#no cause why did eugene have a crush on both enid and wednesday at a point???
disaster-top · 2 years
I think i know whats bugging me about the wednesday show, its the lack of platonic relationships
like besides wenclair there really arent that many friendships, especially between the male and female characters, theres always some sort of crush involved its weird. Dont get me wrong i like the show, just that aspect throws me off
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collecting-stories · 5 years
Kid - Carl Grimes
This isn’t based on any request. Just based on the idea that Carl has a crush on a girl in the group who is a little older than him and he desperately wants her to take him seriously. 
Kid - Carl Grimes x reader
It was increasingly harder to tell time these days. Weeks, months, years passed and all you could really do was guess. Was it Wednesday, had the New Year started, was Ryan Seacrest still alive? Not all important questions but they served enough to keep you occupied. Things in your hometown had gone mad when the epidemic first started. Whenever that was. You had to be at least eighteen now right? Maybe nineteen? Who was to say. The last birthday you remembered was spent with a very special trip to Nashville, to see a Taylor Swift concert. Was she still alive?
Your mom had surprised you with tickets two days before your actual birthday and you’d been so excited you had cried and then you cried again watching Taylor on stage. To be fair you were turning 14 and it was a very emotional time for you. A week later and the dead were walking and your mom was evacuating the house.  
And then somehow, through means that you glossed over whenever asked about, you ended up in Georgia, in a prison with a group of survivors that quickly became your family. Taylor Swift and birthdays and your mom and time were all part of some old world, one you couldn’t return to. And while all the other parts of life that you didn’t like were also gone you still missed sleepovers with best friends and ‘girl’s nights’ with your mom. Being at the prison was okay, and while it wasn’t teeming with kids your age there were a few. Beth was nice enough and Patrick was funny albeit a little more naive than anyone else living in the post-apocalypse.  
And then there was Carl.  
Despite what others had lost you and Carl gravitated towards each other, kindred spirits as Michonne had said, comforted by the knowledge that neither of you were alone in losing a mother. And that both of you had experienced the trauma of having to be responsible for your mother’s death. Carl had shot Lori in the head before she could turn, overshadowing the joy of his sister’s birth with the death of his mom. You had killed your mother right after you crossed the state line. You knew because looming above you was a sign that said ‘Welcome to Georgia’. A small herd of walkers had come out of the woods and when you tried to get away one of them grabbed your mother. Unlike Carl, you didn’t shoot your mother in the head. You shot her arm to loosen her grip when she wouldn’t let you go and then you ran, listening to the sounds of her screaming while she was being eaten alive.  
“This life is all about hard choices.” Rick had offered when he and Daryl had found you on the road. They asked their three questions and you told them what had happened.  
“She was bitten, I would’ve died if she didn’t let go. I didn’t want to die.” You didn’t cry as you relayed the story. The girl who cried at stupid teen movies and pop songs had stopped existing while you were still in Tennessee. This girl didn’t cry at anything.  
After the prison you found your way to Glenn and Tara and eventually back with the whole group. The only kids who survived, made even more blatant by Beth dying in Atlanta, you and Carl seemed to draw closer to each other. The three years between the two of you had never really mattered, even at the prison and especially now as you travelled toward D.C. Eugene made a lot of claims, most of them untrue, but all of you were hoping that this would be the last time you had to pick up and leave.  
Though things hadn’t been smooth in Alexandria when you first arrived, and trouble seemed to follow your group the way it did all those old school tv detectives, you still managed to settle into a life here. There were more kids but you had somehow graduated from that moniker. You started hanging around Rosita and Tara more, helping Carol with Judith, watching the wall with Sasha or Daryl. And Carl, who was still more skilled than you by your own admission, was expected to fit in with the kids there. Ron and Enid and the others.  
“They don’t do anything, it’s like...they’re living in a bubble.” Carl had complained after the first couple nights there.  
“That’s cause they are.” You laughed.  
The two of you were sitting up in his room, trying to manage a game of war while Judith napped in her pack’n’play. It was the only card game either of you could remember and Carl mentioned that his mom had taught him how to play.
“Yeah but, I’m not. I don’t wanna sit around and play video games and pretend that doesn’t exist. They’ve never even been outside the walls, except Enid. I don’t get why she wastes her time with them.” Carl grumbled. For thinking he was above being a teenager he sounded an awful lot like one.
“Sounds like xbox isn’t the problem.” You laughed, glancing up from your cards to look at him.  
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you’re jealous.”
“I am not.”
“Come on kid, you totally are so. Remember when Beth dated...whatshisname? You were so moody. This is literally the same thing.” You replied, “Is Enid cute?”
“I’m not jealous and don’t call me kid.” He pulled away when you leaned over to ruffle his hair. “Would you stop it!”
“Okay, okay.”  
“I’m not jealous.” He huffed, catching the look on your face.  
While Carl’s attention was seemingly focused on Enid you were trying to prove yourself to his father, doing whatever you could to help both inside the walls and out. You weren’t sixteen like the other kids in Alexandria, you were old enough to help, to be given responsibilities. You had been out there and survived and that gave you a sort of authority in a place with most people, even the adults, had never ventured outside the walls. With you helping and Carl off running around the woods with Enid it was only natural that the two of you drifted apart. Gone were the days of confiding in each other. There were no more late-night stops into the other’s room to talk or just sit together. No doing chores with each other like you used to at the prison.  
You didn’t really spend time together again until the aftermath of the herd and the wolves. While Alexandria tried to repair it’s broken parts you offered to help Rick look after Judith, take responsibility away from Carl so that he could heal.  
“Come on, there are literal dead people walking the earth Carl, I think we’re passed high school bullshit. No one is gonna treat you different just cause you’re missing an eye.” You pointed out as you sat in the infirmary with him, changing the bandage on his eye.  
Carl was holding his fringe out of the way so you could see his face clearly as you applied ointment around the wound. Your face was close to his and he was studying you as you worked. Noting any small imperfections in your skin. It might be the apocalypse but that didn’t mean you weren’t victim to acne and there was a small rash of a breakout on your jaw that Carl thought was kind of adorable. Even though you were probably annoyed with it. “You don’t know that.”  
“If anything they probably think you’re like super cool.” You replied.  
“No one thinks that.”
“Wrong again, I definitely think that. I’m sure Enid does too kid.”
“Whatever.” Carl rolled his eyes. Enid was alright and he liked hanging out with her, if only because she had been outside the walls too. But she wasn’t you. All Carl wanted was to get your attention and it seemed like every time he did it backfired on him. You were oblivious to him, no matter how hard he tried to get you to notice. Instead you thought he was interested in Enid and egged him on about her constantly.  
He tried in the weeks that passed to get your attention. Rick started to trust him more and more with things around the safe zone. But still he felt like he couldn’t get your attention. And when he could it never changed. That annoying moniker of ‘kid’ that you adopted at the prison stuck every time you said anything to him. The tag at the end of a sentence that he wished he could cut off. It didn’t seem like there was a way to change your perspective until he stowed away on one of Negan’s trucks.  
You were at the house with Judith when he was delivered back to the compound. The moment you saw him in the front yard you ran outside, leaving the youngest Grimes in her pack’n’play. The force of you throwing your arms around him as you collided with him sent him stumbling back a step, holding your waist in shock. He had finally surpassed you in height over the summer and had a good two inches on you so he leaned his head down to press his forehead against your shoulder while you held the back of his head with one hand.
“Carl.” Rick called his son’s name and the two of you broke away from each other.  
You didn’t see him again until later that night when you went up to his room, a deck of cards in your hands though you had no intention of playing.  
“Hey, can I come in?” You asked, leaning against the open door frame.
Carl nodded.  
“You scared the shit outta me today Carl...I thought you for sure...” Your voice cracked and you paused to stop yourself from crying, “just cause you haven’t died yet doesn’t mean you can’t. You shouldn’t have done that.”
“Hey, I don’t need you to lecture me too.” Carl replied, taking your admission of fear as scolding. “I’m sick of sitting here doing nothing. They killed Glenn and Abraham, they have Daryl! And we’re just giving them whatever they want.”
“Your dad knows what he’s doing.” You said, coming into the room and closing the door behind you so no one would hear you.  
“Oh yeah, Rick Grimes is so amazing. He knows exactly what to do all the time.” He replied sarcastically, glaring at you.
“I mean, Carl Grimes is pretty amazing too.” You joked, taking a seat on the bed.  
“I just wanted to do something.”
“I know. I was just...I was so scared Carl. We’ve lost so many people.”
“What’s another name on the wall?”  
“Hey! I made it this far because of you. Yeah, Rick and Daryl found me on the road but that would never have mattered if you hadn’t been at the prison. I survived because I had you.” You replied honestly, “you’re not just a name on a wall Carl...to anyone, Michonne, Carol, your dad, me especially.”
Carl leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours suddenly. Your eyes widened and just soon as he had kissed you he was pulling away, his own eyes wide as he stared at you in shock. “I should,” he stood up and rubbed his hands against his jeans anxiously before going to the door and opening it. “I should get some rest. Goodnight.”  
You nodded, your mind foggy as you stood up and walked to the door. You stopped in the doorway and Carl looked away, trying not to meet your eyes as you stood across from him. “Goodnight Carl.” You lean forward and kiss his cheek, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
When he closes his door he realizes that for the first time in a long time you didn’t call him ‘kid’. And he can’t keep the smile off his face as he shuts his door and flops back down on the bed.  
I adore Carl and am still bitter over his death. He’s a gem and I’ll fight anyone who says he’s a bratty kid. (that's my bratty kid thank you very much). 
taglist: @thinkingsofamadwoman @mixedwiththemoon @titty-teetee  @queenmissfit @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @absentmindeduniverse @his-paradox @gigilame @sabertooth-potato @enrapturedbythemoon 
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