient could. The clouds in my illustration are so close to the viewer, so thick, even encroaching upon the viewer over the card's frame, that the viewer can see nothing but clouds. They are given no clue as to what lies beneath or beyond them. The left part of the clouds is quite a bit lighter, though; and there is an actual silver lining where the clouds seem to be thin enough for actual (sun)light to filter through. Maybe, just maybe, there is the chance that some of the confusion is already behind us; maybe, relief is closer than we think.  
Clouds / fog / cover-up / secrets: Yes, the Clouds could represent actual clouds, and bad weather in general. But this most obvious interpretation is, in my experience, also the least useful. The card becomes interesting for me only when I take its meaning figuratively. Then, the Clouds represent not veils of condensed water but figurative fog - they suggest that we are in a fog, that something (e.g. our mind) is fogged, or hidden from us or by us. The Clouds stand for cover-ups, smoke screens, pretence, and secrets. Nebulosity / vagueness/ disorientation: Continuing from the last paragraph, the Clouds represent anything which is nebulous - for example, vague information, or an unclear situation. And along a similar line, the Clouds also represent disorientation. They could be saying that we are going astray, feeling lost, missing important points of reference, don't know where we stand, or can't see what our options are, what we should (or could) do. The Clouds can suggest a lack of guidance or guidelines. Lack of understanding / misunderstanding / self-deception: Sometimes, a situation really is unclear. But often, a situation only seems unclear because we lack understanding. This is something which the Clouds often suggest: a lack of understanding, or confusion. In some cases they say that there is no answer, but most often they represent the fact that we are not able to find one. In interpersonal relationships they can suggest misunderstandings (mutual or one-sided). In regard to our self-image they often hint at a lack of self-awareness, or at self-deception. Insecurity / uncertainty / despair: Whether a situation is actually unclear or whether we just lack proper understanding, unclarity often leads to feelings of insecurity. Situations we don't understand seem uncertain, maybe even unsafe, to us. And often, insecurity and/or uncertainty will also make us doubt. When we are insecure, we will doubt ourselves - we will for example doubt that we are able to deal with a complex problem. We will doubt whether it really is the way it seems to be, or whether other people involved are holding up smoke screens to fool us. And when things are unclear for too long, when we can't see a way out, when we have no guidance in uncertain situations, this often leads to hopelessness, to despair. Numbness / dullness / indifference: When thick clouds cover the sky the daylight is dulled, and temperature drops. Everything becomes poorer in contrast, greyer, cooler. Thus, the Clouds can suggest a lack of input for the senses, benumbed sensation, even anaesthesia. Emotionally speaking they represent numbness, deadheartedness. And translated into a mental state, the Clouds represent indifference or disinterest. They can stand for dullness, and boredom. They can say that we're in a stupor, or obtuse. And sometimes they represent listlessness, aimlessness, or (seeming) purposelessness. The Clouds could be saying that we don't act because we think it would be futile. 
Clouds-Rider To feel unprepared for what's happening; to not know what to do about what's going on. Confusing activities; hidden activities. Despair or confusion about a change. Uncertainty about what someone is pushing for, or what you should push for. Take action now against all this confusion! Hidden message; unclear message. A conceited poser; pretender. Someone is putting up a smoke-screen. Guideless/planless action. Act of desperation. Clouds-Clover Bad luck. Concealed opportunity; to overlook a chance. Confusion/despair which doesn't last long, or which isn't that big of a deal. To make light of mental illness; to joke about (other people's?) confusion, lack of understanding. To have fun pulling the wool over people's eyes. To not understand the seriousness of it. To mistake happy-go-lucky behaviour for "I don't care" (or the other way around!). To drift aimlessly (possibly harmfully) because of a lack of purpose. Clouds-Ship Journey or change with a very unclear path, purpose, or destination (might be a warning or just stating a fact). To want to change - but there are no reference points and/or no guidance. To make a change out of despair. A hopeless journey. To lose hope that we can change. Great big adventure: to explore that which is completely unknown yet. To leave behind everything which is conceited, confusing, or hopeless - a fresh start. To go explore confusion / look into a misunderstanding. Someone's departure causes despair. We're disoriented because we've entered uncharted waters. Clouds-House Unclear family situations (e.g. concerning parentage or paternity); secrets within the family. To fog/veil private matters. A habit of pretending, or keeping things secret. Unclear rules. No plan. Uncertainty if we should stay in our home / start a family. Feeling of disorientation because we are not firmly rooted in a tradition or have no rules to live by. We feel unsafe, can't feel the connection with our family and close friends. No tradition or customs which could function as guidelines. No familiarity; to not recognise something or someone. Clouds-Tree To feel unsafe, to not feel a connection with nature, or with one's own body. To feel ungrounded, unstable. To lose touch with reality. Illusions and hallucinations. Pragmatic approach to confusion and despair. Down-to-earth view on a situation and pragmatic handling of things leads out of confusion. Misunderstandings about health issues; lack of knowledge or wrong understanding of one's own body. To hide one's body. Distorted body image. Dulled body awareness. A secret about one's roots. Clouds-Clouds*) To hide confusion, lack of knowledge, or insecurity. A misunderstanding is caused by lack of knowledge. Very, very vague. Extremely unclear. To not even be aware that we don't understanding something. Purposelessness leads to hopelessness. Lack of guidance causes disorientation. To cover up mental illness. Clouds-Snake To lose our sense of direction; to go astray. Unnecessary detours. Goal is unclear. To slowly make one's way out of confusion by diligence and hard work. To persevere even in times of confusion. Someone's desires or motives are unclear (and maybe they're hiding them on purpose). Someone uses deception to reach their goal. Manipulation. The ambition to become more knowledgeable, to understand better. The use of rhetoric tricks to conceal what is really being said. Clouds-Coffin Uncertain or unclear ending. Something seems to be ending but we can't say for sure what exactly. Suppressed insecurity. To swallow one's despair. Despair so big that life isn't bearable anymore. Grief so big it clouds the mind; depression. The loss of something or someone familiar has led to disorientation. To not know how to go on. To let go of a misunderstanding. End of despair, end of secrecy. No more hiding. To drop all pretence. Clouds-Bouquet Fake compliments. Someone is being nice but has a hidden agenda. Confusion about how you should react to niceness / compliments / flattery. Insecurity in social situations. To misunderstand someone's pleasantries. To not know how to express gratitude or admiration. To be conceited in regard to one's attractiveness. Clouds-Scythe To eliminate confusion; to tidy up and put an order into anything that is unclear. Unexpected confusion; sudden disorientation. Because something was ended prematurely there now is confusion. To react to a break-up or sudden ending with despair or disorientation. To interrupt at once when there seems to be the slightest misunderstanding. We've caused the confusion or insecurity ourselves. To yank someone out of their despair. To rip the veil off; to drop all pretence. Someone's secrets could be dangerous for us. And for some reason, for me this combination also seems to suggest headaches or even migraines. Clouds-Whip Clouded memories of assault or abuse. Hidden abuse; violence parading as something else. pretence which does actual damage. Paralysing feelings of guilt or shame. Inability to identify aggressive or abusive behaviour. Feelings of shame so intense that they cloud everything. Aggression clouds everything. To hide one's guilt. To be so insecure that we beat ourselves up constantly. Misunderstanding causes a conflict. Someone is scolded or mocked for their ignorance. An unclear argument. To become desensitised to insults/aggression. Clouds-Birds Distant rumours; secret gossip. Great worries about an unclarity. Unfocused rambling; aimless straying. Not knowing makes us restless. To be so chaotic that every sense of direction is lost. To blab a secret. Boredom leads to restlessness. To hide one's nervousness. Dulled reflexes; dulled excitement. To be startled out of one's stupor. Clouds-Child Secret about a child; a secret is kept from a child/young person. To not know whether it's a good time to have a child. To not know whether one can have children. Insecure child, unguided child. A confused young person, a lost young person. Inexperienced person without proper guidance. Beginning of confusion. Confusion because of inexperience. To initiate confusion. To play hide and seek (literally or figuratively speaking). Confusion about a game; boring game. To not understand one's own inner child. To misunderstand a young person. Inexperienced person misunderstands something. To belittle someone's hopelessness. Clouds-Fox Someone has something to hide. Someone is holding up a smoke screen, deceiving us - or: self-deception. The feeling of being lost (without guidance) because our sense of self is weak. Confusion because we haven't learned to stand up for ourselves, listen to ourselves. To despair of oneself. To adapt to an unclear or uncertain situation. Be cautious when you lack knowledge! To suspect it's just pretence. To conceal who we truly are. Clouds-Bear Gaining practical knowledge and competence protect against confusion and insecurity. Protection against deceit. Someone's confidence hides their insecurity. Insecurities dominate our life. Something or someone that can guide us in times of confusion. Charismatic leader who has something to hide. Cult leader. Bossiness clouds our mind. Blind fury. To proceed confidently although we are disoriented. Misunderstanding with parent, boss, or teacher. Clouds-Stars To lose oneself through the wrong kind of spirituality; to be confused about what life's meaning is; to not know what we truly want. Too much daydreaming makes us lose the sense of what's real. To not know whom/what we can trust. It's hard to aspire to something when we don't see any purpose in anything. Harmful illusions. Loss of reality, because an overactive imagination clouds our judgement. Hopelessness vs. keeping up hope. To look at the future with no idea of what could or should happen, or even with hopelessness. Clouds-Stork A process of which the direction (let alone the destination) is yet unclear. A time of painful search for direction; a desperate longing to find out what we truly are (or need). Lack of guidance during a transformation process. Despair transforms us. Dulled longing; dulled instinct. Disinterest in inner journeys. To deceive oneself about a (vicious) cycle. Misunderstanding of someone's deepest longings. Return of despair, return of confusion. The same misunderstanding happens again and again. Clouds-Dog To not know where our loyalty should be. Confusion or secrets concerning a friend or employee. To be unsure whether someone is a friend or not, or whether their friendliness is sincere. Friend who has something to hide. We feel lost and scared because no one tells us what to do. Misunderstanding with a friend. A friendship has become boring. Clouds-Tower Distance brings clarity. To distance oneself from troubles. Someone who lacks guidance or is confused might be quick to accept any authority. To shut oneself off from anything negative, especially from other people's despair or confusion. Too much loneliness, being cut off from others, has led to despair and a feeling of disconnection. To take control over one's confusion. Misunderstood arrogance. Clouded rationality. To not think clearly. The confusing, aggravatingly frustrating experience of dealing with public offices, with bureaucracy. Clouds-Garden To deceive the public; appearance is deceiving; someone presents a different persona to the public than what they are in private. To be confused and insecure in social settings. To present as insecure. To have the reputation of playing with hidden cards. Poker face. Cultural misunderstandings. Everybody is confused. Unclear network/structure. To admit publicly that we are confused/don't know where to go/what to do. Clouds-Mountain To be completely stuck in a problematic, confused situation. Your own confused ideas, your loss of sense of reality, have developed into a huge problem. Confusion and despair are proving hard to overcome. A secret no one talks about. To delude yourself about how big a challenge will be. To wrongly believe that something is a great big invincible problem when it's really not. To lack the guidance you'd need to overcome a hurdle. Clouds-Crossroad Indecision, hesitance; alternatives are not clear or confusing. To be unable to deal constructively with our freedom. Choosing is difficult because there is something about the options which isn't yet clear. To not care either way. Total indifference. Ambiguity causes misunderstandings. Someone delays something because of insecurity. Unclear deliberations. Clouds-Mice Confusion and insecurity are draining one's energy reserves. Something very evil and harmful is going on in secret. To be unaware of something unwholesome. Scarcity causes despair. The lack of something makes it impossible to decide what to do. To waste resources because one has no plan, no guidance. To be unaware of something which is going on behind one's back. To not know what to do about something unhealthy going on. Very unhealthy, very dishonest. Someone hides their poverty; someone hides their illness. Because we have so little life seems very, very dull. To have no hope at all that things will ever get better. Clouds-Heart Confused love. Insecurities in our love life. Being in love has made us unable to see clearly. Blind love. We can't see love / compassion although it's there. A clouded mind is hindering us to soften up emotionally. Someone doesn't know how to love, show affection, be tender, or do something compassionate. Misunderstanding between lovers. To mistakenly assume love. To conceal one's love. Affectionate actions as smoke screen. No hope for love. Hopeless love. Boring love life. Dulled love. Deadheartedness. Clouds-Ring Unclear relationship; the connection is not clear; to not know the cause. To be unsure if there is a link at all, a connection - or to be unsure whether we should make one. Insecurity concerning a commitment or a promise. Secret association. Shared despair. A mutual misunderstanding. Inability to connect. Confusion about who our allies are. Clouds-Book Hidden facts; unclear facts; veiled truth. To hide the truth. Lies, misunderstandings, mistakes, errors, false teachings. Confusing facts; to not understand what one is being taught. Learning disabilities. Despair during a learning process; to feel unguided during a learning process. No teacher - one has to learn from/by oneself. Boring studies. Disinterest in a subject; indifference towards the truth. Clouds-Letter Unclear or confused communication; lies - especially: to lie by omission. Unclear statements. Misunderstandings in general; to misunderstand a specific bit of information; to misunderstand what someone is trying to say. To not know what to say. Conversation with lack of focus; conversation with no clear purpose; conversation without guidelines. Boring conversation. Disinterest in the information we are given. To express one's hopelessness, or confusion. To not follow a conversation. Clouds-Man (a) Man who is: confused, insecure, desperate, lost. A shady character, man who is hiding something, putting up a smoke-screen. Deceiver. Man in need of guidance. Man who lacks interest (or who lacks interesting characteristics), is listless. Deadhead. A man the querent can't see / doesn't see as who he really is. Clouds-Woman (a) Woman who is: confused, insecure, desperate, lost. A shady character, woman who is hiding something, putting up a smoke-screen. Deceiver. Woman in need of guidance. Woman who lacks interest (or who lacks interesting characteristics), is listless. Deadhead. A woman the querent can't see / doesn't see as who she really is. Deadhead. Clouds-Man (b) Man who is: confused, insecure, desperate, lost. A shady character, man who is hiding something, putting up a smoke-screen. Deceiver. Man in need of guidance. Man who lacks interest (or who lacks interesting characteristics), is listless. Deadhead. A man the querent can't see / doesn't see as who he really is. Clouds-Woman (b) Man who is: confused, insecure, desperate, lost. A shady character, man who is hiding something, putting up a smoke-screen. Deceiver. Man in need of guidance. Man who lacks interest (or who lacks interesting characteristics), is listless. Deadhead. A man the querent can't see / doesn't see as who he really is. Clouds-(Sensual)Lily To be (emotionally) unsure about sex or a sexual relationship. A hidden sexual relationship - affair? To hide sexual attraction. To not know how to enjoy sensual pleasures. Confusing sensual pleasures. Misunderstandings concerning sex, pleasure, a sexual relationship. Sexual disorders. To over-engage in sensual pleasures in order to fog over one's boredom or despair. Boring sexual encounters; dulled senses. Clouded vision, dulled hearing, reduced sense of smell (blocked nose) or taste. Something is so harmonious, lacking even the tiniest bit of contrast, contradiction, that it is actually terribly boring. Clouds-(Virtuous)Lily Confused morals; to not know what would be the right thing to do. Clouded moral judgement. To be so strict in one's moral views that it's emotionally or mentally harmful. Lack of moral guidance. Mental illnesses which cloud our morality. Virtues which are relevant in times of despair, e.g. the Christian virtue hope; discipline; tenacity. Not clear if intentions are good. Misunderstood good intentions. Good intentions which nevertheless caused confusion (didn't help). Someone is such a paragon of virtue that they seem terribly boring, colourless. Clouds-Sun Inability to see the positive side of things. Confusion or misunderstandings about what happiness means. Apparent clarity has deceit hidden in it; something which seems obvious really isn't. Something only seems obvious because we don't understand it. Pretend confidence. Light/heat are unbearable, so we go looking for shadow to cool down - metaphorically speaking. Secret joy. A dark cloud covers the sun (metaphorically speaking). Desperate attempts at having fun; something or someone tries to entertain but it doesn't work. Clouds-Moon Emotional confusion. Misunderstanding of emotion; or inability to understand emotions. Autism. Emotional disorder. To fog over our feelings. Someone is in dire need for a therapist! To hide away in order to find rest. Unclear intuition. Very vague inklings. Profound confusion; deep despair. Hidden darkness. Deceptive quiet. Tiredness so strong it clouds the mind. Things are so quiet we're bored. Deadheartedness; listlessness. Clouds-Key To find clarity; a solution. To dare to look closely at one's confusion and despair. To finally be open about something one has been trying to hide. To figure out a misunderstanding. Deliverance from despair, or from a seemingly hopeless situation. Confusion blocks understanding; disinterest blocks inspiration. Disinterest in (other people's?) ideas. Things are about to get confused. To have opened up to something new and now everything is confusing. Clouds-Fish Confused values; unclear values. Behind the scenes goings-on in our job/business. Veiled/hidden interests - someone might try to profit by hiding their true motives. Business dealings without a clear sense of direction. Financial or material situation is not clear. To lack guidance in a work-related area. Maybe now it's not a good time to decide on anything to do with job or finances - we don't actually have all the facts or lack understanding in general. To be so tightfisted or greedy, or so obsessed with collecting more of the same, that it clouds our judgement or even borders on mental illness. A hoarder. Clouds-Anchor Unclear focus, confusion about what one should focus on. Find the one stable thing within all the confusion and despair and hold on to that! That which gives foothold in times of despair. To be stuck in confusion. To be stuck because it's unclear where else to go/what else to do. Everything revolves around our confusion, or a misunderstanding. Very dull routines; boring everyday life. So safe it's boring. Clouds-Cross Unclear or confused beliefs or ideology; an ideology which relies on keeping things hidden from its adherents. A mind fogged by dogmatic thinking. Despair because of hardship/suffering. No hope to escape the pain. To not know what our task is. To take responsibility in times of confusion. Unclear principles; no principles to guide us. To get lost on a quest. Very dull duty. Impassiveness to suffering. Aimlessness vs. a clear task. Unbearable boredom. Clouds - Wild Card To not see the question mark; to be totally confused by something that can't be expressed or is indeterminate yet. There no despair yet; there's yet the possibility to prevent confusion or misunderstanding or getting lost. So much isn't fixed yet that there is disorientation. A (possibly genderqueer) person with the attributes of the Clouds (see the Cloud's keywords).
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