#no beta we die like master eon
dove-skulls · 4 months
Little snippet of Shattered Earth AU bc I changed a LOT.
Warning for cursing!! (and for Juno acting like a boomer /j, "back in my day" - Juno voice)
Juno's fist slammed into the crate she used as a desk, damaging the already-worn wood with a loud crack. "Damn it all," She hisses, sitting back down in her chair, the leather tattered and torn.
She'd gone through every simulation, every scenario, and no matter what plan she thought up, she just.. Couldn't think of any way to beat those horrid Portal Masters. She'd tried everything, read every Portal Master Book she could get her hands on, there was only one left. Juno idly flips through the book, annoyed. Half of the nonsense wasn't even useful to her as she possessed no magic of her own, and she begins to get more and more irritated until a certain page catches her eye, her focus immediately drawn to an illustration of an ornate mask, which even in the drawing seemed to radiate with immense energy. "The Mask of Power..." She mumbles, her eyes narrowing as she scans the page. She could've sworn she's heard that name before.. But where? The nagging notion that she knows that name only grows as she reads the decision. Each piece associated with its own element.. Huh. Juno flips through her collection of old newspapers before she finds it. "The Mask of Power.." She skims over the article, her teeth gritting in irritation as she reads about what happens. "Damn it all to the abyss!" She growls once more, slumping back into her chair. "Of course that damn Kaos would get the thing destroyed-" She stares down at the picture in the article before glancing over to the picture in her book. "Wait.." She counts the pieces. "That's not..?" The picture of the mask used in the article is missing two pieces, the horns representing light and dark that stand out so prominently in the pages of the book. Did Kaos skip a step?
Sitting up straight again, she glances back at the page. Sounds like the mask gains power as more pieces are connected, but it's not entirely unusable if one or two pieces are missing. "Ok.." She mumbles, taking a look at the book again. ".. So.. Maybe two pieces are left." Not entirely helpful, as even if there are two undestroyed pieces, it won't be enough to beat a Portal Master. The idea of having at least a little magic at her disposal does sound decent, but perhaps not worth scouring the Skylands for them. She's about to flip the page, but her eyes land on something interesting. "'A destroyed Mask of Power can be reassembled if at least two of the pieces remain intact'...?" She leans back once more in her chair.
".. Interesting."
Juno turns to her phone, a shitty rotary phone she found barely working in some antique shop maybe four months ago- it'd do for now, she hated all this damn technology anyways. Felt like she could hear the electricity in those annoying wires she tripped over every other day. She'd have to find some way around that.
More important than Juno's hatred for the niceties of the greater Skylands was another missed call, one of many from the same number. Nightshade, a famous thief, had been pestering her for weeks, calling nonstop since he first learned of her plan to take down the Portal Masters. 'Mabu have to stick together, don't they?' He had said. Apparently the guy had some issues with the Skylanders, nothing Juno cared to listen to.
In any case, she had bothered to research the guy, considering how hard it was to find people willing to work with her in her efforts. Nightshade seemed mostly like a stuck-up pest who stole for the fun of it, already coming from a rich family. His only skill seemed to be his stealth, which Juno had really no use for at the moment.
Or did she..? She glances back at the news article. If anyone had any idea where those last two pieces of the mask were, it was Kaos, and even for all his idiocy, he'd be smart enough to write it down somewhere in his castle. Unfortunately, with her stature, Juno was.. Not built for stealth. Not in that setting at least. Sure, Juno could stalk through the grass, but sneaking through a castle- or any building for that matter- was a different issue entirely.
Now, Juno admittedly knew very little about Nightshade, but if he was really as good at his job as her research led her to believe..
Perhaps the spoiled brat had a use, after all.
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gotnofucks · 3 years
To Sin in Love
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Pairing: Lucifer x Reader x Sam Wilson
Summary: You’re forced to choose between the man who owns your heart and the one who owns your soul.
Words: 3.5k
Warning: Smut, language, mentions of hell and demons, 18+ ONLY
A/N: You can imagine Lucifer to look like however you please. I have no specific one in mind.  Special shoutout to my babe @donutloverxo​ for beta reading this hot mess and just being my rock.
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Hell seemed to breath fresher when his face appeared before you. Swimming in the dark surface of the water from where you spied on him, a smile tugged at your lips. He was exiting the gym, t-shirt damp with sweat and you wished you could smell his musk. The way he walked with purpose towards his destination had you imagining how he’d walked towards you with a predatory look in his eyes.
For months you’d spied on this gorgeous man from miles under the surface and yet feeling so close to him. His grief had called out to you, drawn you into his aura of pain and regret. As a demon, you didn’t feel pity, but Sam Wilson had you feeling more than that. He had you falling in love.
So engrossed were you in looking at him, you didn’t notice your master enter until his warmth met your back. A large scaly hand came around you, holding you close. You leaned back into him, resting your head on his massive chest. Those who said the Devil didn’t have a heart lied, you could hear it beating under your ear, strong and assuring.
“I’ve seen you torture sinners without a frown, and yet here you’re melting for a mere mortal. I taught you better than that my sweet.” Lucifer whispered in your ear, pressing soft kisses along your neck. You moaned, titling your head to give him better access.
“Master” You breathily whispered, “you aren’t being fair.”
Lucifer chuckled, his hands wandering until they cupped your tits and squeezed, the very best of sin from the lord of sinners. You turned your face to look at him, admiring the beauty that had once been in heaven. Hell was worth every bit of pain if you only got to see him this close and feel his hands over your body.
“I am not being fair? I find you lusting after this mortal man while you very well know you belong to me. Why must you hurt me so, my sweet?”
Raising a hand to his face, you caressed it, savoring the tickle of his stubble against your palm. Your Lord was the most gorgeous being you’d ever seen, and yet your immortal heart cried out for Sam Wilson.
“Have you ever wanted to repent Master?” You asked softly, leaning in to kiss his lips. Lucifer groaned in your mouth, turning you around so you straddled him, his arms around you.
“I am the Devil, my sweet, Hell is my repentance. I watered the ground of my kingdom from the blood that seeped from my torn wings. Ascending to Heaven is no more my fantasy, especially not with you in my arms.”
Tears glittered in your eyes, a heat burning in your core that rivaled the very inferno you were born in. Pulling your master close, you kissed his eyes in reverence before whispering against his lips. “He makes me want to repent My Lord. I look at him and I taste absolution.”
Lucifer kissed you, his tongue slithering in your mouth and tangling with yours in a dance as ancient as him. His hands found your ass, squeezing you closer and grinding against the soft mound that lay between your legs.
“And what about me, my sweet? What do you want to do when you look at me?” He asked, his sharp fangs biting into your lips until you bled in his mouth. You shared the taste of your blood with him, finding peace in this place of sorrows where he ruled with a cruel smirk. Why would someone prefer Heaven over the freedom that Hell offered? Would anyone want to be high above if they knew how beautiful your master was, carrying a piece of that heaven into Hell itself with his presence?
“You make me want to kneel Master. I look at you and I want to worship you.” You said, love for him evident in your eyes. “You own my devotion My Lord, and he owns my heart.”
Fingers that were stained with your blood traced your cheek softly, his deep eyes that had seen eons pass by look at you with adoration. You were your master’s favorite, his most treasured demon. Nobody touched you but him, his possessiveness ripping apart every being that ever laid eyes on you. But he would never hurt Sam, he would never draw the blood of a man who owned so much of you.
“I fear you’ll forget me my sweet. If I let you free to go to him, would you ever come back?” Lucifer asked, holding your gaze steady with his. A tear forged a river down your face, his fingers quickly wiping it away.
“Master, you only need to ask, and I will stay. I was born for you, and if you shall please, I’ll die here at your feet.” You promised him. “But I cannot stop yearning for him. He is mine as I am yours.”
He looked at you for a long time before picking you up with him, carrying you over to your bed that had only ever had him as a companion. Lowering himself over your body, he striped you of your garb, touching your body with almost as much devotion as you did to him. He eased into you, the heat of your union steaming the air that rang with your soft whimpers.
“If he ever hurt you, I’ll torture him myself.” Lucifer vowed, capturing your lips that were stretched into a beaming smile. You allowed yourself to merge into one with your master once more, for you doubted you’d feel him like this again. The world was cruel like that, forcing you to chose between the one who owned your soul and the one who owned your heart.
“You wouldn’t have to master. You trained me well.” You said, arching your back as he hit the special spot inside you. “He will cherish me as you have done, I know it to be true.”
Lucifer nodded, visibly struggling with letting you go. His hips thrust wildly, lips murmuring in an ancient language of how you were his light in darkness before you both shattered together, falling into sinful bliss for the last time together. Covered in his spent and heat, you hid your tears in his neck. Even in hell, love was pure and never a sin.
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Sam said that you’d been created specially to lead him into temptation and damn him. You would only smile and kiss him, never telling him how true his words were. Only, he would never be sent to your home. Sam Wilson did not belong in the fiery fires of Hell, no matter how deliciously they had burnt.
“You should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Wilson” You joked, cupping his face and leaning close to steal a kiss. “Leaving your training in the middle to fornicate with your girlfriend. Where is your sense of propriety?”
Sam laughed, pushing you onto your back on the couch, catching your giggles in his eager mouth. “You shouldn’t have sent me those pics darling. You know I am addicted to you.”
Your eyes twinkled in love for him, pulling him over you excitedly. Your relationship with him had been nothing short of a dream, his presence in your life completing you. When Lucifer had let you out on Earth, you’d wondered for one fearful moment if Sam would ever love you like you did to him. But it seemed his ageless soul had searched yours for just as long, for you clicked from the moment you met.
You’d been looking for him, navigating the crowded land of the mortals when Sam literally flew by you. His wings outstretched, Redwing hovering a few above, he chased after a man with vengeance in his eyes. Seeing him like that, you were convinced he had to be some sort of an angel for never had you felt so alive as you did then, breathing the same air as him.
As you saw him disappear, you ran after him, heart beating with excitement at finally meeting the man who’d owned you without even knowing you exist. Turning the corner, you saw him on the ground, grappling with the other man for a small pendrive. You had not planned to step in but seeing your man grunt in pain when he was punched, you launched into the battle with a cry, pouncing on the bastard who dare hurt your love.
“Die you dickface!” You screamed, pulling on his hair and delivering a kick into his side. He cried out, struggling in your hold. His mortal strength was laughably unmatched to yours and with a flick of your fingers, you twisted his wrist until you heard a crack. One conk to the head and he’d be down on his way to Hell where your Master would greet him, knowing how to deal with such asswipes.
“Hey! Hey, come off. I have orders not to kill!” Sam said, and then he touched you. He wrapped a hand around your arm and pulled you away, dragging you into himself and off the target he was chasing. The moment you felt his touch, tingles shot up and down your spine, liquid fire curling in your veins until you burnt only for him. The target lay forgotten on the ground, clutching his broken wrist as you and Sam gazed at each other.
His mouth parted slightly, fingers still digging into your flesh. You could see his eyes widen and then dilate, a similar heat simmering in them. He gulped, reluctantly releasing you from his hold but not moving away, trying not to blink as if afraid you’d disappear the moment he did.
“Have we met before?” He asked softly, tilting his head to the side. The brown in his eyes melted like chocolate, and you wanted to step closer to feel his touch again. You’d never met and yet you seemed to recognize each other. Something older than human memories had etched your face in his heart.
You shook your head, stray hair dancing beside your face as you did so. He blinked, shaking himself from his trance before lowering down to pick up the pendrive and calling in backup to arrest the target. His eyes kept drifting back to yours, confused and curious.
“Who are you?” He asked. You told him your name, shivering when it passed from his lips like a love chant. “You got strength in those arms. CIA?”
His voice was deep, and you wanted to know how it would sound right beside your ear, out of breath.
“I don’t work for the government. They don’t handle power well.” You said. Sam smiled at your words, looking around as three agents approached him, cuffing the target and patting his back.
“My name is Sam Wilson.” He said, offering you a hand that you eagerly shook. “Would you care for a cup of coffee? I may know a team of people who handle power just fine.”
“Hey, where’d you go?” Sam asked, his lips trailing down from your shoulder to your neckline. You come back to the present, catching the back of his neck and allowing him access to your breast, moaning when he sucked them from over your clothes. You’d been brought together by fate, of that you were sure, never parting ways since the day you met.
“Was thinking about you.” You replied, shimming out of your shirt and salivating at his naked torso. He was beautiful, his body glowing in the sunlight that peaked in like a voyeur through the blinds to witness your tryst.
“What about me?” He asked, smoothening his hands over you. Your skin heated under his touch, a desperate craving in your core to be filled by him overpowering your senses. You moaned his name and asked him to take you, quietly sobbing when you felt his tongue against your moist center.
“Sam, please. I feel empty.” You cried, hips raising as a finger eased into your channel and rubbed against your spongy walls. He smirked against you, sucking on your clit and tasting your juices that he said were like his own communion. No wonder he fell for a demon, uttering the filthiest things from those lips that made you quiver.
“Tell me, what were you thinking of.” He prompted, teasing you further. You writhed under him, holding his head with your thighs, and clutching the edge of the couch. He was grinning at your desire, loving as you made a mess for him. You cursed, eyes closing as you gave into his ministrations, coming apart into his mouth and crying out his name.
His slight beard that had taken him months to grow left a delicious burn on your skin, and soon his lips met yours, his breath carrying your scent. You lifted your hips eagerly to his, begging him with your eyes to take you, to own your body and make you his again. Greedily kissing you, he entered you with a practiced thrust, moaning at how snug you were. When Sam fucked you, he lost himself in your body to find his soul.
“Look at me.” You said, forcing his lust blown gaze to yours. He panted hard, grabbing your hips for support as he pushed into you, your bodies merging together like perfect puzzle pieces. You wondered again how this utterly beautiful man could be yours, how a damned soul like yours could belong to one as bright as his.
“What were you thinking of darling?” He asked again, biting your shoulder to leave a mark.
“About how much I love you.” You finally said, surprising him by flipping him over and taking the reins. You rode him out, taking him deeper and deeper until you were sure he was in your womb, feeling right at home. “I have loved you since before we met, believe it or not.”
Sam took your hand that rested on his chest and placed a sweet kiss on it, laying back as you lazily fucked him into a pile of gooey mess.
“I believe you baby” He said, pulling you into a soft kiss. “I feel like I’ve loved you my whole life.”
Tears gathered in your eyes, your hips moving faster as his words registered in your heart. Your love was complete and reciprocated, your life finding its meaning in him. Oh, how you loved him and his gap-toothed smile. His eyes that lit up when you danced together and played pranks on his friends.
“You are my heart Sam Wilson” You whispered in your ancient language, surrendering to him and the pleasure of your body.
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Your dream suddenly turned hot, and it was then you realized you were back home. The room you had spent centuries in was still the same, your stuff kept together like a shrine to your memories. You wandered in, touching everything as nostalgia welled in your heart. Reaching your bed, you smoothed out the creases in the velvet sheets, smiling at the smell of your master there.
“Welcome home, my sweet.”
There he was, as regal and beautiful as ever. Looking at him, you knew he was meant to rule hell, for someone like him could never be happy serving at the feet of another.
“Master” You said breathlessly, wanting to crawl on your knees to him. But before you could, he flew to you and took you in his arms, his wings opening wide and curling around your body, enveloping you. A sob lodged in your throat, for you had never thought you’d ever feel him again. You met his eyes that seemed misty like yours and when he kissed your forehead, you let a tear escape.
“Oh, my sweet, how I’ve missed you. Hell seemed to have lost its fire without you. My hearth seems cold in your absence.” Lucifer said, nuzzling his nose in your neck. You held him close, running a hand through his hair that had grown longer.
He pulled away to kiss both your cheeks, his beautiful visage soothing the burn in your heart you didn’t know you have. Fate has been cruel, separating you from one man you love to be with the other. You raised your head up to receive his lips, but that kiss didn’t come.
“No, my sweet,” He sadly said, stroking your face gently, “You and I both you we can never share that intimacy again.”
Your heart broke at the rejection, a frown crumbing your face into one of despair that Lucifer was quick to kiss away.
“Oh no, that is not what I meant.” He assured. “I have loved you since you were born. If I am the soul of Hell, you are its heart. But now your heart belongs to someone else, does it not? Nobody knows better than the Devil that you must not abandon that which you seek. My need for freedom led me here, and you need for love led you to the man who could return it the way you deserve. Do not sully that by presenting yourself to me, not when I would love you just as much without the succor of your body.”
It was then you realized, standing in the palace of the damned with the Devil, that love came in various ways. Here was your master, who loved you deep enough to let you go, defying all nature that had made him a villain. He was greedy and jealous, the sinner whose pride led him to fall. But that fallen angel had raised you here, had loved you as purely as god did to his children. How harshly had the world judged this being, and how strongly have you loved him, that you didn’t want to leave.
“Master” You begged, clutching his collar and holding on tight. “Do not let me go. You still own me, as does he. Can I not belong to the both of you, equally?”
Lucifer smiled, a content look in his gaze. He sat down on the ground, taking you into his lap and rocking you like a babe. “My sweet, you will always belong to me. Love is infinite, and you can divide it between people and yet it wouldn’t lessen. But I summoned you back here to give you a boon, for I see far into your future.”
You stared at him in confusion, hugging him tight. He smelled like the dirt of graveyard after rain, death and rebirth combined into one. He took a section of your hair, running a hand through it until the few strands in there turned gray. Your heart beat faster, a new vulnerability coursing in your blood that had you feeling fear for the first time in your life.
“Master, what have you done?” You asked.
“That man you love lives a limited life my sweet. I promised you to not damn him into this place of tortures, and if I cannot bring him in as a demon, I must make you a mortal like him. Grow old together, find your happiness. When the time shall come for your body to retire, the fates shall merge you as one and see where to deliver you.”
A storm of emotions rushed through your heart, longing and pain and love and sin. You leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth, feeling his presence settle in your bones.
“And you master? Would I ever see you again?” You asked, voice cracking. Lucifer smiled, removing the black ring from his finger and pressing it in your palm. He rested his forehead on yours, lips curved in a small smile.
“I will stay down here and try to repent my sweet, so that one day I may join you too. If there ever was someone who could redeem the Devil, it is you.” He whispered.
You laid in his arms, cocooned in his presence until you woke up in your bed next morning cuddled up to Sam, clutching the ring Lucifer had given you.
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Sam had always been pretty, but today he was just beautiful. His eyes sparkled like precious gems, a reassuring metal hand on his shoulder telling him to keep it together. He couldn’t believe it but when he held your hand, it felt real. A black ring sat on his hand, a matching one in yours.
“Could you both wait until the reception is over to eye fuck each other?” Bucky joked, but he kissed your cheek and hugged you, pushing you into your now husband.
“I have waited a lifetime to be his, I guess I will be okay with a few more hours.” You said to Bucky, but your eyes were trained on your man. He was yours, wearing your mark. You both were together in spirit and body, and your love seemed to have tripled in size.
“We have forever to go darling, don’t we?” Sam said, kissing you softly.
You nodded, entwining your hands and running a finger over his ring. You had a forever, and you would wait a forever more for the other part of your soul.
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
Loving the Sun
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Pairing: Sun God (Apollo) San and Reader
Group: Ateez
Word Count: 1,451
Genre/Rating: Greek God AU - Established Relationship AU - Forbidden Relationship - Fluff - Angst - Teeny tiny implications of smut - PG-13
Overview: He may have been immortal, but with you, there was just never enough time in the world.
Warning: Faintly implied mentions of losing a baby
A/N: Shout out to my sweetest @ezralia-writes​​ for putting up with my constant dumbass and helping me out when I need it, whether it’s to be a beta-reader, or me messaging her at 11 at night on how to describe men’s hair, or simply having a good simp session. You’re the best sweet pea and I hope you enjoy this - again - hun! *sending you all the flying smooches*
Tagging: @skyys-universe​ @kunrengui​
Main Master List:
©thatmultifandomhoe 2021. Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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The blankets were warm as you shifted on the bed, lazily blinking your eyes open only to close them immediately afterwards, the sunlight streaming in through the window was much too bright this early in the morning. Rolling back over, you tried to open your eyes again, the sight of San’s bare chest coaxing you back to him as his body heat and faint remnants of his cologne from the night before made your mind foggy. With him lying next to you, and the silver chain of his sun necklace that reflected in the light, - that matched the one you wore - made it easy to forget about the outside world. At least, for right now.
Responsibilities? Gone the second his lips curled into his infamous smirk.
Deadlines? They vanished the moment his hands slipped into your back pockets; fingers always eager to grip what was forbidden to everyone but him.
Your name? Easily forgotten about when he kissed you. He’d settle his arms around your hips and carefully bring you closer until your bodies pressed together. Only then would he slide his hands up to your waist for a hug, breaking the kiss to bury his face in the crook of your shoulder because it had been so long since he last got to see you.
In the early morning light of dawn, the room looked like it was on fire, but a glance at his face had you thinking that he was being bathed in golden fairy dust. While awake he was beautiful. Asleep, he was ethereal. With cheek bones that the Gods and Goddesses were envious of, you gently reached a hand up to lightly trace its path, following the curve to his lips that even in his sleep, formed the slightest pout.
He suddenly inhaled, eyes blinking open just in time to see the tired smile that grew on your face.
“It’s early,” San murmured, his voice husky as he took your hand, his grip loose so that he was able to drop your arm around his waist. When he was satisfied, he slipped his left arm underneath his head and wrapped the other around your waist to drag you back to him, eliminating the space once more. San liked to feel you against him at all times, especially since he risked everything to take these chances to sneak his way back into your embrace.
You softly chuckled, feeling his fingers lazily stroke through the locks of your hair. “I know,” you whispered. “But I don’t want to lose any more time.”
There was a tired hum coming from him, lips tenderly pressing against your forehead before he laid his head back down on the pillow. The slightest shift from either of you and your heads would be bumping into the others, but done carefully, it was reminiscent of cats rubbing against each other.
“Don’t worry about time.”
“All I do is worry about time since we have so little of it,” you softly countered.
His black hair fell into his brown eyes and you reached up, brushing them away for him. He captured your hand then, bringing it closer for him to kiss your palm. Once. Twice. Thrice.
“The sun will rise whether or not I am there to guide it,” he promised.
Heat from his body appeared to transfer to you, spreading from every single spot where your bare bodies touched underneath the blankets that sat on your hips.
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” you whispered. “And you know it.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed. Briefly, his gaze flicked towards the window behind you, the gauzy curtains doing nothing to stop the sunlight from filtering through the blinds that were opened at an angle. At most, he had maybe a few hours before the others woke and noticed his absence. He couldn’t let them find out that he was visiting you once more.
“I love you,” San murmured, setting his arm down to tap the back of your spine in a rhythmic pattern.
Your lips trembled despite pressing them together. Sliding a leg over his, you shook your head. “Why do you say it like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re apologizing.”
He was quiet. The room silent with the exception of the bed creaking with every shift made in order to get comfortable and closer. No matter how hard the two of you tried, there was always space and time trying to get in between you.
“Because for as long as I live, I will always be sorry for what they did.”
A chill blew across your face, and not surprisingly, the tears fell off your chin and onto the blankets. “You can’t apologize for your entire life for something you didn’t do.”
“Yes, I can. Our little one was meant to be here by now, I should have been here to protect the two of you but I wasn’t, and they took that away from us.” The corner of his mouth twitched. In the sunlight, you watched a stream of tears slide down his cheeks. “All because I fell in love with a human and as punishment, they took away what we both treasured.”
Out of instinct you lifted a hand to cup his cheek as you both leaned your foreheads together; the memory of a night not so long ago was still raw, the sting not yet having gone away. It was punishment for a crime that all the Gods committed, but yet, San was the only one to live with the consequences of his actions. That had been the first day in eons that the sun – having only been bright and full of warmth minutes prior – turned black as night and painful to gaze upon with the naked eye in mere seconds. There wasn’t much from that day that you recalled, the majority of it had faded away as a result of the events, but you remembered a looming figure with lightning flashing in his eyes, and the piercing screams. Whether they were yours, San’s, or a combination of both, you weren’t entirely sure.
What you were certain of, was that the man you loved had been taken away from you, and the child you carried, who had called its home inside of you for the last six months and you fondly teased for making it impossible to fit into your old jeans. It was that little one who had San crouching in front of your belly to sing the sweetest lullabies, who was suddenly gone, like they had never been there to begin with.
You had thought it was all a dream. Months had passed and you were starting to believe that it had been all a figment of your imagination. That you weren’t possibly pregnant or had met a man who wasn’t supposed to exist, but when you had been sitting at the park bench and the sun kissed the earth goodnight, he appeared. Kneeling in front of you with a cut on his cheek that hadn’t been there before, his clothes dirty with soot and the edges singed as if he had been reckless and gotten too close to a fire.
Kissing him, you slipped your hand through his hair as the tears mingled together. He rolled you over on your back, his body blocking out the sunlight as he slapped a hand on the blinds to close them. You could taste his please forgive me in his kisses, knowing that he would never be able to forgive himself for what happened that day. As you kissed him back, beads of sweat began to build up along your temple when he sat down on the bed and brought you onto his lap, his arms tightening around you even though you were already clinging to his shoulders.
Even as he loved you, his arms held you in a tight embrace, his breath and tears intermingling with yours with every desperate, but loving kiss. San was afraid. Fearful that like the little one, you too, would be ripped away from him.
It had never been easy, and it certainly wouldn’t be in the future. There were lonely nights when he couldn’t sneak away, whispers from jealous Goddesses trying to dissuade you from his advances, to having to keep the love you shared a secret. Even the heartache of losing him and the little one. But you’d go through it all over again. You had known that to love a God – a sun God nonetheless – was going to hurt.
As much as it hurt, loving him was worth the pain and even more. To live without the sun after all, was to die a cold and painful death.
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aeligsido · 2 years
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nothing you confess (could make me love you less)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex (mentioned), Anakin Skywalker (mentioned), Padmé Amidala (mentioned), Sheev Palpatine (mentioned) Additional Tags: Minor Character Death, in the past, and it's Palpatine so who cares, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Padmé Amidala Lives, Minor Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Emperor CC-2224 | Cody, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), the clones are dechiped, Good for them, Rex Anakin and Padmé are in a Queer Platonic Relationship, does it shows? no. will i tell it anyway? yes., Massage, it's going to turn spicy but then there's fade to black oops, there's really only kissing on page lmao, Established CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, when you wake up from a medically induced coma and suddenly your bf is an Emperor, just a normal day in Obi-Wan's life, no beta we die like the Republic Series: Part 3 of CodyWan Kiss Bingo Challenge 2022 Summary:
"Order 66 had been a disaster. Not that Obi-Wan had been awake to see it — he was then too busy being sedated by his own medic and “taking a well-deserved nap”, as Pearl had put it. And when his men had deemed it safe to wake him up from his unwanted medical coma, it had been too late to stop the Vode from taking over the Empire Palpatine had constructed right under their noses.
At least, they all agreed about the fact that a dead Palpatine was miles better than an alive one."
OR: Obi-Wan has a few questions for his boyfriend, ex-Commander turned Emperor of the Galaxy, Cody.
For the prompt “kiss on the stomach” for @codywankissbingo​!
Obi-Wan would prefer if things were terrible.
If it had been the case, then he could have at least hated the situation properly.
As it was, though — well. Things weren’t perfect. But it still was way better than the war, and somehow, they — the Jedi — were treated better than under the Senate and the Republic. Not that Jedi were Jedi to be well treated or anything, but things had gotten worse and worse with time. They hadn’t been as respected as they were at the beginning of the Republic, eons ago, and they could barely sneeze without the Senate’s approval.
But now — well, they never doubted the loyalty of the Vode before, and they definitely couldn’t start now.
Order 66 had been a disaster. Not that Obi-Wan had been awake to see it — he was then too busy being sedated by his own medic and “taking a well-deserved nap”, as Pearl had put it. And when his men had deemed it safe to wake him up from his unwanted medical coma, it had been too late to stop the Vode from taking over the Empire Palpatine had constructed right under their noses.
At least, they all agreed about the fact that a dead Palpatine was miles better than an alive one.
Except Anakin, but he was slowly coming around, and besides, he was too busy with his children to really protest. The last time Obi-Wan visited them, Rex had assured him that he and his best men were taking good care of all of them — Anakin, Padmé, Ahsoka, and the twins. Considering Leia had been strapped to his chest then, her head carefully held by the now-Commander, and that Jesse and Ahsoka had been playing with Luke behind them, Obi-Wan was more than willing to believe Rex. They all needed the rest, anyway.
Obi-Wan sighed contently as the hands massaging his back went over one particular hard knot. A kiss was dropped on his shoulder, and Obi-Wan opened his eyes.
Cody had always looked at him with something soft in his eyes, but the utter devotion he showed now was at the same time surprising and kind of terrifying. Obi-Wan didn’t know how to react to it. He wasn’t used to it, simply, maybe. Obi-Wan had known Cody loved him before everything; of course he did! They were dating! But he somehow missed the depth of this love and how far Cody was willing to go for him.
“Everything’s alright, cyare?”
Obi-Wan hummed. “I was just thinking.”
Cody’s thumb caressed his neck, and Obi-Wan felt himself shudder under the touch. “Do you want to share?” he offered, gaze still on him, always on him.
[Read more on AO3.]
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