#no but seriously Irey is supposed to be a child prodigy when it comes to speedforce stuff
I really want the new West baby to be like Jack Jack from the Incredibles. The baby keeps teleporting to Wally, Linda and the twins at random times. (Like how Wally could teleport his twins to him or how the twins could do the same to Wally/teleport to Wally) Wally puts the baby down for a nap and turns around only to find the baby floating in his slipstream, surrounded by sparks of lightning and giggling.
Irey used to vibrate through the floor when she was a baby. Jai could lift more weight than Wally before he could even walk. Irey can hop dimensions. Jai can make sonic booms by clapping. Irey channels and generates massive amounts of energy. Jai one time got stressed out, accidentally altered his own DNA and shape shifted into a bug. With everything the baby's siblings can do, with everything Wally himself can do (turning into lightning, exploding things, turning invisible, stealing speed, stopping time, time travel, ect) and the fact that this baby is already so powerful that it's given Linda powers by proxy, I just really want this baby to be a weapon of mass destruction in diapers.
I want Wally to be able to point at his baby and go 'Pikachu! I choose you!' and have the baby turn into a little giggling ball of lightning. I want the baby to turn invisible when playing peek-a-boo. I want the baby to phase out of the car seat and blow it to smithereens because the baby doesn't want to go on a car ride. I want Ace and Bart babysitting and arguing over how they're supposed to get the baby out of the time loop it created without getting stuck themselves.
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