#no Jill convo either i'm surprised
sauvechouris · 8 years
Today in Begnion : Ike vs nobility is the gift that keeps on giving.
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And why is Prime Minister Sephiran not here ? Did he get himself in prison for usurpation of identity again ? Is he busy chatting with overpowered Riders of Daein ? What is he supposed to be doing ?
Since Sanaki turned out to be good, I know there's like a 95 % chance Sephiran is too, but still. He's a little bit dodgy. And I've already got two or three of my own party members for that, so he can stay wherever he is, I won't miss him.
(Don't you hate it when you're suddenly reminded that there is still a traitor in your group, and that you're missing part of the picture because you can't pay a damn thief, and that this is bound to end badly sooner or later ? I DO.)
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I'd say she could suggest that they go jump in the nearest ocean, but an empress must be responsible about where she throws her trash.
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Did you just
So our side's goal is to help a young princess take back her throne, so that another girl, who happens to rule one of the most powerful nations on Tellius, can join forces with her and together they can fix the mess made by old men ? Said mess being racism, prejudice, and the violence they cause ? Did we just establish that our happy end will be the ladies of the new generation making the world better
Tellius is so good
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=DDD He's going to hate this so much.
(When did they decide Ike would help lead the army, though ? He's only recently started leading the Greil Mercenaries (it's been, what, a few months in-universe ?), and an army is on a different scale altogether. Unless Sanaki plans on only lending them soldiers, any kind of officer she can spare would technically be more qualified. Oo)
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We noticed. About 50 times in the last four chapters. But kudos for being consistent. =p
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Sanaki's fave was Problematic before it was cool :p
I love that she's fully aware of how much he doesn't want it and just goes « too bad, suck it up ». With an implied friendly reminder that despite how the last two chapters made it look sometimes, she is the boss here. (And so is Elincia.) Resign yourself, obey the tiny Empress. :D
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This must be the most polite knighting ever.
(I had a philosophy teacher who talked like this, always asking permission before digressing a little or using a german word. It was adorable, and it's no less so on Elincia.)
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I was going to nitpick that she needs to make him lord of something, even if it's just some abandoned fort nobody wants, but it's not like we know the name of any other place than the capital of each nation. And port Toha, but fuck port Toha. *local Hobb nerd pointlessly complains about worldbuilding* Anyway. Lord Ike. He is SO going to hate this. <3
...oh, he gets the class change animation in the middle of the chapter and everything ? xD
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...the lights show and sudden outfit change, you mean ? Did that actually happen ? =p
(Meh/10, too brown. I like that you see more of his headband, though !)
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Annnd this better be the closest Tellius gets to unnecessary het-spirited praising, please and thank you. (Well, this and Astrid. Ugh.)
...unless they’re all teasing him ? Sanaki is for sure, but I thought Sigrun and Elincia were really complimenting him. Elincia most likely is, but if she’s the only one I like this a lot more.
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« When this war is over, I don't want to see another noble for the rest of my life. »
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[At one time these woods were home to the kingdom of Serenes and ruled by the heron clan of the bird tribes.]
...why the sudden recap ? I just did that. Oo (Well, the average player just did that instead of taking three months. *cough*)
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[For twenty long years, the devout citizens of Begnion trembled in shame and loathing over the crime they had committed.]
Hmm. It would explain why the forest was still so dead. I'm no botanist, but in twenty years something should have started growing again, even just a little, right ? It could also explain why Reyson couldn't have fixed it by singing years before : Begnion needed to make amends.
That supposes the goddess is somewhat more involved in these things than has been shown so far, though.
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[She spoke not as one nation to another but as neighbors on the same continent. The massacre was unforgivable.
However, hatred breeds hatred, and if the cycle of grief and anger is not broken, it will continue for time without end. It was with this in mind that the herons accepted the apostle's apology.]
Keep a little of this anger for Begnion, though. If the herons and Tibarn don’t go there after the war to have Words with the people who were in charge at the time, I’ll be very disappointed.
(When I die bury me with this art of Sanaki, it’s gorgeous *o*)
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[Afterward as payment for Ike's service, Princess Elincia gained the services of a regiment of Begnion army regulars.]
...nice ? *pretends she knows what exactly a regiment is*
Okay, Wikipédia says it varies from 1000 to 3500 men. I'm sure plenty of fictional resistances had to make do with less, but still, if they're retaking an entire country, they could maybe use more. Come on, Sanaki, Elincia won't help you change the world if she dies liberating Crimea. =s
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I still think we'd be better off borrowing Sigrun or Tanith. Later, hopefully ? :3
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asking for a friend
...wait, through Daein ? Isn't it, like… exactly where we shouldn't take the princess of Crimea ?? Who approved this plan ?
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You take that BACK (also he’s what, 17, 18 ? what were you expecting, shut up)
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You're disappointing. >^<
(Not actually kidding, because I was under the impression that Fire Emblem villains were usually dragons. He is not a dragon. The actual dragons want nothing to do with him. Who doesn't stand up to the legacy, now ? Shut up and let me kill your subordinate.)
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*casually lampshades recruitment mechanics*
(...are we counting Sanaki amongst the people « drawn to Ike », then ? Because as long as canon doesn't try to pretend it's in a shippy way, I'm all for this. :p (How does he know that anyway, you can't conclude this kind of thing just from an alliance ? Wait, no. Spy. I forgot for a blessed minute.))
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Oh no. Oliver knowing was bad enough.
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Okay so not only is their mother’s song related to the herons, the medallion is too ? (Why didn't Ike or Mist bring this up in Serenes ? Lack of time ? Distracted by the amazing forest-restoring magical action ? Maybe Mist found them intimidating like in her support with Mordecai ? Damnit Reyson.)
(And it's not even just the herons who are in danger this time. Do they know Mist has the medallion ? I need to check the previous chapters' scripts, but I don't think so… ?)
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Tanith !!! =D
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Hey Jill, look, your colleagues. :'D
(I really hope they're not.)
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Hey, Jill was trying her best.
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Well yes, since Belka is not in this game the only one we saw was a newbie who had to run after us first.
...unless there were some in chapter 13 ? I honestly don't remember. It would make more sense, I guess.
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*squints* Is this worldbuilding or foreshadowing
(More importantly, does it mean Begnion also has gorgeous holy ladies on wyverns)
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But they're physical and all you have is dodge and resistance. =/
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Look at her, Ike. She can handle Sanaki. You can entrust anything to her.
(If they ever remake and massacre Tellius, I'll make him a pegasus knight so I can at least laught at one thing in the game.)
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Oh, I'm sure you will. =w=
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Problems you don't have with a group of 23 mercenaries, #1.
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Welcome to being an army commander ! Your suffering is just starting :D
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...I don't know why I didn't think the game would rub it in. Of course it would. This is your life now, Ike. *gets some popcorn*
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That's cheating. :p
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(I am sorry for him, but this is way too amusing.)
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Several, but it's not like she can un-promote him. :'D
(They have the same rank now, but Tanith calls him by his new title and Ike just says “Tanith”, like he still doesn’t call Elincia “princess”. xD)
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Oh ! Didn't expect this. Good question, though, even if it won't be happening anytime soon.
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So, around the time Ike was born, give or take a few months. Meaning his parents had probably already left Daein by the coronation, so it's possible that Greil was never a rider of Daein under Ashnard's reign ? It probably doesn't matter, but I had assumed otherwise.
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The great flood ? Don’t tell me Tellius had this ark nonsense too.
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...two years before eighteen years ago ? So, like… right before the massacre ? Is the entire universe bent on exterminating the heron tribe, or what ?
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Really. What a convenient « plague ». e.ê
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Hmm. I know they're obviously very different, but this last part reminds me of how a few characters talk about Ike, and how he's recognized for what he's accomplished so far to the point they made him commander. I'm not sure yet if they're setting up a contrast (Ashnard sounds like he's remarkable by his physical strength, an army of one, while Ike's major achievements are literally bringing people together – getting Elincia to Gallia and Begnion, Tormod to Sanaki, Sanaki to the herons – and earning their trust), but I like the idea.
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Does this mean that they haven't joined the Greil mercenaries in-game yet ?
...wait, I was convinced they already had in the story, but after checking, it's not the case. Muarim asked Ike to take care of Tormod, they argued, then the topic didn't come up again. Oo So, are they officially their own little unit of two, here as representants of the Laguz Emancipation Army ?
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Maybe he's offering you, a child, the opportunity to avoid fighting in another war. I don't know.
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...or he just forgot who he's talking to. ^^''
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« You don't owe me anything », he says, after playing a determinant role in kickstarting the elimination of slavery in Begnion. Yeah, there's definitely no way they would ever feel indebted to you. Oh, Ike.
And they'd better because I gave half chapter 17's worth of experience to Tormod instead of training my other kid, he's not allowed to leave now.
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I love them ;w;
Not much on the supports front, no IkeSoren, no JillLethe since that'd be too soon, and nobody wants to talk to Stefan. (Understandable. :p) But Jill and Mist made it to A !! and it was awkward and adorable ! Then it did a 180 pretty quickly because clearly the best way to end a support chain is grief and daddy issues. :')
But the daddy issues in question were handled in a way that doesn't make much sense to me at all, and is honestly kinda off-putting. (Everything we saw up until now said the way Jill was raised was wrong, so just let her say her dad fucked up. I don't care if he loved her or if Mist can't conceive that a father can be wrong because she had a good one, this changes nothing, Jill's dad raised her on hate propaganda. He fucked up. End of story.)
Well, at least this makes the choice easier, she's getting Lethe A when they unlock it.
Also I remembered six chapters late that Sothe existed and that there were reasons to use him
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...oops ?
I planned to boost him a bit and baby him in this chapter, except he somehow makes bonus exp disappear ? Because of his skill apparently ? So he's going as-is because I love to die and restart :'D
Very tempted to use the bonus exp on Mist, too, since she's so close to promotion… But I also want to save it for later recruits (Elincia, hopefully ? Or Lucia, whoever she is, or that blonde lady who said she'd come back later, or Sanaki's sibling who somehow isn't here, or all these dragons the game keeps taunting me with, WHOEVER REALLY), so Mist will have to promote the old-fashioned way.
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Tanith just said the enemy is famous for their fliers, though, I doubt they wouldn't have seen the army coming… And Ashnard knows anyway because of the fucking spy. Their surprise attack is doomed. =s We will beat them anyway with the power of Astrid and Soren, but surprise them ? Nah.
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In which Ike continues to forget Elincia is a princess and, you know, kind of half the reason they're supposed to liberate Crimea. *shakes head fondly *
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(Elincia just rolls with it by now. x’D)
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The birds !!! =D (Tibarn is a lot friendlier all of a sudden.)
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Phoenicis isn't on the way to Daein or Crimea at all, though… ? :3
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Reyson, unreasonable ? Why, you must be joking. (REYSON INSISTED TO FOLLOW IKE. Either he somehow knows we have a medallion that belongs to his clan, or he's “drawn to Ike” too. I KNOW WHICH ONE I'M VOTING FOR. *friendshipping intensifies*)
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I'm trying not to laugh at Reyson « kill all beorc » talking about courtesy, but at the same time I really appreciate this : until now, the only positive interaction we've seen him have with beorc was, basically, « I won't kill you because Leanne forgives you ». Again, completely understandable, honestly I expected we wouldn't see him for a few chapters, to give him time to cool down from the anger he had every reason to feel at the moment. Of course, reuniting with Leanne and restoring the forest might have helped with this, enough for him to realize that hey, these beorc were somewhat decent.
Still. Reyson, acting with courtesy. *snerk*
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Oh, a debt. How inconvenient. :3c (« We » ? WE ?? Both of them ?? Please IntSys I'l give you my firstborn)
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Be quiet Ike, this will be symbolic of the truce between herons and beorc, it's clearly fate.
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Oooh, and you get the choice ? But who would refuse to recruit Reyson, seriously.
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...okay, that's a good reason. =s I do feel bad that they will be separated again so soon. (Not enough to refuse tho.)
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Especially since Reyson sounds genuinely disappointed that Ike declined his offer.
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They address it it if you accept too ! =D (But don't try to bullshit me, game, I'm sure this is code for « Leanne told me to ». :p)
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I'll let you punch Ashnard :D
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Oh… ;;
(I thought bringing up the post-massacre years meant that Reyson was definitely going with Ike not (only) out of courtesy, but for revenge because they're out to fight Daein, then remembered that no, wrong nation of racist murderers. Nevermind. >.>)
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What do you mean this isn't what he's saying
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You just want an excuse to beat up Daein soldiers, don’t you.
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Yes ! Or at least, this is a big step towards it. x3 Their actions may have created trust, but to really gain understanding they will need to talk. Preferably a lot. (Give me alll the laguz supports ! And could one of them tell me if they lay eggs I'm serious this is an important question)
Tanith joins the party for real ! I was afraid she would stay a story-only character, like in FE13 when it takes 15 chapters for your allies to become playable. >w<
The downside of all these new units is that I can't fit three laguz and Tanith into my team if I keep choosing who to field by which supports I want to see. Actually I can't even fit the team. It's disappointing to come back to 13 characters after stopping at chapter 17 and its reinforcements for months.
Okay, since I got Astrid I don't really need Rolf anymore, and I could just accept that I won't train Rhys-
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HA !?
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