#no bc im super into that post modern style of home decor that costs literally SO much money
ihatebnha · 2 years
Okay so the brainrot I was having earlier. It’s embarrassing because it’s so damned specific but
I was reading a fic where you get to see Bakugou’s penthouse for the first time. And he’s just kinda watching you for a minute, and is suddenly bristling out of nowhere.
Simply because of your lackluster reaction. Like, I’m sure with his kind of salary, he’s got a real nice place. Clean and tidy. But definitely a bachelor pad. Part of me wonders if he wouldn’t put too much thought into things with how busy he is. Hell, maybe he’s had an interior designer set it all up for him. Maybe he doesn’t care too much, so long as it looks nice? (And I could be 110% incorrect on that, but let’s just pretend for the ask that it is lmao.)
And it is nice. Very nice! Just not your style at all. But he’s acting all pissy at you, asking if you’ve got a problem. And you tell him the above. And what would it matter anyway? It’s his place, not yours!
But this mfer is acting all offended about it. But then he’s huffing and asking you what you like (and calling it stupid of course). Or he’s paying closer attention when he visits your place. This weirdo may even do some digging on your socials and find like a Pinterest board you’ve made of your dream home. Just oddly obsessed.
And you notice over time when you’re over there (started dating and all) that you’re really liking what he’s doing with the place. You’re just really liking the aesthetic so much better! It may be subtle changes: Different color scheme, new portraits on the wall, etc. You tell him how great it looks and he’s smug as shit, like ofc it is.
But why is this such a big deal to him? Because he wants to impress you? Because his penthouse feels more like you? More like home? (And it could be your home too ya know, dumbass. 🥺) It’s Bakugou fuckin’ Katsuki, are we ever going to fully know?
Like I said, super SUPER specific. I’m probably the only one who thinks it’s cute/funny. 😅
KORE, YOU LITERALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND! one of my BIGGEST brainrots for Bakugo is choosing new furniture + decor with him!!! And I was actually just writing about it the other day until I ended up scrapping what I had because I felt like it didn't match the prompt... BUT! ...literally, it makes me wanna tear out my hair. 
You're definitely right about the details of his place (it being more of a modern, bachelor pad)... and while I think he doesn't mind the way it looks, it's probably not very interesting because he really believes so long as it functions exactly as it should (that being, as a place to live), there’s no real need to make it homier than necessary.
(I feel like he probably recruits his parents to make it look nice and then never adds anything to it himself. Maybe a couple bookshelves, an All Might shrine... but other than that, very... plain. He just thinks there's no point because he's the only one living there.)
But when he meets you, suddenly he is kinda embarrassed that he never put any thought into is, especially because he wants you to feel like it’s your home (or could be, one day) just as much as it is his… 
And I don’t want to repeat everything you said because it was perfect already, but just to continue on… in my head, I feel like the first thing that changes are his towels. They go from all black, white and brown to a kind of… post-modern feel with fun shapes and colors and designs. You try to ask him about them and he’s just spitting out some bullshit about how “he needed new ones anyway,” which… is strange, but seems fine enough. 
Then his boring ass mugs (aside from the one that his name on it and the other one that’s shaped like a grenade) get replaced. From plain and typically shaped to ones that are in your favorite colors and in more unique designs that better fit in your hands. You ask him about those, too, and it’s the same excuse or maybe even that they were a gift. 
And it goes on, you know. Sheet by pillow by wall art by fresh flowers in the vase and new pepper shakers, praise by praise (which makes the whole thing worth it to him)… until he ends up having to confess that he did it all for you and will you please just move in with him? 
UGH, just… *shakes you by the shoulders* WHY IS IT SUCH A THOUGHT, I DON’T EVEN KNOW…………….
And I think, continuing my earlier thought… even before you meet them, his parents absolutely LOVE you because you’re the reason their son’s apartment has suddenly started feeling like a real home. The first night you meet them after you move in, they’re complimenting you on all your little additions.
I’m ill over this, seriously. Ill. 
(And I was gonna put this in the tags, but another part of my daydream regarding this is like... him doing an interview where he ends up talking about how you're the reason he got more into house decor + furniture. Who knows how + why this occurs, but he's really just out there telling people about how stylish you are... or even the new salt and pepper grinders you bought that he actually really likes LOL <333)
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