#nix melleth nin
elis-corner · 1 year
Okay El, requests are up and running again.
Doc, with Dragon sickness (yes, lotr incoming because I know you love it), who is not happy because he feels threatened in his perimeter, other hermits wanting to take his diamonds and other precious materials.
But Doc adores the reader, trusts them wholly (like Thorin and Bilbo almost, only with romance) and doesn't see the readers betrayal coming
Angst ensues.
I started writing the moment I saw this (totally didn't forget to queue, who would think that?). Nix, you know me all too well! Can I just say how sweet it is that whenever I open my inbox formally again, you’re always first there? It’s so kind of you ♥️
I also can't help but feel like this goes so well with the fact that Doc has been running out of diamonds lately XD
This took a bit of a darker turn then I had planned, so it might be a bit triggering in some ways? POSSIBLE TRIGGERS: Violence, angst, addiction/obsession (if you want to count dragon sickness as that).
Anyway, lots of love, and enjoy!
Breathe in. Breathe out.
He was shrouded in darkness.
Doc leant back against the pile of shulkers behind him, each of them so filled to the brim that even with all his weight against them, they did not move an inch. It was a rare occurrence–that it was night on the Hermitcraft server. What were they trying to hide? What were they trying to take? Doc pressed his flask against his lips, downing another night vision potion. His world grew bright again.
No one would make it in under his watch. No one except you.
In a server full of people, you never know who might turn around and stab you in the back, who will take what is yours, who will shatter your pride mercilessly. Or, in some cases, will break into your stock exchange and destroy your bush. But at least among all the chaos, Doc had you.
Y/n. His Y/n. You were the person he could turn to, the person he could trust.
He tossed a diamond up into the air. It seemed to hang there for an eternity before falling back down, landing in his hand silently. Its crystalline surface was enchanting, distorting his face as he stared longingly at it. How had he only a few months prior agreed to letting people take them from him as they willed? How had he been so foolish as to build them up as a pillar for the server to see? Why was he using them as scaffolding in all his redstone, when anyone could come take or break his two greatest treasures?
But you were a beacon of light and justice for him. He knew he could trust in you to never take anything. He knew you would fight by his side if someone harmed him. He’d do anything to keep you safe from harm.
_. The sound of a pickaxe breaking through tuff met Doc’s ears; a distant sound, but all the days he’d spent gazing down at his creation or silently scheming his plans, had resulted in his hearing becoming better tuned, enough to almost match that of Ren’s.
Doc grabbed his sword, and leaping off his platform he soared against the wind in the direction of the sound. A small figure, with their wings tucked tightly behind them. They tore another chunk of the stone from the patch, dropping it quickly into their shulker. Grian. Doc raised his sword above his shoulder, his line of sight ensnared on the avian he was rapidly approaching. He spied the familiar glint of diamonds in Grian’s shulker box, despite the entirety of the Perimeter being coated in a layer of shadow.
‘You’ve done it now, bird boy.’
Doc swung his sword, blade ringing as it struck against Grian’s side. The avian let out a cry, stumbling to turn and try to locate his foe. He fumbled, trying to find his weapon–bow, sword, axe… anything–, while his non-dominant hand wrapped around his body to try and prevent more open bleeding.
‘Doc, what are you doing?’ he yelled at the looming figure sprinting towards him, weapon in tow. ‘I was just getting some tuff for my ba–.’
‘Don’t play games with me,’ Doc growled, adjusting the height of his sword to match the level of Grian’s neck. Their blades met with a resounding crash. ‘I know you’re trying to take my diamonds.’
‘Diamonds? I- Doc, you took them all when you first dug the place out! There’s nothing for me to take!’
‘I know you’re taking from me! Don’t lie!’ Doc swung his sword in the opposite direction, coming full circle to rest right on Grian’s shoulder, rubbing dangerously against his neck. ‘I swear that if I ever see you in my Perimeter again you can kiss the light of day goodbye.’
Doc heard the sound of elytra cutting through the wind, speeding towards him. He would have spun around, but the way the rockets were being fired, the way the person’s angle was adjusting, he could tell exactly who it was. He knew it was you.’
‘Stop!’ you yelled, coming to a halt a few metres behind Doc. ‘I heard yelling–what is going on here?’ Your eyes darted back and forth between Grian and Doc, the open shulker and the pickaxe lying abandoned by Grian’s feet. ‘Doc, leave him. Let him go.’
Your words cut into him like a knife. Could you not see that this was not your fight? Could you not see that Doc was only acting justly? Reclaiming what was rightfully his?
‘Are you not on my side? He’s a thief, Y/n. Let him pay back what he has stolen from me. Let him pay with blood.’
Your grip on your sword tightened. ‘You’ve gone mad, Doc. Mad!’ You charged towards him, albeit hesitantly. Doc thrust Grian back, and the avian did not hesitate to fly a good distance away to spectate. Doc turned and stared into your eyes, not bothering to block your strike; from his chest, darkness began to seep. He raised his blade once more.
You were worth so much to him, but who said that meant he couldn’t love diamonds more?
‘I have been blind,’ he snarled, ‘but now I begin to see.’ His voice dropped an octave, if that was somehow possible, but even acknowledging that his voice was not the same. It rumbled from somewhere deep in his chest, and seemed filled with darkness and anger. It wasn’t the voice of Doc, your friend, your love, but that of a stranger. He used the corner of his coat to swipe away a portion of the blood, leaving the wound exposed. You would never be able to say you did not regret it. ‘I see that true friends are harder to come by than I foolishly thought.’ He raised his weapon, aiming its tip at your chest. He glared at you from under his eyes, though now they seemed almost nonexistent; instead, they were dark voids that felt like they would never leave you, sullen like his other angular features; his robotic eye was hypnotising–the only proper light source to be seen. ‘You’re just like the rest of them. I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it.’
Breathe in. Breathe out.
The sounds of his dragon’s wings flapping as it circled around the flagpole was the last thing you heard before his sword plunged into your chest.
Unlike you, he would not live to regret it.
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elis-corner · 1 year
El? EL?! My love, I come back from the life of the busy, to this? This marvelous fic of doc, of doc with dragon sickness no less? Oh how this made my heart jump with excitement. You did astounding, it was great, i loved every sentence of it.
I will always love my two favorite fandoms, but when they come together, it is the best thing.
I love your writing,
Love, Alice 🌸
Also sincerely thank you nix for this idea, and sending it to El so that i could enjoy this!
Alice, this means so much ♥️ It's always a joy seeing people appreciate what I write
I have to agree on the magic of fandoms coming together--there really is nothing quite like it.
Lots of love!
(And once again, thanks to Nix for the ask!)
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elis-corner · 1 year
You got me :)
There are little things people do that are easy to pick up on XD Your initial one was a bit harder, I must admit.
Well, I got there in the end!
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elis-corner · 2 years
Challenge time.
Character: Grian
Photo: [ID: Sun setting over a snowy landscape, containing a few houses and trees]
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Theme: Fluff! (Bonus challenge: yandere tendencies it as well. This is a bonus challenge and if you can't think of anything that's okay! I can't, it's just there for fun really if you want to but fluff is what I would like most)
I'm glad to have you back, good luck with your assessments, be sure to self care and I look forward to fics and art from you in the future :D
Thanks for the contribution Nix :) The exam is in a few hours and this is helpful in terms of figuring out how to distribute my time, and getting some practice in. For people who didn't see, I have a writing exam I needed help preparing for, and so Nix came down as the angel she is and provided me with a visual stimulus, theme, character, et cetera, and I wrote something using them in 55 minutes (planning, writing, and editing included)
A quick note about the story for anyone who somehow gets confused, this takes place in Season Six. I saw the image and thought instantly about Hermitville. I promise I'm not making things up, and I double checked the facts that are noted here ;)
You bend down to look at the glass floor beneath you that in your memory marked the beginning of the Civil War that had ended a few months prior. Though your reflection in part obscures the map, you can still clearly make out the locations of the different bases, the shopping district, and everyone’s bases. Your team–the G-Team–had managed to secure the final flag mere milliseconds before the final death. You close your eyes, so clearly able to see the moment as if it were projected onto the back of your head. The fallen look on your face as you saw Mumbo fall to the floor, Impulse standing proudly over him, his helmet slightly tilted as he raised his sword again to chase you down. The weapon falling from his hand as he glanced at his communicator–your arm was numb and bloodied, and you had not felt it vibrating furiously against your skin; several messages from Grian, each of them reading “FLAG CAPTURED”, followed by Mumbo’s death message. At the very last moment, the flag had been placed on the wall of the G-Team headquarters. You had won and the war was over. And an hour after, once everyone had conversed and agreed it was truly a G-Team win, Grian had pulled you aside, insisting to look at your arm, and not leaving you despite your reassurance that you were perfectly fine. He had grabbed your hand and looked into your eye, telling you how scared he was that you would be badly hurt as the battle began, how when he saw you afterwards it was like an arrow to his chest. He told you he never wanted to see you maimed like that again. And he told you that he loved you.
‘Y/n!’ You are pulled out of your pensive state at the sound of a warm, welcoming voice calling your name. Vibrant reds, yellows, and blues surround you slowly, tickling your skin where the coloured feathers brush against it. ‘How are you, my little bird?’
You turn to face your lover, fingers straying to run through his feathers. ‘I’m fine, I guess. I was just thinking about everything that’s happened in the past few months since we started here.’ You gaze up into his eyes, and you note the excited glare reflecting off them. ‘What did you do, Grian?’
‘Nothing!’ he exclaims in fake offence. ‘I am shocked you would even suggest something so outlandish. But, I do have something I want to show you.’ You nod and he wraps his arms around your waist and back tightly so as to prevent you from slipping from his arms, and he takes off into the sky. His hand keeps your head pressed against his chest, inhaling the fibres of his sweater. You smile at how easy it is to tell where he’s been just by what you can feel against your skin–you can feel the fine, granular texture of redstone rub against you, a clear sign he’s been around Mumbo. You couldn’t help but feel even slightly jealous. Grian had been so caught up in Architech projects that how often you spend good time together has slowly become less and less, to the point at which you can’t help but question whether he really cared anymore.
Slowly you can feel the air around you grow colder, and not long after, Grian landed, though he still held you in his arms. ‘Turn around.’ His grip loosens as his arms fall to his sides. You turn to see a breathtaking sight.
A settlement you could only describe as a village stood before you. Each of the houses have a soft white powder, reflected into various hues of orange and pink by the setting sun, sprinkled thickly across the roof, and the trees are also littered with it. You lean back, and you can hear the satisfying crunch of snow beneath his feet as he comes to stand closer to you. The air is void from your lungs, the words you wanted to say are gone, lost from your lips where they were waiting to be said. ‘I- Did you build this? It’s beautiful, Grian, really.’
‘I wish I could take the credit.’ You can tell he’s smiling at you through his voice alone. ‘It’s a village, though. Not a single Hermit put in any effort into making it.’
‘But it’s so… unique! I’ve never seen a single village like it before. How did you find it?’
‘Ex-eye-suma found it,’ he said, the incorrect emphasis so iconically Grian, ‘and some of us Hermits are creating a bit of a new start over here.’ He begins to walk in a hurry, as if he were being chased by someone for breaking their redstone, and you follow. He comes to a stop in front of a house on your right. ‘And this,’ he smiles at you, ‘is mine. Ours, if you will. If you want, of course, it’s not something you have to agree to, but I just thought–.’
‘Yes, love. It’s ours. Our first home together. Our own little nest in Hermitville.’
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elis-corner · 3 years
Welcome :)
Mae lovannen, and welcome to my little corner!
My name is Mars but I didn’t know that when I started this blog, so calling me Eli is fine! I don’t care what pronouns you use, but they/he are preferred.
This used to be a fanfiction blog but is now more for me rambling. On this post are my general rules for this blog (as well as my old request rules and a link to my masterlist, if that’s why you’re here).
I can be a bit socially awkward, but I love talking to people :D
You will find yourself subject to rambles about whatever I’m hyperfixated on at the time. You have been warned. If you’re wondering, my main fandoms are Tolkien, X-Files, and DC; this blog was originally for MCYT conent.
Mutuals I do occasionally forget to add or tag people, please forgive me and let me know @insainsage #azerty melleth nin @nix-writes-mcyt #nix melleth nin @frog-writes-for-fun #emerald melleth nin @lowqualkeekoo # @boop-ity #boop mellon nin @womburt #womburt mellon nin @espefrog8407 #espefrog mellon nin @aliceblossoms #alice melleth nin @foxannethemuffin #foxanne mellon nin @vikiiitumbl #
I love them all so much, go check them out :D
Anons: 🏆 - 🐌 - 🦇 - 🍄 - 🪨 -  ⏳
Have a nice day to anyone who reads this :) You’re perfect the way you are
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elis-corner · 2 years
🌟 If you get this answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send this to the last 7 people in your notifications, anonymously or not 🌟
Hmm, three random facts... let's see how crazy I can get XD
I hate sport. I've never been good at it and don't enjoy anything other than walking. The only thing I've ever won a medal for was coming third place in a 100m race in Y6. It was a heat of three. Also I nearly knocked out a kid while doing discus but that's another story.
I'd love to become a teacher someday. In my opinion they are some of the most important roles in a child's/adolescent's life.
I can't write a character well without basing them off someone. It tends to mean you'll find similarities between OCs though! Despite that, I do continue doing so nonetheless.
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elis-corner · 2 years
Happy 100 El!!!!
You should be so proud of yourself, you deserve it. I'm proud of you :D
I hope you're doing okay and are remembering to self care. And if you aren't you should self care. :)
Thank you so much Nix :)
I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for the kindness and inspiration you have brought into my life <3
You please take care as well, alright? Love you very much (/p)
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elis-corner · 2 years
Hi El! Hope you're having a good holiday.
I have no idea when you're back so I thought I'd leave this in your ask box. Happy vacation!! Stay safe
We miss you :) (/p ... is that needed here? Eh I'm putting it anyway)
Hey there Nix! It's been great so far :) We're leaving tomorrow morning.
I miss you too <3 (also /p)
My sister dragged me along to loads of thrifting, and I got plenty of things I quite liked including a sick Nirvana jumper. Yesterday we watched Hamilton and it was pretty good, and tonight we watched The Cursed Child (we saw it in 2019 but we couldn't not go back!). I got my poster signed by the new Albus and Harry (Harry being the og actor for Australia, who I'd already met) and got photos with both. On that note, while talking to Harry he noticed my LotR shirt and asked if I was excited about the new Amazon show, which caught me by surprise, and then he proceeded to tell me that he was a stunt double in the Jackson trilogy--an elf and an orc. He told me what to look out for so as soon as I got back to the hotel I checked, but I could not find him sadly... Earlier in the holiday I saw some friends and we went to this cool art gallery called Artvo--dunno how to describe it but look it up! I also went to the night markets with a friend from school and their sibling. There was a silent disco which I recorded; We looked and sounded like absolute idiots XD
I should head to bed since it's past midnight, but I hope you yourself are doing okay :D
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elis-corner · 2 years
I love it, the fic
Truly wonderful, as always with your writing El
Best of luck in your exam and I'm glad my request could be of some help. Take care of yourself love (/p), I'm sure you'll do well :D
Thanks so much Nix!
I finished the exam half an hour ago, and the practice you were able to give was so, so helpful. Still stressful, but it helped me figure out how to divide my time better, and I managed to finish the story with a few editing minutes to spare. It probably helped that the image was easily applicable to fantasy (which is one of my stronger areas of writing) and I could use points from Tolkien as a guide, but I'll claim it as my own--after all, there are only seven basic plotlines ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you again, and remember to look after yourself and take breaks when you need :)
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elis-corner · 2 years
Hello El, it's nice to see you in my notifs :)
I hope you're doing okay and are recovering well, I also hope you're able to keep entertained while recovering
Also, fun fact. Your request? Sunday. Evening time GMT. It has made it to the front of the queue and will be going up then :D
But yes, I do hope you're doing alright and your recovery is going as smooth as it can at this point in time
Look after yourself and rest well
Love (/p), Nix
Well hello there :)
Lots of Hermitcraft to pass the time, that's for sure--In honour of its 10th anniversary I've been watching all of Xisuma's episodes the past few months (nearly done!). Recovery's been good so far, aside from not being able to do some of my normal activities for a while without assistance. I just got home a few hours ago and am currently sitting on an armchair in my room, door on the floor at my feet (the chair couldn't fit through the doorway so we had to take it off XD ). I had a few issues with not being able to stomach the medicine I have to take, but after a bit of problem solving the nurses figured it out I will never be able to eat yoghourt ever again after this, I think...
It's nice to be back online and active, and your lovely face being one of the first I see back is a blessing <3
Promise I'll rest well! I could say the same about you-
Oh, and also, alarm set ;D
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elis-corner · 3 years
Set your boundaries queen!
I'm not sure what you were sent, by the sounds of it I don't want to know.
Take this: *hands you my utmost respect*
I hope you're doing okay now, and if you need to talk, my dms are open on this blog and my writing one (that goes for anyone really).
I do hope your day is going better though. Much love <3
Hi there, Nix! And yeah, I'd say no one would like to know what I was sent...
I'm also going to say as a general thing, Tumblr has the kindest community I've ever seen. Whenever I express something being hard, I get someone going "Hope everything is alright!" or "Feel free to dm me", and to me that means so much (plus it restores my faith in humanity /hj).
My day has been going better now! I caught up on some episodes and played a bit of Minecraft. Back to studying, but at least I can do it with my head held high.
Much love to you too, Nix, you wonder <3
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elis-corner · 2 years
I went to sleep and I have woken up and I do hope it is still your birthday because I'm saying this now
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!
Here is your gift:
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I hope you understand, I am assuming you will get why I have sent you that image
Thank you so much Nix <3
Now that I myself have woken up it's the next day but it's really sweet of you to send this in. And I'm loving the gift!
Anyway, I hope you're having a great day yourself :)
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elis-corner · 2 years
Is it your birthday yet El?
Now that I've woken up it certainly is :)
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