#no accuracy claimed
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I saw someone in the comments of something Percy Jackson show related complaining about the “wokeness” and then they were just like, “I hope they don’t add any gay shit.”
Who wants to tell them?
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neixins · 1 year ago
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[ID: panels from the “yona of the dawn” bonus chapter “upon his back”. the first panel shows jaeha coming across gija, who’s sitting hunched over, holding his head in his hands. in the second panel, jaeha is holding a hand up to his mouth, thinking; he looks concerned. his thoughts, spanning across the two panels, read: “uh-oh. it looks as though…this is more painful for him than i realized.” a text post by afghan-blood has been added to the bottom of the second panel; it reads: “source? i was overthinking”. end ID.]
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anneeeboleyn · 1 year ago
i hate to say it but seems like the way selena gomez and taylor swift were characterized in 2010s justin bieber and one direction fanfics was extremely accurate.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years ago
it's interesting to me how popular the plague doctor costume with the "bird" mask has become given how short its actual period of use was
it only appears in artwork and written records starting in the 17th century (1600s) and ending in the 18th. it's not medieval at all, which is what people tend to assume. and it may well have only been worn in Italy and France
(doctors treating the plague, or claiming to, existed far further back, but they wouldn't have been the iconic figures we think of today. apparently some weren't even medically trained before taking up what they doubtless hoped would be a lucrative profession)
but by the eternal human law of Looks Cool, it has been transposed to many other centuries and parts of the world in art/media
I kind of love that
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juliamccartney · 2 years ago
once dracula daily & re: dracula are over for the year i'm going to start watching every dracula movie adaptation i can find but as soon as there's a clear & meaningful divergence from the novel i stop watching and go onto the next movie
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the-random-phan · 1 year ago
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motorcycleboy9 · 1 year ago
I can't stop thinking that if Ponyboy dies first out of all the Curtis brothers, Darry would be the one who literally lives at his grave when he's not working, just quietly sitting there. (Soda would have to drag him outta there) he's trying to keep living, at least for Soda and the gang, but it's just not the same.
Soda would cry a lot, and then avoid any thought of Pony being dead. he would probably need someone to comfort him then, even if he doesn't want to admit it.
have a good day ❤️❤️ (I changed my username btw)
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monwillica · 2 years ago
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icymi here's my summary of the exo album release live
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risingsunresistance · 8 months ago
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the sequel to this old doodle..?
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computerram · 1 year ago
former twitter inhabitants in the p5 circle i have a task of you do any of you remember an image that looked like this its driven me insane for months i NEED to find the original
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dirt-and-scrivles · 1 year ago
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I like remembering that these two are engaged in cannon
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emonydeborah · 1 year ago
trektober day 14: historical AU/recruitment
Pikeuna wwii AU for historical AU day
"Take him to Number One." Chris swallowed. The tone in which the resistance fighter- Neera, one of the others had called her- spoke of their leader made him feel underdressed for the occasion. He could hardly be blamed for his appearance; it hadn’t been his choice to crash in the French countryside. Still, he surreptitiously tried to smooth his hair and wipe the mud off his face and he was led the through the dilapidated, bombed out apartment building. The ropes around his wrists didn’t help.
People cut off their conversations as he passed, pressing themselves against the wall and staring like they had never seen a man in uniform.
Probably not his uniform, Chris thought with regret. The Allies weren’t even close to liberating this area.
“In here.” Neera opened an apartment door and nodded for him to enter. Shabby wallpaper and cracked plaster flickered in lantern light, splashing monstrous shadows on the wall. Chris squinted in the low light.
Two women were hunched over a table, pointing at a map and speaking in tense voices. The shorter woman was facing the door, and when Chris entered she straightened.
“Commander.” She nodded towards Chris. The other woman straightened to her considerable height and turned.
Chris’s jaw dropped. “Una?”
She was paler and gaunter than when he had known her. Dressed all in black rather than the bright colors she used to favor, she looked more like a prison camp survivor than the leader of a resistance cell.
It occurred to Chris that she could be both.
“Chris?” Her face lit up, and it was the most beautiful sight Chris had seen in some time.
She took a step forward, arms half raised, but glanced around and stopped in her tracks. She cleared her throat.
“Give us a minute,” she said. The other woman at the table bristled, watching Chris with open suspicion.
“Commander, for your safety-”
“Now, La’an.” Una nodded to the guards still restraining Chris, and they let go with some reluctant mumbling. Neera dragged them out of the room, and with a click of her tongue La’an followed them out. She gave Chris a warning look, and held eye contact until she shut the door. Chris tried not to gulp.
Cold fingers on his wrist made him jump, and Una smirked. She pulled the rope off his wrists, and Chris didn’t even wait for feeling to return to his hands before he pulled her into his arms.
She was slower to hug him back than she used to be, but she held him just as tightly as she always did.
The kiss was natural and desperate, anything to convince him she was alive. She wasn’t as substantial as before, and he felt like no matter how tight he held her, she was seconds from slipping away through the cracks in the walls.
She broke the kiss and just held him, trembling.
“I can’t believe you’re alive,” Chris murmured into her hair.
“You thought I was dead?” Una pulled back just enough to look him in the face. She absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair, and Chris took her hand and kissed it.
“I didn’t hear from you for months, and no one would give me any answers,” Chris said. “I didn’t know what to think.” Una stroked his cheek with her thumb.
“You didn’t think I just got bored of you?” she teased.
“Nope.” Chris couldn’t find it in him to make it a joke, but Una still smiled. She didn’t offer any answers, just leaned her forehead onto his with a sigh. “Una.”
She didn’t want to talk about it. He hadn’t seen her in eighteen months and he knew she didn’t want questions. But his last thought before hitting the ground had been of her, and how he was going to see her soon.
Not like this, though he much preferred it this way.
“How did you end up here? What happened?”
Una sighed again. “I couldn’t stand by any more, Chris.”
“The Women’s Auxiliary-”
“I know, it was important work, but I felt so useless.” Despite his resistance, she peeled herself away and led him to the map. “Did you know I was born here?” She pointed to an obscure town a few miles from what Chris guessed was their position. “My parents moved us to America when I was seven, made me a proper American girl.” Chris wrapped an arm around her waist, unwilling to let her get too far. “I enlisted to fight for America, but the more I heard the rumors out of France the more I wanted to help.”
“You were helping,” Chris insisted. “You and the other auxiliary pilots-”
“It wasn’t enough!” Una burst. She broke away and rounded the table. “People are fighting and dying everyday here. Not soldiers, civilians, young and old, women and children- I had to do something.” She gripped the edges of the table, face reddening in her fervor. “I dropped off my plane but I didn’t go back to the states. I hitched a ride across the channel and made my way here and I didn’t look back.”
Not once did she look up into his eyes. Her gaze was locked on the little town, barely more than a dot on the map. Chris slowly made his way around the table and laid his hand over hers.
“That was really brave,” he said quietly. She let out a breath.
“I’ll try to arrange for you to get back to your men,” she said, businesslike. Chris’s eyebrows jumped up.
“Through that?” He gestured to the enemy strongholds, a thick barrier between him and any allies.
“We’ll get it done,” Una said firmly. “There’s a path, most of us know it.”
“Una.” Chris squeezed her hand. “Let me rephrase: I’m not leaving you.” He nodded at the map. “It’s not worth risking anyone to get me through there.”
“I’m not losing you again.” Una knew better than to argue with that stubborn tone. Chris grinned. “You need a pilot?”
“Nope,” Una answered. “But I’m sure I could find a job for Captain Christopher Pike.”
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unhonestlymirror · 2 years ago
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Job break small talk
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pastlivesandpurplepuppets · 3 months ago
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We stopped for a night or two near a town called Buckloe. The Alps were real close, and those tall, snowy mountains looked fine. Some of our fellas went out on patrol, but they returned in a big hurry. Seemed they’d found something that didn’t look like nothing a man had ever seen before. I guess Major Winters and some battalion staff went back to look at what they’d found, then they called us to go in. All I saw were prisoners hanging on a fence. The fellas in other platoons went inside, but our platoon didn’t go in, at least the squad I was in. That was fine by me. Those prisoners hanging on a fence were like no prisoners I’d ever seen before. Just skeletons in striped pajamas. Their arms were the size around of my rifle barrel. Me and the fellas I was with were ordered to keep going, so we went through and set up an outpost on the outskirts of the area. Other soldiers helped out inside the camp. When the men came back from that duty, few of them talked much about what they saw. It was too hard for them to put into words, I guessed. General Taylor declared martial law all through the area, and he ordered the German people from the nearby towns to go into the camp and clean it up. So the next day we saw German civilians headed down the road with shovels and rakes, going to clean up the bodies in that concentration camp. I didn’t know what to rightly think of those two days. From what some of the other men told me, I was relieved I didn’t see what they saw. But then again, these horrible things happened, you know, and it benefits a young man to know what the world is actually like—both its good and bad sides. We got word around on April 30 that Hitler committed suicide. He wolfed down some cyanide and shot himself in the head. So I guessed that one evil man who’d caused so much aggravation for so many people all over the world finally got what was coming to him.
~ Shifty Powers
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sylvanfreckles · 4 months ago
I will never understand the people who leave a review just to correct a minor medical inaccuracy. Or other inaccuracies. Hell, one year, I had someone send me a three-page rant because I'd said clip instead of magazine in reference to a 9mm.
It's called a point of view, and sometimes fictional characters don't know everything.
This is why I have to slap the "No, this isn't how you respond to a seizure, but this character has a head injury and couldn't remember everything" warnings onto stories.
Sorry, I had a really bad day and I just needed to rant. I'll probably delete this later.
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genuflectx · 12 days ago
Doing testing on using the spectrograms for manually spotting AI generated music, and so far more people get over 50% than they do below, but the accuracy still isn’t high enough for my liking…
However, results are also likely highly dependent on how well each individual can read the contrast of the spectrogram and to what degree they believe the contrast matches either AI or human. So, I believe with practice or training, an individual can increase their accuracy in using the chart to spot spectrograms that are more likely AI than human 🤔 just like how you get better at picking out AI images with practice, even ones that are more convincing
However, over sampling 30+ spectrograms of both AI and human, there is the occasional one that looks similar to the other, but if found this to exceedingly rare. The one that was the closest to human spectrograms was an AI jazz song, which even to me looked indistinguishable. But I have yet to see a human one that is as washed out as AI ones, and they pretty much never have a flat yellow line at the bottom.
It is unlikely this test would ever be the only one needed in determining an AI song to human, but I believe it could end up being a good tool to use among other tools, namely human intuition, listening for common synthetic AI voices/compositions, generic lyrics, lack of credits, weird behavior from the uploader, etc etc.
When I have more to share I will 🤔
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