#no but this quiz was so GOOD such a fun experience tysm for the food op and mickey <33< /div>
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THANK U FOR THE TAG MY BELOVED <3333 this quiz was so genuinely wonderful aaaaa i had sm fun taking it :’3 the answers and results are so pretty!!
i met an angel last spring
They were absolutely stunning. I asked them if they had ever been on the cover of a magazine. They laughed, but I was really asking. They looked like they had stepped right out of starring in an old movie. There was something about them, too, that was so... light. lighter than air. But in an almost cold sort of way. Lukewarm, at most. It was like talking to a statue. Or a demigod.
uhhh new uquiz hang out with me and I’ll say what I’d tell my friends about you 
[view all quiz results]
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rogers-metaphor · 6 years ago
Lessons in Falling in Love: Chapter Five
Summary: Selene is a student, Joe is a professor. Thing’s don’t always work out the way they do in movies, and things aren’t always what they seem.
Permanent warning/disclaimer:  this will be a story that contains smut, will have cursing, and other themes like these. So, if you’re under the age of 18, please skip this story. Also, everything in this story is completely fictional and not based on real life!!!!!!!! It’s for dramatic and entertainment purposes only.
A/N: There is a huge smut scene in this chapter, you’ve been warned. Also some camping action! I hope yall like it and continue sharing, liking, and asking questions about it! tysm
previous chapters: One, Two, Three , Four, 
my masterlist
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When Selene began to wake she could feel her bed was empty, immediately her eyes shot open. An unpleasant surprise to find Joe gone. She felt a pang of nausea, her head immediately overthinking the whole night before. Maybe if i would have had sex with him, he’d still be here, but also, maybe not. She felt her heart sink into her stomach, and felt as if the acid was eating away at it.
Then, she heard her door open, quiet footsteps approaching her bed. She kept her eyes closed, pretending she was sleeping. It could have been Nova, coming to borrow a makeup product she needed or a shirt. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for that to happen, but then the body slowly climbed into bed. With the smell of peppermint and faint cologne, it was obvious it was Joe. He gently placed a kiss on her forehead, and pulled her into him. Relief washed over her, like a wave. The warmth spreading all over her body, she knew her skin was tinting red. She could feel a tear slipping past her eyelids and she slowly opened her eyes.
Joe looked down at her as she inhaled deeply and exhaled slow. His thumb coming up to gently wipe away the lonely tear dropping down her cheek. “Morning.” he hummed, his lips pressing against her cheek once more. “Did I wake you? Are you alright?” he asked, and she nodded. She didn’t want to pour out completely, her feelings for Joe. She would have felt to vulnerable. So instead she reached her fingers up to graze Joe’s face, and leaned up to kiss his lips.
They spent the rest of the day together, just talking and hanging out. Getting to know each other better. Joe learned her favorite color was green, her favorite flower was a sunflower, her favorite movie was up in the air because she could decide. She had a list, though. She learned that Joe hated the sports teams she loved, he had dreams of directing, and that he didn’t know much about art but he wanted to learn more. And they made plans for a second date, to go to a museum, another hour away. Selene liked Joe, more than she had liked any guy in the past years. It was scary, but she was having fun.
“You won’t be skipping my class this week, I would assume?” he smirked, while at the door. She scrunched her nose.
“I might.” she teased, and earned a playful grab from Joe, his arms wrapping around her waist she sighed.
“Might have to take some points of your grade for that.” he nudges her lightly, with his nose and she giggles.
“Worth it.” she shrugs, and received a soft kiss from Joe, his lips slowly moving against hers. It had been some time since they really kissed, beside for the chaste kisses they shared throughout the day. Her hands running through his hair, she felt herself being pressed against the door. “You should go. We both have an early class.” she mused with a lazy grin. “See you tomorrow.”
Going to class was hard, to keep her distance was hard. Being around him made her happy, and she wanted to reach out for him at every second. Nova had to nudge her a few times out of the trance of watching his lips move. She knew that if she could make it through the week without pouncing on him, she’d be surprised.
Joe did small things for her that made her happy, like leaving a single sunflower on her desk before class or her favorite coffee. He’d bring her dinner to work, and sit with her for hours and walk her home. He’d sit with her while she studied or wrote papers, and he’d be working too. Every night ending with a long kiss. She knew he wanted more, but was enjoying the power to veto him.
By the time Saturday afternoon rolled around Selene  was excited to hold his hand and look at art all day. They moved through the exhibits slowly and took in everything. Joe even became her impromptu photographer snapping some shots of her. They held hands, their fingers intertwining as they went through the time periods of art, pretending to be art connoisseurs. Tilting their heads and bring their fingers up to graze over their chins.
“Joe how do you think Monet would feel about being displayed next to Degas?” Selene asked. Joe chuckled and shook his head. They both laughed before moving onto the next exhibit.
They ended their day with cheesesteak dinners and drove home happy once again. This time Joe invited her over, and she joined him at his place for the first time since the night they met. They put on a movie and cuddled into bed together, and again Selene felt at peace.
“I’ve never been on a real date before.” she says quietly, her mind making her blurt out how she was feeling.
“Really?” he asked, surprised.
“Nope. Not until last week.” she shrugged.
“I wish you would have told me. I would have taken you somewhere better.” he purses his lips. She giggles and playfully slaps him.
“No. It was perfect.” she sighed, her lips moving to meet his. “Next week is labor day weekend… did you have plans?” Her lips are barely away from his, her eyes looking up at his. He smirked leaning in to kiss her again but she pulled away, shaking her head.
“No.” he hums, “No plans.” she lets him kiss her briefly.
“Gwilym’s family owns a campground, and i was going to go as a third wheel… but maybe you could join me? it’s not around here… so we’d be nowhere near campus and-“ he cuts her off with another kiss.
“Sounds fun.” he murmurs, “I’m in.” she smiled against his mouth, her fingertips bringing him in to kiss her lips again. She was filled with excitement.
Selene didn’t break the promise to herself. She cuddled with Joe and fell asleep tangled in his bed sheets and in his arms, but that was it. When she woke up he was gone, but she could hear music playing faintly in the kitchen, almost like the first morning she woke up in his bed. She made her way down the hallway and found him humming along to a Led Zeppelin song, cooking up something on a pan. She carefully ran her hands down his t-shirt covered shoulders and wrapped them around his waist. He chuckled before turning off the stove, turning to greet her.
“Morning… or afternoon.” he chuckled, “I thought you’d sleep all day.”
“Would’ve, if i didn’t hear you making food.” she giggled.
Their sunday was spent the same way as the last, in each other’s company. Laying around in bed, with chaste kisses and a nap. Ordering take out chinese and watching a movie. And talking.
“You’re a virgo.” she states, after he told her his birthday. “It makes sense.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” he chuckles, his hands gripping her sides.
“It’s why we get along so well. I’m a capricorn. I always get along with Virgos.” she chuckles. He does too, his fingertips gently trailing their way up her sides sending goosebumps up her body. His lips find their way to hers and he kisses her deeply. His hands coming up to run into her hair. She could feel her heartbeat picking up and her hands making their way up his chest. He pulled her into him, until she was straddled across his lap. She giggled pulling away. “Slow down, cowboy.”
“We just haven’t kissed, kissed.” he sighed. “And i really enjoy kissing you.” he smiles up at her and she sighs.
“But kissing like this… leads to…” he cuts her off, kissing her again.
“And what’s wrong with that?” he chuckles.
“Nothing… I just.” she sighs, “I just want to make you wait.”
“You think I can’t wait?” he asks, his head tilting to the side.
“Maybe you can…” she groans, “I don’t know if I can.” she admits and they both laugh.
“Fine.” he sighs, gently pushing her off him. She gasped at the loss of contact from his grasp. “We can wait.”
“I don’t want to stop kissing you.” she whines. “I just thought…”
“I wanted just sex with you…” Her eyes trailed off somewhere past him, his tone sounded annoyed or maybe upset. “Is this really, what you think this is?” he asked, in place of her thought-filled silence.
“I’m not great at expressing how I feel…” she explains, her heart starting to sink just a little. She couldn’t read him. She was never good at reading how a person felt. She had to have it laid out in front of her, put on display, reminded. Even then, she’d double think it. She sat back, her hand coming up to bite at the skin around her nails. Immediately, he grabbed her hands and took them in his.
“You do that, when you’re nervous?” he asks, “I noticed in my last pop quiz.”
“You could have warned me about that.” she retorted, and he smirked and giggled and shook his head.
“That’s unfair.” he shrugs.
“I know.” she says, leaning in to kiss his lips.
Selene changed the subject. She didn’t answer Joe’s questions. She didn’t think he only wanted sex, but that’s what she was used to when it came to her experiences with men. Sex and some kind of therapy session, then when they were better, they’d move on to a girl they found more suitable for dating. This was her history with men. She could have told Joe all of this, he probably would have understood. Or, he could have taken that as Selene was not suitable to date. She was to afraid of the latter, and changed the subject.
With the rest of the week came her secret thing with Joe. Thing, because Selene didn’t know what else to call it. Were they a couple? She had been on two dates. She had slept with him. They had sleepovers. What constitutes a couple? She was unsure, but she liked to think that’s where they were heading.
She liked her end of the night phone calls with him. Laying in bed, her laptop open but unused because her conversation with Joe was more interesting. She liked when he brought her coffee to class, which was turning into every class, and every morning. He’d walk her home after every shift at the bookstore, and kiss her lips before turning in for the night. She didn’t know what it was,what they were,  but she liked it.
And when Friday afternoon rolled around he was packed and ready to go on a small trip with her and her two best friends. She wrapped her arms around his neck and beamed. She was giddy to start the weekend.
Selene and Nova were impressed by how much Joe and Gwilym got along. The two of them clicked just as fast as Nova and Selene did so many years ago. To the point when they stopped at a gas station Nova and Joe switched seats, and Joe sat up front with Gwilym. Selene loved this, the sense of commeradere as they all sung throwback songs on the radio and laughed like they had no cares in the world.
After two hours they arrived at the campground. The smell of fires burning and people grilling swarmed the air. It wasn’t completely roughing-it. The cabin they arrived at was nice, with two separate rooms. There was a living room area with a couch and a fireplace.  And there was a small indoor kitchen and bathroom with plumbing. It was quaint and perfect for their weekend.
After unpacking the food and their sleeping arrangements they took a walk around the trails, heading down to a lake where people still swam. It was still hot, and children played in the sun of the small beach. There were people out on canoes and kayaks and people playing volleyball. There was a small park with swings and a jungle gym, and some other playground equipment. There was a bridge that lead into a small town with little shops and a drug store. It was beautiful.
Joe reached for Selene’s hand and they walked around and laid in the sun. Gwil cooked food on the grill for dinner and as the sun went down they gathered around a small fire. The discussion jumped around from movies to work to school for the two girls. Graduation eight long months away was all they could think about.
“You wanna go for a walk?” Joe asked at some point and Selene nodded again, he reached out his hands for her and held onto one as they made their way. In the dark, just Joe’s flashlight to guide them. They giggled and laughed, Selene felt as if it blended together like a perfect harmony. She felt her heart race as they got closer, she couldn’t lie, she was a little scared of what was out in the wilderness. She watched to many scary movies to know what happens in situations like these.
Eventually they were in the small park, now quiet from the laughter and screams of children’s joy. They took advantage going on the slides while they could, climbing the sides of the playground equipment. He made her feel like she was young again, when she’d sneak out of the house and run to a park down the road. Eventually, they walked over to the swings and sat side by side.
“Are you having a good time?” she asked.
“I’m having an amazing time. I haven’t been camping in years.” She smiled at that, afraid that maybe he’d regret coming. “Gwilym is great.” he said.
“You two are in a bromance already.” she mused.
“I don’t know, I might have to steal Nova’s man.” he joked and they both burst into laughter.
They swung back and forth trying to get higher than one another. Laughing so hard they were crying. Then they heard rolling thunder in the sky above. The two of them snapping their attention up to the dark sky. The moon disappearing behind heavy clouds. The air was getting more chilly, but she didn’t mind. She moved to sit beside Joe on top of a wooden picnic table.
“It might rain.” Joe said.
“I don’t care, I like the rain.” she shrugged. “The clouds are covering the moon and the stars though.” she pouted. He giggled and pulled her close.
“You know… I’ve been thinking about our conversation last week.” he said.
“Which one? The one where you admitted that ice cream cake is ice cream and not a cake?” He scoffed.
“No!” he nudged her playfully. “About me… About you thinking I just want sex.”
“Joe I-“ you try but he cuts you off.
“I’ve been thinking about it so much, because it’s not true. I like spending time with you, and I like being close to you but I don’t need just sex.” he explains. “I haven’t really connected with anyone, really in years. But I feel that with you…” he stops, his eyes looking around the two of them. She was soaking in his words. “I’m sorry. Is that to much?” he asks, timid.
“No it’s not to much.” she sighs, she felt as if she could fly. Hearing Joe be so open and honest about his feelings made her feel bubbly, her skin beginning to warm up. “I hate that everyone thinks you have to be on a time schedule with everything in life.” He turns into her to listen, even though another rumble is loud and some lighting flashes. Still no rain.
“What do you mean?” he asks, his arm tightening around her. Though it was dark she could tell he was paying attention, she could feel his eyes on her.
“I feel like, if you feel like you love someone, you should let them know. If you feel like you want to have sex with them, if they’re consenting too, why not do it? If you meet someone and a week later you want to get married, why not? Sometimes it doesn’t work out, sure, but when it does it’s magical. You know? I feel like everyone always thinks things need to be done by certain time stamps, and I feel like that’s bull-“ Joe leaned in and kissed her, hard. His hand holding the side of her head his thumb against her temple, as another flash of lighting and thunder went off. She kissed him back, her hands running through his hair as droplets started falling from the sky. Heavy cold droplets that you could hear slapping the ground.
“I like that.” he said, pulling away out of breath. She could feel his heart racing in his chest as her hand rested against it. She smirked and as it began to come down harder she pulled him by his shirt back into her, kissing his lips feverishly. With a loud boom of thunder she jumped back from him, laughing at their luck of being stuck in a storm. “We should get back!” he called over the sound of rain falling and slamming to the ground. It was so loud they could barely hear each other laughing as they walked fast back toward the trail. Joe stopped at one point, pulling her toward him, pressing her up against a tree before sloppily kissing her mouth again. It was heated, and she didn’t care that she was soaked, she pulled him in, and dipped her tongue into his mouth. It was the best kiss she ever received. He groaned into her mouth as he pressed as close to her as he could, her own body yearning for him. It had been a while.
He pulled away, both of them out of breath and hungry for more he grabbed her hand. Once more, the two of them rushing through the rain and mud and thunder that crashed overhead back to the cabin. Now instead of laughing they were serious, and impatient. Needy. Though soaked down to their underwear they grabbed for each other, stumbling through the door trying to get their layers off. Not caring and nearly forgetting that they weren’t alone. The cabin was dark and quiet. Gwil and Nova must have went to bed. The only sound from the air conditioner that made their damp skin feel like ice, and the raging storm outside.
“Shhh.” he hissed, though he giggled trying to get through their bedroom door. Once inside they were both fully undressed already, just cold and damp bodies reaching for one another. Eager and impatient, and trying their hardest to keep it down they fell onto the bed. Joe on top of her, as he continued to kiss her lips, before moving his mouth down her cold wet skin landing at her chest. She let out a quiet moan, as he sunk his teeth into her. Her hands gripping his hair tightly as he moved to a new spot. She knew he’d be marking her up once again, but didn’t care. It felt to good. She hummed again and he chuckled against her skin. “They’re going to hear us!” he whispered, and she giggled.
“I guess we better stop, then.” she mused a mischievous look on her face.
“They’ll be alright, just try and keep it down.” he sighed. “Let’s see if you can.” he raised his brows, his head dipping down below.
“Joe!” she hissed, Then his tongue gently ran the length of her folds, lapping at her clit her hands gripping at his damp hair once again. “Joe.” she moaned out, her own hands slapping over her mouth.
“Hmmm, if you can’t keep quiet we’ll have to try something else.” he hummed, his mouth barely off her sensitive parts. She whimpered.
“No I promise.” she whined, and he smirked before lapping at her again. She squirmed beneath him, trying to keep herself composed. It was rough and she felt like she was going to burst, grinding her hips toward his mouth as he sucked and lapped at her. She grabbed onto the pillow and pushed it over her face, letting a low guttural moan slip out. The pressure building down below. “Joe.” she whimpered, “Just… I need… More.” she tried to keep her voice low but she loudly whimpered and he chuckled. He stopped, and she gasped at the loss of contact.
“That’s it.” he sighed, “Gotta try something different.” he shrugged and she could feel his erection against her thigh and she nodded.
“Guess so.” she breathed heavily, impatiently waiting for him.
“Tell me what you want.” his voice low and demanding, his lips kissing her neck.
“You.” she whispered. He chuckled.
“Be more specific.” he hummed, his finger slowly playing against her center. She whimpered again, raising her hips toward him again, his fingers dipping into her. “Tell me, what you want.” He slides them out of her, and she gasps again at his teasing touches.
“Want you to fuck me.” she says her hands sliding over his bare chest and down his toned arms. She loved his body, and craved more of him.
“Then be a good girl, and stay quiet.” he warns and she nods rapidly. He smirks, sliding his cock between her folds, her coating himself in her arousal. She let out a whimper raising her hips toward him again, and his hand came over her mouth. “Impatient.” he coos, slowly beginning to slide into her. She felt every inch as he pushed her hips down, his fingertips digging into her clammy wet and cold skin. She silently let out a sigh, her head falling back, though her eyes stayed on his. Just a small lamp kept them illuminated in a golden light, and his jaw fell open as he fully sheathed her, letting her take a moment to adjust to him. He thrust in and out slowly, at first his hand staying placed over her mouth, it was hot. She liked the way he held her in place so he can fuck her, deeply and hard. Each thrust left her whimpering for more, and at one point his thumb fell over her lips. She sucked on his thumb and he quietly moaned, his lips finding hers, he whimpered into her mouth.
“Fuck.” she whimpered, loudly, his hand finding its way back over her lips.
“You feel so fucking good.” he growls in her ear, his tone deep and low. It turned her on even more. “You like being fucked like this? With your friends sleeping in the next room.” She nods, his hand still holding over her mouth. “You’re-“ he grunts, his head falling into the crook of her neck. He’s getting faster, more harsh. The sound of the rain still pounding on the roof probably was enough to at least muffle the sounds from the two. It didn’t matter to Selene, she was close. “Dirty girl.” Joe growled through gritted teeth. He pounded into her, now. Deep and rough, like he was desperate, and she was too. Her whole body was lit aflame, from his words to the way he was hitting that perfect spot. He could feel her clenching around him.
“You gonna cum for me?” he whimpers, against her lips again. She nods, “wait.” he demands, and she feels like that’s impossible but she tries.  Her head was spinning. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he let out an exasperated moan, higher than his normal voice. He chuckled and she laughs too. He removes his hand from her lips, his mouth sloppily meeting hers.
“So… much…” she moans, “For being quiet.” she groans, as she shakes. Her breathing rapid and uneven as his is. They both laugh through shaky breathing, but joe’s mouth falls open. His brows knit together his bottom lip quivers.
“Cum with me.” he grunts and she releases around him. Gripping his shoulders tightly as she lets out a low guttural moan. He cums hard, his head burying into her neck as he moans her name into her skin. Pounding out the last bit of cum into her. Then they pause.
“Fuck!” she panics.
“Oh god.” he sighs, quickly pulling out of her.
In the heat of the moment, neither of them remembered protection. She wasn’t on the pill. She felt her body heat up. They both jumped up Joe placing his head in his hands.
“It’s… it’s fine.” she sighs. “We can go into that town and hope the pharmacy has something or borrow Gwil’s car…” her mind raced, but there were options. He looked panicked.
“I’m so sorry.” he said. He looked it. He ran his hand over his face, “I’m so sorry.” he repeats.
“Hey, it’s okay.” she tried to comfort him, “We’re going to fix this tomorrow. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I should have asked you first. I got carried away and-“ she quickly wraps his arms around his neck, her lips slowly kissing his.
“It’s okay… had I been on the pill… that was very hot.” she nudges him with her nose. “I forgot too. It was just so hot.” he snickers out a breathy laugh and she does too. “We’ll fix it tomorrow.” His hands gently run up her thighs, in a comforting way.
“You’re okay?” he asks. His hand gently caressing her cheek.
“I’m good.” she nods. “Very good.” she hums, kissing his lips again. “Now we already messed up tonight, we might as well make the most of it.” he chuckles, before pulling her on top of him.
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