does anyone else get insanely romantically frustrated, like i know sexual frustration is a thing but sometimes i get super intense cravings for soft kisses or make out sessions or cuddling naps or things like that and it’s way more frustrating to me than sexual cravings
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@atlaladies event 02: favorite female non-bender 
“i am a warrior…but i’m a girl too.”
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katara 💛
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love how in atla/lok even the ‘nice quiet girls’ snap. asami nearly breaks varrick’s hand and isn’t afraid to put a prince in his place for being creepy and obnoxious. katara gets angry and yells and almost kills a man. opal gets rightfully angry and yells at bolin and doesn’t try spare his feelings. kuvira is portrayed as a rule-following dilligent kind of wallflower girl before going awol. inspirational ❤️
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Pretty fucked up that you, personally, reading this post don’t give equal attention to every tragedy that happens on the planet every day. I heard that you, personally sometimes only hear about things that news sources in your specific cultural sphere pick up on. That’s pretty fucked up of you, personally.
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Thank you to all the fan fic writers who won’t get a post dedicated to them today or any day. Your writing still matters, your writing is still important. Your fic touched someone, it is someones favorite fic, their comfort fic. Don’t stop writing, don’t ever give up. I appreciate you and your writing. Thank you for all you do.
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Keep talking about how the twelve-year-old survivor of his decimated pacifistic culture didn’t want to kill someone, but we should also talk about the five other children who were ready and willing to kill whoever they needed to kill, children who were ready to maim, burn, decapitate, drown, children who had been failed by the generations before them, children who were caught in the ultimate devastation of social reproduction, children who had been turned from ‘child’ to ‘child soldier’, children who had been hardened by a war that they never wanted and were tasked with stopping, children who saw the pacifist as the outlier because violence was the norm…
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The Boiling Rock:
Mai and Ty Lee: Be gay, do crime
Zuko, Sokka and Suki: Be bi, break your friends out of prison
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Zuko: so, you took advice from Toph?
Sokka: it’s called hitting rock bottom Zuko
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lok screencaps + therapy tweets because boy do they all need it 
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Katara: Well, my boyfriend beat your boyfriend in a fight.
Sokka: My boyfriend could track your boyfriend across the whole world!
Katara: And?! Mine is the Avatar!
Sokka: Mine rules an entire nation!
Aang: Do you want to see this cool frog I found?
Zuko: Are you kidding??!
Aang: ...
Zuko: Of course I do!! Where was it?!
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Sokka would definitely ask Zuko for piggy back rides all the time. And Zuko would always happily oblige. Like, at first his advisors were like, don’t do that it’s so undignified, but it’s become such a common occurance that when Zuko sprints past one of them in the hall while carrying Sokka they don’t even bat an eye
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Man, Azula, just let the man make tea and vibe with his uncle
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Character Posters | Mai
I guess you just don’t know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated. I love Zuko… more than I fear you.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Character Posters | Ty Lee
At least I’m different now. ‘Circus freak’ is a compliment!
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Character Posters | Katara
I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me.
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Zuko, Sokka and Suki in Avatar the last Airbender: The Boiling Rock, Part 1
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