#no changjoong
sunstormrecs · 2 years
ship Kim Hongjoong/Seo Changbin
tags Tattoo Artist Kim Hongjoong, piercer san, Choi San is a Little Shit, Jung Wooyoung is a Little Shit, Lee Juyeon is a little shit, implied san and juyeon, bang chan is tatted up, changbin buff guy agenda, Mentioned Hwang Hyunjin
summary Hongjoong is level-headed and professional, and he does not like buff guys... but somehow that does not stop him from ending up on the couch in Changbin's apartment just a week after their first tattoo session.
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sassyseunghyuns · 7 years
someone come collect nochang. he was wildin in toronto
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ashamone · 7 years
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Genius Nochang & GiriBoy performing at the Just Music We Effect Tour Los Angeles | 111817 https://www.instagram.com/ashamone/
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mother-suho · 7 years
Spirits (1/?)- Genius Nochang
a/n: sorry for being so inactive :((( school is finally over, so now i have time to write until i start work. anyways, here's a nochang scenario, please enjoy :) p.s. sorry if it's messy, if u enjoy i will definitely make a second part
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The moment you were born you were rejected by the world. By adults, by children, even by your biological parents, you were unessential to everyone's life. You were given to a Christian orphanage a few days after your birth. When you arrived you were given your own room. The room was made of brick, no windows, no light, you were left in a dark room all to yourself. No one ever visited you, except for a diaper change when you were a baby, and also to feed you. You were hidden from all other infants and children living there as a baby till the age of 18. Until the age of 7, you never understood why no one gave you the slightest amount of acknowledgment. You were held hostage, not by the orphanage, but by evil spirits. Ever since your first experience with them all other experiences have intensified, your body reeks of an evil aura. Yet there is no medication, no doctor, no god, no person to save you from your life. 
From the very first encounter with these spirits till the most recent will be cemented into your memories till death. They enter in your body, restricting you from any movement, from any oxygen. These spirits enter you enraged, causing any harm they want. They attack your body externally and internally. They take over your vision only allowing you to see black, they squeeze your lungs till you are left with barely an ounce of oxygen to keep you alive. They scratch your body till you bleed puddles of blood, they cover you with bruises. When leaving your body they release this blood curdling scream, that only you can hear. Yet they will never kill you, if you are dead they have no one to abuse. You were destined to a life of hell. No one can see your scars, no one can see the pain in your eyes, no one notices the horror you go through constantly. The spirits have the ability to change your outer appearance. What you see in the mirror after being attacked is different from what strangers see. You can only be rescued by a greater force, and it seems as if that doesn't exist. Each time they attack you, you wished deep down that they would finally kill you, but they won't.
You prayed each night to God hoping they would leave when you left the orphanage. You're 24 now, you left the orphanage 6 years ago, your faith in God has diminished. The only reason you're surviving by yourself today is the money your biological parents left behind for you when you turned 18. From what you were told by people who ran the orphanage, was that your parents want nothing to do with you. That's not what you were exactly told, you interpreted it in your own way. Your parents said that if things were different they could show you all the love in the world, so instead of that they left you a bank account with $100 million. Why they left you with that amount of money, you'll never know. But you can take a guess, and they must've known your future, you were 100% positive about that. You couldn't think of any other reason for them leaving you, no human could handle your life, and no parent would accept the fact their child was cursed. 
You've never seen the sun in your life, except for pictures. Your life was full of darkness literally and figuratively. Throughout each season you've never seen colors change, nature was dead, trees were dead, flowers were dead, the sea was always raging with waves. What was most noticeable to you was the emotions of others, emotions that you were never capable of having. Happiness seemed to be an emotion everyone enjoyed, smiling, laughing, care free, something you desire. Happiness will always be out of reach for you, but sadness and fear are emotions that resonate with you. They will never leave you. As much as you want to see the beauty of the world and the ability to smile, you weren't granted such a life. 
Today like everyday was filled with dark clouds, and you were still a mess from last nights encounter. You went to the city today for shopping, anywhere you go you never found peace. Anxiety constantly filled you, but from the eyes of others you were a well dressed women, with a smile on her face, drenched with confidence. In reality, you could barely function, every limb of your body was covered with some sort of injury. You looked sickly, tears stained your face, and dried up blood coated the rest of your body. 
"Can this all fucking end! I can't live this life anymore!" You screamed, but no one could hear as your actions were also masked by these spirits. You start sobbing uncontrollably, you are the epitome hell. "Just kill me, please kill me." You repeated this phrase over and over again, knowing your wish will never come true. 
Trudging yourself through busy sidewalks, you felt a pair of eyes on your body. A man, around your age was staring at you from a bench on the other side of the road. He pointed his finger behind you, there was no need to look, you felt the presences of a spirit. The clouds that already surrounded you darkened, and you felt a harsh pressure on your chest. He looked back at you with a face full of concern. He can see the tears flowing down your face, he can see the bruises on your legs, he sees the mess you are. You found yourself looking at the faces of others, but he was the only one looking back at you. How does he see the spirits? How does he notice your pain? Could he save you? 
"Help me." What you wished was a yell came out as a whisper. "Please help me," you used all the force you could to get those words out of your mouth. You began to lose control of yourself, your body stiffened, and your surroundings started fading to black. Oxygen was quickly leaving your body, but you could do nothing to save yourself. You felt what seemed to be invisible claws tear the skin of your back, which came along with warm liquid flowing down your body. You should be dead, you want to be dead, but you live you will always live. The screeches of these spirits, made your brain want to explode. You were struck from every angle of your body. Incapable of saving yourself, you took every hit and every tear to your body, all the pain consumed you. With the lack of oxygen you started dazing off, but you knew this wasn't the end of your torture. 
A hard shake of your body, and you suddenly regained your conscious. He was in front of you, he was the only one you could see, the crowds of people disappeared. When you focused your eyes back on his, they read fear, but how could he see you? 
"Who are you? Where did everyone go?" You carefully spoke as any action arose your pain.
"My name is Changjoong," he replied not taking his eyes off of yours. "Just don't look away from my eyes, okay? I'll explain myself to you, and what's going on right now. I'm begging you to keep your eyes on mine." 
Confused and afraid you listen to him. "Spirits torture me as well, but they attack me mentally. That was the first time I've seen one with my own eyes. Now, your the first person I've come across in my life with this similar issue. Right now you see no one but me, correct?" 
"Yes," you responded. 
"The spirits are in your head right now, people are surrounding us. There are vehicles speeding down the streets, you can't see the danger in front of you. When the spirits are in your head like this, they will make you go anywhere. They will make you do anything. The moment you take your eyes off of mine, these spirits can take you to a busy street. The spirits will make you invisible to any oncoming traffic, you will get hit, you will be stuck in the center of this road. At that moment, you will be aware of everything surrounding you, but you can't move. They won't kill you though, so don't be hopeful." 
You were done, you were frustrated that you were stuck in misery for the past 24 years. You are forced to live this life of hell with no hope? Then what's the point of living, why can't you die, why can't the spirits leave, why you? 
"What am I supposed to do then, huh? How am I supposed to live this shit life any longer? Is there anyone that can save us?" You responded bitterly. 
"Close your eyes." He spoke to you irritated. "Close your eyes, and you'll see your life. You will be hit with all the pain you've faced so far, all of your memories will come back to your mind. What I can assume from just looking at you, is that you don't have a single good memory. You've never been happy, you've never felt love, but don't think that you’re alone. Don't think that you’re the only one going through this shitty life. I've never felt an ounce of joy in my life, it's only depression. I'm in dark hole that only gets deeper and further away from light every single day. I'm as lost as you are." He grabbed you by the shoulders and looked at you sternly, "You must realize though that, nothing can save us. Don't expect some angel, or some magical bullshit to take away these spirits. We can only protect each other."
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mikeshouts · 3 years
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A-Monite Portable EV Charger Is Basically A Charging Brick For Electric Vehicle
The future of EV?
Follow us for more Tech Culture and Lifestyle Stuff.
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irishcoffeeslushie · 7 years
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Jaemin in the house
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lightresist · 6 years
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No Changjoong
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k-hiphop-trash · 7 years
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SWINGS (스윙스)
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He is the CEO.
His real name is 문지훈 ( Mun Jihun).
He was born on October 14th 1986.
He is from Seoul.
He is 175cm.
He was in UPT and Brand New Music, until he founded Just Music in 2011.
His debut album was ���Punch Line King”, released in 2007.
He used to be in Hip Hop group, Uptown.
He participated and won Show Me The Money 2.
He was a producer in Show Me The Money 3.
He studied English Language and Literature at Sungkyunkwan University.
He has suffered obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and stress since he was really young. When in 2014 he started his military service, this problems became worse and he had to leave in 2015, after 11 months of service instead the 24 you are supposed to do in South Korea.
He is dating 임보라 (Lim BoRa).
He appeared as a producer in School Rapper.
He has 2 dogs: 문돈까 (MoonDonka) & 문싣니 (MoonSidney).
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He participated in Show Me The Money 3.
He debuted in 2001.
His previous artist name was Vasco. He got this name from the Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gamma.
In July 2011 he married model Park HwanHui, 10 years younger than him. They have a son together.
In December 2012, he and Park HwanHui got a divorce due to religious differences.
He graduated in Journalism in the University of SeJong.
His real name is 신동열 (Shin DongYeol).
He is from Seoul.
He was born on December 18th 1980.
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He participated in Show Me The Money 3.
During the 3rd round in SMTM3, every other contestant avoided CJamm and him, and so they went 1vs1. He was eliminated in this round. Thanks to Tablo’s proposal he was brought back to the show later on.
He likes basketball.
He studied in the International University of the Arts.
He is well known producer. 
In all of his songs he leaves his signature “G.R.BOY”, spelled in English.
He was a producer with Xitsuh in School Rapper. Their team was the winner with Young B.
His real name is 홍시영 (Hong SiYeong).
He is 178cm.
He is from Seoul.
He was born on November 24th 1991.
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He participated in Show Me The Money 4.
He is known for his disses.
He had to apologize in many occasions due to his lyrics. 
He debuted in 2008.
His real name is 김대웅 (kim DaeWoong).
He is 173cm.
He was born in January 1st 1989.
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His real name is 노창중 (No ChangJoong).
He debuted in 2009.
He was born on September 24th 1991.
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He participated in Show Me The Money 3.
He participated in Show Me The Money 5 and ended up being a runner up. He lost against BeWhy.
He has a Maltese dog.
He is really close with BeWhy.
He was born in Incheon. Later on he moved to Jeju were he lived for a few years. This is why he sometimes speaks with a Jeju dialect.
He has a younger sister.
He chose his name because the slang used for cocaine was cjam. He added the double m to make it more unique.
CJamm teached BeWhy how to rap.
He is a member of $exy $treet crew.
He was born on February 28th 1993.
His real name is 류성민 (Ryu SeongMin).
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He is a guitarist.
His real name is 한요한.
He was born in December 3rd 1991 in Seoul.
He is in the crew WYBH.
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His real name is Park Sung Jin (박성진).
He was a model before joining the music industry.
He was born on September 3rd 1990 in South Korea.
He had a controversy regarding a comment he posted on Instagram where he called two women “psychopaths” because they were taking up too much space on a cafe.
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His real name is 최하민 (Choi HaMin).
He participated in School Rapper and was the runner up.
In School Rapper he was in team Swings.
He signed with Just Music Entertainment in 2017, after School Rapper.
He dropped out of school to pursue music. He pretended to go to school but instead packed his bags and run to Daegu.
He attended Jeonju Haesung Middle School.
He has a nostril piercing.
He is learning and practicing to get his drivers license. 
He was born on April 3rd 1999.
He is from Jeonju, but currently lives in Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do.
While in school, he had really good grades and was the class president.
He is friend of Bully Da Ba$tard.
EXO’s ChanYeol has followed him on Instagram and has showed support for him leaving a comment in one of Osshun’s photos.
crds.: YouTube user Wassup Johnny for some of the facts.
The facts in italics where not confirmed by the artists and, therefore, they might not be completely true.
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Take A Deeper Look - Pt. 3
{Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3}
Pairing: Jay Park/You, Simon D/You
Summary: AOMG’s newest producer has a lot to deal with including a flighty CEO who doesn’t understand the concept of “personal space” and feelings for yet another CEO who is so far beyond her reach she doesn’t even think she has a chance.
Content: [smut] d/s themes
Word Count: 5140
Notes: It’s here, and it only took 50+ years. <3
   To say your life had become insane, would be a major understatement. You had avoided Jay at all cost for the past two days and your work was suffering for it. On the outside of your studio door a “do not disturb” sign hung for all to see in bold print. It deterred most would be visitors from entering your studio with the exception of Kiseok. He had come and went multiple times and every time he came he questioned you about your progress and whether Jay had been giving you any more problems.
   Of course, you lied. You covered yourself by sharing the completely unnecessary tweaks you had made to the second track with him. He would usually never be fooled, but he had been so busy with his own work and his newly public 'official’ relationship with Soori that he simply let it go. The only thing he had for you was an invitation to Secret Society for an AOMG outing tomorrow. You didn’t even care to debate why Kiseok the Recluse was finally deciding to out and party. All you could focus on was your own dilemma.  
   The strangest thing was that everyone acted as if they had no inkling of what had transpired between you and Jay just a few days ago. Hyukwoo had to have said something. He wasn’t a big gossip or anything, but you had a feeling the Boss shoving his tongue down a producer’s throat would be too big of news to just let go. Not even Jay himself had come to harass you about it. He had sent you a simple text to let him know when you needed him back in the recording booth. As far as the world was concerned, it seemed the situation had never happened.
   “But I know it did,” you insisted angrily at the soundboard in front of you. Thinking about it made you more conflicted than you had ever been in your life. On one hand, you were mad as hell - on the other, you were simply curious. Why had you let it happen? Why had you not pushed him away the second it had happened? Why did your thighs instinctively rub together whenever you thought about the way his lips had felt on yours and his hands on your body?
   You didn’t want Jay. He was handsome enough, but you had eyes only for Kiseok since you had started working at AOMG. If you were going to tolerate anyone touching you like Jay had it would be Kiseok. It had always been Kiseok, but you weren’t oblivious. Just because you weren’t too fond of or used to skinship, it didn’t mean that you were ignorant when it came to sex. You knew things, and you knew why your body reacted the way it did to Jay. Admitting it was the hard part.
   “God, I really do hate him.” You slung back the rest of your coffee and began playing with the track open on your laptop. You had to at least pretend to be doing work, for your own sake. You couldn’t let Jay Park drive you crazy. You refused.
   Deep down, you knew you were slowly losing any willpower you had.
   Secret Society was wild like usual. Right in the center of Hongdae and owned by the notorious Vasco, the club attracted people from all walks of life. Music fans, underground artists, and tattooed hipsters mingled and danced together freely in the dim lighting as a bass heavy instrumental beat against the stone walls and the inebriated downed more alcohol than should be allowed.
   Even amongst the bustle, Park Jaebum could feel your eyes on him, boring holes into his back and catching him whenever he would try to steal his own glances. As you caught his gaze for what felt like the millionth time that night, Jay simply smirked at you. He was trying to act normal, to pretend like nothing had happened between the two of you, but it was almost impossible.
   The first time he had met you was when Kiseok had brought you to the office after forcing Jay to listen to almost every song you had produced over the course of your music career. Other than being damn good at what you did, Jay hadn’t thought much of you when he met you in person. You were cute, sure, but also quiet. The entire meeting you only talked when prompted by Kiseok and you had avoided eye contact with Jay at all cost.  
   When the details were figured out and the contract signed, Jay hardly glimpsed you at work for the first couple of months. He knew you were there from tales of how scary you were to work with from Hyukwoo, but he never got to see you himself. It was when he got to make a single with you for the first time that what Hyukwoo said had ringed true. You were nothing like his first meeting with you. Instead of avoiding even looking at him, you had stared him down and gave him the ‘what-for’ for being late. When you were working, your determination could destroy even the strongest of people, and Jay had found that more admirable than anything.
   Over the course of time, Jay discovered just how much he liked pushing your buttons. You were seemingly so put together that it gave him a rush to bother you, to break down the cool front you put on display. It made you more human and less ice queen than you led everyone to believe. He found himself delighted every time he could get a reaction - whether a glare or a reprimand.
   Little did he know his pranks would culminate in him more focused on when he had suddenly started enjoying getting you hot and bothered over the excitement of the club around him. You claimed you didn’t like touching - reprimanding him even for an accidental brush of his hand - but if Jay Park knew anything better than music it was women. Even accidentally straddling him had you flustered, and he was sure kissing you had completely wrecked you.
   He would have liked nothing more than to cross the club to you and drag you back to his place just to see exactly how worked up he could make you, but you were so volatile and anal about keeping control that Jay had decided to give you your space for now. Of course, that decision was proving harder to keep than ever with you constantly glaring at him from your spot at the bar with Sungmin and Changjoong from Just Music.
   “Jayyyyyyyy.” The whiny drunk voice of Hyukwoo called Jay back to his reality. “You should go get some more shots,” he declared with drunken fervor. Jukung seconded the motion next to him with a tipsy nod.
   “I think you guys have had one too many,” Kiseok drawled lazily from the other side of the table. Soori was sitting next to him, hanging onto his every word with adoration. She nodded discreetly in agreement.
   “Don’t be a party pooper, Kiseok!” Hyukwoo pouted.
   “Yeah. You may not know how to have fun, but we do,” Jukung agreed as sagely as a drunken person could.
   Jay was too distracted to pay them much mind as he got up from his chair and headed for the bar. He was doing his best to convince himself that he was going to the bar for the sole purpose of getting more drinks for the group - that was it. It had nothing to do with the fact that you were there - nothing at all. Yet when he sidled up next to the hardtop counter he found himself standing right next to your stool. The bartender was busy attending to others, so he knew he would be waiting for a minute. He did his best to casually join the conversation, but he found himself staring at the soft skin of your thighs that the rips in your jeans allowed him.
   He was about to just give in. Even rejection and slap to the face was worth the possibility of sating the desire that had begun to grow painfully in his groin, but before he could act you had grabbed him by his hand. He faintly registered you saying goodbye to the Just Music boys before he was being pulled to the hallway next to the bar. The cool night air of the alleyway outside hit his skin shortly after but Jay couldn’t feel the cold. All he could feel was the heat of your body pressing his into the brick wall at his back.
   Your chest was heaving and your eyes were locked on his lips. “I don’t like you”, you sighed without your usual conviction.
   Jay - shocked - and more turned on than humanly possible, took the moment to tease you. “We talked about this before, Y/N - you don’t-”
   He didn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence before your lips were smothering his. Your tongue easily slipped past his willing lips to battle with his. Your hands acted of their own violation as they traced a path down the lines of his jaw to rub absent circles on the hard panes of his covered stomach.
   “Let’s go somewhere else”, you husked when you finally manage to pull your lips away from Jay’s.
   Jay gulped, hard. He was sure of what he wanted, but he had no idea what was going on in your head and it was driving him crazy. You had proved to be a lot more unpredictable than he had ever thought you could be. “Are you sure?”
   “Yes, Jay”, you answered immediately. When he took a moment longer to study your face for any hesitation you spoke again. “Please.”
   The word had him groaning.   Combined with the hooded lust in your eyes and the way your hands gripped the front of his shirt, there had never been anything more appealing than you begging for him. “Let’s go.”
   The second the door to Jay’s apartment opened, the two of you were pressed back together. This time it was Jay who had you pinned against the wall. The length of his body pressed against yours allowing you to feel everything from the warmth of his chest to the hardness hidden beneath his jeans. His mouth was at your neck, trailing kisses along the smooth curve. He bit down on the sensitive skin, causing a shiver to course through you and a moan to sound through the room.
   “Mmmh, how do you sound so sweet?” Jay hummed against your skin as he began sucking lightly on the spot he had bitten. Even his words had your knees shaking, your entire body slacking into his.
   “No marks, Jay,” you managed to gasp right before he grazed his teeth along another spot and his free hand started pulling at the hem of your shirt. He pulled away from you for just enough time to slip your shirt over your head and then his mouth was back at the tender skin right under your earlobe.
   “Come on, Babygirl.” There that pet name was again, breathed against your skin in a hushed warmth that had every nerve in your body standing to attention and ready to do whatever this absolutely maddening man asked you to. Before you even had a chance to let him know as much, he was pulling away from you - leaving your body a shaken and confused mess in his wake.
   A protest was on the tip of your tongue, but when you met his eyes you knew things were far from over. They were dark, much darker than you had ever seen them and the intensity of his simple stare had you watching just as fiercely. He moved slowly, taking his time as he made his way to the black leather couch in the center of his living room. Before he sat down his shirt was discarded to leave every line and tattooed pane available to your hungry gaze. When he was seated he looked so casual and relaxed that if you didn’t know better you would think that you simply stopped by for a friendly chat and not to chase a repressed desire that you couldn’t ignore.
   “For tonight,” he started in an almost commanding yet silky voice. The smirk that you had come to love and hate was playing on his handsome features. “Let go. Let me be in control, Babygirl. I’ll take care of you.”
   The idea was tempting, yet also scary. You had one other partner in your life, and they definitely did not compare to the way Jay made you feel. He had the ability to get under your skin and make you do things that you ordinarily never would. You knew what he was asking of you, but did you trust him enough to go that far?
   It really wasn’t even a question. The way his eyes were gazing into yours as if he knew exactly what you were going to say and exactly how he made you feel had you wanting to take it even further. “Okay,” you managed to rasp out, your voice unsteady and cracking with nerves and desire.
   “Then strip,” he demanded, relaxing further into the couch in lazy confidence.
   The way you were willing to obey him without question was something you would have to ponder on sometime when you weren’t so focused on getting out of your jeans without looking like a clumsy fool. Your hands were shaky when you began fiddling with the hem of your plain panties. You could feel Jay’s eyes on you, watching you expectantly as you worked up the courage to take them off. When you managed, your bra followed suit.
   Completely bare with the cool air of the room hitting every inch of your skin, you finally chanced a glance at him with your teeth harshly holding your bottom lip hostage. His eyes were slowly raking their way up your body as if he were committing every inch of you to memory. He didn’t make a sound until they finally came to rest on yours.
   “Come here.”
   You went. Without question or complaint, you made your way to him. It was almost as if your body reacted to his commands without the assistance of any coherent thought. Your comfort zone was well behind you at this point - left behind in the pile with your clothes - and sure you were nervous. How could you not be when Jay Park was raking his eyes over everything you had to offer. He was devilishly handsome - unfairly so - and you were simply you.
   When you were in reaching distance of him, he reached out to you only to turn you around in the direction you came. For a mere second, you were afraid that you were being rejected because how could he want you, but then you were being pulled down into his lap to sit with your back resting against his chest and your legs spread by his.
   “If you want me to stop or you don’t like something, tell me okay?” he murmured against your ear. The heat of his breath combined with the feeling of his chest pressed into your bare back, the hardness that was now firmly pressing against your bottom and the revealing position you were in had all of your embarrassment washing away to be replaced excitement. Even his words had your body melting against him.
   “I will.” Immediately, Jay’s hands were on you.
   One wrapped around your middle and the other made its way between your legs. You felt yourself falling away as one lithe finger traced the length of your sex. You had become someone else entirely, someone shameless and erotic that would do anything to please and be pleased.
   “Ride it”, he grunted when his finger stilled its path and his entire hand covered your sex. The heel of his palm was against your clit, putting enough pressure to make your entire body flushed with need but it was not nearly enough. You moved your hips tentatively at first, side to side as much as you could in the position and whimpered in pleasure when you earned a grunt of approval from behind you as your ass rolled against his clothed cock. Your movements grew in confidence and became slow and steady, setting a pace that had your breath becoming shallow.
   “Watch yourself, Babygirl.” The demand had you looking around the room through heavily lidded eyes to find what he meant. When you landed on the window pane that looked out onto the cityscape of Seoul directly across the room from the two of you, you understood. Your reflection gazed back at you, spread wide on top of Jay with his hand covering your sex. You couldn’t stop the moan before it fell from your open lips. The idea of him watching you please yourself using his palm should have been embarrassing, but it only served to fuel the fire that had been building in your core.
   You felt a single finger push into your entrance. Your breath quickened and your body stilled while his palm stayed firmly pressed into your clit and his finger curled inside of you.
   “Jay...” his name came out as a moan as his finger toyed with you, pace torturously slow and your eyes meeting in your reflections across the room. You felt his groan vibrate his chest at your back as his finger began to move, brushing against your walls - torturing you as the fire between your thighs began to build to new heights. Your moans grew, filling the room with moaned curses as a second finger began to stretch you out for him all the while his palm ground into your most sensitive spot.
   “Do you want more?” he grunted from behind you. You meekly nodded your head, too embarrassed to actually voice your needs aloud, but Jay was not satisfied. “Tell me. Tell me what you want.”
   You whimpered in protest when his actions halted and you found a furrowed brow Jay Park staring at you with a controlled fervency in the reflection of the large glass panes. His lips were parted, and you realized his breathing was just as unsteady as yours.
   “I want you to...” You couldn’t put it into words. Not only was it embarrassing but your heart was racing and the blood in your body seemed to have pooled south. In its wake, your brain ceased to function. The only coherent thought you had was of finally finding your release after days of being entirely frustrated by the same man who now seemed intent on torturing you in an entirely different way.
   “What is it, baby? Tell me.” His fingers leaving you left an ache deep in your core. There was a certain greed that had been building alongside your pleasure all night, and him denying you did nothing to help alleviate either. Your hands moved of their own will, reaching for his to bring him back.
   "Not yet Kitten," he said evenly, giving your inner thigh a light smack in reprimand. "You haven't told me what you want yet." He slid you off him, your weak limbs folding easily into the couch. There was need in his eyes, but also humor. Leave it to Jay Park to enjoy making your life hell no matter the circumstance. He stood in front of you - still more relaxed than you could imagine -  and waited expectantly. When you didn't get the hint and instead focused on steadying your breath and regaining at least some of your senses, he chuckled darkly and gestured to the front of his ripped jeans. "They aren't going to take themselves off."
   If you weren't already so needy, you wouldn't have. The way he told you what to do was demeaning in a way, but as things stood it made your entire body heat even more. You clambered forward with as much grace as you could manage until your bare ass was perched on the edge of the couch. Your hands were shaky as you reached for the zipper of his pants. It was hard to focus under Jay's stare, but you managed as best as you could. When you started to tug them down, he had to assist you but soon he was standing in all of his glory in front of you with his pants and boxers lost in the rest of the clothes strewn across the room.
   "Suck it, Babygirl." The command was simple, and your body was willed into action yet again by his mere words. Your hand encircled around the base and your mouth hovered above the tip. You couldn't help the wave of satisfaction that coursed through when you noticed Jay Park wasn't nearly as unaffected as he seemed. You bent your head and licked the line of precum that had begun to leak down his length. You heard his breath hitch at the contact. It was intoxicating.  A girl like you - overlooked and nothing special - had Park Jaebum holding his breath and turned on beyond belief. It made you feel wanted and powerful. It was so foreign to you, but it was also one of the greatest things you had ever experienced.
   Growing bold and daring, you let your grip at his base tighten as you trailed your tongue along him before circling the tip lightly with your lips. He grunted and his hand came to wrap in the loose strands of your hair.
   "Don't tease me." His voice was gravely and constrained. You wanted to say something witty and tease him,  but even more so you wanted to please him. You took him into your mouth like he wanted, only stopping before he hit the back of your throat. Yet again Jay wasn't having hit, his hand tightened in your hair as he guided you to take more of him. Your eyes watered, but you let him use your mouth as he pleased. Your hands came to rest on the hard panes of his stomach as he pushed himself further. He set a steady relentless rhythm, hitting the back of your throat and pulling back only to do it all over. Your saliva already coated him, making it easier for you to slide right back down again.
   Despite being in dire need of a break, the small noises of pleasure you earned from him were reward enough. Even his hand tightening in your hair every time your nose hit is pelvic bone was enough for you. Just knowing you affected him, was all you needed to feel your own arousal dampen your inner thighs even as you eyes watered and you resisted the harsh urge to gag around his length.
   When you finally heard him let out a small earnest moan, you swore you almost came from the noise alone. The hand in your hair was now wrapped in the strands as tight as possible. You could feel the muscles under your hands heave as he took a moment to compose himself before his hands loosened in your hair and he finally let you up for some much-needed oxygen.
   You had barely a few seconds to get your breathing even before a sole finger reached out to your chin to tilt your face up. As you studied his handsome features, his thumb swiped along your lower lip - cleaning up part of the mess he had made. "You're cute like this too," he mumbled to himself. His finger trailed lower, down your throat, between your breasts, and stopped right above the spot where you wanted him most. "Ready,  Babygirl?" He asked, his perfect tongue coming out to lick along his bottom lip. You had seen what his fingers could do, and you suddenly wondered what his glorious mouth could. Maybe you would find out some other time, but you knew you wouldn't. This wouldn't happen again. It was a one-time thing only. Just one night to unleash all the tension that had been building, and one night - you decided - would have to be enough.
   "Answer me," he demanded suddenly when you didn't answer right away. His brows were knitted and his stare was focused on his finger that teased lazily at your hip. All you could manage was a single lazy nod. “Words, Kitten.” His gaze landed on your face, but his finger never halted. It had begun a tortuously slow descent down the full length of your heat. His touch was feather-light - barely even there - but it still sent shock waves to every inch of your body.
   “Fuck me, Jay,” you mewled, surprising yourself at your lewd words and voice. You didn’t dwell - couldn’t - because just as fast as the words had come out of your mouth he was hoisting you off the couch and lifting as if you weighed nothing. He carried you, giving you time to admire the veins that showed beautifully under the tattoos on his toned arms from the effort. Your admiration was brought to a halt when your back hit a wall and Jay used the opportunity to line himself at your entrance, and then he was in you. The sensation of being full had your toes curling behind his back and your eyes squeezing shut. His size allowed him to reach places you had no idea even existed.
   As you accommodated to him, he hummed in disapproval. “Eyes open, Babygirl, or you won’t get to cum.” Immediately, your eyes fluttered open to focus on his face. You wanted to scold him for threatening you, but you never had the chance. His hands were suddenly holding your hips and his own were pulling back. Your legs loosened around him, giving him room to move. When nothing but the head of his cock remained, he slammed back into you. You suddenly realized that Jay Park didn’t go lightly on anything he did in life, including you. His pace was punishing as his short nails dug into the skin of your hips. Your own had made their way to his back, making trails of imprints as far as you could reach.
   “Jay,” you breathed into the crook of his neck. Your whimpers had quickly started to form moans. You were almost there - hovering at the edge of what you knew without a doubt would be the greatest orgasm you had ever experienced in your inconsequential sex life - but it wasn’t happening fast enough. You moaned his name again in desperation for more - anything. You didn’t even know what you needed.
   His name tumbling from your lips in a moan had Jay’s grip tightening at your hips. You were sure there would be bruises there come morning but you found it hard to care as his teeth grazed your earlobe and his warm breath fanned across the hypersensitive skin of your neck. His pace never slowed or softened even as he started peppering gentle kisses along the smooth curve. The contrast had your body tensing and your hips seeking his against his hold. Your eyes fluttered shut despite Jay’s wishes and the curl of your toes tightened as trails of fire rippled through your body. Your lower muscles contracted, spasming around him as he did his best to keep himself together.
   “Yes, Babygirl. Cum for me,” Jay grunted. His sweet kisses had turned sinful as your body rode out it's high with his support. His lips were now harsh and accented with the occasional nip of his teeth. You were over stimulated at this point, but his attentions had your cooling sex heating up yet again. You barely even registered that he was carrying you, but when your bare ass hit the cold surface of a kitchen counter you whimpered in surprise. The noise had him biting his bottom lip.
“Lay back and relax, Kitten,” he murmured as he peppered a few last kisses down your neck only to untangled your legs from around his waist. You found yourself laying down as he told you to with him still pressing firmly against your inner walls the entire time. Your heated flesh pressed into the cold hard top and your hair spilled over the edge.
   He licked his lips again - something that seemed to be somewhat of a habit for him - as he stared down at you. It was odd - especially for you - but you didn’t feel self-conscious at all. It was something about the way he looked at you. Even if it was just for a moment, you suddenly felt beautiful, desirable even.
   He held your gaze, blown pupils keeping yours captive as he gripped your thighs and resumed his assault on your senses. His movements had become sloppy but no less arduous. You could tell he was close. His jaw was clenched and his eyes blown with his own arousal. His grip had become vice tight on your hips, and his small grunts had started to sound suspiciously like moans joining with your own. You found your body tightening all over again as you watched his composure crumble.
   “Fuck.” He cursed. He freed a hand from your thighs and brought it down your sweat covered stomach to roughly fondle your clit. It didn’t take long before you had found your high again. You screamed out a mess of obscenities peppered with his name as you tightened around him. Your back arched off the counter and your hands fumbled for support - eventually settling for the hard corners of the counter - as you squirmed in his unrelenting hold.
Just like before, he rode out your orgasm until your body had calmed and you were left feeling absolutely fucked out. As the waves of pleasure subsided, he pulled out. The empty feeling he left in his wake was almost unbearable, but you couldn't move. You entire focus had shifted to the devastatingly gorgeous man before you.
   Jay’s lower lip was held harshly between his teeth and his cock was held tightly in his hand. You watched his eyes flutter close as he pumped himself. A vein in his neck was visible under the tattooed stars, and his hair had become a mess of sweaty black ringlets in every direction. Even as he came on your stomach, leaving you feeling more gross and sticky than you already felt, all you could think of was how beautiful, yet infuriating of a man Park Jaebum was.
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The system Lab : Kosmos, Healing Stay
Le studio The System Lab conçoit un complexe hôtelier formant une enclave sereine sur l'île chargée de récits d'Ullenugdo (Corée). Le Healing Stay Kosmos est constitué de deux villas qui affichent une plasticité et une finesse remarquables et dont les formes et l'histoire sont directement issues de l'île volcanique qui regorge de cascades, temples et forêts anciennes. L'hôtel Healing Stay Kosmos fait office de havre de paix pour les randonneurs et visiteurs curieux en quête de calme. Ulleungdo " situé à 350km à l'ouest de Séoul ", est un site historique dont la richesse a su inspirer Changjoong Kim, architecte du studio The System Lab, pour la création de cette auberge de plus de 5 000 mètres carrés, installée à flanc de falaise. L'ensemble immaculé forme deux habitacles de porcelaine au
Article : https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/598085510/0/isolationcomblesperdus
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sassyseunghyuns · 7 years
at the toronto show nochang was handing out drinks. at the nyc show giriboy was handing out dollar bills. what a power couple
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mother-suho · 8 years
love -nochang
just the two of you, music resonates throughout the room, him holding you tight, swaying back and forth, it was peaceful, and right now you couldn’t be any happier.
he was your best friend, he knew every thing about you, from your secrets to the little things you say or do. to say you were madly in love with each other was an understatement. spending every minute of the day with him would never bore you, as it was a necessity. you were fascinated in him the same amount he was fascinated in you.
from his little pecks on your hand to the tangling of bodies under the covers you two were inseparable. the connection, unbreakable, to imagine it ever breaking was something you or him never wanted to think of.
he needed you badly, you stabilize him, you get rid of all the negative thoughts, you push him to be the successful man he is today. without you, he would be stuck in a bad place, a very bad place. he had others to rely on, but you would never leave him, he knew how much effort and pain you always went through getting him out of his sadness, for that he is grateful and will never take you for granted.
you loved him, everything about him, to see him the slightest bit upset tore your heart apart. he deserved nothing but happiness. to know that you are the one for him, the only one, filled your heart with joy. he made you smile so wide, he made you proud of his work, he no matter what tried his best to make you happy. you knew everything about his mental health, and the struggles he went through everyday. it was not only hard on him, but on you to seeing him upset and him pushing you away creates a sadness you hate facing so often. when he hides from you, when he avoids you, you can only imagine the pain he is enduring. his mind locks him in a dark, dark place and you want to help, you want to help so bad, but he is not trying to upset you, thats the last thing he wants to do. he can’t handle himself when he is locked up and he wants you so bad to be there, to hold him, to tell him you love him, but his mind won’t let him. his mind wants him to suffer, he continuously is in a battle between him and his head and he always wins in the end, but he is terrified of the day he won’t win. he thinks of your face begging to talk to him, to be there for him, oh how bad he wants that but he ignores. he wishes everyday that he wasn’t like this. he doesn’t want to be in constant pain, you radiate happiness that gets him through the day, for you he is so thankful.
the music continues to play, and you never want to leave his side. others may see him as incapable, but to you he is the strongest and the most capable person you’ve ever met. he gives you strength, and the idea that you can persevere through the roughest times no matter what’s in your way.
he kisses the top of your head, you hold him tighter, you will never let him go.
don’t think this will turn into a story, it might. but as of now it will stay as a “one shot” or whatever you call this. i didn’t reread this it just popped out of my mind so if its a mess im so sorry. also sorry im inactive as school is a piece of shit. thanks for 83 followers though. like holy shit i love you all. my dumbass self thought contempt meant peaceful, there must be more mistakes in this if I'm that illiterate.
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irishcoffeeslushie · 7 years
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Moar Changjoong (Jaemin?) pls
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monstrax · 9 years
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Nochang and Vasco
Just Music - 더
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Kosmos, un complexe hôtelier de rêve sur l'île d'Ulleungdo
Sur la petite île volcanique d’Ulleungdo en Corée du sud, l’architecte de System Lab, Changjoong Kim, imagine Kosmos un lieu magnifique dédié au… Cet article Kosmos, un complexe hôtelier de rêve sur l’île d’Ulleungdo est apparu en premier sur Archicree - Créations et Recherches Esthétiques Européennes.
Article : https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/596943036/0/isolationcomblesperdus
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sceneit-khiphop · 8 years
Oh i heard you write for nochang! That last one was really cute. But can you do one where you're childhood friends with swings (but much younger) and he introduces you to the JM guys, you're secretly dating nochang, thne he finds out becomes protective, cutee ending plssssss. Thanks! Love your blog and you haha 💚
Nochang (Just Music): Fluff/Humor Scenario
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Invisible Boyfriend
           It had beena couple months since you last saw Ji-Hoon. You had been living in Seoul forthe past year and when you first moved here you ran into Ji-Hoon, who had beena very close friend of yours back in the states. When he had found out you wereliving in South Korea, he had been beyond ecstatic. The two of you had knowneach other for years, really, since before grade school started.
           But oncehigh school ended, Ji-Hoon moved back to his home country and you kept incontact for the first couple years but after a while he had gotten busy withhis music that the two of you ever hardly spoke. But after moving to Seoul andrunning into him, it was as if the years that you two had been separated neverhappened. The two of you were back to being the best friends like you were whenyou young.
           Last night,after you got back from a night out with some girl friends’, Ji-Hoon had calledyou. He finally had some availability in his schedule and wanted to take youout to some cool bars/clubs in Hong-Dae. You were looking forward to it atfirst, that was until he mentioned that a couple of his friends of his would betagging along because they were performing at one of the clubs and were goingto kill time beforehand.
           And now,here you were on the edge of Hong-Dae, the sun setting over Seoul, as you satoutside a quaint café waiting for Ji-Hoon. You were sipping out of your cup oftea when a pair of hands shielded your eyes. You snickered at the childishbehavior and slipped the hands from your eyes, turning around to see Ji-Hoon.He had his signature cheesy grin plastered on his face as he pulled you fromyour seat and into a hug, lifting your feet off the ground.
“Ahh!” You squealed, “You know I hate that.” You poutedplayfully and knuckled his upper arm.
“I know, I know. I’ve just missed you, I’ve been so busy.” Heinformed you, placing you back on the ground, “C’mon, I want you to meet theartists under my label.” Your body froze. The artists under his label? Oh no, you thought. Ji-Hoon pulled youaround the corner of the café and there against the wall, smoking cigarettesand laughing, were the JM artists. And one in particular stood out.
“Guys, this is who I was wanting to introduce you to. This is_____. Known her since I was barely walking, pretty much a sister to me.” Thefive men bowed their heads respectively toward you, friendly smiles all ontheir faces, except for one. Chang-Joong, or most commonly known by his stagename Nochang, had just the same perplexed look on his face when he saw you.
           You faked asmile and introduced yourself, “Hello. It’s really nice to finally meet youall.” And it was the first time you had met them, four of them at least. But asit so happened, Chang-Joong was your boyfriend. But no one knew that,especially Ji-Hoon. Chang-Joong and you met a couple months ago, actually theexact same time you had last saw Ji-Hoon.
           It had beenJi-Hoon’s birthday and a lot of people came to his place to celebrate,including yourself. The only JM artist who was able to attend was Chang-Joong,the others were at a concert in Busan, representing Just Music. Ji-Hoon hadbeen so plastered by the time Chang-Joong arrived that he never even rememberedhim showing up. Which was helpful to you because shortly after meetingChang-Joong, the two of you embarked into a secret relationship.
           Afterknowing Ji-Hoon for as long as you had, you knew he wouldn’t take well to youand Chang-Joong being together; he often treated you like a china doll andprotected you at all costs. Because of this, Chang-Joong and you were forced tokeep your relationship a secret. The two of you had planned on telling Ji-Hooneventually but before the two of you knew, JM was bustling with music deals andoffers and collaborations that it was forgotten over time.
           And the onlyreason you didn’t know Chang-Joong would be coming tonight was because duringthe days that Chang-Joong would be at the company for days on end, you two agreedto hardly keep in contact, that way Chang-Joong could focus and it’d make itharder for Ji-Hoon to discover your secret. Chang-Joong and you looked at eachother briefly but both quickly dropped eye contact.
“We’ve heard so much about you.” A tall and slender guy withthick-framed glassed told you. You knew him to be Giriboy. He offered you a cigaretteand you shook your head. Ji-Hoon gave Giri a wide-eyed look, “Yah, don’t offerthat shit to her. I told you, she’s like a sister. I don’t want to see hersmoking like us.”
           In mostcases you would have defended yourself, telling Ji-Hoon that you were a biggirl and could care for yourself, but the turn of events this evening was sounexpected that you had trouble even properly listening to what they were saying.Ji-Hoon’s sudden shake of your shoulders brought you back to the present andyou awkwardly smiled, “So, what are we doing, Ji-Hoon?” You succeeded in hidingthe nervousness in your voice but you were desperate to get moving.
           Ji-Hoon andyou, along with the other JM artists, and your now invisible boyfriend, went inand out of bars for the next two hours. Drinks were passed around andconversations were loud but you never felt comfortable, not with Ji-Hoon alwaysby your side and Chang-Joong having to pretend he didn’t know you. It wasmiserable and you thought you’d never make it to the end of the night.
           But the timefinally came for all of you to head to the club were the JM artists would beperforming. Inside the packed club, all of you were ushered to a corner booththat was clearly intended for VIPs only. You started to feel more excitedbecause you’d finally be able to see your boyfriend perform without anysuspicion.
           You couldnever attend any of his solo shows because you knew Ji-Hoon would be there andthen he would wonder why you were there and then the questions would start andnever end so you had chosen to just watch crappy quality videos you had foundon the internet but they never did Chang-Joong justice. Now, you’d be able tocheer for him properly and not have to worry about Ji-Hoon being skeptical.
           Ji-Hoonstayed with you in the booth while Chang-Joong and the other artists made theirway to the stage. It was surreal, finally being able to see Chang-Joong onstage in person. Unable to contain your happiness, you clasped your handstogether and used them to hide your vibrant smile. The crowd cheered and flashesbegan to go off as their pictures were being taken.
           A sense ofhonor filled you as you heard girls shouting your boyfriends name and shoutingout his lyrics. Never have you ever been so proud of someone, well exceptJi-Hoon of course with his success and all, but never have you just been sohappy to call someone yours. Or, well, secretly yours.
           Theperformance was lit as the crowd synched perfectly with the JM artists. All ofthem were amazing and you couldn’t believe the powerful charisma each and everyone of them gave off. Even beside you, you could see that Ji-Hoon was just asinto the performance as you and every other person in the room despite being tonearly every show they have ever put on.
           After aboutthirty-minutes of performing, the guys came down from the stage, receiving highfives and love confessions as they made their way back to the table. In yourexcitement, you had completely forgotten about where you were and who you werewith that as soon as you saw Chang-Joong buzzed head pop out, you took off inhis direction. He saw you coming luckily and prepared just in time for you tojump into his arms.
“You were amazing! Oh my god, you’re a totally differentperson when you’re up there!” Chang-Joong was grinning wildly as he listened toyou fangirl, “Really? You think so? I feel like I need to work on myperformance skills.” You shook your head, unable to rid your face of the achingsmile on your face, “No! You were incredible!” In the heat of the moment, you wrappedyour arms around his neck and pulled him down enough for you to land a kiss onhis mouth.
           Chang-Joonghappily returned the kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist. The two of youpulled away and stared cheerily into each other’s eyes until what had justhappened and in front of who, hit the both of you at the same time. Shamefully slidingyour arms off his shoulders, you turned to face the others, your face scrunchedin guilt.
           All of themwere gaping at the two of you, their mouths hanging open and their eyes wide atthe revelation they just saw. Ji-Hoon, however, was expressionless, “What?” Youstepped between him and Chang-Joong and raised your arms, “Ji-Hoon, wait, I canexplain.”
“What?!” He shouted, his voice booming, “Thi—you twoare–_____, what is going on?” Ji-Hoon’s eyes were burning with rage as helooked over your head to Chang-Joong who tried to make himself look smaller.
“We’re kind of together.” You confessed, your voice strainedas you said the words.
“Yeah, clearly. How? Why?” He asked you, but his eyes neverleft Chang-Joong.
“Ji-Hoon hyung, we were going to tell you, I swear. It justhappened.” Chang-Joong tried to reason with Ji-Hoon but he was not having anyof it.
“How does this justhappen? You don’t even know each other!” Ji-Hoon’s loud voice made you jumpslightly.
“But we do, Ji-Hoon.” You told him, forcing him to look atyou, “We met, right in front of you, months ago at your birthday party, youwere just too drunk to remember.” You could tell that Ji-Hoon thinking back tothat night but nothing familiar came up, “Right under my nose…”
           Both you andChang-Joong stepped toward him, apologies spilling out left and right. The twoof you were talking over one another but nothing either of you were sayingcould be coherently heard in the loud bar. Ji-Hoon just watched the two of youin astonishment as you tried to explain and apologize all at the same time.
           Once the twoof you said everything you needed to say, Ji-Hoon sighed heavily, “_____?”
“Yes!” You responded quickly, feeling as if he was a drillsergeant and you were a weak soldier.
“Are you happy?” His voice was tight and his jaw set in adefined line.
“Really happy. So happy. He hasn’t done anything wrong.” Youtold him, hoping he’d understand. Ji-Hoon’s face was unreadable as he pressedhis lips together. But the next thing you knew, he rushed past you at towardChang-Joong, fisting Chang-Joong’s shirt in his hands as he pulled him close.
“You hurt her, Chang-Joong and I’ll make sure you neverrelease another rap again.” You knew it was a harmless threat because no matterhow angry Ji-Hoon was, he was never the kind of person to do such a thing; hisheart was too big. Chang-Joong nodded his head frantically, “Yes, hyung. Ipromise.”
           Ji-Hoon gavehim one last hard stare before letting him go. Chang-Joong’s hand raised to hischest as he caught his breath, fear etched across his face. You were about togo and comfort him when Ji-Hoon snagged you and began to pull you in thedirection toward the booth, “What, Ji-Hoon?” You began but he was shaking hishead, “You two faked it for this long, I think you can fake it another hour untilI let it settle within me.”
           You couldn’thelp but giggle at the protective remark. Glancing over your shoulder, you gaveChang-Joong a thumbs up with an assuring smile. He gave you a half-smile, stillrecovering from the shock that Ji-Hoon gave him, and returned the thumbs up,though his was more limp. The rest of the night, you and Chang-Joong remainedseparate, for Ji-Hoon’s sake, but you knew that after this, you two could betogether, without secrecy. And Ji-Hoon would just have to deal.
Hope it turned out the way you imagined! And thank you so much for you love, it means a lot(:
Xoxo, Beau
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