#no art this time im sleepy from cutting foam and sculpting and painting these last few hours sooo
qrowscant · 1 year
I adore Fodder and IS-OT. Does IS-OT stand for something? And, could you tell us more about Fodder and their mother, I feel like they are talked about less than IS-OT, I’d love to hear more about how they go about navigating love in their situation
IS-OT is indeed an acronym. im not telling you what it stands for so if i decide to tweak in the future it i cant be held accountable <3
fodder's mother doesn't actually appear in-story, just fodder's distorted memory of her! women love haunting the narrative postmortem. she's still one of my favorite characters to write, three cheers for their mommy issues : )
fodder doesn't really "navigate love" so much as they get dragged into it kicking and screaming LOL. their experiences conditioned them to see connection as a tool of control, so they spend most of their time as a drone intentionally isolating themself and lashing out if others try to breach this isolation. (which happens a lot! because they're small and very young compared to the people around them, so nobody really takes fodder seriously until they start hurting people.) (but also humans will pack bond with literally anything, so when the thing that was supposed to kill you turns out to be kind of nice well maybe. maybe you can have a little friendship. as a treat. what could go wrong.)
tl;dr: they're struggling a little (a lot). things get better-ish when they're older though
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